London, U.K., you say?
Indeed, I do. March 26-31.
I am eagerly anticipating my first trip to the U.K.
London holds many fascinations for me – the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, The London eye (dare I?), dozens of glorious museums, and quite literally tons of fish and chips. I fully intend to immerse myself in tourism…minus the coordinated separates and fanny pack, thankyouverymuch…for approximately a day-and-a-half.
Past that, it’s all about the spankings. (I cannot wait to get my hands on you misbehaving British boys, with your seemingly-innate appreciation for all things corporal.) Yes, I admit that dreams of tightly-laced governess shoes dance in my head when I imagine my time in London..
I will pack many, many canes.
And paddles. And hairbrushes. And straps. And other evil little injustices, with which to ‘leave my mark’ on London, as it were.
Since this will be my maiden voyage, I am going to be grateful for any advice you Londoners (or travelers) may provide concerning domestic play locations, decent and affordable lodging, and navigation of the city. If you know of a particularly lovely lady with a nice playspace, please refer her to me.
Likewise tips on great food and little-known sights.
– Dana
The ‘Other Stuff’ Survey
NOTE that the request for fantasy scenarios in the below survey is F/F (that’s FEMALE/FEMALE, gentlemen). Please refrain from any further referencing of your genitals – or anyone else’s, for that matter – and please, for godssakes, behave yourselves.
– Dana
New Video: Product Testing with Dana Kane – OTK Rug Beater
I am happy to share this new Product Testing video with you, and to thank Cane-iac for once again manufacturing a product that is both functional and intense. I have put my OTK Rug Beater through it’s paces on several occasions and have not managed to break it yet – impressive.
Recently my friends at Cane-iac made me an offer I couldn’t refuse..a chance to work with an established, well-respected business within the kink community. I’ll be producing some promotional videos for their products (which I wholeheartedly endorse) and am excited at the prospect of having even more reason to make spanking videos.
Take a look around their website at You may even find a different version of ‘The Good Boy OTK’ video there…
Social Sites for Spankos
For you social spanko-types, a listing of places where you can meet, chat, and inform yourself online:
While Fetlife caters to the entire kink/fetish/poly/porn community, there are many groups, events, and members with strictly spanking interests. Fetlife is a huge, active, free site, with available premium memberships with access to video.
This is a site made up of fellow spanking enthusiasts. You can check out photo galleries, upload your own, and join group discussions and chat, all free. Members area and ads are available.
Spankolife boasts just over three thousand members, and features photos, blogs, and other member-submitted content, free.
Bottom Lines
This is a free, members only, U.K.-based online spanking community. The forum boards look active and well-moderated.
Spanking Needs, as mentioned in a previous post, is another active forum community for spanking enthusiasts. The message boards are well-trafficked, and the site itself is a wealth of spanking knowledge.
According to the site description, “SpankFinder is a free match-making site for adults and non-professional spanking enthusiasts.” A few of my playmates have mentioned this site as a good place to look for lifestyle playmates.
Spankee Finder
This is mainly a site featuring links and information for professional spanking bottoms in the UK, but also lists local parties, events, and other useful information.
Spanking Tube
Not just a video site anymore, now offers members free profile pages, blogs, photo albums, and better-categorized videos.
I have also included links to local Spanking Groups and Parties in the right-hand side of this blogsite. Please let me know if your favorite group isn’t listed there, and I’ll add it.
– Dana
A Song for the Holidays, by Dana Kane
I laid them all out on the table, all twelve of them, just before he arrived; I smoothed the quilt on the bed, and closed the window blinds tight. It was Christmas in New York City, but I had no time to stare out the window at the bustle of downtown shoppers below.
Out came the wrist and ankle restraints, and the lengths of silk rope – within reach at the foot of the bed – and on went my Santa hat, just as the doorbell rang.
My smile was wide when I opened the door, both because I was happy to see him and because he had no idea what he was in for tonight. None the wiser, he walked right in and handed me his coat. Closing the door behind him, I sealed his fate.
As he followed me down the hall toward the bedroom, I decided that I was in no mood for small talk – we would get straight to tonight’s performance. I lead him directly to the table and instructed him to place the twelve spanking implements in order, from least painful to most. When he said that he wasn’t familiar with some of the implements and joked about that changing very soon by the look of things, I told him to take his best guess…and to hurry along.
When he finished, I asked him to strip completely and lie face-down on the bed. He complied, still smiling, but certainly wondering why we weren’t starting with a warm-up and some nice over-the-knee time. His smile wavered only briefly when I picked up the leather restraints and began buckling them around his wrists and ankles, attaching them with the silk ropes to the bed’s four corners.
Once he was completely restrained, I explained to him that his holiday gift this year would be a song. As a fellow music lover, I knew that he would appreciate the sentiment, if not the application. The song would be The Twelve Days of Christmas, naturally, and there was nothing he could do about it now that he was so nicely tied down.
We’d be beginning with the implement he’d chosen as ‘most painful’ and working our way down the line, so I sang to him gently…
“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me twelve strokes with a brand-new leather tawse..”
..and proceeded to unload twelve hard, intense strokes of a three-tailed leather strap that would light up even the most seasoned spanko.
“Merry Christmas, dear.” I whispered as he wimpered.
“But I’m Jewish..” he said.
“That’s no excuse, dear. Let’s move on..
..on the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me – eleven swats with a big, red rubber loop.” I crooned lovingly, while he writhed about in his ropes.
“On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me..ten strokes with a heavy wood paddle…
Nine whippy cane strokes, eight acrylic smacks, seven cane loop stingers, six hairbrush paddlings,
“But Hannukah has only eight days. We could stop now, couldn’t we? Please?” he tried.
“What, you don’t appreciate my singing? I worked hard on this song. You should just lie there and enjoy it. Unless you’d like me to start all over at the beginning again…?”
“No, no! I’m sorry. Please, finish the song. It’s very nice.” he panted.
“That’s better. Now, where was I? Oh yes..
..four short canes, three rubber smacks (“Hold still!”), two spanking buddies,
and one with a little balsa ruler!”
I took a stage appropriate bow while he caught his breath, then quickly released him from his restraints. “That was great!” he said, much happier about the whole thing now that it was over, “That leather tawse was really bad – can I have a glass of water?”
“Water? You think we’re finished here? Oh no, dear, we are nowhere near finished.” I laughed as he realized that, even though I wouldn’t be singing anymore (gratefully), the spanking had just begun.
“Now come and stretch yourself across my lap so I can give you a spanking..”
– Dana
What are we looking for?
The Google search box is still the single most powerful tool on the internet.
I can search for things so specific that – in most cases – I can find exactly what I’m looking for within the first ten or so listings. It’s terribly convenient, and keeps us from having to muck about in a bunch of unnecessary information.
When I look at the search terms which lead visitors to my blogsite, I find a lot of what you’d expect – very specified search terms, based on a person’s particular interests. They likely find what they’re looking for within those same ten or so search results.
Since we all obviously spend a lot of time focusing our searches on something specific, I thought that it would be fun to search some very general terms, and see what comes up…
The first listing is the definition, by wikipedia:
Spanking refers to the act of striking the buttocks of another person to cause temporary pain without producing physical injury.[1] It generally involves one person striking the buttocks of another person with an open hand. When an open hand is used, spanking is referred to in some countries as slapping or smacking. More severe forms of spanking, such as switching, paddling, belting, caning, whipping, and birching, involve the use of an implement instead of a hand. and are the first fetish-related listings – and both are worth taking a nice long look.
Another site which comes up in the first page listings is The forum boards on the site seem active and well-moderated.
While the first nine results were completely non-fetish-related, number ten redeemed the general search…
Cali and Heinz’ Firm and Loving Domestic Discipline blog shares this great couples’ adventures in spanking and domestic discipline.
Naughty rolls in in the top ten search results, and is a U.K.-based spanking video company featuring high-quality M/F content.
Spanking Naught Catherine also peeks in on the first page. Catherine is a U.K.-based “spankee and switch with curves like Venus”, and her site features some gorgeous photos of Catherine and her lovely bottom.
I guess the point is that we don’t always have to know exactly what we’re looking for to find something great. Go surfing.
– Dana
Thanks for the Memories
I would like to take a few minutes to acknowledge my wonderful playmates – and some of the great memories you’ve given me..
You’ve made me laugh – from ‘Tickle This’ to Flash Gordon to photos of your pets, and ‘it’s the rubber loop for you’. You’ve wiggled, squirmed, sassed and back-talked…all to my great joy.
You’ve impressed me with your imaginations and acting abilities – we’ve explored the schoolhouse, the office, the bedroom, and the woodshed; we’ve played silly games, we’ve played dress up, and we’ve gotten down to serious business. If the world is a stage, then you all deserve Oscars.
You lead the MOST interesting lives, and I am honored to hear stories of your travels, performances, and death-defying adventures. You are musical, sporting, and learned. You also take the time to talk with me about our shared interests, and fuel my ever-present interest in knowing more about why we do this thing we do.
You have shared of yourselves here on my blog – the VBB and his WW, The Contest Winner and his Lovely Wife, Angel, Mover Miguel, Mr Marks, and all the rest have made this a much more interesting place to be.
You’ve trusted me – with your bodies, with your time, and with your friendship.
You have, to a person, been an absolute pleasure.
Thank you.
– Dana
(Now…who’s ready for another spanking?)
Upcoming Travel
Upcoming travel, December 2011 through March 2012.
7-8 Ft. Lauderdale
9-10 Tampa
12-13 Richmond
13-14 Washington D.C.
14-15 Philadelphia
9-10 Sacramento
10-11 San Francisco
11-13 Los Angeles
17-18 Phoenix
18-19 Houston
19-20 Nashville
24-25 Atlanta
25-26 Charlotte
26-27 Memphis
6-7 San Antonio
7-8 Dallas
8-9 Oklahoma City
9-10 Indianapolis
21-23 Seattle
23-24 Portland, OR
MARCH 2012:
9-10 Rochester, NY
12-13 Denver
13-14 Kansas City, MO
14-15 Cincinnati
26 – April 2 London, U.K.
More dates coming soon. Email for scheduling:
‘Dear Friends’ from The Wonderful Wife
New Contest: ‘I Broke My New Year’s Resolution’
The statistics on New Year’s Resolutions are likely not scientific…but they are interesting.
The most common Resolutions annually are:
Our hearts are in the right places, certainly..but here’s
the sad truth:
- As in every contest, you’re welcome to write as little or as much as you like.
- Your story may contain m/m, m/f,f/m, and f/f content. All spankings are welcome. (You do not have to include me as a character in your story.)
- You may write a narrative, song, poem…any pleasing combination of words on spanking.
- Do not include any characters, or situations depicting characters, under 18 years of age.
- When writing non-fiction, please change real names and places to protect privacy.
- No sex, no genitalia, no foul language. No exceptions. (I will either choose to refrain from posting your entry entirely, or edit it into literary oblivion.) This is about your backside – not your front side.
- The winning author will receive a free spanking session with me, either in my home city of Las Vegas, or any of the cities to which I have planned travel in upcoming months (this now includes London, U.K.).
- If you reside in an area in which I do not have planned travel and are unable to present yourself to me here, please enter your story as a non-contestant so that the winner may actually receive his or her ‘prize’.
- By sending your story entry, you agree to allow me to share it here.
New Dana Kane Video: The Good Boy OTK
Video: A Couple more F/F Scenes for Discipline Academy
Not only am I always happy to do a little video for my Discipline Academy friends, but it is never hard to convince me that Angel needs punishing.
Here are a couple clips/links to DA’s clips4sale store:
In this clip, Angel is receiving just punishment for breaking the dress code in nearly every possible way.
In the second video, Ms Mona Rogers and I are forced to take strong measures…
‘It’s Not Always What You Think’ : Original Spanking Stories
Readers, enjoy ‘It’s Not Always What You Think’ – an excellent entry to the ‘My Birthday Spanking’ story contest. I think you’ll like the *slant* as much as I did.
– Dana
Zoe: A note from the Contest Winner’s Wife
Dear Dana,
The pleasure was mine. Tim’s story was so well-imagined that it was likely I would enjoy his company, but you were a delightful bonus! Beautiful and skilled – you are a formidable disciplinarian.
I will look forward with much anticipation to the opportunity to play with you two again.
– Dana
THIS is why I hold the writing contests. Every single one has led to my meeting and playing with someone who I find interesting and intelligent. It’s not just about the stories…it’s also about the storytellers.
– Dana
Photo: The VBB…three weeks later
Give ’til it Hurts: Spanking for Charity
In 2012, I will begin organizing and planning several fundraising ideas to coincide with community events all over the country.
The general idea is a ‘Get a Spanking for Charity’-type fundraising booth at spanking parties (held by groups such as Chicago’s Crimson Moon) where all donations will go directly to an animal charity organization in that group’s local area. I will not be selling product at these events, and every dollar given will be passed along to the chosen non-profit organization.
I have always been involved in animal charities, and have had, thus far, a life full of the love of pets I’ve adopted, found, or rescued. There are thousands of worthy places to donate money, and I will make careful choices of the local organizations doing good work. They all need lots of funding, and I cannot imagine a more fun way to help out than Spanking for Charity.
When you’re planning your party schedule and budget for 2012, please remember to put aside a few dollars for what I hope you’ll agree is a worthy cause, and a helluva lot of fun.
– Dana
Dana Kane, by RedRump
Video: A Broken Heart for The VBB
I am very pleased to be able to share this snippet of video with you, by request of the Very Bad Boy and his Wonderful Wife.
The very first time I met the VBB, his WW left him in my care. He and I dealt with some serious issues on that one occasion, and he promised to change his behavior in the future.
All of our subsequent playtimes have included the Wonderful Wife – she and I ‘tag-teaming’ him – and all have been nothing but f-u-n. Even though all of our play has been lighthearted, make no mistake…we play hard. Really hard.
This time was different, though. This time the Wonderful Wife, HoH, determined to request my assistance in dealing with some recent sneaky behavior on the part of the VBB. Of course, I accepted.
First, I count this couple among my most favored playmates, and would be hard-pressed to turn down an invitation from them, whatever the request.
Second (as I explained to the VBB), I am now invested in his process. I was frustrated and disappointed when hearing of his misbehavior and welcomed the opportunity to hold him accountable.
This is just a small part of Punishment Day…and very early on, as evidenced by the lack of damage to his bottom.
Enjoy (we did).
– Dana
Discipline Academy Video, starring Angel (and Dana Kane)
Since you’ve had the opportunity to read some of Angel’s thoughts on D/S, spanking, and our time together, I thought you may like to see her (us, actually) in action. After our workday, I could think of no better way to blow off some steam than to film a quick scene for our mutual friends at Discipline Academy. While much of their content is heavy BDSM-themed, we thought it would be fun to do something a bit different…something more my style. Angel, in her wonderful way, was up for just about anything, so I decided to take the opportunity to address a little problem of hers – holding still.
Angel is cute as a button, sweet as she can possibly be, and tough as nails. She proves it in the video we made for Discipline Academy, titled ‘Endurance Challenge’.
This is not typical spanko-style video, nor is it anything like the videos which I make here, at home.
Angel and I play out a corporal punishment and endurance scene, which includes somewhat heavy use of cane, leather and rubber implements on the buttocks, thighs, and other areas…as well as some relatively intense verbal and psychological manipulation. While I do not delve into anything disturbing, obscene, or severe…some viewers of my other videos may find this one rather, well…intense.
– Dana
The VBB: Prepunishment Journal: The Final Installment
With his Punishment Day looming, I will let the VBB speak for himself…
– Dana
There always seems to be at least one statement, which Ms. Kane writes in her Emails that seems to leap off the screen and catches my attention. I am not sure if she purposely plans to use specific phrases or if they just happen to be what she is thinking at the time. It really does not matter because the result is the same; they catch my attention and inevitably cause my anxiety level to rise a good deal. Statements such as “We’ll deal with this behavior in short order,” “you will receive true discipline,” “You know that you’re in trouble,” “understand the necessity for seriousness.” While each statement alone elicits a feeling of apprehension, seeing them together creates a much deeper sense of dread. However, none of these statements either by themselves or as a whole produces in me the overwhelming feeling of panic as much as the words …“Punishment Day”… these two words cause a feeling of impending doom to well up in my stomach. The simple phrase caught me so off guard when I first read them that I lost my concentration as a growing numbness engulfed me. As I reread the dreaded words, the numbness gave way to a surge of adrenalin and I had to fight the urge to get up and run. Of course, there was no place to run and running would not have changed what Ms. Kane had written.
New Video: Product Testing – Cane-iac Canes
Fantastic Red Rump Artwork
The wonderfully talented Red Rump has been kind enough to gift me with this exclusive image to adorn the walls of my new playspace – just in time for my birthday! – and I couldn’t help but share it here, too (with his permission, naturally).
I am completely enamored of the somehow innocent-looking danger that this woman imposes.
Thank you, RR, she is going to look smashing just above my basket of canes!
– Dana
Prepunishment Journal: The VBB
The Very Bad Boy will submit his Prepunishment Journal entries for the next few weeks, until the time of our meeting to discuss his recent misbehavior with his Wonderful Wife. Again he has kindly offered (with her consent, naturally) to share his journals and thoughts with readers. I am grateful for their candor and willingness to offer their example to others with like minds.
– Dana
In his words:
For those of us who have chosen a DD lifestyle the purpose of giving or receiving a Spanking is for discipline and the correcting of undesirable behavior. While Some couples who live in a DD relationship may enjoy integrating some
Spanking play into their foreplay and may even participate in role play. The primary purpose of a Spanking is for discipline and correction. Thus, the goal of a DD Spanking is to inflict as much pain as necessary in order to produce a change in behavior and or attitude. The experience is often not enjoyable for the HoH and defiantly not enjoyable for the one who is taken in hand, but it is often necessary for the continuation of harmony within the relationship. The advantage of living in a DD relationship is once a transgression is acknowledged and punishment is given and received; the transgression is forgotten and the relationship is able to return to normal.
In about 24 days I will have atoned for my indiscretion, forgiveness will be granted and restoration will take place. However, before that takes place, I must face two tremendously capable dominate disciplinarians. Who are united in their effort to impress upon me the unacceptability of my behavior and to unmistakably drive home the understanding that they will not tolerate any more of my sneaky and dishonest behavior. I have not seen in my wife the level of determination which I see in her now. There is no doubt in my mind that she is completely committed to ensuring this is the last time I engage in sneaky and dishonest behavior. This same determination is clearly echoed by Ms. Kane in her correspondences. I imagine this determination to rid me of this sneaky and dishonest behavior will only increase as they continue to discuss and plan my disciplinary session. I truthfully do not look forward to kneeling before the two of them and having to give an
honest accounting of my behavior. The menacing tone of the room will only add to the inevitable sense of doom which I will feel as I await the pronouncement of my punishment. There will be no laughing or joking this time around. The jovial spirit which has come to define our previous two sessions will be replaced with a solemn and unwavering determination to make certain I do not engage in such sneaky and dishonest behavior again. I only wish I had thought about this before I decided to engage in my sneaky and dishonest behavior. I really wish I had stopped to think through the consequence the second time I chose to repeat my behavior. However, I chose to ignore the possible ramifications of my behavior and gambled on the fact that she would not find out. Well now I am waiting for another disciplinary session with Ms. Kane, but this time around my wife will be joining in. I guess I really came up as the loser on this one. But that is why I do not play
poker because I am too easy to read and I am a terrible bluffer.
New Contest: ‘My Birthday Spanking’
Since my birthday is in October, I thought that it would be fun to conduct a writing contest with the theme ‘My Birthday Spanking’. Your entry may be a true story or a work of fiction, and as always, the winner will receive a free spanking session with me.
A few guidelines:
– All characters must be of legal age (18+), and references to childhood (under 18) spankings kept to a minimum, please.
– Refrain from overtly sexual situations and language. (If you feel as though the artistic merit of your piece would be lowered by leaving out the saucy language, imagine how it’ll look after I and my asterisks have had our way with it. Save us both some trouble, and save the sextalk for the Penthouse Forum.)
– Your birthday spanking story (self-titling is encouraged) may consist of as many or as few characters as you see fit (and does not have to include me, by the way), and may take place in any time, place, or manner you choose. Tell about your best, worst, longest, funniest, or most romantic birthday spanking – use your imagination!
(There is also no restriction on gender for these contests, or the characters in your entries. Most of my contest submissions are F/M spanking stories, but M/F, F/F, and M/M are equally encouraged and enjoyed.)
– Please use pseudonyms for yourself and any other real-life people you may include in your story.
– The contest will be open to all entrants throughout the month of October, 2011. All accepted entries will be posted/excerpted publicly – your submission is your agreement to share the story, here and on other publishing platforms.
– The winner will be chosen by me, subjectively and arbitrarily, and at my sole discretion. The ‘prize’ may be collected in any of the cities in which I have planned upcoming travel, as well as my new home city of Las Vegas.
– If you are unable to ‘collect’ the prize due to location or other circumstance, but would still like to enter your story, please do submit your entry as a ‘non-contestant’.
For more details, and to submit your entry, email:
My Birthday / Housewarming – Help me decorate!
As you know, I’ve moved into my new home in Las Vegas, and am having a great time making myself comfy in the new space. Except that it’s three times the size of my little Hollywood hideaway…a high-quality problem, no doubt.
And did I mention that I am turning thirty-nine this month (October)? This is also, in my opinion, a high-quality problem.
In honor of these two semi-monumental occasions, I am throwing open the doors on my wishlist. Those of you with an abundance of cash to which you have no emotional attachments are encouraged to participate freely.
If you’re more interested in wardrobe than decor, and would love to buy a near-stranger (that would be me…size 8) some hot, red pumps (or slippers…), click HERE.
If you’re a traditionalist, you’ve come to the right place: send flowers HERE.
– Dana
F/M Spanking Art Blogs
Underlings Humblings
Underling writes saucy stories to go along with his often-animated digital art. Underling uses different genres and styles to achieve some really exceptional artwork, and the stories are always detailed and articulate.
Banjo’s BBS
Apparently, Banjo is back. Being somewhat new to the spanking blogosphere, I wasn’t aware that he’d gone – but after taking a look at his artwork, I’m as happy as everyone else to see his return to F/M spanking art. If you are unfamiliar with Banjo as I was, do yourself a favor and take a look around the blog – his artwork is really fantastic.
(Thanks to all the other bloggers who made me aware of Banjo and his blogsite – you all are a veritable font of spanking knowledge!)
Poser CP Art
I’ve written about Poser and his art before, but it’s never too soon to revisit his excellent spanking art blog. F/M, M/F, and F/F content – and some really impressive graphic novels.
New Video: ‘Product Testing with Dana Kane’
New Video Teaser: Product Testing with Dana Kane
I had fun, fun, FUN filming this little tongue-in-cheek Product Testing spoof!
So much fun, in fact, that it’ll become a regular part of my blog. I think this is a great way to showcase some of my favorite spanking implements (and to be extremely silly on camera).
The video will be up soon.~
– Dana
A stroll around the Spanking block
I am happy to boast that I won the recent Leather Thorn paddle naming contest. The ‘No-Holes-Barred’ was waiting for me when I arrived home to Las Vegas last evening, and I am beyond pleased. This paddle is TOUGH! John, owner and artisan at LT, handcrafts these amazingly beautiful (and effective) paddles in Princeton, Kentucky, and each one is a work of art. My Leather Thorn paddle collection will likely be massive by the time I’m done…and I’ll be making a nice little video with the ‘No-Holes-Barred’ Paddle soon.
Take a look around Angie’s Erotic Pen, ‘Writing for the erotic mind’. With lots of erotic fiction (hundreds of stories, in several different categories), chat, and even photos and video, there is enough content here for even the most voracious reader of adult content.
As I mentioned in a previous post, one of my UK correspondents’ new blog – Disciplined Behaviour – is off to an excellent start, and Michael’s been kind enough to mention me in a recent post, HERE.
Thank you, Michael, and good luck!
Music: ‘Would you say thank you if I spank you?’
Here is a fun song by a group called The Turbomen, sent to me by one of my playmates (thanks, Corporal!). It’s some sort of euro-pop or neo-punk or whatever you’d like to call it, but the lyrics are sexy and fun.
Enjoy. – Dana
Would you say please
Would you be dripping for a whipping
On your knees
Would you wish for a swish or two
While I pace around the room
Want some pain from my cane Or a beating from my broomWould you say thankyou if I spank you
Would you say please
Would you say thankyou if I spank you
Would you say please
Would you say thankyou if I spank you
Would your hairpiece start to quiver
If I were to slowly tease
Would you shiver and shake
Would your lower lip quake
If I screamed? Aaaaaaaah!
When you’re tied and bound would you feel your way around
And do the things you only dreamed?
Would you say thankyou if I spank you
Would you say please
Would you say thankyou if I spank you
Would you say please
That’s nice
Just right
Oh yeah
Want some more?
Does that feel good?
Lets do it again
Lets do it again
Would you say thankyou if I spank you
Would you say please
Would you say thankyou if I spank you
Would you say please
Would you say thankyou if I spank you
Detroit, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Atlanta, Houston, and beyond
New Spanking Blog: Disciplined Behaviour
One of my wonderful U.K. correspondents, and author of ‘The Rescue of a Roman Honeymoon’ and ‘Visiting Dana’ – Michael – has started a new blog titled Disciplined Behaviour. While brand new, I am confident that this blog will become an excellent one, as Michael’s f/m spanking stories have been among the best I’ve received. A recent post, ‘I get into spanking’ discusses the origins of the kink for my U.K. friend, and will ring true with many of you readers, as well. He’s also lucky enough to find himself in a happy FLDD relationship, and I am hoping that much insight on that subject will be available.
Check back often, as we’re guaranteed some more really great spanking content from
– Dana
Book Review: Late Bloomer by Erica Scott
Five Star reviewed on Read reviews HERE.
Book Review: The Adult Spanking and Discipline Handbook, by Ms Gemma Forbes
Governess Gemma Forbes’ new book, ‘The Adult Spanking and Discipline Handbook’, is familiar and warmly-written. It’s also an everything-you-need-to-know edition of pure spanking knowledge.
Ms. Forbes’ years of experience grant us access to her wisdom – and her book reminds us that we are many (after all, nobody would make such an exceptional effort if there weren’t others to read it.)
New Dana Kane Video: ‘The Moving Man: Las Vegas or Bust’
It’s so hard to find good help these days…
New Video Teaser: The Moving Man – Las Vegas or Bust
As you know, I am moving to Las Vegas this week. It’s been a hectic few days, trying to get everything packed up and ready to go, but I’ve managed to pull it off.
Now I just have to get the movers in here to load up the truck and I’m off to my new home…
One of my favorite F/M Spanking Blogs: Spanked by My Lady
Spanking Court meets Tampa Tanners – and Leather Thorn!
Sweet Shy was a particular stand-out as well, as this was her first ever on-camera spanking – and she’s only 18!
I met John, owner and artisan, at the Tampa Tanners Vendor Fair. He’s as sublime as his work, and I had such fun talking paddles with him. Although I wanted every single one of them, I managed to reserve myself to one:
I have used it twice already, and am well-pleased with both the intensity of the impact, and the gorgeous diamond paddle it leaves.
Ms Mona Rogers in L.A. Aug. 22nd
My dear friend Ms. Mona Rogers will be visiting Los Angeles, August 22nd through the end of the month. Very choosy about her playthings, Mona is a seasoned BDSM player with an impressive set of skills. Did I mention that she’s also a knockout?..
The Naughty Chair, Tampa Tanners, and Vegas dates
The lovely and truly talented writer Erica Scott posted a blog recently which included this little number:
Book Review: Kink and the City, by J. Smith
Author John Smith set out to get reacquainted with his kinky roots – and succeeded beyond his own wildest expectations. The result is the (often tongue-in-cheek) recounting of one man’s romp through the renowned halls of some of BDSM’s most well-played dungeons. Informative, often hilarious, and always simply dripping with sarcasm, Kink and the City (an Englishman in New York) will ring true to many who have taken a ride on the wilder side of life.
Mr. Smith uses laughingly-accurate pseudonyms to describe some of the more interesting characters he’s encountered, although I am certain that some must find themselves frightfully easy to spot. ‘Trust Fund Trudy’ is a favorite..along with all the rest (most of whom have a penchant for spanking, I might add). Stories abound of BDSM gone wrong, right, and every direction in between.
We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Well, maybe not. Either way, you’ll love reading about someone who has – and lived to tell the tale.
Thanks to John for providing a copy of the book, and for allowing us a peek behind his door.
(Rated five stars on – read reviews HERE.)
– Dana
New Dana Kane Video: ‘Spanked in his Panties, Again’

It was wonderful being with you again the other day.
Two days later, as I sit here typing this, I can feel the tender, sensitive spots on my bottom – particularly that area where the top of my thighs meets my bottom. It is a wonderful reminder of the fantastic spanking and paddling you gave me.
I can’t really describe the flood of sensations I experience being spanked and punished by you. The initial act of being caught in women’s clothing and lingerie immediately puts me in a submissive, embarrassed but excited state. Having to display my pink-pantied bottom to you while you chastise me for dressing like a sissy increases both my excitement and my embarrassment.
The soft silky feel of wearing panties and stockings is incredibly sensual but the realization that I am a man dressed in silky little panties, bra, high heels and stockings puts me in such a submissive state that I know the only place I should be is over your knee receiving a harsh paddling.
That moment of being placed over your knee; feeling the cool rush of air on my pantied bottom as my skirt is raised; the embarrassment and excitement as my panties are lowered to my knees and my bottom is exposed; the rush of anticipation, excitement and fear as I wait for that first stinging contact between my upturned bottom and your hand is exquisite.
And, the moment that the spanking begins, knowing that it will continue for quite some time, until my bottom is hot and throbbing from the strict application of your hand, paddles and canes to my writhing, reddened bottom, fills me with both dread and joy.
And, after my punishment is complete, as I reflect on the sensual thrill of my punishment, I realize this is where I belong: in panties, over your knee, with a hot, red throbbing bottom, at your mercy, glad to be punished for your entertainment and amusement.
Thank you. I can’t wait to be over your knee again.
New Video Teaser: Spanked in his Panties. Again
A Medley of Interesting Search Terms
Analytics reveal many useful statistics: numbers and charts and
graphs which we may use to magically manipulate the internet…
or something.
They also reveal a host of entertaining search terms entered by
internet users to reach a particular site. Here are a handful of the
searches which have led to my blog:
“excellent disciplinarian danakane” – Why, thank you..
“a gay drunk man dress as a baby getting a spanking for peeing-
love story” – Excuse me?
“Crack Spanking” – Guilty
“” – Close. But not really.
“she harshley spanking bad boys with a paddel” – Another near miss.
“dana nauggty blogspot” – Almost had it that time..
“whenever you have spanking and tears go to the place of sky”
– Likely my favorite thus far, I’m guessing that this is one of those
tragic Google Translate attempts.
“spanking for discipline is wrong” – This person most certainly
ended up in the wrong place. I hope that the shock didn’t kill them.
– Dana
Travel for August, September 2011
August 2011:
6-10 New York City (confirmed)
19-21 Tampa (confirmed- fully booked)
September 2011:
(September 1 – move to Las Vegas)
9-10 Detroit (confirmed)
12-13 Chicago (confirmed)
27-28 Seattle (dates tentative)
29-30 San Francisco (dates tentative)
More upcoming travel HERE
Email for details and scheduling:
Las Vegas
This is going to be a big move, as it will afford me the ability to develop a fully-domestic playspace and filming location for future projects.
Appointments in Las Vegas will be available beginning around September 14th. Email me directly for more information:
Los Angeles won’t be far away, and I’ll be back often.
– Dana
New Dana Kane Video: After the Party
You didn’t really believe that he’d behave at the dinner party, did you? Me either, but I prefer always giving the benefit of the doubt.
This episode was beyond simple misbehavior, and needed dealing with swiftly and harshly…it would take the cane to redeem him.
New Dana Kane Video: Before the Party
He thinks that we are headed out to attend a dinner party..but I have more important things to attend first. Namely, his near-constant brattiness – and a stern warning to be on his best behavior for the remainder of the evening (we’ll see about that).
New Dana Kane Video Teaser
MarQe’s Journal – Weekly Entries 1 through 4
— MarQe’s Study sister blog:
Well as I have mentioned I am primarily a spanker of naughty girls. Indeed I am dealing with this naughty girl tomorrow {Tuesday!}. I have been obsessed with spanking since I was very young & used to get ‘excited’ when starlets got spanked in the movies so as I grew older I progressed into seeking out my own spanking experiences. I was never spanked as a child apart from once when I was bent over in the playground & given a few sharp smacks over my trousers by a female teacher. It was always being the Spanker rather than the Spanked that first attracted me although I was in hospital once when I was about 10 & fanatasized about a nurse putting me over her knee ?
My Spanking Photos and Videos – all in one place, at last.
Upcoming Travel, and Contest Update
Ladies Who I Adore
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(Photo: A particularly spankable Detroit bottom – this boy’s butt gets cuter every time I see it.) |
In Los Angeles, you won’t find a classier, more refined Domme than Mistress Damiana Chi – and her playspace, Chi Temple, is the setting for many of my most memorable spankings.
New Dana Kane Video: Disciplining Nephew
Michael is one of my favorite long-time playmates, and he’s generously offered to allow me to share some excerpted video clips from our recent role-play.
(This is my first attempt at use of the new camcorder, lights, editing, splicing, and the like. Be gentle.)
– Dana
F/M Spanking Scenes in Media…
…are harder to find than their M/F counterparts. If you have any favorite fun, interesting, or sexy (within reason) F/M Spanking Scenes in media, please link them in the comments area. – Dana
Nova “Spank” from Disciple on Vimeo.
MONSTER – SPANK from ben jones on Vimeo.
Required (Spanking) Reading and New Implements
Here are a few titles currently on my radar. If you’ve any recommendations for me and your fellow spankos please leave them in the comments section. – Dana
By Governess Gemma Forbes:
The Adult Spanking and Discipline Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Corporal Punishment
Synopsis: “In the pages of this book you’ll find a plethora of stories about the early days of Ms. Forbes’ career. You’ll also find here essential useful tips, hints and advice for beginners and experienced spanking enthusiasts alike.”
By Erica Scott:
What Happens to Naughty Girls?
Synopsis: “A dozen classically romantic M/F spanking stories, blending fantasy, intensity, discipline and eroticism. Bonus: Two nonfiction stories, recounting the author’s first spanking and first video shoot.”
(Look for Erica’s new book coming soon.)
By Jacqueline Omerta:
The Psychology of Adult Spanking Series (Volumes 1-7)
Synopsis (Volume I): “Jacqueline Omerta, a licensed Marriage Family Therapist and adult spanking fetishist, offers a comprehensive overview of the basic components of how the spanking fetish develops and why it is so driving. She then interviews and gives a real-time, over the knee spanking to Cynthia, a woman who is currently exploring her need to be spanked.”
An affinity for quality wooden implements
While I do love the smell and slap of leathers, and the swish of the cane makes me warm, the craftsmanship of wooden implements sometimes leave the strongest ‘impression’ on me, so to speak.
Not only for the sheer enjoyment I receive from the looks on the faces of my bottoms, but for the beauty and variation of the implements themselves.
– Dana
An accidental stumbling-upon on Twitter lead me to, where I immediately fell in love with the Bolivian Rosewood Flapjack Paddle:
This love affair spurred further online investigations, which resulted in some beautiful and fearsome-looking paddles:
Bassett Woodworking makes lots of nice wooden things, but their custom wood paddles are what caught my attention. ‘Time Out’ is my favorite.
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Deep Purple Passion Paddle |
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Cane-iac Customized Paddle
‘You may want to rethink that last remark’ |
Spanked in his Panties
I am happy to be able to share a few photos from some recent play with one of my very favorite boys – with his permission, naturally.
We had great fun with role-play and it is my studied opinion that he has one of the cutest polka-dot panty-covered bottoms I’ve ever seen.
It was almost a shame to punish him when I ‘found him playing dress up in some of my finest lingerie’. Almost. – Dana
Video: Officer Naughty paddles him hard!
Sometimes Officer Naughty, the Spanking Court Bailiff (that’s me), helps carry out the Court’s sentencing.
In this case, the defendant is sentenced to 100 whacks with a heavy wooden paddle. Number 100 looks like it’s going to hurt a bit…
Links and Thanks to Spanking Fellows
Thanks to Prefectdt at SpankedHorticII for awarding my Spanking Pop Art Photo his “first, deliberate Saturday Swishing”, his “..pick of the week from images posted on the blogs in the rolls of this blog.” Check out his excellent content, humor, and well-chosen links.
Thanks also to Red at Consensual Spanking for his kind review and link. He’s another genuine spanking enthusiast with regular content and interesting opinions.
Spanked Angel wrote a lovely entry on my recent ‘Person Place and Thing’ Writing contest – and even penned a lovely prose (in about five minutes!). Angel writes beautifully and her blog is certainly worth a nice, long look.
Here’s an artsy F/F Spanking Video, made somehow insanely erotic because it’s entirely in slow motion:
New Contest: ‘The Story of Us’
Travel Update: Chicago, Detroit, and more
17-19 Detroit
28-29 Portland
Japanese television Spanking demonstration
I do not often cross-post media, but thought that this little Japanese television spanking clip was fun: – Dana
While I have no idea which words are actually being used, it is pretty easy to get the gist of the conversation:
‘This is the proper way to spank.’
‘Ooh, that stings! May I try?’
‘Like this?’
‘Sort of. Here…let me show you again.’
More Spanking Pop Art
While I’m traveling, you’ll be in good (automated) hands.
Tomorrow begins my east coast travel week, and it’s looking like a great trip. I am excited to see my regular playmates, and to meet a couple new ones, as well.
In past travels, I’ve left a little message reminding readers that I’ll be out of town and unwilling to post updates (which is still totally accurate), so this time I’ve spent most of the day organizing, formatting, and scheduling a few posts for the upcoming week.
Luckily, there are some extremely talented and focused writers who contribute regularly to the content here, and make it possible to populate this blog with so much quality fiction writing.
It should go without saying (but I’ll say it anyway):
I am always happy to receive your stories, poems, artworks, and other creative endeavors. I am equally thrilled when I am allowed to share them with other readers. Please feel free to send along anything you’re proud of…
See you soon, New York and Boston.
– Dana
Travel Notice: OTK Chicago
I am currently planning a visit to Chicago (my first) for mid-July. Tentative playdates are Thursday the 14th through Saturday the 16th. Email me for details and scheduling. – Dana
‘Laugh, Funny Boy..Laugh’ (New Spanking Video)
New Dana Kane Video – Teaser!
Spanking Pop Art
Dana Kane’s School for Incorrigible Adults
New Photos, and a camera disaster
After waiting impatiently for entirely too long, the new camcorder arrived last week, and as these things often happen, was immediately put aside for more pressing matters. When I finally decided to have a go at it…I realized that I had ordered the wrong damned camera. While it’s a fine camera, it is most definitely not the one I had chosen, and I must now return and reorder the correct model. Custom and premium videos will just have to wait a bit longer.
In the meantime, I’ll soon be recording another home’s been entirely too long for that, as well.
Fun with lighting recently made for some interesting still photos. ‘Interesting’ being the most polite word I can think of to describe shots that came out yellow, blue, under-exposed, AND over-exposed…all at the same time. Rather than chalk it up to experience and trash the whole bunch, I’ve decided to have some fun with Photoshop, instead…
Travel Notice – NYC and Boston, June 23-29
– Dana
Caning the Little Sister
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– Dana
Seeking Video Bottoms for Dana Kane
In upcoming weeks, I will begin filming my first full-length spanking videos. The little cam and lights have arrived, and I have some great ideas for the scenes which I would like to shoot.
While this is in no way a full-tilt professional production (I DID say ‘little cam’, after all…), I look forward to creating something new and different for my fellow fans of spanking content.
I also thought you may like to see me spanking different bottoms for a change. That’s where you come in. I am putting out a call for willing spankos who’d like a video spanking from Dana Kane. There is no age, gender, or ‘looks’ qualification…I believe that everyone deserves a sound spanking.
A few things to consider, if you’re considering:
- You will be required to show your face and bottom. Full nudity is not required.
- You must be willing to provide proof of identification (for 2257 purposes), and sign a model’s release.
- This is not a private session. There will be a cameraperson present.
- Marks happen. Spankings hurt. If you’re unable to tolerate one or both, you’re probably not a good candidate.
- Scenes will be loosely scripted, but you needn’t be an ‘actor’.
- Some of the scenes filmed will be available for sale, and others will be available free for viewing online. Free videos will be chosen randomly from available content.
- Participants will receive a free copy of their video, naturally…there is no financial compensation.
In recognition of…well, recognition
PS. I have had some questions of late pertaining to the administration of this blogsite. Be assured that I am the sole admin, writer, and email return-er.
Another lovely email this week from Lumasoc, who makes some very imaginative F/M discipline artwork. (He’s also inspired me to add a carpet beater to my collection of implements.)
The blog is in Italian, but google will translate it for you toot-sweet.
Add Dana Kane on Facebook, finally
After having concluded that I was among approximately thirteen people left in the industrialized world without a Facebook page, I’ve acquiesced. I will add to the page – and figure out how to find people – eventually.
If you’re interested in adding me, my brand new profile is located HERE
But I’m telling you right now…NO POKING.
– Dana
Your Opinion: Spanking Video Sites
Finally giving in to the retail urge, I ordered an inexpensive HD camcorder, a couple of lights, and enough memory to record numerous hours of…well, spanking.
I have enjoyed so much making and sharing my spanking videos and I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with something more than the spare bedroom and cam on my Mac. (Although the boy’s butt looks good no matter what the pixellation..)
The waiting is the most difficult. After it arrives, I will have to learn to use it all, and correctly. This process may take somewhere between two days and several weeks depending on the size of the manual(s), as I do not ‘do’ tech. Beyond the learning curve…lots and lots of spanking video.
Segue to: Your Opinion
While I intend to ALWAYS provide free spanking videos, photos, and other content, I have been considering also producing content for sale. I am of the opinion that too much of a good thing is not necessarily great, but I also believe that there is more than enough interest in spanking video to oblige a little more content..
My question relates to the ways in which video is distributed. Options range from sites like clips4sale, which caters to just about any type of adult video, to Spanking Library, which caters to my fellow spankos. Both of these sites operate on a pay-per-video basis. Then there are the so-called premium sites, where members pay a set monthly rate for all-access to content. Also, I am a firm believer (yes, still) in hard media…what we now call DVD’s.
There are pros and cons for all of the options. My main concern with membership sites is the necessity to produce a large amount of content, regularly. I don’t always FEEL like giving a spanking…and sometimes I feel like spanking everyone all at once. However, the amount of content available on the clips sites (even the genre-specific ones) is nearly overwhelming and ‘stores’ seem to get lost in the shuffle. And…do people even buy DVD’s anymore?
I would like to know what you think. Leave your advice in the comment box below so that others may also benefit from your wisdom.
(The ‘vote’ and ‘share’ links are now active at the bottom of each post, as well.)
I am also set to begin acquiring furniture, decor, and other items for the planned domestic playspace.
Fall seems so close, and there are a thousand things to do, but I am crossing my fingers…wish me luck!
– Dana
The Spencer Plan in the news
Use Your Imagination – Win a Spanking. And More Travel
Only six days left to submit your entry for the ‘Person Place and Thing’ Spanking Story Contest. The winner will receive a free spanking session with me, Dana Kane.
To enter, read the contest details HERE.
(*Since I will be visiting the east coast again soon, it IS possible for those around the NYC and Boston areas to collect the ‘prize’ for this contest, in addition to Los Angeles-area entrants.)
Kind Words from The Pianist
Running the Numbers
Two days until I fly east, to NYC and Boston.
Twenty three things left to do on my Things To Do list.
Seven days of sessions.
One huge suitcase.
Three ground transit systems.
Ten (at least) taxis.
One trip to Jamaica, Queens…for the teeny little Caribbean joint that I found last time.
Two dozen-plus implements, into the huge suitcase.
Lots of spankable bottoms.
Add all that together and what do you get?
One very busy disciplinarian.
I will be mostly unable (or unwilling) to post remotely while on the east coast. Please amuse yourself with the videos, photos, and writing contest in the interim.
See you soon, New York and Boston.~
– Dana
New Video: Two-Minute Crack Attack
– Dana
Contest, Travel, and a nice comfy Couch
Entries are coming in for the ‘Person Place and Thing’ Spanking Story contest and – wow! After having received only the first few stories, I am already impressed with the quality and variety of the entries, and thrilled that the writing contest has moved you to create such inspired works.
The contest will run throughout the month of May, the winner to receive a Spanking session with me.
If you have not entered yet, visit the original contest posting here for the details.
What I did on Sunday
New Contest- ‘Person Place and Thing’ Spanking Stories
- No graphic sexual content.
- All characters must be of legal age (18+).
- All entries must be received by May 31, 2011, to be considered for the ‘prize’.
- Enter as many times as you like.
- I will post/exerpt the winning entry, as well as others, on my site and other publishing platforms. Submitting your story to the contest means that you agree to allow me to distribute your original content.
I will choose the winner solely and subjectively. It should go without saying that proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.
- The winner will receive a free Spanking Session with me, at my Los Angeles playspace, during the month of June 2011.
- If you are unable to claim the ‘prize’ due to location or scheduling, please submit as a non-contestant so that whomever wins may have the pleasure of collecting. Non-contestants still get to share their stories, see them posted, and enjoy reading the submissions from their fellow spankos.
- Every single submission tickles me.
Submit your ‘Person Place and Thing’ Spanking Story to:
Good luck!
Spanking Implement Covetousness (and my favorite boys’ underwear)
Implements do not have to be pretty. In fact, sometimes the ugliest ones (like my trusty ‘Smashball’ paddle) work best – and certainly good, sturdy craftsmanship is most important. However, one does like to add a bit of flair now and then…
I am currently obsessed with Jonathan’s Spoons – here’s why:
I would feel somewhat guilty about dipping one of these spoons into a pan of sauce, but would have no such reservations about using them on a recalcitrant bottom. And take a look at that wooden whisk!
While ‘on’ bottoms:
In my (totally biased and 100% voyeuristic) opinion, all boys should own at least one pair of these:
…spotty body hair removal and ‘compensation abs’ not required.
– Dana
Free your Mind, and your Ass will follow.
I took several photos during another recent spanking (by request, naturally) and am dismayed to find that the combination of low lighting, dark furniture, and very tan bottom have made them impossible to view. Luckily, this particular boy – who I’ve now seen twice – has the potential to be a long-term playmate…so I will make sure to capture his next spanking properly.
I like being with creative and thoughtful people. Having the opportunity to make the acquaintance of such a diverse group of people is one of the things that I most enjoy about this career(life). I held the first spanking story contest in hopes of getting to know more about the interests and experiences of my fellow spankos…and of giving a spanking, of course. With those goals accomplished (E will receive his ‘prize’ this week – stay tuned), I also was very pleasantly surprised with the creativity and care that the contest inspired.
May’s contest will reflect the certainty that I now have in the ability of my fellow spankos to tickle one another’s fancies (and mine) through creative sharing. I look forward to giving many ‘prizes’ to deserving contest winners in the future. New contest starts May 1.
NYC-PHL-BOS Travel Update and eek!
Travel dates for my upcoming visit to the east coast are:
New York City – May 13-15th
Philadelphia – May 16th
Boston – May 18 -20th
Session availability is very limited. Email me for scheduling at
On another note, my Mac is in ICU. I will be posting more Spanking Story Contest entries, photos and free videos, as well as May’s contest details as soon as it is up and running again.
– Dana
No News is Good News
New Video – ‘Do you feel Cute now?’
New Video Teaser – Screenshot
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Contemplating his punishment. |
Travel, Mentions, and Next Month’s Contest
©Dana Kane
Travel dates for New York City (May 13-15), Philadelphia (May 16&17) and Boston (May 19&20) are fast approaching, and availability is already limited. Email me for details and scheduling.
The dates are set for the Tampa Tanners ‘Back-to-School’ Bash. Join me in Tampa, Florida, August 19-21, for what is building up to be a great new group of spankos. Take a look at their blog for more information on upcoming events:
I will be extending my visit to Florida, remaining a bit in Tampa then on to Miami and Orlando. Appointments in these cities will be limited, naturally. Email me for details.
* Unfortunately, I will not be sharing some of the wonderful stories which I received during the Spanking Story Contest. Although this is disappointing, I choose not to publish content which depicts characters under legal age, precluding some of the submitted works. To avoid this disappointment in future, I will restrict submissions to adult (18+) experiences only.
The Spanking Story Contest was so thoroughly enjoyable (you are quite the talented writers, gentlemen) that I have decided to concoct these little contests regularly. They won’t all be story-writing contests, but you will always be required to use your imagination and the winner will always receive a free spanking session as reward.
Goodies, Mentions, and Friends
I love short, compact implements – the ones I can use up-close, personal, and OTK.
Dana Kane on Tumblr
Max Fisch
Spanking Tube
Dana Kane spanks the U.S. (and abroad!)
Guilty! – Spanking Photo
Dana Kane Spanks NYC, Boston, and Philadelphia May 2011
Dana Kane, Disciplinarian – Your Questions Answered – FAQ
Q. Do you spank at home, in a hotel, or dungeon?
A. In Los Angeles, I take sessions at a private, fully-equipped dungeon-type playspace. I do NOT do home or outcall sessions. When traveling, I always attempt to find a private yet professional space in which to hold sessions. While dungeon-type playspaces are not typically outfitted with a very domestic feel, I prefer the discretion and privacy afforded there, which cannot always be duplicated in a hotel suite.
A. I do offer a variety of BDSM play sessions, yes. I built the site so that my main interest and fetish – spanking – would have a place to stand apart from other types of D/s play. I understand that most spankos have little to no interest in ‘whips and chains’ and have kept that in mind with the strictly spanking site(blog) and it’s content.
I do not employ humiliation tactics, hoods, or full-body leather in domestic scenes…relax.
A. No. I have a bunch of very pretty tattoos – most of which I keep covered during domestic and spanking scenes.
A. No.
A. I love spanking, I am a total ham, and I believe that sharing my interests with fellow spankos is good for my professional reputation and overall relationship with clients and fans.
A. Probably, yes, but will still give away free photos and videos. I’ve no intention of charging for every little bit of content that I produce, now or in the future.
A. I am always happy to discuss your participation in video production. Email me for details.
A. Absolutely. I require that all prospective new playmates send a respectful and detailed introductory email, outlining interests, experience, limits, etc. Once a common rapport has been established and a tentative day/time has been set for our meeting we will confirm via telephone and you will have the opportunity to share any information – and ask any other questions – you feel necessary.
A. I was not spanked much as a child. By the time I was eight or nine years old, my parents realized that spanking just was not very affective with this headstrong little girl. The only way to get my attention at that age was to force me to stay in my room, thereby stopping me from running all over the neighborhood with my best friend and driving all the old neighbors crazy.
Spanking began for me in an adult, female-led domestic discipline relationship…which happened completely by accident. What began as a sort of fun, sexy joke became a real and integral part of a very successful and long-term relationship. It was years before anyone outside the relationship had the opportunity to judge my spanker ‘skills’.
In the ensuing years, I have not intentionally sought out domestic discipline relationships, but they have managed to find me again and again. It is a comfortable, natural, happy place for me to function from – and it turns out that sharing my love of spanking with others is a comfortable, natural, happy place as well.
I look forward to sharing this love until I cannot swing my arm anymore…thank you for allowing me that opportunity. Until we meet –
-Dana Kane
Spanking Story Contest
The Spanking Story Contest is a huge hit!
I have received dozens of entries from all over the country (and worldwide) and am excited to be able to share them with all of you soon.
The Contest ends March 31st, 2011, and I will announce the winner on April 1st. I am accepting story submissions until the very last day of the contest, so if you haven’t sent your story in yet…it’s not too late. Even if you’re on the other side of the globe and cannot possibly be in Los Angeles to claim the prize, I -and other spankos everywhere – would still love to read about your experiences.
You may submit your story to me via email at, or at I will publish/exerpt the submissions that I receive on my sites for all to enjoy…Free!
Good luck to everyone who’s entered.~
– Dana
Dana Kane Spanks San Diego April 8 & 9
– Dana