How many times have we all said, “I’m going to try to do better” or, “I’m trying to eat healthier and exercise” or “I’m trying to treat my spouse with more respect”?
I know how many times I’ve heard statements like these in a disciplinary setting, and it almost always irritates me. Here’s why :
We shouldn’t have to TRY to do things we already know how to do. We *try* new things, not old ones. Respect is something we all learn/experience/view at a young age; healthy living is no secret, considering we’re all told from the outset what’s ‘bad’ and ‘good’ for us.
Is this making any sense?
You don’t *try* to drive to work. You just do. Because you already know how.
You don’t *try* to chew your food properly before swallowing. You just do. (Or you don’t, in which case Natural Selection takes place.)
I could do a lot of these silly ‘you don’t *try* things, but hopefully we’re on the same page now idea-wise..
Why, then, must we try so hard to take good care of ourselves, be nice to the people we love, and do good things for our communities and fellow people?
Why does everyone have to TRY so damn hard to do the Right Thing?
Just do it.
Because you already know how.

– Dana
Honestly, if a friend, family member or a boyfriend EVER had the balls to actually say to ME, “I’m going to TRY to be nicer, kinder, more patient to YOU”… I’d probably have to TRY not to want to cold cock them. Because you’re absolutely right. People already KNOW how to demonstrate certain types of actions.
Unfortunately, in my past employment years when having to put up with unpleasant office co-“workers” irritable attitudes-actually hearing some say “I’m in a MOOD today”- AND KNOWING their rude treatment WAS intentionally directed at ME, that just set off an equally unpleasant reaction from me either confronting them for their nasty treatment and or telling them and the manager that I was unwilling to lend my assistance to those particular people.
For me, loyalty and respect are the most important criteria for people to remain in my life. If I don’t get those then I refuse to GIVE those in return.
Words to live by!
Random observation: far too many spankings (and spanking videos) seem to end with the promise “to try” rather than to do: x)
“I can’t promise I’ll try, but I’ll try to try.” Bart Simpson
Thanks Stefan, it’s nice to see that others ‘get’ what I’m saying. We should all spend a bit less time trying.
Agreed, Stefan.
I get it, too. Going to bed isn’t challenging behavior for me. I’ve done it nearly every night for years. It’s beneficial to get enough sleep. I feel better and am more productive. The challenge is to choose the correct response. My angelic self complies. The miscreant in me dawdles, or refuses, or defies, or virtually sticks out my tongue at the one overseeing the aspects of my behavior over which I exercise poor control. What I “try” to do is comply, which is something I don’t already know how to do. I’m workin’ on it!
I will do such and such doesn’t work either. If I say I will do something it doesn’t get done unless I get up and do it.
I’m going to try an experiment, I’m going to try not being bratty…………I’m trying…………still trying………it’s getting harder to try, but I’m trying………….No One can control TheVBB!!!! DARN IT! I tried my hardest to try not being bratty. But no matter how hard I tried, I just could not try any longer, and I just had to stop trying. Guess Yoda was wrong.
I think I would like to take back this last comment.
You’d think that you’re in enough trouble already, without adding to it by showing your bum here.
Try this: Imagine what it’s going to be like *right in the middle* of your punishment – when you know it’s only halfway over. Will you ‘try’ not to beg for mercy?…
Mocking Yoda you are? A brat spanking which could help you with that problem I have. For your own good it would be!
The Brat Force is strong in the VBB, Stefan. Very strong.
Baby Bubble Butt, I believe we had an in-depth conversation about Star Wars impersonations being off limits in public, did we not? I intend to hold you accountable after our morning coffee. Be prepared. In fact, be bared and in position by 6:45. That’ll be the easiest way. Or, you can sleep in, get spanked, and then accept your (I believe a paddling was promised) punishment. There’s an easy way and a hard way, and then, of course, there’s my way. You seems to be itching for a lesson in all three! What’s next, Darth Vader when my sister visits again? No. That is NOT next.
Tsk tsk Stefan…
Trying will more often become doing with the aid of a strict no nonsense tail roasting. Funny how the word try will disappear after this sort of motivation is handed out.
“I’ll try to do better” is usually a sure way for a playmate to get into even more trouble. I want assurances of positive advancement, not attempts to fail.