Be Kind to Your Knees

Dear Everyone,

Although it’s way overdue, I’ve been thinking of a way to welcome another year and tell you all how very valuable and important you are to me (yes, even when you don’t get a reply to your emails). I know it’s not just me who feels as though the calendar has sped up of late, although I’m certain now that the passage time is relative – mainly to whether or not our bodies are over 40, I think.
Days go by superfast, weeks and months speeding along, and before we know it, it’s ‘happy new year’ time again.

It’s supposed to be the time of year for resolutions, new beginnings, and a whole lot of inner reflection. This has often puzzled me – why do we try to make such ginormous changes in mid-winter? Why not the first day of spring, or the summer solstice, or even our individual dates of birth?
I guess it’s as simple as numbers – we like the number 1. It’s teeny and perfect and has no baggage, like we’d all like to be in many ways. So we aspire for 1-ness; we wait for the beginning of a new year so that we can start anew with the number 1 and hopefully draw some magical strength from it.

I don’t believe in that kind of magic. Hell, I don’t believe in most of ’em (except that levitating guy..the greasy-looking one..he’s got skills). There’s no resolution-making going on for me – I don’t need another excuse to kick myself in the ass when I decide on day 3 that doing fifty sit-ups first thing every morning no longer sounds like such a good idea. It’s my opinion that most of the things we’re disappointed in ourselves about could be easily avoided by not setting ridiculously-structured goals for ourselves which are almost certain to fail, leaving us feel like….well, failures.

If you feel like a failure, a loser, a slacker, or a bum – and I believe that most of us do, at one time or another – the following is my best advice. Forgive me for allowing someone else to speak for me here, but if you really pay attention you’ll find that it couldn’t possibly be said better. Just listen…

(I’ve embedded the original composition first, with a lyrics-added version after. Watch both. You have time, or you wouldn’t be here to begin with.)

In that vein, this will be my last episode of advice-giving (or taking) for 2016. We should all spend a lot more time listening to ourselves – our bodies, our minds, and our dreams – and a lot less trying to find the answers in others. Trust me on this much: it’s the learning that matters.

– Dana

PS : An e-book treat!



Just a quick note to let you know that all of my little ebooks are now available on Kindle Unlimited AND in the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library. So if you’re a member of the Amazon Kindle programs, go and read them all now – for free!  (You’ll find links to the individual titles in the sidebar.)


Happy reading.~

–  Dana

Proof of Life, or else


I don’t have to draw your attention, regular visitors, to the fact that the blog’s been woefully light on updates of late. Since I don’t let any of you get away with lame excuses, I won’t make any either.

Okay, I’ll just make a few, and it’ll only take a minute : I’ve been busy. My house is still wrecked. And I’ve been somewhat uninspired in the direction of writing of late. Nothing tragic or fatal, just a lack of new and interesting anecdotes and a hesitance to post fluffy crap just for the sake of posting.

Since the above stuff, it’s been hard to figure out what to tell you all about, until I logged in to the blog’s admin today. Then I had something to write about. Someone helped me out, and for that I’m grateful.

A reader left a comment on my birthday post, ‘Perspective #43’, calling me out for not sharing more intimate and candid photos of myself and my life.

While I often share stories and ridiculousness, usually in the form of TUS (Totally Unrelated to Spanking) posts, I rarely attach photos. This much is true. The reasons for the absence of photo proof of my day-to-day doings are pretty simple :

– I am not surgically attached to my smart phone. I actually have to look for the damn thing half the time when I want to use it, and even when I find it, have to turn it ON before use.

– As stated in the above referenced post, I am now 43 years of age. “Selfie” is not a part of my vocabulary, and I like it that way.

– Most practically, I do not wear cute skirts and eyeliner most of the time. Vanity precludes me from showing the world what I look like when I wake up in the morning. (You’re welcome.)

– And finally – most important of all – it’s none of your business. Really. I love you all as much as is reasonably acceptable, but my entire life is not anyone else’s peepshow. Yours isn’t mine, either, and rightfully so.

This whole ‘look into my life 24/7’ thing that we’ve all become so accustomed to makes us think it’s acceptable to fuss at someone for not leaving their drapes open at night. Personally, I think we’d all be better off if we kept a little more to ourselves.

With that all said, each person is entitled to his or her opinion(s), and I hope that the poster of the originally referenced comment understands that I am entitled to mine. I won’t be taking more selfies.

– Dana

Perspective #43

Everybody has one – a perspective, I mean. From where you’re standing things look, feel, and probably even smell different than they do to someone standing just a couple feet away, so imagine how much differently we see things from inside our own skulls. It’s a wonder we manage to communicate at all, considering that every single experience we have, as individuals, colors us – we are all specific, original, and one-of-a-kind.

This month/year/week, on the edge of turning forty-three years old, my perspective is naturally different than it’s ever been before (or ever will be again). And while I’ve no way to know exactly how I’ll feel, think, or perceive in the future, I can tell you – quite clearly – that I’m damn thrilled to still be in attendance, today.

I’m thrilled to be alive, healthy to a measurable standard, and living in a time and place that affords me the luxury of things like fair trade dark chocolate, walnut burl, and boredom.

I’m also dismayed at my body’s flat-out refusal to produce collagen at a rate which I find acceptable.

It’s a toss-up. But then every birthday is, isn’t it? No matter how much we bitch about getting older, it’s a large margin better than the alternative. And even on days when we say things like, “I’d rather die than..”, we rarely mean it. Not really.

The past year’s been tough.
It almost feels disingenuous to say that – every year is tough somehow, so typing the sentence, ‘the past year’s been tough’, could happen just about any time, and to anyone, and probably does.
With that said – it’s been tough. Tougher than usual, by my pretty tough standards. We lost my dear paul to an icky and awful illness and an even ickier set of circumstances…

I started to list a few of my other grievances from the past year, but nothing else can (or should) follow that, so enough said. For those of us lucky enough to be able to say, “Life goes on”, well, I guess we should be sure that it does, in abundance.

So that’s what I’m going to do with my 43rd year : Live. Abundantly.

I hope you do, too.

Great giant heaps of love (and dark chocolate),

– Dana

Kiva loans update, Give Til it Hurts #3


As many of you will recall, our last Give Til it Hurts fundraiser was in benefit of Kiva’s microloan program. At the time, we raised $1450 for step-up loans to folks in impoverished countries and had a lot of fun in the process.

To see the original GTIH posting, click HERE.


The contest ended around mid-September last year, and I was proud of the money we raised in such a short amount of time. Nobody was beholden to doing more, and none of you would’ve known if they hadn’t.

But they did.

The current tally for donations to the Friends of Dana Kane Kiva group is $2125. That means that the people who originally participated in the fundraiser have CONTINUED to re-loan their original donations, again and again, to the tune of an additional 675 dollars!

For those of you who’re mentioned above – thank you so much for keeping up the good work, you all rock. Really hard.


–  Dana


PS. We’ll be doing it again soon…keep your wallets handy, ’cause I’m going to spring the furbabies on you again.

No (aka ‘no thank you’, ‘I’ll pass’, ‘thanks but no thanks’, and the ever popular ‘hell no’)



It’s one of the shortest sentences in the English language, but most people have the hardest time wrapping their minds and tongues around it, at least situationally. We can look at ourselves naked in the bathroom mirror and shout it at the tops of our lungs, and we can usually manage it if someone asks us whether we want a fried egg on our hamburger, but barring those simple examples the word becomes more and more difficult to say.


But it’s not really the word itself, is it? It’s the implication of rejection that we all perceive goes along with using it. We don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, or appear self-absorbed, so we don’t say it. Then we do something that we didn’t really want to do in the first place. Then we complain about it and hold it against the other person.

Don’t lie, that’s usually how it goes.

Let’s do an exercise together : take a minute to think of all the times you’d have liked to say ‘no’, and didn’t. Don’t go crazy, ’cause this could take all day…narrow it down to the last week or month or so. Did you help someone move when it was really the last thing you wanted to do? Did you babysit for someone’s rotten kids or go out dancing on a night you’d rather have stayed home? What about all those times that the ‘no’ would’ve been implied through your actions, and you chose to go with the flow? Have you answered the phone later than is acceptable to listen to a friend/relative complain about something you’ve heard before? Or maybe you just didn’t voice your dissenting opinion when somebody said or did something you thought wrong. Have you ‘gone along’?

Go ahead. I’ll give you a minute.

I think that if we’re all honest, we can come up with *at least* one example of a situation where the word (or concept) NO would’ve been warranted. And we missed it. We were afraid of it, or it was too complicated, or we’ve just been programmed to people please to an extreme.


The above question is for US, not for them. Why is it so hard for us to choose ourselves in the equation and simply demur? Honestly, I think it’s because we’re all a bunch of lazy chickens. We don’t want to have to explain ourselves for fear of being judged selfish or negative. We automatically assume that the other party will take offense at our use of the word, and godforbid we should offend anyone. Heavens to Betsy! What a terrible world we’d live in if everyone didn’t get their way all the time.

What a joke.

Learn to say no. Learn to accept that the way another person reacts to your use of the word is up to THEM, not you. Learn to be okay with someone being offended or even mad when they don’t get the answer they’re expecting – especially if you’ve trained that person to expect nothing less than complete compliance from you (your fault, by the way, not theirs). We cannot control what other people do; we can only control what we do. And the more we reserve the use of the big bad ‘no’ word, the harder it becomes to say it when it’s really necessary. You don’t have to put on your Mean Face, and you don’t have to square your shoulders and make Direct Eye Contact. You can simply smile and say, “Yeah, no. I don’t think so. But thanks anyway.”


Warning : Sometimes other folks won’t have good home training, and they’ll continue to push even after you’ve used the magic word. They’ll try to cajole, joke, guilt, and eventually outright force you to change your mind, your feelings, or your plans. These people we will refer to as ‘assholes’.

You have no responsibility to assholes. They’re rude, pushy, and obviously lack social skills. For them, only one answer will suffice :


–  Dana

Another Update of Whateverisms (TUS)


Awash as we all are in spanking content, I’ve been compelled to talk/write/think about *other* things – occasionally – of late. (Yes, Virginia, there are Other Things.) So, rather than talk to myself, or put a complete stop to Michael’s progress by talking his head off, I’ve decided to begin sharing rather mundane things here more often.

Anyone with any sense, or anything at ALL better to do, will choose to turn their attentions elsewhere right about now.


Still with me? (Bored, huh?)


Let’s start off with a little home improvement update..



dexter the current state of my house. As you can see, it’s a bit like an episode of Dexter. (And no, VBB, I haven’t found someone whose blood splashes farther than yours.) What started as an ongoing water line issue has turned into an all-out Major Pain in the Ass, replete with fully-plastic-ed living area and garage-accessible bathroom.

I’m not kidding. They removed the WALL downstairs, between the garage and water closet. Over the course of the next week, there’ll be about a dozen sweaty men parading around my living room. About average, come to think of it..

Since I’m sure you’re dying to know what the cats think about all this commotion : they think it sucks.

In other news, we almost went on a short vacation last week. About seventeen miles outside of Las Vegas proper, my car decided that it’d rather stop at a little biker bar on the side of the road in the middle of the desert. (Which, in retrospect, was better than nothing. They had a nice shady porch.) Something about the transmission, according to the nice man in the triple a tow truck. So the car is undergoing some medical intervention and I’m driving a rental, which is, in my opinion, ugly.

All this fun stuff would drive some people nuts. Lucky for us, we thrive on a Good Challenge. So, the place will be getting a new coat of paint and the car will be getting a new tummy or something, and we will be getting lots of spanking done in the meantime…upstairs.

In other parts of the world: My family are having a mini-reunion of sorts. In the South, a family reunion includes Actual Family, as well as in-laws, out-laws, and people who nobody’s really related to but are still referenced as “Aunt Sue”, “Uncle Bill”, or “Cousin Andy”, because their daddy and your daddy worked together in the oil fields and they’re Like Family. Or the kids went to school together and they all started calling you “Mom” because they figured out that that was the way to get you to feed and house them every weekend, and now, twenty-plus years later, they still won’t go away.

I won’t be attending the get-together. I’d love to, mostly, but between spanking and remodeling I’m bound to Las Vegas for the remainder of the summer. I’ve requested that they stand out in the rain (it’s always raining there) in my stead. Of course, when it rains you have to look out (even more) for snakes, but it’s a small price to pay for the moisture. My auntie calls up to tell me all about how her flowers are in raging full bloom and the grass needs cutting every five days or so and the tomatoes are as big as your head, and it’s so humid you can cut the air with a butter knife. She’s bragging, in her Southern auntie way, and it works – until I remind her that we don’t have mosquitoes here. Since where I come from you can practically saddle those things and ride them, that usually trumps all. I miss the flowers, and the food, but I do NOT miss the bugs, or the snakes, or the overly-familiar raccoons.

Now I will entertain you with what is, in my estimation, one of the cutest things ever. (It’s cats.)

(Try to ignore the not-so-subliminal message to purchase the advertised brand of cat food. It’s bad for your kitties.)

–  Dana


Newsletter of Random (TUS)

There’s something in the water here.

It’s dirt, for the most part. There’s also the remains of a small town at the bottom of the lake, which is now, technically, also the top of the lake.

Lake Mead used to be this big giant body of water, all held back steadfastly by wondrous Hoover Dam, supplying life-giving water to not only the Las Vegas Valley but large parts of central and southern California. Now that damn dam is holding back a muddy puddle. We still get our water from there, and we still send some to California, too, but it’s getting sketchy. Something about not enough rain and/or snow in the Colorado Rockies for several years in a row. And something else about Harrison Ford growing almonds (or was it avocados?) in the desert. Mostly it’s just humans. Lots and lots of us, living in places that are lush with greenery and dripping with cement ponds that are, in fact, meant to be covered in sand, scrub, and skinny snakes.

Most people think that it’s all those glittery casinos on the Strip that cause Las Vegas to be one of the most heinous energy abusers in the country, but in the case of water they’re pretty benign, making up only about four percent of the city’s annual usage. Most of the gnarly water waste goes on at the dozens of golf courses surrounding the valley, and in our very own front yards. There’s something about living in the middle of the Mojave that makes folks want to grow pears and figs and water lilies, for some reason. My neighbors have pomegranate trees and as green a gigantic-pool-surrounding-backyard as you can grow any wet place in the country. It’s a little silly when you think about it, considering how much room (and water, and grass) there is in, say, Idaho for instance.

Why do so many people want to live here? Why are there nearly 2 million people squeezed into a valley that used to be home to a handful of tribes?

It’s not the mild climate, that’s for sure.

Yes, it’s hotter than hades here again. We hit a seizure-inducing 112 a couple days ago; that was the same day the air conditioning went out. Luckily, homes here are built with two separate cooling units (see above reference to energy abusers) so that if one goes out the place doesn’t turn into one giant EasyBake oven. Still, the best prescription for this is to hold very still and drink more iced tea…so I’m fine, crisis averted, and the nice man came today and made it all better. He had to climb onto the roof in order to fix whatever was un-fixed, where I’m sure the temperature was around 125 in the roof’s reflection of the afternoon sun. I felt a little bad that he had to get so hot in order to make us cool again, but the cats are creatures of leisure and sacrifices must be made.

Speaking of the cats, Mister Pancakes is still feeling pretty crummy and would like everyone to leave him alone. This includes the other cats, who are trying to figure out why he’s getting extra stuff in his mouth all the time (medicine). They’re doing hardcore kitty research by following him everywhere he goes and meowing in his face a lot. This would piss anyone off, and he is duly offended.

The humans in charge of putting things in cat’s mouths (and the dog, too, but they don’t really care about him) are thoroughly enjoying this summer’s Advanced At-Home Mojito-Making Classes, held weekly in the kitchen, as well as occasional trips to the supermarket for more cat food (and other stuff they don’t care about). It’s nice to sit still sometimes and, as much as I miss seeing a bunch of my spanko buddies, I’m having a ball sleeping in my own bed every night. It may just be that you’ll all have to come and visit me here, in Las Vegas.

Bring water.

– Dana

E(mai)L NIÑO



You can’t see it because the storm is so enormous, but my house is below that whirlwind, and, smack in the center of that – the mac. Contained within the shockingly-intricate workings of the mac…email. I don’t know how it gets there, but it somehow manages to find it’s way through the crackling atmosphere, and lands safely within the mac, inside the house, below the hurricane.

What you’ve just read is a long and meandering (wordy) path to the hot, sticky, stormy truth : Ms. Dana’s behind on email, and it’s getting awfully deep. If you find yourself among those clinging to the handrail of unreturned messages, hair ravaged by the winds of waiting,  you are not alone.

It’s not that I don’t love you all dearly (I do), or that I don’t think that what you’ve taken the time to write is important (I do, that too); I’m just caught up in the maelstrom juggling home, family, work, and all the usual stuff.

Sometimes the storm is bigger than others, and we’re currently experiencing a Category 4 E(mai)l Niño in the Kane household.

Hold tight and stay inside where it’s safe. I understand that only 3 or 4 dozen more emails unreturned will gain us a special State of Communications Emergency, which means that we’ll get some sort of check from the government or something….or maybe I’m just so far behind that now I’m making it up as I go along. Anything is possible during a storm.

** Helpful Tips during E(mai)l Niño : Reserve your proof-of-life communications until you’ve received a reply to the last email (or two, or three) that you sent. I know they’re there, I promise. Reserve general anecdotes for one, nice, long email – rather than three to five. And whatever you do, never, never, EVER eat at McDonald’s. (Unrelated to E(mai)l Niño, but still vitally important.)


–  Dana   (a three hour tour…a three hour tour)





Speaking of Dreams of Spanking..



My most recent post (below) was created and posted in less than ten minutes. After having spent very little time perusing spanking online of late (busy busy!), I did a little catching up and saw the preview for Pandora Blake’s newest F/m spanking offerings on You’ll see from the last post exactly why I was in such a hurry to share the preview pics – it’s *gorgeous* material! Pandora has, time and again, produced some of the most beautiful spanking content available.

And now? Now she’s had to close the site.

And that’s what I call a damn shame.

You’re gonna miss this…

If you’re unaware of the fight in the UK headed up by something called the ATVOD, it’s worth taking a few minutes to read one of Pandora’s posts and acquaint yourself with the situation. Basically, the lawmakers over there have decided that *certain types* of adult content are illegal to buy or sell, including “hard” spankings.

That’s right; the culture who brought us the Headmistress Fantasy has now banned caning videos.  Does that make any sense to you whatsoever?  Yeah, me either. Here’s something that’ll explain it in a bit more detail :  I think that you’ll be rightfully shocked at all the things that are now against the law in Pandora’s neck of the woods.

So we’re left with losing one of the best, most visionary producers in the genre. Pandora’s already taken down the subscription links to her site, and you can’t buy a membership anymore. The content will come down near the end of the month, and can’t/won’t go back up until and unless she wins her legal appeal, which may take a year or more – IF she wins.

While I don’t doubt for a minute that Pandora will find another, even better way to express her love and creativity, this is a serious blow for her. She’s had numerous folks try and come up with a solution for her, but I’m sure that none of them has thought as long and hard about it as she has…there doesn’t seem to be a simple one.

One thing that you can do, though, is help  make sure that she doesn’t go broke in the process of fighting for ALL our rights. Dreams of Spanking videos are still available, for the time being, on Clips4Sale. Not only will you be helping someone insure their future endeavors and livelihood, but you’ll find yourself in possession of some of the best quality spanking videos made. Go to the studio now – – and find a few favorites. Also, take a swing by Pandora’s blog or Twitter account (@PandoraBlake) and offer some words of encouragement – she deserves all our support.


–  Dana


Have you SEEN this?! Dreams of Spanking – damn.


Hey kiddos,

I don’t know how many of you are spanking video fans, and how many of *those* of you are fans of F/m content, but you have got to see these new scenes from Pandora Blake and Dreams of Spanking. Titled “The Houseboy” and “The Training of Tai Crimson”, and featuring 18 year-old cutie Tai in his first ever videos, these two scenes are some of the most visually stunning efforts I’ve seen from an adult studio, notwithstanding the spanking genre – Pandora is fantastic as always.

Click on any of the stills below to go to Pandora’s site for more still and previews.

Dreams-of-Spanking_houseboy-film035_thumbDreams-of-Spanking_houseboy-film072_thumbDreams-of-Spanking_houseboy-film060_thumb Dreams-of-Spanking_tai_010_thumb Dreams-of-Spanking_tai_040_thumb Dreams-of-Spanking_tai_073_thumb


Let’s all give Dani Sorrento a warm welcome..


Hi everyone,

I’ve linked a few times to scenes that Michael’s shot with newbie spanko and model Dani Sorrento, and wanted to take a little more time to introduce you all to her.


Remember how weird it was when you first ‘came out’ and didn’t know anyone or anything and were sort of flying blind in the face of all this new information and experience? Remember how intimidating is was to approach other people and make friends? Remember how, frankly, shi*ty some people can be when you’re new and unknown?

Yeah. Most of us do. So that’s why I’d like any of you who’re feeling friendly/welcoming/diplomatic to take a second to bookmark Dani’s blog ( ) and, when you’ve got the time, take a look around – read some of her stuff, maybe leave a comment or encouragement, and generally do that thing that we spankos do so well…be nice.

Dani’s new to receiving spankings, although far from new to thinking about them. She has a wide array of interests and experiences for a *youngster* and is thoroughly enjoying writing about all the new things she’s finding out about herself along the way. I don’t need to tell any of you how brave it is for anyone to put their face, thoughts, and body out there for the world to see, and I’m pretty damned impressed with this girl’s tenacity. You’ll be seeing a lot more of Dani Sorrento. ~~

Not only is Dani a very pretty girl…
…but her ass REFUSES to quit!
I mean, really. Look at that thing. *Wow*

Free Ebook! Today and tomorrow only




If you missed the free download period the first time ’round, you’re in luck…’If You Know What’s Good For You’ is available for free Kindle download again, today and tomorrow. Just click the text link below to navigate to the Kindle store page, where all you gotta do is click ‘buy now’ (since the price is set at FREE for today and tomorrow, you’re not really buying anything and don’t have to be a member of Kindle Unlimited to download the book.




–  Dana


If You Know What’s Good For You

51E-iWbdqFL._SX312_BO1,204,203,200_ Sunday Update : 7/12


Kay’s Mom Has a Terrible Hairbrush



For more spanking videos, preview photos, scene description, and join links, visit:


Individual downloadable spanking video scenes also available on my
Clips4SaleScolding and SpankingLibrary studio page.


This week, exclusively on my download studios (linked above) :


Katarina and Ela Spanked for Breaking School Rules
sternwood academy


Beating Some Sense into Ginger
 spanking court


Also, in Michael’s Big Stick Spanking studio this week :


Dani’s List : Beating Around the Bush

michael donovan spanks


Fifty Cane Cracks – Bound and Crying

michael donovan spanking


Read my ebook *free* for 3 days!


Those of you who like to read as much as I do know that sating our need for the written word can get a bit pricey. With that in mind, I’m going to begin making some of my ebooks free for a limited time via Amazon’s Kindle store. They set pretty strict limits on how long a title’s allowed to be downloaded for free, so I’ll cycle them through a few days at a time. (You can also read the below title via Kindle Unlimited or the Kindle Reader’s Lending Library.)

First up, and available for FREE DOWNLOAD to your Kindle or ereader from July 9 – 11 :


If You Know What’s Good For You



  – Dana

P.S. They have this handy little thingy on Amazon called ‘reviews’…it’s where you, well, leave a review, after you’ve read something. Take a minute. ~

Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy DVDs now available!


While it’ll take quite some time for us to share all the butt-kicking footage from Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy in the download studios, there’s no need to wait to see many of the scenes, as I’ve finally managed to add the DVDs to DVD store.

All three volumes of Sternwood Academy are available, along with the (specially priced!) original Spanking Court DVD, which includes yours truly taken to task for….something I probably disagreed with.

To see them all, have a click HERE.



A season of loss



I’m posting this without thinking, without editing, and without wiping my eyes. Life has dealt us another blow, in the form of another too-early ending, and I am again left with the opportunity to share with the world the story of a great and wonderful friend.

This morning I opened my email to find, at the very top, an email address I’ve come to associate with all things sweet and soft – from my friend Remo. We’ve known one another for about four years, and played together many times, sharing lots of laughs and play stories along the way. We’ve also spent a fair amount of time talking about life, love, and loss, and have in the intervening years learned a lot about one another.

Remo’s told me about his family, his upbringing, his stellar career, and, most recently and wonderfully, his newfound love. Never once have I seen, spoken to, or emailed with him that he wasn’t optimistic and smiling, ready to enjoy life (and his peccadillos) to the fullest. A big man with an even bigger heart, Remo’s hugs have been some of my favorites.

Unfortunately the email wasn’t from Remo. It was from a loved one who’d been kind enough to send a short email letting me know that he’d passed away a few days ago. I guess it was easy to find my email address, as we’d been in the middle of an email conversation and I’d written him just a couple days ago. As his replies were always timely, I now know why this one wasn’t.

I know that I am not alone when I tell you that this man will be missed, and I know that the others among us who were lucky enough to know him are grieving today, too. (If you knew Remo and are reading this, you have my deepest condolences and love.)

This shouldn’t need repeating, but just in case : Life is beautiful. Live it.


–  Dana


Soft kitty, warm kitty,

little ball of fur.

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty,

purr purr purr.



Here I go letting my opinion show again : #PayForYourPorn


This is going to be another of those posts where I give my opinion on some things. Let me be very clear : These are (as always) simply my thoughts; they’re not meant to try and change anyone’s mind, nor to chastise, call out, or begrudge anyone else’s. We’re all entitled to death, taxes, and the opportunity to piss people off on the internet, right?


“Pay for your porn”, or, if you’re a Twitter-er-er, #payforyourporn, is a pretty common saying lately among producers, performers, and fans. If you’re not up-to-date on the concept, it’s where folks who make money off adult material (and those who care about them) try to convince the general public not to watch stuff they haven’t paid for. Internet piracy, doncha know.

None of us likes internet piracy – we’re not supposed to, as producers, like it when folks take our stuff without paying. Just like if someone steals peppermint candies from the guy who owns the corner market, that guy’s not thrilled. You can’t blame him. He did, after all, pay for the space, manpower, and goods needed to provide people the opportunity the convenience of buying from him the things they want/need. As a business owner, he’d be a little dumb to encourage shoplifting. He’s also not just dealing in peppermints; he’s providing a valuable service to his community, thereby (hopefully) fostering a sense of goodwill amongst his customers via good customer service, selection, and value.

I think it’s very admirable that folks involved in the adult industry have taken an active interest in unauthorized sharing of their products. I also think that the #payforyourporn ‘movement’ is an enormous waste of both physical and psychic energy on the part of every single person who takes the time to try and convince the general public that they should not take advantage of something so easily and obviously-acceptably accessible (free stuff).

No, I’m not saying it’s okay to steal/distribute other people’s stuff. Naturally, I’m as irritated as the next person when I see that someone’s come into my store, stolen a bunch of peppermints, and has set up on the next corner giving them away for free to passersby. (We’ll talk more some other time about all the ways that the guy who stole the peppermints can actually make lots of money giving them away for ‘free’…but that’s another conversation.) What I AM saying is this: if we producers, performers, and friends spent half as much time protecting our content as we do railing against those who stumble across it on a million-billion different websites every day, we’d probably all be in a much better mood. Proactivity, rather than preaching.

Example : One Monday morning, the guy who owns the corner market suddenly decides that, since a few people have been snitching his peppermints, he’s going to hold all his customers (and potential customers) personally responsible for those thefts. He’s going to start giving stink eye to everyone who makes his front doorbell ring; he’s going to start charging  more for other items to make up for the loss of the peppermint income; and, finally, he’s going to post a big giant sign on the front of his shop that reads, “I know you’re all a bunch of dirty, no good thieves, and I’m watching you.”


Well, maybe. But I’d walk right past that store to the one with the sign that says “Welcome”, wouldn’t you?

It’s not the consumer’s problem that folks are stealing our stuff, and it’s not the consumer’s job to police it, either. Walmart doesn’t ask you to take part in their Loss Prevention, do they? No. They say, “Come on in and fill up your basket with some made-in-china-cheap-crap, and come back soon!”, which is exactly what their shoppers want to hear. They do not, ever, want to be made to feel guilty for the fact that they accepted a free peppermint from the guy on the corner on the way to Walmart that day – it’s not their fault that someone’s giving away free candy.

And they shouldn’t be chastised for accepting it.

Another example: Not long ago, after getting my usual BuzzFeedVideo Try Guys fix, I was driving aimlessly around the site when I came upon a video that was titled, “50 First Dates Full Movie”. Well, I love 50 First Dates, and hadn’t seen it in years. It was right there, on YouTube for free, so I watched it. It was GREAT. And guess what? I didn’t feel even remotely guilty for having watched. I didn’t steal the movie, didn’t post it online, and didn’t do some nefarious deep web search for ‘pirate adam sandler drew barrymore torrent download’…it was on youtube, and I watched it. I did not send the creators of 50 First Dates a check for 3.99, nor did I email YouTube to tell them that the movie was there.

So….did I steal this movie? Did I participate in internet piracy? Should the makers of the movie come to my house and shake me down for a few bucks, just to keep things on the up and up?

Whatever. It’s YouTube. They know it’s there – if anyone knows, the big production companies do, exactly where their content is being shared. And more importantly, they KNOW that some folks steal; they also know that lots of folks, when confronted with an easy, free, in-your-face option, will likely sit back with a cold beer and watch Joe Dirt on Putlocker rather than paying to download it from Amazon or something. And it’s their responsibility to make sure that there are as few places for the (relatively innocent) general public to come in contact with this pirated material as possible.

Now let’s talk about how this applies directly to spanking videos – we’ll use mine as an example. Unlike ‘regular’ porn, which is shared on thousands upon thousands of websites from Algeria to Zimbabwe every second of every day, there are relatively few spanking content sharers. They are still there, and they are busy boys and girls, but there aren’t millions of them, and they’re usually pretty easy to find, as we spankos congregate in many fewer places than the typical porn enthusiast.

The concept that my business could be irrevocably damaged by internet piracy of my video content is somewhat ridiculous. If occasional (or even regular, repeated) theft caused businesses to fail, as a singular cause, no company would be able to sustain business for any amount of time whatsoever. Remember the peppermints? EVERY business owner deals with theft, and every one should have ways of keeping it to a minimum. If Walmart didn’t hire security guards, they’d sort of deserve it, wouldn’t they? (Go ahead, admit it. We expect people to protect their own property – we’d look askance at a neighbor who complained about being burglarized if they left their front door wide open, wouldn’t we?) Likewise, if I didn’t police and protect my own content, then I’d expect that folks wouldn’t feel too sorry for me if it got jacked.

Even the big porno companies are obviously still doing a booming business in spite of enormously high piracy figures. Why? Because there are over 8 billion people on the planet, most of them have internet connections, and most of them like porn. Even when theft is considered, that’s still one helluva healthy market, my friends.

Yes, piracy is an issue with which we producers must deal. But it’s not your problem, it’s not yours to police, and it’s certainly not your fault. Do me a favor:

Let me #policemypornyou just enjoy it.

–  Dana



Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy Updates


Since there’s quite a bit of content from Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy combined, we’re working on parsing it out a bit at a time, as otherwise the job would just be too big. Rather than go in any specific order (which would probably make more sense and therefore is not an option), I’m adding the scenes somewhat randomly…maybe today I’m in the mood for naughty schoolgirls paddled, and maybe tomorrow an incarceration scene…it’s fun being behind this keyboard sometimes, folks!

Here, in literally no particular order, are the current available scenes from Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy. Click the images to link to the studios/previews:

Five Schoolgirls Paddled for Passing Notes


Christy Cutie Flirting with Discipline


Paddling Two Preppy Pranksters – with Cheyenne Jewel, Alex Reynolds, and Michael Donovan



Heather Michaels Punished for Cheating


Dana Kane’s First Domestic Spanking


Double Paddling for Bullying Schoolgirls


Cheyenne Jewel Punished for Carelessness


Whitney Morgan Paddled for Contraband


** Exciting News Enclosed **



Longtime friends and spanking video enthusiasts will remember fondly some of my first professional spanking videos, made with our friends at Spanking Court, and later Sternwood Academy.

Over the course of three-plus years’ filming, Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy produced some of the best, most realistically-filmed discipline scenes available, including F/f, F/m, and M/f spanking, and were known for both hard-hitting judicial scenes and elaborate, multi-girl schoolgirl spankings. We worked with some of the very best performers in the spanking genre as well as ‘regular’ people from all walks of life. What made it all even better was that we, to a person, had an amazingly fun time throughout every single shoot. With performers like Christy Cutie, Cheyenne Jewel, Casey Calvert, Erica Scott, Samantha Grace, Whitney Morgan, the unforgettable Cali Katarina, and many many more, it was impossible NOT to have a blast. Many tears were shed on those sets, but not a single one in protest – even the hardest scenes left tops, bottoms, and crew grinning from ear to ear when it was all said and done – and it’s obvious in every single minute of film produced.

Our great friends at Spanking Court/Sternwood Academy eventually reached such success in their other ventures that they had little time left to dedicate to producing these monumental scenes, so sadly they’ve not been available for quite some time. Many of my friends and playmates have lamented the absence, and honestly, so have we. My partner, Michael Donovan, and I began our ‘careers’ with Spanking Court from the beginning – and what an interesting beginning it was. You see, at the outset, I was not the one doling out the spankings – oh no! I was a bothersome, troublemaking girlfriend and neighbor from hell who was regularly hauled in front of the Judge for some infraction or other. And somehow, I never managed to talk my way out of Sentencing. Yep. You guessed it.

I got spanked a LOT in the beginning.


And Michael was always happy to oblige whatever the Judge ordered. I, however, was never happy about it – not one little bit – and it’s clear in every single scene in which I’m spanked. Arguing, smart-mouthing, twisting and laughing and doing everything except kicking most of the time (shackles)…I was a pain in the ass. And even that was a blast, every time.

Eventually, after spending a week in the Spanking Court clink, I saw the error of my ways and was given the post of Court Bailiff. In this capacity, I kept defendants in line during the court proceedings, assisted them in disrobing, and affected the shackling of inmates to the discipline benches before leaving Michael to mete out their sentences. Sometimes, when an especially fierce punishment was doled out, I’d be called in to assist or even do the paddling/strapping myself, if the Court Disciplinarian was otherwise occupied. Throughout the years, Michael and I ended up giving some pretty damn hard spankings for Spanking Court..

Christy Cutie getting dressed down by Michael Donovan, for Spanking Court.
Defendant Maddy Marks was found guilty.
Ela Darling, also guilty. (They were ALL guilty.) -Ela’s photo

Then Sternwood Academy was born. Surrounded by naughty schoolgirls we were during these shoots – knee socks and tartan as far as the eye could see – and again Michael and I took up the dubious task of keeping all these bad girls in line, he as Coach Michaels and I as (naturally) instructor Ms. Kane. The things that private school girls get up to would likely shock you all, but luckily they were all captured on film:

2012.5 176
A classroom full of naughty schoolgirls!
10.2012 397
Sternwood Academy was a place of higher learning…and knee socks.
Gorgeous Cheyenne Jewel, Ela Darling, Alex Reynolds, and Heather Michaels. We love these girls!

So here’s the exciting part – Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy videos will now be available via my Dana Kane Spanks download studio, and on Michael’s HERE!

This is especially great news since many of you may never have had the opportunity to see them the first time around…and boy, did you miss a lot. Naturally, you’ll find all the scenes of me doing the spanking coming up in my studio, and all the ones of Michael disciplining the naughty girls on his.


You’ll also find more new videos of Michael spanking me there, as well as scenes with his discipline bottom, spanko newbie Dani Sorrento:

dani-sorrento copy
Introducing Dani Sorrento
Read Dani’s blog at

I’ll keep you updated as we get the Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy scenes added (you can also keep an eye on Michael’s blog – coming soon – for M/f updates), and am probably going to have more fun looking at these videos again than you will, if that’s possible.




–  Dana


Extended Drumroll and semi-lame excuses




I know the blog’s been a bit content light of late, and I also know that some of you are waiting a bit longer for email replies, too. The reason I know these things is obvious : they’re my responsibilities, and I’m running a *teensy weensy* bit behind.

Between random minor illness, an enormous workload (a bit more on that in a second), and a continuing inability to clone myself, I find myself with less time – which is strange because I know for a fact that there are still 24 hours in every single day. Anyway, the point is that I’m working on it all; I’ll get that inbox cleared soon (and then it’ll likely fill right up again) and think of something spank-witty to say here as well. In the meantime, please exercise your patience muscles and, if at all possible, refrain from writing an email or two to express your sympathy at my behind-ed-ness…I promise you it will not help. ~




One of the reasons I’ve been so busy is that I have a really cool/awesome announcement to make soon, which I think is going to be equally as fun/cool for you to read – and within the next week or so I’ll be posting it here, so stay tuned for the upcoming awesome arrival.

So, please feel free to spend a little time re-watching a couple dozen free videos, re-reading a few hundred spanking stories, and generally poking around the blog- there’s bound to be something you haven’t seen yet, right?


Behind-ed-ly yours,

–  Dana


PSA : Quitcher Bitchin’


Yep,  you read right. Quit your bitching. It’s a guaranteed way to improve both your mood and the moods of those who have to listen to you speak.


But hold on..

I’m not talking about the big stuff, about which we’re not only allowed but encouraged to talk : death, divorce, depression, bankruptcy, imprisonment, injury. We all get free passes on the big stuff, every time, and rightfully so.



We are all stressed out.
We all have aches and pains.
Everyone experiences disappointment.


By the law of averages, the person next to you is unhappy just as frequently as you. Does that mean that they want to hear all about your daily bitchlist? Let’s answer that with another question : Do you want to hear all about theirs? (I’m guessing that the answer is ‘no’, or we’d have more television shows dedicated to folks just sitting there, complaining endlessly about mundane topics such as expired yogurt, long red lights, and the poor state of our neighbors’ lawns.

What good does it do the general consciousness to unfetter ourselves at every opportunity – splash our bile and venom on unsuspecting bystanders, loved ones and friends? Yes, ‘processing’ is healthy, and so is ‘venting’…if done in moderation, just like every other damn thing on the planet, barring love and spankings probably.

Let’s all try an exercise together, shall we? What, you have something better to do? Something to lose in the endeavor? Nope? Okay, moving on.

It’s called ‘Happy’.

I know, genius right? And I came up with it all by myself! Let’s try to be Happy.

Happy when we wake up (because we DID, in fact, wake up), happy when we shower (because we have all that hot water), happy when we drive to work (because we are lucky enough to be employed in a first world country), happy when we drive home (because we’re lucky enough to have one of those too, no matter which zipcode it’s in), and happy to lie our heads on the pillow every night (because we survived another one).

Every day – hell, every hour! – will give each and every one of us the opportunity to bitch about it or make it our bitch…which are you going to choose?



–  Dana

Don’t get your knickers in a knot..


..when you see images or videos of me being spanked – which you have recently, and will again.


As many of my friends and playmates know, it’s been years since I’ve been spanked with any regularity. I’ve always explained it as ‘my top side got too big to leave room for the bottom’ after years of giving spankings, and I still believe that to be true…a person can become so completely immersed in the enjoyment of an activity – to the exclusion of many others – as to forget how much fun other things can be. Recently, though, after a number of big changes (some great and some decidedly not, as is life), I find myself again interested in mingling with the other end of the paddle, so to speak.

While I still won’t be receiving any Discipline or Punishment spankings, as my own mind doesn’t quite work that way, there has been a creeping desire for just-for-the-hell-of-it play lately, and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.

As I’ve said before, many times, that I think it’s a shame that some folks within our spanko community feel the need to keep their bottom-side personalities hidden, it’d be hypocritical of me to pretend that I’m not being spanked, occasionally, by my partner (and only my partner, don’t get ahead of yourself there, mister).

So I’ll be sharing some of those experiences here, in word, photo, and video. If you’re queasy about watching/reading/knowing that Ms. Dana Kane gets spanked sometimes, please feel free to avert your eyes. And feel equally free to keep any negative commentary to yourself, as (with much love) I could not care less whether or not you approve.




–  Dana

Spanko Distractions : Word Search!



Here’s a fun new Spanko Distraction word search – all about the Language of Spanking.


Word List

naughty          bottom          discipline          brat

spanko          otk          subspace          accountability

panties          arnica          community          safe

domestic          consensual          dropseat          top

sane          aftercare          roleplay          switch

newbie          strict          warmup          punishment

limits          corporal



Search Area



Have fun!

–  Dana


PS. Either print the word search and do it the old fashioned way – or save the Search Area image above and open it in your photo editor to use the highlighter tool on your computer. (And yes, I made it extra hard by setting all the letters to lowercase. You know you deserve it.)


Okay, let’s get back to the subject at hand…


..somebody tell me about your  most recent spanking, that’s bound to return us all to a state of good cheer!

(Put it in the comments area here on the blog, as my inbox is stuffed. Besides, everyone else could probably use the diversion too.)


–  Dana

PS. My most sincere thanks to everyone who’s commented and emailed this week. I’ll make sure to reply to each of you in time.

Can I come to your funeral?


Well, can I?

Is it okay for me to grieve openly my loss, attend your bedside, and offer my condolences to your family? May I sign the guest register, and send flowers with a note of remembrance attached, signed ‘Love, Dana’?


(If you haven’t yet guessed, this is not a lighthearted note; and if you’re feeling like avoiding seriousness and emotion today, please turn back now.)


I’ve spent many hours trying to decide which words, statements, and feelings to use to express the events which have occurred, and even more trying to decide whether or not to share them here, with you. Yes, we talk about a lot of personal things here, and we have gotten to know one another pretty well over the years (for those of you who’re among my friends and playmates, those talks have been even deeper still), but I rarely talk openly with you all about my personal life unless it’s related to this thing we do. Otherwise, I’ve found that I prefer not to overshare anecdotes and occurrences for the most part – we all have parts of ourselves and our lives which we prefer to keep to ourselves, and that’s fine.

This time, however, I’ve decided that the subject is too important, too critical and painful, to avoid, regardless of how personal it is. So I’m going to talk to you all about it. Keep in mind that the following are my experiences, feelings, and actions. I don’t want any advice and am not asking for agreement or even support – I just want you to know.


My paul died a while ago. He’d been sick for a few months and we knew from the outset that there was little that could be done to intervene medically. It wasn’t fast and it wasn’t pretty, as these things rarely are.


Hold on..  I should back up several years and tell you a bit more about paul so that you understand why I’m taking the time and emotional energy to share..

I met paul less than a year after I arrived in Los Angeles, around 2009. He’d originally found me the same way most of you do – online – and emailed to request an appointment. His initial email was clear and respectful; he was not into spanking at all – in fact, far from it – he was a foot fetishist also interested in masochism and humiliation. This was back in the early years when I still occasionally considered playmates outside my main sphere of interest, and paul seemed like a nice enough guy, even though his thing wasn’t necessarily my thing. I agreed to meet him for a foot worship/sm playtime after making it abundantly clear that I would, in no uncertain terms, never ever humiliate anyone intentionally. This was agreeable to him and we planned our first meeting.

We got along splendidly; while I admit enjoying the hitting and stomping more than the foot worship (it takes a little getting used to), we had a great conversation after our playtime and he seemed to have a million really cool and interesting stories to tell. He asked whether he could see me again, I said I’d be delighted, and we planned another playtime for the following month.

As our second meeting approached, paul emailed to say that he was sorry to say that he would be unable to keep our appointment  because he was on a fixed income and was, essentially, broke. (I should mention here that paul was 65 or 66 when we met.) I replied telling him that I expected him to report for our previously scheduled  meeting, on time and ready to submit, regardless of how much money he had, and that he’d be punished for even attempting to get out of it again. After a little back and forth, he agreed. I told him after that, our second lovely playtime, that he’d never need to worry about budgeting for my time again. Using terms he was comfortable with, I told him that from  now on he was my ‘personal slave’ – my foot puppy – and there would be no further discussion of finance, period, ever. That was the first of several times that I saw paul cry.

He’d been in the closet fully his entire life, having had fantasies of his fetish since his earliest memories of a particularly pretty yet stern schoolteacher who always wore shiny high-heeled shoes. He fantasized that she would step on his hands with those lovely shoes while telling him how very bad he was. It was a preoccupation which followed him fully into his adult life, and which he continued to keep secret for decades. It wasn’t until his late fifties that he even began to consider seeking out some sort of professional to help him make his fantasies reality, and even then, as he told me all those years later, it was a constant source of inner angst, guilt, and self-loathing. Why, he wanted to know, was he so fucked up? Why was he obsessed with women’s feet, of all things, instead of boobs and butts like everyone else? Why couldn’t he stop thinking about it? He was certain that no woman would ever love him enough to understand.

Eventually, he must’ve squared himself with these feelings enough to seek out a dominatrix. He told me about a few experiences he’d had with a handful of professional dommes before we met, and for the most part those stories were happy, if conflicted, memories for him – the earliest explorations of his lifelong wanting.

Then he found me, by some weird ‘that’s how things work’ combination of events, and we became fast friends almost immediately. He’d make a two hour drive each way to see me once a month, and we’d play, talk, eat, and laugh. I never treated paul like a slave (although I still, in respect of his wishes, never capitalize the first letter of his name), but did buy him a leather collar with my initials on, and even had him personalized ‘puppy tags’ made for our anniversary last year. During our playtimes, he was required to call me Mistress, and I was just as stern as you all know me capable. And paul was capable of taking quite a lot of physical discomfort (even though he barely tolerated the occasional spanking I insisted on foisting upon his unwilling backside)…we had fun. I got to wear lots of really sky-high heels and lead him around on a leash – it was absolutely silly and serious at the same time, in all the best ways.

After I moved to Las Vegas, paul’s drive became five-plus hours, each way, so his visits became less frequent. He’d drive here once every three months or so and stay with us a night or two before making the drive back home. We all – paul, Michael, and I – enjoyed these visits immensely. paul didn’t have much family to speak of, no wife, kids, or living close relatives – so we quickly became his family, and he ours. paul housesat for us when we took the rare but needed vacation, taking perfect care of the home and animals anytime we went away, and I’m still convinced that he hand fed the cats raw steak every time because when he was here they paid him more attention than me.

He also did a lot of little fix-it projects around the house for me. He took an old bumper sticker off my newly-bought used car, gouging a deep scratch in the bumper in the process – but still, thoroughly removing all signs of said bumper sticker; he spent several hours repairing a drippy faucet in my master bathtub only for the drip to return less than 24hours after he’d left to go home, and at a much more annoying rate of drip. Once, I almost missed the only bus leaving L.A. back to Las Vegas for the day (on a rare return visit of mine) because he got us lost in god-knows-where in the process of chauffeuring me to the terminal. paul had the best of intentions, but he rarely managed to ‘fix’ anything. I cannot stress enough how much I loved that about him – his constant enthusiasm and willingness to help even in the face of glaring inability to execute the task at hand. That’s tenacity, folks.


Fast forward back to more recent history:

One week, I didn’t receive an email from paul for nearly 48 hours. This was highly unusual as paul had a tendency to email three to five times a day, every day, and never less than once. He was constantly writing to tell me of his day, his thoughts, how much he loved me…and to send me his doodling; sketching out his fetish fantasies as quickly as they came. Over the years I received hundreds if not thousands of little pieces of art via email, and I always asked that he bring me the originals when he visited next. He always did, and I now have possession of what is quite possibly the most interesting and diverse collection of tiny foot fetish art ever compiled. I plan to build a dedication page from which to share many of these wonderful, quirky, excellent little treasures with the world at large. He deserves that much.

But I’m digressing.

Turned out paul had gotten short of breath while out with his guy pals one afternoon and ended up in ER. The assessed him lightning-fast, and eighteen or twenty hours later (note the sarcasm) gave him the verdict : inoperable cancer which was unlikely to respond to chemotherapy and/or radiation.

Did he want to go ahead with treatment anyway, they asked him? He said yes and began what was to be his final fight.

When I received an out-of-the-ordinary text message from him saying he was in hospital, I immediately picked up the phone to call him. He said that he’d be discharged in a day or two, then he’d have to have a bunch of follow-up appointments with various specialists in order to come up with a game plan for fighting the cancer. I asked if he wanted me to come and be with him in the hospital and he said no, he’d not be there long and that his pals were checking in on him periodically. Grudgingly, I agreed to stay home.

After having been released from the hospital, he did indeed follow up with all those doctors, precious weeks sliding by while everyone decided who was going to pay for what and sending him for blood work what seemed like about a million times. After a few weeks he finally started a round of chemotherapy, requiring him to drive or be driven to the treatment facility each time for several hours, then home again for several days of hardcore sickness. paul had lived alone for years, which is never a problem when you’re healthy and spry, but gets troublesome really quickly when you’re too weak to walk to the bathroom. Refusing my offer to come and stay with him at home, paul set about trying to go through the chemotherapy process by himself, with the occasional visit from previously-mentioned friends.

It was awful but not at all surprising when, after another somewhat long period of quiet, I received another text from him – back in the hospital. He’d gotten weak and short of breath at home and called the ambulance himself. He spent another few days in hospital, getting stabilized, only to be sent back home alone again.

I’m not trying to make a long story short, but it suffices that this was the basic routine for the next few weeks – hospital, home, hospital, home – interspersed with the completion of the first round of chemo and beginning of some kind of chemical radiation treatment. We were in touch as much as he could be, and I checked in on him often daily, always offering to hop on a plane and come take care of his old sick ass. He always said no, he was doing good. We both knew he was lying, but who was I to call him on it at such a time? Maybe his house was really messy and he was embarrassed or maybe he was in denial about how sick he really was – it certainly wasn’t, couldn’t possibly be, surely couldn’t be…

…that he was ashamed. Could it?

Then paul was told that the cancer had spread to his brain and would require it’s own, separate round of chemotherapy. Once more he said okay. And once more they set in motion the routine of home, hospital, home, hospital, which inevitably occurs when someone who is already dying is wracked with poison. This time, his stay in the hospital was longer, and the prospect of his release even more forbidding – how could he possibly care for himself? This time I did the pushy thing – I told paul that I was coming, was going to take care of him, cook for him, and make him comfortable.

He flat out refused. Wouldn’t explain, but flat out refused. That’s when I realized that my initial fears were correct; paul was ashamed. He was ashamed of himself, and thereby, me. He didn’t want to explain to the possible visitor who I was, or how he knew me. He didn’t want me to come to the hospital because he was afraid – terrified – that I’d run into one of his buddies, or the rare distant relative who’d come out of the blue since his illness had progressed so dramatically. If I looked back at his behavior, what he’d told me and – more importantly – what he hadn’t (he’d never shared with me which hospital he was in, which rehabilitation facility, or, in the end, which hospice), paul had decided that, even at the end of his life, he could not be himself. On top of the already near-paralyzing pain of impending loss, I now felt absolutely abandoned in my grief, and by the very person for whom I was grieving. I was a little pissed at him for that.

Selfish, yes. I’m human. Moving along.

I’m sure that by now you see where this is going. Because of his own fears and shame, paul took from all of us the ability to say goodbye. Neither I nor Michael were given the chance to hug him or properly express our love and immense gratitude for our time with him, and paul was sadly and sorely without the people who absolutely loved him most in this world at the end of his life.

His choice. A terrible one in my opinion, and having to live with it, I think, gives me the right to disagree with him. I would’ve never shown up uninvited, never ‘blown his cover’, so to speak; I’d never have disrespected his wishes in that way, no matter how much I wanted to shake the living hell out of him for it. I loved paul, so I let him be alone. That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, and continues to be today. I still can’t figure out how to put a period at the end of this sentence – it’s dangling, like a season ending cliffhanger or half-told secret.

I can’t tell you how I’ll deal with it, because I have zero precedent. All the events in our lives are processes, and this is now one of mine.

I wish paul had given himself permission to be wantonly honest in his last days, but I know that’s unrealistic. Most people take their secrets to the grave, and my paul was no exception.

I promise to try not to begrudge his memory and his love, in spite of the glaring reality – I probably can’t come to your funeral, either.


–  Dana


Rest in peace, puppy.  -M





Winners of the Everybody Wins Contest ~


Boys and Girls,

After a great contest (and a bit of consternation related to the crummy voting system), I’m happy to announce the winners of the Spanking Wish Story Contest!

The three (actually five) stories with the most votes, below, each receive an unlimited 30 day membership to :


Sister Dana and The Leprechaun (#18)

The Resort (#20)

And TIED for third (thanks, Lei, I’m going with your democratic memory on this one, along with a few separate comments from other users):

Be Careful What You Wish For (#4)  and Wish Upon a Star ( #19) and Big Bellied Buddha (#24)


( See how that works? MY software screws up and even more of YOU win – you should all hope this  happens more often.~~ )

Every single one of the other winning entries will receive a spanking video download of their choice from my current catalog.


Thanks again to everyone who participated, and congratulations to ALL TWO DOZEN of our winners!

(All story entrants will receive an email containing details on prize redemption in the coming week.)

–  Dana




The lovely little plug-in that records votes for the Spanking Story Contest has gone kaput – just like *that*.


All the voting records are gone, and the damn thing won’t re-start, either, so here’s what we’re gonna do:


All you who have been paying attention, take a moment to use the comment feature to tell me what you remember the top three stories to be. I know that ‘Sister Dana’ was at number one the last time I looked, but am lost for data after that. I’m going to rely on you all and your honesty to help me determine who the top three stories were, so that I may give away a bunch of stuff in spite of the software glitch.


Help me out…


–  Dana

A few First Time Evers (TUS)


This is, I believe, the first time Buddy’s ever been in water that didn’t have a bathtub wrapped around it.

Although it was a bit cool, and he was completely distracted by everything going on around him, he did manage to wade his old creaky butt out into the shallows a few times:

Not many people try to pet Buddy in public. Does he really look like a mean dog? Puhleese!


I’ve never visited Lake Havasu City before, and really had no idea that there was anything more there than a bunch of supposedly really nice water.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that it also contains LONDON BRIDGE…the real freaking London Bridge:

Contrary to popular schoolyard musical mythology, London Bridge is NOT falling down (it’s just in the desert now).



Pretty view from the hotel balcony. And lucky for everyone visiting, the whole London-Bridge-tarred-head-on-a-pike thing has been replaced by chi-chi restaurants and kayaking retirees:


One First Time Ever that was not accomplished : The kayak rental guy didn’t return my call to confirm the kayak delivery that would have likely freaked the dog totally out. Probably for the best…

– Dana

Vote for your favorite Spanking Wish story!

 ** This is a ‘sticky’ post, which means that it will remain at the top of the blog post area for a couple weeks. For new content after April 6, just scroll down past the poll. **

After several weeks of writing time, and a few more to get all the entries posted, it’s finally time to begin voting for your favorite Spanking Wish story entry. Each entry should contain only ONE choice, and each user should vote only ONE time – no cheating (the polling software records your info so it’s easy to see if you’ve voted more than once).

Special thanks to all two dozen hearty and creative spankos who took the time to write and enter their original spanking stories, and to anyone who’s taken the time to read and comment – you’re all awesome!


Now, the voting:

[poll id=”2″]

Good luck to everyone – although you scarcely need it, as you’ll ALL win something.

–  Dana

Final Contest Entry #24 : Big Bellied Buddha



This has been one helluva contest, and here’s the final entry for our  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  …

Enjoy! We’ll begin voting soon.

– Dana



“Big Bellied Buddha”

Mary was a young college student at the ripe age of nineteen. She attended a small out of state college which carried a high reputation in mathematics and science. Mary was an excellent student who studied hard and performed well on tests. Her favorite class was biochemistry. Which was taught by a tall and beautiful female professor named Professor Varney. Professor Varney was a sharp witty woman with a genuine liking towards Mary. Mary being the intelligent young lady that she was could definitely recognize the contrasting attention Professor Varney would give Mary verse the other students in her class. Mary took delight in this special attention and looked forward to the days of the week when she had her biochemistry class. Mary began sitting in the very front of the room. Choosing to sit right dead in front of Professor Varneys podium. And as the semester went by Professor Varney continued her unquestionable preference she had towards Mary. Mary began to dote more and more with this unusual type of attention. And in return she began fantasizing about Professor Varney on a consistent basis. Most of Mary’s fantasies of Professor Varney pertained to spanking. Being that Mary had been a spanko since the day she could remember. Mary longed for Professor Varney to put her over her knee and spank her for all the naughty things she had done in her past from the time she was a little girl.

One day as Mary was sitting outside on the campus lawn she was approached my Professor Varney. “Well look who it is, looking so sophisticated with her biochemistry textbook in one hand and her coffee in the other.” Mary was choked up and had no idea what to say. Professor Varney took notice of Mary’s reluctant vibe and continued on. “ Well Miss Mary I can see you are at a loss for words so I will continue on. Don’t you know how rude it is to just sit and stare when one is trying to make simple conversation? What has happened all of a sudden to my top student?” Mary just shrugged her shoulders and again was unable to think of anything to say. “Mary I would like to invite you out to dinner with me on Friday night. Would you be able to make it?” Ms. Varney said. Mary’s mouth dropped and she began to shake her head up and down acknowledging she would be able to attend the invitation. “Then it’s settled. I will meet you at the Golden Egg Roll at eight o’clock Friday night. Don’t be late young lady or I will have to put you across my knee after dinner.” Professor Varney said in a stern voice. Mary again shook her head and watched in awe as Professor Varney walked away. Mary couldn’t believe what Professor Varney had just mentioned about putting her over her knee after dinner if she was late. “Was Professor Varney a spanko as well?” Mary wondered. The final words Professor Varney stated about spanking kept reiterating in Mary’s mind over and over again until finally Friday night came.

Mary dressed in a classy tight black outfit and decided to leave her kinky hair down for once in a great while. Mary wanted to purposefully show up late to see if Professor Varney was actually being serious about spanking her for being tardy.  But she just didn’t have the courage. Although Mary was a bonafide spanko since the beginning of her time, she unfortunately had not yet been spanked. As Mary reached the Golden Eggroll in the middle of Chinatown she immediately saw Professor Varney waiting outside the front door. Mary waved innocently as she approached the door. “Hello Mary. I’m glad to see that you took being on time seriously. But too bad for me. I was looking forward to having you over my knee.” Mary gulped and said absolutely nothing. Professor Varney then opened the door for Mary and they both went inside together.

That was it!  Mary knew now for sure that this could actually be the first opportunity in her life to get spanked. Mary and Professor Varnney sat in a corner booth of the small restaurant away from all the shuffle and bustle. There Professor Varney did most of the talking. Mary was mummified by Professor Varneys presence. And the only thing she could think of was getting spanked by this ultimate fantastic women named Professor Varney. “Mary I want you to call me Suzanne from now on. Can you do that for me?” Professor Varney asked in a low sweet tone. Mary shook her head yes. Suzanne smiled. “Excuse me for my rudeness Suzanne but I must use the ladies room.” “You may go sweet girl.” Suzanne replied. Mary liked having that assurance. It made her feel safe. She smiled at Suzanne and stood up. “Don’t dottle for long little Miss. Or I will have to spank you.” Suzanne said in a smiling voice. “I won’t. I promise.” Mary said quickly. And off she went.

As Mary washed her hands she looked in the mirror and began thinking that all of this was too good to be true. Mary finally knew what she really wanted for the very first time in her young adult life. She wanted Suzanne. Mary wasn’t exactly sure how she wanted her. But what Mary did know for sure was that she wanted Suzanne to give her the spanking she always longed for. As Mary exited the bathroom and began hustling back to the table something shiny caught her eye. There, standing practically right in front of her, was a large golden Buddha. The Buddha statue was surrounded by shiny silver quarters and a basket of Asian fruit at its knees. Mary slowly walked up to the Buddha. She noticed the statues wide naked belly sticking straight out at her. A tall Chinese chef saw Mary standing in front of  the Buddha. Suddenly the chef came out from behind the kitchen entry way and stood next to Mary. He told Mary to rub the Buddhas belly and make a wish. Mary looked at the Chinese chef  in amazement. She then looked back down at the Buddha’s belly. Mary slowly brought one of  her hands up from her right side. She began rubbing the Buddha’s smooth golden belly. Her fingers moved back and forth and round and round. As she rubbed the belly of the Buddha Mary made her wish. She wished for Suzanne to spank her. To spank her hard and thoroughly. In a way that would bring her to tears. The way she had always fantasized about.

That very same night Mary returned home from the the Chinese restaurant. She was sad and she lied in her bed all alone. Mary was disappointed that nothing further happened after dinner with Suzanne. Then Mary stared at the ceiling wondering if only the wish she had made at the Chinese restaurant would actually come true one day. Soon Mary began fantasizing about getting a really hard spanking from Suzanne until finally she fell fast asleep. The next morning Mary woke up. She looked around and noticed that her room and all her things were completely different. All of a sudden, she heard a very familiar voice. The voice was of a women talking in the hallway right outside the door from where Mary had awoken. Mary soon realized she recognized the woman’s voice.  It was the voice of Professor Varney. Unexpectedly, Mary heard Suzanne,s voice again. But this time Suzanne’s voice was calling directly towards her. “Mary this is the last time I am going to tell you to get up from that bed. You are going to be late for class! If I have to come back in your room one more time young lady, I am going to yank you out of that bed and spank your bottom like I’ve never spanked it before!” Mary quickly jumped up from her unfamiliar bed with delight.  “Coming Suzanne!”  She promptly called back. Mary then rushed out of her bedroom and ran down the stairs as fast as her legs could carry her.

Story Contest Entry #23 : What Goes Around Comes Around



Don’t give up now – we’re down to just a few more entries in the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  …

Read on~

– Dana



“What Goes Around Comes Around”

Surrounded by friends gathered to celebrate her birthday, Lindsey closed her eyes, a serene expression taking over her features.  Her face showed animation, the hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth revealing hope for the future.  Opening her eyes, she took a deep breath and blew out the candles that covered her birthday cake, silently thanking Mr. Edwards, her band director, for continually reinforcing lessons in breath control throughout her years of playing the trumpet in the school band.  As the last candle to gave up its flame, applause erupted from the onlookers.

“What did you wish for?” her best friend Sherry asked.

“If I tell you, it won’t come true,” Lindsey protested.

“Oh, come on, Lindsey,” Andrea cajoled.  “You already made the wish.  What you do now won’t affect it one way or the other.”

“Well . . . okay.  That makes sense,” Lindsey agreed.  “I wished that I would win this lawsuit.”

“Attagirl!” Sherry gripped her friend in a sideways hug, emphasized by gentle backslaps.  “I could see you arming yourself with optimism just before you blew out the candles.  We all wish that for you, too.  Winning the first one was a major victory.”

“Yeah, you deserved to come out on top in that one.  You fought hard to prove what they did was wrong,” Mindy echoed.  “I’m so glad you beat out that—” she paused, searching for the right word.

“Temper, temper, Mindy,” Sherry chided.

“Well, I was gonna say ‘witch,’ ” Mindy defended herself.

“Oh, sure,” Sherry said skeptically.  “We could hear what you were thinking.”

Everyone laughed.  Though all the guests at the party were good friends, these four—Lindsey, Sherry, Andrea, and Mindy—had known each other since they were toddlers.  Though they had different interests, their close friendship had endured through the years.

As Mindy removed the candles and Andrea brought paper plates, Lindsey busied herself cutting the cake, placing each portion on a plate Andrea held steady.  “By tomorrow afternoon I should know the outcome.  Mark will be in the courtroom for moral support.  I’ll call Sherry as soon as I find out.  We’ll get word to everyone.”

“Who wants ice cream?” Mindy asked the group.

“People always ask that, and it’s a very silly question.  Everyone always wants ice cream.”  Andrea’s pronouncement met with a chorus of affirmative comments.

“Bring your plates over here,” Mindy directed.  “There’s room for a scoop or two next to the cake.”

“Good thinking,” Sherry complimented.

Later, after most of the guests had left and the party remains had been cleaned up, the hostesses relaxed in the living room.  Indicating her concern, Andrea asked, “What’s your feeling about how the trial’s been going?”

“I’m optimistic,” Lindsey said, “but I know it’s not good to get my hopes up too high.  I gave concise answers, but the other side didn’t.  I actually saw one of the jurors fold her arms across her chest and frown when the “witch” testified.  I’m thinking they were sympathetic to my side.  Oh, and every time my attorney objected, his objection was sustained, but all of the other side’s objections were overruled, every one of them.

“Well, it’s about time to head home,” Sherry announced.  “I’m really glad all of us could get together.  It’s been a fun time.  I just had a thought:  If you win tomorrow, we’ll need to celebrate that, too!  Anyway, I hope you can relax and get a good night’s sleep tonight.”

“I plan to do just that.  I’m going over to see Mark in a little while.  He’s taking me out to dinner for my birthday, and then we’ll go back to his house for dessert.”

“ ‘Dessert,’ huh?” Andrea teased.

“Well, you know, our favorite dessert.” Lindsey said.  “ ‘Rump roast.’ ”

They all laughed.  Lindsey’s friends moved toward the front door and hugged all around, amid comments of “Take care,” “I’ll be thinking about you,” and “I’ll keep my fingers crossed.”

When they had left, Lindsey went to her bedroom and opened the closet door to take out the clothes she had decided to wear to dinner.  She went into the bathroom, undressed, and showered.  When she was finished washing, brushing her teeth, dressing, and putting on makeup, she called her boyfriend to let him know she was about to leave.

She covered the five miles to Mark’s house at a moderate speed.  She turned into his double driveway and parked next to his car.  He greeted her at the door with a strong, comfortable hug and a kiss.

“So, where are you taking me for dinner?” Lindsey asked.

“It’s a surprise,” Mark answered with a smirk.  “You’ll like it.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

Mark got his suit coat and put it on.  “All set?”  Lindsey smiled in reply and he walked her to the door and opened it for her.  He walked with her to the passenger’s side and opened the door.  When she was settled, he went to the driver’s side and got in.

As Mark backed out of the driveway, Lindsey asked, “How about a little hint?”

“There’s a blindfold in the glove compartment,” Mark countered.  “It will help you stop asking questions, just in case you can’t stop by yourself.”

“I’ll hush,” she said.

A few minutes later, he turned into the parking lot of Jackson’s Restaurant.  “Wow, Mark.”  Lindsey exclaimed.  “I’ve never been here, but this is supposed to be the ultimate dining experience.”

He parked and went to open her door, saying, “I thought it was appropriate for a celebration like this.”

“Oh, thank you.  I feel like a queen just to be brought here.”

“I hope so,” he murmured as he put his arm around her shoulders.

They were seated in a secluded area and leisurely enjoyed an excellent prime rib dinner.  After they had both finished their meal, Mark asked, “Are you ready for dessert?”  Receiving Lindsey’s mischievous smile in answer, he signaled their waiter for the check.  Walking back to the car, Mark put his arm around her and asked, “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”

“Yes,” she replied.  “I’m pretty tense.  I’m counting on you to help me with that.”

“I’ll do my best,” he promised.

“Your best has always been enough in the past,” she said, looking up at him and then laying her head against his chest.

He helped her into the passenger’s seat and took his place behind the wheel.  They drove in silence to his house.

As he opened the front door for Lindsey, she asked, “Bedroom or den?”

“Bedroom, I think,” he answered.

She went to his bedroom and began taking off her clothes, while Mark hung up his suit, threw his shirt into a hamper, and put on a pair of pajama bottoms.  He sat down on the bed and watched Lindsey remove everything but her panties.  She walked to him and lay across his lap.

“I’m going to do something different,” he told her.  He showed her a short paddle made of beautiful light-colored wood.  “I’m going to use just paddles.  It will be the warmup and the spanking.”

“Ouch, it hurts already,” she said.

“No, I’ll go easy at first, and you’ll be okay later when it’s harder.”

“Okay, if you say so,” she answered doubtfully.

He began with swats so light they could hardly be called spanks, moving to different areas of her bottom and the upper part of her thighs to make sure every spot received attention.  She lay comfortably across his lap, finding a surprising level of enjoyment in the sensation.  After two or three minutes, he stopped and began rubbing her bottom and thighs gently.  Then he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties and pulled them down to her knees, exposing the bare skin of her bottom.

“Hmm, not very pink yet.  That’s okay; we’ve got plenty of time.  How do you feel?”

She answered, “I feel great.  What you’re doing feels really nice.”

He picked up the paddle again and resumed spanking her gently, making sure to spread his attention to all areas.  “How does that feel?” he asked her, rubbing her skin gently.

“It’s wonderful.  I didn’t know a paddle could feel like this.  All this time I thought I was allergic to wood.”

Mark laughed out loud.  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it, since this isn’t a naughty girl spanking.”

He rubbed her bottom a little longer and then began spanking again.  Almost imperceptibly, he began to increase the force of the swats.  He listened for verbal reactions from Lindsey and watched for flinching, relying on her indication of distress to guide the amount of force he used.  A few minutes later, he paused and began rubbing her bottom again.  “How are you doing,” he asked.

“It feels strange,” she replied.  “It doesn’t hurt, but my bottom feels real hot.”

“Well, this could be a sample of what hot flashes will be like when you’re older.”

“On my butt?” she asked, looking around at him.

“Why not?  Hot flashes affect a woman all over, don’t they?  Your butt is part of ‘all over.’ ”

“That doesn’t make sense, but I can’t think of a witty reply.”  She laid her head back down.

“I’m going to go a little harder,” Mark warned.  “I hope it will feel good and not too painful.  At least, that’s what I’m aiming for.  You know the old story about the frog in the pan of cold water?  The water gets gradually warmer and the frog doesn’t notice it, and soon the water is boiling.  I’m not trying to boil your bottom, but I do want it to be gradual so it winds up being a hard spanking without the trauma.  Or drama.”

“Are you calling me a ‘trauma queen’?”

Mark smacked her hard with the paddle.

“Owww,” she cried.  “That was NOT gradual,” Lindsey complained.

“Oh, my goodness.  That was involuntary.  I think it’s the paddle’s way of groaning.”

“Very funny.”

“Well, your pun wasn’t.”

“Okay, I forgot.  You don’t like puns.”

“Let’s get back to the matter at hand,” he said, patting her bottom.  He started spanking her again, alternating sides and continuing to cover all areas.  He gradually increased the intensity, always on the lookout for clues that Lindsey was experiencing more stress than he intended.  As the minutes went by, the force increased.  He again paused and began rubbing her bottom and thighs.  “How does that feel?” he asked.

“It’s really weird.  It feels about the same, but I know you’re hitting a lot harder.  I haven’t been in this situation before.”

“All right.  This is going to be a little change.”  He reached over to the dresser and picked up a paddle that was longer but similar in weight.  He swatted her sharply with it.  She flinched slightly.  He waited about 30 seconds and smacked her again, in a different place.  She murmured “unh” but did not flinch.  He hit in still another spot, and she breathed in deeply and then exhaled, but remained still.  He continued in this fashion, with 30-second pauses, each swat slightly more forceful than the last.  She continued to lie still, with only minimal reaction.  After the seventh swat at the slow tempo, Lindsey’s back began to shudder, and she started whimpering.  Mark laid the paddle down and reached for her shoulders.  He pulled her to a sitting position on his lap and held her while she cried.  He spoke to her softly, soothing her.

“I don’t know why I’m crying.  It didn’t hurt that much.”

“You’re crying because you’ve been under such a strain.  It’s tension relief, which is what I was trying to achieve.  I think you’re going to be sore tomorrow.  Your bottom looks like a couple of eggplants.

Lindsey burst out laughing, even as the tears flowed.  “Eggplants?  Let me see.”

Mark helped her off his lap, and she walked to the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door.  Looking around at her bottom, Lindsey exclaimed, “Jiminy Crickets!  I didn’t even know skin could be this color.  It’s eggplant, all right.”  She reached back to touch her bottom cheeks with her hands.  “Wow!  That’s warm.  It’s numb now, but I’ll bet you’re right about my being sore tomorrow.”

Mark handed Lindsey a box of tissues from the nightstand.  “I want you to lie down on your back.”  He heard her blow her nose as he went into the bathroom, reached into a cabinet, and got a large bath towel, which he took back into the bedroom.  Lindsey was supine on the bed, and he draped the towel over her.  “I’ll be right back,” he said, disappearing into the hallway.

When he returned, Mark had a kitchen towel and a freezer bag filled with crushed ice.  “Here’s a cold pack for your face.”

Lindsey raised herself up on one elbow.  “What the heck’s wrong with my face?  You went out to dinner with this face,”  She protested indignantly.

Mark sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her arm.  “Honey, nothing is wrong with your lovely face.  It’s just that you’ve been crying, and I think that in the morning, the judge and the jury will be more impressed with your exquisitely beautiful face if your eyes aren’t puffy and you don’t look like you’ve been crying.  Now lie down and relax.”

“Oh, okay.  You’re right.”  Acquiescing, she lay back down.

Mark laid the towel across her eyes and placed the ice pack on the towel.  “How’s that?  Is it on both eyes?  It’s supposed to get colder, but only up to a point.”

“Yes, it’s on both eyes.  It feels nice and cool.”

“Pretty soon the towel will get damp from condensation, and it may feel colder.  I want it to stay on for 20 minutes unless it gets too cold.  Frostbite isn’t our goal.  I’ll be right here.”  He gently caressed her thigh.

Lindsey squirmed and reached down to touch an area of her right buttock.  “What’s the matter?  Something bothering you?”  Mark asked, chuckling.

“Just a little twinge,” she answered, smiling.

“Doesn’t it, though,” he agreed.

They were quiet for several minutes.  Then Mark announced, “Ten more minutes.”

“Mm-hmm,” Lindsey replied.  Then, anxiously, “Mark?”


“You are going to be there tomorrow, aren’t you?  In court, I mean.”

“Oh, yes.  The Budweiser Clydesdales couldn’t keep me away.”

“Good.  I was counting on it.”  Lindsey relaxed visibly.

After another period of silence, Mark said, “Five more minutes.  Are you warm enough?”

“Yes, I’m fine, and my eyes don’t feel too cold.  What time is it?”

Mark looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand.  “It’s 8:39.  You probably want to get on the road pretty soon.”

“Yes, I would.  I need to get home and get ready for court tomorrow and then get to bed on time.”

“What time do you have to be in bed?”

“Ten o’clock, or else.”

Mark chuckled.  “Or else your Disciplinarian has something to say about it?”

Lindsey smiled.  “Right.  And she says it like I can understand it.  Improvement came slowly for me, but I’ve gotten a lot better about it lately.”

“Good girl.”

“Thanks.  I’m more alert and more effective when I’ve slept well and long enough.  Mark?”


“Where did you get the idea for what you did tonight with the paddle?”

“I came up with it myself.  There’s the frog analogy, and then I thought the hard smacks at the end should be spaced out.  I figured if they were too close together, and built in intensity, the effect would be something else entirely.  I was hoping you would cry, because I thought you needed the emotional release.  I wasn’t sure it would work that way.”

“I’m glad it did.  I do feel better, but kind of weak.”

“You should still be okay to drive, but I’ll take you home if you want me to.  Time’s up.”  Mark reached for the ice pack and removed it while bringing her hand toward her eyes to shield them from the light.

As her eyes adjusted, Lindsey gazed up at Mark.  “You sure do take good care of me,” she said.

“I’m glad you think so,” he replied.  “That’s the plan.  Let’s get you up and see how you do.”  He took her hands and gently pulled her to her feet.

“Whoa,” said Lindsey, swaying slightly.  “I may have to get used to this.”

“You’ll be fine in a minute,” Mark assured her.  “Remember, you’ve been horizontal for nearly an hour.  And your body has been stressed.  The nutritious dinner we had will help a lot.  Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll bring your clothes.”  He lowered her back down to sit on the bed and went to get her things from the chair where she’d left them.

  She put on what she could while sitting down, and Mark knelt to put her trouser socks on.  Lindsey moved in a gingerly fashion to get each leg into her slacks, balancing with Mark’s help when she stood to pull them up.  “Wow, I’m gonna have a heck of a reminder of this tomorrow.  These pants hurt!  It feels good, though.”  He then placed her shoes where she would be able to step into them.

“Let’s see if I still know how to walk.”  She cautiously walked into the living room to the table where she had left her purse.

“You seem to have the hang of it, all right,” Mark said.  “I’ll walk you to the car.”

Lindsey turned to him.  “But first,” she said, hugging him to her, “Thank you for a wonderful evening.  “I keep trusting you to know what’s good for me, and you keep knowing it.”

As he embraced her, smoothing her hair, Mark said, “You’re precious to me, Lindsey.  This lawsuit is a big deal, and these people have caused you no end of turmoil, not only financially, but physically and emotionally, too.  You’ve held up through it all, and things have started going your way.  I hope the decision tomorrow also goes your way.  Now, get going.”  He gave her a final squeeze and turned her around to face the door.  He opened it, and they walked to her car.  He reached to open the door for her.  When she was behind the wheel, he closed the door firmly as she lowered her window.  He leaned down and kissed her through the window.  “I’ll meet you at the courthouse.”

“Okay,” Lindsey said.  “See you there.”  She started the car and backed out of the driveway.  As she changed gears from Reverse to Drive, she looked at him and he waved.

A short time later she was home and in the house.  She locked the door and made her way to the bedroom.  What she would wear to court the next morning was all prepared.  She took off her clothes, put them in the hamper, and took her nightgown from the hook in the bathroom door.  The garment felt cool as she put her arms through the sleeves and it slid over her head and down her body.  She looked at her face in the mirror and saw that her eyes seemed normal.  ‘Mark is such a genius,’ she thought.  She splashed water on her face and then patted it dry with the hand towel.  She brushed her teeth and went into the bedroom.

Lindsey pulled back the covers and sat down on her bed, unprepared for the sensation she experienced.  “Jiminy Crickets!” she said aloud.  It was as though her furniture had become petrified while she was gone from the house.  The comfortable mattress she had bought a year ago was now more like a bed of stone.  Admittedly, she relished the way it felt to her backside, because it proved that she had been soundly spanked, which was what she had wanted and needed.  She checked the time—9:45—wrote it in her bedtime journal, and set her alarm.  She lifted her legs onto the bed, turned off the bedside lamp, and promptly rolled over onto her stomach.

The next morning, Lindsey opened her eyes and looked at the clock.  The alarm would sound in nine minutes.  She closed her eyes again and lay still, remembering her wish.  It seemed like everything should just fall into place and she should be victorious in this lawsuit.  The other side had clearly invaded her privacy.  Sometimes, though, things just don’t work out the way they “should,” or the way we have them planned.  ‘Please let me win this case,’ she pleaded to whomever.

“RRRIIINNNGGGGGGGGGGGG,” went the alarm.  It was definitely a sound not to be ignored.  Lindsey swung her feet off the bed and sat up.  That was her first mistake.  “Oh, my heavens to Betsy,” she exclaimed.  She reached for the clock to turn off the raucous sound.  She turned on the lamp, stood up, and walked to the bathroom.  As she eyed the toilet seat she thought, ‘maybe I can just tinkle in the shower.’  It sounded reasonable enough.  But she needed coffee first.  Resigning herself to the necessity, she gently lowered herself to the seat.  At least it was cool.  But it HURT.  She breathed deeply, in and out, her eyes watering.  This was going to get worse, too, as the day progressed.  Finished with that task, she padded to the kitchen to make coffee.  While it dripped, she added a bowl of wheat flakes, orange juice, and a vitamin tablet to her breakfast menu.  She reached to pull a chair away from the table but changed her mind, thinking, ‘Forget it.  I’ll eat standing up.’  She downed the vitamin tablet with a large swallow of orange juice and then as many small swallows as needed to polish off the juice.  To Lindsey’s delight, her cereal seemed particularly flavorful this morning.  She ate while looking out the window over the sink.  It was barely dawn, and there was little to see.  After spooning up the last of the cereal, she drank the remaining milk from the bowl, rinsed it and the juice glass, and put them into the dishwasher.  By then the coffee was ready.  She poured some into her favorite mug and added milk.  Putting the milk back into the refrigerator, she picked up the mug and returned to the bathroom.

Lindsey turned on the shower, waited 15 seconds, and stuck her hand in to check the temperature.  It was nice and warm.  ‘Now comes the fun part,’ she thought.  She stepped into the shower facing the stream of water.  So far, so good.  She let her face and hair get wet and then turned around.  For a few seconds, she was paralyzed, it hurt so much.  That was the worst part, though.  She then shampooed her hair, washed, and got out of the shower and dried off.  Between sips of coffee, she dried her hair, got dressed, and put on her makeup.  She carried her coffee into the kitchen, drank the last of it, rinsed the mug, and put it in the dishwasher.  She was ready to leave.  She checked to make sure the bathroom light was off and the coffeemaker was turned off.  She picked up her purse and went out the front door, locking it behind her.

Lindsey unlocked the door to her car and braced herself for the ordeal of getting in and sitting in the driver’s seat.  ‘Man, oh man,’ she thought.  Breathing deeply and evenly, she started the car and was on her way.  Because she was early, traffic was lighter than what she usually encountered when leaving later.  That made the drive time shorter and also lessened the typical stress she had to deal with when traffic was heavy.  She also was able to find a convenient parking place easily.  She waited patiently for several minutes and then heard the sound of a familiar car horn to her left.  Mark was pulling into a parking space three cars away.  He got out and came over to her window.

“Are you ready to go in?” he asked.

“Sure,” Lindsey answered.  “We can go in the building.  We can loiter a little while before going into the courtroom.”

Mark opened the door for her and she got out of the car.  “I saw you wince when you swiveled toward the door.  That bad, huh?”

She looked at him.  “You really poured it on last night,” she said softly.  “You sure know how to hurt a girl, you know that?”  She smiled affectionately.

Mark smiled back at her.  “It’s a talent, I guess.  Too bad I can’t advertise.”

“I wouldn’t want you to do that,” she argued.  “Then I’d have to fight off the competition.  All the spanko girls would line up to sample your wares.”

Mark put his arm around her and they walked into the courthouse.  “Do you want to find a place to sit and wait?” he asked.

“I want to find a place to stand and wait,” Lindsey replied, smiling.

He looked at his watch.  “It’s ten minutes till nine.  Maybe we should go in.”  She nodded in agreement, and they entered the courtroom and found seats near the Plaintiff’s table.  Several people were already present.

Lindsey’s attorney came down the aisle and greeted her, shaking hands with Mark.  He escorted Lindsey to the Plaintiff’s table, where they both sat down.  A minute later, the Defendant and her attorney came down the far aisle and sat at the Defendant’s table.

After 12 minutes, a door near the judge’s bench opened and the bailiff ushered in the jury.  The jurors filed in and took their assigned seats.  The bailiff closed the door and moved to his table.  Two minutes later, he stood and announced loudly, “All rise.”  Everyone in the room rose to his feet as the judge entered and took his place on the bench.  Then everyone again sat.

The judge looked toward the jury and asked, “Madam Foreperson, has the jury reached a verdict?”

Juror number one, a middle-aged woman, stood and said, “We have, Your Honor.”

The judge indicated to the bailiff to get the piece of paper with the verdict written on it from the foreperson and bring it to the judge.  The bailiff did so, the judge read it and handed it back, and the bailiff then returned the paper to the foreperson.

“Madam Foreperson will please read the verdict.”

The Plaintiff, the Defendant, and both attorneys stood for the reading of the verdict.

The Foreperson announced, “We, the Jury, find in favor of the Plaintiff.”

The Judge then asked, “Madam Foreperson, have you assessed damages in this case?”

The Foreperson replied, “We have, Your Honor.  We, the Jury, assess damages in the amount of $50,000 to be awarded to the Plaintiff.”

“I thank the Jury for your service.  You are dismissed,” said the Judge.  “Court is adjourned.”

Lindsey shook her attorney’s hand and then walked to Mark.  They left the courtroom and walked out of the courthouse toward their cars.  Mark said, “This calls for a celebration, even more than your birthday.  We ought to go out to dinner again, with Mindy, Andrea, and Sherry.  Maybe even another celebration spanking.”

“Um, Mark?”  Lindsey looked at him.  “Can it wait a week?”

Spanking story entry #22 : The Little Wooden Bridge


Don’t give up now – we’re down to just a few more entries in the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  …

Read on~

– Dana



“The Little Wooden Bridge”



I stood at the top of the little wooden bridge and looked down into the cold,
dark water below. A few leaves and branches slowly drifted beneath me, then
for a moment the surface of the water was calm and flat. I straightened up and
looked around for a sign that someone might be watching, but I was alone. So
very alone. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a shiny quarter which I had
been saving for this moment. Then I leaned over the wooden railing, letting my
arm dangle above the water’s surface, the coin still clutched in my fist.
It seemed a bit silly to me to be doing this. I don’t know how much I believed in
magic and wishful incantations, but I know I wanted a spanking. Besides, this
was Dana’s idea. I closed my eyes and imagined my desire, my burning need and
then dropped the coin gently from my hand into the deep pond below. With a
little splash, it sunk and was gone.
I didn’t know what to do next. How was it supposed to happen? Would I
magically receive a call, inviting me over for a spanking? Not likely. Now I felt
even sillier for thinking this would work. But at least, I tried.
* * * * *
Dana lived next door to my uncle Ed, only a short walk from my apartment. I
visited my uncle often, to help out with little fix-up jobs around the house and
to help stockpile the wood for the coming winter. Dana was often outdoors
working in her garden, painting the little wooden fence that divided her
property from Uncle Ed’s, or just relaxing on her deck, sipping iced tea and
reading her book. Many times I would be working in the yard, and I would look
over and dream about those beautiful, firm legs….
Whenever she was there, I would make a point of making small talk and try to
get to know her better. Sometimes, Ed would invite her over and we would sit on
the patio in large, comfortable wicker chairs, and chat about everything and
That’s when I learned she could spank.
I almost choked on my julep when she mentioned it in passing. My world went
dark and I thought I might pass out. I couldn’t focus.
“Nothing that a good spanking couldn’t fix”, she said.
We all laughed at the humorous little remark and the conversation continued.
However I became suddenly very flushed. I wanted her to repeat it again. And
again. Maybe just a couple more times.
We had been talking about customer service, more or less in general, and Uncle
Ed had mentioned how rude some of the service people in town had become. We
all agreed that many folks here in our community had become bored with their
jobs, and that customer appreciation no longer mattered. Ed thought about
boycotting a few of the local shops but Dana seemed to have a better solution.
So that was when I learned she was into spanking. Or at least she could be into
spanking. Or maybe I could convince her to “be into” spanking. Hopefully
spanking me, of course.
Dana was definitely a woman to be respected. She had become an important
figure in the community, with her social causes and political savvy. She had
character, was well educated, well-spoken and generous to a fault. But she was
not to be trifled with, never to be ignored and certainly, not ever to be talked
down to. And I would have to add, disobeyed. When she had been a teacher, I
imagine her students behaved themselves quite regularly. I could only imagine
the consequences of her disapproval.
One lazy summer afternoon, I came by Uncle Ed’s place to mow the lawn and I
saw Dana was out, cleaning some rugs. She was using the back of a large wooden
scrub brush to beat the dust and sand from a small floor mat, which had been
pinned to the clothesline. She was wailing on it full force, her left arm swinging
higher and higher in the air, tirelessly slamming into the dusty ol’ rug. She was
spanking the rug!
I guess she saw me standing there, sort of awestruck, frozen, and silent. At last
she stopped swinging the brush. She smiled and waved and then retrieved the
rug from the line and went into the house. Now, I wanted a spanking from her
more than ever!
I imagined myself over her firm lap, with my bare bottom exposed to the
sunlight, as she smacked my reddening cheeks with her brush. Of course, in my
dream it didn’t hurt. I was just lying there, across her thighs, smiling and
ontent. The birds were chirping, the wind rustled through the trees, and I was
happily getting spanked.
I told myself that I needed to find a way to talk to her, to bring it up. She had
always been so kind and friendly, surely if I asked her to spank me it would be
her neighbourly duty to oblige. Sort of like borrowing a cup of sugar. No big
deal, perfectly normal.
In reality, I would probably be too embarrassed to even ask for a cup of sugar.
I could never say the word spanking in polite company and I knew there was no
way I could ask this woman, a real friend of the family, to spank me. Forget it.
Keep dreaming. But she was very friendly, and easy to talk to. I often found
myself staring into her big brown eyes, absorbing her wisdom about life and the
pursuit of happiness. Then one day, she offered me some advice about getting
Well, she didn’t really put it that way. And actually, I never really mentioned
spanking in any way. But she did have some advice and possibly a tactic to get
what I wanted out of life. She told me to make a wish. She told me she had gone
to the wooden bridge in the park on several occasions, and would drop a coin into
the pond below. She said she would often make a wish for a solution to a
problem that had been particularly elusive, and those wishes most often came
true. She laughed because she figured there must be a fortune lying on the
sandy bottom of the pond, for all of the wishes she had made.
That is why I went there; to wish for a spanking from Dana.
I let me arm dangle over the water’s surface, gently swinging back and forth. I
stared in the black, cold water, and noticed my reflection staring back at me. I
focused on the image of what I wanted, and imagined the feel of her hand as it
spanked my bottom, her firm thighs holding me steady, and the cracking echo of
the sound of flesh upon flesh. The coin fell from my finger tips and made a
gentle splash below. It quickly sank from view and the water’s surface was once
again calm and flat. Now I felt silly to have believed this would bring me
happiness, but I was determined to try everything to make it happen.
* * * * * * *
Some time had passed since that day on the little wooden bridge, and I had all
but forgotten about scheming to get a spanking. It had sort of fallen away from
my immediate thoughts, and I had begun to focus on “more important” things in
my life, like working and studying. But it is when you least expect it, without
warning, that those wishes can come true.
Uncle Ed had asked me to help Dana chop down a little ol’ tree that was leaning
up against her shed. It hadn’t grown very big – not more than two or three
inches thick at the base – and it had been dead for nearly two summers now.
Dana wanted it out, so she could replant and use the wood for her little stove
this winter.
It was a warm afternoon and I had been working in her yard since early morning,
nearly without a break. The tree was down at this point, and I was breaking up
the branches and tying bundles for easy stacking. I needed to take a break, and
I looked longingly to my empty glass on the picnic table for refreshment.
Instead, I sat for a moment in the shade to catch my breath.
The big wooden brush Dana had used earlier was lying on the armchair beside
me. My eyes were drawn to its smooth, worn surface. The long handle had
certainly been gripped many times by someone who could wield it firmly. The
once shiny lacquer finish had long since flaked away, and now the natural wood
surface was exposed to the elements. I held it in my hand and felt its heft. It
was definitely balanced to swing with one hand, built to last. I couldn’t help but
imagine this work-brush doing its work on me. I held it in one hand and smacked
it on my thigh, to get a feel for its potential. Even through my jeans, it left a
mighty sting. Imagine on my bare cheeks…? I was awash with emotions, barely
able to focus, feeling flushed with the thoughts of spanking yet again. I through
the brush back onto the cushion of the arm chair, stood up and turned away. I
had to get a hold of myself.
Taking a big breath, I walked back towards the log pile. I felt a different kind
of aching now, most probably due to the three glasses of lemonade I had
chugged since this morning. It had been several hours since I had gone to the
bathroom and now there was no holding on. Dana had said she would be out for
the day and I didn’t feel like trekking across the big yard back to Uncle Ed’s
house, so I found an alternative. I crept around towards the back of the shed
and looked around. I was just about hidden from Dana’s house and, tucked
between the bushes and the shed, no one could see me from the street or
towards Uncle Ed’s.
I undid my jeans and let them fall to my ankles. A cool breeze tickled the back
of my exposed thighs as I stood there in my white cotton underwear. I lowered
y briefs in front and let nature take its course, while I supported myself on
the side of the shed with my right hand.
I was only there for a moment but a moment was long enough.
When I was done, I zipped up and turned back to work. Looking over the
branches and woodpile, I didn’t expect to have more than another hour of work.
Just about ten minutes later Dana suddenly came out of the house, carrying a
tall glass of lemonade. She asked me how the job was going and how much longer
I would need to finish. I replied that the job was progressing smoothly and that
I was nearly finished. She smiled and replied, “Good.” She set the glass of
lemonade down on the table.
“I thought you might like a refreshment,” she smiled. “Since you just emptied
yourself on the bushes over there.” She waved towards the shed and back
bushes where I had just relieved myself. I began to blush. She turned to me and
said, “Come in and see me when you are done. We need to have a talk.”
Busted! She saw me. What did she see? How much? Oh, no. This was very
I busied myself finishing up the bundles of branches and restacked the wood up
against the fence, just like she wanted. I glanced over at the glass of lemonade,
glistening in the sunshine of the weaning hours of the afternoon. I wasn’t
About an hour later I looked around the yard and decided I was finished. I
brushed off the bits of earth and sawdust from my jeans and t-shirt, and
turned to leave. Then I noticed the brush was gone. I had left it on one of the
big, comfy armchairs and now it was gone. My eyes darted around the yard to
see if Dana had simply moved it, or returned it to the hook on the back wall. No,
it was definitely gone.
I grabbed the tall glass of lemonade and dumped it in the bushes. I couldn’t
even take a sip. Then, I knocked on the back patio door to Dana’s house. It
wasn’t long before she came through the kitchen and slid open the glass door in
front of me.
“All done?” She asked. “Yes, Ma’am”. I replied. She gestured for me to come in.
“Nice,” she continued. “Come in for a minute. I need to talk to you.”
I stepped inside and crouched down to untie my boots. She stood above me with
her arms crossed, waiting for me to step out of them. As I stood, I noticed the
ig brush had been brought inside. The long handled work-brush was on the
kitchen table, beside the empty lemonade glass I had handed to Dana earlier. I
gulped in trepidation. She gestured for me to have a seat. I pulled out a wooden,
straight-backed kitchen chair and did as I was told. She stood before me with
her arms crossed.
“Did you do what I think you did outside?” She glared at me waiting for a
response. I couldn’t think of a single word to say. My face went flush with
warmth. I feigned ignorance.
“Do what?” I asked.
Dana stepped closer to me and looked at me square in the face.
“Did you pee in the bushes?” She raised her voice and was looking at me,
perplexed and frustrated.
I could only nod in confession.
A flurry of words and expletives flew from her lips, and she became more angry
than I had ever seen her before. She was ashamed of me and absolutely beside
herself with frustration, as to why I had not simply gone inside to use the
bathroom. I was mortified and ashamed.
At last she had had enough and was about to storm out of the room, when
abruptly she reach for my arm and stood me up. In an instant she was sitting in
the chair I had vacated and she turned me around.
“Happy to lower your jeans in public, hmm?” She began to fumble with the
button on my jeans. In a flash it was undone, and she began to yank them down.
However, much to my surprise, as she jerked my jeans down, so came my
underwear, in one fell swoop, and both were soon bunched at my knees.
“We can’t have you peeing in public”, she scolded. “Maybe this will help you
With that, she flung me over her knee.
It all happened in slow motion: My pants down; over her knee; her right arm
gripping me tightly; her left hand raining down on my bare cheeks. There was
that crack! that I had imagined; the sound of flesh on flesh smartly and firmly.
It definitely hurt a lot more than I expected. I don’t know how many she gave
me, but I sure know I couldn’t count. I could only think about the pain in my
ackside, as I tried to twist from her spanks. It was hopeless to try to avoid
those spanks, and I laid upon her lap, with my bare bum reddening under her
hand, apologizing and pleading.
Then suddenly, it stopped. I thought it was over and I tried to get up, but Dana
was not ready yet. From the corner of my eye, I saw her reach for the big
brush on the kitchen table. Now, I was very much doubting my ability to take a
spanking with that implement.
“You know,” she softly spoke to me… “You had better be careful what you wish
for…” I couldn’t understand. How did she…?
But then, Dana knows.
She just does.

Contest Entry #21 : One Wish


Here we go!

The last handful of the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  entries.


– Dana



“One Wish”


This is a true story about a guy named Reed and his girlfriend, Amelie. I think it’s true. I heard it all from Reed, and why would he lie? It’s actually pretty hard to believe. Let’s just go with it’s a true story.

So Reed and Amelie were driving through Arizona on their way back to Southern California. Reed had a rusted blue Ford pickup he inherited from his old man, and on this particular day in July, somewhere between the desert and nowhere, it was getting low on gas.

“Get out the map, Am.” He turned his head to see his girlfriend looking straight ahead, arms folded against her chest. “I know you’re pissed, baby. Sulking isn’t going to get us home any faster.”
She didn’t move a muscle, but she cursed at him. I should explain here that Amelie was not the girl you’d bring home to mother. “Get it yourself.”
“I’m driving. It’s in the glove compartment.”
“So are your brains.”
“Come on, Baby, don’t be like that.” Such were their conversations. Knowing Reed at the time, he was looking and sounding apologetic. Trust me, he was really into this girl.
With a sudden movement, she raked open the glove compartment, grabbed the Rand McNally easy-fold, full-color map of the Western United States, and slapped it down onto Reed’s denimed thigh. With a sigh, he pulled the truck to a stop, still running, off the side of the highway.

As the long cloud of dust slowly dissipated behind them, he saw on the map it would be best if they turned up on 347. He told her he thought they could make it.
She kicked the dashboard. “Well, isn’t that special.” She finally turned to look at him. He noted the shine of sweat on her forehead under damp strands of pretty, multi-colored hair. “You mean we could be stuck out here? I told you we should have had your dad wire the money.” She cursed the truck again, its lack of air conditioning, and her poor luck in choosing boyfriends.
They had been over this before. “It’s not like going to the ATM.” He explained carefully. “I hate asking him for money, Am. You know how it is. The credit card? The speeding tickets?”
She cursed again. She was tired of him throwing that in her face.
“I know, baby, it’s not all your fault. We’ll be home soon, and everything’ll be cool, I promise.”

They did make it to a gas station, two pumps and a little gift shop off a road McNally must have missed. Reed wasn’t sure what he’d do if not for that luck, but maybe he was due. In the shop he went to pay for the gas while Amelie found the rest room. Behind the counter an old woman stood wearing a shawl, and around her dark head were pretty strings of beads. “Hello, Ma’am. Sure is a scorcher today,” he said, holding out a crisp B. Franklin extracted from his wallet. She didn’t take the money. She didn’t move. Was she made of wood? The woman was studying Reed’s face. He was a little spooked by it, but he thought he saw compassion in her eyes. She held up a finger then disappeared through a door behind the register.

When the woman returned, she held out her palm. “This is for you,” she said. He took the object from her as if it might break at his touch. “What is this?” he asked. “It is very old,” she said. “From the Navaho.”
He could see it was a silver and turquoise bracelet. “Sorry, it’s very nice.” He tried to give it back to her.
“It brings good luck,” she said, as if that should change his mind.
Did this sales pitch ever work? He wanted to ask her if he looked that stupid, but instead he smiled. He told her he would love to buy it, but that he just couldn’t afford it right then.
She reached for the money in his other hand. “One hundred. The gas and the charm,” she said, nodding at the bracelet. “It is worth far more, I assure you.”
Reed studied the piece of Indian jewelry. The silver needed polishing. Maybe it was only because the turquoise matched the color with which Amelie had streaked her hair, or that she would probably love the thing at least as soon as she got over her latest snit, but he wanted to buy it for her.
“You can make a single wish,” she said.
“Just one?” Reed smiled again at the old woman. He heard the sound of the door behind him. Am was cursing again. She wanted to know if Reed planned to spend the whole day in this hell hole.
He wished his girlfriend wasn’t such a spoiled brat.

As it turned out, Reed was right. Once they got home and settled, Amelie loved her new bracelet. In fact, she was wearing it a week later when she wanted to talk to him about something. It was strange, really. They were on the couch having just watched another rerun of Twilight. Reed was busy kissing his girlfriend on the neck, whispering in her ear, preparing to lead her to the bedroom. A typical night would involve her acting bored and hard to get before deigning to be the girl of his dreams. That night she was different. Reed was worried because the way she was acting could only be a sign of bad news. Her mouth said she wanted to tell him something, but her eyes clearly did not. He had never seen her so unsure of anything.

“I met someone online,” she said.
“Oh.” His heart felt like a bag of coal.
“It’s not what you think.” She pinched his leg reassuringly. Whatever it was, it was too hard for her to talk about.
“How about just telling me who you met?” She told him she had met a woman. An older woman. Disturbing images flashed before his eyes. He couldn’t make out what they were. “How did you meet?”
“I was curious about something. I googled around.”
He had no idea where she was going with this. He asked her what she was curious about.
“First I have to tell you something.” She was biting at the ring through her lower lip. She appeared to be studying the tattoos on her ankle and the one on the top of her milky foot. “I know I’m not always the best girlfriend.” He heard her mumble under her breath. “I know you’re pissed sometimes.”
He told her he loved her, that that was all that mattered.
“I know you do.” She glanced up at him quickly, then back to her feet. “Admit it, though. You’d change me if you could.”
He palmed her cheek to gently turn her face to his and assured her that she was the sweetest brat he’d ever known.
“What about the debt I got us in? The reckless shit I do?”
“We don’t need to get into this, baby.” He tried to kiss her.
“Reed, stop. I looked for someone online because I need to be punished.”

The room they were in was a vacuum. The two floated in the silence of space.

He asked her what she meant by punished.
“Ms K is a professional disciplinarian.”
They continued to float, around them the universe spinning slowly.
“I can’t explain this so it makes sense to you,” she said. “I don’t really understand it. I got to thinking last week, and I knew what I had to do.”
“Is this safe, Am?” He was afraid to know what she was actually talking about.
She told him she was going to meet Ms K the next day at Starbucks so they could talk more.

Two days later they had an appointment for something crazy. Reed pulled the pickup to the curb in front of a well-manicured ranch house in the San Fernando Valley. Neither he nor his girlfriend had said much on the drive through the basin. Reed was on edge. Amelie could not seem to get comfortable on the worn seat on the passenger side, and she was looking more pale, if that was possible. Streaks of pink had been added to her hair.

“Reed, you have to promise me.” She pinned him to his spot with sober eyes. “Whatever happens in there,” she nodded at the ranch house, “you have to sit quiet and just watch. Can you do that?”
“I don’t know. You won’t tell me what’s really going on.”
“I can’t. Promise me.”
He sighed, rubbed his rough face with two hands. He hadn’t shaved in two days. She asked him if he trusted her. He felt he had no real choice in the matter.

So Reed played along. He shook the woman’s hand, partook in the introductions, and sat through the preliminary small talk. What do you say to a disciplinarian? Ushered into a room set up as a home office, they were asked to take two seats at a large desk. The scene reminded him of the time he and his girlfriend had tried getting a loan at their local bank. Despite her conservative retro-attire, Ms K looked younger than expected, tall and attractive. Reed had pictured a middle-aged woman. Still she was Amelie’s polar opposite. The contrast between the two females was strikingly evident. Head-to-head, one could believe they were a starchy PTA mom and her wild child teen.

“Is this how you dress for an important meeting?” Ms K had focused on Amelie, her tone shifting abruptly to scolding. “You’re not out for a night of clubbing.”

His girlfriend was gothic punk. Lip and septum rings were shining. Reed felt a moment of amusement. Had this all been staged? He was aware of the idea of role-playing. Now that he thought of it, Ms K was dressed rather odd. An apron with pictures of cupcakes all over it seemed a bit much. He had noticed the tattoos on her ankles. The 1950’s housewife look and attitude had to be affected.

“This is what I like to wear,” Amelie said. “You didn’t say anything about a dress code.”
“I assumed you were mature enough to know better, but then the choices you’ve been making in your life are what bring you here today, aren’t they?”

That was to become the topic for discussion. Ms K was cool, calm, and collected as she talked from a list of offenses that read like a rap sheet of adolescent rebellion and irresponsibility. Public indecency… Ecstasy… The party she threw in their rec room that got them thrown out of their condo. Reed knew full well that his girlfriend was a free spirit, but when actually confronted with an itemized accounting, he was suddenly struck by the fact that Amelie Jane Adams did have a problem. The sobering thought was that changes in her life were needed. Could this nice cupcake lady seated imperially across the desk from them help in any meaningful way? What were her qualifications?

If you think this story is strange so far, believe me, this is the part you’re going to be shaking your head. After discussing Amelie’s bad behavior, Ms K informed her that things were, indeed, going to change. It was time Amelie learned to be a proper young lady.

“There is a bathroom down that hall,” she said. “You will get out of those clothes, wash your face and come back here to this office when you are finished. Is that clear?”

He expected she would be laughing. Certainly she would have a suggestion for where Ms K could get psychiatric help, but what Amelie did was say, “This is stupid,” got up from her chair and walked to the door. With mouth open, Reed watched his obedient girlfriend leave the room, then listened to the echo of combat boots on wood flooring as they clattered down the hall.

“Are you okay?” Ms K’s attention was now on Reed. Her eyes had softened. “Amelie tells me you’re not sure about this.”
“About what?” He didn’t want to sound confrontational. “Are you guys playing some kind of game?”
“You can think of it that way if you like. It is not going to be a game for your friend.”
Reed didn’t understand. “Can I ask you something? Why did you get into… what you do?”
“I enjoy everything about it.”
He just wanted to be sure Am was going to be alright. Ms K assured him that she would be fine. She said, “Throughout history, countless boys and girls have not only survived this form of discipline, but were better off for having experienced it.”

His mind abuzz, he noticed that Amelie had slipped back into the room and was standing behind the chair next to him. Her silent entry was aided by the fact that she wore no clothes to rustle, no shoes to clatter. She had nothing on but a pair of small, white underpants and her silver and turquoise bracelet.

“Come with me, young lady.” Ms K had Amelie’s upper right arm firmly in grip and was marching her back out the door she had just entered. In a trance, Reed followed behind. Down the dim hall they went, silhouettes against the light ahead. Was his girlfriend resisting? He couldn’t tell for sure. Her feet were reluctant, as if she were being forced to keep up with the quicker pace Ms K was setting. The sight of Amelie under the control of this powerful woman stunned his senses. He saw a girl exposed and fragile. He was aroused.

His girlfriend had been marched into the kitchen, a clean, ordered room filled with yellow sunshine streaming through a large bay window. In the corner next to the stove was a thigh-high wooden stool that Ms K dragged scraping the floor into the center of the room. Resting on the seat of the stool was a hairbrush. Reed described it as old and worn. The bristles appeared to be backed by a substantial amount of dark, solid wood. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, so he sat at the small breakfast table facing the scene to be played out before him.

If you had seen Reed sitting at that kitchen table, I don’t know what you’d have been thinking. The best I can describe it is he looked confused, like all sound he heard was coming from an old radio, where everything around him had suddenly turned black, white, and grainy. As Ms K, seated on the stool, was guiding Amelie up and over her lap, and then tugging down the little white pants, pasted on Reed’s face was a bewildered smile. “Where do bad girls get punished?” Ms K asked. If Amelie knew, she did not care to answer. Reed knew. As you might expect, he was a big fan of his girl’s body. He loved her butt. Her ass… her booty… you know, the words used to identify that area of the anatomy. That wasn’t the word Ms K used. Reed could not help but grin because this girl’s discipline was going to be a spanking on her bottom. Her bare bottom.

A spanking? The more specific term for what Amelie was to receive that afternoon is a hairbrush spanking. Her boyfriend had no time to think about what that could mean before Ms K was in the process of administering the punishment. Before Reed could be fearful of the potential for pain, he recognized that Amelie’s disciplinarian was taking it easy. He was relieved to see that the inherent weight of that hard round object was being applied with only quick snaps of the wrist, what looked to be no more than a child’s punishment, though the reaction from Am indicated that she was feeling the effect, a stinging to inspire a string of breathy exclamations and some restless squirming. Reed was loving it. He thought she was just as cute as she could be, a naughty little girl over her Mommy’s cupcake decorated knee.

When the spanking stopped, Amelie was sporting two bright red spots on her white skin, each reflecting the shape of the hairbrush. Ms K scolded her again for her very bad behavior, making certain the reason for this old-fashioned lesson was clearly understood. Proper young ladies are well-mannered. They are modest. They do not use foul language. They are not excessively self-indulgent. They do not smoke or drink or ingest harmful substances. They respect other people’s property. They obey all laws, and above all, they are kind and considerate of others, especially their boyfriends.

Reed was enjoying this immensely. That was about to change. Amelie’s disciplinarian informed the room that when girls have been very bad, they lose their sitting privileges. The hairbrush was raised, and in the blink of an eye, a girl was getting her first real spanking, the one she would never forget. Reed was startled right out of his complacency, his notion that he was witness to a charming little game. The color in the kitchen had turned cooler. The sunflowers watching from the window sill were grim. Ms K had warned him. No game. She was entirely focused, peppering a spoiled brat’s upturned nakedness with snaps of wrist much sharper than before, the sound of hard wood to delicate flesh now lush with corporeal resonance. His girlfriend quickly wanted no part of what was happening to her as evidenced by the yelping, the kicking, and what appeared to be the sincere effort to wriggle and twist off of her disciplinarian’s apron. Ms K simply held fast, her assault on that raised behind relentless. Reed didn’t know what to do. He was being pushed and pulled by two opposing forces. One insisted that he yell for it to stop, and if that didn’t save his sweetheart from her agony, then he must get up from his chair and stop it. The other was Am’s own voice. Whatever happens, he must not interfere.

We can never read her mind, but Amelie was probably hoping her boyfriend had forgotten any promises made since leaving their apartment that day. She was acting like she needed to be rescued. The way it worked out is that the spanking ended without the need for heroics. Ms K was soon satisfied, and that was that. Reed watched his wet-faced girl helped down, two palms all consumed with rubbing as if they might smother a fire. The color inflicted could have inspired a Baskin-Robbins flavor of the month. Reed remembered to breathe. His heart was tripping, but all that remained were the hugs. Amelie was forgiven. Her slate was clean.

On the passenger side in Reed’s pickup, she was more uncomfortable on her seat going home than she had been on the way to see her disciplinarian, but that’s not to say she was unhappy. On the contrary, Am was giddy. Once they got over some initial embarrassment, an awkwardness they felt when finally alone after what had happened, she was more relaxed and talkative than he could remember her having been in a long time. I’m not saying she was a different person. I’m not saying that in the days ahead she would behave like Ms K’s proper young lady. Amelie was created by nature a brat, however, she was no longer an unaccountable one. She would make a better effort at being good. After all, there were consequences to consider because very naughty girls got taken back to see Ms K, who always had ways to induce sorrow and shame for misbehavior. It was during this time that the lightbulb came on for Reed. One evening in a fit of inspiration, he provided his cranky, ill-mannered girl with his own attempt at sound traditional discipline.

It was soon after that, I was standing as best man at their wedding. Aside from the groom himself, I would bet I was the only person in the over one hundred gathered who knew the whole story behind Amelie’s bracelet. The bride with neon pink hair and matching pink sneakers was the girl everyone expected, but I understood that the vows taken were more than just platitudes. You may not be buying it, but I watched the exchange of rings and the groom kissing the bride. I listened to the judge’s reading of the Navaho Wedding Blessing.

Now you have lit a fire and that fire should not go out.
The two of you now have a fire that represents love,
understanding and a philosophy of life.
It will give you heat, food, warmth and happiness.
The new fire represents a new beginning –
a new life and a new family.
The fire should keep burning; you should stay together.
You have lit the fire for life, until old age separates you.

I saw it in their eyes. Reed’s one wish had become the best of luck for both of them.


Spanking story entry #20 : The Resort


Boys and Girls,

The next time I decide to give a whole bunch of stuff away, remind me how long it took to edit and post all the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  entries. Wow, you guys and gals can write!


– Dana



“The Resort”   

Looking past the canopy bed, its beautiful peach satin drapes neatly placed over all four posts and towards the babbling creek running throughout property, Karen began imagining herself at The Resort. Not a resort, The Resort.

Every night for the last month Karen pictured herself at a fictional specialized private resort nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains just passed Malibu and only a few miles from its famed Pepperdine University. The Resort she imagined herself at wasn’t a spa or family vacation spot, it was one strictly for adults; adults with a very special kink….spanking. The Resort was an all inclusive spanking venue, a small piece of heaven for the most discerning true spanko.

Hearing the creek babble outside her window, looking out the bedroom balcony sliding glass doors, closing her eyes and wishing as hard as she possibly could, “Please, please, please make The Resort real and my home away from home!” Karen’s eyes closed as she began to drift off to sleep.

Awakening, Karen found her bottom to be sore as she rolled over from her side onto her bared backside. She recognized her own canopy bed and the peach satin draping she’d selected for it two years ago, however, everything else was different. She wasn’t in her condo at all.

Getting out of bed she found herself completely naked, but that’s not how she went to bed. A glimpse in the mirror confirmed her suspension; she’d been spanked. “What the…….?”

A soft plush full length robe and sleepers were set neatly across the arm-less chair in the bedroom. Karen quickly put on the robe, noticing a gold monogram with the initials TR on the upper right side. Sliding on the slippers she began walking towards the door of what most certainly was a small hotel suite, wondering where could she be. Nearing the door to the suite, Karen began to hear familiar sounds, those of a bared bottom being spanked; actually, more like a few bared bottoms being spanked.

Opening the door to confirm her suspicions she found a woman, spread over a man’s lap getting a full and powerful spanking. Little moans of och, ohhhh and apologizes came from the woman. Her legs kicking wildly and her light brown backside was rapidly turning a very bright pink. The man was seated in an arm-less chair identical to the one in Karen’s room. She began looking down the hallway and noticing the art work on the walls, they were all of men and women in various spanking poses and positions; all receiving spankings. This was just as had pictured The Resort in her dreams, exactly what she’d wished for before closing her eyes to sleep.


A few doors down was a fully naked man over the knee of another man and receiving what seemed to be a long hard and extended paddling. Karen was becoming fascinated by the paddling and the man’s near silence, other than a few moans and grunts as his naked bottom took smack and smack. She nearly began to cry, almost feeling the pain he must have been experiencing. Placing her hands over her bottom, Karen began rubbing her sore backside as it seemed to be getting warmer and warmer just from watching two very deliberate spankings.

“How can this be? How can this possibly be?”

“Karen Welten!” A stern voice from the man spanking the woman just outside Karen’s door yelled out.
“What are you doing? I spanked you and put you to bed for the night, but it looks as though you’ve not quite learned your lesson yet, have you young lady?”

Startled Karen shot back, “What are you talking about, and who on earth are you?”

Looking at the spankee draped over his knee the man stopped spanking her, gave her now bright red bottom a few rubs and assisted her off his lap. They smiled at each other.

“Wow David, you’re still the best.” The woman then headed a few doors down the hallway and into a room.

“Karen Welten, you don’t recall being rude and disrespectful towards me and the staff when we arrived?”

“When we arrived? What are you taking about? What’s your name, David?”

David stood up and began walking towards Karen. “I guess you’re being silly now, aren’t you Karen? Okay, I’ll play along. I’m David Sterns Jackson and we’ve been dating for the last six months, as if you didn’t know. Remember our chatting from the Spanking Personal site for nearly 2 months, meeting and hitting it off right away?”

Karen looked puzzled.

“I think this should refresh your memory.” With both a command and gentleness in his action, in what seemed like one quick move, Karen’s robe came up and David had her bent over and secured in his grasp. His hand came down on her exposed bottom with ten quick and commanding smacks to each cheek.

“Now that I have your attention, lets see if I can get your memory back.”

David Sterns Jackson began leading her to the spanking chair and Karen was in full submission, nearly gliding herself across his lap.

“I’m sorry I acted naughty when we arrived, David. I’m sorry for playing that foolish little game with you just now. I won’t act this way again.”

“Well, I’m just going to make sure you don’t, young lady.” His hand began rubbing her bottom as he

viewed the results from that earlier spanking with pride for his skills and a growing excitement from the view of Karen’s bared bottom and her ease in getting right into place.

“You’re going to be here a little while, you under stand that don’t you.”

“Yes, sir.” Her mind was now beginning to wander and a slight bit of embarrassment brushed over her as she lay exposed to anyone who should pass their way. The two men were now standing to the side of David and Karen, with the spanked man dressed in a resort robe, like the one now in a puddle at Karen’s side. David had her in a very modest position, legs together right across his knee. However, he knew very well, when the spanking gets harder and her legs get going she won’t stay that way.

Over and over and over and over David’s hand began to land swat after swat after swat. First a round of ten swats to each cheek and a nice soft rubbing of her soreness. Next a round of twenty to each cheek with more rubbing. As David was beginning the round of thirty to each cheek, Karen could no longer hold herself back and began crying out loud, spreading her legs for all to see her womanhood and kicking profusely. Though it all, David remained on task.

At this time the hallway was filled with resort guest taking in the show David and Karen were providing for them. Some people attempting to move in for a closer view, however, as The Resort rules stated, they were careful not to fully obstruct others.

By the time David assisted Karen off his lap nearly eight minutes had passed. He placed Karen’s head on his chest, allowing her to cry out the pain, embarrassment and joy from her experience.

Kissing him and then beginning assisted into the robe he’d removed from her, Karen began to notice the crowd she managed to have attracted and a bright smile came to her now tear stained face.

“Alright, into the room so I can lotion that sore bottom of yours.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry folks, as you hear I have to go now.” As Karen walked into the mini suite applause began to ring and echo off the walls of the resort.

Spanking story entry #19 : Wish Upon a Star



It’s obvious that none of us is going to get a thing done today, so let’s just read all these great entries to the ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  .


– Dana



“Wish Upon a Star”

“Catch a falling star, and put it in your pocket. Never let it fade away. Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket. Save it for a rainy day.”
The lyrics from the old song by Petty Como ran through my head as I sat by the lake behind my aunt’s cabin watching the meteor shower. It was early August and my father had sent me to my aunt for the last month of summer before I returned to college. I often felt unwanted by my father since my mother had passed away in a car accident a few years before, and my aunt and I had hardly talked since I arrived.
I hugged my knees to my chest and finally let a few tears fall. I was tired of feeling alone. I took a deep breath and whispered “I wish there was someone who loved me and who wasn’t afraid to show it, even if that means being disciplined when I deserve it,” into the stillness as another meteor fell to earth. As I looked up into the night sky, the stars appeared to wink at me. “That’s weird,” I thought, and curled up in my blanket, falling peacefully asleep under the stars.
Several hours later I awoke to the sounds of the birds chirping and the sight of the sun rising over the lake. It was breathtaking. I slowly stretched and sat up. I hadn’t meant to stay out all night, and slept better than I had in months. I brushed out my wavy, auburn hair with my fingers and pulled part of it back, securing it with the elastic band from around my wrist. My hair fell a few inches bellow my shoulders. I stood, brushing off my white sundress, and shook out my blanket before folding it. It was early, but it was already 75 degrees at least.
I walked towards the cabin and went in the side door, closing it quietly behind me. I walked quietly up the stairs towards my room. I wasn’t trying to sneak in, but didn’t want to be responsible for waking my aunt up. As I reached the top of the stairs, I saw that it was too late for that.
“Where have you been, Rebecca Noel?” It had been years since anyone had used my first and middle name, and I instantly felt nervous.
“Hi, Aunt Kate,” I said swallowing and forced myself to smile, “I was down by the lake. I fell asleep watching the meteor shower. It was amazing!”
“Do you have any idea what time it is?!”
“No, I don’t. I left my phone in here. I woke up to the birds singing and the sunrise.”
“It’s a little after 7,” she said coolly, “and you are just now coming home after being out ALL NIGHT!”
“So? I’ve been here the whole time, just outside is all. What’s the big deal?” As soon as the question was out of my mouth, I realized I’d walked directly into her trap. I was in trouble, and there was no way I was going to talk my way out of it.
“What’s the big deal?! I didn’t know where you were! I have been worried about you since I saw your door open and that you were gone late last night!”
“Why would you be worried about me? You’ve barely talked to me since I’ve been here!” I snapped bitterly. A look of pain crossed Aunt Kate’s face. I hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but wasn’t sorry I had either.
Aunt Kate stood, and at 5’6” towered over my 5’2” frame. She was petite with shoulder length auburn hair and piercing green eyes. After looking at me evenly for a minute she walked over and hugged me. I wanted to get away from her, but found myself relaxing into her arms after a minute.
“Oh, Becca. I’m sorry. You coming here brought back many memories of your mother…my sister. You are so much like her! It’s been hard for me to process that. I didn’t mean to shut you out.”
“It’s fine. I’m used to it. Dad always finds a way to get rid of me since mom died. Boarding school, college, going away on business when I’m home from school…” I hadn’t talked about what happened at home since Mom died and couldn’t stop myself from crying. I had long since buried my emotions and learned to always put on a happy face around others. It was what was expected of me.
“No, it’s not okay, Becca. You need family, and so do I. It’s not okay for me to shut you out after you bring back so many wonderful, and a few painful memories.” She stopped hugging me and held me and held me at arm’s length, “and it’s not okay for you to put on a happy face all the time. It really is okay for you to just be okay.” I nodded.
Aunt Kate guided me to the couch and we both sat down. “I have an idea. You don’t have to say anything now; I just want you to think about it.”
“Okay,” I said nodding again.
“When school starts again in the fall, you can live with me at my house in the city instead of student housing. It’s only 10 minutes from campus, and I think it would do us both a great deal of good to be with family.”
“I’ll think about it,” I said nodding. I couldn’t help but smile a little. I liked the idea. I was used to living with roommates, but wasn’t sure how much I wanted to be with family. I liked my freedom, and wasn’t sure I was ready to give it up.
“Now about last night and this morning…I was really worried about you! I had no idea where you were, who you were with, or what you were doing. It wasn’t until the sun started to come up that I saw what I thought was probably you sleeping by the lake.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know I needed permission when I was still here,” I just barely stopped myself from rolling my eyes. “I would have asked permission if I had planned to go somewhere.”
“First of all, be careful with your tone, young lady. I’m going to tell you right now that being sarcastic with me is a very poor life choice. Second, if you go anywhere at night you do need to ask, and I probably would have said yes if you had asked. This is a fairly safe area right now, but there are often times when coyotes roam and there are times when it isn’t safe for you to be out at night alone.”
“Yes ma’am,” I said nodding. “I understand.”
“Good girl. Now, since you did stay out all night without permission. I think it’s only fair that you are punished for it.”
“What? You’re going to ground me?” I said incredulously.
“No, I’m going to spank you.” My mouth dropped open in shock. “Close your mouth. You’re not a fish.” I quickly closed it again. “It’s going to hurt, but will be over with a lot faster than a grounding. It will also allow you to really cry and release those emotions you’ve bottled up for far too long, but only if you’re open to that. You’ll feel a lot better after it’s over than you do now.”
“But I’m too old to be spanked…” I said weakly. I really didn’t have a good argument as to why I shouldn’t be spanked, and I knew it.
“Oh, honey. You will never be too old or too big to be spanked. Now, over you go,” Aunt Kate said, grabbing my left arm, and pulled me over her lap. My upper body rested comfortably over her lap while my legs dangled behind me, my toes just barely brushing the floor. I took a deep breath. I couldn’t explain why, but this felt right. Aunt Kate firmly rubbed my bottom for a minute, and then raised her hand, bringing it down quickly with a sharp smack on my right cheek. She raised her hand and brought it down onto my waiting bottom over and over again. The sting was only mild at first, but after a few minutes my entire bottom was warm and stinging.
Aunt Kate paused as she raised the lower hem of my white sundress and draped it over my back. She firmly rubbed her hand over my pale blue cotton panties for a minute before resuming my spanking. The swats felt more intense than they had over my dress, especially when they landed on the bare skin bellow my panties, but I still felt relaxed. A few minutes later, Aunt Kate put her hand in the upper waistband of my panties and began to pull them down. Without being told, I raised my hips to make it easier for her. Although my bottom was stinging, the whole thing felt right to me.
“Good girl, Becca,” Aunt Kate said, firmly rubbing my bottom. Without saying another word, Aunt Kate raised her hand and resumed spanking me. I thought my dress and panties hadn’t offered much protection, but quickly found out how mistaken I was as the first swats landed on my now exposed bottom. She alternated fast and slow hard swats. It hurt, but wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. My bottom was red and warm when Aunt Kate finally stopped.
“Alright, let’s get down to business,” Aunt Kate said picking up a thin wooden paddle from the table next to her. It was about the size of a ping pong paddle, and was lavender with purple violets painted on one side.
“That’s pretty, how bad can it be?” I thought, as the paddle made its ascent. A second later the paddle hit my bottom with a loud SLAP! There was an intense sting on the surface of my right cheek where the paddle landed.
“Ow!” I cried out, inhaling sharply.
There wasn’t time to dwell on it though as the paddle was already making its rapid descent and hit my left cheek with another loud SLAP.
“Ah!” I said and grabbed the couch cushion. I wanted to reach back and protect my bottom from the paddle, but instinctively knew that was a bad idea.
“Keep breathing,” Aunt Kate said bring down the paddle onto my waiting bottom again. I nodded and forced myself to take a few deep breaths.
Aunt Kate started slowly at first, but quickly picked up the tempo. Just when I would get used to it, she would change her angle or intensity. Within a few minutes my bottom was on fire, and a few tears stung my eyes. She landed a few dozen swats on my sit spot, the point where the lower curve of my bottom meets the upper thighs, and I squirmed and kicked my legs involuntarily.
“Stay still,” Aunt Kate said, delivering a stinging swat to my right upper thigh.
“I’m trying!”
“Uh huh,” she said smacking my left upper thigh.
I yelped. “Please stop! It really hurts!”
“I know,” Aunt Kate said with a laugh. “It’s supposed to. That’s how I know I’m getting through to you.”
“Okay, one, that laugh was scary, and two, you are! I won’t go out without your permission, especially at night!”
“Good, I’m glad to hear it,” she said putting down the paddle and picked up the round wood-backed hairbrush that was resting on the table next to her. “But I will be the judge of what you deserve, and when you’ve learned your lesson, young lady!” She punctuated her statement with a dozen hard swats from the brush. I cried out as a fresh set of tears stung my eyes.
“Yes ma’am,” I said softly.
Over and over the brush landed on my already sore backside. I couldn’t decide whether I preferred the brush over the paddle. In ways it was better, as the sting didn’t just stay on the surface of my bottom, but went deeper. In ways it was worse, as the pain was concentrated in a much smaller area than when she used the paddle. Aunt Kate delivered dozens of stinging swats from the brush in rapid succession. I squirmed and tried to get away from the relentless brush. She was clearly experienced in giving spankings though, and held me tightly against her. She thoroughly covered every inch of my bottom with the brush, and after a few minutes I stopped struggling and let the tears come.
“Good girl, Becca,” Aunt Kate said without letting up. She continued to spank me hard for several minutes before finally putting down the brush. “Good girl,” she said as she spanked me with her hand again. After several minutes of slow, medium hard swats she stopped and rubbed my back and bottom. I took slow, deep breaths and noticed how relaxed I was.
“I’m proud of you, Becca. You handled that very well.”
“Thank you,” I said quietly.
“You’re welcome. Unfortunately for you though, we’re not quite done yet.”
“That was the spanking for staying out all night without permission. We still have to deal with your sarcastic tone, and snapping at me.”
“Don’t argue with me unless you want to make things worse for yourself.” It was clear from her tone that she meant it.
“Yes ma’am,” I said quietly.
“Good girl. You’re learning fast. Stand up and bend over the back of the chair with your hands resting on the seat.”
“Yes ma’am,” I said pushing myself up from the couch, stepped out of my panties, and did what I was told.
Aunt Kate stood and picked up a belt that had been sitting on the table next to her. I had been spanked a few times before, but never with a belt. I knew it was going to hurt, and was really nervous. “I’m going to go easy on you this time. As long as you stay in position, and don’t try to avoid the belt, you’ll get 10 for each offence,” she said folding the belt in half.
“Yes ma’am,” I said quietly as she folded the bottom hem of my sundress over my back again.
Aunt Kate moved over to my right side and gently rubbed my low back. “This is going to hurt quite a bit. Grab onto the edge of the seat if you need to.”
I grabbed the front of the chair. There was an audible whoosh as the belt sailed through the air and hit my bottom with a loud SLAP! There was an intense pain covering my bottom where the belt landed and I inhaled sharply. It felt like I had just stung by dozens of bees.
“Ow!” I cried out, and kicked my left leg involuntarily in an effort to cope with the pain.
“Keep that foot down if you don’t want extra,” Aunt Kate said tapping my foot.
Again the belt sailed through the air and hit my bottom with a loud SLAP that was terrifying to hear. The intense sting that followed wasn’t any better.
“Yes ma’am,” I said quietly after taking a deep breath. I gripped the chair hard and focused on breathing.
After 10 strokes Aunt Kate moved over to my left side. The belt landed hard on my bottom and I barely resisted the urge to kick my foot up in an attempt to stop the barrage. After the next hard stroke of the belt I started crying softly. I didn’t stop crying until after she had delivered the last eight strokes.
“Good girl, Becca.” Aunt Kate said rubbing my back and bottom gently. She set the belt down on the table, put some lotion in her hand and rubbed it into my now very sore bottom. She helped me stand up slowly, hugged me and rubbed my back until I stopped crying.
“Are you going to go out without my permission again?” she asked looking at me.
“No ma’am,” I said, shaking my head. I thought it was a little ridiculous that I had to ask for permission to leave the cabin, but also knew I wasn’t in any position to argue the point.
“Are you going to be sarcastic with me again?”
“Probably…but I’m going to try not to.”
A look of amusement crossed Aunt Kate’s face. She laughed as she pulled me close to her, raised the back of my dress, and spanked me with her hand five times. “I certainly can’t fault you for being honest, but I will let you know right now, if you get sarcastic with me when we’re talking about something serious, there will be serious consequences! If we’re messing around, feel free, but you’ll still probably find yourself facing the floor for awhile.”
“Fair enough.”
“How do you feel?” Aunt Kate asked sitting down on the couch and pulled me down next to her. I squirmed uncomfortably. She laughed.
“Um, I don’t know. I think it’s the first time since mom died that I haven’t been in control of or responsible for anything that was happening to me. It was scary, but was kind of a relief at the same time. I don’t know if that makes sense.”
“It does.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Why did you decide to spank me?”
“Intuition mostly. I wasn’t sure if I was going to spank you, but when you snapped at me, that showed me that you’re really just a hurt little girl who was forced to grow up too soon. You’ve be too strong for too long. There are many just like you who find it relaxing to not be in control of things for a time, and I had the feeling that was exactly what you needed.”
“Is it going to happen again?”
Aunt Kate took a deep breath and looked at me. “If you do something dangerous or stupid, absolutely. Other than that, only if you want me to.”
“Yes ma’am,” I said with a small smile.
Aunt Kate reached out and hugged me. “I love you, Becca.”
“I love you, Aunt Kate, and thank you.”
“You are very welcome, Becca.”

Story Contest Entry #18 : Sister Dana and the Leprechaun


Here’s another batch of fun and original  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  entries – quite possibly the best thing you’ll read all day…


– Dana



“Sister Dana and the Leprechaun”

Once upon a time, in the Island of emerald green, dwelled the most lecherous leprechaun that ever could be. This tiny terror haunted a trail that ran through a glen between the village of Limerick and St. Katherine’s Parochial School for teen girls. He’d hide among the green fauna, till a young Coleen would come skipping by on her way to school, then ambush her. With the speed of a green bolt of lightning, he dash between her legs and take a picture up their skirt. Before the poor girl had a chance to realize what had happened, he’d be standing on a log mocking them as he jigged to a song.

“I took me a picture

Of your panties

To show all the boys

At St. Thomas Academy

There’s nothing you can do

But cry “boo hoo hoo”

And run like a fool

All the way to your school”

So in tears they’d run to St. Katherine’s to tell their beloved teacher, Sister Dana, as to what happened. But though the good Sister was understanding of most of the girls problems her tolerance for female submissiveness when confronted by sexist men was quite limited.

“Why didn’t you catch the little shit,” she’d say. ”And make him grant you a wish.”

“Because Sister Dana,” they’d cry, “he’s between our legs and out the other side, before you can bat an eye. So if you could please just petition the Arch Dioceses to buy us new uniforms with ankle length hemlines, so he doesn’t have room to zoom between our knees with ease.”

This troubled Sister Dana felt terribly. For indeed the girls were in desperate need of new school uniforms to replace their old ones so worn. But with St. Katherine’s School in such desperate need of repair she it would be foolish to ask for money when the Arch Dioceses didn’t have the funds to spare.

So after a day of prayer and contemplation, the good Sister Dana decided she would take matters into her own hands. In the morning she planned to confront that perverted little man all by herself.

The next day the detriment Sister Dana set out on her mission, without the slightest fear or hesitation. For the good Sister Dana was no run-of-the-mill nun. She was a member of the Vatican’s elite order, ‘The Sister of Dominia,’ known for their strength and courage. Besides, even though the leprechaun had magic, she possessed a bit of her own. For she carried a very old rosary that had been blessed by no other than St. Patrick himself.

Making her way down the trail she made a sharp turn at a bend. There, standing on a log, was the mischievous leprechaun. “Top of the morning to ya Sister,” he greeted her.

“So you’re the little rascal who’s been scaring my girls. Well Mr. Leprechaun let’s see you try your magic speed on me,” Sister Dana replied.

“Oh I’d never do such a thing. Not that I’m not able to slide under your ankle length hem with the greatest of ease, but because I have too much respect for the Holy Sea to be taken a picture of a Sister’s panties,” he said with a laugh.

The sister realized she’d need to offer him more of an incentive. “I rather doubt your speed is too much for me. So let me up the ante. How about I take off my panties to make this more sporty?”

Surprised at her offer, his pipe nearly fell from his mouth, “That dear Sister is an offer I cannot resist, but are you wearing your undies at this minute?”

“No, but if you turn around, and give a little privacy I can slip them off in a second,” she assured.

The leprechaun immediately turned around as she requested. So Sister Dana quickly lifted her habit, and slipped off her knickers. But in the same motion she also did something else. She looped her rosary around her ankles before dropping her hem. “I’m ready!” She then said.

With a mischievous jig and a laugh, and a puff on his pipe the leprechaun said, “faster then lightning I’m coming!” And he burst into a green ball of light and shot underneath the Sister Dana’s habit. But the light did not burst out the other side. Instead there was terrible ruckus underneath the sister’s habit followed by some muffled cussing. Sister Dana lifted her hem a bit to examine the Leprechaun’s predicament. “Stars and moons,” he yelled, “what’s got a hold of me?”

“You little nasty leprechaun you’re all tangled up in my rosary, and now I’ve caught you fair and square,” she answered. “So you know what that means.”

“Okay, okay,” he plead with disgust. “Just get me out of here and I’ll be granting ya your one wish.”

“After all what you put my girls through, you think I’m going to let you go for one wish,” she sternly replied? “Well Mr. Leprechaun you’re going to get something from me that you’d never wish for.”

Picking the Leprechaun up by his belt, the stately good Sister Dana sat down on the log and placed him over her lap. “I’m going to show you what I do to my students when they’re misbehaving.” Snapping off a nearby sapling branch the sister held it high, then, with swift arm lashed it across the leprechaun’s little behind.

“Ouch! In the name of Saint Gallagher, that hurts,” he cried.

“Whack…Whack…Whack! Jesus, Joseph and Mary. Please Sister stop,” he pleaded!

“Why you little green goblin, how dare you use that language with me. Obviously you’re not understanding. Maybe if we drop your pants it will improve your comprehension.” And the Sister unbuckled his britches and pulled them down over his wee knees.

Upon seeing his smooth rosy blush bottom, Sister Dana paused to comment. “So that’s where you guys came up with the idea of putting pink moons in cereal. I’ve always wondered why you did such a thing.” Then the Sister resumed her task. “Whack…Whack…Whack!”

“Oh Please Sister, your almost hitting me precious blarney stones and rainbow.” But the leprechaun’s pleas did not deter the good Sister Dana, “Whack…Whack…Whack!”

“Please stop Sister. I wasn’t a cussing. I was praying for divine intervention.”

“Okay, I’ll stop, but I’ll need six wishes,” she said pausing.

“Sorry Sister but by the sacred oath of the clan of the leprechauns I can only grant you,…Whack…Whack…Whack!” Before he could finish the Sister had resumed her parochial duties. “Whack…whack…whack!”

“Okay, okay Sister,” the sobbing leprechaun pleaded. “I’ll grant you two wishes.”

Sister Dana paused to concentrate on the matter, and then said. “Make it four, and we got a deal.”

“No Sister I…Whack-Whack-Whack-Whack-Whack!” Sister Dana replied with a vicious flurry of strikes while saying so matter of fact, “I can do this all day long.”

“STOP! THAT’S ENOUGH SISTER,” the crying leprechaun screamed. “I can’t takes no more. Three, three, I beg ya. Let me give ya three wishes. But I can’t give you no more,” he said between sobs. “That’s all my magic’s good for.”

Sister Dana paused and said out-loud to herself. “Now that’s what’s called “the art of negotiation.”

“Alright Sister. Will ya be letting me go?”

“Not till you’ve granted my wishes,” she insisted

“Okay, what will they be,” he asked?

“Of course the first one will be for a pot of gold.”

“Granted!” The leprechaun confirmed. Instantly there appeared a cast iron pot filled with coins at the Sister’s side.

“Second, you must swear by your honor never to bother any of my girls ever again,” she demanded harshly.

“Yes Sister, I swear by all the Saints in heaven I’ll never bother a one of them again,” he answered. “Now what will your third and finale wish be?”

“That you appear at this very place, on this very log, next Monday morning without wearing any pants or underwear what so ever,” she said curtly. “So my girls can humiliate you like you did them.”

“Oh please Sister, we leprechauns are a shy lot,” he begged. “Don’t be forcing me to show me blarney stones and rainbow to those young ladies. Besides the Holy Sea would never approve of them seeing such a sight.

“Your right,” she said slapping his little ass in agreement. “Tell you what, remember what Adam wore in the Garden of Eden for modesty’s sake?

“Yes Sister, he wore a leaf from a fig tree,” he answered in a desperate voice.

“Well you can wear a leaf too, but not one from a fig tree, but a shamrock instead,” she added.

“Sister, a shamrock will barely cover me leprechaun bits,” he answered.

“Trust me little man,” Sister Dana reassured, “a shamrock is all you’ll be needing to cover those little things.”

So the little leprechaun reluctantly agreed. After suffering the humility of the taunting teen Colleens, he disappeared never to be seen in the glen again. And St. Katherine’s Parochial School got a grand remodeling with the leprechaun’s gold. And there was enough left over to purchase new school uniforms for the girls of St. Katherine’s.

Funny thing though, when Sister Dana allowed them to pick out the style, they didn’t choose longer hemlines like they had asked previously for. In fact, they picked skirts that were even shorter than the ones they had before.

The End

(0f the rainbow)

Story Contest Entry #17 : Be Carefull What You Wish For



More and more and more  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  stories – aren’t we lucky to have such talented fellow spankos?!


– Dana



“Be Carefull What You Wish For”

Cynthia or “Cyndi” as she liked to be called came from a very well to do family and to say that she was a spoiled brat would be considered an understatement. Rich, lazy and full of a sense of entitlement Cyndi
waisted what should have been her college days on sleeping, partying and watching TV endlessly with no real purpose in life except to spend her parents’ money. Unlike her older sister Beth who graduated Suma cum Laude from the University Cyndi just sat around the house with no ambition to be anything except perhaps a “socialite”. Her own college career was brief, dropping out midway through her first semester after failing grades and spotty attendance. The only regret Cyndi had was the fact that she never belonged to a college Sorority and to enjoy the fun her sister Beth said she always had at Sorority events. There was a big party planned at the Sorority House that very evening and Cyndi envied her best friend Alice who was still enrolled at the very preppy Ivy League University and was excited about attending the event. Cyndi gazed out from her front window at the full moon that was glowing in the night sky and wished that she could go to that party at Phi Beta Kappa House. She knew that she wouldn’t be allowed admittance since she wasn’t a student anymore at the University. Cyndi envisioned lots of music, drinking, and smoking taking place at the party and would do anything to get herself invited. If only she could find a way to go. Just then she received a text message from her best friend Alice and was surprised since Alice was already supposed to be at the party. Alice texted her that she had come down with the stomach flu and could not go. Immediately Cyndi got the idea that she could attend in place of Alice and asked her friend for permission to use her name. Alice texted her back saying it was OK but only if Cyndi was completely SURE she wanted to go. Cyndi thought that a bit odd that her friend asked that question since she knew that Cyndi always liked a good party. Soon Cyndi got dressed and made her way to the Phi Beta Kappa Sorority House. Better late than never she thought!

As she approached the front door of the house Cyndi could hear the sounds of all kinds of merriment coming from inside. She walked up the porch and rang the doorbell and was greeted by the doorkeeper, a big blonde athletic type young lady who gave the impression that you wouldn’t want to mess with.
“Can I help you” asked the doorkeeper? “Oh yes, I’m Alice and I know I’m late but now I’m here!” “So you are my dear, so you are. We were expecting you a lot earlier. I will inform the President. Better late than never. Come on in” said the Big blonde young lady. While Cyndi was waiting in the foyer she noticed a rather big wooden paddle with a long handle inscribed in Greek letters. “You guys don’t ever use that thing do you?” she asked the doorkeeper. “Oh no silly, that is just for show. A conversation piece” she laughed loudly. Cyndi chuckled at the comment and was then introduced to Ann who was the President of the Sorority. “Hello there Alice, the sisters have been expecting you. Sorry you missed out on a lot of the previous fun but now that you are finally here ,we all can have even more fun!” “Sounds good to me” Cyndi confidently replied. Just then another sorority sister came up to her and announced “but first you must put this on”’. It was a black blindfold and Cyndi was a bit puzzled by the request but once she was handed a beer to drink she was completely at ease and happily obliged to wear it. Cyndi was then paraded through the house and could hear the sound of laughter and giggling coming from the other sorority sisters who were watching.

As soon as the blindfold was removed Cyndi squinted through the bright lights and could make out the banner that was hung up on the far wall behind the bar. It read in big bold letters: WELCOME TO PLEDGE NIGHT!
Just then Ann appeared again and announced to the sisters that new pledge Alice had finally arrived and it was time to give her a “warm” welcoming to the Sorority! Whistles and cheering could be heard from the crowd and now it finally dawned on Cyndi what was about to take place. “Sisters,take your postions” barked out Ann . More catcalls and whistling followed. At that the sorority sisters lined up standing single file across the room bent half over with their legs spread apart. Addressing Cyndi the President said” Alice, you have pledged to this sorority and soon you will earn admission to this House. But first you must endure the ritual of passing through “the old mill” which will teach you humility and respect towards your new sorority sisters. Each one of them had to endure the same initiation and so must you. Now take your position on all fours and begin to crawl through and under your new sorority sisters until you get to the end of the line. Understood? There is no backing out now that you’ve come so far” Cyndi now understood why her best friend skipped this particular party and could see that the door was very far away and that she couldn’t escape the inevitable. She was going to get her ass spanked but good she thought. She figured she could crawl as fast as she can and escape the worst of the looming assault on her backside. “Let the fun begin” shouted out Ann to more cheering and catcalls. With that Cyndi slowly crawled under the first sister who began to flail her bottom with both open hands. “ow,Owwww Cyndi cried out as she tried to move as fast as she could though the “mill” of hands of the sorority sisters. Somewhere in the middle Cyndi found herself caught in the clench of 2 strong legs which in effect locked her under the one sister who like a machine continued to rain down the spanks so hard that Cyndi could hear herself cry out among the laughter in the room. After what seemed like an eternity she finally broke free and continued on until her hot and stinging bottom made it through the last sister. A cheer went up as did Cyndi hopping up and down and rubbing her now very sore butt. More cheering and laughter from those watching. Glad that’s over with Cyndi thought. Just then Ann re appeared and spoke to Cyndi once again. She said “ Alice, I see you’ve gone “through the mill”
but now because you were late to the party there is one more thing you must endure. We here at this House take punctuality very seriously and now we will do you a favor and make sure that we “impress” upon you it’s importance”. Cyndi gulped and took a deep breath not knowing what to expect next although she had a good idea. “Off with the jeans and panties” someone shouted. A huge cheer went up again. Staring at Cyndi was the big blonde doorkeeper she had met earlier and she looked like she was going to make sure Cyndi or “Alice” wasn’t going anywhere. Sheepishly Cyndi took off those tight fitting designer jeans and slowly lowered her frilly panties much to the delight of the throng. More catcalls rang throughout as Cyndi’s sore bottom was on display and was a nice shade of deep red. Almost as red as her face from the embarrassment. “Let’s see if we can match the shade of her panties”! someone else yelled out. Cyndi was so humiliated but was too busy worrying about her sore bum and what was about to happen next. She continued to rub her sore rear in hopes of taking out the sting from her trip through the “mill”. In front of her were about 20 sisters standing there half naked from the waist down holding what looked like medium sized wooden ping pong paddles. They of course were not for the game of ping pong but for these special occasions. She also noticed the look of glee in their eyes and the fact that their bare asses were of a nice red color. Before she could surmise what that meant President Ann spoke again. Addressing both Cyndi and the young ladies with the red bottoms holding the paddles she said” I am proud of all you newly inducted Sorority sisters tonight. You all have taken your initiation well and as a reward, I as President will allow you all to give new pledge Alice a very special “warm” welcome. A night of “fun” she will never forget. Alice, with each “Kiss” of the paddle you are about to receive may you remember this night with fond memories.” By the look on their faces Cyndi knew she was going to feel their wrath as they seemed eager to extract whatever revenge they could from their own earlier initiation. The blonde doorkeeper spoke up with the instructions. “OK Sisters here are the rules. Pledge Alice will walk through the gauntlet and stop before each one of you. She will then bend over and you will be given the honor of giving your new sister one well placed swat on her bare bottom. If you are charitable you may take it easy on her. (Catcalls from the crowd) Otherwise, spank her as hard as you like”. More cheers went up. “Let the fun begin” shouted Ann over the din. SPLAT! WHACK! WHUP! Splat! Whack! And so it went as Cyndi yelped, cried and hollered out as each paddle found its mark. Her backside was on fire and Cyndi knew she wouldn’t be sitting for quite some time. Owwwwwww……she screamed at each swat of the paddle. Turns out the young sorority sisters were none too charitable at all and in fact a little over zealous in their efforts to kiss Cyndi on here now battered and blistered butt. As tears streamed down her face she had only one thing in mind and that was to make a bee line for the door as soon as the last paddle smacked her tender rear. CRACK! and crack it did as the last swat broke the paddle in half that was being wielded by the last sorority sister. Cyndi, whimpering and disheveled grabbed her jeans and scurried out of that god forsaken house as fast as she could oblivious to all the laughter and cheering that followed her out the door. As she noticed the moon up in the early morning sky she thought about her earlier wish and wished she had never wished it! At least the cold night air gave her extremely sore bottom a little respite as she hurried on home. She wouldn’t sit comfortably for days.

The end

Story Contest Entry #16 : Nellie’s Wish



I wasn’t kidding when I said that the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  garnered a lot of entries…


– Dana



“Nellie’s Wish”

Nellie was looking forward to seeing Becky and her Mum today. She had met Becky but not her Mum but had seen them on occasion at the shops. They seemed to have a wonderful mother daughter relationship, always smiling at each other and never seeming to argue. That was so different to her own daughter, Becky, who was always snapping at her for one reason or another.
So Nellie made a wish before meeting Becky and her Mum. She wanted Laura to be more like Becky.
Laura showed Becky in to the living room. Nellie, was sitting on the sofa. Becky’s Mum must still be in the hallway, Nellie assumed.
Laura was eighteen-years-old like Becky. Laura had only recently met Becky and had hit it off with her very quickly. Both girls went to the same dance class and were both still in their matching sleeveless dark blue dresses finished off with a white belt. It was summer and both girls had bare legs.
Nellie was thirty-nine-years-old and wore a sleeveless blouse and short skirt. She gave Becky a friendly smile as she came over and sat down on the chair opposite. Nellie said happily, “It is so nice to meet you at last, Becky. I have seen how nicely you interact with your Mum and I go on and on to Laura about it.”
“In what way?” Becky asked.
Nellie explained. “I see how you smile at each other, give each other a hug when you say hullo or god-bye to each other, and you never seem to argue.” Nellie gave Laura a sideways look and continued, “Laura though argues a lot and rarely hugs me.” Again Nellie paused before adding, “I just wish Laura was more like you. What’s your secret?”
Becky smiled. “I guess being strict has made all the difference. Setting boundaries definitely helps. Then if the boundary is broken there is no getting out of a sore bottom.”
“Really?” Nellie replied sounding interested. “What kind of boundaries?”
Becky explained. “Oh, all the usual. Tidy bedroom, timeliness, doing what you say you will do, not snapping. You know, all the usual.”
Nellie gave her daughter a half smile and then turning back to Laura said, “So if the rules get broken it’s an automatic spanking? No second chances?”
Becky shrugged her shoulders. “Mum and I found that it works out better if there aren’t any second chances. That way we each know where we stand.”
Nellie was open eyed when she asked, “How often are you spanked then, Becky?”
Becky spluttered, making it sound as though she was surprised. “Me spanked?” she gasped. ”I’m not the one who gets spanked. I spank my Mum.”
“Oh,” Nellie gasped in surprise.
“Too right,” Becky continued. “Mum used to be dreadful. She would forget to pick me up from town for my Saturday job. Tea and dinner would regularly be late. She just didn’t have an idea. Then one day she told me how sorry she was and wanted to be a better Mum and we agreed what would happen. She told me she was spanked when she was younger and regretted that was not continued by her parents as she grew up. We had a chat and she asked if I would spank her when she earned one. So I agreed. We set the rules between us and when she breaks one she gets the order, “Down to your knickers.”
Nellie asked still in wonderment, “You mean take your knickers down?”
“No,” Becky replied firmly. “I mean take everything off except your knickers. I then make her stand on her naughty spot with her arms folded behind her back. I yank her knickers down to her knees, give her three hard spanks on each bottom cheek, and then leave her facing the wall for ten minutes or so before put her across my lap for a good hard spanking.”
Nellie swallowed hard and looked physically queasy. “When was the last time you spanked your Mum?” Nellie asked weakly.
Becky replied firmly, “Just before she took me to the shopping centre today for my Saturday job this morning.”
Nellie was confused. “But she smiled at you and hugged you so lovingly this morning. I saw her.”
Becky was very direct. “Of course. She meant it as well. She had a sore bottom though but had learned her lesson. She was happy enough though as she had been dealt with and we were friends again. That’s why she is so ready to accept my discipline. Because she knows I am fair and she knows where she stands.”
Nellie bit her lip. “What did she do to earn the spanking?” she asked in a whisper.
“She didn’t get up when her alarm went off. I had to get her up and she had to take me to the shopping centre without breakfast. I used that time to give her a spanking although without naughty spot time. She will get that tonight when I get home together with another spanking before an early bedtime. It will be eight o’clock in bed with a sore bottom for her.”
Laura said sternly to her Mum, “Hey, Mum. You overslept this morning and only just got me to work on time.”
Becky interjected looking at Nellie, “So really you earned a spanking if the same rules applied to you as applied to my Mum.”
Nellie bit her lip again and looked from Becky to Laura and back to Becky again. She was flustered.
Laura said seriously, “Look, Mum. You kept asking for me to be like Becky and now you know that if you were Becky’s Mum you’d get a spanking for oversleeping.”
“Would I?” Nellie asked unconvincingly, knowing the answer already.
“Yes, for sure,” Becky replied firmly, adding, “Together with an early bedtime after another spanking for good measure.”
Laura stood up and looked intensely at her Mum. “You heard, Mum. So do what Becky said. Get down to your knickers.”
Nellie blushed but seemed overwhelmed by the two eighteen-year-olds. She could not deny how often she had told Laura how much she wished she was more like Becky. Little did she think that Becky actually spanked her own Mum. Not only that but it seemed her Mum actively encouraged Becky to spank her. For her own good. Mind you, Nellie reckoned she could understand that though. Almost anyway. She was regularly spanked when growing up and was better behaved for it. Then when she became a teenager her Mum stopped spanking her. She got in with a bad lot at school and her marks fell away and she went in to a downhill spiral, getting pregnant at seventeen-years-old. She often wondered what might have been if her Mum had continued to spank her during her teens.
So now faced with two very bossy eighteen-year-olds Nellie swallowed hard as she stood up, licked her lips, and undid the buttons of her blouse. She slid the blouse down her arms, folded it and placed it on a chair. She then put her arms behind her, unclipped her bra, and that followed the blouse on the chair. Finally she unzipped her skirt, pushed it down to the floor, stepped out of it, and it too was folded and placed on the chair.
Laura had smiled to Becky as they both watched Nellie get undressed.
Becky winked and nodded her head telling Laura to impose her control over her Mum.
Laura took her Mum by the upper arm and ordered, “I’ll take you to your naughty spot, Mum,” and a few steps later she gently pressed her Mums head until her nose touched the wall.
Nellie remembered to fold her arms above her waist behind her back but still gasped as she felt her knickers being jerked down to her knees. She gasped again as she felt Laura’s hand rub her bottom in circles and proceeded to gasp after each of the six spanks landed on alternate bare bottom cheeks.
“Stay still, Mum, until I am ready for you,” Laura ordered.
Nellie grunted in to the wall a, “Yes, dear,” as she thought about the slight stinging in her bottom.
Laura made pretence of discussing with Becky what she already knew. “So Becky, I need to give Mum a hand spanking?”
“Yes,” Becky replied. “You should spank your Mum for several minutes with her across your lap. I’ll stay and give you some pointers. Then, you need to give her quite a few spanks with a wooden backed hairbrush. They make great spanking paddles. I keep a few at home as they sometimes crack with use. I get Mum to buy new ones when they do break.”
“Ok, I’ll get Mum to buy some for me,” Becky said pointedly.
Nellie listened to the exchange as she looked open eyed at the wall just the length of her nose away. She knew she had already agreed to be spanked but now it was almost taken for granted that this won’t be her only spanking.
Becky added, “I’ll email you a copy of the rules I have set my Mum. Maybe you can use the same ones?”
“That will be a great start. Thanks Becky,” Laura said happily.
Nellie groaned. As much as she realised her daughter disciplining her would be a good thing for them both she knew she was losing all control over her situation. Still, on balance she knew that needed to be spanked and probably more than once. So she decided to remain obedient and do as she was told.
The two girls discussed rules and spanking for a while knowing Nellie was listening and taking it all in. The driving force of making Nellie obey was the fact Becky spanked her own Mum. A now accepted fact.
Becky announced after a while, “I think your Mum has faced the wall long enough to have thought through her bad behaviour, Laura. You can spank her now.”
Nellie knew the dreaded yet deserved moment had arrived as Laura stood behind her, held her by the arm, and pulled her towards the chair now facing in to the room. She watched as Laura sat on the chair, straightened out her dress, looked up at her and with a stern look on her face commanded, “Step out of your knickers, Mum.”
Nellie licked her lips as she did as she was told and moments later stood to the side of her daughter now fully naked.
“Get across my lap, Mum,” Laura ordered.
Nellie nodded as she eased herself across her daughter’s lap and soon saw the floor come up to meet her face. Not as close as the wall, she realised, but more humiliating as she felt her daughter rub her bare bottom. She looked at her daughter’s feet and reminded herself how she used to have the same close-up of her own Mums feet before a spanking. Not so different she realised, albeit she was about to be spanked by her own daughter.
“Give her a dozen or so spanks, Laura,” Becky ordered.
Nellie tensed her bottom but knew that was not going to help her as the first spank landed. It wasn’t as hard as she had expected though. Nor was the next spank. Nor the ones that followed. Maybe as she was now an adult she had overestimated the pain she would get from a spanking, she wondered?
A moment later her optimism was shattered. Becky said forcefully, “No, no, Laura. You are spanking an adult. You can spank much much harder than that. I suggest you literally spank your Mums bottom as hard as you can. Don’t worry if she cries out and most certainly do not worry if she actually cries. The harder you spank her the better she will learn. That is what my Mum says works for her.”
Nellie knew that Laura must have taken the instruction on board as soon as the next few spanks landed on her bare bottom. They were much harder than the first few spanks and more in line with her own memory of being spanked. It wasn’t long before she was squirming around on her daughters lap and she felt the tears welling up in her eyes.
Laura spanked her Mum for several minutes, spanking first one bottom cheek and then the other.
“Try lots of spanks on the same bottom cheek, Laura,” Becky guided.
Sure enough Nellie’s bottom stung even more as Laura followed Becky’s advice, spanking each bottom cheek a dozen times or more before doing the same to the other bottom cheek.
“Now up and down the backs of her legs,” Becky directed.
Nellie was crying out as her legs quickly started to sting.
Even through her tears Nellie heard Becky say, “Time for the hairbrush, Laura. Give your Mum good firm spanks.”
The first spank had Nellie crying out loud. Even so she heard Becky say, “Ignore it, Laura. Don’t forget, the more tears the better the lesson she is learning.”
How could an eighteen-year-old be such a hard spanker, Nellie wondered as the spanks continued to rain down on to her increasingly stinging bottom? The spanks kept on landing all over Nellie’s bottom and the tears ran down her face. She was wondering how much more punishment that she could take.
Nellie felt her arm being shaken and her eyes opened with a start. She looked up and saw Laura looking down at her.
“Come on, Mum. Becky and her Mum are here.”
Laura turned and went back out of the bedroom leaving Nellie in a state of waking up wonderment. A quick hand to her bottom discovered her knickers were on. As she got up and turned to look in the mirror she saw that her bottom had no spank marks.
Nellie took a moment to realise that it had been a dream. She quickly straightened her clothes and ran a hairbrush through her hair, smiling to herself as she realised it had a wooden back to it. She then went downstairs to meet the visitors. She had met Becky before but not her Mum, Amanda.
Amanda was thirty-eight-years old and in a summery sleeveless floral dress with a black belt. She had bare legs and wore low heeled shoes.
“Hullo, Becky, hullo Amanda,” Laura said happily to the two visitors. “I’m Laura,” she added giving Amanda a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi,” both Amanda and Becky replied.
Laura blushed as she thought about her dream. She said happily to Amanda, “I’m so pleased you could come over for tea. Laura likes Becky so much.”
Amanda replied, “Becky keeps telling me how you say such nice things about us,” Amanda said enthusiastically.
Nellie was embarrassed but covered her embarrassment by saying, “Well, Amanda, the two of you certainly have a great relationship.” Nellie replied smiling, although blushing as she played over in her mind her dream.
Laura said with a sarcastic tone, “Yes. Mum keeps saying how she wishes I was more like you, Becky.”
Becky smiled at the comment.
They all sat down at the table. Nellie had prepared a tea for them all. Soft drinks with some cake. Although Nellie realised that Laura must have laid the table as she slept.
Part way through the tea Amanda excused herself and went upstairs to the bathroom. Nellie also went upstairs to her bedroom and passed the bathroom and realised the door was ajar. She peeked in as she passed by and saw Amanda looking at her bottom in the mirror. It was bright red. Nellie managed to suppress a gasp and quietly carried on to her bedroom. When she heard Amanda go back downstairs she waited a few moments and went back downstairs herself.
When Nellie walked back in to the dining room she realised that Amanda was now sitting on a cushion.
Amanda caught Nellie looking at the cushion and blushed, saying, “I hope you don’t mind me using one of your cushions, Nellie.”
“Not at all,” Nellie said thinking madly about her dream.
Laura broke what was an awkward silence with, “Hey, Mum, you wanted to discuss how I could be more like Becky.”
Nellie saw that Laura was looking very seriously back at her and that Amanda was blushing as she squirmed around awkwardly on the cushion. She swallowed hard, certain that Amanda had been spanked. If so, was it by Becky though?
“Did I?” Nellie asked sheepishly …
Laura continued, “Yes, Mum. You keep telling me how you want me to be like Becky. Now you know how that can work.”
Amanda blushed as she said, “It really does work out for the best, Nellie. I reckon that you saw my bottom upstairs. Well I know it looked bad but I deserved the spanking.” Amanda smiled and sounded more upbeat as she added, “In fact getting spanked by Becky has worked really well. I am a far better Mum than I was and I do learn from every spanking.”
Nellie looked at Amanda. “Your bottom did awfully sore.”
Amanda still smiled, “Yes, and Becky sure does spank hard. I do dread it when she tells me to undress down to my bra and knickers and face the wall. She usually leaves me there for ten minutes but that is long enough for me to understand what I did wrong. So when she pulls my knickers down and I bend across her lap I know she is doing the best thing. For both of us.”
For Nellie it was now so clear. Laura snapped at her so often because she let her down so often. She too had thought she would have turned out better if her parents had spanked her well beyond when they stopped. So maybe she was now going to get what she needed. In fact what she had wished for. A spanking when she needed it from the one person who she really cared for her. Her daughter, Laura.
Nellie had made her decision, stood up, looked at Laura, and asked, “So down to my bra and knickers?”
Laura stayed seated on the high backed chair and replied firmly, “Yes, Mum. I’ll spank you first and then you can face the wall. This time.”
Nellie nodded and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the ground. She scooped it up and put it neatly on a spare chair before standing obediently to Laura’s side, looking down at her lap.
Laura quickly yanked Nellie’s knickers down and taking her arm gently guided her Mum across her lap.
As the floor came up to meet her face and Laura rubbed her bare bottom Nellie realised a great weight had been taken from her. The weight of responsibility that went with being a good Mum. Hopefully she would regain that responsibility in time but until then she was happy Laura would have disciplinary control over her. She was sure she would suffer many many spankings, all of which would be fully deserved.
Nellie was just so happy that now she was going to get what she had wished for.

Contest Entry Story #15 : A Spanking Wish



Here come more great reader-submitted entries for the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  !


– Dana



“A Spanking Wish”

With a frustrated sigh, Maggie shut her laptop a little more aggressively than she had intended. Despite being twenty-one years old, she could feel the beginnings of a temper tantrum brewing inside her as she stalked across her bedroom and gazed out the window into the dark night, her eyes searching the stars that were twinkling above. She located the brightest one and stared at it, curious.

Don’t be stupid, she told herself. Wishes don’t come true. They’re not real.

But still, despite her best efforts to talk herself out of it, she thought about her wish all the time. She woke up in the morning, wishing, and went to bed at night, wishing still. And the videos she had been watching, and the stories she had been reading, did nothing to help her. In fact, they made her wish stronger and harder to ignore. And so she was frustrated.

She wished for a spanking.

Not any spanking; not the playful spanking she had tried with her last boyfriend, which she found enjoyable but unsatisfactory. She wished for a real spanking, like the ones that were scattered on blogs and fiction sites all over the internet. She was jealous of the people in the videos and stories who got spanked, not because it was sexy or arousing, though it certainly could be, but because they needed it and deserved it and wanted it.

Maggie wasn’t quite sure why she wanted it so badly, but she knew that she did. She watched the videos of the real punishments; the ones that helped people modify their behavior and held them accountable for their actions. She read the descriptions and stories of people being disciplined by caring, concerned spankers. And she wanted it with every fiber of her being.

Maybe it was the fact that she lacked the structure, discipline, affection and attention that she needed as a child. She was well behaved, never causing any trouble, and therefore never needed it. But as a young adult, she was running herself into the ground, putting herself through an intense university degree, working as many hours as she could manage, and struggling with anxiety and bouts of depression that made her feel isolated, unloved and unlovable. She didn’t take good care of herself, prioritizing her classes and job over her health, and she didn’t have anyone to look after her either. She wished that someone would help her hold herself accountable, and that someone would care and love her enough to take her in hand when she needed it most.

And did she ever need it now. She knew she was temperamental when she was sick, and felt the early warning signs of yet another cold coming on. She chalked it up to poor eating habits, not enough exercise and too much stress. Again, she sighed.

“I wish,” she said aloud, laying her hands on the windowsill and finding the brightest star again, “that someone would care enough about me to spank me.”

She almost laughed at herself, pulling the curtains across the window and sitting down on her bed. Wishes don’t come true.

With that thought, however, the curtains rippled gently as the window opening of its own accord. Startled, Maggie stood to close the window, but before she got a chance a wisp of silver…something…floated through the open window and into her bedroom. She could do nothing but stare, confused, as the wisp twirled around and around, growing in size until a tall woman in a sparkly silver dress with layers of crinoline appeared in its wake. Maggie swallowed hard.

“Hello, dear,” the silver-glitter-magic woman said, smiling softly. Maggie didn’t answer, too dumbfounded by the sudden apparition of this stranger in her bedroom. The woman laughed. “Don’t be afraid. I’m your Fairy Godmother. I heard your wish.”

Maggie pushed a lock of her wavy brown hair behind her ear and glanced at her bare feet. She whispered a quiet, “Oh.”

The Fairy laughed again, reminding Maggie of a wind chime. “Oh indeed. I’m sure you thought no one was listening. Well, here I am!”

“I-I…Oh,” Maggie answered, unable to think or speak for shock. Suddenly, it occurred to her that if this woman…fairy…had heard her wish, then she was here to…

“Spank you, of course,” the Fairy finished Maggie’s thought. “I’m sure you’ve heard that you ought to be careful what you wish for. I certainly hope you haven’t changed your mind.”

I guess it’s now or never, Maggie thought to herself. “No, ma’am.” She wasn’t about to back out. She had been wishing for this moment for as long as she could remember, and it was here, however unreal it seemed.

“Perhaps we should have a little talk first,” offered the Fairy gently, taking Maggie’s hand and leading her to the bed. They sat side by side, Maggie alternating between gazing at the Fairy’s elaborate silver dress, and staring at her lap, nervously pulling at the strings on her purple and white cheetah-print pajama pants. She suddenly felt self-conscious and underdressed. “No need to be nervous, dear.”

“So, I have a Fairy Godmother,” Maggie stated incredulously, finally regaining her ability to speak.

“Mhm,” answered the Fairy, laying a comforting hand on Maggie’s thigh.

“How come I’m only finding this out now?” asked Maggie, the temper-tantrum feeling creeping slowly back into her belly. “Where have you been all along?”

“You never called for me before,” was the Fairy’s simple answer. “You didn’t wish.”

Maggie was upset. “All I had to do was wish?”

“That’s all.”

Maggie felt a tear roll down her right cheek, and moved to brush it away but the Fairy’s hand got their first. Her heart leapt at the affectionate action. She wasn’t even sure why she was crying.

The fairy returned her hand to its place on Maggie’s thigh. “I’ve been watching you, Maggie. I’ve always been here. And I know how hard you push yourself, how much you do, and how poorly you look after yourself in the mean time. I also know how badly you need my help.”

Nodding, Maggie scooted herself a little closer to the Fairy. “I feel kind of stuck,” was her response.

“I’m here to help,” the Fairy assured her. “I think this is exactly what you need. Just so we are clear, you’re going to get a spanking. Then we’ll have another little chat.” Maggie nodded again. The Fairy patted her lap gently, and Maggie swallowed hard as she moved to lower herself across the silver-dressed legs. She was nervous, the anxiety bubbling up in her stomach as her breath quickened.

The Fairy began by rubbing the small of her back in a comforting gesture. “Alright, Maggie. Can you tell me why I’m about to spank you?”

“I don’t look after myself,” Maggie answered in a small voice.

“That’s right,” replied the Fairy. She moved her hand to Maggie’s bottom and patted it lightly. “You don’t eat nearly enough, you stay up extraordinarily late and you don’t make any time to exercise.”

The Fairy began to spank Maggie, alternating between the left, right and centre of her bottom. A chill ran up Maggie’s spine and she shuddered. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening.

“You procrastinate,” the Fairy continued lecturing, “and you let yourself get behind which makes you anxious, and then you procrastinate more. You’re incredibly hard on yourself and you treat yourself poorly. You think badly of yourself.”

The warm glow that had begun in Maggie’s bottom was quickly becoming more intense. She felt the tears already coming to her eyes; it wasn’t so much the pain as it was the stern words coming from the Fairy, which Maggie knew were all too true. She was so hard on herself, and felt badly about herself all the time. She sniffled quietly, squirming over the Fairy’s lap as she pulled firmly on the waistband of Maggie’s pajama pants.

“No,” Maggie pleaded, registering that the Fairy intended to remove her clothes.

“I think so,” answered the Fairy, and Maggie resigned to her fate. She lifted her hips slightly as her pants and panties were pulled down to the middle of her thigh. The Fairy continued to spank her on her bare bottom.

“This spanking is to remind you that you are cared about,” the Fairy said, her voice stern but her words kind. “You are smart, you are sweet, you are beautiful, you are capable and you are important. You are loved. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes,” Maggie sputtered,

The heat had turned into pain. It was getting past the point of tolerable now, and Maggie began to cry in earnest. She sobbed and cried out as the flurry of spanks got faster and harder. She kicked her feet and wobbled unsteadily on the Fairy’s lap until a firm hand went around her waist and held her in place. It was the first time in a very long time that Maggie had truly cried, and she continued to do so, barely even registering it when the Fairy stopped spanking her and instead began to rub more soothing circles on Maggie’s back. When her sobs had slowed and calmed into hiccups, the Fairy took her arm and assisted the still-teary girl into standing and helped her return her clothes to normal. She then patted the bed on her left side and Maggie sat, gingerly.

“How do you feel?” the Fairy inquired. Maggie hiccupped again, not answering and instead wrapping her arms around the Fairy’s neck. She buried her face in her shoulder and allowed the tears to fall onto the sparkly silver dress. The Fairy took Maggie into her arms and rubbed her back up and down, whispering comforting words into her soft hair.

“Thank you,” Maggie murmured, enjoying the feeling of the hands on her back.

“Of course dear,” replied the Fairy. “Perhaps it’s time to get you to bed.” Maggie nodded and untangled herself from the Fairy’s embrace. She moved to the top of the bed and pulled back the covers, sliding in and settling her head on the pillows. Her bottom stung a great deal and she winced.

The Fairy smirked and moved to pull the covers up under Maggie’s chin. “Best to sleep on your belly,” she said with a twinkling laugh. She smoothed Maggie’s hair. “Good night, dear.”

“Good night,” Maggie replied sleepily, completely exhausted from her spanking and crying.

“Let’s try and look after yourself from now on,” the Fairy instructed, sitting on the edge of Maggie’s bed. Maggie turned her face on the pillow and gazed up at the Fairy. “Eat properly, get lots of rest, and be kind to yourself. You’re a wonderful girl and you deserve to treat yourself with much more kindness and respect. We have much more to deal with, but we will leave that for another night. Now get some sleep.”

“Mhm,” Maggie breathed, closing her eyes and pulling the blankets close to her face.

The Fairy moved to the window. “And remember, a good spanking is only a wish away!” Maggie was already asleep, breathing heavily on her stomach, face down in the pillow. The fairy twirled in place, exiting the room in a silvery wisp and magicking the window shut behind her.

Contest Entry #14 : My Spanking Wish



Another great entry to the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest   – get ’em while they’re hot.~~


– Dana



“My Spanking Wish”

One day while walking along the shore of a pristine mountain lake feeling rather alone and unloved I came across the perfect skipping stone and thought that this stone would make a perfect object to make a wish with. I thought that if I could get this stone to skip across the water my wish would come true and the more skips it made the more likely my wish will come to pass.

So I picked up the rock and made my wish:

I wish that I had a strong mother figure in my life who cared enough about me and my emotional health to put me across her knee and spank me soundly and frequently.

I took a deep breath, rolled the rock around in my hand until I had the perfect grip, got into the perfect stance and let the stone fly with all my might. It struck the water at the perfect angle and bounced high then skipped across the lake until it went out of sight. My heart leaped out of my chest and I yelled with joy. I hoped with all my being that my wish would come true.

The next day I received a call from Sue a female friend of mine. She asked what I had been up to and if I had some free time. I said I was not up to much and currently out of work, and asked why. She said that she had an old friend who just moved into town and needed someone to help her unpack, and do some work around her house. I said I could do that. She gave me her name and number and told me to call her friend and let her know that she referred me.

I immediately called her friend. A pleasant well-spoken voice answered the phone and introduced herself as Mary. I introduced myself and said that Sue had told me to call. She said Oh! Yes, she mentioned you and said that you and I would get along nicely. She gave me her address and told me to come by the next day at 7 am. I thanked her and said I would be there.

The next morning I got up, showered, and got ready. I left a few minutes before 7 am and arrived about 15 minutes late. A very beautiful woman dressed in professional attire answered the door. I introduced myself and her look turned stern. She said, “You are late.” I apologized and made up some excuse, which I could tell she was not buying. She said that this is not going to work if she cannot rely on me at all times, and if I cannot follow simple instructions. She started to close the door and I stopped the door with my hand and begged her to give me another chance. I told her I needed the job and that I could follow her orders and would do anything to show her I can be a good worker.

She gave me a long stern look as though she was looking into my sole. She said fine but your tardiness must be punished do you understand. My heart leapt into my trout and I swallowed hard and said yes. She gave me another hard look and said, “Very well then come in. She led me to the kitchen, pointed to the table and told me to strip and place my clothing folded neatly on the table and then stand with my nose against the refrigerator door until told to move. She then left the room.

I nervously undressed folding my clothing, and walked over to the refrigerator and placed my nose on it and waited for her to return. I found myself shaking with nerves and anticipation. I wondered to myself if my wish was coming true and to some degree hoped it was.

After it seemed forever, she came walking back into the kitchen. She was talking on the phone. As she came over to me, I felt her hand rub and squeeze my bottom and herd her telling the person on the phone that I was late but might still give me a chance depending how well I handle my spanking. I could feel my face turning red with embarrassment that she was telling this to the other person. When she finished the call, she told me that was Sue on the phone checking on how I was doing. Mary asked, “You don’t want to disappoint Sue and make her look bad do you?” I said No!

I could hear her moving around the kitchen, and papers shuffling. She was apparently going about her day without regard for me standing there naked up against her refrigerator. After the longest time she said, “So are you ready to get this over with so you can get started with your work?” I said “Yes Ma’am. I heard a chair move and she told me to come over to her. As I turned, I could see her sitting in a chair in the middle of the room within arm’s length from the table. On the table was a thick wooden paddle with a rope attached to the handle and a glove.

She instructed me to stand in front of her and open my legs. As I stood there, she inspected every inch of my body with the intensity of an inspector looking for any imperfections. She looked up into my eyes and gave a very hard stare. She told me to place myself across her lap

I got into position. Without notice, she started spanking me with her hand. I could feel the sting as her hand landed firmly on my bare bottom. The strokes delivered at a steady pace and continually became harder and hurt more. It did not take but a few minutes before the pain was becoming unbearable. I started to kick and move. She struck the tender flesh of my upper leg with a very hard swat and told me to be still or my punishment will last longer and be more severe.

After what seemed like forever, she told me to get up on my knees. I knelt next to her rubbing my ass. She got up, got herself a cup of coffee, and came back and sat down. She sipped on her coffee and looked over some more paperwork, not saying a word, just enjoying her coffee. She set her coffee down, picked up the glove, put it on her hand, and then picked up the paddle and slid her hand into the leather string. She gave the paddle a spin and cinched it up to her wrist. She then got a firm grip on the paddle with her gloved hand, looked me with a smile on her face, and said get back in position.

As I settled into position she stated that the spanking I had just received was just a worm up and now she was going to see just how devoted I will be. If I do not take my spanking, our relationship will end and I will not get the job. The first swat landed on my right cheek and stung so bad that I jumped. Before I could recover, the next landed on my left cheek with as much force and pain. I could not believe how much the paddle hurt. I was not given much time to thank as each swat landed with force. My mind was going frantic. I wished it would stop but could tell that she was very skilled and was enjoying herself. I found myself trying to get away and kicking. She put her leg over mine, grabbed my right arm pulling it behind my back and pushing it hard toward my upper back. She had me locked in and I could not move. Once in this position the spanking became faster and harder. She was laying into my bare ass with the paddle like a maniac showing me no mercy. I started to scream, beg for mercy, and starting balling. This only made her increase speed and force. I finally clasped over her knee and balled uncontrollably.

The spanking finally stopped. She put the paddle down on the table, released her grip on me, and instructed me to stand up and turn around so she can examine her work. I complied and tried to regain my composure and some degree of manliness. After examining my butt she got up, left the room, returning shortly with a blue ribbon. She set back down and instructed me to turn around.

She looked into my eyes and said that she was pleased with my performance and has decided to, give me a try, but that I was on probation for the next six months. She said that the job was to be her personal attendant. She explained that I was to attend to her needs whatever they may be, that any substandard performance will be dealt with in the same manner as it was today, and asked if I understood. I said yes.

She then asked if I was familiar with the practice of tying a string around your finger if you wanted to remember something. I said yes I had herd of that. She said good then this ribbon would act as a reminder that you are to be on time and that you work for me. She then tied the ribbon around the base of my penis and balls synching it tightly. She then brought the ribbon around the top of my sack and again synched it up tight and finished it off with a bow. She stated that I was to leave the ribbon in place for the next six months.

She then told me to get dressed and start unpacking the boxes that were stacked in the corner. I dressed and started working, thinking that my wish had come true.             


Story Contest Entry #13 : Vienna Waits for You



I don’t know about you all, but I’m really tickled at the work gone into these entries for the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  .


– Dana



“Vienna Waits for You”

Vienna Waits for You

I wish I could just find something that could get through to this girl, Emma thought, but she wasn’t holding her breath. She was looking at Dev after she’d gone through the breakfast line in the cafeteria, her once good mood crashing straight through the floor. Dev was sitting in the same spot Emma had left her last night, poring over a bunch of books and papers which were threatening to spill off the table at any moment. Emma might have given her the benefit of the doubt, might have thought she’d just woken up early to study, if she didn’t have a tall stack of used paper coffee cups sitting across from her. When she walked closer, the bags under Dev’s eyes and the harried look as she scrawled notes only confirmed her suspicions.

Dev Kaplan had come crashing into her life like a bull in a china shop over four months ago, and Emma had been stuck with her ever since. It started simply enough – Emma had found Dev one morning, delirious with sleeplessness and laying about on one of the footpaths on campus, and ushered the Sophomore back to her dorm room and ordered her to sleep. Emma was just making sure she didn’t cause trouble for any other students, but Dev had spent the next few days incessantly hounding her, wanting to get inside her head and wanting to know most of all why Emma was so straightlaced and why in the world didn’t she ever have any fun?

Dev was everything Emma was not: Loud, boisterous, and chaotic. That made her fairly popular around school, another trait she did not share with Emma. After Emma’s Freshman year at Oregon City Institute of the Arts, she mostly kept to herself and slowly found everyone around her pulling away. She wouldn’t call herself lonely, though. She enjoyed solitude. Dev, on the other hand, was a people person to the first degree and seemingly collected people wherever she went, just on the merits of existing in that space and being herself. They flocked to her as naturally as birds did to trees. Emma didn’t understand it and she suspected she never would.

Perhaps the only trait Dev and Emma did share was perfectionism. It was almost a must for their school, which was considerably difficult to get into, no matter your area of study. Emma controlled her perfectionism, harnessing it into self-discipline strictly applied to every area of her life. She slept at precisely the same time each night, studied hard in all of her academics classes, and practiced alone during studio time until her feet were numb. Dev’s perfectionism presented in much the same way all of her other personality traits did: obnoxiously and eccentrically. She would stay up for three days, barely feeding herself, to focus on a single painting. She would buy endless books with money she didn’t really have, to study arts principles she was already taking classes in. She turned in late nearly every single assignment she was given, not because it was difficult for her but because she would obsessively check over her work to make sure it was exactly right.

It was this total lack of self preservation that made Emma agree to Dev’s proposal when they were first getting to know each other. Dev was determined to teach Emma how to have fun, and Emma would in return advise Dev on how to take care of herself. Dev agreed readily to that, not having any idea how seriously Emma would take her task. Dev mostly expected for Emma to tell her what to do and leave it at that, but Emma got fully into her business and either made her do the things she asked of her, or taught her how to do them. Dev was an extra project and, really, a friend that Emma found herself enjoying a lot.

Emma set her tray down on a stack of Dev’s papers, considering there was no clear spot on the table. Dev looked up to protest, but her gripe was cut short when she saw the look in Emma’s eyes. Emma could sure be stern when she wanted to be, and it cowed Dev a little. She held up one hand.

“I know what you’re going to say,” she started, talking a bit slower than usual with obvious exhaustion. “But Em, it’s midterms. Midterms are coming up and I have all this math to do,” she said, gesturing at the table. Emma picked up papers randomly, quirking an eyebrow.

“Oh really? I guess you also have all this english to do, and all this science and all this history.” She cut a sharp look at Dev, taking in once more her wild curly hair, spilling out of a ponytail after probably having run her hands through it all night. “None of these papers are even finished, Kaplan.”

“I know that,” Dev said irritably. “What do you think I’m doing here?”

“I think you’ve spent the night racing to do all this studying which you could have done just fine today, during your free time. I think you’ve been up all night starting papers, fizzling out on them because you’re too tired to be doing this, and going on to the next one. This isn’t good studying and you’re not even going to retain any of this. On top of that, you’re going to eventually get some sleep, read over these, and realize they’re terrible because you did them when you were like this.” Emma gestured at Dev for effect.

Dev snatched the few papers out of Emma’s hands and slapped them back onto a pile somewhere on the left side of the table.

“You don’t even need to cram like this, Kaplan,” Emma sighed, leaning over and gently closing the heavy textbook resting just in front of Dev. “You study just fine for your academics classes, you nearly always get As on tests, and when you manage to turn things in on time you get good marks on those, too. I don’t understand all of this.”

“But I do have to cram,” Dev insisted. “It’s midterms. I have midterms for all of these classes in the next two days,” Dev said, a whine creeping into her voice.

“That’s not how that works when you study regularly. That’s what the rest of these yahoos do because they ignore their academics in favor of their arts classes,” Emma said, gesturing to the greater cafeteria where a disproportionate amount of students were also reading or scribbling on papers and ignoring their breakfasts. “The only thing that’s going to make you do badly is if you keep pulling all-nighters and you’re too tired to think by the time the tests roll around.”

Emma cut into her egg white omelet, which had gone cold over the course of their arguing, and took the first bite to give herself a moment to think while she chewed.

In the moment of quiet afforded to her, Dev had reopened her history textbook and was scanning the pages in a haze. Emma really doubted she was reading any of it at all.

“I’m going to finish my breakfast,” Emma said finally. “And I suggest you go get something to eat as well. When we’re done, you’re going back to your dorm and going to sleep,” she said, her tone entirely non-negotiable. “And no, I really don’t care that sleeping now would make you miss your oils class, so don’t even try to argue with me.”

Dev looked up at her, scowling. It was half-hearted and that only made her look entirely more burnt out.

“Well?” Emma prompted. “What are you waiting for? Go get something to eat,” she ordered, pointing at the breakfast line with her fork. Dev shot up angrily, a mess of papers falling to the floor as she turned and stalked off to do what she was told. Emma sat at the table, waiting for Dev and running her hand over her hair, smoothing what was already perfectly in place in her severe bun.

Both Emma’s parents were military, with high-ranking and successful careers, and she knew how either one of them would have dealt with her or her three brothers behaving in such a way. Sometimes, Emma felt like Dev’s friend: a normal friend, who hung out and chatted with her. But sometimes Emma felt responsible for her, and it almost worried Emma how often she found herself wondering how her parents would handle a girl like Dev Kaplan. Even growing up on army bases all over the place, Emma noticed that her parents were stricter than most. Her and her brothers would never have dreamt of doing something as stupid as staying up when they weren’t supposed to, or turning in school assignments late – but when the rare snotty attitude cropped up, someone usually found themselves bent over the back of the couch getting their backside tanned.

Maybe that was the right course. Emma certainly cared about Dev, that much was for sure. She didn’t like watching the girl needlessly self destruct, and, Emma being a senior, she wouldn’t be here next year to help Dev take care of herself. That worried her more than anything.

Dev sat back down, a tray of pancakes in hand, and did a very good impression of a five-year-old sulking while she ate. She pointedly ignored Emma’s eyes boring into her. Dev was very used to Emma studying her by now.

“We’re not going out tonight,” Emma finally said after a pregnant pause. “I want you to come to my room tonight instead.”

The first half of her sentence infuriated Dev. They had an agreement, and Fridays and Saturdays were her nights to finally get to boss Emma around and get her to open up a little. However, she could think of plenty of fun things to do alone in Emma’s room, and wondered if Emma was coming on to her. Her interest was piqued.

“Oh?” was all she answered, and Emma nodded.

“Yes. You and I need to talk. You’ve been slacking off on taking care of yourself a lot lately, and you’re breaking our agreement, so I’m breaking it, too. We’re not going to have fun tonight, we’re going to have a heart-to-heart.”

Well. That idea was squashed, and Dev was in a bad mood again. The girls finished their breakfasts and Emma bussed their trays while Dev collected her things, feeling very sour about the whole situation.

The walk back to the Sophomore dorm seemed interminable to Dev. Her feet dragged, her breathing was slow, and her rucksack was full of books and assignments that suddenly seemed to weigh as much as boulders to her. She entertained the idea that maybe she was really as tired as Emma told her she was, but never would she admit such a thing.

Emma, for her part, was simply glad to find Dev’s roommate gone when she opened the door. The last thing she wanted to deal with was Lauren. That girl was bad-tempered on her best days, and even more so when Emma woke her up by dragging Dev in early in the mornings.

Dev seemed to melt into her desk chair, and her bag slumped from her arm to the floor in a great heap.

“Up,” Emma ordered shortly, snapping her fingers at Dev. “Pajamas, then bed.”

Dev didn’t even have the energy to look angry, and Emma watched as she changed and then wilted like a week-old flower onto her bunk. Emma pulled the covers up over her.

“If you wake up before three, just go right back to sleep,” Emma instructed, her voice softening a little in the wake of Dev’s ever more obvious exhaustion. “Got it, Kaplan?”

Dev nodded, and Emma was satisfied enough  to leave the room and turn the lights out. She had to go get ready for her own classes, and after that she had a little planning to do.

Dev blearily blinked her eyes open and breathed deeply. She looked around, feeling very disoriented. She felt like she was meant to be doing something… Studying? Or sleeping? She couldn’t even tell anymore.

She threw off her blankets, which felt damp and clingy after sleeping in them in the stale air of college dorm heaters. After sitting up and staring at her alarm clock a while, her faculties had returned enough for her to start remembering last night and this morning. She groaned, rubbing her eyes with the heels of her palms.

Emma was so ticked off at her! Dev hated upsetting Emma. It had taken her quite a bit of finagling to get into her good graces in the first place, which was wholly unsurprising. Emma was a senior, a very aloof and private girl who had always seemed very sophisticated and unforgiving in Dev’s eyes. When they’d struck up an agreement to help each other, Dev had been ecstatic. It was one thing to get some kids in her classes to like her and hang out with her, they were all forced to be together all the time – it was entirely another to get someone like Emma to voluntarily spend time with her. She wasn’t sure why Emma seemed so keen on getting her to take care of herself, because Dev figured that was her own business, but if that was the price she paid? So be it.

Well, the price was a lot worse than she’d expected when she let Emma down. She’d been subjected to lectures the likes of which she had really never experienced before, both her parents having been bohemian types who tended to let Dev do whatever she liked. It was unusual and uncomfortable having anyone hold her really accountable, and care about how she was doing in that regard.

The door to Dev’s dorm opened, and she fully expected it to be Lauren. When Emma walked in, Dev bit the inside of her cheek.

“Hey,” she mumbled, reaching up to run her hand through her hair. It snagged on her hair tie, which was on its last legs, and Dev tugged it out of the curls.

“Hey, Kaplan,” Emma sighed. She watched Dev fidget with her hair for a moment more, then picked up her rucksack where it had landed on the floor earlier that day and had not been moved since. She threw it over her free shoulder, the other one being occupied by her own gym bag, and she nodded at the door. “Get some shoes on and don’t bother to change. We’re going to my room now.”

Dev seriously considered arguing. She had plenty of better things to do than go and get yelled at for a while. But the last thing she wanted to do was disappoint Emma any further, or continue to break their agreement.

She shoved her feet into her Vans and pulled on the hoodie that had been slung over the back of her desk chair, then followed Emma out of the room. ‘

“Why are you bringing my stuff?” she asked after a moment of silent walking.

“Because you’ll be staying over in my room tonight,” Emma answered simply. Dev didn’t remember agreeing to that, but she wasn’t about to contest it. She wanted to simply let Emma be angry, get through it as quickly as possible, and get things back to normal.

Sunset was just creeping up on them as they walked through campus grounds, avoiding deep puddles and muddy patches of grass from what was obviously a heavy rain earlier. Winter here didn’t usually afford snow, but the rain was cold and plentiful. It smelled lovely to Dev, and she wished she could stay outside just a little longer, but Emma was not quite so fond of the Oregon weather and she ushered Dev through to her dorm at a fast pace.

Dev was quick to remove her shoes once in the confines of Emma’s room. Emma was very neat and orderly and would have been quite incensed if she walked through the room in wet shoes, though Dev did that in her own room all the time.

Emma went about putting things away wordlessly. She was a little more nervous than she cared to let on to Dev, and when she was nervous she cleaned. Ballet shoes got put into her closet and sweat-soaked towels and leotards into her hamper. When her bag was hung on its hook on the back side of her door, she turned and looked at Dev, who was fidgeting and restless, herself.

“Okay.” Emma’s voice was a knife, cutting through the palpable tension in the room. “Kaplan, I’m not going to yell at you. Not today,” she said, and Dev looked at her with considerable confusion, her brow crinkling.

“You’re not?” she asked, not quite convinced.

“No, I’m not,” Emma confirmed, smoothing her already wrinkle-free skirt over her thighs. “Talking, yelling, planning, advising… None of it has quite worked yet. Not on your most prevalent problems. That’s why I want to try something different, and a little unorthodox,” she said, adopting a more serious tone.

Dev looked at her blankly, wondering what else there was supposed to be. Emma’s arsenal of ways to get her to take care of herself already seemed intimidating enough to her.

Emma closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“What I’m trying to say, Kaplan, is that I think you would benefit from more structure. I’ve been trying to help you as a friend, mostly hands off–” she was interrupted by Dev scoffing. Emma’s meddling didn’t feel so ‘hands off’ to her at all. Emma went on as if the interruption hadn’t happened. “–But I think it’s time to step it up a level. I’m going to give you a choice, Kaplan. One, you can either take a punishment from me, which will include a spanking with my hand and a hairbrush; or two, we can terminate our agreement and be more like regular friends. I’m leaving this entirely up to you. All I know is, I can’t help you with what I’m doing currently, and you can’t help yourself if you don’t take me seriously.”

Emma’s heart was beating fast after Emma wrapped up her speech, and she entertained the idea that Emma looked a little nervous. It was nothing compared to what Dev was going through. She really couldn’t believe Emma’s suggestion was serious. To her, the idea of spanking was something seen in old movies or comic books, not exactly anything to do with real life. But Emma was very serious. Emma was always serious, it was simply her nature.

She considered the other option, and found that one even less pleasant. While she didn’t enjoy Emma nagging her every five minutes and telling her what to do all the time, she did enjoy getting Emma out of her comfort zone and getting her out a little more. She enjoyed Emma, period. And she felt if they ended their agreement, Emma would have less reason to seek her out quite so often. They would probably be a lot less close, and Dev didn’t want that at all, even if ‘close’ meant ‘irritating’ sometimes.

“Will it hurt a lot?” Dev asked finally, lifting her eyes to meet Emma’s.

Emma let go of the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding, and nodded. “Yes, it will hurt a lot. You’ll very likely still feel sore tomorrow when you’re sitting. You’ll probably cry.” Emma was trying to be as candid and blunt as possible. She knew the nature of Dev’s hippie parents and wanted to make sure she knew what she was getting into, as much as she possibly could know without having experienced it.

Dev’s eyes darted to her rucksack, then back to Emma. “What about after?”

“Let me walk you through this,” Emma said, getting more into her element as a guide to Dev. She had been for a while now, and it was a comfortable role to her. She sat down on the bed and patted the spot beside her, and Dev didn’t hesitate to sit next to her. At least she wasn’t scared of her, Emma was very glad of that.

“If you agree, you’ll lay over my knee. I’ll spank you with my hand first–”

“What about my clothes?” Dev interrupted, biting her lip.

“I’ll pull down your pajama bottoms and your underwear,” Emma answered immediately. “I’m not about to spank you without seeing what I’m doing.”

Dev’s face heated up considerably. The idea embarrassed her, but she guessed she could see the point to that. She nodded for Emma to go on.

“I’ll start with my hand,” she reiterated. “And once I’m satisfied, I’ll use the hairbrush to end things as a deterrent to you staying up so late next time.”

“Once you’re satisfied?” Dev asked, shaking her head. “What does that mean?”

Emma shrugged. She couldn’t quite explain it, but she knew from her own experience that there was a point in a spanking where you were done, when you’d gotten the point and you’d given up. But she wasn’t sure how to articulate that. Emma wasn’t the best with feelings, that was Dev’s territory.

“You’ll just have to see,” was the best answer she could give. “After I’ve spanked you, you and I can talk about it, and about how you can avoid it happening again in the future – or if it’s even something we think we should consider for the future.”

Dev weighed her options, falling silent for once. It wasn’t a state Emma saw her in very often, and she could see the cogs turning in Dev’s head.

“Fine,” Dev said, nodding. “I’ll do it. I trust you.”

Those three little words alleviated a lot of Emma’s nerves. She had been so worried Dev would see her as some kind of sadist who just wanted to hurt her for her own pleasure, or an abuser who would look for any little reason to hit her. But Dev trusted her, and Emma would treat that trust like the solemn privilege she knew it was.

Emma sat up straight and squared her shoulders, and Dev felt rather small and childish even sitting next to her tall and elegant friend when she looked so imposing.

“Alright, then. If we’re going to do this, let’s do it. My hairbrush is on the righthand side of my desk, in the middle drawer. Bring it to me.”

It was almost surreal, Dev thought, to hear those words from Emma and know she was going to be spanked. A sheen of sweat surfaced down her back, and she walked over as if in a haze. Then she was once again standing before Emma, and Emma took the implement from her and set it behind herself to use later.

To make things a little easier on Dev, she simply pulled the girl over her knee. Emma didn’t waste any time making a big show out of disrobing her, instead pulling down her flannel pajama pants and her lacy underwear matter-of-factly.

As quick as the whole process was, It still had an effect on Dev. She could feel Emma’s strong thighs beneath her tummy, and her bottom was suddenly bare… When did Emma’s room get so cold? Her heart thundered in her ears so loudly she almost didn’t hear the first sharp slap hit her skin. She sure felt it, though.

Emma faltered a little when Dev whimpered at the first swat, but she reminded herself that there was definitely going to be more of that to come. She was doing this to help Dev, and she had to be strong about it.

She smacked Dev’s left cheek first, then her right, in approximately the same spot. Then she kept going in a rhythm just like that, swatting the very middle of Dev’s cheeks for a while before moving a little lower.

Dev was already squirming a little, and whimpering, but most of it was just out of pure shock that this was happening at all. She moved a little harder and protested a little louder when it really started to sting, though, and she found it much harder to stay at all composed when Emma swatted the same place over and over again. Her skin was really starting to sting and she wriggled more than she really intended to.

Emma was expecting that, though, and she secured her free arm around Dev’s waist, angling herself to get a better aim. Her own hand was feeling the burn, so she was sure Dev was having a much rougher time of things.

Dev grunted, scrambling for purchase and finally coming to rest with one hand grabbing Emma’s ankle and the other fisted in the bedspread.

“Em,” she said, voice finally breaking through the jarring sound of the smacking echoing off the walls in the room. “Em, please, don’t you think this is enough?” she asked.

“No,” Emma said, shaking her head. “I decide when we’re through here, Kaplan, and we’re not even halfway done.”

Dev was filled with a new sense of dread, and she stared at the carpet and tried to block out the stinging pain in her rear, which was slowly morphing into a steady burn even in the spots were Emma wasn’t currently swatting.

Emma covered her territory thoroughly, reddening every inch of Dev’s cheeks and dipping down onto her lower thighs as well. It was harder work than she had expected it to be, and she had a new appreciation for the times her father had threatened her and her brothers that he would ‘wear his arm out’ spanking them.

Dev’s eyes started to water a little, and she blinked back tears as they threatened to fall. Her legs kicked seemingly of their own volition, as she was hardly aware of them. Suddenly, Emma stopped swatting altogether and Dev heaved a sigh of relief. It was short lived.

“I’m going to use the hairbrush now,” Emma warned her, and Dev didn’t try to fight it anymore. She let her head drop and she let the tears fall. This spanking was totally endless to her and it felt as if Emma would never let up on setting her bottom alight.

Emma was a bit distraught over Dev’s sudden opening of the floodgates, but she supposed it was all part of the process. She adjusted Dev’s position once more and started with medium force swats, paying special attention to Dev’s sit spots. She was well warmed up, so now it was time to instill a little more long-lasting discipline. It was during these that the talkative girl Emma was so familiar with seemed to emerge, and she babbled over and over again about how sorry she was and how much she wished Emma would stop.

By the time it was over, Dev was a kicking, crying, disheveled mess over Emma’s knee, and Emma felt a good deal of sympathy for her. She laid the hairbrush aside and gently rubbed Dev’s brilliantly red skin.

“It’s over?” Dev asked, her throat thick with emotion and tears.

“Yeah, Kaplan, it’s over,” Emma said, her voice gentler than Dev had heard it all day. Dev’s tense muscles finally released somewhat, and she let Emma guide her onto the bed on her tummy. She hugged Emma’s pillow with one arm, crying into it, and used her free hand to rub her behind. It didn’t seem to help much at first.

Emma went ahead and laid down beside her, snuggling close rubbing her back. That calmed Dev somewhat.

“Do you know why I get so frustrated with you?” she asked after a moment, sighing.

Dev shook her head into the pillow.

“It’s because I really want you to be kind to yourself. You deserve it,” Emma said seriously. “And as much as I’d like to say I will be here for you forever, that’s not true. We both know that. I’m a senior, and I’ll be trying to get my career off the ground in less than a year. You have to learn how to help yourself. I’m really not yelling at you and bossing you around for my own amusement, I promise.”

“Will you still come see me, though?” Dev asked, dismayed and upset all over again at the thought of her friend disappearing so soon. Dev didn’t like to think about it, but Emma was right. She’d known all along that they wouldn’t have much time together here.

“Of course,” Emma said, nodding. “You know better than anyone that I really don’t have a copacetic relationship with much of my family. I’d love to use my breaks to come see you.” She moved on from Dev’s back and carded her hand through her hair, her fingers catching in a few knotted curls here and there. “But just because I’m going to come back here and see you, and maybe knock some sense into you if you need it, that doesn’t mean I enjoy or approve of watching you self destruct, for absolutely no reason,” she said, her tone stern once more.

Dev heaved a shuddering breath and nodded. She could understand that, much as she didn’t wish to admit it.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t want to worry you. I just want to get As on my midterms.”

“Dev,” Emma said, her first name spilling from her lips as a frustrated breath. “You don’t need to run yourself ragged to do that. You’re smart and you already study hard. I’ve seen your reports, and you know what? You can do really, really well. You know that. When have your student reports been the most outstanding?” she asked, expectantly awaiting an answer.

“When I’m doing what you tell me?” Dev answered, sniffling through her words.

“Right. And since we’ve known each other, sometimes those reports look pretty awful. They’re the aftermath of the days when you didn’t sleep for three days straight, or got so drunk that you were too hungover to go to any of your classes, or not sleeping. We’ve talked about this one a lot, haven’t we?” she asked.

Dev frowned sullenly into the pillow. But she nodded.

“I guess we have. I didn’t realize.” She let her eyes drift closed and Emma noticed her breathing slowing. “I’ll try harder,” Dev sighed finally, her speech a little slurred with sleep deprivation. “I really will. I’ve been trying to do what you tell me to do, because of our agreement and just because I don’t like it when you’re angry at me. But I’ll start trying for real, so you don’t have to worry about me when you’re gone.”

“It’s not really about me,” Emma reminded her in low tones, reaching up and brushing a few stray tears off Dev’s freckled cheeks. “It’s about you, doing what’s best for yourself. That’s all. Okay? I don’t want you to be more concerned with worrying me or making me angry than you are with taking care of yourself. I want that to be your primary concern.”

Dev was already mostly asleep and Emma knew she wasn’t getting an answer out of her at the moment, but this was a conversation that could easily be had tomorrow morning instead.

She got up and got into pajamas, herself, then turned out the lights and climbed into bed beside Dev.

Emma really did care about Dev a lot, and that scared her a fair bit. She was used to being alone and only having to look out for her own interests, so this was uncharted territory for her. But she thought it was probably good territory to explore, anyway. ‘

She whispered goodnight, and was answered only with soft breaths. The events of the day seemed to sweep over her like a wave, and before she knew it, she was deeply in sleep right alongside Dev. As taxing as it had been on both of them, Emma had found a way to make her wish come true.

Contest Entry #12 : A Wish Come Through



We’ll all be up to our ears (thank goodness!) in new reading material thanks to the   ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  .


– Dana



“A Wish Come Through”

IT WAS Anthony’s 60th Birthday. As he blew out the candles he made the two-part wish he always wished on birthdays, when the first star appeared at night, and even when he received the larger piece of the wish bone.

Turning 60 years old, 6’5,” just a bit over weight, good looking, intelligent with a fantastic sense of humor. Anthony never looked his age; in fact, most would guess his age to be under 50. Anthony lived alone in a 4-room apartment in a very prestigious location surrounded by students, few good friends and some very wealthy people. Anthony was divorced 18 months ago after being married fourteen years. Since his divorce, he had met three different ladies.
Anthony was normal in every way with one exception; he was turned on by spanking and domestic discipline. He had enjoyed this from the age of 18. He introduced all his girlfriends to a stinging red hot sore bottom. Anthony scolded his girlfriends for anything he would consider punishable by a spanking. The very first girlfriend he spanked was four years older than he, but if she didn’t “toe the line” she found herself across his lap like a naughty little girl being soundly spanked until tears flowed, she begged for the spanking to stop and humbly apologized. Almost every time they went out Anthony found a reason to spank her. It was the era of miniskirts and hot pants. He made sure her hot pants were always hot. She lived with her parents so most of the spanking took place in the car while parked in her parent’s driveway. Her sister walked up to the car late one evening and she quietly watched her sister kicking her legs, crying like a child as her bare bottom went from pink to a deep red. She really teased her about it. Her mother also knew she was getting spanked on a regular basis. She took Anthony aside and claimed there was a change in her behavior and thanked Anthony for disciplining her daughter. After about nine months Anthony broke up with her. He was very happy but felt something was missing. She wanted to marry but he wouldn’t.

The next ten years were basically the same. If his girlfriend misbehaved she was spanked. He made sure they were well spanked. He loved when they had their own apartment. He initiated corner time, mouth washing for cursing or talking back and other humiliating punishments. Anthony wasn’t an angel; in fact, one of his girlfriends expressed belief that his behavior was just as bad if not worse and he needed to be spanked.

After she made this comment on two different occasions he took his belt off and offered to take a strapping. She took the strap but flung it on the chair and said she couldn’t do it. Anthony, very curious about getting spanked, was disappointed.  He had hated getting the strap when he was a child but having to submit to a lady somehow stirred his imagination. He had heard about ladies spanking their man and he was curious to experience as well as give them.
Anthony started to become more interested in females spanking males. He read stories, watched movies and checked out magazines. He wondered what it would be like to have a relationship with a lady that would stand up to him, be determined and unrelenting and give him a sound spanking when she decided he needed it. Anthony would always wish to meet a lady like that. At the age of 36 he was hanging out at discos, he didn’t have a steady girlfriend but did meet lots of ladies at the club where he would talk, dance a bit and offer them some cocaine. Anthony was a heavy user. Most ladies he met would take him up on his offer. They would go to a motel and after a short time he would convince her she needed a spanking; he spanked her and then they would have sex.
It was a regular Sunday night, and, as usual Anthony was at the disco drinking, partying and everything else. He met a young lady who was with her friend. They started to talk, dance, and Anthony bought a few drinks for both of them. He didn’t offer them any drugs. Afterward she asked him to come back to her apartment. Anthony saw an opportunity and accepted.

When they arrived at her apartment the lady changed into a very sexy skimpy outfit. Anthony was sure she would be across his lap in due time.  She sat on his lap and a minute later jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She had too much to drink and was sick.
Anthony was disappointed but he figured he would hit on her friend. They started to talk and she claimed she was engaged to be married in less than a year. Anthony spent about three hours in conversation. Naturally he brought up his favorite subject. She said she was turned on by hand spanking. Her fantasy was to be made to strip naked be taken across a man’s lap and be spanked. Anthony offered to spank her but again she reminded him that she was engaged and that she also said she didn’t want to wake anyone.  Her fiancé didn’t know of her spanking fetish. They talked and talked. Anthony confessed to her his fantasy about being taken over the lap of a lady and given a good spanking.

Anthony had to be at work in three hours. He went home, slept a bit, got up and went to work. He thought about this lady all day. She was 5’10” and muscular.  He could really picture himself across her lap.

Two weeks went by and Anthony was at his favorite disco. It wasn’t very crowded. About a half hour after he arrived the lady who had occupied his thoughts for two weeks walked up and kissed him. She said she was thinking about what they talked about and really wanted a spanking. She suggested they leave and go to a motel. Who could resist?

They each drove their own cars. Anthony rented the room. As soon as they walked in Angela stripped and pulled out the straight back chair that was in the room. She lay across Anthony’s lap. Anthony knew what to do. He gave her a long hard spanking, she cried and cried. After they didn’t have sex but did “play around.” She told Anthony she would see him again soon. Anthony was beaming with delight.

The following Sunday, same time, same place he meets Angela. Anthony brought a paddle with him. As soon as they were in the room she stripped nude and lay across his lap. About half way through Anthony produced the paddle and really burned her bottom. Anthony could tell she was upset and that her bottom really hurt. Her bottom was almost blistered it was ashen white. She had emphasized that it was imperative no marks were left in fear that her fiancé would see them. Anthony lay on the bed while Angela went into the bathroom. Several minutes later Angela came out of the bathroom and without saying a word she proceeded to bind Anthony’s ankles to his wrist. Anthony was shocked it happened so fast. Angela was determined nothing could stop her. She got Anthony’s belt from his pants she whipped the front of his legs and his bottom down to the back of his knees. By the time she was finished he had welts from his waist to his knees front and back. She gave him a couple of minutes respite while she explained to him that from now on she will not be the only one being spanked. She sternly told him he was never to use more than his hand on her bottom. She advised him he would never be spanked by hand. She picked up the paddle and started to spank his bare bottom unmercifully until it was bruised and blistered and red and purple. She untied the rope and escorted him to the corner. She told him not to speak or move and to keep his hands on his head. He obeyed without question. While he was in the corner she left.

The next day Anthony was driving to work his bottom burned and sitting was quite painful but he was aroused, he couldn’t understand it. He called Angela to apologize and she told him to meet her on Wednesday.
Wednesday night Anthony was standing at the disco bar having a cocktail when Angela came over to him and whispered into his ear: “I know you were a naughty boy and you need a spanking.” Anthony was excited but a bit apprehensive; his bottom was not quite healed from Sunday. She put a small package in his pocket, pointed to the bathroom and told him to put them on. Angela had placed a plastic bag with pink frilly panties in his pocket. He was nervous but took off his underwear and replaced them with the panties. He had his underwear in his pocket, Angela took his underwear out and disposed of it in the thrash.

Once at the motel Angela stripped naked, had Anthony sit in the straight back chair and she eagerly went across his lap. Anthony gave her a sound spanking but dare not used more than his hand. He could tell by the way her body shuddered while across his lap she was thoroughly aroused. Anthony let her up and she scurried to the bathroom. He was nervous when she told him to strip down to his underwear. She came out wearing leather pants, boots and a leather bra. She led Anthony to the corner, she placed a small circle on the wall and told him to keep his nose in the circle, his hands on his head and his mouth shut.

Thirty minutes later she took him out of the corner, told him to keep his hands on his head and not to speak unless she asked him a question. She now sat in the straight back chair. There was a wicked looking wood bath brush in her lap. She told him when she patted her lap with the brush he was to lie across her lap hands flat on the floor, legs stretched, with toes touching on the other side. She lowered his panties and she took him across her lap. When Anthony was adjusted to her satisfaction, she had him look in the full-size mirror. He was so embarrassed at what he saw–a fully grown man over the lap of a lady who was 10 inches shorter than him’ waiting, pink panties at his ankles, bottom bare for a spanking. She spanked his bare bottom nonstop for thirty minutes, one cheek to the other. Concentrating on one cheek for ten spanks and then to the other. She let him up and instructed him to go back to the corner with his nose in the circle. She informed him any movement and she would start again. Anthony bottom was burning hot and very sore but he obeyed without question.

He noticed on the bed two pillows, one on top of the other. There was a heavy leather tawse resting on top. He knew his bottom would be beaten severely and hurt for several days. He knew he would not be sitting comfortable. He started to say something and she grabbed him by the arm taking him into the bathroom. There were the small bars of soap they provide in the Motel. She opened one briskly, soaping it up she made him hold it in his mouth for the thirty-minute stay in the corner. After the corner time she made him rinse the soap from his mouth. She instructed him to lie across the pillows so his bottom was higher than the rest of his body. She picked up the tawse and went to work.

Anthony had welts sores and blisters to his knees. When she finished she had him lie on the bed. He was extremely embarrassed and his bottom very sore.  This went on at least twice a week. Anthony’s bottom always showed evidence of being
severely beaten and he had to take care at the gym that no one saw his belabored bottom. He always had to wear the pink punishment panties. She taught him the proper way to worship and service a lady.

Anthony and Angela got together right up till two days before she was married. It always ended up where she was hand spanked and Anthony was severely spanked. She always introduced different instruments. Anthony’s bottom felt various paddles, straps (leather and rubber), some small whips and even the cane. One evening he received 100 strokes of the cane after a strapping. That was probably the most severe spanking he received.

Anthony kept looking for someone like Angela. He mostly met ladies that would accept a spanking but would not reciprocate. He met a lady that he fell in love with and eventually married. He told her from the beginning what turned him on. She tried but she always ended up spanking his lower back, not good when you have a bad back. Her idea of getting a spanking was quite unusual. Anthony tried to stay content in this vanilla marriage. He showed her books, movies, etc. He finally decided he would try to forget the lifestyle and become vanilla. There was always something missing. They lasted 14 years together. They finally divorced.
Anthony was now fifty-eight and he still longed to meet that special lady. He ran ads and joined clubs. The first lady he met was a switch. She could take a moderately severe spanking. She could really give a good sound spanking. The problem, she was married. Anthony met two submissives that he played with quite a few times. One was half his age. Something was missing. Every birthday and every time he received the larger end of a wish bone or saw the first star in the night sky he always wished for the same thing. That special lady who could take a spanking but also reverse the role and give a sound spanking. He wanted a sincere relationship that included spankings and domestic discipline. Six months went by everyday he checked the kinky personals, but no luck.

It was a month before his birthday. He needed to do some bank business. He went into his bank and his eyes immediately caught this most beautiful lady. She was 5’11” and she wore a very severe looking business suit. She was the assistant branch manager. He sat and waited to conduct business with the bank officer. Thirty minutes later this most remarkable lady walked to where he was sitting and he followed her to her office. He was intoxicated by her perfume. She was ten years younger than Anthony and was recently divorced. They seemed to “hit it off” like they knew each other for years. Anthony decided to ask her out.

He asked her to dinner that weekend and she quickly accepted. He dressed in his best suit and went to his hair dresser for a trim. He picked her up, she looked ravishingly. He took her to his favorite restaurant had a great dinner, a bottle of wine and great conversation. They had a lot in common. Anthony didn’t mention anything about his fetish for fear of scaring her away. The next week they spoke almost every day, sometimes twice. After three weeks they were very close and talked about everything. Anthony still didn’t mention what he really wanted. She did have a certain air about her and could be bossy. Anthony gave her a set of keys to his apartment and told her she was welcomed to come over any time. She did. On occasion she would stop by for lunch. She worked only a mile from Anthony’s apartment. Several times Anthony came home and Lorna would be making dinner or watching television.

They had been together about six weeks and they did have sexual relations, but Anthony really wanted some kinky play.
Anthony’s birthday was coming up in two weeks. He would be sixty. He looked about 45. Lorna said she would see him later in the evening, she had to work late. Anthony went to his Mom’s for dinner and the usual ice cream cake with his brother, his girlfriend and aunt. He made the same wish he always made when he blew out the candles.

He pulled in his driveway about nine o’clock. He noticed Lorna was at his apartment. She claimed she had a special gift for him. He walked in his door and although, dark but he could see a bit of light coming from the bedroom. He could smell Lorna’s intoxicating perfume. He noticed his kitchen was cleaned. He had a bad habit of stacking things on the kitchen counters. They were all clear. Lorna called from the bedroom,”Anthony would you please come in here.” It was a bit strange because she usually would greet him at the door. He walked into the bedroom and Lorna was sitting on the bed dressed in her business clothes. Anthony sat beside her. She seemed different in some way. She proceeded to explain that she didn’t have to work late. The times she came to the apartment when Anthony was not there she saw several movie clips Anthony had saved on his television. The majority of them showed grown men being spanked and disciplined by women.  She always had the attitude that a man’s place was across her lap when he didn’t listen to her. She realized that Anthony was her type of man. He needed a strong woman to keep him in line and this was confirmed when she looked in his closet and found a gym bag with several spanking implements and several canes deep in the far corner of the closet. Without saying another word she sternly ordered Anthony to stand in front of her hands, at his side.

She unbuckled his bel, loosened his pants and slid his pants and under pants to his ankles. He started to say something and she smacked him across the face and said “silence”! She produced the wood hair brush that she found in his bag. She ordered him across her lap and when in position she raised the hairbrush above her shoulder and began to earnestly spank his bare bottom. She stopped briefly and said “Happy Birthday”.

   age. Something was missing. Every birthday and every time he received the larger end of a wish bone or saw the first star in the night sky he always wished for the same thing. That special lady who could take a spanking but also reverse the role and give a sound spanking. He wanted a sincere relationship that included spankings and domestic discipline. Six months went by everyday he checked the kinky personals, but no luck.

It was a month before his birthday. He needed to do some bank business. He went into his bank and his eyes immediately caught this most beautiful lady. She was 5’11” and she wore a very severe looking business suit. She was the assistant branch manager. He sat and waited to conduct business with the bank officer. Thirty minutes later this most remarkable lady walked to where he was sitting and he followed her to her office. He was intoxicated by her perfume. She was ten years younger than Anthony and was recently divorced. They seemed to “hit it off” like they knew each other for years. Anthony decided to ask her out.

He asked her to dinner that weekend and she quickly accepted. He dressed in his best suit and went to his hair dresser for a trim. He picked her up, she looked ravishingly. He took her to his favorite restaurant had a great dinner, a bottle of wine and great conversation. They had a lot in common. Anthony didn’t mention anything about his fetish for fear of scaring her away. The next week they spoke almost every day, sometimes twice. After three weeks they were very close and talked about everything. Anthony still didn’t mention what he really wanted. She did have a certain air about her and could be bossy. Anthony gave her a set of keys to his apartment and told her she was welcomed to come over any time. She did. On occasion she would stop by for lunch. She worked only a mile from Anthony’s apartment. Several times Anthony came home and Lorna would be making dinner or watching television.

They had been together about six weeks and they did have sexual relations, but Anthony really wanted some kinky play.
Anthony’s birthday was coming up in two weeks. He would be sixty. He looked about 45. Lorna said she would see him later in the evening, she had to work late. Anthony went to his Mom’s for dinner and the usual ice cream cake with his brother, his girlfriend and aunt. He made the same wish he always made when he blew out the candles.

He pulled in his driveway about nine o’clock. He noticed Lorna was at his apartment. She claimed she had a special gift for him. He walked in his door and although, dark but he could see a bit of light coming from the bedroom. He could smell Lorna’s intoxicating perfume. He noticed his kitchen was cleaned. He had a bad habit of stacking things on the kitchen counters. They were all clear. Lorna called from the bedroom,”Anthony would you please come in here.” It was a bit strange because she usually would greet him at the door. He walked into the bedroom and Lorna was sitting on the bed dressed in her business clothes. Anthony sat beside her. She seemed different in some way. She proceeded to explain that she didn’t have to work late. The times she came to the apartment when Anthony was not there she saw several movie clips Anthony had saved on his television. The majority of them showed grown men being spanked and disciplined by women.  She always had the attitude that a man’s place was across her lap when he didn’t listen to her. She realized that Anthony was her type of man. He needed a strong woman to keep him in line and this was confirmed when she looked in his closet and found a gym bag with several spanking implements and several canes deep in the far corner of the closet. Without saying another word she sternly ordered Anthony to stand in front of her hands, at his side.

She unbuckled his bel, loosened his pants and slid his pants and under pants to his ankles. He started to say something and she smacked him across the face and said “silence”! She produced the wood hair brush that she found in his bag. She ordered him across her lap and when in position she raised the hairbrush above her shoulder and began to earnestly spank his bare bottom. She stopped briefly and said “Happy Birthday”.

Contest Entry #11 : Power Exchange



I hope you have a full cup of coffee, because there are a LOT more entries for the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  . Here’s another.


– Dana



“Power Exchange”

She answered the door to a completely unlikely couple. Certainly not your grandpa’s appliance repair service.
The young man was full of blond and bluster. He wore a black leather belt with every assortment of gadget on it. She was tall, with long, loose red hair and she carried a toolkit. She was smiling meekly now.
“Ms. Kan” he started, “It’s Adam and Ashley, we’re from Well-Grounded Technical.”
“First of all,” she corrected, “it’s not Ms. Kan. It’s ‘Kane’ – pronounced like an aid you might say…walk…with.”
“Ms. Kan, can…” He paused and dug an elbow into his mortified partner’s side. “Kan, can,” he giggled.
“Ms. Kan, can you tell us what happened to the equipment?”
She looked at the young man. It was the same familiar pattern. How many times had she seen it? They were always brave at a distance. And brave in packs. She knew from experience that his fair skin would redden quickly. She guessed that tears weren’t unlikely.
She reached out and gently touched his arm, staring into his eyes. “Make it ‘Kane’ please,” she purred. “We’ll talk about this.”
She explained the power outage to them. “I don’t pretend to understand the technology. I wish you could just get all this stuff running again.”
“Have no fear, ma’am.” He winked at Ashley. “We’re here to make your wish come true!”
“Ashley,” he said, “if you can double-check that junction box down the street, I’ll have a looksie here at Ms. Kan’s, I mean Ms. Kane’s setup.”
He closed the door behind Ashley and turned back. “Have no fear! The difficult we accomplish immediately. The impossible takes a little longer.”
She moved two steps closer to Adam. They were the same height. Her eyes were level with his.
“What did your mother do when you were disrespectful?”
“My mother?” His eyes flitted away and back several times. “I don’t really remember. I’m sure they can’t do that kind of stuff anymore, anyway.”
“Was it on the bare bottom?”
His face reddened. “What? No, I don’t know if I know what you mean. I mean…” He sighed and looked away. “Maybe, yeah.”
“So, there’s hope. Follow me,” she said, cheerfully. “I’ll show you where all technology comes to a grinding halt.”
When he saw the extra bedroom, he just stopped in the doorway and shook his head.
“Good grief! Your server rack is next to a six-foot cat high-rise. It’s no wonder you’re having problems.”
“Not only is it on the rug of that tower thing,” he said in awe, “but I can see hair on the cables and in the ports, covering the fan exhaust, dangling from the server rack.” He sighed. “I’ll need to clean all of this up first. Did you change anything in here before it stopped working?”
“Not really,” she said. “I did add one more level to the cat tree and the VGF (Very Good Feline) likes to be able to see the doorway. So I had to turn it and rearrange some of the cordage to make that happen. But nothing significant.”
Adam scanned the room, appearing to pause momentarily at the metal container in the corner of the room which held a dozen or so of her canes. He didn’t comment, but asked her instead for a vacuum.
As she left Adam and his dark technology arts in the room with her upright, she said “Let me know if you need help turning it on.”
An hour later, Adam and Ashley were preparing to leave. Adam had done marvelous housecleaning and the electrons or photons or whatever were now flowing at high speed to the internet, to and from her hungry audience of fans. The problem had turned out being one of sheer simplicity.
“Thank you both so much for your excellent work. You’ve certainly made my wish come true.”
“Adam,” she added, “I’m sure your mother valued punctuality.”
Soon it was evening, and as he had answered her wish earlier, she was now making a wish of his come true, even if he wasn’t appreciating it at the particular moment.
It had taken him a long time to request the follow-up call, but here he was. He knew the rules, knew he could leave at any time, but she knew he wouldn’t.
A good while back, after many minutes of strong spanking on fabric, she’d lowered his clean, white briefs. Down they’d slid over the curve of his muscular, rounded bottom, and she was now slapping that bottom a darker shade of pink with her palm. She knew it hurt him and that he was desperately looking for diversions. Moving his hand back to cover his bottom hadn’t been successful. That never worked with her, but he had needed to try. Just as he had needed to joke about her name.
Over the years her hand had toughened with experience, and she now enjoyed the good solid connection of hand and bottom. It was a very direct connection between her and someone that craved that sharp pain and correction that she could bring. It felt like her hand was reaching past, through, that sore, trembling skin and grabbing hold of something deep in his soul.
His jokes about her Red Room had stopped awhile back. As had his wriggling around. It wouldn’t be long, she thought as she paddled Adam, before he started pleading with his momentary mother to stop the punishment (“Please Mom, please it hurts. Oh, it hurts so much Mommy.”) But his real mother wouldn’t have, and neither would she, herself.
“The Can-can is an old dance where they wore long skirts,” he started explaining, between deep breaths, “and they kicked their legs in the air…”
She interrupted, never stopping her vigorous spanking, “I know what the Can-can is – I’m surprised you do. You’ve obviously progressed nicely beyond The Twerk.”
She spoke in his ear. “I think you’re experiencing a different sort of dance now aren’t you, Adam?” She chuckled softly. “It’s called the Lap Dance, and many of the participants kick their legs in the air too!”
After she had punished him, after his eternity had ended, after she had soothed his bottom with a light massage, after she’d applied cooling lotion, she had waited for him to dress and given him a sincere hug. Below his soft and respectful gaze, his cheeks were still damp and red. She knew that the spanking had stirred memories, and that his bottom would be a sore reminder of this evening for several days.
Before turning, he looked at her and suggested with extreme politeness: “Really, you could avoid future outages if you plugged the power strip into the wall instead of into itself.”
“And if I did that,” she said, smiling, “how would you have your wishes granted in the future?”
“Thank you again so much,” he said as he went out the front door, rubbing his bottom gently. “Oh, Ms. Kan, can Ashley make a followup call some day soon?  She mentioned to me how she’d hate to see interruptions in your work.”

Contest Entry #10 : Natural Born Spanker


The  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  got a LOT of spanko minds and keyboards moving – here’s another entry..


– Dana



“Natural Born Spanker”

Kelly was born on a farm in Illinois, As she grew she did all the things a girl could do on a farm in the country,

Feed the chickens, help her dad with the cows and her mom with the chores in the house.

Kelly was was the oldest of six and she was expected to care for her siblings when mom and dad were in town shopping or buying supplies,

When she was three she got her first doll and one day her mom happened on her playing and watched her!

Kelly was lecturing her doll about not doing what she was told and then started to spank her!

Her mom thought! ‘Now where did she learn that?‘neither her or her husband had spanked her or been spanked as children so it seemed odd!

When her husband came home she relied the story and Tom thought about it and remembered that she had stayed at his sisters the week end before and knew they both used this form of discipline on their three boys!

So Megan called and asked her sister in-law if she had spanked any of her boys that week end,She was told that they had not! The boys were on a camping trip and would not be home for two more days!

Liz asked her and she explained what had happened and she said ‘She had no idea Kelly was in the house all week end and only went to the store with her once!’

As the years past Kelly continued to be very assertive and off times her mom and dad would hear her lecturing or spanking her dolls,

One day shortly after she turned fourteen her younger brother went to them and told them that kelly had spanked him for not going to bed when he was told while she was watching them!

Megan laughed a little but when Andy showed her the red marks where she had used her hair brush she became a little concerned and called a doctor friend and told her about it!

She counseled children and parents and seemed to have some good advice.

She explained: ‘that some kids learn it from their parents or other children in their neighborhood and they need not worry it was just a faze and she would grow out of it!”

Tom and Megan let it go at that and told the other boys if they did not want her to spank them then they should do as she says when she is watching them,

Tom and Megan found that over the next year the boys were much more obedient and would often times do their chores with out askingThey thought it was just they had a couple of very good boys!

But then shortly after Kelly’s sixteenth birthday they received a call from a family Kelly had been baby sitting for asking to talk about something that had happened last week end while she was watching their children!

So Megan walked over to the Anderson’s to hear about what had taken place,

What she heard was very alarming Kelly had given their son Carl a very serious spanking for getting in to a fight with a girl from down the street!

The way Carl told the story he was playing with a couple of friends when Cindy started bothering them!

They tried to leave when Cindy pushed Carl so he hit her in the arm,They had a small wrestling fight when Kelly came up and sent him home,

When he got back to their house Kelly told him to go to his room and she would talk to him in a couple minutes,

When she came in to the room she came in to the room she was holding a hair brush and told him he was getting a spanking for hitting the little girl!

He told her she started it! But Kelly only told him that was no excuse for hitting girls and if he had told her first she would have taken care of the problem as it was he did not so he was going to get spanked!

Mrs Anderson told Megan that Carl told her he would tell on her if she did and Kelly replied “Well then I had better give you a good spanking so so I will never have to do it again!”

At which point she went against Carls protests and pulled down his pants and put him over her knee and spanked him for what Carl said was none stop till he was crying so hard he does not even remember her stopping!

Mrs Anderson told Megan that Carls bottom is a very bright red and had a couple spots that were blistered!

Megan apologized and told her she would look in to it and ask her to not press charges till she found out what happened from Kelly!

When Megan got home she asked Kelly if she had a minute to talk about something that  had happened while she was watching Carl!

Kelly told her mom she heard a little girl screaming and went out to see what was going on!

She told her ‘Carl and two other boys had the girl on the ground hitting her!

She pulled Carl away from the girl and sent him home while she talked to the girl!

After quieting the girl down she was told “Carl and the two boys were bothering her and one of them pulled the head off her doll!

She said she kicked him and then Carl and the other boy started kicking and hitting her when the third boy picked up her new doll house and broke it then joined the other two boys hitting her!

Kelly told her mom the girl had bruises and small cuts all over her face and body!

She then went back to the Anderson home and found Carl was not in his room and when she found him she told him he was going to get a spanking and then he Kicked me in the shin and said your not my mom and mind my own business!

After a small scuffle I pulled his pants down and spanked him with my hair brush then made him stand in the corner for half an hour while I called Mrs Anderson and tried to tell her what had happened!

She came home a short time later and asked me to go home for now!

But she was going to call you!

Megan told Kelly she would like her to come with her over to the Anderson’s and tell them her side of the story and also find out where the little girl lived so as to speak with her and also the two other boy’s!

Megan called Mrs Anderson and said she would like to come over with Kelly to explain her side of the story!

After the three had talked about what had happened Mrs Anderson called Carl down from his room and started telling him what Kelly told her and asked if that is what really happened!

Carl at first started to lie but Mrs Anderson stopped him and said if he starts lying she will wash his mouth out with soap and then he will get a spanking for lying!

Carl turned a bright red and then told her the truth!

Mrs Anderson told Carl he was going to get a spanking for lying the first time and then she was going to let Kelly spank him again for kicking her and lying about what happened to get her in to trouble!

Mrs Anderson told him he was not going to be sitting the rest of the night when they were done as she still needed to talk to him about what happened before he goes to bed tonight!

Kelly was amazed at how Mrs Anderson handle Carl!

She walked over and took him by the arm and walked him up to his bedroom as they were going down the hall she stopped and asked Kelly to please join them as she would like her to give Carl another spanking when she was done unless she preferred to do it before he left for school in the morning if she had time!

Kelly decided it would be best to do as Mrs Anderson asked and spank him after she was threw!

Carl was crying and pleading with his mom telling her he was sorry and it would never happen again the other boys started teasing her and picking on her he tried to stop it!

But Mrs Anderson would not hear any more of his plea’s

She walked him over to the bench at the foot of his bed and told him to stand there!

She turned around and walk to her bedroom and came back with a large flat backed hair brush!

Kelly looked at the hair brush and smiled knowing if she was Mrs Anderson she would use it like she did with hers earlier!

Mrs Anderson then sat down on the bench and reached out grabbing Carl and pulled him in closer!

She started lecturing him about lying and picking on little girls!

But what she said and did next made Kelly snicker a little!

In what seemed like one motion she unzipped his pants and hooked her fingers in to his undershorts and down they when to his ankles!

“So you like hitting girls! Well lets just see how you like girls returning the favor on your naughty little bottom!!

In the next second she picked him up and had him over her knee Carl reached around to cover his bottom and his mom said thank you I was just going to ask for that!

She wasted no more time and started spanking him with her hand first one side then the other! Back and forth left side right side on and on working her way down to his sit spot and thighs and then back up to a spot she said “Needed a little more attention!”

The spanking was very loud and Kelly was standing there wiggling back a forth just imagining how much is much sting and hurt!

When she finely stopped Kelly could see how red his butt was!

But when she announced that she was now going to spank him for lying she picked up the hair brush and although Kelly thought Carl was kicking and screaming with her hand, She was in for a show that took her breath away!

Mrs Anderson started spanking Carl with the brush and all that could be heard was Crack! Crack! Crack! You like lying to mom? No Ma’am I won’t do it again! Crack! Crack! Crack! You still like hitting girls young man? No! No! I am sorry I promise it will never happen again!

Begging and pleading Carl cried Promising to never lie or pick on girls again!

Carl finely just laid across his moms knee and she knew he had learned his lesson!

She then stood him up and sent him to the corner he had no problems running as his pants and under shorts were kicked off long ago!

Mrs Anderson then got up and asked Kelly to come with her!

Kelly was white as she watched Mrs Anderson pick up her hair brush and walk towards the door telling her to follow her!

She did as she was told and walked down the hall to anther room when they went in Mrs Anderson asked Kelly to come over and sit down,

She then asked Kelly who gave her permission to spank her son?

Kelly was speechless  she just stood there saying”I ah! umm well I did it because well umm! I did not think you would mind!

Well young lady I do mind and since you felt it was OK  to spank Carl before asking if it was OK you my little lady are going to get the same!

Now if you would please pull up your skirt and pull your panties down we can help you to mind your manors and ask for permission next time!

Kelly reached under her skirt with tears in her eyes knowing she was going to get something she had never had before and always though about!

But after watching Mrs Anderson handle Carl she was not going to argue with her about 

that point so with her panties down around her ankles Mrs Anderson reached out and guided Kelly slowly over her knee and lifted her skirt up out of the way!

Kelly felt some how very safe and secure yet scared and unprepared for what would be a lesson on how bad a good spanking hurt and that next time she decide to take matters in to her own hands she would find herself over Mrs Anderson’s knee for another lesson!

The spanking lasted only a few minutes but when she put the hair brush down Kelly was truly sorry and had learned she was not as big as she thought she was!
But as Mrs Anderson stood her up she told Kelly “Your never to big or to old for a good spanking if you need one!”

Mrs Anderson picked her up and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek then swatted her on the butt and told her to go wash up and come down stairs!

Kelly scurried away to the bathroom and as she was cleaning her face she over heard her tell Carl she did not like having to spank him but when he misbehaves she would!

She then gave him a big hug and kiss and told him how she would like him to meet them in the living room and apologize to Kelly about his behavior and then they were going over to the girls house and then after they were done there they would be calling the parents of the other two boy’s about their part in what had transpired and what she had decided to do as punishment for his part in the matter!

Carl at first was going to protest but then thought better of it.

Mrs Anderson also told Carl after he apologizes to Kelly he needs to ask her if she would like to spank him!

Carl did as he was told and was relieved to hear Kelly tell him he was forgiven and that although he deserved to be spanked for causing her trouble all was forgiven and she gave him a big hug!

Mrs Anderson then told Carl to get his shoes on and they would go over to the girls house first and apologize then they would be going over to the two boy’s home to speak with their mother’s!

Kelly gathered herself up and left with her mom to go home!

On the ride home Kelly’s mom Megan asked her why she was crying and Kelly relayed the story to her and said she was sorry and she would not take matters in to her own hands any more!

Megan just shook her head and said ‘I don’t know about you sometimes but I agree you have a way of getting the boy’s to behave!

When they got to the little girls house they were greeted by her mother Mrs O’Donavon,

They were asked in and went to the living room to talk about what had happened!

But women looked at Carl who was ready to start crying again as he was just before she had spanked him!

She told him to apologize to Cindy and then ask Mrs O’Donavon to spank him if she felt she would like to or if she felt it necessary!

Mrs O’Donavon asked to see his bottom.

Carl was very embarrassed but pulled his pants down as he was told and showed her his very red and well spanked bottom and then said she felt he had gotten a good spanking already and if Cindy forgives him she would also!

she gave him three quick swats on the butt and said “Don’t ever touch my little girl again or that bottom of yours will not want to be sat on for a week even if I have to come over to your house or have your mom send you here! Do you understand me Young man?”

Carl through the tears said he understood and he would never touch do it again!

She gave him a big hug and Carl apologized to Cindy!

Cindy and Carl hugged each other and they left for  John and Bob’s house to speak with their mother.

Living in the country gave them time to walk and talk about what had happened again so when they heard John and Bob’s side of the story they would know if they were lying or telling a different story or the same as Carl’s!

When they knocked on the door they were greeted by a very tall brown haired woman,

Mrs Johnson asked if she could help them and Mrs Anderson replied she would like to talk to her about some things that happened earlier in the day!

She asked them in and told them to call her Chris and Mrs Anderson replied please call me Teri!

They went in to the dining room as she was in the process of cooking supper and could talk while still checking her meal that was on the stove and in the oven!

Teri filled her in on all that had taken place and what she had done up till now!

Chris walked over to her phone and called to tell John and Bob to come home at once as they were over at a friends house down the street!

They came bounding through the door and stopped when they seen the group sitting at the table!

Chris told them to come over and tell her about what happened today while she was at tennis!

The first thing Bob said was nothing! We were outside playing with friends all day!

Chris got up and walked around the table and grabbed his face and said” I will ask you one more time and if you lie to me again we will go up stairs and wash your mouth out and then go to my bedroom early!

Bob knew right away what early meant and he was not very hungry for soap at the moment!

So he went straight for the new story John started it! The girl Cindy would not go away and leave them alone so John hit her that was all!

Mrs Johnson spun him around and gave him a hard swat and told him to sit down while he still could!

She then looked over at John and asked him what happened!

John was not one to argue or lie to his mom as he knew when he did he would alway start blushing and looked away so it was a dead give away,So he told her they were playing down the street and Bob and Carl started teasing Cindy then Bob grabbed her doll and pulled the head off it!

He then said when Cindy kicked him he slugged her in the arm and then Carl pushed her to the ground!

Before we knew it we were punching and kicking her Carl tried to stop us but then Bob broke her doll house after that we run off!

We don’t know what happened to Cindy after that.

Chris told John to go over and sit down at the table while she talks to Mrs Anderson about what she has done so far to correct her son!

Teri filled her in and said Mrs O’Donavon was pleased with what had been done but would like to talk with you about it also if you are willing!

Chris looked at Bob and John and said “Yes we will go over there right now!”

With that Teri and Carl got up and Chris walked them to the door, After they had left she turned around and closed the door, Looking at the two boy’s she told them to go stand bye the door we need go over to the O’Donavon’s and talk with them and apologize about your actions today!

She then went to her room and came out with her paddle in hand and said “OK Lets Go!”

They walked slowly down the street and their friends seen them coming and ran up to them and said “Hey whats up guy’s?”

Chris stopped for a second and told them “Bob and John are going over t the O’Donavon’s where they will be getting a very good spanking for hurting Cindy and then they will be going back home and grounded for the rest of the week after they get another spanking form me!

So they will not be playing the rest of the week or sitting for a good long time! Would you like to join them?

Tommy blushed real gig and replied “No Ma’am” Bob and John were both just crying from the embarrassment!

Chris told them both to save it there will be plenty to cry about when we get to the O’Donavon’s and even more when you get back home! “Kapeich?”

They both “Kape’d” the what ever she said as they were in for one of those spankings their mom said they would never forget!

The three walked up to the door and rang the bell, They were greeted by a short red haired lady who at once said “Hello you must be Mrs Johnson! Please come in and have a seat.

Chris turned Bob and John and told them they can just stand as they will need to get used to it because it will be all they will want to do shortly and until they go to bed tonight where they will want to sleep on their stomach’s!

Mrs O’Donavon introduced herself and told Chris her name was Ruby and Chris did the same,

They sat down and Ruby called Cindy in to the living room and when she came in to the room Chris almost screamed!

Ruby asked Cindy to show Chris what the three boy’s had done to her, she had bruises just below her right eye and some other bruises and cuts all over her upper body and legs,

Chris could only say Oh May God! I am so sorry please I hope we can settle this as I promise you these two boys will know that their back sides are going to look much worse and asked Ruby to spank the boys as she brought along her paddle in hopes they could take care of the injustice today and she has not spanked either of they yet!

Then looking at them with a very streen face said “Yet!” what she did not say was when the two boys got back home ‘No matter how bad Mrs O’Donavon spanks them they have seen Nothing yet! “Nothing” she was very upset and knew the walk home would help calm her down some and help to focus on what was needed but there was going to be two boys with blistered butts before they went to bed tonight!

Mrs O’Donavon look at her daughter and then at the two boys and asked “Well what do you have to say for yourselve’s?

John started crying a little and said he was so sorry he wanted carl and Bob to stop after they pulled the dolls head off but when she kicked Carl they just would not listen to him!

Mrs O’Donavon then said “Oh so you feel what happened was not your fault? And you young man you seem to be quiet about the whole thing! Cindy which one of these two boys was the one who broke your doll house?

“It was him mom the tall one!, Right away they knew Bob was the one who started the whole thing just as Carl had said and John when he told his mom what had happened!

Well then Chris I think since you have not spanked them yet and you were kind enough to bring along your paddle I would be happy to do that if you truly do not mind,

Chris just said “No please! Bob take the paddle over to this nice lady who has so kindly agreed to not press charges against you, But instead agreed to give you a very nice pants down bare bottom spanking and don’t forget your manors and say “Please Mrs O’Donavon I am sorry for hurting your Daughter today and I would like you to Please take this paddle and spank me for my bad behavior!

Chris then turned to John and said “when she is done your next and I want to hear the same thing out of your mouth “Understand?”

The fire in Chris’s eyes were no where near as bad as the fire that was about to get set on Bob’s bottom!

Ruby looked at Bob and said “Well young man I am waiting! does your mom have to  help you  or do you want me to come over there and walk you to the chair?

I had Cindy bring it out for your enjoyment since you seem to enjoy kicking and hitting little girls and I bet you are thinking I am not to big myself!

Well get over here this second and lets get started!

Bob was not so fast to move so his mom helped him a little with a very load slap on the butt and told him to move!

Ruby took a moment to look at the paddle Bob handed her and said “Wow this is a very nice paddle where did you get it?”

Chris replied a friend of hers Rose makes them I am sure she would be happy to make one for you!

Ruby smiled and replied “ I also have a friend who makes paddles his name is Mr Zia I too have to use it now and then as Cindy can get a little bratty at times and I am sure she was not totally inocent in this matter! have you seen the company Cane-Ac?

A friend does product testing for them and she is very pleased with theres!

Check out their site some time she has a couple short Clips that are well worth the checking out! Her name is Dana Kane!

Ruby then looked towards John and reminded Him and Bob “If you had just came over and told me what she was doing I could have put a stop to all this but since you took it upon yourseleves to be bullies I will have to spank you in stead of her because it is clear Cindy has learned her lesson today from you three!

OK now where were we? Oh yes! Ruby took an arm and pulled Bob in closer and then opened his pants and pulled them down followed quickly by his underpants “Must not forget these as no spanking is a good spanking unless its done on the bare bottom!

With that Bob was up ended and laying acrossed Ruby’s lap being adjusted.

Well since this is a punishment spanking we minds well just use your moms nice paddle right away “Its just to bad I have to try it out under these cercumstances !” So as to not take up any more of our day lets get started!

Whith that the next three minutes seemed to lasy forever! To say Mrs O’Donavon knew what she was doing was an understatement and she had Bob’s bottom “Ruby Red” in no time!

John was just standing there crying and making his plea of “I tried to get them to stop! I am so sorry Cindy Please mom I don’t want Mrs O’Donavon to spank me! Why will we be getting another spanking when we get home? Please mom I’m sorry!

Bob was crying hard  when she finely stopped and stood him up passing him off to his mom and with her finger crooked she looked over at John and said “OK your next young man come over here please and be quick about it!”

As he was going his mom Chris advised him to tell her what he was told to say and then when she was done they were both to say “Thank you Mrs O’Donavon for takingg the time out of your day to spank us and if we ever do something like this again you have our moms permission to spank us again!

Chris then added to Ruby “Please just call me afterwards so as I can have a chat with them about what happened! They can always use a reminder at bed time to behave!

John knew his time was up for pleading and walked over to Mrs O’Donavon knowing he was wrong as he stood bye her.

Ruby smiled a little and said “I am sorry I have to do this and I know you tried to stop it but you were still part of the problem also, You could have ran over to a neighbers or came and got an adult but you choose to join in also!

as it is you are standing here about to get a very good spanking! “Do you agree with what I just said John?”

John shook his head and said “Yes Ma’am you are right and I am sorry!”

Ruby picked him up and put him over her knee but did not pick up the paddle instead she just gave him a very good spanking with her hand and after she was done John looked her in the eyes and siad “Thank you Ma’am for spanking me for my bad behavior and then looking at cindy he also said he was sorry for all the hurt he caused her!

Bob just stood there not saying a word when suddenly his mom swatted him soundly on the butt and said “ Don’t you have something you would like to say mister before we go home where we will have our talk about you actions today?

Bob let out a loud yelp and then said a half hearted appoligie and when he turned around he could see the fire in his moms eyes that said “You have just made a major mistake mister that is going to cost you dearly!”

Chris stood up and walked him over to the chair and say down asking Ruby to please hand me my paddle! Obviously you did not get the spanking you needed but that is going to be remieded right now!

In a flash Bobs pants were pulled down around his ankles again and if his pleas of forgiveness were heard they were drowned out by his crying and howling!

When she was done she yanked his pants up and marched him towards the door stopping only to tell Ruby she would call her latter and maybe arange to have coffee some time later in the week

She then proceeded to march him home with John almost running behind them to keep up!

The talk of that day is still set in the minds of many who still live in the nieghberhood!

There will be more to this story as Kelly grows up and goes to collage!


Story Contest Entry #9 : Taming Jenny


Good spanking morning…here’s another entry for the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest .


– Dana


“Taming Jenny”

Ever since I was a little girl I have made the same wish on my Birthday. I would get so excited to have my birthday cake placed before me and I would watch the flicker of the lit candles dancing just waiting for me to make my wish. It was always the same every year. I would close my eyes as tight as I could get them and bow my head. I would wait until everyone was quiet and then make my wish. I never told anyone my wish , if I did for sure my one wish would never come true. This is my 23rd Birthday coming up and so far my wish has not come true but I have a feeling that this is the year I will find my true love. Yes, that is my wish .


Josh Winters is my brothers best friend and always gives me such a hard time. He’s always picking on me and makes me the butt of all his jokes. I’ve put up with him since I can remember and now I’m turning 23. He and my brother are both 30 and think they are Gods gift to women.

I have to sit back and laugh when Bo, my big brother stops by the house on his way to the Happy Tavern for a night of beer and women. He smells and looks like a player. Josh isn’t any better. The only problem is that I have had a secret crush on Josh as far back as I can remember. I’ve had my share of dating but no one turns me on like Josh does. I would never let on that I often fantasize about us together. His passionate kisses and sweet caresses that come to me in my dreams.

I’m just Bo’s little sister to him. When he sees me he usually sneaks up behind me. He’s quiet and quick as a cat when he strikes. He usually ruffles my long auburn hair into a holy mess and then puts me over his knee and swats my bottom a couple of times. I don’t know why he thinks that is so funny because it’s totally degrading and my bottom smarts when he’s done.

Josh and Bo are very good looking. They both are 6 ft 3 inches and weigh about 220, which is all muscle. They both work out at the gym, so you can imagine they both have muscles that won’t quite. Bo has auburn hair, hazel eyes and that squared chin that all the girls love to kiss. Josh has brown hair and green eyes and the cutest dimple when he smiles. I melt when just thinking about it. People sometimes think their brothers. Well they sure act alike it. They are always together whether at work or out on the town.

Both Bo and Josh are EMT’s. They ride together in the same aid car. The infamous #24. That is the most requested aid car in the county. We live in a small town with 10,000 residents. I swear that most are sexy single females, who all think those two are Greek Gods. I have to say they both are pretty darn good looking boy candy.

I on the other hand I didn’t get any of the height that Bo did. I’m 5 ft 5 inches and I’m not going to say how much I weigh, but that I have the necessary curves that makes up a shapely body. I probably could lose a few pounds if I tried, but I figure if the boys don’t like my girl candy, they can look elsewhere.

I live with my mom and dad so I can save some money to get my own apartment someday. I work at the Daisy Bakery. I start work at 5 am and work until 1 pm, that way I have plenty of time for my schooling. Now that I’m graduating from college I’ll need to quite my job so I can be available to ride with the aid car. I should find out which aid car I’ll be riding with by the end of this week.
Being on the honor roll was a given. All throughout my schooling I received 4.0. I studied hard and not only had my normal classes but I went to night school at the same time to receive my EMT certification.

My parents never had to worry about my academics, but my attitude and smart mouth always got me in trouble. My whole life I would get in trouble for my fowl language and not following the rules my parents set for me. Bo was a good kid never giving my parents any kind of grief. He never got spanked or put on restriction. I on the other had was always grounded and over one of my parents laps having the paddle or hairbrush stinging my bared bottom.

My family is planning a Graduation/Birthday party. I was turning 23 and thought it would be nice to combine both parties. I was a little worried about the Birthday part.

I usually laid low on my Birthday. Both Bo and Josh think that they are in charge of the Birthday girls spankings. They both have huge hands and none too gentle. I was really starting to worry how I was going to handle keeping my distance from them. Mom and Dad promised to talk to Bo, but I figure he would tell them what they wanted to hear and then he would do what he and Josh planed.

Graduation was fun. All my family and relatives were there and planed on coming back to the house to help me celebrate. Everyone asked what I would like for gifts and I told them all money would be fine. Without my job I still had a few bills like a car payment and insurance to cover so the extra cash would come in handy.

My mom made up this cute basket for all the cash envelopes. It was filling up fast and I was so excited that I had let my guard down.

I was having so much fun that I had forgotten all about Bo and Josh. I had a little too much champagne and started to get a little giddy. I had to go to the bathroom so I decided to take a walk down to the boathouse we have on the edge of the property.

The boathouse was my hideout when I was growing up. I went there when I was sad or had gotten in trouble with my parents. If I was in trouble, my mom or dad would give me a spanking and I would escape to hide and have a good pity cry. That was when I was a little girl. Now I come here to study sometimes and daydream about Josh. He was my little secret.

I finished using the bathroom and opened the bathroom door, stepping out into the main room I walked right into a brick wall. Well, he felt like a brick wall. It was Josh and right behind him was Bo. I was trapped.

My heart started to pound in my chest, so hard that I thought it was going to jump right out. I started to back up into the bathroom and reached for the door knob, but I wasn’t fast enough. Before I could find the door knob I was lifted over Josh’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I knew what was going to follow.

I started to kick my legs and hit his back with my balled up fists as hard as I could. I started to yell at him and what came out of my mouth was the filthiest language I had ever used.

“Josh, let me down you son of a bitch. Don’t you dare spank me. Put me down right now you jerk.” I tried to wiggle off his shoulder but to no avail. Josh gave me a few spanks to my tight jeans.

“Listen to me Jennie, you better stop that potty mouth of yours or your little birthday spanking is going to turn into a punishment spanking. There’s no need to use such language unbecoming a lady.”

I looked up and Bo was standing in front of me holding a ping pong paddle that he found sitting on a table. I let out a howl and told them that they better not use that on me or I was going straight to mom and dad and tell.

Josh started laughing and Bo was doing the same.

“Little sister that will be after the fact. It will be all done and I’m a 30 year old man. What are they going to do to me, spank me?” He let out a chuckle that really pissed me off. “I hate you, Bo, your an even bigger jerk.”

Josh walked over to the straight back chair that was in the middle of the room and sat down. I didn’t even get a chance to take a step once he put me down. He pulled me over his knee and started spanking and counting. “One, two, three, four, boy you sure are going to have a sore bottom by the time I get to 23, then Bo gets his turn.”

I started to plead for Josh to stop and to let me up. “Josh, please stop, it hurts. Ouch please stop. I’m not a little girl anymore, this isn’t funny at all.” I started to cry. I was trying not to, but he was really spanking me hard and I knew that Bo would take over when Josh was done.

“Please stop, I’m not going to be able to sit when you both are done. Please stop.” Josh stopped but only because he got to the number 23. He lifted me up and Bo sat down. Josh turned me around and pushed me over Bo’s knee.

“Bo, I can’t believe you are going to spank me with that paddle. Please stop. Bo just kept on counting, eight , nine, ten. “I hate you both.” With that Bo spanked harder not a birthday spanking type of spank, but a pissed off my little sister has a big potty mouth kind of spanking.

By the time he was done I was a blubbering fool. I was hiccuping and unable to speak an intelligent language.

Bo let me up and then I saw Josh sit back down. What in the hell does he think he’s going to do. I didn’t have much time to figure it out before I found myself back over Josh’s knee screaming my head off.

This time he was attacking my button to my jeans and unzipping my zipper. I was in a panic. OMG, he’s going to pull my pants down and I wouldn’t put it past him to pull my panties down. Then my heart sank to my feet. I could just spank myself for putting a thong on so I wouldn’t show a pantie line under my jeans. He doesn’t have to pull my panties down I was already showing my bare cheeks to the world.

Josh tugged my jean down to my knees. I waited for the paddle to start falling again. “Oh look what we have here. I wasn’t going to bare your bottom. I thought I would let you keep a little of your dignity, but I guess that wont be happening. Not a smart idea to wear a thong, huh potty mouth.” With that Josh started to spank me with the paddle and he was spanking me hard. I just about jumped off his knee.

“Ouch, stop. Please Josh please don’t spank me anymore. It hurts so bad. Please.” Josh was spanking me so hard that I started to yell at Bo to make him stop. “Bo please help me, make him stop. I hate you both.” I just cried my eyes out. I was starting to lose my breath.

Josh suddenly stopped and lifted me onto his knee. I really could not catch my breath. It’s like when a baby cries so hard and can’t catch it’s breath that you have to blow in their face to get them to start to take a breath.

Josh blew a couple of times and I could see he had a worried look in his eyes. I think he figured out that he just might have gone a little too far with this birthday spanking. I know that I do have a potty mouth but damn it, they were hurting me.

What I should have done if I had thought about it was to faint and make them really panic, but then they would have probably called 911 and the whole crew that I was going to be working with would show up. That would have been too embarrassing.

I started to breath, but my crying was out of control. I just couldn’t stop. I know that both Bo and Josh’s little birthday spankings backfired on them. I tried to stand up by myself but I lost my balance and fell into Josh. He helped me steady myself and I pulled my jeans up and button and zipped my zipper. I looked at both of them and tried to speak but I just couldn’t find the words through all my crying. I just was hysterical. If I could have I would have slapped them both but I figured the best thing was to get out of there so I turned and ran for the house.

I was so embarrassed and hurt. How could Bo and Josh do that to me on my graduation day and birthday. All my friends and family were over to help me celebrate a very important day in my young life and they both ruined it for me.

I had to pass everyone in order to get into the house and up to my bedroom. I was crying and holding my bottom. They all must have known what had happened. I know that both Bo and Josh followed me to the house and had to have gotten a lot of stern looks from the party goers.

My mom followed me upstairs to my room. I had locked the door and was crying face down on my bed.
“Honey what happened?” “Go away mom, I don’t want to talk about it. Please just let me be.”

My mom turned and bumped into Bo and Josh on the stairs. “What did you two boys do to Jennie? She is hysterically crying and she wont let me in.” The look on both Bo and Josh’s face gave them away. “You both spanked her didn’t you. You know she is too old for that childish prank you pull on her every year. How could you do it on her special day. I should take you both over my knee and paddle you both. Now get out of here and go explain to your father what you did.”

Bo and Josh went back down stairs to fill my dad in on what had just happened. I could hear my dad yelling at both Bo and Josh. “ I can’t believe you spanked her at her graduation party. She’s getting too old to be spanked on her birthday. Now get out of my site.”

Bo and Josh looked at each other and new that they had made a big mistake. They weren’t sorry that they had spanked me, but they should have waited until after the party.

Josh really did feel awful about embarrassing me in front of all my relatives and friends. “Bo, I think we screwed up real bad. This really is going to make it hard for me to tell Jennie about how I really have felt about her all these years.”

Bo gave Josh a pat on the back. “Josh she’ll get over it in a few days. You know she did deserve that extra spanking you gave her because of her cussing. She is all together too much of a brat and her mouth has always gotten her into trouble. I don’t know why mom and dad let her get away with it. If she were my daughter she wouldn’t have been able to sit since she was a little girl..

I didn’t come out of my room until the next morning. My mom and dad went to church before I ventured out of my room. I still wasn’t ready to talk to anyone.

My stomach was beginning to growl, so I decided since I was alone in the house I would go down to the kitchen and fix a little breakfast for myself. Bo and Josh came through the patio door into the kitchen. I had my back to the door and didn’t realize that they had come in. I turn to open the cupboard and was startled to look them both in the face. I started to run out of the room, but I didn’t get far before Josh caught my wrist with his hand.

“Let me go this minute, I don’t want to be in the same room as you two. Just let me go.” I tried not to cry but I was so upset and crushed that Josh had been so mean to me. I burst into tears.

I could tell by the look in Josh’s eyes that he felt horrible about what he and Bo had done to me. “Jennie, please wait. I need to talk to you. Please come into the living room so we can sit and talk about it.” I just looked at him with a look of disgust.

“Josh, I can’t sit you idiot. You did this to me, you hurt me. I hope both you and Bo are happy with yourselves.”

With that I started to leave for my bedroom. Josh stopped me and took me into his arms. He put his hands to my face and lowered his lips to mine. He kissed me and whispered in my ear that he was so sorry that he spanked me so hard.

“Jennie, I just was going to give you an ordinary birthday spanking, but when you started with your potty mouth, that’s when I got angry and spanked because you were acting like a brat and your attitude needed to be dealt with. No woman of mine is going to curse and swear.”

“What did you just say?” Josh held me closer. “Jennie, I’ve wanted you for so long. I know that you’ve had a crush on me for years.”

“How do you know that I’ve had a crush on you?” Josh, still cradling my head in his hands whispered in my ear, ‘Bo read your diary and told me.”

I pushed Josh out of the way and ran up to my room. How dare Bo intrude on my privacy. Oh god how long has Josh known about my true feelings?

As I throw myself on my bed I hear footsteps coming down the hall. My heart sank when I remembered that I hadn’t locked my door. I turned to run and lock it, but once again I’m not fast enough and Josh walks into my room.

“Please Josh, I don’t have anything to say to you.” Josh moved closer to me, moving over to my bed, he sat down and pulled me onto his lap. As I sat I let out a whimper. My bottom was truly still hurting.

“Jennie honey, I’m so sorry I hurt you. I promise that it will not happen again as long as you’re my good girl. You have to admit you have a dirty mouth and you’ve had it ever since you were 5 years old. Like I told you I wont have my girlfriend talking like that.”

OK, I’m sitting on this mans lap, the man who just beat me on my most special day of my life, who hasn’t shown me one day of liking me in a romantic way since the day we set eyes on each other. Now he’s calling me honey, his girlfriend and my good girl.

I don’t know if I can truly be with a man that would hurt me like he did. A birthday spanking is one thing, but being spanked whenever he feels I deserve one is another thing. Who made Josh the boss of me. He needs to know that I wont stand for it.

“Josh you can’t just spank me when ever you feel like it. Who made you God and another thing, why all of a sudden you tell me you have feelings for me? You sure hadn’t shown me any signs of liking me in that way.”

Josh took my face into his hands and gently kissed my lips. He was looking into my eyes with a stern look.

“Listen to me little girl. You’ve acted like a brat all your life. You are spoiled and get whatever you want. Why do you think no man has latched on to you until now. They are all scared away by the way you act. Not me. I know what you need and that’s a iron hand to set you straight.”

Well now that certainly wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

“Who died and made you king, you son of a bitch.” I started to get up, but before I could put my foot on the ground I was upended and over Josh’s knee. I figure my last comment wasn’t what he had wanted to hear. I had already regretted saying it before it even left my lips.

Josh put his hand on the waste band of my pajamas and pulled them down to my knees. I couldn’t believe I was in the same position so soon after the beating Josh and Bo had given me. I had looked at my bottom in the mirror this morning and I new that Josh could see how hard he and Bo had spanked me yesterday and that he would know how much I was still hurting. I couldn’t believe he was going to add more pain to my already aching bottom.

“Josh please don’t spank me. I wasn’t above begging for him to let me up. “We can talk this out, you don’t have to do this.” I already hurt so much as it is from yesterdays spanking.

Just as I started to plead for my life my mom and dad walked into my bedroom. I was mortified and totaling begging them to help me. “Now your going to get it. My dad wont stand for you beating his only daughter.”

“Daddy please make him stop.” My dad looked at Josh with shock and took a hold of his raised hand before Josh could start my spanking. “You’ve got some explaining to do young man.”

“Pop”, that’s what Josh always has called my dad, ‘I was just about to spank the daylights out of your bratty little daughter. She’s been acting like a spoiled brat for too long and her potty mouth is out of control. I figured you had given up on making her act like a young lady and that since I was falling in love with her it was going to be my responsibility to take over that job.”

My dad let go of Josh‘s hand. “Her mother and I tried, but it looks like we have failed our daughter. We’ve let her get away with too much.”

I’m still laying over Josh’s knee with my bottom bared for all to see. “Dam it Josh, let me up right now. Mom please help me.” I watched my mom go over to a large drawer and take out my over sized flat wooden hair brush. My mouth dropped open and I couldn’t believe she gave it to Josh with a regretful look and then suddenly turn to a stern look.

“Josh, I give you permission to use this on my daughter. Maybe you can spank some sense into her.”

I couldn’t believe I had a traitor in the family. How could my mom be so cold. I turned around and yelled to my mom. “I hate you.”

Tears welled up in my mother eyes as she ran from the room. I looked over at my dad and I thought I could see steam bursting from his ears. “Josh, give it to her good.” With that said, my dad left the room to look for my mom. I started to cry not because I knew that Josh was about to give me the worst spanking of my life but, that I had told my mom I hated her. I wanted to take the hairbrush and spank myself with it. How could I have been so hurtful to my mom. She has been nothing but amazing.
I knew that the wait was over and with the first landing of the hairbrush I was sure to end up with a totally spanked bottom. Josh started to spank with all his might.

Smack, Smack, Smack. He spanked in the same spot on my right cheek for at least a minute. I didn’t think I was going to live through such a fierce spanking. He stopped and let me feel the full effect of the spanking.

I couldn’t believe how much it hurt. He moved to the left cheek and started to continue with the spanking. Smack, Smack, Smack. After another minute he stopped so I would feel the same pain my right cheek had received.

I knew that I deserved every smack I was receiving for being so hurtful to my mom. She didn’t deserve those words I so freely spoke.

“Josh, I’m so sorry for telling my mom I hate her. I love her Josh. Ouch, please stop so we can talk, oh please stop.” Josh just kept on spanking alternating between cheeks. He than started to move down to my upper thighs. I couldn’t believe how much it hurt worse than on my bottom.

By the time Josh had stopped I was inconsolable. I was crying so hard I started to feel sick. I thought I was going to throw up. I started heaving and Josh lifted me onto his lap. He rubbed my back and tried to shush me into calming me down but nothing was calming me. I had worked myself into such a frenzy that I wasn’t sure I would be able to come back from it.

I threw my arms around Josh’s neck and buried my face in his chest. I didn’t think I could ever face him again. Josh put his lips to my ear.

“Honey, I think the first thing you need to do is go and take a shower. I want you to get dressed and then we are going to find your parents and have a little family meeting.”

I new that if I even uttered an objection I would be over Josh’s knee again and I wasn’t ready for a second round. I moved back and looked up into Josh’s eyes and tried to form a smile. “OK, I’ll do what you say.” With that said I planted a kiss on his cheek and started to go take my shower.

Josh reached for my hand and twirled me back into his arms. He lowered his face to my lips and gave me a kiss. He patted my bottom and said, “that’s my good girl” and off I went.

After my shower I walked past my full length mirror and stopped to look at my poor bottom. I hesitated for a moment afraid to see why it hurt so badly. I was in shock as I saw the welts that ran from my upper thighs to the top of my bottom. It was red with some purple shading. I hadn’t tried to sit but I knew that Josh would make me sit in the living room while we had our family meeting.

I got dressed in my yellow sundress. I didn’t bother putting any underwear on. I truly didn’t think I could bare it.

I walked into the living room to find my parents, Josh and even Bo was sitting there waiting for me. I had forgotten that Bo had come in with Josh. I don’t even know where Bo had gone when I was getting spanked. I sure hope he had the decency to leave the room when my parents did.

I looked to my mom who was sitting on the couch with my dad. I ran to her and knelt down in front of her and laid my head in her lap. I started to sob. She put her hand on my head and started to stroke my hair.

“Oh mommy, I didn’t mean it. I don’t hate you . I love you with all my heart. I am just a hateful child. Can you please forgive me?” I looked up into my moms eyes and I saw tears falling. I felt horrible that I made my mom cry. Would she ever forgive me?

“Sweetheart I know you didn’t mean it. I know that you love me, but I’m not going to put up with anymore of your tantrums or bad language. You weren’t raised to act this way and I give Josh full rein on you. So I suggest you change your ways young lady from this moment on. Your father and I think Josh will be a good match for you. We know that he’ll make you tow the line and that he loves you very much.”

Was I the only one who didn’t have a clue that Josh had romantic feelings for me. He never showed how he truly felt towards me. How long did he have those feelings and why didn’t I notice them? Had they all been in cahoots against me ?

I could see that my parents thought Josh was the perfect man for me and that they trusted him to tame me. Well, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be tamed let alone have Josh do the taming. I looked over at Josh and I could tell that he was willing to take on the job.

I was coming to the conclusion that Josh had feelings for me. Feelings that had been growing for a long time. I wasn’t sure why he took so long to fill me in about those feeling he was having. I really couldn’t blame him because I wasn’t very forthcoming with my feelings.

Josh took my hand and motioned for me to sit on his lap. He looked into my eyes and told me that he had something he wanted to ask me. I sat down but immediately jumped up. Josh put his hand around my waist and pulled me down on his lap and told me to stay put. I started to squirm and shift my bottom from side to side to see if I could stop the pain. I could tell that Josh was losing patience with me and that I better try my hardest to sit still. I surely didn’t want to give Josh a reason to give me another spanking. I knew that my bottom would not survive another one.

“Jennie, I’ve loved you for a long time. I wasn’t sure about your feelings for me. You never came out and said that you were interested in a relationship but I could tell by how you acted around me that you had a crush on me. Deep down inside your bratty attitude and potty mouth was a cry for me to take you in hand and show you who was boss. Jennie you’re the type of woman who needs, no wants her man to love her with all his heart, take care of your every need and pop that bottom of yours when you deserve a proper spanking. I am that man.”

I just sat there on Josh’s lap with my mouth opened down to my knees. I had wanted to hear those words from his lips for so many years. Now that he had said them, I was afraid to answer. I want to have a relationship with Josh but I’m not sure that I want to surrender myself to him. The thing about me wanting to be spanked had not been something I wanted. Not one bit.

I cleared my throat trying to form the words that I knew Josh was waiting to hear.

“Josh, I do love you . I’ve wanted to be with you for so many years. That has always been my dream. I don’t know about surrendering myself to you. I am my own woman and as you know I don’t like being told what to do. I’m just afraid we will butt heads all the time.”

Josh pulled me towards him. “Jennie, I know we’ll butt heads. That’s a given. I promise you that there will be rules to follow, whether you like or not. The only thing you need to worry about is that if rules are broken your bottom will pay for it.”

I turned to my parents. I could tell by the expressions on their faces that they were in agreement with Josh. I looked at Bo and god only knows why I even took his expression in to consideration, but I could tell he liked the idea.

I know that the most important people in my life only wanted the best for me and that I know that I sometimes act like an spoiled child. I guess I could try it for a while.

“Josh, I love you. I have for so long and I don’t want to live without you in my life. I’ll try it your way. I don’t want you to be spanking me for every little naughty thing I do. That’s just not fare.”

Josh smiled and gave me a kiss. “Sweetie, you just need to be a good girl, then you wont have to worry about getting spanked for every little naughty thing you do.”

With that said I felt a chill run through my body. I stood up and made a run for my bedroom. I got to the stairway and scurried up to my bedroom and locked the door. I just had to get away. I felt like I was losing control.

I sat on my bed wondering who would be coming after me. No one came. I was sure Josh would come storming up the stairs, then bust down my bedroom door. I must have broken at least 5 of his so called stupid rules by now.

I couldn’t hear any noise coming from downstairs. I figured Josh went home and my parents probably went out for lunch like they always do on Sunday afternoon. I laid down on my bed and thought I would close my eyes and just rest for a while. I was exhausted from the spanking and all the talking. I just wanted to put all that out of my mind for a little while.
I woke up with a startle. It was still light out and I wasn’t sure if it was still Sunday or if I had slept right through the night and it was Monday morning. I looked at the clock and it was 7 am. I couldn’t believe no one had come up to check on me to see if I was OK.

I started to get up and I had forgotten about my bottom. I gave out a yelp when I rolled over from my stomach onto my bottom. I jumped up to relieve the painful feeling and to step over to my full length mirror. I needed to see how my bottom looked almost 24 hours after Josh had given me the worst spanking of my entire life.

Not only did I still have the red and purplish marking on my bottom, but now some of the markings had turned that ugly yellowy-greenish shade. The more I thought about it, I was getting madder at Josh and my parents for letting him spank me so hard. I was a grown woman and I just decide that no one was ever going to spank my bottom ever again.

Darn you, Josh Winters, you are never going to spank my bottom again. Even though I was only thinking those words I looked around making sure no one would have been able to hear me. I must really be paranoid.

Now I know I can’t stay cooped up in my bedroom for the rest of my life, but I was a little apprehensive to open my door and venturing down the stairs. I had abruptly stormed out of the living room to my bedroom and I wasn’t sure how that had gone over with the four people who had been down in the living room plotting the rest of my life.

I have never been afraid to stand up for myself. Now that I know that I could be turned over anyone’s knee at any moment I was plain chicken. I think I grew feathers and a beak overnight.

I decided to jump into the shower and put on some comfortable loose fitting clothes on, especially the lower portion. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and decided that I was going to go downstairs with my head high and show who ever was downstairs that I wasn’t afraid. I wasn’t going to crumble under their strong arm.
I had planed on going to the mall today to shop for some summer clothes and also I needed to go by the fire hall to pick up my uniform. I was going to start to ride with one of the aid cars on Tuesday. I was getting so excited to start my new job.

I had always wanted to start off as and EMT and then if I was good at it go on to nursing school. I should find out today which aid car I will be assigned to.

I figured I would stop by McDonald’s for a breakfast sandwich and coffee on my way to the mall, but a nice glass of orange juice sounded even better. I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and got the juice. When I started to close the door I got startled. Josh must have walked into the kitchen just at that moment. Like I said, he was quiet as a cat.

I slammed the door and turned to get a glass from the cupboard. I wasn’t in the mood to have any kind of conversation with a man who felt it was his duty to tame me.

Josh walked over to me and twirled me around and took me into his arms. He planted the most perfect kiss to my lips. His tongue slide along my lips and penetrated to touch my tongue. I was lost in the moment. I put my arms around his neck and could feel a tingling between my legs. I squeezed my thighs together so I could control myself. I felt like I was starting to float away.

Josh pushed me away, took my hand and led me to one of the kitchen chairs. I immediately covered my bottom with my other hand, thinking that for some reason I was about to get spanked.

Josh gave a little chuckle, “Jennie, don’t worry, I’m not here to give you a spanking I think we have a few things we need to talk about. You have a decision to make.”

I looked into Josh’s eyes and I could tell he hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. I on the other hand, I had slept like a baby and felt refreshed and ready to defend myself if need be.

“Josh I’m not sure what you mean. I thought by my running to my room yesterday I had made myself quite clear. I’m not ready to have you taming me. I don’t feel like I need you to tell me how it’s going to be, with all your so called RULES.”

I could feel my little bratty attitude creeping up on me and I knew that Josh would not be in any kind of mood to deal with it. For my own well being I quickly changed my attitude to a passive little girl.

“I’m sorry for starting to act bratty. I’m really trying to be better. I’m not acting like that on purpose. Josh, I don’t like to make you mad at me. I think I’m falling in love with you too.”

Josh ran his finger down my cheek, across my slippery lips. He shushed me and moved closer to give me a most perfect kiss. He moved his hand to my right breast and gave my perky nipple a pinch. I jumped with excitement that was stirring once again between my thighs.

I jumped off his lap and raise my hands to cover my eyes. I wasn’t sure how to handle all this attention that was so new to me. I had for so long wanted Josh to take me into his arms and make mad passionate love to me but now that he was showing me how much he liked me I didn’t know what to do.

Josh stood and took a step towards me. He once again put his strong and tender arms around my waste and pulled me into him.

“Sweetie, don’t shy away from me. I wont do anything you don’t want me to do. I have waited so many years for you to grow into the women you have grown into. I think we are ready to take that next step to get to know each other more intimately.”

I had a huge problem and I didn’t know how to handle it. Josh is under the impression that I have been with a few guys. I’ve dated some, but nothing like he thinks. I never had more that a second date with anyone I dated. So yes, that’s right, I’m still a virgin.

How can we take it to the next step and be more intimate when I’ve never gotten past the first step with anyone.

I needed to go, and be alone to think. “Josh, I need to go. I have to go now.” I got up off his lap and picked up my purse and keys and darted for the door. I don’t know how I managed to do it, but I slipped out the door before Josh knew what happened. I ran to my car, trying to unlock it before he could catch me.

I made a clean getaway.

I stopped at McDonald’s for my breakfast sandwich and a side of hash browns. I finally could enjoy a nice cold glass of orange juice, that I had craved all morning.

After I relaxed for a while I started to cry. Tears started to flow down my cheeks. Everything that had happened to me these past few days caught up with me. My parents were so disappointed in me that they felt I needed someone to tame me and help me change my ways. Josh was adamant about him being the tamer and that he would change me into an obedient wife. I don’t even know if I want to be a wife. I’m still very young and I feel I should be able to do what I want without someone hovering over my every move.

So what if I’m a little bratty and curse like a logger, it’s my life and no one is going to boss me around. I’m an adult, darn it.

I am still trying to rap my head around Josh wanting to have me. He has loved me for a long time without me even having a clue. How could I be so blind. All this time he knew that I was in love with him and I was so stupid not to see that he was in love with me. Now he wants to be more intimate with me. I’m a virgin for crying out loud.

I had to get out of McDonald’s so no one could see me crying. I ran to my car and started to unlock my door. I was fumbling around with my keys. I could hardly see the key hole with all the tears flowing down my cheeks.

Finally I unlocked my door and was about to get in when my door slammed shut, this startled me. I turned around and Josh was standing there with a scowled look on his face. He took my keys, locked my door and took my hand. He twirled me around so my backside was facing him. I knew what was going to happen next. I tried to cover my bottom with my hand, but he got his three hard swats applied to my already sore bottom. I couldn’t believe that I was in the parking lot of McDonald’s getting spanked.

I closed my eyes, thinking if I couldn’t see, than no one could see me jumping out of the way of Josh’s hand. I felt three more swats and then felt myself being lifted into his pickup. I started to cry, not so much from the pain of being spanked, but from the embarrassment of having my bottom publicly spanked.

I opened my eyes as the truck started to move. I could see some people watching me crying and no one came to my rescue. For all they knew, I was being kidnapped by a crazed spanking maniac.

What was wrong with these people? If it were me watching a grown women getting her bottom spanked in a public parking lot, I would have called 911 and walked right up to the jerk who was doing the spanking. I would have given him a piece of my mind, but no, no one did that for me. I was wondering if all men spanked their wives and girlfriends. If so, I think I don’t want anything to do with men anymore.

There was silence. I didn’t dare speak. The truck turn down the street to Josh’s house. He had purchased a home about a mile from my parents. I had never been there before, so I was some what interested in seeing his man cave. He and my brother were roommates, so I was very interested in what the place looked like.

I wasn’t sure if I was safe going there today. Who knew what Josh had planed. My heart started to beat faster. I was starting to hyperventilate. I never thought I would be scared to be by myself with Josh. I didn’t know if we were just going to talk, if I was going to get another spanking or if he was going to deflower me. It seemed like when he talked to me lately it was while I was always over his knee. I wondered if we would ever be able to have a normal conversation without me getting my bottom blistered. He was getting more confident each time he spanked me. I truly didn’t think my bottom could take another spanking.

Josh pulled into his driveway and turned off the truck. Not a word was spoken. He opened his door, got out, then slammed it closed. He walked around the front of the truck. I was getting scared, not knowing what trouble I was in. I quickly locked the door just in time. Josh placed his hand on the door handle and couldn’t open the door.

I’ve noticed lately when Josh is about to lose his patients with me, his right eyebrow will curl up. His scowl is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen. It reminds me of a mad bull ready to charge. This was the look he was giving me. I was sure I saw steam blowing out his nostrils.

“Jennie, you best be opening this door.” Josh was not in the mood for games. I wasn’t playing a game, I was trying to survive. I knew he held my life in his hands. He thought he was the person to make all the decisions in my life. No, he had it all wrong.

“No, I’m not going to open it until you promise you wont spank me.”

Josh took his keys and I heard the click of the lock. Oh gosh, I quickly re locked the door. We went back and forth for a minute or so, until I screwed up and pushed the unlock button by mistake.

I didn’t know what hit me, I was out of the truck in two seconds and slung over Josh’s shoulder. I couldn’t believe how fast he had me on the porch to his house.

I bawled my hands into fists. I started to hit Josh’s back, crying at have him to put me down. I should have known that I was no match for Josh. He applied his hard hand to my backside. I had put on a sundress this morning and the skirt part was hanging down over my back, leaving only my lacy panties to protect my bottom. He gave me five hard swats to my bottom.

“Listen here young lady. I hadn’t planed on giving you a spanking, but if you keep on hitting me I promise I will take my belt to your bare bottom, so help me. Just settle down.”

I figured I better stop with the useless attack on Josh’s back. All it was getting me was a sore bottom. “Do you promise not to spank me? I don’t think I could survive another one.”

Josh opened the door and walked over to the couch in the front room. He lowered me onto the couch. “SIT and DON’T. YOU. MOVE!”

Boy was he mad. He had never raised his voice to me in that way. I knew that I better do what he said. “Yes sir.”

What did I just say? I was shocked that “yes sir” just came out of my mouth. The only person I have ever said that to was my dad and that was when he had me over his lap applying his hand to my bottom, which was almost never. Josh was treating me just like a child. I’m not a child, I’m a grown woman. He better start remembering that, because I wont stand, being treated this way.

Josh went to the refrigerator and got two bottles of water. He walked over and handed me a bottle. “Take a big drink Jennie, all those tears you’ve been shedding will dehydrate you. Yep, he’s always watching out for me, or was it he once again telling me what to do?

“Thank you for the water. I took a sip. Josh was right, I had shed a rainfall of tears these past few days and I was so thirsty. I drank about half of the bottle.

Josh sat down next to me and took the bottle of water from my hand and put it down on the table in front of us. He lifted me up and placed me on his lap. At least it wasn’t over his lap. So far so good.

I couldn’t look into his eyes. I didn’t know what to say. I wanted him to explain what he wanted from me.

Josh cupped my face in his hands and gave me a kiss on the lips. Nothing toe curling, but enough to give me that little twinge between my thighs.

Josh put his arms around me and brought me to his chest. I was lost in his caress. I wanted to stay this way for the rest of my life. I felt safe and warm when he held me.

Josh reached under my chin and lifted it so our eyes met. He had a tear falling down his cheek. I was speechless, lost for words. Why was he crying. I was the one who should be crying. I had had my bottomed spanked at least a million times in the past few days and I had practically been given away by my parents to a man who had appointed himself to tame me. I was spanked and humiliated by my so called boyfriend in the parking lot of McDonald’s and he was crying. Where does he get off showing that kind of emotion.

“Josh, why are you crying? Your not the one who has been beaten so many times in the past few days, and in the parking lot of McDonald’s no less. I don’t care if you have tears running down your face. I don’t want to be here and you need to take me home right this minute.”

Complete silence. Not a word is being said. Oh boy, I’m in so much trouble.

I slowly got up off his lap and started for the front door. I wasn’t sure if it was the right decision to make but I needed to get out and far away as fast as I could.

“Jennie, If you walk out that door it will be over. I wont bother you anymore. I wont be there to make sure you’re OK. You can go on making bad choices, continue to act like a spoiled brat who has a potty mouth and never have the life you could have with my love. You know that you love me just a much as I love you. We have been hiding our love for each other all these years. You were way to young in the beginning for me. I know I had to let some years go by before we could show our love for each other. I know that it’s time for us to start our future together”

I got as far as the front door. I had my hand on the door knob, starting to turn it. I knew that all I had to do was pull on the knob and I would be out the door and down the street. If I did this it would be all over between us before it actually really started.

It’s only been a few days that Josh told me he had true feelings for me. It was all so much to take in. My folks had practically threw me into his arms. I felt like I was a princess and the king and queen had picked my prince charming out for me to marry.

This isn’t a fairy tale, it’s real life and it’s just not done that way. I wanted to pick my own prince charming, but the problem was Josh was my prince charming.

The other problem was I was being so pigheaded. I wanted to be the one to make the decisions not everyone else. I hate to be told what to do. My parents and Josh went about it all wrong. They blew it.
They know that I was a spoiled brat who always got her way. Why would this be any different.

I just need to explain this to Josh. Make him understand that it has to be my decision not anyone else’s. I love him and want to be with him, but it has to my idea.

The more I thought about it, I was really acting like a spoiled brat. We both want to be with each other, so why am I acting so horrid.

At that moment I knew what I needed to do.


I took my hand off the door knob and turned around. Josh was still sitting on the couch. He no longer had tears flowing down his cheeks. I figured he had had enough of my silliness.

I walked over to Josh and sat down next to him. I felt myself losing it. I looked into his eyes and told him I was sorry.

“Josh, I’m truly sorry for the way I have been acting the past couple of days. You deserve better than a spoiled rotten brat, throwing temper tantrums every fifteen minutes over anything and everything. I hope you can forgive me for acting this way and I promise I will work on my attitude and especially my potty mouth,”

Josh put his arms around me and gave me a big smile and a hug. He started to speak, but I put my finger to his lips to stop him from saying anything.

I got up and went over to my purse and took out my hair brush and brought it over and place it into Josh’s hand. I felt myself losing it again. I started to shake and I could feel my throat getting sore. The kind of sore you get when you try to hold back from crying. I walked to the side of Josh’s knees and I slowly bent over them. I pulled up my sundress and tugged at my panties. I tried to pull them down but only got as far as my lower bottom. I asked Josh to help me pull them down to my knees.

“Josh, I can’t pull them down very further, will you please help me?” I could feel Josh placing his fingers under my panties and he started to pull them down. He took them all the way off and placed them next to my head. On the floor.

There was complete silence. I needed to do this. I needed to turn myself over to Josh. I needed to show him that he was in charge of my well being and he was going to have to lay down the law when it came to my attitude. I just had too much of it and didn’t know how to control it.

“Jennie, are you sure you want this? You know that you deserve a solid spanking from me. I’m going to do a thorough job.” I took a deep breath and replied, “yes Josh, I’m turning myself over to you. I love you and don’t want to lose your love for me. I know that I’m tamable. You just need to be patient with me. All I ask is please don’t be too hard on my bottom today. It still hurts from all the other spankings I’ve gotten, and remember you already spanked me in the parking lot.

With that said, and I truly knew that it didn’t influence Josh one bit. He was going to lay down the law as he saw fit.

I waited for the brush to fall, the anticipation was gut wrenching. I started to shake even more and I was sobbing before the first crack of the brush landed.

Ouch! Oh Josh, not so hard. Oh please, ouch no. I started to squirm and thrash around. I new if I jerked around too much Josh would put his leg over mine to keep me from struggling. That’s just what he did. I tried to put my hand back to cover my bottom after each smack, but he just took my hands into his and placed them behind my back. He was so strong that I was stuck.

Josh kept spanking me, The smack came harder and faster with each smack. I knew that sitting was going to be out of the question for a long time. I must have gotten smacked over twenty times with that hairbrush.

I was crying my eyes out. I started to hyperventilate and that’s when Josh stopped. He knew that I had reached my limit.

I laid over his knees for at least five minutes trying to get control of myself. Josh was rubbing my back and shushing me, trying to calm me down. He didn’t rub my bottom. He didn’t believe in soothing a bottom after it was punished. That would defeat the purpose of the spanking. It’s suppose to hurt.

I finally stopped sobbing enough that Josh lifted me up and place me on his lap. I threw my arms around his neck and buried my face into his chest. I always felt safe and under control of myself in that position.

Josh pulled me back and wiped my tears from my face. He gave me some Kleenex to blow my nose. I felt like a little girl having her daddy wiping her runny nose. Josh made me feel little and venerable in his arms.

Josh whispered in my ear, “Jennie it’s OK, I love you with all my heart. It will be OK. We’re going to have a wonderful life together. Your bottom and my hand were made for each other.”

With that said I knew that my Birthday wish from all these years had finally come true. I found my true love and that I would be happy with Josh forever.

The End

Contest Entry #8 : Being a Bad Neighbor



The ”hits” just keep coming…here’s another entry for the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest .


– Dana



“Being a Bad Neighbor”

“That girl needs a good thrashing,” Do they really think I cannot hear them as I am walking through the lobby?  Sooorrry, I swore when I dropped my mail.  They think they are so perfect.  They are my neighbors. I knew moving into such a large apartment building would have its challenges; just as adjusting to a new life would be difficult; but these past six months have been worse than I could have ever imagined.

The old woman with the white hair wasn’t the first one to want to beat my ass.  In the dining room I was rude to an old lady who just wouldn’t such up. She was talking about the hairballs her cat coughed up. In the dining room! Perhaps I could have been a bit kinder with my words. I would have been kinder before moving here.  But now there was no reason for me to curb my attitude or behavior.

My life had been so perfect until Jeff left. Now my life was just spiraling out of control. If my neighbors only knew how correct they were; I do need a thrashing.  Before Jeff was in his accident, if I mouthed off or acted the way I have been he would have tanned my butt so bad I wouldn’t have sat for a week.  Jeff was not only my boyfriend, lover and best friend he was my disciplinarian.  He made me accountable for my actions.  Now without Jeff, I just didn’t care.  I have been a rude, obnoxious bitch.  I don’t mean to be and each day when I get up I swear it will be different.  I will clean the apartment, or at least wash the dishes, I will be polite and watch my mouth, but each day I fail.  I tried finding a different Dom to help me, his style and demeanor was so unlike Jeff that I couldn’t continue. I even tried disciplining myself but that didn’t work either.  My life is a mess, I am a mess. I do need to be punished for the way I am acting; my neighbors are right I really wish one of them would just spank me, God only knows how badly I need it.

I needed to get some laundry done, I was so glad to see I was the only person in the laundry room. I don’t really feel up to dealing with any neighbors today. I didn’t sleep last night or any nights recently. I threw my clothes in the washer and retreated back to my apartment.  I awoke in a panic – my laundry, I had forgotten my laundry.  Oh no the light is on in the laundry room, not only am I late but I will hear about it for sure. As I get closer I can hear several voices, my head is beginning to pound.  I can see three people in the laundry room as I approach. Two are retired nuns, Sister Alice and Sister Veronique along with a white haired woman named Maggie or at least I think her name is Maggie.  I take a deep breath as I walk into the laundry room.

“Is this your laundry?” Maggie asked as she points to my neatly folded laundry in my basket.  My mind is spinning with what to say, Sorry….. Who do I owe the dryer money…. Thank you….. “Yeah,” was all that came out of my mouth. “We dried it and folded it for you, since you weren’t here and we needed the machine.” I reached for my basket and Sister Alice stepped between me and it.  I stepped back and opened my mouth to speak but the look on the Sister’s face made me think better of it. “Darcie, we understand you had a tragic event in your life but that is no excuse to treat people the way you do.  Maggie used her money to finish your laundry and we all folded it for you. At the very least you should say Thank You, but personally I think you belong in that corner over there to think about your behavior and how it affects others.”  As much as I wanted to run with or without my laundry, I suddenly realized that feeling of submissiveness had come over me.  I lowered my eyes and apologized to all three women as I walked to the corner.  The room was silent.  I couldn’t tell if they were looking at me or not, the room was too quiet.  I turned to find it was only Sister Alice and I left in the room.  “Darcie, are you ready to be good?”  “Yes Sister,” I replied quietly.  I sat in the chair next her and noticed she had a very kind face and was wearing a dark green shirt, almost black but definitely green. This was Jeff’s favorite color; about 60 % of his wardrobe was dark green.  “I am sorry, so sorry….” I was crying “I just don’t know what to do…. I don’t mean to be so bad” Sister Alice stopped me, putting her hand on my shoulder. “You have been very naughty to many women here at the home.  You deserve to be punished.  I think you need to be spanked. Spanked on your bare bottom, hard, so you can’t sit comfortably for a few days, so you are reminded of what happens when you don’t behave yourself.”  “Yes Sister” I mumbled the words so softly I barely heard myself.  “Excuse me?” Sister Alice asked.  “Yes, I do deserve to be punished.” I looked up and spoke directly to her.  “No time like the present, let’s go to your apartment.”  “NO, I mean, can we go to your apartment, my apartment is a mess.” “Well that seems to be something we will have to work on as well.  Ok we can go to my apartment, this time.”

We entered the courtside apartment and she led me to her bedroom where she closed the drapes.  As she unfolded the blanket that had been laid over the foot of the bed, she pointed to an empty corner.  I walked to the corner and stood facing the two walls.  When she called my name I noticed she had spread the blanket over the top of the bed.  There was hump on bed from pillows under the blanket.  Next to it was several items which were soon going to be used to spank my bottom. They were all household items, a thick metal ruler, a slotted spoon, a heavy wooden spoon and a leather belt.  “You ready?” I took a deep breath and told her I was ready. “Remove your pants and undies and lie over the pillows.” I did as I was told.  I was nervous, happy, embarrassed and even horny all at the same time.  In my mind I was thinking, “Be careful what you ask for.” But at the same instance those words were spoken from Sister Alice’s mouth. How could she know? “This is going to hurt Darcie, Proverbs 20:30 Punishment that hurts chases evil from the heart.”  For a second, I wondered how hard an old woman could even administer a spanking.  I was sure this wasn’t even going to hurt, and then I felt the wooden spoon as it made contact with my left cheek. The pain was intense and immediately followed by more heavy swats all on my left cheek.  I began to squirm, and gasped as the pain took over.  Then she moved to my right cheek; now my entire butt was on fire and the pain of each swat intensified.  She kept spanking me even though I was now fully crying moving the wooden spoon to cover the sweet spot and upper thighs. I hadn’t been spanked like this for so long and I was not expecting anything this painful. I suddenly remembered the other instruments on the bed.  I really was going to have trouble sitting when this was over.  I realized the spanking had stopped.  “Is this what you need young lady?”  Sister Alice asked me.  “Yes Ma’am, I mean Sister.” “Whichever, you wish to call me is fine, are you ready for more, I am going to use the ruler on you next, then if you want a break you can stand in the corner for a bit.” “Yes, Sister,” I was still sobbing.  When the metal ruler landed against my sit down spot I screamed in pain.  It hurt so much, then again in the same spot, “OWWWW,” I cried as the ruler slowly made its way down to the backs of my upper thighs and then back up, I was thrashing around on the bed but no matter where or how I tried to move the ruler made solid contact. “Oh, it hurts so bad, PLEASE, I’ll be good…..” I begged as my bottom received the spanking I knew I not only deserved and wanted but one that I truly needed.  After what seemed like forever I heard Sister say, “Corner, I need a break even if you don’t,” My face was wet with tears by bottom felt like it was on fire, and the pain was much more than I had expected. I went to the corner and stood there, crying.  After a while Sister Alice was handing me a bottle of cold water.  I gratefully accepted the drink and she motioned for me to follow her.  The shades in the living room had also been closed and we entered the kitchen.  There was a pad of paper and a pen on the table and another sheet of paper with eleven bible verses all from Proverbs.  “Ten times each and make sure they are neat or you will do them over.”  I looked at her and without a word I sat on the hard wooden kitchen chair.  It hurt, and the more I moved to try to find a spot that wouldn’t hurt as bad, the more pain I seemed to cause.  I gave up trying to find a comfortable way to sit.  I wrote my lines as neatly as I could while Sister Alice read her bible in the chair next to me.  It took me over an hour to get all the lines written, I was hoping to impress her with my super neat penmanship.  She glanced at the pages I had written. “Good girl, ready to finish your spanking?”  Finish? What? “Ummm I thought we were done.” I immediately started crying again. My bottom was so sore.  “I think you need a half dozen of each of the implements, to help you remember, but if you don’t want them it’s up to you.” She replied.  Thinking about it I knew she was right, I had this coming, I had wanted it and I did need it.  “Yes, you are right.”

We walked back to the bedroom and I adjusted the pillows and climbed on them.  “Count the strokes.” “One,” I said as the slotted spoon tore into my butt. After I counted out the forth stroke I was sure I was bleeding, “Five,” I cried not knowing how I was going count out the remaining strokes and fearing what might happen if I failed. “Six.” I yelled between gasps and sobs.  The ruler and the wooden spoon were just as bad and I really was hoping she would offer me a break in the corner before using the belt on me but I heard the swoosh of the belt and then the intense bite of the belt as it made contact with my upper thigh.  I hollered in pain and managed to say something that sounded similar to “one” before I heard that awful swoosh sound again.  I rolled a bit to try and avoid it but it still landed square across both of my cheeks searing them with incredible pain.  Before I could even manage to even attempt to call out two the belt was careening towards my bottom to land the third hard blow. I didn’t try to avoid it this time, nor did I try to say the number three.  The next three came as I laid there feeling exhausted, sorry and completely submissive.

Sister Alice sat next to me on the bed and gently rubbed my back as I lay crying.  “I understand you have been through a lot, but it you need to take control now.”  “Let me help you Darcie.”

Contest Entry #7 : The Spanking Wish



Enjoy this fun entry for the ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  and get ready for more!


– Dana



“The Spanking Wish”



As i sit in front of the wishing well getting ready to throw my quarter in and make a wish ,
I close my eyes and and think of the most perfect spanking .
She is a tall beautiful woman , has a firm hand but yet caring person
I never had this growing up .
Thru the years it has resonated inside me since childhood .
Young man come here she says in a stern voice as she stands in the middle of the room,
so how did school go today???
Fine i replied .
Are you sure she said yes i replied
Then why are you lying to me ??
im not i said
with a quick slap across the face
yes you are she said .
I got a phone call from your teacher today and she said that you were smoking and you ,
got caught and kicked her and ran away. and last week it was vandalism of a neighbor’s
fence .What am i going to do with you young man ?
Look at me when i’m talking to you .
I look at her
well talking does not seem to work with you or restrictions or grounding young man ,
so i guess i will have to figure out a more better punishment for you
I want you to go stand in the corner young man till i figure out how to punish you.
As i stand there it seemed forever .
The she comes over and turns me around and says i guess i have to go to the next
level young man nothing seems to work with you .
as she takes off her white belt from her wrangler jeans she takes me by the hand ,
with a tight grip and with her belt in one hand she leads me in to the bedroom
she stops sets the belt down on the bed and turns around and says pull your pants down
young man !!!
I said i’m to old for a spanking and stood back she steps forward yanks me ,
forward and gives me 3 smacks with her hand No smack your smack not smack
now pull down your pants now !!! no i won’t I replied .Really she says well guess what
as she pulls down my pants I’m the mom and i win .
she pulls me over her knee and begins to spank me with her hand ,
The first three swats landed fast and unbelievably hard!
Smack Smack Smack You are going to learn a lesson today young man !!!
smack smack . she stops and tells me to get up she leads me in to the corner ,
and smack and smack.
Now i want you to think about what’s about to happen Young man !!
Do you understand me !! (she said )
Yes I said (yes what young man ?)
Yes Ma”am
Thats better she said
As i stand there feeling the smacks of her hand still there on my bare bottom ,
thinking im mght be in a little trouble
A few minutes later I heard a stern voice Pj turn around
I turned around and she is standing there holding her belt and
tapping it on her leg.
Well little boy its time to for your punishment come here now !!!
I began to sweat and get a lump in my throat .
Come here now!! she said
I just stood there
Dont make me come over there !!
Im sorry i promise i will be good i promise i repiied
Its to late for that young man
as she walks over and take me by the ear
and leads me over to the bed she sits down pulls me over her right leg
and locking my legs with her left leg,
Swiish thwack the belt comes down on to my bare bottom.
Oww !!
Swiish thwack Swiish thwack
Oww Please i promise to be good
Swiish thwack Swiish thwack
she stops and says you should have thought about this before Young man!!
Swiish thwack Swiish thwack Swiish thwack
ow ow please i promise Swiish thwack
My bare bottom clench together it felt like a thousand bee stings
I plead no mommy im sorry i will be good i promise Please
She ignores my please to stop .
Swiish thwack Swiish thwack Swiish thwack
are you learning your lesson
Swiish thwack young man Swiish thwack Swiish thwack you keep acting
Swiish thwack like this Swiish thwack Swiish thwack you will be gong
over my knee Swiish thwack Swiish thwack for a good Swiish thwack
bare bottom spanking Swiish thwack .
I begin to sob and try to put my hand to protect my on fire bottom
but she grabs my hand and then she pulls it up
i began to squirm and try to get a way
but she has a tight hold on me .
Swiish thwack Swiish thwack Swiish thwack
is it burninig does Swiish thwack it sting Swiish thwack
Yes Ma’am Swiish thwack
Good Swiish thwack Swiish thwack
she stops and pulls me up of her lap and leads me in to the
Now you stand there untill i come get you is that understood young man !!
Yes ma’ am i replied smack smack wth her hand good smack
my bottom is stinging and on fire i go to rub it
i hear no you dont no rubbing naughty boy she said
she comes and gets me and walks me over to the
full length mirror and shows me my very red bottom
now thats what naughty boys get when they misbehave
Yes ma’am i replied
I take my quater out throw it in to the wishing well
and make my wish .

Story Contest Entry #6 : The Wishing Well




I hope you’re in the mood for more great spanking stories, because here comes another entry for the ‘Spanking Wish’ contest .~~


– Dana




“The Wishing Well”

Anne and Julie ran towards the Outdoor fish pond in the Garden Centre, clutching their Ice Creams, which Julie had just bought for them. As they reached the pond, Julie was still trying to put the change she had been given, away in her purse – as she did so, she dropped a coin in the pond! One of the Coy Carp, tried to investigate, but didn’t like the taste, so spat it out again, where it settled to the bottom of the pond.

As the girls looked down, they saw there were a few other coins there – “I wonder if it’s like a ‘Wishing Well’ said Anne. “I don’t know replied Julie, but I might as well try anyway, you never know…”

“What did you wish for?” asked Anne. “I’m not telling you, or it won’t come true” said Julie, thinking to herself – If only you knew! She had secretly wished to be spanked by an Actor – as she thought vaguely of all the film stars – no one in particular! She knew she would NEVER admit THAT to Julie, who was very “Prim & Proper” underneath her outward bravado!

Just then Julies phone rang, it was her latest boyfriend! She had not had much luck in that area, especially as she was not prepared to have sex before marriage, which most folk she met, seemed to think strange! – Anyway, Ted wanted to take her out for lunch, as he had a bit of extra lunch time from the hospital where he worked in the office – she decided to agree, as Anne would be otherwise engaged by then.

Over lunch, a group of rowdy teenagers came in – Boisterous rather than bad, finished with School, but not yet adult! Ted looked across at them, and remarked “They could do with someone taking them across their knee, and giving them a good Spanking” – Julies ears picked up, and she replied with a question, “Do you believe in Spanking then as a punishment for bad behaviour?” His reply, “Spare the Rod and spoil the child” surprised her – she had heard it somewhere before – but her actual response, was to say “They are hardly ‘Children’ now at their ages!” Ted did not ‘pick up on the implied challenge to his statement!

After the meal, when Ted invited her to spend a little time with him, watching TV in his flat, Julie was cautious! She had not really taken on the Christian Faith, but she HAD gone to Sunday School, and the teaching about the sanctity of marriage had really struck a chord in her heart! She was determined never to have sex, until she was married! So she politely declined, making some excuse about studying with Anne, her flatmate!
They had been going out for about a month, during which she learned he was the son of a clergyman, so she had nothing to fear from him! She also learned that he worked in the administration office of the local hospital (He HAD thought of becoming a nurse, but decided he could still work in the Hospital ‘Admin’ as a more ‘Manly’ occupation!)

When he called her on the Mobile, to invite her for an afternoon with him at home – he had something to tell her – She was delighted and accepted – She felt almost like a school girl again – When she saw him across the road, where they had agreed to meet, she waved, and in a fit of bravado, remembering her wilder days, she “Played Chicken” crossing the road, and nearly got herself run over! (It WAS a bit close, but she got through, and the old exhilaration came back to her, as she proudly ran up to Ted with her arms wide – Then she saw his face! He was White, all the colour drained away! “You Stupid, Stupid Girl” he said, his voice shaking with emotion “You nearly got yourself killed!” – She immediately felt guilty, after all, she was 22 now, and should have had more sense! “I am so sorry” She said “I used to do that all the time when I was at School – and I never got hit!”

Ted’s face began to regain its colour – as he told her “You WILL be sorry, my girl! You will never do that again, I can Promise you!” She felt distinctly nervous, as he took her arm and propelled her to his car, parked in a side street, about 30 yards away! He wasn’t rough with her, but VERY Firm, in a way he never had been before! He was silent during the short drive to the Flat he called ‘Home’. Julie was beginning to feel very uneasy – she had never seen Ted like this before! She had tried to say “I have never done that since School, and I promise…” Ted cut her short, as he quite curtly told her “We will discuss this when we get home!” After that she had remained silent too.

When they got in the flat (Still in silence, which was becoming ominous) Ted closed the curtains (His window was overlooked from across the road!) then he placed a Dining room chair (no arms) in the centre of the room, and sat down on it! He called her towards him, in a firm voice that brooked no nonsense: “Now we are going to talk about this” – She stood in front of him, and he took her hands, as he went on “As a child and teenager, we were very rarely spanked,” Julies eyes widened, in real fear at the mention of spanking! Ted continued “but when we were, it meant that we had done something really bad” – “Please, NOT that” said Julie in desperation! Ted ignored her and went on “and the consequences were something we would never forget!”

Julie was almost stunned when Ted pulled her round, and firmly forced her over his Knees – She hardly noticed when he removed her skirt, to largely expose her bottom! He started to slap the cheeks of her backside, quite hard – in a way, she knew that she had always wanted this – but the reality was NOT exactly what she had dreamed of – it HURT!, then the real indignity – he pulled her Knickers all the way down! She brought her feet up, in a vain effort to prevent losing them completely, but that just made it easier! She was SO ashamed! She vaguely heard Ted say “This is only the start! You are really going to learn your lesson today – NEVER to take risks like that again – Do you understand? NEVER!” All this time the Spanking was getting harder! Then he stopped, stroked her bottom (How was she to know he was really checking on any swelling from the spanking so far!)
Ted reached under the Chair, and Julie looked over her shoulder, only to see Ted had the biggest Hairbrush she had ever seen! Where on Earth did THAT come from, she wondered? Her thoughts were broken by the explosion of pain in her right buttock, as the hairbrush found its mark! The Agony! She thought her bottom was about to burst! She wriggled frantically, but he had her tight, but she WAS aware that her struggles had only resulted in a FAR greater exposure than she had expected – everything was visible, yet she could do nothing to stop it – The embarrassment and the pain just opened the floodgates of her tears – She was sobbing her heart out! And still it just seemed to go on and on!

Finally, it came to an end, and she just lay there, just too exhausted, physically and emotionally to move! The Wracking sobs had reduced to a quiet, gasping, flow of tears! She noticed Ted was again stroking her tender behind – but this time it was a tender, comforting caressing! After a short while Ted helped her to her feet, and round to the other side of his legs, as he sat her gently down on his knees! As he gently hugged her to himself, he said “You deserve Corner time, but as we are not yet related – I will spare you that humiliation!” It took Julie quite some time, before she even realized the presence of that little word “yet”…

She began to sit up and take notice; it had been an incredible experience – Not at all what she had imagined! She was still naked from the waist downwards! She looked sharply at him, but there was not a trace of lewdness in his eyes, which were slightly moist – showing the depth of his concern. She gave him a hug (She never really knew why?) and he responded with a gentle kiss on her cheek, before she got up to collect her clothes to get dressed again!

While she did so, Ted busied himself putting the chair away, with his back to her, as she re-dressed – She said nothing, but appreciated this simple courtesy.

The whole thing was clearly over, the relationship was restored, and Ted began to ask her if she would come to the theatre some time? He told her he was a Member of an amateur Dramatic Society, and last night, was his FIRST time as Lead Actor in a Play they were doing that week – At a venue that liked to encourage new talent! All at once she remembered her wish! Seemed her wish was granted, but in a way that was infinitely better than she could ever have dreamed…

Story Contest Entry #5 : Dinner and Dessert at the Heart Attack Grill



Here begins today’s entries for the ‘Spanking Wish’ contest .~~


– Dana




“Dinner and Dessert at the Heart Attack Grill”

DISCLAIMER: While The Heart Attack Grill is for real, everything after paying the bill for dinner is pure fiction. If you came across this story via a web search for “Heart Attack Grill,” don’t expect anything but the standard paddling ritual if you don’t finish your meal there. Beyond that, nothing you read here ever happened, though I can hope, can’t I?

Dinner and Dessert at the Heart Attack Grill

I was sitting alone at my dining room table on a Friday evening, the evening of my thirty-third 39th birthday (like Jack Benny, I stopped having birthdays after 39). I had made a pan of chocolate cupcakes earlier in the day and, after a delightful dinner, was about to light the lone candle I’d put on a cupcake and call it a birthday dinner, Thinking about when I was a kid and made a wish after blowing out the candles on my birthday cake, I leaned back, took a deep breath, and POOF!!!

One blow, one candle, one wish: “I wish that one year I’d actually get one of those birthday spankings that they talk about but that I never had.” And wouldn’t it be suitable for me, as an engineer, not to have just 73 spanks (72 plus the traditional one to grow on), but rather to have one spank for the first year, two spanks for the second year, three spanks for the third year, and so on. “Hmmmmm” he says, getting out his slide rule, “two thousand, six hundred, and twenty-eight.” That’d make two very sore pieces of skin. But I’m just wishing here.

I never believed in fairy godmotherspankers. I didn’t really expect a knock at the door any minute, opening it to find an angel with a hairbrush in hand asking “Who’s the birthday boy?” So I read the newspaper, watched a little TV, and went to bed. My wishes never seem to magically come true, though some have eventually been fulfilled after I’ve made some effort to make them happen.

Well, two months later, I was in Las Vegas for a trade show and that thought about a birthday spanking came into my head again. I considered calling Dana Kane. She’d probably be delighted to deliver a belated birthday spanking, but when I checked her web site, I saw that she was out of town. Probably a good thing since even though I was staying at a cheap hotel off the strip and I don’t gamble, this was a fairly expensive trip for me. I hadn’t pre-sold any articles that might have come from the show, so I had to watch my budget, and she charges too much anyhow. If she had been available, I might have come home with a busted budget as well as a busted behind.

A couple of days at the show and that thought about a spanking was still in my head. I’d read about a local restaurant, The Heart Attack Grill, where they make no attempt to serve healthy food and they’re darn proud of it. There are multi-deck hamburgers loaded with cheese and bacon, French fries cooked in lard, deep fried Twinkie and maple bacon shakes, and not a green salad in sight. Furthermore, the waitresses, who dress as nurses, spank you if you don’t finish your meal. I thought, “Well, I have to eat dinner somewhere.” If I can’t have a real birthday spanking from a friend or even a professional disciplinarian, for dessert I can get a few swats on my behind from a waitress wielding a wooden paddle, so off I went.

The place is a real trip. They dress you in a hospital gown when you come in (no, you don’t take off your clothes first), and the waitresses are cute and flirty. When I ordered my food, my waitress looked at me sternly and said “Are you sure you can eat that double? You know I’ll have to spank you if you don’t finish it.”  I winked at her and said, “I hear that’s the best part of the meal,” and added an order of fries just to be sure of earning a spanking.

Sure enough, with a couple of bites of my burger left over, my waitress came back to my table with paddle in hand and led me off to the spanking station, a slightly raised platform with padded rails to grab when bent over. I assumed the position and she gave me three quick but fairly hard smacks. I looked back at her quizzically, and she gave me three more, saying “I think you like this!” I nodded and took a couple more before she put down the paddle and escorted me back to my table to collect the bill (of course I tipped her generously).

It was a slow night at the HAG, so when she brought me my change, she sat down at my table and started some casual chit-chat. She asked if this was my first time there, where I was from, what was I doing in town, and so on. I asked her a few questions, one of which was whether the waitresses there got any training about how to give the spankings. She just laughed and said: “No, they just tell us to whack away.” She’d been working there for over two years, which made her an old-timer, told me that, crazy as the place could be some times,  she really enjoyed her job – all aspects of it, especially the spankings.

That’s when I confessed to her that I was a spanko and was really looking forward to my visit to the restaurant. I’d seen the videos on the Heart Attack Grill web site, and quipped that I wished that company policy allowed her to haul me over her knee right there at the table instead of bending over “on stage.” Her eyes opened wide at that comment and she smiled warmly. She said (obvious as it was) that the spanking platform was part of the show, and that’s how they did it at the restaurant.

But . . . I held my breath as she moved a little closer to me. She said that working at the restaurant gave her a taste of spanking, and that she occasionally enjoyed a bit of friendly spanking play outside of work. I swear nothing like this has ever happened to me, but she gave me a little hug and said “I get off work in less than half an hour, and I live just a few blocks away. My roommate is out of town and I have the place to myself. Would you like to come over for a little ‘refresher’?” 

Strange town, a lady I’d only met less than an hour before, but what the heck, what’s the worst that can happen? So she brought me a Coke (with real sugar, of course) and when her shift was over, I got into my rental car and followed her home. She put a kettle of water on the stove to make tea, and said: “Give me a minute to change into something more comfortable. This uniform gets to smelling pretty greasy and sweaty by the end of the night.” Just as the tea water came to a boil, she came back out to the living room, wearing a lacy satin slip, and brushing her long blond hair.

I thought I was going to have a heart attack right then and there! 

We talked a while over tea about living in Las Vegas (she grew up in Los Angeles), good places to eat where the food wasn’t blatantly unhealthy or outrageously expensive, spanking, travels, spanking, college days, books we enjoyed, spanking . . . and eventually, she patted her knee and said “It’s time. Drop your pants and get over here.”

Insert your favorite blow-by-blow spanking-in-progress phrases here. Some examples: “Whap, whap, whap!” “Ouch, that hurts!!” “Well, it’s a spanking. It’s supposed to hurt.” “Please, please, stop, I’ll be good.” “Don’t make me get my belt.” “You really should know better by now.” . . .you know the drill. I don’t want to bore you with 45 minutes or so of the same old dialog.

Eventually she asked if I’d had enough. It seemed as if she could keep going all night, but I was wearing out fast. I hadn’t mentioned the birthday or my calculated number of swats, but I’ll bet she came close to that number. She polished me off with that hairbrush that I’d seen her use for its intended purpose after she changed, and she finally told me that I could get up. I was burning back there, but I had a smile on my face, and she was grinning, too, thanking me for the good workout.

After one of the best spankings I’ve ever had, and I’ve had plenty, we chatted a while longer about this and that, she gave me a hug, her e-mail address, and phone number, and said to be sure to get in touch with her the next time I’m in town. It’s nice to have a new friend in Sin City, and it’s always a wish come true to get spanked, and for only the price of a hamburger.

Spanking Story contest entry #4 : Be Careful What You Wish For



Here’s another great, reader-submitted story for the ‘Spanking Wish’ contest .~~


– Dana




“Be Careful What You Wish For”

Simon trudged through the wet gloomy streets, the rain was dripping down his back making him even more miserable. He had just attended yet another job interview and although they had been very pleasant at the end he knew that he hadn’t got the job. Head down and bemoaning his fate he walked, unheeding of his surroundings, Looking up he realised he had wandered off course and was in a part of the city that he didn’t know. It was a run down shabby street and Simon cursed. It would be just his luck to get mugged although the muggers weren’t going to get rich from what he was carrying. Coming toward him was an old lady carrying several bags who suddenly slipped and fell to the wet pavement. Simon rushed over, “Are you alright”he said as he helped her to her feet. “Here let me get them” he said as he picked up her bags. “Thank you” she said in a voice that was resonant and strangely compelling, “would you help me carry them to my house, it’s just over there”. Simon thought for a moment but had nothing better to do so carrying her bags he followed her to her house where she invited him in for a cup of tea which he also accepted.

The tea was very pleasant and Simon found himself sitting at a table across from her. She had thanked him again and said how unusual it was to find a gentleman in this day and age. Personally Simon felt embarrassed to receive such praise, all he had done was help her up and carried her bags. However she did have a voice that held him spellbound, both powerful and intimate. He was willing to bet that when she was younger she had had scores of men eager to do her bidding. Also her eyes were beautiful and he felt that were he to look at them for too long he would fall into them. With a start Simon shook himself out of his reverie, ” I must give you something for helping me” she said. ” I know I’ll grant you a wish” “Oh great she’s a nutter” Simon thought. “Make your excuses and leave” . Suddenly she seized his wrists and looked directly into his eyes. For a moment Simon felt that she could see everything about him, his life and all his deepest desires. She laughed, “There it’s done” She said and still chortling to herself ushered him out of the house. Bemused Simon made his way home, clearly she was mad but he did have the strangest feeling of anticipation.

The next morning when he woke up Simon laughed. He hadn’t become wealthy overnight and beautiful women weren’t suddenly willing to carry out his every wish, clearly his wishes weren’t being granted. Opening his emails he found an invite to a job interview that very day from a firm called Morgana Concepts. Oddly he didn’t remember applying to any such company but his C.V. was posted on numerous jobsites so perhaps they had seen it there and decided to call him in from that. Quickly he showered and shaved got dressed in his interview suit and made his way to the address given. Morgana Concepts was on the top floor of an imposing office block and on arrival Simon was greeted by an attractive young woman wearing a very smart business outfit that was also rather sexy in a stern way. ” Ms Morgana will be with you very shortly ” she said “I’m Gwen, her P.A.”. Simon took a seat and glanced around. He had Googled Morgana Concepts but the information he had found had been very vague and he still had little idea of what they actually did. Whilst waiting he glanced around. The outer office seemed busy but all the staff seemed to be attractive young women like Gwen. Speaking of whom he glanced over to were she was standing. She had delightful long legs and an attractive rounded bottom and Simon’s gaze lingered on them. Suddenly she turned round and he blushed at having been caught staring. She gave a strange knowing smile and returned to her work. With that the intercom sounded and she led Simon into the inner office.

Ms Morgana was tall, raven haired, of indeterminate age and stunningly beautiful. Her voice was soft but with a hint of steel and her eyes flashed. She regarded Simon with an odd look and for the second time in as many days Simon felt that he was in the presence of a woman who could see his deepest secrets. The interview passed in a blur. Later Simon realised that he couldn’t recall discussing qualifications, experience or any of the other stuff normally spoken about at interviews. Ms Morgana spoke and he answered whilst Gwen took notes but what about he had no idea. An hour passed quickly and it seemed to be drawing to a close when she stood up and walked round her desk and stood beside him. ” You seem to be ideal for the position but I expect obedience from my staff so there is just one final test” she said “stand up!”. Simon did so quickly, ” I want you to take off all your clothes” strangely the oddness of this request didn’t occur to Simon and neither did the thought of disobedience, his only desire was to do exactly as this goddess wished. He quickly removed all his clothes hesitating only when just his underpants remained. A nod from Ms Morgana confirmed that she meant everything so he slowly removed them, grateful that he had put on his best pants that morning. Naked he stood before both women, “Hands on head” rapped Ms Morgana and he rapidly put them there. Both women now walked around him, appraising his body. Only now did he become embarrassed, not so much at the exposure, but at the inadequacies of his body. Despite his slightly too large belly and slight frame the ladies did not appear to be too disgusted at what they saw. “Bend over and touch your toes” came the command and he did so. He felt terribly exposed in this position and jumped as he felt a hand on his buttocks. It was Gwen’s and she gave each buttock a squeeze before letting go. “He’ll do” said Ms Morgana “now over Gwen’s lap”. Obediently Simon did as commanded and found himself staring at the carpet. Gently at first but with increasing force Gwen began to spank his naked cheeks. Simon found the sensation exciting as his bottom gradually heated up. Then came a sharper pain and he realised that Gwen was now using a wooden hairbrush on his defenceless cheeks. This was an altogether more painful and Simon started to wriggle but was immediately commanded to stop and did so. The spanking continued for another ten minutes before he was allowed to rise. ” Go over to that cabinet and open the door” said Ms Morgana and Simon still naked and with reddened cheeks did so. He gasped as he saw what was inside. A variety of canes, crops, paddles, straps and even a carpet beater were hanging from hooks inside the cabinet.”Bring me the red handled cane and the large paddle” Simon found the implements in question and presented them to Ms Morgana. “Now bend over the desk, I’m going to give you 24 strokes of the cane and 24 with the paddle. If you can take them without trying to rise or protect your bottom or screaming and begging the job is yours. Of course I don’t expect you to be able to take it without any noise at all so I will allow moderate groaning” she said with a smile. “Are you ready?” Yes Mistress” Simon replied. Almost instantly he heard the sibilant swish of a cane and the burning impact as it connected with his unprotected cheeks. This was Simon’s first ever cane stroke and it took his breath away and it surprised him how painful it was. More strokes followed in rapid succession and the pain in his bottom grew with each one. How would he ever take 24 of these? He heard Gwen counting the strokes and to his horror realised that he had only taken 10, he wasn’t even halfway through and it felt like he was being whipped with red hot wires. He gritted his teeth and suddenly discovered that if he concentrated on the reward for success the pain become more bearable. 24 cried Gwen and Simon let out a deep sigh, he had made it through the first part of his ordeal, surely the paddle couldn’t be as bad. He soon discovered that the paddle was different but just as bad. The impact of the heavy wood upon his already welted bottom with its thud and the fact that it covered several of the cane weals each time was an exquisite agony. Finally it was over but instinctively he knew not to rise until given permission. Both women assessed the damage to his slender cheeks which were now a mass of black and blue bruises and red welts. “Stand up” came the command and gingerly he did so. “Well done, the job is yours” she said and Simon felt an immense feeling of satisfaction and happiness. ” Now pick up your clothes and go with Gwen”, Dutifully he followed Gwen and suddenly realised that he was in the outer office, still naked, with the marks of his recent beating glowing and surrounded by young women. ” Did he pass?” They asked Gwen and when she replied in the affirmative they all crowded round to look at his bum. A few of the braver ones gave his bottom a quick squeeze sending delightful sensations through his body but they all seemed genuinely happy that he had passed.

Fifteen minutes later, fully clothed but still with a wonderfully throbbing bottom Simon found himself on the way home. He laughed to himself as he realised that he still had no idea what his job was or what it paid. None of that mattered though he was going to start on Monday and he couldn’t be happier.Then he pulled up with a start as he realised that his wish had been granted. Alright he hadn’t specifically wished for this but it was clear that the old lady, or genie or witch whatever she had been had given him what he really desired. And what’s more the sun was shining, what a fantastic day.

Story Contest Entry #3 : Better Wish What You Wish for, It Might Come True


The spanking stories for the ‘Spanking Wish’ contest just keep coming…there are DOZENS! Here’s another fun one…


– Dana




“Better Wish What You Wish for, It Might Come True”

My name is Amy I am 61 years old and have been married for 29 years to a man 9 years younger than me.  We have one daughter a 29 year old new bride currently on her honeymoon.  Our life is returning to normal after the emotional and stressful marriage of our daughter Sage to her high school sweetheart Jason.  I am sitting on our porch sipping on a glass of wine with my husband John and pondering what role wishing during a meteor shower played on events.

A little over a decade ago Sage and Jason were brought to this same porch late at night by a neighbor, a police officer, for breaking into their high school.  The officer explained that because they were both over 18 years of age they could be tried as adults for burglary.  He added that he knew Sage was a good girl and had just made a stupid mistake.  He had apprehended them while they were climbing through a window in the school that they had left unlocked in order to steal a copy of their math class final exam.

After the officer left I asked them, “What were you thinking?”  Their prom was next weekend and in my anger I announced, “You are not going to the prom!”  As soon as the words came out of my mouth I regretted saying them; but, I could not back down on my decision.  A meteor shower was lighting the sky as I wished there was some way that they could still go to the prom; and, Sage and Jason simultaneously said, “Please let us go to the prom.”  They then smiled their first smile of the evening, locked their pinky fingers together, and made a wish.

Sage was hysterical and told me how unfair I was and pleaded for me to change my mind.  I had promised Sage that I would never spank her; but, told her that my mother would have given me a good paddling when I was 18 if I had pulled a stunt like that.  Sage said, “I wish you would spank me instead of not allowing me to go to the prom.”  I reminded Sage that I had promised never to spank her and explained that if I agreed to grant her wish and spank her she would be a very unhappy girl long before I was finished and that once I turned her over my knee it would be too late for her to change her mind.  Sage said,  “When Jason and I locked pinky fingers I wished that there was some way that we could still go to our prom and I will submit to a spanking.”

Sage had no idea about my proficiency in administering sound punishment paddlings acquired early in my marriage to John.  I am still tall and athletic with a taut physique, well toned body, and muscular arms at 61 years of age.  I started spanking John when I was 29 and he was 20.   John still finds himself draped across my lap about once a month when his attitude needs adjusting.  I only believe in painful punishment spankings and have never given a playful sexual spanking.  John hates being spanked and finds nothing erotic being turned over my knee.  When he needs a good spanking I always tease him by wearing sexy bras, panties, stockings, garter belts, and lingerie while I paddle his bottom with my Spencer style Dana’s Inferno long after he is kicking, squirming, and crying.

I took Sage into my bedroom and put the same straight backed vanity chair in the middle of the room that I use when paddling John.  Sage looked stunned when I pulled my paddle out from the bottom of my lingerie drawer!  I sit on the chair and lowered Sage’s jeans to her knees and put her across my lap.  I raised my paddle high above my head and brought it down with a snap of my wrist.  Sage tried to be stoic but let out a gasp as the imprint of my paddle showed through her thin nylon panties.  Sage began crying and pleading as I continued to paddle her panties.  As I promised her she would be a well spanked girl when finally left off of my lap.  She didn’t realize how much my spankings hurt when she agreed to be paddled.  After paddling her dad on the same chair with the same paddle I have become an expert disciplinarian!

When I returned to the living room with my paddle still in my hand my future son-in-law looked shocked.  I shook my paddle at him and told him that he was also to blame for Sage’s spanking and if he was my son it would be his turn to go over my knee.  Jason had tears in his eyes and he said that he was sorry and felt awful hearing Sage’s cries and pleads during her spanking and that since Sage agreed to be spanked that he should also be spanked.  I ordered my future son-in-law into my bedroom where Sage was lying on her stomach on my bed crying.  Her jeans were still pulled down and you could see her bright red bottom through her panties.  Her face was red, her eyes puffy, and tears were running down her face as she rubbed her sore bottom.

Sage was stunned when I sit on my vanity chair, lowered Jason’s pants and briefs, and put him across my lap.  “You deserve the spanking you are going to get.  You need a firm female’s hand to keep you in line.”  My first spank landed on the middle of both cheeks leaving a perfect imprint of my paddle and the holes in it.  My second spank landed right below the first and I continued to paddle up and down his bottom.  “How does that feel?” I asked as my paddle landed on the spot that was the reddest.  I continued to paddle up one side and down the other as Jason squirmed and twisted from side to side.  “This is just the beginning,” I said as Jason began crying uncontrollably and dancing on my lap.  “Naughty men need to be spanked.  You earned this bare bottom trip across my lap.”

Sage seemed to enjoy seeing Jason share in her punishment as he kicked and squirmed over my lap.  They had no clue that they were both spanked with me sitting on the same straight backed chair using the same paddle I use on John while he is reduced to tears and pleads while over my knee.  When I released Jason he did the same spanking dance around the room that John does about once a month.

Tonight a decade later I’m sitting on my porch pondering how many mother-in-laws have spanked their daughter’s husbands and thinking that you better watch out what you wish for because it might come true!

Story Contest Entry #2 : Birthday Wish



Here’s another of our entrants’ great stories for the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest .~~


– Dana




‘Birthday Wish’


“Come on, honey!” she says, excitedly, taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen.
I say nothing, but follow her, wondering what she is so happy about.
“I know the party isn’t until tomorrow,” she begins, “but since your actual birthday was today, I thought it would be nice to do something to celebrate this evening.”
My friends and a few relatives are all coming over tomorrow for a birthday party that she insisted on throwing in spite of all of my protests. I have never been a huge fan of parties, and this year, I have been feeling a little depressed thinking about all of the goals I had set for myself at this point in my life but did not accomplish, so celebrating is the last thing I feel like doing.
We step into the kitchen, and there is a small cake sitting on the table with one candle burning in the center.
“Happy birthday,” she tells me, giving my hand an enthusiastic squeeze. “Hurry up and make a wish before that candle melts and gets wax all over the cake!”
Taking a deep breath, I blow out the candle and say, “I wish you would just let go of the idea of the damn party and tell everyone not to come.”
The smile on her face disappears, replaced by a stern look with a raised eyebrow.
“Alright, young lady, we will skip the cake for now and come back to that later. We need to work on your attitude, and I believe we can achieve that with the birthday spanking. Go and wait for me in your bedroom,” she orders, her tone leaving no room for argument.
Quietly, I walk to my room and sit on the bed, already regretting my words. Why did I have to say anything? While I really don’t want a party, she has made a huge effort to come in from out of town and organize everything, and now, I have probably made her mad.
Several minutes pass before I hear a soft knock at the door.
“Come in,” I say, nervously.
She steps into the room, holding a thick, sturdy looking wooden ruler.
“ We need to have a little talk, don’t we?” she asks, taking a seat beside me on the bed and putting the ruler on the nightstand for the moment.
“I am so sorry,” I tell her, looking at my feet instead of her.
Placing a hand under my chin, she gently lifts my head until we are making eye contact. “I’m sure you are sorry, sweetie, and you will probably be even sorrier in a few minutes, but I want to know what’s bothering you. You have been moody and difficult for the last couple of days, and I’m not going to put up with that anymore. I think, you need to tell me what is going on, right now.”
“I just don’t see the point in celebrating my birthday this year,” I explain. “I haven’t gotten anything right yet, so why should I be happy?”
“What do you mean by that?” she asks, still making me look into her eyes.
Slowly, I start to tell her about all of the goals and plans that I thought would be a reality at this point in my life, and how worried and upset I have been lately over not achieving those goals. I explain how I feel like I failed at so much, and how frustrated I have been in the past few weeks.
“I wish you had told me that you were feeling this way,” she says, pulling me in for a hug. “I could have helped you if I had known how unhappy you felt, and I would have also told you not to feel like things have gone wrong just because they didn’t fit with plans you made when you graduated from high school. Most people make plans at that point in life, and most people end up doing something different, but that’s okay.”
“I’m sorry,” I say again, leaning into her hug. “I have just been really frustrated. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”
“About that,” she says, easing me out of the hug and directing me to look at her again. “I can understand that you have had a lot on your mind, but that is no excuse for waiting until you get so upset to say anything, and it is certainly not a reason to snap at me, is it?”
“No, ma’am,” I reply, shaking my head.
“Take your shoes off,” she orders.
I nod and slide both shoes off, pushing them out of the way.
“Now, stand up,” she states, pointing to the spot on the floor in front of her.
I get up from my spot and move to stand in front of her, feeling nervous about what I know is about to happen.
Silently, she unbuttons and unzips my jeans, helping me to step out of them. Next, she slides my panties down, then, helps me step out of them too.
“Alright, young lady, let’s get this over with,” she says, pointing to her lap.
Carefully, I lower myself across her knees, resting my legs on the bed.
She wraps her arm around my waist securely, resting her palm firmly against my bare bottom. “Do you have anything you want to say before we get started?” she asks me.
“I’m sorry for getting so frustrated, and I didn’t mean to get upset with you,” I assure her, tensing up a bit.
“Relax for me,” she says, calmly. “This is going to hurt, but I won’t hurt you. I want you to think about what we have talked about while I spank you, and I want you to try and let go of some of that frustration.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I promise, taking a deep breath.
“That’s a good girl,” she assures me, raising her hand and bringing it down firmly across my bottom.
I whimper a little from her first stroke, which is quickly followed by a steady rhythm of more sharp swats.
For the next few minutes, my skin grows warmer and starts to really hurt while she continues to spank. I can also feel all of the thoughts that have been going around in my head for the last few weeks starting to settle.
As some of my frustration disappears, I become less tense, and focus more on the spanking I am receiving, which is becoming more than a little bit uncomfortable. Now, I let out a few yelps and kicks when her hand comes into contact with my sore skin.
“That’s it, sweetie,” she says in a comforting tone, stopping the hand spanking to reach for the ruler on the nightstand. “We just have to get through a bit more.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I agree, nervously.
“I know you’re worried now, and this next part is going to hurt,” she tells me. “This is your birthday spanking, but it is also a punishment for letting yourself get as worked up as you did and not asking for any help. It is okay to say something when you are having a problem, and I want you to remember that, okay?”
“Okay,” I promise, trying to relax a little over her lap.
I feel her arm rise, then, she brings the ruler down sharply across both cheeks at the same time, causing me to squeal.
Her grip on me tightens as she delivers one sharp stroke after another, sometimes alternating from cheek to cheek, and sometimes getting both at once.
The ruler stings so bad, and I am almost tempted to beg her to stop, but I know from past experience that even when a spanking is really hurting, because she is not going to really hurt me, she will stop when she is ready, and no amount of begging will change that.
I start whimpering more and more, and it has become impossible to keep from kicking my feet after each swat. “I am so sorry, and I promise, I will say something and never let myself get upset and grouchy again,” I tell her, not sure that I can handle the ruler much more.
She gives me several more strokes, much harder than all of the others, then, puts the ruler back on the nightstand.
“It’s okay,” she reassures me, releasing her grip around my waist. She places a gentle hand on my back and starts rubbing it in slow circles. “It’s over, sweetie.”
For several minutes, I stay quiet over her lap while she rubs my back and tells me everything is going to be alright.
Finally, she helps me sit up and pulls me into a tight hug. “Are you okay?” she asks.
“Yes, ma’am,” I answer her. “And thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” she says. “Now, we can talk a more about everything if you need to, but first, would you like to go back into the kitchen and give blowing the candle out another try?”
“I would like to do that,” I agree as she helps me stand up and hands me my panties and jeans.
Once I am fully dressed, she wraps her arms around me for another hug. “Happy birthday,” she says, smiling as we go back into the kitchen.

Story contest entry #1 : A Four Leaf Clover


Below, our first ‘Spanking Wish’ contest entry, with many more to come.



–  Dana



‘A Four Leaf Clover’

Well where do I begin,
I was out enjoying the start of spring or at least it was a whole lot warmer and greener then it had been two months earlier!
I had wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city,traffic,load rude people, or maybe just get away from the wife always nagging me to clean up the house,garage, and well the yard as the snow was milted and the leaves were all just rotting under the tree where I had left it last fall. “Yes she had reminded me several times to bag them up before the first big snow”
Well I jumped on my bike that I had been waiting to take out “Just to blow out the carbon and feel the wind in my hair again!
Jill my wife had woke up this morning and said she was going to the Zoo with her two sisters, Kathy and RayLynn.
“Wow was Raylynn a looker!”
But any ways they would be gone for hours and the country roads were calling my name!
No sooner had Jill joined her sisters and I was out the door putting my leathers and warming up the the motor!
I head out of town on state route 140 looking forward to the curves through the mountian’s ahead,
about forty miles up the road the mountains open up to meadows and some of the clearest streams one could only dream about of see in pictures in all those field and stream magazines.
Just as i got out of the mountians I had to stop for a pit stop and drain that second cup of coffee I had just after breakfast.
as I was standing by what was the only tree for miles I dropped my sunglasses and reached down to pick them up when I seen it,
 ‘A Four leaf Clover!’ Cool.
I picked it up and thought about how this was going to be a very lucky day for me!
I got back on my bike and continued on.
I was cruizing along when I thought I seen some one standing along the road but as I got closer they were no longer there!
I past a sign that stated Crystal springs meadow three miles,
I had not been up that road since i was twelve when Dad and i would get away and go fishing and as he called it “Get away from Mom time”
as i slowed to make the turn there was this person again standing at the turn off hitching up the road towards Crystal Springs
“Strange’ it was a woman in a green outfit she was not very tall about 4’8” when i stopped I was thinking she or should I say the person had to be taller as I seen her from a far distance away before I stopped!
She told me she had a cabin up the valley and would pay me handsomely for a ride!
I asked more joking then seriously where are your parents and she looked to be no more then sixteen or so,
She told me she had not seen her parents in twenty years! OK this is getting weird there was no way she was in her thirty as I put 18 and her supposed twenty together since she may have left home.
She brought me back to her question of a ride and I agreed to take her to her cabin.
we were riding along for maybe fifteen miles when she said just up ahead is a road across the meadow I slowed to make the turn and she climbed off the bike and opened a gate that looked to be as old as the hills that were in the distance!
after I stopped and she closed the gate she climbed back on the back of the bike and told me just a little farther and she would pay me what ever i asked of her. Boy was my mind wondering with that statement but I told her it was no problem and i was happy to help!
We road up a glen following a stone covered road “Now who would ever build and road here out of stones that I can’t even imagine where they got them to build it! They almost were almost shimmering!
But what happened next was just to much to believe! just as we came around the last turn was a cottage  that was well right out of a painting by Thomas Kinkade! I parked the bike and she asked me to please come in and have a cool drink of water and then she would grant me what ever I asked!
I entered in to the cottage and the room it seemed to just spread out and she was gone, To where I did not know! She was just here right in front of me and the room was far to big for her to just turn a corner and be gone!
But then she was suddenly right behind me with a glass of the clearest coolest water I had ever seen or tasted!
she told me to follow her in to the other room and i less then a twinkle of and eye we were in a living room that had some of the prettiest hand carved wood furniture imaginable all made of Oak draperies made of what look like moss, and honestly if I did not know better the room was lit up with Fire Fly’s!
It smelled of Pine,Mint,Wild flowers, and had a cool moist feel Very Earthy!
I had not noticed until just now she was no longer wearing her Florescent Green outfit but a Dark Green evening gown that well, if there was ever a woman with a perfect figure she had it! she was neither slender nor heavy “I don’t know it was almost like she had the figure every man dreams of when they dream of that perfect woman! You know some men love a large woman with curves and some like them tall and slender! This woman had well that body I always dreamed of!
she had me sit down on a couch that was so comfortable I thought I had fallen a sleep the second I sat down!
That was when she asked me so what would you like for your unselfish serenader of time?
I kept saying to myself I would not ask for any thing but then just blurted out “I wish My Wife would stop nagging me about the chores and cleaning the house!” Wow did I just say that? I mean I don’t even know this lady and I am complaining about my wife! And she told me I could have any thing I wished for and I asked for my wife to get off my case! “Shaking head”
She said it is as you wish but since what you asked can be solved by you also there is a price you will pay for her no longer bringing up the things that she is asking of you!
And if you fail to do them she will have a power over you to do as she chooses!
When you get back home she will not be home yet!
You must do the three things you have promised her you would do!
Clean the yard,Clean the garage, and Start helping her with chores inside the house!
OK this is just to Weird how does she know what I have promised and or do all women think Men are lazy and do much the same thing’s?
But as you did not ask for monetary or some thing that would go against your love and commitment to your partner I will give you one more wish but it can only be something that will make you both happy!
OK Wow what do I wish for that would make us both happy!
by doing the things you promise her to do she will always look like and be the woman you always dreamed of and agree to letting you have the things you want that makes you happy!
But remember she will no longer complain to you but have you do things you will regret!
I don’t know how I got here but I was standing next to the Old Oak tree where I found the Four Leaf Clover and wanted to head home and clean up the yard!
When i got back I did start cleaning the yard but when i was done I went inside and turned on the TV I woke to Jill standing in front of me asking what happened to the garage!
The Garage what do you mean?
We walked out to the Garage and it was a bigger mess then I had seen it just a few hours ago!
Jill told me to clean it up and when I am done she will be wanting to set some new rules that will be followed or life would become my worst nightmare!
I finished the garage and went inside Jill told me she felt I was acting like a Lazy child and needed to be treated like one!
And as soon as I cleaned the bathroom “Like she had asked me two days in a row to do” I was going to make her a set of Paddles and other things that she will use when ever she asks me to do some thing and it does not get done!
I learned what the Leprechaun Lady meant when she warned me to do as I am asked or there would be a price to pay and what she meant when she told me what I would get if I did what I had promised to do!
Life is very painful when the chores are not done
But when I do as I am told my life has been filled with Happiness and time to enjoy our time together!

Here come the story contest entries!

Wow! The ‘Spanking Wish’ Story contest garnered a LOT of entries! 

This is why I love giving things away – nothing motivates people like free stuff – and you’ve all proven that with this EVERYONE WINS contest. I think we came in at right about two dozen entries, each of which I’ll read first to make sure that the author’s followed the guidelines, then I’ll post them up for your enjoyment.

Once all the entries are up and viewable, I’ll post a linked list of them all, along with a form for voting. YOU will get to decide who wins, so make sure to be fair and read ’em all.


Great big thanks (and spanks) to all the participants – I’m always so tickled when you get behind a fun idea.


The first entries will post up later today….get ready.~


(If you don’t see your entry in the first couple days, don’t panic. There are a lot of them, and I’m going to be posting them somewhat sporadically as I have time to read/convert them for the blog. They’ll be posted in no particular order.)

–  Dana

Another PSA : Just say No – to lots of stuff


If anyone asked any one of us if we consider ourselves to be Liars we’d likely answer “no”, or “no, at least not on the big stuff.”

If asked whether we consider ourselves to be Pushovers, we’d probably also answer in the negative; nobody wants to be a pushover, right?

How about if someone asked you how often you end up doing and/or putting up with a bunch of crap that you shouldn’t because the people in your life inflict themselves on you on a regular basis?…




Let’s talk about whose fault that is.


When someone says, “Can you do X for me?”, even when they know it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable for you, and you say, “Okay” even though you really don’t want to.

When you allow yourself to pick up the telephone knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the person on the other end is about to piss you off/hurt your feeling/interrupt your serenity.

When your own family members are a constant source of stress and bordering-on-insanity drama, and you still get involved every single time.

When someone has already proven to you that they’re not to be trusted with your favorite sweater, your secrets, your feelings, or your credit card – but you continue to give them access to one or all.

When you repeat the same patterns of self-harm and self-hatred over and over again, knowing damn well that nothing’s going to change until you do.


You’re Lying to yourself, and you’re being a Pushover. Harsh but true, and we’ve ALL been there at some time or another. The goal is to not live there permanently.


It’s okay to disengage yourself from things, people, feelings, and activities that make you feel bad, sad, or stressed. It’s perfectly acceptable to let that call go to voicemail, where you’ve left a very nice outgoing message to the tune of, “Hi, this is (your name here). Thanks for calling. If you need my immediate assistance for domestic disputes, bitching, whining, complaining, self-loathing, gossip, or to unload a bunch of baggage – please hang up and try your call at a later date. We’re all full up on crazy today. All other callers may leave a pleasant message after the beep.” Don’t feel guilty and don’t feel bad for having and maintaining clear boundaries.

Just say no.


–  Dana


The Passing of an Absolute Genius (TUS)




I’ve written often about how much books mean to me, and there’s never a time when I’m not reading. When pressed, I’ll read my favorite books and authors over and over again, just for the sheer joy of returning again to their comfortable pages.

The man who’s taken me away far more than any other is Terry Pratchett. Not only did he write, he created. An entire universe, a world (Discworld) unto itself, with characters so real and plots so vivid I always felt like I could reach out and touch them, deeply rooted in fantasy as they were.

Forty-plus novels grace the Discworld series, and then there’s Good Omens written with Neil Gaiman (one of the best genre books I’ve ever read), and The Long Earth series with Stephen Baxter. Of them all, the Discworld books have filled my shelves for years- read and re-read, dropped in the tub repeatedly, and replaced lovingly whenever they finally fall apart.

It’s amazing how much someone else’s words – imagination! –  can affect our own. He’s taken me to places I know will never exist and I feel as though I have the postcards to prove it. For the past two days, I’ve been reading a very well-worn and twice-tub-dropped copy of Unseen Academicals, for about the sixth time…


Terry Pratchett died today, at the age of 66. My (disc)world will never be the same.

Rest in peace, Sir Terry.


–  Dana


Learn more about my all-time favorite author below: (Intermittently down due to escalated traffic.)

Spanking PSA Tips for Newbies : Don’t rush it


While it’s exciting when we first discover spanking, either in our own private little minds as adolescents, or as questioning young adults with the world now at our fingertips – or maybe even a middle-agers who’ve decided to try a new approach to life in general, the whole shebang can be a little overwhelming.

Sometimes that’s a great thing, and sometimes not.

Not because spanking isn’t great, or because having interest in this type of play is wrong or weird (we’ve already established our normalcy, I think, as far as the term can be defined), but because it’s hard to tap the brakes when you Discover Spanking.

Most of the newbies who contact me are reaching out, tentatively, for the first time – to acknowledge their difference, ask questions, confirm they’re no wacko, or to ask ‘where did this come from?’ Usually, after a bit of discussion and information exchange, they’re ready to make the big leap and hop over someone’s lap ASAP. Totally understandable, given the amount of excitement and anticipation the human mind is capable of conjuring. They want to do it, now or sooner, and want to try it all at once – like one of those never-ending buffets you see at the casinos here in Sin City.

The problem with that? Well, when has overindulgence served us well? If you really tried to eat your way through that endless buffet all at one sitting, you’d darn well deserve the heart attack you’d surely experience while dragging your bloated self out of that booth.

As with everything else in life, your spanking experience should happen naturally, in moderation, and with considered aforethought.


Think of it this way: If you’ve just discovered your interest in spanking, your next move was probably to open a whole bunch of tabs on the interweb, searching things like “spanking”, “adult discipline”, “accountability”, or even (affectionately) “spanking porn”.

You’re immediately inundated with  hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of options – websites, blogs, infographics, news stories, opinions both pro and con. It’s a helluva lot to take in, and not everything you read will be accurate and/or reassuring. So you keep looking. You find what looks like what you’re interested in, and you decide to ‘go for it’. Great!

But don’t just grab the first person you see and ask ’em for a spanking, and certainly don’t hop onto social networks and broadcast your interest/need/desire to spank or be spanked to the world right away. Look around, take your time, see how people in the community behave, interact, and (hopefully) respect one another. Choose correspondents and playmates carefully, and don’t try to get yourself spanked three days after you meet someone. Take it slow. You have PLENTY of time for great spanking experiences, but should have none whatsoever for bad ones.

The more homework you do in advance, and the more you educate and ‘enlighten’ yourself about spanking and domestic discipline, the more savvy you’ll be when it comes time to get your spank on.

Even then, don’t try to get all your spanking fantasies out at once. Again, as in life, if we do it all at once, what’s the use of continuing? Try a little hand spanking, maybe a couple implements…see how you feel in the situation first, before you go and construct a bunch of elaborate fantasy roleplays involving judicial punishments and spencer paddles making you cry real tears. It doesn’t happen that way for most of us, and it won’t likely for you either…not if you’re doing it right. (Here is where I insert the disclaimer that the above is entirely my opinion which I willingly inflict on the general public via this blog. You’re welcome to ignore it completely and knock yourself out (possibly literally) in your haste…but don’t come crying to me when it all goes apples up. I’ll just spank you for not listening.)

Read the title again; don’t rush it. It’ll happen, and when it does – wow! – will it be worth the wait.

–  Dana



Another useless waste of bandwidth, otherwise known as TUS (But not TOTALLY unrelated)


As if you don’t all know entirely too much about me already:



1. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?

Randomly, I’m going to say Penn and Teller. They seem like nice, funny guys.




2. Who do you blame for your mood today?

If I blame anyone but myself for my mood on any given day, I am shirking responsibility.




3. Have you ever seen a dead body?

Yes. I don’t recommend it.




4. What should we do w/ stupid people??

If they’re just ignorant, then we educate them. Once they’re no longer ignorant, if they still choose to be stupid, then we just ignore them and hope they go away, I guess.




5. How long do you think you will live?

By my estimation, I will live to be 142 years old. That’s because, no matter how old I am, I always plan on living another hundred years. Ask me again next year for the updated estimate.




6. What was the first thing you did this morning?

I do the same ‘first thing’ every morning: wrestle my fat little dog out of my bed for his morning walk. Neither of us is ever overly enthused.




7. The color of carpet in your bedroom?

It’s beige, and I hate it. I hate all carpet, of all colors, because I own cats.




9. Last person you went out to dinner with?

I honestly cannot remember the last time I went ‘out’ for dinner. Lunch, all the time; dinner, not so much.




10. Are you spoiled?

Sure. But not in that “gotta have a Birkin bag” kind of way.




11.Do you drink lots of water?

Yes. There is exactly one gallon of water in each pitcher of iced tea I consume.




12. What toothpaste do you use?

The one in the tube.




13. How do you vent your anger?





14. The last compliment you received?

My cat gave me the universal kitty ‘thumbs up’ this morning – a headbutt.




15. What are you doing this weekend?

I will spend this weekend the same way I spend every weekend – thinking about, writing about, filming, and giving spankings!



16 When was the last time you threw up?

I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it is gross.




17. Is your best friend a virgin?





18. What theme does your room have?

Theme? Who has a theme anymore?




19. When was the last time you were at a party?

Boardwalk Badness 2013.




20. Are you a mama’s child or a daddy’s child?





21. Would you ever join the military?

Nope. I don’t do well with authority. ~~




22. The last website you visited?

I’m here now..




23. Who was the last person you took a picture with?

Do the photos the dental technician took last week count?..




25. Last person you went to the movies with?

I saw the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie with one of my ‘little’ boys last fall. It was very loud.




26. What did you do/will you do for your birthday this year?

I have no idea whatsoever.




27. Number of layers on your bed?

Do cats count?

bed full of cats



28. Is anything alive in your room?

See above (plus one fat dog).




29. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?

Never, ever go back. You’ve been there already. Onward!




30. What are you looking forward to right now?





If there ever was a time to Mind Your Manners..


This is it.

Ms. Kane’s temper is running short, so any instances of:

– unnecessary smart-ass-ed-ness
– jealous/obsessive behavior
– offering to SPANK me
– or otherwise annoying the bejeezus out of me

will result in:

– expulsion.

Class dismissed.


New Contest : And A WHOLE BUNCH of Winners!


That’s right,

It’s contest time again. And this time, instead of giving away one single prize, I’m gonna give away a whole bunch.

We’re going to play a new game with the spanking story contest…



* EVERY  PUBLISHED ENTRY*  will win a prize!

And YOU get to decide who wins!

After all the entries are published, I’ll give you readers the chance to vote on your favorites.



 The three entries with the most votes will all receive a

free membership to for one month.

Every other published entry will receive

one video download of their choice from my current library.


(* Note : Every PUBLISHED entry will win a prize. If your entry does not subscribe to the rules laid out below then yours doesn’t get posted and you get squat. Deal? Good.)




 Usually, we do a ‘person, place, and thing’ type concept for the contest, but this time since I’m changing damn near everything else, let’s play around with this part too. Instead of person place and thing, we’re going to do

A Spanking Wish Come True


Your story should start with a character making a wish – on a star, while blowing out birthday candles, after rubbing a magic lamp…you get the idea. Then fill in your Wish Come True story any way you like, using any setting, as few or many characters as you like – and spanking.

It’s that simple – but don’t forget to read the rules, below.




  • If you write something dirty, use profane language, or are otherwise derogatory or insulting, your entry will not be published. Don’t waste your time writing or my time reading. (This, by the way, is determined absolutely subjectively and puritanically by yours truly.)
  • Don’t plagiarize.
  • If you enter your story that means that you agree to let me share it here and elsewhere.
  • Each entrant may only submit one story for consideration.
  • If you’ve been previously disqualified from taking part in contests on, that disqualification still stands.
  • Contest entries accepted February 1, 2015 – March 15, 2015 (6 weeks-ish). Then I’ll post up all the entries and let you vote.


Email your story entries to me at


What are you waiting for? Go write!


–  Dana




*A note for site members*


Guys and Gals,

I’d like to draw your attention to the star system on my member site  – it’s that little set of five white stars, one of which you’re supposed to click on to ‘rate’ the scene you’ve just watched. It’s been there since the site’s inception and is rarely utilized.


So how in all heck do you expect me to know what you like/want more of or love/want lots more of (see what I did there)?


A little audience participation, boys and girls, if you please – it’s called Feedback and it’ll make the site better for all of you.

–  Dana


P.S. Further failure to participate will result in me coming to your house and stealing all your forks.



PSA : The Little Things


They say that it’s the little things that count.

And that can be true with spanking, too.


I don’t have to heft a huge frat paddle.

All I need is a little wooden spoon.


I don’t have to swing my arm back as far as it will go.

Just aim for the sit spot – that’ll keep your attention.


No need to tie  you down, either.

You’re going to hold still because I said so.


I don’t need to hit you a thousand times.

But I will make you think twice about coming here.


There’s no reason to make you bleed.

I’d rather make you whimper.




Just so you all know


..I’m tweeting my little heart out over here.

Okay, not really, but so far, so good.

I’d LOVE to see all my readers, friends, and playmates there, too, but you can’t have an egghead profile to get past my ninja-egg-blocker.

(It doesn’t have to be a picture of your face, silly. Just put something cute/funny/spanky up there and take a minute to actually fill in your profile info so you don’t look like a *spammerbot*.)


I’m not saying you have to do it, I’m just saying you’ll miss stuff if you don’t.




New Stuff Coming Soon!




I’ve been working on this for a couple weeks now and am thinking I’ve almost gotten it figured out…

Audio files.

Over the years, I’ve had a number of requests for audio files, including disciplinary scolding, roleplay content, and bedtime stories. Well, I’m happy to announce that, after several days of fiddling endlessly with programs I truly never wished to learn, I’m almost there!

Soon, you’ll be able to listen to me talk *even more* – won’t that be fun? (Sarcasm)


So now’s the time, if you have any ideas, suggestions, or complaints about this particular new endeavor – click that comment box!


–  Dana


P.S. Obviously I’m having a little trouble staying on staycation..

You asked for it.. (TUS)



Checking in with you quickly from my staycation, and quickly addressing the numerous (okay, only two, but still) requests for animal photos.

So this technically cannot be consider ‘forced viewing’, right? (Still, click each photo to see them full-size or I’ll come to your house and beat you up.)





And here’s a video of Buddy being weird, which is not at all unusual:



Scroll down, please..

Hey kiddos,

Sometimes there’s a post on the blog that’s ‘sticky’, which means that it’s gonna stay at the top of the page for a few days or a week or whatever. The new posts will always show up directly under that sticky post, so sometimes ya just gotta scroll past it. In the case of the ‘staycation’ post, for example, I had it ‘stuck’ to the front page for a few days to make sure everyone saw it, but the new posts were still going up – right underneath it. (It’s unstuck now, as it proved a bit confusing for some.)


Dig around a little – it’ll be fun.


–  Dana

*Staycation*Warning* Blogging Break Coming (and a New Product Testing video to soften the blow~)


Hey kiddos,

I’ll be taking a bit of a break from the blog for a few weeks. That’s not to say that I won’t be posting at all, but for the most part will be spending my time drinking coffee and trying to brush my cats, which they hate.

I’m also going to take a break from my inbox, so if you’ve written and it’s not an emergency…relax. I’ll get back to you soon. For the more enthusiastic emailers, please don’t write thirty-five times during my absence, as I’m only going to reply to one of ’em.

New stuff, mostly about spanking, will be back soon – soon as my Mac and I have returned from our staycation.

–  Dana


Oh, you just want the vid, huh?…

Here ya go:



I won second place! (I wonder what the cash prize is?!)


Hi everyone,

I’d like to take a minute to thank the Chief over at and all the folks who voted on this year’s Spanking Awards. It looks like I came in second in the 2014 Female Spanker category – wedged pleasantly between Sarah Gregory and Pandora Blake. Not a terrible place to be, if you’ll agree.~~~


The below copied from Click the link above to see the full post, and all the other categories and winners.


Female Spanker 2014
(This was a heavily subscribed category so it is to 3 places)

Winner – Sarah Gregory

Runner Up – Dana Kane

& 2nd (very close) Runner Up – Pandora Blake

Favorite Flashback – love this shot!


While digging through a million-billion photos, looking for one particular shot (which I still haven’t found, by the way), I came across this great snap of the fabulous Ela Darling – post-spanking-court-spanking and holding the paddle I’d just broken on her very-marked bottom.

You can’t possibly enjoy the photo as much as I did giving the spanking, but it’s worth a share, anyway..



–  Dana


Find Auntie Dana’s Naughty Nieces, featuring lovely Ela and Christy Cutie, on my member site and download studio.

Positive Energy Needed



I’ve mentioned periodically my ‘service boy’, paul, and the years of fun and friendship that we’ve enjoyed.

I met paul very early on after my move from Texas to Los Angeles, and we became instant friends – what started out as a playmate relationship very quickly grew into something much more like family (except the kind that you like). Over the last several years paul and I have gotten up to much silliness, including once getting so lost in L.A. that I very nearly missed the bus that was to take me back to Las Vegas soon after my move here. He drives like a maniac.

He’s also an astonishingly talented self-taught artist, airplane mechanic, and veteran…an amazing man with some of the best, funniest, and most interesting stories I’ve ever heard. I love him dearly.

Paul’s having some health issues and isn’t feeling his best, so I’m asking any and everyone reading to send all your positive thoughts, energy, prayers, crossed fingers, and/or whatever else you’ve got up your sleeves…keep my sweet friend in your thoughts and help us prove that it’s possible to wish away the yuckies.


To you all, today and every day, love yourselves – love those around you – and try not to forget how very important it is to be here.

–  Dana


(I love you paul, my sweet, sweet boy.)

Snow? In Vegas? Really!!?



Just a quick note to let you all know that they’re predicting SNOW in Las Vegas on Wednesday.

This means that if you do not hear from me after that it’s because I’ve decided to move to Costa Rica or someplace, where I’m pretty sure it never ever snows(?). Which, I might add, is what I thought about Las Vegas when I moved here.


Signed, the girl who can’t seem to get away from winter,



PS. I know, I know, lots of you live in places where it’s been snowing for two months, and will continue to snow for the next two or three. Your point?….. (You should move to Costa Rica, too.)

From the Vault, but still Pertinent



We talked the other day about forgiving ourselves, cutting ourselves some slack, and generally loving ourselves more. Okay, I talked about it, but hopefully a few were listening. (Oh wait. I know how to get people reading here to pay attention!)




Alright, back to the matter at hand : I’ve run across a ‘thing’ I wrote several years ago, back in the MySpace days, and before I was professionally bossing folks around (most of my life, it was just a hobby~~). I dunno whether it’s inspirational or not, but hopefully will give someone something to think about.


– Dana


February 5, 2008
itll never heal if you keep picking at it


sometimes you have to scrape and scrape at a thing to really get at it


like fingernails digging into flesh scratching an itch that seems to run from touch


trying to rid the body of whatever it is that keeps burning from the inside out


have you ever scratched something even after it stopped itching


just because the scratching itself felt so damn good




guilt is similar to scratching an itch


ignore it and itll drive you to distraction


but pay it too much attention and youll end up with another open wound