It’s Been a Long Time

My friends,

Although I’m typing this post a few days early, by the time you read it, dated December 23, 2014, we’ll have been together here for more than four years.

This blog, in it’s original incarnation on blogger and imported here in 2013, contains somewhere upward of 850 individual posts, 200+ original, reader-submitted spanking stories, more than 3800 reader comments, and a whole bunch of me, running off at the mouth about this, that, and spanking. There are probably close to 100 free spanking videos now – Product Testing, Tips for Tops, previews, etc. – and uncountable photos, still, snaps, and images from several years of spanking boys and girls on film.

We’ve talked a lot about serious things, and delved pretty deeply into our interests, our victories, and our defeats. We’ve also been downright silly, probably more than anything else.

Every year I try and come up with a way to properly thank you, every single one, for enriching my life in some way, even if it’s just that you choose to come here twice a year and poke around for a while…I’m grateful.

For those of you who comment, write, and engage – well, I’m in your debt. Your feedback (whether positive, negative, or completely nonsensical) is immeasurably valuable to someone who sometimes wonders why she spends so much damn time typing. Thank you.

All my friends and playmates, what can I say? You’ve changed my world, and my view of people in general. You’ve shown me, over and over again, just how very human we all are – and what an amazing thing that is. Sharing yourselves with me, so intimately, and for so long, proves what I’m always telling every single one of you – you’re beautiful people. I love you all.

Who knows what next year will bring any of us? Hopefully, we’ll all get at least one step closer to wherever it is we’re heading.

(Also spanking.)

Happy this year. Happy next year. Happy every year.


With deepest gratitude,

– Dana

Public Praise for my VBB!


If you’ve been around any time at all, you know who The Very Bad Boy and his Wonderful Wife are: great friends and playmates for years, and he with a particular penchant for naughtiness.

The Very Bad Boy has very little experience with ‘good boy’ spankings, which should be obvious by his nickname, although he’s not really bad – just a big teddy bear who can’t seem to keep himself out of trouble.

But I am beyond tickled to report that he has earned himself what will quite possibly be the Good Boy Spanking to end all good boy spankings!

Why, you ask?

How could this Very Bad Boy end up on my very best side?





These are two of the three cats he drove halfway across the country after the sad and unexpected passing of a loved one. With noplace else to go, and nobody else to care for them, these three cats would have, in most cases, ended up at the humane society – or just simply left outside to fend for themselves, after the passing of their sole owner. After our hero the VBB spent several days rounding up these naturally-skittish kitties, buying carriers, and carting them ‘cross country, he’s made sure that they are now safely (if not totally happily, just yet) ensconced in his home with his family and four dogs.


Whatever you’re doing right now, stop and think about that – would you have done it? Inconvenienced yourself beyond reasonability in order to help someone or something who can’t help themselves? Have you committed an act of selfless goodwill lately?


Compassion will get you Everywhere.


He doesn’t know I’m posting this, because I’m hoping he’ll stumble across it himself in a day or two and be as proud of himself as I am right now.


(You rock, my friend – and your WW, too, for being so very benevolent. I love both you madly, and this is just further reason. See you soon for that good boy spanking – and I’ll even let you choose the implements! I know, no Delrin..)

–  Dana

You are Beautiful

Everyone (and I do mean everyone),

After a long conversation yesterday with one of my new friends, I couldn’t help going back to our exchange in my mind, all last evening. Without going into any specific detail, my new playmate is a sweet, gentle, beautiful, respectful, delightful person. She’s smart, well-educated, and has achieved much already in her first three decades. Like nearly every single person I’ve had the wonderful pleasure of meeting via this thing we call spanking, she’s a Good Apple. But there’s a problem:


She doesn’t love herself enough.


That’s not her fault; it’s the fault in the tools she’s been given to construct her self-image. And it’s not a singular issue, is it? How many of us has something(s) about ourselves which we simply cannot forgive? Are we too tall, too short, too skinny, too fat, too redheaded, too blonde, too freckly, too fair? Do we have scars, stretch marks, thinning hair, big feet, small hands, wrinkles? Do we feel inadequate – as partners, parents, friends…people? Are we underpaid, underappreciated – unloved?

Hell yes.

Every single one of us feels this from time to time. That’s called being human. But some of us feel it all the time – a prevailing sense of ‘not-good-enough-ness’ that no number of sunny days can relieve. We find ways to numb ourselves to our own thoughts, thereby cutting ourselves off from everyone else in the process.  Isolating. Finding ways to keep ourselves in that dark place because it’s the only place we feel comfortable.

That’s not our fault, either. Unless we don’t work, every day, to change our minds. Change our circumstances. Most importantly, change the way we look at ourselves.


Many times, I’ve asked my friends to stand in front of a mirror – looking into the reflection of their own eyes – and repeat things like, “I love myself.” You cannot imagine (or maybe you can) just how difficult these exercises can be. To look at oneself, not subjectively, but with unconditional love, is one of the hardest things most of us will ever accomplish. Usually, because we’ve not experienced enough of it – love without conditions, that is.

We’ll all talk much more about love, limits, self-care, and spanking for years to come, but today, there’s just one thing that I think ALL of you should know:

You are beautiful.


–  Dana

New UK legislation just made some of your favorite sites illegal


Yes, you read right. I’ve been reading Pandora Blake’s blog, Spanked Not Silenced, and am shocked and dismayed to read the following, excerpted:


“Today in the UK, the law changed regarding the sort of content that can be sold online as “video on demand”, to bring online regulations in line with the existing guidelines for the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification). Video on Demand (VoD) services are regulated by the Authority for Television on Demand (ATVOD), which restricts the types of sexual content that UK VoD distributors can provide. In other words, online porn sales are now subject to the same restrictions as DVD sales, and it is no longer legal to sell online anything which could not be classified by the BBFC as R-18.”

What does all that malarkey mean?…..

According to Pandora’s post, it means:

“Under the new legislation, UK distributors are no longer allowed to sell content depicting bondage and gags, fisting, public sex, age play, facesitting, urination, female ejaculation, and spanking and caning beyond that deemed “transient and trifling”.” (Wait, FEMALE ejaculation is illegal but male ejaculation is totally okay? That’s some seriously repressed thinking, said the caveman.)


Are you paying attention? Basically, what’s being said here, in LEGISLATION in the UK, is that sites like Pandora’s and others like it are now breaking the law. Every minute they’re online. Not because of sex for the sake of sex, or because of any of the parochial things you’d assume, but because of this strangely arbitrary list. The really screwed up part is that you, the consumer, may still happily watch content made in other countries, like the U.S., but that your lovely neighbor Pandora and others in the UK will be targeted as criminals. In the meantime, and in usual politico fashion, they’ve made it terribly easy for producers to circumvent this law by simply moving their servers to a proxy country. What a waste of official seals.

Please take a few moments to read Pandora’s full post HERE – and write, tweet, vote your opinions. Are the people of the UK going to allow their government to censor their creative and sexual rights this way? I sure as hell hope not.


* This is no joke kiddos. The UK isn’t outlawing violent video games where you can rape a hooker or shoot an innocent pedestrian, they’re not making it illegal to film a gangbang bukkake scene where the girl is obviously distressed, but it’s now illegal to spank someone hard, film it, and sell it, in the UK. This is disturbing on SO many levels. Mainly because we here in the U.S. always view the UK as somehow ahead of us in the arena of sexual freedoms….I guess we were wrong.  Gratitude to Pandora for bringing this issue to our attention, and all my love and support to the men and women who’ll be fighting this ridiculous legislation tooth and nail.

–  Dana

New Product Testing with Dana Kane Video :

Hey kids,

Here’s a new product testing video, starring my sweet friend Kay, and featuring paddles by our new friend at Not only are the paddles made well, and really pretty, but they’re an interesting combination of wood and some type of dense foam – making them partially painful and partially painLESS. We had fun playing around with these interesting implements, and it’s clear that, depending on which side you use, it’s a toss up to who will wear out first, you or your bottom.


– Dana


Are you receiving your subscribed posts via email?

UPDATED 11/25:

Still working on this problem everyone. I may have to switch the feed to a more reliable service. Stay tuned.

PS. The blog will be it’s usual hive of activity again soon.





If you’re a Feedburner/RSS subscriber and haven’t been receiving your email updates, please take a moment to let me know, here in the comment section. A few folks have emailed to say that they’ve not received their email updates and I’m working hard to figure out why. Your feedback will make things easier. Also, if you’ve been experiencing feed outage and find that you’re now receiving updates, let me know that, too, otherwise I won’t know when I’ve gotten the damn thing fixed.


“Brand Spanking New”




As with most things, if I see the word ‘spanking’ I’m likely to pay a bit more attention. Here again is a case of semi-relation to our peccadillo, as one of our common English phrases contains the word which makes us all tingle:


“Brand Spanking New”

I found this recent article, posted on, about the origins of the phrase (below copied directly from linked article):


The phrase brand spanking new means to be entirely new or recently created, and was first recorded in 1860. It evolved from the compound word brand-new and the phrase spick-and-span. Also, spanking, while the main definition is to hit someone on the butt, can also mean to move quickly. So one might say that a brand spanking new object was created quickly or appeared very fast. In truth, no one knows quite how it was coined or what it originally referred to.

This idiom is not officially recognized in most dictionaries, and as such does not have an official spelling. Most instances are hyphenated, since the phrase is used as a compound adjective. Though since hyphens in general are on the decline, an argument could be made for not using them. There are some publications which prefer hyphenating brand-spanking and not new, so that it is new that is being modified.

In the end, it is personal preference since this idiom is informal.


What better way to do it than whilst wearing a brand spanking new pair of kickers.

Although the example says ‘brand spanking new pair of kickers’, my spanko brain immediately turned the last word into ‘knickers’….works better my way, don’t you think?..

What better way to do it than whilst wearing a brand spanking new pair of knickers


– Dana

Spanking Blogg is holding the 2014 Spanking Awards



‘The Chief’ over at Spanking Blogg is holding a fun nomination/voting for annual spanking awards. Seems that this is something another blogger has done in the past, but since they’ve apparently given it up, The Chief is going to be hosting the vote this year.

spanking awards
spanking awards

He’s asked that folks share the link so that he can get as many participants as possible, so click HERE to read the original post, and leave your picks in the comments section of his blog. I’m not sure how much longer you’ll be able to nominate your favorites, so get over there in a hurry if you want to participate. Otherwise, I believe that the actual voting comes after that, and there’ll be a reasonable period of time to vote.  The Chief says you can also email him your nominations if you don’t want to post your preferences publicly.

I’m going to add my votes now.~



In the News : What the British Public thinks about politics and spanking


A couple weeks ago, The Independent published an article titled, “Role play, bondage and spanking: How we view the sex lives of politicos”, sharing a few spicy statistical excerpts from a book called, “‘Bedroom Politics: Party Images”.

Quoting the Independent article, “The British public believes Ukip supporters are bad in bed, Labour supporters are best, Lib Dems are boring and Conservatives are into spanking, according to a revealing new book.”

While I’m in no way qualifying the below statistics and have no way to confirm their accuracy – and also (probably shamefully) do not know a darned thing about the makeup of the British political landscape – the word ‘spanking’ is included in one of the graphs, so it’s worth looking at:


spanking fetish

spanking fetish

Click on the linked article title above to see more of the statistical data, and to read the entire text.


–  Dana

Conversations with Spankos : Are Spanking Videos ‘Spanking Porn’?



Oftentimes when talking with my fellow spankos, the subject of spanking videos comes up – naturally. Lots of my friends refer to spanking videos as ‘spanking porn’, and I’ve even done so on a couple of occasions. However, I don’t consider most spanking videos that I watch to be porn at all, so I’m not sure how exactly a non-sex impact fetish video becomes ‘porn’.

Is it because of the nudity? No, there’s all kinds of non-sexual nudity in the world, all the time. Is it the hitting? Of course not. Hitting is rarely eroticized outside the BDSM community, I’d imagine(?). So what is it about nude + hitting that = porn?

I know, I know..there’s lots of spanking-sex videos out there, and I’m not averse to those even though they’re usually not my taste (I like my spanking and sex videos served separate most of the time); I’m talking here about straight up, domestic discipline videos and/or corporal punishment videos …are they porn? Are they spanking porn? Do you use the term, or find it unfitting?

By taking a look at search engine ratings, the term ‘spanking porn’ is searched many hundreds of times more, exponentially, than the term ‘domestic discipline’ or ‘adult spanking’ – is there a crossover with mainstream sex and adult video here, do you think? Are ‘vanilla’s’ interested in spanking too, when it’s wrapped up in an otherwise vanilla porn video? I don’t imagine that a whole lot of non-spankos spend their time running down strictly-spanking videos, but maybe I’m way off the mark here. (Sadly, not a lot of non-spankos are running down spanko blogs either, so we’ll likely not get much input on the subject from the 99.997%.)

But there’s always us, and I’m always curious about your opinions on any and all things spanking – and so are your fellow readers, so leave your two cents in the comments section and let’s have a Conversation!


–  Dana


Myspace throwback Survey, or, ‘Online Time Wasting 101’ (TUS)


Okay kiddos, it’s been a crazy busy month and I’ve not had as much time to work on the blog as I’d like. As further proof, the below Myspace throwback Survey, an attempt at low-level amusement.

–  Dana



Whats your favorite Kind of pie?

Pie isn’t high on my list of things to eat, but we always had Sweet Potato pie at Thanksgiving, which I loved. But only on Thanksgiving.

Who’s your favorite band/singer?

We covered favorite songs recently, but favorite band/singer is a bit more difficult, don’t you think? I dunno if there’s a particular band or singer to whose work I’m particularly dedicated. I do love just about everything from Sublime to 50 Cent to Alison Krauss.

Favorite fruit?


Favorite sport?

Does chasing people around the sofa count as a sport? If so, count me in. Otherwise, I could not possibly care less about sports of any kind. I’d rather ride the bench.

Favorite color?


Favorite accessories?

This is where I diverge from the typical feminine archetype  – I own a total of three pair of earrings, one (black) purse, and very little else in the way of accessories. High Femme I am not.


Do you collect anything?

This may quite possibly be the dorkiest thing I do : I collect stamps.


What do you spend most of your money on?

Primarily travel and cat food.


Do you read?

There is never, ever a time that I’m not part-way through at least one book.


Are you sad about Michael Jackson’s death?

Is this a trick question?

Have you ever been to a concert?

A few. I’m not a huge-crowd-crashing-music type person for the most part. I DID, however, once drive several hours to see Little Richard perform.

Do you go on youtube?

Yes, and would love it if folks would stop posting up cute cat videos so I can get some real work done.


Can you apply Mascara with your mouth closed?

Absolutely not.


Have you ever broken a bone? if so how many?

Several. Mostly phalanges.






Do you text people often?

I’d rather text than talk on the phone, but I’d rather email than text. I’d rather cut off my left thumb than video chat, by the way.


Are you a runner?

I wouldn’t run if someone were trying to chase me.


Would you ever get a tattoo?




Whats the song that describes your life most?

Carnival. Natalie Merchant. Hands down.


Have you ever been heartbroken?

Hasn’t everyone?


What do you wish to accomplish before you die?

How much time do you have? Moving to Mexico is tops on the list (so add learning fluent Spanish); visiting Machu Picchu and Angkor Wat and Red Square; shopping in Seoul; eating my way through Latin America; writing at least one real, in-print, big publishing house book (whether it sells or not is inconsequential); funding and operating a domestic animal rescue and reserve; retiring at fifty. Oh, and living for another 98 or so years.

Are you afraid of death?

Nope, just the part preceeding it.


Are you having a good year?

I’m here, aren’t I?


Do you forget things easily?

What was the question?…


Are you overly truthful?

It’s my job to be overly truthful.


Do you like the heat?

Bring on the heat. Anything below 70 degrees fahrenheit is unacceptable and practically inhumane.


Have you ever met a celebrity?

A fair few. I’ve yet to find one who is anything more or less than you or I.




I had to share this..



I’ve written previously about my sweet service boy, Paul, who’s been my playmate, friend, and all-round fix-it guy for the last several years; Paul’s one of my most favorite people and has the chance to visit me here several times a year, but never for long enough. He’s also a great artist and spends a lot of time drawing pretty/smart/funny things for me. I had to share the below with you all, as the sentiment is just so damn sweet.


(He never draws in my face, and I’m convinced it’s because he knows he’d get another beating if he made my nose too big…)

Have a great day.~


–  Dana

‘Best of spanking’ replaced with ‘best of sex’ : Results better than expected


I spent a little time trying to find something like ‘the best spanking blogs’ to give everyone a bit more to read re: TTWD. Sadly, I found nothing of the sort (and am in no position to be compiling one).  Nobody seems to be interested in generating a list of the ‘best’ spanking/fetish blogs, and I can’t imagine how much work would go into figuring out which statistics to use in order to do so.   I did find a couple listings for ‘best bdsm blogs’ but sadly none of them was current.

There ARE hundreds of spankos who blog, and I’m sure that you’re aware of Erica Scott, Christy Cutie, Alex Reynolds, Chross’ blog,  and Spanking Bloggers Network (aggregate). You’re probably aware of lots more, too, and wouldn’t it be cool if there were a statistical/ordered list of them all? Eh., well.

Not to be deterred from avoiding any real work or progress today, I decided to check out ‘best sex blogs’ and got a whole other thing entirely – lots of well-thought-out lists of bloggers who talk about all kinds of sex topics (occasionally spanking). I noticed several that showed up again and again on these ‘best of’ lists and took some time to take a look at a few. While, again, you won’t find much spanking going on in these places, there are some very *interesting* articles.


(The below are NSFW, but if you’re here already then you probably don’t care.)



Ask Dan and Jennifer – Calling itself “today’s number one love and sex resource”, the site is pretty much a pantheon of love and sex advice, tips, talk, and discussion. You could literally spend days wandering around here.

Susie Bright’s Journal – If you’re not familiar with Susie Bright (Sexpert, Writer, Actor/Producer/Editor, Performance Artist, Activist, etc.), you’re missing out. Seriously. She’s a sex-positive legend. – From the site: “Dick and Jane is a site for sexy couples…” Everything from entertainment and toy reviews to erotic photos, stories, and a ‘fantasy box’ at Dick-n-Jane, including a simple and easy to navigate blog-style layout.

Curvaceous Dee says, “I am an exhibitionist with my words, my skin and my sexy times. Free with kisses, compliments, and friendship. Open with my heart, passions, and laughter.” Dee is a kinky, sex-forward lady with a very active (and explicit!) blog ranging on a huge array of topics.

The Spanking Writers Blog – Remember when I said ‘only occasionally’? The Spanking Writers Blog is the exception to that rule, obviously. From the site, “A literary spanking blog, updated by Abel Jenkins every other day since March 2006.” And they’re not kidding. This is certainly the most comprehensive spanking story site I’ve seen (almost all, if not totally, M/f).

Sugarbutch Chronicles – Sinclair, the owner of Sugarbutch, identifies as “a feminist dominant, identity theorist, strap-on expert, and poet.” Lots of great information, advice, and stories on queer sex, kink, and bdsm.

My Tiny Secrets appears at first glance to be what someone with my limited romance vernacular would call ‘woo-woo’, but blog owner Adina makes topics like “Conscious Sexuality” and “Intimate Beauty” sound like interesting future reading.

Smut for Smarties – Elle Chase, also known as Lady Cheeky for her VERY NSFW photoblog, writes everything from erotica to reviews to relationship advice on this award-winning blog. Even if it wasn’t great (which it is), I’d still love the name.


Okay, okay, enough of that. Pull your minds back out of the gutter or before you get a spanking.


–  Dana

You are NOT alone : Visitor Stats


There’s a feeling of isolation that sometimes comes along with being a bit different than those around us (the truth is that all of them are different, too, somehow, than everyone else) and we sometimes feel all alone in the world. Especially when you’re a part of some sort of minority, ours being the spanking-motivated kind, we all have occasion to feel as though we’re surrounded by people ‘other’ than us. As a way of relieving that notion, every year I have this handy little statistical thingy in the sidebar of my blog. As you can see, you can hardly toss a rock without hitting a fellow spanko, at least in many parts of the world..

Spanko blog visitors,

beginning January 1, 2014:

Flag Counter

Now, this little widget is just a code written by some cool folks which I’ve added to the blog. There’s also something called Analytics, which records daily visitors (along with a whole host of other boring/unrelated stats) for the week, month, year, and so on.

Per Analytics for this blog, the number of individual users who’ve visited since January 1, 2014 :

Individual Users



So no excuses! If you’re not spanking/being spanked in your current life, you can’t blame a lack of willing co-participants – unless, of course, you’re that one guy in Angola…

–  Dana

New epub – Mostly True Stories: Girls I’ve Spanked

Mostly True Stories : Girls I’ve Spanked

Five fun, semi-fictional gross categorizations of some of my more interesting female playmates.

F/f spanking stories

Chapter 1 : The Queen of Excuses

Chapter 2 : Model Behavior

Chapter 3 : The Hot Mess

Chapter 4 : Miss Straight and Narrow

Chapter 5 : The Fun Girl


Spanking PSA : Pobody’s Nerfect


The idea of discipline, whether it’s the self-inflicted kind or the kind administered by a loving friend (or total stranger..whatever floats your boat) is that one is meant to be somehow improved after said discipline has taken place. I think this is the case no matter what the ‘discipline’.

In terms of self-discipline, this may mean that you’re going to exercise more or eat more healthfully or call your old granny more than once a year – whatever it is that you feel the need to exert self-discipline in order to achieve, that’s where you focus. And, if you keep at it long enough, it’s likely that you’ll succeed. Due to this success, you earn the right to be proud of yourself (and you should exercise that muscle regularly), thereby positively reinforcing the self-discipline and awarding the achievement with a sense of self-satisfaction.

When we speak about corporal discipline, it seems to me as though the course of actions/reactions are somewhat similar: one receives a disciplinary spanking (or caning or strapping or whuppin’ or thrashing or whatever) in order to address less-than-stellar behaviors in hopes that the repeated application of this will lead to an aversion to those negative behaviors. In the same way that we exert our energies toward self-discipline, together with your disciplinarian you exert energies- physical, mental, emotional – into the process of ‘clearing the slate’…focusing on better future outcomes. Just as with self-discipline, if you (both) keep at it, you’ll likely succeed in altering those unwanted behaviors, which will make you feel better. Which will make you proud of yourself. Which will…you get the idea.



Perfection is never the goal. Nobody should strive for perfect behavior, perfect attendance, or even perfect table manners. ALL of us need to honk the horn in traffic once in a while, and everybody needs to skip out on something they really promised to attend occasionally, and we all  – certainly – should place our elbows firmly on the table in front of our in-laws every now and again. Just to keep things from getting boring.

Don’t kick yourself in the fanny if you don’t manage to achieve every single little thing you’re working toward, all at once. Cut yourself some slack. Remember that you’re human, and change takes time, and that, no matter how much you fix,  you’ll still never be perfect. Thank goodness.

What I’d like from all my regular playmates who’re participating in discipline programs is to forego your usual AR’s this week in favor of a firm pat on the back for yourselves. Screw the stuff that didn’t go well, and give yourself an immense amount of credit for the simple fact that you’re working on it. And you’ll get there. Write and tell me how awesome you are, and mean it.

For anyone else who’s having a hard time meeting their goals, let’s agree to a short moratorium on self-loathing, guilt, and blaming ourselves. Take a week off from trying to make  yourself ‘better’ and make a list of all the things about yourself which are, in this very minute, just damn dandy. Then pin that list to your bathroom mirror and read it every morning. You probably rock much harder than you realize.


– Dana

Ms Mona Rogers – How will you Surrender?


Those of you who live in or around New York City, or get the chance to visit from time to time, have probably heard of my friend Ms Mona Rogers already. She’s one of the most skilled, intelligent, gorgeous Dommes on the planet, in my not-so-humble opinion, and has recently rolled out a new design on her website,

ms mona rogers

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

While Mona is known as a creative, crafty Dominatrix, she’s also one hell of a spanker and excels at domestic scenes. Whether you’re interested in spanking or other, more broad BDSM-related pursuits, it’d be a shame to live your whole life without having met her…trust me.


mona rogers

I’ll bet that paddle packs a hell of a wallop.

Closing in on 42 : A Musical Interlude (TUS)


Music resonates with all of us – it soothes the Savage Beast, or something. Also, if you’re lucky, it has a good beat and you can dance to it! (American Bandstand reference. Anyone? Anyone…? Crickets.)

But I digress, which I understand happens far more frequently as one ages. Also losing eyeglasses, from what I’ve heard, so I’ve personally amassed a collection of reading glasses that would make Fred G. Sanford proud. (Crickets again.)

Seems like another sure sign of aging is making references to things from decades ago which many of your readers will NOT understand…move along young people, nothing to see here.


Back to music. Some things we love because they’re the soundtracks of our youth, and some we love because they remind us of a person or event in our lives. And sometimes it’s just a kickass song. Well, I’m from the sticks (the country, the woods, Down South, or, as we from there not-so-lovingly refer to it: BFE), so there’s a whole lotta fiddle in the soundtrack of my youth, and a whole bunch of old country ballads about love, loss, whiskey, trucks, trains, and swimmin’ holes. Lots of folks say that they hate country music for just these reasons, but my redneck heritage leads me to feel differently. There’s good newer stuff too, to be fair. So let’s take a short listen to some great songs you’ll probably hate if you’re not from the south. Listen anyway – it’s my birthday.


Mamma’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys – Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings

A quintessential country song..



I Will Always Love You – Dolly Parton

The original, the one-and-only, beautiful..


Jambalaya – Hank Williams

You cannot not love this song (unless, of course, you’re from anyplace else in the world, probably)…


Boondocks – Little Big Town

The country song which most reminds me of home..


But not all that music I grew up on was country, western, and cajun/creole; some of that music was rock and roll. My daddy was a bit of a wild child and grandma’s records weren’t the only ones playing on the home stereo. From that mixed bag of influence comes my favorite song of all time. From a girl born just a few miles from me, who also hated/loved her small-town upbringing. Boy, did she get a LONG way from southeast Texas!…


Me and Bobby McGee – Janis Joplin

Is there really anything else to say here? This is music history. Just listen..


 Fat Bottomed Girls – Queen

If you have to ask why I love this song, you have not been paying attention..


You Shook Me All Night Long – AC/DC

Oh hellyeah..

Then there’s this – possibly one of the most lyrically perfect songs ever (in my humble and not-to-be-challenged opinion).

Carnival  –  Natalie Merchant

If there is such a thing as a ‘second favorite’ song, this is mine…


And finally, in a bid to fairness, the song which – since the very first time I heard it – I find the most irksome on the entire planet.


Thanks for sticking around with me for another year – you all ROCK (and roll).

– Dana

P.S. For those so inclined, the birthday wishlist is HERE.

Spanking PSA : Try Not


How many times have we all said, “I’m going to try to do better” or, “I’m trying to eat healthier and exercise” or “I’m trying to treat my spouse with more respect”?

I know how many  times I’ve heard statements like these in a disciplinary setting, and it almost always irritates me. Here’s why :


We shouldn’t have to TRY to do things we already know how to do. We *try* new things, not old ones. Respect is something we all learn/experience/view at a young age; healthy living is no secret, considering we’re all told from the outset what’s ‘bad’ and ‘good’ for us.

Is this making any sense?

You don’t *try* to drive to work. You just do. Because you already know how.

You don’t *try* to chew your food properly before swallowing. You just do. (Or you don’t, in which case Natural Selection takes place.)

I could do a lot of these silly ‘you don’t *try* things, but hopefully we’re on the same page now idea-wise..


Why, then, must we try so hard to take good care of ourselves, be nice to the people we love, and do good things for our communities and fellow people?

Why does everyone have to TRY so damn hard to do the Right Thing?

Just do it.

Because you already know how.

dana kane try not
Listen to Yoda

–  Dana



Video Q&A #2 : Better late than….oh hell, it’s just late.


You’ve probably forgotten all about this VQA, but I haven’t…it’s just been sitting on one of the back burners a bit too long. However, after weeks of diligent procrastination, I’ve finally managed to sit still long enough to complete the task.

Thanks to everyone for participating, and even more for being patient.

–  Dana


In the News : Helping depression/addiction with spanking therapy?


Well well well…

This article, taken from the often silly but just-as-often correct pages of a uk online magazine, claims that doctors in some country or other are finding that corporal punishment stimulates areas of the brain, thereby releasing endorphins (“happy chemicals in the brain”) and making people relax.


My 25 cents:

When you’re stressed, anxious, depressed, sick, tired, chock-full of foreign substances (drugs, alcohol, medications, etc), or all of the above – your brain doesn’t get the chance to produce and use all those yummy Happy Chemicals you need in order to be a Smiley Boy or Girl, instead of a grievous, bitchy monster or tearful shell of your former self. Lack of neurotransmitters like Seratonin and Dopamine change the brain’s chemistry and operation, sometimes drastically, making you or me or anyone else experiencing it feel less than our best. The pharmaceutical market makes BILLIONS of dollars selling us antidepressants, anti anxiety medications, anti-whatever-else they can come up with…..and then sexual stimulators to help us get over all the other stuff we’ve pumped ourselves full of in the name of  a Good Mood.  You usually also then have to take a handful of other over-the-counter medications to offset the side effects of the original medicine, all of which also cause some sort of wonkiness in your poor, drenched-yet-oddly-still-depressed body.

Do you feel better yet? Yeah, I didn’t think so.



A Good Thrashing really DOES help.

 spanking therapy

Imagine that.


This is something that we spankos have discussed for years – decades, probably – and I can personally speak to the many times I’ve seen playmates, friends, and other participants in spanking play find peace, mentally and phycially, from the activity.

Physical discomfort releases ENDORPHINS. That’s plain, simple, and a firm, fixed medical fact.  When that physical discomfort is carried out and accepted in a positively reinforced, loving, empathetic manner, the likelihood that a spankee’s endorphins will rise and leave him/her ‘clearer’, ‘energized’, and ‘more focused’ (all quotes from current playmates) increases dramatically. I have one friend who uses her spanking playtimes as therapy for fibromyalgia, and has her own two-plus years of spankings as hard evidence – regular, firm spanking sessions reduce the pain of her fibro.  Even our illustrious Erica Scott has written at length about her own battles with depression and other issues, which were (and still are, regularly, to the great good fortune of everyone who gets to see the photos) greatly helped by her participation in weekly spanking play.

In my personal experience, I’ve had more conversations than I could possibly recount, all about the myriad ways that spanking improves mood, disposition, and general feelings of well-being. We’re not going into the sexual wellness realm, as prudishness precludes my getting too steamy here, but I believe you’ll agree it’s fair to say that, even when it’s strictly platonic, spankings are hot. They get our blood pumping, our thoughts racing, and many times we both work up a good, healthy sweat in the process. How can one walk away from a physically intense, intimate experience (which provides them a dose of Endorphins about as effective as three cups of Irish Cream-spiked-cappuccino) and NOT feel better?



This is not a joke, not a hoax, and not a load of BS.

behavior modification

Physical discomfort ‘resets’ the brain.

(Go ahead, stump your big toe hard on the coffee table and see if you can still remember what you walked into the room for.)

Again, I’m ALWAYS talking about adult spanking here, folks. I don’t converse or opine on childhood spankings on this blog, even though I had them (lots of them) myself, and have very definite opinions on the subject. No, this is all about Adult Spanking – and I’d love someone to prove to me that it does NOT positively affect the brain chemistry of those open to the idea.






Conversations with Spankos : Men in Panties


So what’s the deal with guys wearing panties, anyway?

There seems to be some confusion.



There are lots of reasons why a man might find himself interested in ladies panties, but I want to talk about the reasons he may want to try them on..


Some men who wear underthings designed for women identify as cross dressers, and this identification often includes other items of women’s clothing worn along with those lacy briefs (thongs usually don’t work for guys, for obvious reasons). Cross dressing doesn’t necessarily indicate transgender or homosexual interest – it’s common for hetero-identified, ‘masculine’ men to cross dress.

Others like to wear panties but don’t really care for all the other accouterments of feminine dress (okay, maybe the occasional pair of nude thigh-high stockings..) – I fondly call these fellas ‘panty boys’. They’re just into the feel and texture and fit of the garment, and there’s still something slightly naughty about wearing them.


There’s a common misconception that a man in panties is something less than attractive…I cannot imagine why. Just look at the above screengrab – taken from a recent youtube video showing guys trying on panties for the first time – those perky, satin-covered bums look pretty cute to me.


Several of my male playmates choose to wear panties for their spankings, and many more have been ‘sentenced’ to the task. I am always tickled under any circumstance by which I can see one of my Tough Guys tucked into one of Victoria’s better-kept secrets.

Guys, where are you on this? (Obviously, you can comment anonymously) Are you into the occasional full-bottom satin brief? If so, care to explain it to those who may not understand?….

And ladies, what about you? Does the idea of your man/partner/spankee in panties make you giggle, or cringe? Why?


–  Dana


Spanking PSA : Accountability


Since we know how much all spankos love school scenes, let’s handle this like an old-fashioned lesson. Fun, right?




Have a seat there at your desk, eyes forward, and try not to disturb your neighbors. Today, boys and girls, we’re going to talk about ‘Accountability’.

Accountability is a big word that means doing what you’re supposed to do. You can be accountable for all sorts of things, and even accountable to people or situations – it’s also a very important aspect of our social structure. Let’s start with the basics:


What is Accountability ?


  1. the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
              “their lack of accountability has corroded public respect”
    synonyms : responsibilityliabilityanswerability


    See there? Right at the very top of the google search for ‘accountability’, the above. Lots of times a good way to figure out where a word belongs in the language is to look at it’s get an immediate feel for the strength and use of a word. In this case, the words synonymous with accountability are responsibility, liability, and answerability.


    How do we apply that to adult spanking as discipline? Simply put, when held accountable you are responsible, liable, and answerable for your behavior. When your behavior does not meet or exceed the expectations you’ve set for yourself (with the help of someone holding a paddle), the consequences will likely include a spanking. And almost as often they’ll be accompanied by a lot of listening, ‘yes, ma’am-ing’, and even the dreaded Written Assignment (or the even-more-fearsome Corner Time).


    Not a beating.
    Not an assault.
    Not abuse.


    In my opinion, adult spanking as discipline (or simply for fun, for that matter) is none of those things, and I think you’ll all agree. Even when we use the words ‘discipline’ and ‘punishment’, they’re used in the context of positive reinforcement, care, empathy, and mutually agreed-upon goals.


    Not everyone into spanking is interested in addressing their Issues. Hell, there may even be people walking around who have no Issues to address (although this is highly doubtful based on current empirical data)…and nothing works for everyone.


    But everyone is accountable.


    If you’re not living up to your own expectations  – because it’s truly counter-productive to care about the expectations of others before your own – maybe you need a spanking.

Conversations with NON Spankos : Ask your loved one to comment


( Spankos, this is usually all about us, from us, by us, and from our perspectives. This time, I’d like to ask those of you who have the lucky fortune of having an openminded NON-spanko in your lives to read the below and possibly give us their insights. I don’t want your opinions this time, kiddos, and don’t want the ‘my wife says’ either. I want to hear from the actual NON-spanko partners, friends, etc. in your lives who know and are willing to participate. Pass this on if you think yours is willing to contribute to our understanding of their views.)


An open request to those of you who know and love someone with a spanking fetish:


Maybe you participate in spanking with your partner/friend, and maybe you don’t; possibly you try very hard to understand his or her desire for this type of activity, and possibly you think it’s the strangest damn thing you’ve ever heard of. Maybe you’ve done some research on your own to see what it’s all about, or maybe you just don’t want to know…

We – the people in your lives who ARE into spanking – want to know what you think of it all. Really, we do. Don’t just tell us what we want to hear, either, we can handle the truth.

You see, when a person thinks about spanking whether they want to or not (which is how many, if not most, of us feels), it colors their perceptions of the act itself. What someone like you, who isn’t compelled to participate in spanking, understand about our interests is important – we want you to understand, and we want you to be ‘okay’ with something that we may feel a bit unsure about, ourselves. The best way to get you ‘okay’ is to give you the chance to tell us, the spanking enthusiasts, what you think.

If you’re reading this, it’s likely because someone’s asked you to – and I’ll ask that you now take a minute to respond via the comments feature, so that we’ll know how YOU feel.


–  Dana



Final tally for Give Til it Hurts #3 – Kiva



You guys and gals turned up the volume in a BIG way for the Give Til it Hurts Kiva fundraiser!

Are you ready for this?…

As a group, the Kiva lending team Friends of Dana Kane” has contributed $ 1400.00. Isn’t that fantastic?!

With a total of  21  loans, we managed to do a lot of really great good in Mexico, Philippines, Rwanda, Pakistan, Samoa, Nigeria, Ukraine, Bolivia, Myanmar, Peru, Sierra Leone, Togo, Mali, and Tajikistan. Contributors helped fund loans for individuals and small businesses in agriculture, livestock, food sales and preparation, goods sales, higher education, and even clean/green initiatives.

To those who participated, I am completely mind-blown at your generosity and willingness to help. You’ve all proven again just how much people really do care about one another, and I couldn’t be prouder to be among you.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.



I’ll be making arrangements for limited edition Give Til it Hurts paddle delivery with those of you who have contributed, so if you haven’t already please email me your details. I’m producing a video especially for contributors, as well, which will be delivered electronically in the upcoming week.


(If you’re counting, that’s over THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS we’ve managed to donate/contribute via the first three GTIH fundraisers! Imagine what we can do next, and next, and next…)



It’s September, so we should probably talk about some things. (TUS)


Around this time of year, I start thinking about what’s going to happen over the course of the next six months – planning out where, when, and how I’m going to go about cold-weather travel and surviving another winter in the Mojave desert.

Fine, fine, I can’t really complain about the weather here, even in winter, since I know just how much some of you really deal with. We don’t get massive snows (or any snow at all, since I’ve been here anyway. Not even close), or hail or flooding, freezing rain, or hurricanes (thankyouverymuch), so there’s really not much ‘winter’ here at all when you think about it.

And for the most part, I keep my slim southern backside out of the coldest-winter areas during the coldest months. I love you guys, but I think you’re all crazy for slogging through hip-high snow for three to five months a year…move to Florida and we’ll play in February. Deal?…

It’s still a bummer for me, is wintertime. I hate to fall forward…it messes with my inner rhythm somehow, and I’m firmly convinced that I know what’s right. Dark should NOT come at 5:30pm, ever. And no matter what time it is, I know that even on the coldest and shortest days of the year here, someone – someplace I’d rather be – will be sitting on a sunny beach sipping a mimosa. The bastard.

There’s really only one redeeming thing about the colder months for me, and that’s that it’s the appropriate time of year to cook things in one big pot. Things like chili, red beans, vegetable soup, and all the other Kitchen Sink meals that seem too hot and heavy for summer stomachs. Cooking is a happy thing for me, and I can spend hours in the middle of the day baking things that I hadn’t planned to bake the day before. I also have a bit of an obsessive thing about having everything prepared, on time, at the same time. I guess I’m Big on Punctuality..
(And I’ll be trying out a new GF cornbread recipe to go along with the above-mentioned beans – if it turns out not half bad I’ll take a photo before we inhale it.)

Also, my birthday month is coming in October, which means that I’ll be turning another year older – something that is, as my friends know, always a happy time for me, as I am also Big on Attendance. Being still here rocks, and I’m looking forward to doing it more, and for a very long time. (If you want to help me celebrate 42 years of Perfect Attendance, my Amazon wishlist is HERE.)

Now I’m going to go into the back of the closet and pull out the coat that I know I’ll need sooner than later.

– Dana

Spanko Distractions : Coming Soon PUZZLER


I found this fun little program which allows you to upload a photo and turn it into a virtual jigsaw puzzle and thought it’d be a new and interesting pain-in-the-spanko-tushie way to sneak preview upcoming spanking videos.

Tell me what you think?…

– Dana

P.S. There’s a fun little timer attached, so see just how quickly you can get it put together. If you’re proud of your time, post it in the comments area – but no cheating!


Spanking Info from ’round the World



Porn Hub, one of the internet’s largest free porn sites, has compiled some pretty interesting statistics on BDSM searches and internet activity worldwide. There are some pretty cool metrics tools – and you can even look at JUST the spanking searches and stats. Kinda cool, check it out HERE.

An example of Porn Hub’s stats:

bdsm statistics

As if you don’t get enough of me here..



..there’s this stuff, for your Kindle:



If You Know What’s Good for You (Adult Spanking as Discipline)

Mostly True Stories : Men Do the Darndest Things
Mostly True Stories : Men Do the Darndest Things


Conversations with Spankos
Conversations with Spankos
Mostly True Stories : Adventures in Discipline
Mostly True Stories : Adventures in Discipline


Selected Spanks
Selected Spanks

Conversations with Spankos : I’ve had a lot of really GREAT experiences..”


Last time round we talked about the bad and ugly, so let’s uplift things a bit this week. This one’s simple:


Tell us about your BEST spanking experience – was it your first-ever spanking? Your hardest? Most recent? Are they *all* the best?


Leave your great spanking experiences in the comments area so that others (especially those who may be new to it all) can see just how much fun we can have when we do it Right.


(Since so many of my great experiences have been videotaped (think Delrin punishments, cruise ships, and water guns), I’ll simply direct you to the Free Videos to see some of mine…)


–  Dana

Fundraiser Paddle Update


** For those of you who’ve already contributed, you MUST email me your info so I can get you your paddle and video! **


We’ve already contributed $600 to the Kiva fundraiser – and there’s still time to get in on the video and limited edition paddle prize – just take a look at the fundraiser post HERE and join ‘Friends of Dana Kane’ on Kiva. Simple!


Thanks to everyone who’s participated thus far (I’m looking forward to giving you ALL your paddles..personally.)


–  Dana

Conversations with Spankos : “I’ve had a lot of Bad Experiences”




I can’t say with certainty how many times I’ve heard the title phrase, but it’s enough to have prompted me to write this post. I’m hoping that, as always, you’ll recognize something in this which makes you think, laugh, learn, or – bonus! – all three at once.

We’ve talked abut bad scenes before, but I’d like to re-explore this in a different way: by giving you the floor.

When I gave a recent new playmate permission to talk about some of the things he’d experienced in past playtimes, there were more than a couple ‘bad scenes’ discussed; honestly, I was surprised that someone who’d had such poor experiences was still willing to experiment. I was also complimented that he’d trusted me enough to try again, and I hope that he had as much fun as I did. I’d hate to be the punchline of a ‘bad scene’ story, after all.

So what is your ‘bad scene’ story? What went wrong, and, more importantly, what (if anything) could you have done to have prevented it? Was it funny or scary or surreal or….?

I think it’ll be interesting for others to see that they’re not the only ones who’ve been working on a spanko learning curve, and that it’s okay to admit that it takes a while to figure it all out.

(**Please have sense enough to not use the actual person’s name when telling your bad scene story – we’re not trying to build a database, just get it out of our systems.**)


Here’s one of mine (there haven’t been many) and it’s a short one:


A few years ago (I’d just begun traveling in earnest), in *insert city here*, I’d made plans to meet and spank a gentleman for the first time. We’d agreed upon a pretty generic get-to-know-you spanking, and he’d not given any indication that he was anything other than perfectly lovely, so when I met a somewhat youngish (30s), well-dressed smiling guy I thought, “This should be fun.”

I was so. very. wrong.

It was not fun. Not for me, and not for him.

Immediately, he was consternated by the lack of mirrors in the room in which we were playing. There were two; they were both quite large; they were mounted to opposite walls, reflecting the whole damn room. This was not enough reflection for this fella, clearly, and so he asked whether I had “more mirrors”.

Under most circumstances, the answer would be a confused “no”, but this time I happened to be in a professional, many-roomed playspace – the room right next door had a pedestal mirror! – so there actually WERE more mirrors. So a confused “yes” later, we had a third mirror…which he spent approximately eleven minutes (I may be exaggerating a bit) positioning *just so*.

Yes, I was beginning to get a little irritated, but figured, hell, to each his own.

So we, finally, started the spanking.

I invited him across my lap to begin the spanking over his pants, then slid them down to his knees and continued over his briefs, using just the palms of my hands. He was flinching quite a bit, so as I wiggled his briefs down I said something along the lines of, “You’re doing just fine…it’ll hurt a little more now, but just take deep breaths.”

After a couple minutes of more flinching on his part, I thought maybe he could use a little break and massaged his buns for a minute before beginning again, saying, “Okay, let’s try this again. Harder now. Relax.”

Before I could land a single swat, he sprang up from my lap, placed his hands on his hips, and said, “This isn’t working. It’s like being spanked by a cheerleader.”

Nonplussed, I invited him to dress and showed him the way out. I did not offer an apology. Honestly, I still can’t see what’s wrong with being spanked by a cheerleader (isn’t there a helluva fantasy in there someplace?!). Now, I get what the guy was trying to convey: he wanted to be Domme-d – treated, handled, and spoken-to roughly; not positively reinforced or shown tenderness or empathy. He wanted his ass whipped by a mean lady who didn’t give a flip about him.

I still offer no apology. That’s not who I am. But I will admit that that ‘insult’ still comes to mind when I think of bad scenes…and not just because I didn’t get what I wanted, but because he didn’t either. Probably would’ve helped had he made his wants and wishes clear, but not everyone’s able to verbalize that, are they?

Anyway, and here’s the great part of this story: When I saw my awesome friend Mona, also a pro-domme, and told her the story, she said, “Ohmygod, The Mirror Guy! I know him! EVERYBODY knows him!!”

We’ve ALL been there.


–  Dana

Not TOTALLY unrelated to spanking, but close.


You know how it feels when you’re pretty sure that you haven’t done something right, but you can’t be totally certain until it’s too late?

dana kane bakes
Gluten Free (very nearly done properly) Banana Bread


The batter for this new banana bread recipe looked great; it smelled wonderful while baking; it even looked absolutely perfect when pulled from the oven.

And I didn’t drop this one, either. So I had high hopes.

Except that, while cooling, the center dropped. And dropped. And dropped some more. The obvious problem being that I attempted to do something very silly – bake a really thick, towering loaf of gluten free dessert bread. Alas, the constraints of wheat-free gastronomics..  Basically, next time I’ll have to make two or three ‘baby loaves’ of this stuff instead of one gigantic one. It was yummy, though..

Live, bake, and learn.


Also, this:

dana kane donates
Don’t be silly. Of course they expect you to take them.


If you have the occasion to stay in a hotel sometime throughout the year – TAKE THE SOAP! Yes, take the damn soap. You (and the next person and the next and the next) pay for that little bar of soap every time you pay for a night in any room – all those little ‘amenities’ are in the price – and most of us don’t actually use the stuff. But why just leave it sitting there? Take it home, put it in a box, and when the box is full take it to your local shelter or mission. They’re always desperate for toiletries and it won’t cost you a dime.

Don’t want to go to the trouble of collecting and delivering them? Bring ’em to me…I’ll put them in my box.


Finally, and this is the semi-spanking-related part:

Does the stuff that’s totally unrelated to spanking dilute your interest in this blog? Do my gf recipes and pet photos and other off-topic posts add or detract from the rest? I know we’re all here for spanking and don’t want to drag you too far off-course if you’re not interested.

Let me know your thoughts? (In the comment box below please.)


– Dana

Switching it Up Survey Results


spanking survey


spanking survey


And below, unedited, your answers to the ‘Who Would You…’ questions :


If you’re a bottom, and just had to switch with someone, who would you choose to spank?

If you’re a top, and just had to switch with someone, who would you choose have spank you?

Michaela McGowen

Dana Kane

Natalie Portman

Katy Perry

vanessa marcil

Julianne Moore

joan collins

Jamie Gunns

Dana Kane

Susanah reid

Rachel Rilet

James deen

James deen

Megan Fox

Judy Garland

Margaret Thatcher

Lindsey Lohan

Gena Davis

Dane Kane,please love

Susan Sarandon


Ms Dana Kane

Sarah Palin

megan mullally

Halle Berry

Barbara Streisand

Kaity Tong

nice but bratty people

George W Bush

Richard Gere


Jennifer Love Hewitt or Christy Canyon

Christy Canyon and/or Audree Jaymes

Dana Kane

Dana Kane

Charlize Theron

Dana Kane

Bella swan

No one I can think of right now

ONLY those who ENJOY!

ONLY those who ENJOY


Female management

Goldie Hawn

Sigourney Weaver

Dana Delaney

Dana Delaney

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Don’t know



susan sarandon

susan sarandon

Angelina Joulie

Angelina Joulie

Troy Aikman … Have you seen the size of those hands?!?!? Wooohooooooooo!!!

Miley Cyrus

heidi Klum



Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Pailin

ellen page



jennifer aniston

jennifer aniston



tom hardy

brad pitt


you or Sarah Gregory

Dana Kane

swim suit model


Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Jessica Alba

Elizibeth Montgomery

JoAnne Jameson

Dana Kane



Sarah Palin, the Kardashian broads.

Jennifer Aniston

dana kane


dana kane


brittany spears

Dana Kane

Megyn Kelly


Samantha Woodley


Catherine Zeta Jonex


Allison Miller

Allison Miller

Bettie Page

Honor Blackman (and nothin’ wrong with older! :)



kate upton


a fit woman

An attractive woman

in general a blonde

in general a redhead

katy perry

katy perry

carrie underwood

carrie underwood

Jane Seymore

women who cuts my hair

Dana Kane


Dana Kane

Kate Upton

Dana Kane

Kate Beckinsale

Diane Keaton

Jane Seymore


Rachel McAdams

Sarah Palin

A Lady who needs done unto her as I need done unto me.

Just my spanker

Clare Fonda


Someone I trust who could coach me.

shania twain

dana kane

Goldie Hawn

Charlise Theron

Julia louis dreyfuss

Demi Moore

Dana Kane


Someone tough so I knew I was not going to genuinely hurt them (or more specific?)

Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne

my best friend

anyone willing



penny from big bang

penny from big bang

Felicity Kendell

Diana Rigg

Scarlett Johansson

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

Jennifer lopez

Jennifer lopez

Olivia Newton John

Jane Mansfield



Sandra Bollock

Miss Jennifer

Hmm you ms Dana Kane

Sarah Michelle Gella

Marilyn Monroe

Ronda rousey

kami robertson

kami robertson

my domme.

My old babysitter

Gerard Butler

Secretary, cheerleader

Teacher, Boss, Riding Mistress

dana kane

dana kane


Dana. kane

Leonardo DiCaprio

Matt Smith

jennifer lawrence

Erica Scott, but she doesn’t bottom to women. This is one of the few times I’ll say booo to not having a penis.


Loraine Newman

Sasha Grey

Dana Kane

Dana Specht


Just subscribe already.


A friend emailed today to ask why I hadn’t told her about the Kiva fundraiser.


“But it’s on the blog,” was my natural response.

“Well I don’t look at the blog every day, so I must’ve missed it.” said she.


Me:  “So just subscribe already.”

Her:  “To what?”

“What do you mean, ‘to what?'”

“Subscribe to what?…”

“Weren’t we talking about my blog?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t know I could subscribe.”

Me: “Ohholyhell..”


If you, like my sweet, above mentioned friend, haven’t yet subscribed to the blog, it’s easy to make sure that you don’t miss stuff. The posts come to your inbox; you can choose to open/peruse them, or simply hit ‘delete’ (which would be kind of weird, considering you’ve just signed up and all).

To subscribe, just enter your email in the box below, and Feedburner will send you the posts via email. As with anything, you may choose to unsubscribe at any time.


Don’t miss a thing!




Goodbye, stranger


None of us really knows the people we see on television; movie stars are supposed to become their characters, and to make us love (or hate) them without ever thinking of the person ‘playing’ them.

Robin Williams was great at that. It was his job to make people laugh, and he did so beautifully. It’s a shame that he wasn’t laughing along with us.

A clip from one of my all-time favorite movies :


The Birdcage


Playing with Robin : Free Videos



I have a few playmates who I’d classify as ‘masochist’ in addition to the spanking fetishist tag most commonly described as ‘spanko’. (We won’t argue about whether a spanko is a masochist and a masochist is a spanko and whether those two are mutually exclusive or not, because this is one of those areas in which we’re all entitled to our opinions.) These lion-hearted few not only tolerate their severe-to-super-severe sessions, but they crave the pain associated more than the average player, I think. For many of us (and I’m going out on a limb here by generalizing, so somebody throw me a rope) the pain isn’t really one of the main goals – it’s more of a bonus, or even something to endure in order to reach emotional release. More than a few of my playmates have admitted that, although they know that discomfort is part of the process, they’re certainly not in it for the hurt.

Does that make sense to you, too?

(I’m digressing a bit. Forgive me.)

Then there’s Robin; Robin’s a long-time playmate and friend who’s one of the more masochistic spankos with whom I’ve played. He LIKES the pain…hell, he loves it. He’s also game for just about anything, and (like the VBB) can take a whole helluva lot more punishment than most would want – and then ask for more.

Last time we got together, I decided to ‘spread it around’ a bit, so to speak, as there’s not much of Robin that’s off-limits, impact-wise, and I was feeling a bit sadistic.

What follows are several clips of me smacking various parts of Robin’s body (butt, thighs – front and back, palms, back, feet) – relentlessly – with an odd selection of implements, including a rubber ruler, drum stick, and plastic shoehorn.

Some of this gets a bit rough, so be warned: if you’re squeamish – or only interested in butt-impact scenes – the other clips probably aren’t up your alley.

I’ll introduce each clip so you can pick and choose which ones to watch. Fair enough?

Playing with Robin

Beginning in the only sensible place: his butt. In this clip, I’m trying out a heavy plastic shoehorn:

Uh-oh. Bastinado (with cane and stinger):

Then onto the backs of the thighs, with my trusty martinet:

Then, naturally, the fronts of the thighs – with a wooden pasta spoon:

Rubber ruler on palms:

Drumstick test on butt:

Finally, martinet across the back:

Give Til it Hurts #3 : Kiva, Free Videos, and Limited Edition Paddles!



(Don’t despair; once you get past all the details, there’s Free Stuff!!)

After the first two very successful ‘Give Til it Hurts’ fundraisers, both for animal charities, a few of my friends and playmates suggested that we put our considerable resources toward something a bit different from time to time. While we all love the critters endlessly, we can also acknowledge that there are a bazillion places where our dough can do great things – let’s take a look at another great way to help the world around us, while not really even spending any money at all.



Kiva is a micro-lending organization providing loans to needy folks, mostly in developing countries. Millions of dollars in small loans have been facilitated through Kiva in the last decade, and the repayment rate is 99% – meaning that nearly every single cent loaned is repayed, thereby making the loan almost zero risk for those of us who contribute. The funds contributed/loaned through the Kiva website are distributed to people who will use those funds to improve their living situations, via small business endeavors like handcrafts, continued education, and agriculture. The borrowers – who are, by nature of their demographics, locked out of the international monetary system – then pay back their loans (plus interest in many cases, which is unavoidable, so let’s get past it), the lenders are reimbursed via Kiva, and the lender is then able to re-lend their funds or simply withdraw the money back out.


Since Kiva was founded in 2005:

  • 1,209,291 individuals have signed up as Kiva lenders
  • $590,735,025 has been loaned to people in need
  • 98.87% of all Kiva loans are repaid

They work with:

  • 270 Field Partners (institutions who make the original loans to borrowers)
  • 450 volunteers around the world work with even the most remote borrowers, insuring that the funds are distributed and loans repaid
  • 77 different countries benefit from Kiva loan programs


This is an excellent option for those of us who like to regularly contribute as well as those who’re interested in helping but can’t commit to giving away chunks of money. Since it’s a loan and not a donation, you’re simply putting that money away in a safe place for a little while, rather than giving it away entirely. You’ll get it back.

Please take a few minutes to peruse the Kiva website, and do your own research on micro-lending so that you understand the gist of things if you want – it’s important to me that anyone considering participating in this ‘Give Til it Hurts’ fundraising endeavor ‘gets it’. The borrowers you’ll see on the site – most of whom reside in third world, rural, inaccessible areas without commerce or industry or employment opportunity – are working hard to improve their lives and the lives of their families and communities. Kiva loans give many of them the hand up that they need. I think this is an excellent way for us to help, and I hope you’ll agree.

* You don’t have to publicly display or share any of your personal information on the Kiva website or Friends of Dana Kane group profile. While you’ll make your contribution via the usual methods, your Kiva profile is set up just like any other, meaning that you may choose how much of your information is visible to other users (don’t forget to email and let me know ‘who’ you are, so you can get your video and paddle!), and keep all your personal information completely private. *



So what’s in it for you? Well, the joy and happiness and rush of doing something good, of course. But you know how much I love giving stuff away, and this time will be no exception.



Everyone who contributes to the ‘Friends of Dana Kane’ group on Kiva will receive a free specially-filmed spanking video download. I’ll corral one of my cute girl spankees into putting her bottom on the line in the name of charity, and you’ll get the benefit of watching!

Even if you’re only able to contribute 25bucks, you’ll get the free video, that I’ll make especially for the fundraiser using the limited edition Give Til it Hurts paddle:

The silhouette Dana Kane artwork, depicting me sitting in a traditional, high-back chair – hairbrush at the ready, was done beautifully by the talented and generous Red Rump, and is displayed on one of Cane-iac’s sturdy wood paddles. This 1/2″ thick OTK-size thumper is the perfect paddle for smacking a squirming, protesting brat until they learn the meaning of Behave.



dana kane spanks


The first thirty participants who contribute $40 or more to the ‘Friends of Dana Kane’ group will receive (in addition to the video) one of these limited edition paddles, shipped free of course or, even better, handed over in person following thorough usage.

Once these paddles are gone, they’re gone. Cane-iac’s been kind enough to provide us with just enough to hold this fundraiser, and a couple extra for me to keep and use..there won’t be more, and they’ll never be for sale. (If something happens and we don’t give them all away during this fundraiser, the remainder will be kept as incentive for future Give Til it Hurts endeavors.)


So let’s all get together and show the world what a bunch of spanko-kinksters can do when we put our minds (and debit cards) to the task!


** We’ll run this fundraiser from today (August 4) through September 15, 2014. Six weeks to do as much Good as we can manage. **



P.S.  My sincerest thanks to Red Rump for lending his talented hand (I’ll have more from him in a future animal charity drive, and you’ll LOVE it!), and to my great good friends at Cane-iac for donating and customizing the paddles. I’m reminded again and again how many wonderful people I’ve been privileged to know, all because I’m into this spanking thing.~~~

–  Dana


Another P.S. If you’re confused as all hell and need help figuring out what to do next, just email me…

Old TV stuff you probably don’t care about (TUS)



A short while ago, Erica wrote a blog post about a hilarious Johnny Carson routine from more than a few years ago…and apparently it got a cool reception. Probably because she wasn’t talking about Rhyming-Name-girl or Justice Beaver or one of those other pop celebrity thingy people – he was only one of the funniest guys on television at the time.

In celebration of Erica’s beloved-Carson-post-fail, I thought I’d add some of my own television nostalgia to the mix. Here’s something that you likely never saw and could probably live without seeing now, but which still makes me laugh every time I watch it:


Spanking PSA : Puritanical much, Dana Kane?



Mind if I slide my soapbox out from under the sofa? It’ll only take a minute…

I know that there are as many kinds of fetishists as there are people and that variety speaks for a lot, but I seem to be experiencing an uptick in the number of Unacceptable Correspondences of late and have to comment on a few things which I believe all of us should already know.

*For the uninitiated, these are called Common Courtesies in my house (which includes my blog, my email, and anything else which I can selfishly call mine).

**I should also mention that many of these things MAY not get you into trouble with every disciplinarian, and I make no statement or judgment about other’s acceptable practices. What I WILL say is that you’re not likely to get yourself into trouble anywhere else, if you follow a few simple protocols.


How to Not Insult the Lady with the Paddle

Dana Kane Spanking Videos

1. Although it’s terribly difficult, try not to refer to your genitals in correspondence. Seriously, we all have them, so you’re not bestowing any groundbreaking information with Junk Talk – and trust me, we’ve all heard entirely too many genital details already. Be original and try sticking to things like thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Hey, maybe even spanking!

2. Same goes for filthy language. I don’t mean general use curse words here, but the ones you’d never say in front of your grandma. A good rule of thumb is that, if you wouldn’t say it at grandma’s 90th birthday party, then I probably don’t want to hear it either.

3. Sex. See #1. If I specifically ask about your sex life, sexual technique, or sex ninja exploits – well, you’ll be the first.

(Now’s a good time to say that I  a)talk about sex, b)have sex, and c)can be a downright bawdy gal under the right circumstances, so I’m not saying don’t BE who you are. Simply BE the you who has sense enough not to talk about that crap to me – especially if we don’t even know one another in Real Life.)

4. Play by the rules. This one’s specifically for those who exuberantly share/submit their spanking stories before ever having read the posting guidelines. Again, there is much information on the nature of my puritanical and iron-fisted demand for squeaky-cleanliness.

5. Don’t ask me to explain the rules of engagement to you; if you’ve reached the ripe old age of (fill in the blank) without the good sense to behave politely then I cannot help you.

6. If you’re lucky enough to get away with a “warning” about your behavior, heed it. Most don’t get a second, and nobody gets a third. You want discipline, buddy? Here ya go…discipline yourself right out the door.

7. Remember that your disciplinarian is not a prostitute, phone sex worker, sexual wellness counselor, or humping post. If your sexual needs are going unmet, it’s your responsibility to see to them. In other words, try to get laid someplace else, ’cause I’m just here for the spanking. Thanks.

8. The bottom line: As I spank my way around this country, yanking both men and women across my lap in what is always a private and intimate setting, I want to be just as comfortable and able-to-trust as you are in that moment. You can make that happen *just like that* by simply minding your manners.

Is that asking too much? Because, if it is, I’ll quote MY grandma:

“Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.”

–  Dana


PS. I’ll add that you don’t want to become part of a pop culture cautionary tale, either..

My friend Erica Scott receives so much trollish email that she’s put it all together into a BOOK – called Correspondence Hall of Shame. She’s recorded hundreds (if not thousands) of rude, embarrassing, and unintelligible emails over the years. She’s also published a great many of the more remarkable ones publicly, along with her scathingly hilarious commentary. You don’t want to be one of THOSE people, do you?


September Travel Advisory


** This is a Northeast Travel Advisory **


All resident spankos in these areas should take cover September 2014, because I am blowing through, paddles spinning:


New York City – Sept. 7 & 8

Albany – Sept. 10

Washington D.C. – Sept. 24

Toronto, Ontario – Sept. 26 & 27


Video Q&A : Again


I think our first attempt at VQA did well, don’t you?

It went pretty darn long, as there were dozens of questions, and because I talked a lot (imagine that) – but I figure it’s up to you all to decide whether it’s worth doing again.

If you’ve still questions left over, or have come up with something else, ask your questions via the comment function below (please don’t email individual questions; it’s difficult to run them down in several places). And please remember, this isn’t an AMA – you cannot Ask Me Anything – but you’re welcome to ask questions about spanking, discipline, video, and stuff of general interest.

I’ll do my best to keep this one under half an hour, but no promises.

A question for members..


For those of you who are current members, and even those who’ve been in the past, I’d like a little feedback. Heck, even if you’re not and have never been, feel free to weigh in on this subject :

Photo Sets.

I don’t currently have photosets to accompany individual spanking scenes on my member site. The truth is that it’s a terribly arduous and un-fun process to stop and take stills while filming, and the idea of staging the stills afterward seems weird to me – so I haven’t done them in the past.

I could, however, pull two or three dozen still frames from the HD video footage to construct still sets for each scene. This would be, truthfully, still somewhat of a pain in the backside, but if those of you who utilize the site, especially, feel like you’re missing something without the photosets, then I’ll consider adding them.

What say you spankos?


–  Dana

Part Two of Amy’s excellent spanking story



Recently, I introduced you to a new spanking writer named Amy Phillips. The first installation of Amy’s tale received an excellent reception, and she’s been kind enough to provide us with Part Two, which I think you’ll all enjoy just as much.

–  Dana


(Read  Part One here.)


As Lena sat in Saturday detention, she thought back to the previous Monday when she had been punished in front of the senior class along with Jenny for their prank. After their paddlings, the two young women had been ordered to go sit in Miss Hafey’s office until she followed up with them. Lena had been terrified that she would spank them more. Lena was generally well-behaved—at least when she wasn’t being dragged into some crazy situation by Jenny. A private spanking or even just a stern talking to likely would have been sufficient punishment for her. Jenny on the other hand could be described as “incorrigible.” The public paddling, while severe, was appropriate where Jenny was concerned.

Flashback: In Miss Hafey’s Office After the Paddling

The girls had waited in Miss Hafey’s office for almost a half hour that Monday, worrying and pacing, until she finally arrived in her office to address them. As soon as she walked in the door, Lena burst into tears.

“We’re so sorry. Please don’t spank us again.” begged Lena.

Miss Hafey’s face softened. She felt bad for Lena. She knew Lena had learned her lesson and if she didn’t feel that it was unfair to punish the two girls differently, she wouldn’t have even assigned her detention for the upcoming Saturday.

“I’m not going to spank you again, girls.” Miss Hafey announced.

Both girls visibly breathed sighs of relief.

“I just want to discuss your behavior and today’s events. Sit down.” Miss Hafey said plainly.

“Um…” Jenny started while staring at the two wooden chairs in front of the girls. “Would it be okay if we stood?”

“Sit.” Miss Hafey commanded.

The girls hesitated for a moment, both surveying the chairs as if they could figure out a way to sit that would hurt less.

“Now.” Miss Hafey said, growing impatient.

The girls plopped down in their chairs immediately, visibly uncomfortable.

“What happened last night was inexcusable.” Miss Hafey began. “It was disrespectful, illegal, and dangerous. If the school wanted to press charges for breaking and entering, it could. If I wanted to press charges for theft, I could.”

“Is it really still theft if we just put the items on the roof?” Jenny inquired.

Miss Hafey shot her a look that could kill.

“Nevermind!” Jenny spat out.

“You could have fallen, your pulley could have snapped while you were using it and taken you with it. There’s so many things that could have gone wrong.” Miss Hafey lectured. “Lena, did you rig that lever and pulley system?”

“No, I did.” replied Jenny.

“Don’t you have a C in Physics?” asked Miss Hafey

“A C-..” Jenny stifled the urge to follow her response up with a sarcastic “thank you very much.”

“It really is a miracle that it didn’t break.” Miss Hafey stated.

“Hey!” protested Jenny. Jenny was half offended and half relieved that Miss Hafey was at least calm enough to be teasing her. Jenny took the older woman’s small quip as an opportunity to ask a question that had been on her mind.

“How did you catch us?” Jenny asked with genuine curiosity.

Miss Hafey pulled the pack of cigarettes Jenny had left on the roof out of her pocket, threw it down on her desk, and replied “smoking kills.”

“I take it I can’t have these back?” Jenny asked. Lena elbowed her in the stomach.

“No. You’re a non-smoker now.” responded Miss Hafey.

“So why was I the victim of this prank?” Miss Hafey enquired.

Lena gave an “I don’t know” type of shrug.

“Partially as revenge for all the times you’ve punished me, partially because I have a reputation to uphold, and partially because I thought deep down you might find it amusing.” Jenny answered honestly.

“Maybe in a few years.” Miss Hafey responded. “Certainly not today.”

“Are you still mad at us?” Lena asked. The poor girl’s cheeks had a mascara stream running down them and she had the most genuinely remorseful look on her face that Miss Hafey had seen in her 10 years of working with students.

“No, sweetheart. I’m not mad anymore.” replied Miss Hafey. She was stern, but not unreasonable. Lena clearly regretted her role in this prank and it would be cruel not to comfort her.

“You can go to class, Lena. I’ll see you Saturday and hopefully not before then.” Miss Hafey warned.

“Yes, ma’am.” Lena replied before rising from her chair.

“I’ll give you a note so you don’t get in trouble with your teacher for being late.” Miss Hafey said while scribbling some words down on a post-it note. She walked over to the punished young woman, handed her the note, gave her a hug, and then sent her on her way.

“You never hug me after I get in trouble!” Jenny protested.

“You never feel bad after you get in trouble.” Miss Hafey replied.

Jenny’s face turned red and she stared at the floor. “Touche” she thought.

“There’s 4 more days of school. Think there’s any chance we can go until Saturday without seeing each other?” Miss Hafey asked.

“What if I just want to stop in and say hi? Or if I need help with a final exam?” asked Jenny.

Miss Hafey smiled. “I should rephrase that question. Do you think there’s any chance you can go until Saturday without forcing me to reignite your poor backside?”

“Yes ma’am. I promise I’ll be good.” Jenny pledged.

“Good girl.” said Miss Hafey. “You can go now. If your teacher gives you a hard time over being late, tell them you were with me.”

“Hey, Miss Hafey?” inquired Jenny.


“I’m really sorry about everything.” Jenny said, unable to look the older woman in the eye.

Miss Hafey’s heart just about melted. She wrapped the normally unruly girl in her arms and cherished the moment of sincere remorse.

Jenny lingered in Miss Hafey’s office doorway after their embrace, hesitant to leave.

“What’s wrong?” asked Miss Hafey.

“Nothing. Well kind of nothing.” replied Jenny. “I guess I’m just sort of sad about graduating. And I guess I might sort of miss being able to see you every day. And Lena. Mostly Lena.” Jenny said trying to cover up what she had just said.

Miss Hafey chuckled to herself. An hour ago she was handing out the most severe punishment of her career—short of an expulsion—and here the recipient was telling her she was going to miss her. What a strange 24 hours.

“Oh, this isn’t the last you’ll see of me. I fully expect you will keep me updated on how your grades are at community college. And if they’re not satisfactory, my fiance and I share an apartment with more than enough space to make my displeasure known. In fact, he’s heard all about you.” Miss Hafey said.

Jenny caught herself smiling and quickly feigned a frown. “Ugh, you’re the worst.” she whined.

“Aren’t I?” Miss Hafey asked.

Present Day: Saturday Detention

“Are you paying attention at all, Lena?” Miss Hafey scolded. Lena was snapped out of her reflection on the past Monday’s events and brought back to the present. Apparently while she had been mentally wandering, one of the other students in detention had landed themselves in hot water and Lena had been asked to fetch Miss Hafey’s paddle.

“Um, yes. Sorry.” mumbled Lena, reaching for the paddle hanging from the wall behind her and approaching Miss Hafey’s desk.

“How far along are you on your lines?” Miss Hafey asked.

Lena froze. Amidst her daydreaming, she hadn’t even heard Miss Hafey instruct the 9 students in detention to write “I will behave myself at all times.”

“Pretty far!” Lena lied.

“Show me.” Miss Hafey demanded.

“Okay, well actually I don’t have any written. I didn’t hear you tell us to start writing.” Lena explained.

“You know I don’t like lying.” Miss Hafey scolded. Disappointed and somewhat surprised that she was having to punish Lena again so soon after Monday’s events, she positioned Lena over her desk next to Tony, the boy she had asked Lena to fetch the paddle for in the first place. Tony was a tall young man. He stood just over 6’5 and despite the fact that Miss Hafey was just short of 6 foot herself, she felt a bit silly getting ready to paddle him. She didn’t let it stop her, however. Tony had been texting his girlfriend in the back row of detention when Miss Hafey caught him and ordered him to the front of the room. He was a good student and had never had a regular detention, let alone a Saturday detention up until this point. One of his friends from the basketball team was in danger of losing his scholarship and Tony allowed him to cheat off his final exam. As a result, both boys were spending this Saturday with Miss Hafey.

Miss Hafey didn’t want to be too harsh, so she gave the boy 3 swats with his pants fully intact. He had never been paddled before, but he remained quiet through his 3 mild licks of the paddle and then returned to his seat.

Miss Hafey then turned her attention to Lena. Lena knew better than to lie to her, so she lifted her skirt for her swats. Immediately after lifting the recently punished girl’s skirt, she realized that she was still slightly red and a little bruised from Monday’s paddling. Instead of giving Lena more swats for her first and hopefully only infraction this detention, Miss Hafey decided to be merciful. She sat down and pulled Lena over her lap for a hand spanking. Although Miss Hafey’s hand wasn’t exactly a walk in the park, it wasn’t as bad as the paddle and it wouldn’t cause any more bruising. She started briskly spanking Lena and the girl’s poor backside reignited into a ball of heat almost immediately. Miss Hafey spanked the young lady firmly and at a moderate tempo. Lena wiggled and during a particularly hard volley of swats, she threw her hand back to protect her bottom. This was a mistake. Miss Hafey held Lena’s hand so that she couldn’t put it in the way of the spanking again and tipped the errant young woman forward to expose the area where backside meets thigh.

“Please! I’m sorry! I’ll write extra lines, I’ll clap erasers, I’ll do anything!” Lena bargained.

Miss Hafey mentally laughed at the eraser remark since the school had only whiteboards in its classrooms. She continued spanking the sorry girl in order to assert that the spanking was over when she felt it was over—not when Lena wanted it to be over—and when she stopped she sent the young woman back to her seat.

Lena rushed back to her seat, embarrassed, and rubbed her backside on the way there.

“No rubbing, missy!” Miss Hafey chastised.

Lena’s face became a brighter shade of red as she replied “Yes, Miss Hafey.”

“I was lenient this time, but if you’re unable to finish your lines before the end of the day, you’ll be having another session with my cane, Miss Lena.”

“Ha, so by the end of the day you’ll have lines or you’ll get lines. Get it?” Jenny mused to her friend.

Lena was unamused. So was Miss Hafey.

“Jenny, you know there’s no talking or terrible wordplay in detention. Go stand in the corner.” Miss Hafey ordered.

“But that’s cruel and unusual PUN-ishment.” Jenny replied, stifling laughter. Some of the other students giggled.

“Jenny! Now!”

“You’re just mad because I’m CORNERing the market on-”

Miss Hafey interrupted but grabbing the giggling young woman by the ear and pulling her into the hallway.

“Jennifer, if you want the attention of the group, I can assure you that you will have it. It will not be the kind you’re interested in, however. We’re going to go back into that classroom and you are going to keep your little nose in that corner until I tell you to return to your seat, you are going to be silent and respectful, and you are going to write your lines like a good girl. If you don’t, I will see to it that you are very unhappy and very sorry.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good.” Miss Hafey said, guiding Jenny back into the detention classroom with a parting swat.

Jenny walked over the the corner and placed her nose in it as told.

“Lena, how are those lines coming?” Miss Hafey asked, stopping at her desk.

“Good, ma’am.”

Miss Hafey inspected them, patted the recently punished girl’s head, and smiled. “Good girl.” she rewarded, as she returned to her desk at the front of the room.

The room seemed to settle down, so Miss Hafey began reading a book she had brought with her. About an hour into reading, she received a call from her fiancé on her cell phone.

“I’ll be right back. I assume you can all behave like the adults that you are for 5 to 10 minutes.” she said, exiting the room.

The call was briefer than expected and upon returning to the room, Miss Hafey saw that Jenny and Blake, another frequent face in detention, were drawing a mural on one of the whiteboards. It appeared to be of a giant, building-sized Miss Hafey destroying a city.

“Seriously?” she inquired.

“We thought you’d like it. Also, we thought you’d be gone longer.” Jenny shrugged.

“It’s pretty good, though, right?” Blake asked. In all honesty, the resemblance to the actual Miss Hafey was rather impressive. Blake was a friend of Jenny’s as well as an excellent artist. He would be attending art school in New York in the fall. Jenny was largely unskilled as an artist, but the two shared a bond over a mutual love of weed.

“Bend over my desk. Right now.” Miss Hafey commanded.

The two troublemakers placed themselves over her desk as ordered. She took down Blake’s pants and lifted Jenny’s skirt. Jenny hated to admit it, but she was genuinely scared. She loved to push Miss Hafey, but she didn’t love the consequences. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sharp, focused pain across her backside.

Jenny gasped and cried out. She hadn’t expected Miss Hafey to return in time to catch them and she hadn’t expected her to use the cane. Her cries were followed by a muffled yelp from Blake. He kicked his legs back involuntarily.

“You’re not in detention to draw pictures, or be playful, or disrespect me. You’re in detention because you made a mistake and you have to atone for it. I warned you, Jenny. But you kept pushing and pushing and now you have to deal with the consequences.” she scolded as she landed a hard stroke on Jenny’s upper thigh.”

“I’m sorry!” Jenny cried as the stroke landed.

“Not yet.” Miss Hafey replied. “Blake, you can stay after detention for an extra hour to practice drawing on each whiteboard in this wing of the school and then scrub them until they’re pristine.”

“Yes ma’am!” Blake yelled out as his second stroke landed.

“Jenny, you can either stand in the corner for an extra hour after detention or help him. Your choice. One more each.” Miss Hafey informed them and then laid down two quick strokes in succession.

Both students rushed back to their seats.

“Which will it be, Jenny?” Miss Hafey asked.

“Helping Blake.” she replied, looking down at the floor.

“Helping Blake, what?” she asked, tipping Jenny’s chin upward so that their eyes met.

“…Helping Blake, ma’am.” she whispered.

“Good. The rest of you can go. Jenny and Blake, please stay seated.” She commanded.
To Be Continued. Maybe! I’m not sure. Let’s see how I feel.

Veggies, Critters, and Baking Near-Disaster News (TUS : Totally Unrelated to Spanking)



Legalized Catnip Club Opens in Las Vegas

Dana Kane Cats
Furry Rat Pack


All the coolest, cutest cats were sure to be seen at the opening of Krazy Kat Organic Catnip and Scratching Post Bar last night – sniffing, rolling, and cat-noodling well into the wee hours. Many cat selfies were taken before a fight broke out between two patrons during the house band’s intermission; witnesses report hearing no argument beforehand but say that the two patrons simply began swinging at one another. One witness said that the melee only lasted a few seconds and was quickly broken up by Krazy Kat security; no arrests were made.



A Tomato Grows in Vegas

Dana Kane Blog
This is not my arm. And I know that those aren’t tomatoes.


While I’ve found it impossible to grow much more than houseplants and sweet basil here in the desert, some folks have been doing it – fabulously well – for decades. Gilcrease Orchard is probably the best local example of desert farming and, although the amount of water needed to irrigate these 60 acres must be staggering, I am ever-so-grateful for the ability to eat actual fresh produce again. (Did you know that the average age of any random apple for sale in your supermarket’s produce section is 16 months? Yep, 16 months since that sucker was picked…and it’s still red. Creepy, huh?)

Last week, we picked about a dozen gorgeous, ripe tomatoes (and a few green ones for frying), along with just-pulled onions and garlic, a couple precious Armenian cucumbers (melons), and even peaches. It’s nearly and hour’s drive, on the Super Fun Vegas Freeway, from my place to Gilcrease, so you’ve really gotta want those tomatoes. They’re worth it, let me tell you, to a gal who never ate store-bought produce until she left home, and never saw a white egg ’til then either.



I Do Domestic. Kinda.

Dana Kane Bakes


This pumpkin bread tastes fantastic. Much better than it looks, to be sure. That’s because I dropped it HARD when pulling the loaf pan out of the oven. After having finally perfected my gluten free pumpkin bread recipe and baking technique, I dropped the damned thing. Sideways. It skidded onto the stovetop at an angle, causing the whole loaf to sort of…compact inside the pan.

So what we have here is really yummy yet somewhat ugly and dense domesticity, cooked up by yours truly. Enjoy!

Dana Kane, Spanked.


Well, it’s happened. I’ve gone and gotten myself spanked.

Deserved it, too. Had it coming.


Can I tell you about it?


You know I spank people, and you know I make spanking videos; today, I was supposed to make new video. It was all planned out, and a day overdue.

But I couldn’t decide what to wear. One wardrobe malfunction led to another, which led to another, which led to my spending about ninety minutes standing in the walk-in closet, amidst an ever-increasing mountain of discarded skirts and blouses.

My dearest darling honey was patient as always….to a point…until I finally blurted out something like, “There is NOTHING in this damn closet!” He then very calmly explained to me that there would be no video shot today, not like this, as I had sucked all the fun out of the room.

I stomped into the bathroom, removed my makeup, tossed on a tank top, and walked back out to find him standing there, waiting, patiently again.

“Come in here, it’s time for your spanking,” he said, and I laughed and laughed. “What spanking?”

“The spanking you have coming after that crap you pulled. We could’ve been finished already, and now we’re getting nothing done at all. Well, we’re making video today – one way or another.”

“Ahaha! You’re going to spank ME? Like, right now?”


“And you’re going to record it?”


Here, I will admit, I could have reacted in a few different ways. For some reason today, I decided to go with it. Yes, I had been an enormous pain in the ass this morning, and yes, I had single-handedly seen to it that we got no work done, so….okay. Why not.

“Alright, cowboy. Let’s go.”

So keep in mind when you see the photo below that neither I, nor he, planned to share it with you when it was shot. He actually did threaten to post it up on spankingtube the way I’ve done to him, so many times. He was a teeny bit irritated, I was stressed-out, and this fun spanking ended up making us both feel immensely better.

When I played the video back, I thought, “Hmm, that’s not too bad at all, is it? I mean, my ass COULD look a lot worse, and it’s been – what? – four years since I was last spanked?” After watching the video through, quite honestly, three or four times – laughing at myself really hard and wondering whether to share it with anyone – I decided, why the hell not? It’s raw video, there’s no editing, no fancy lighting, hell, I’m not even wearing Fancy Panties. There’s also the unavoidable fact that this is a very close-up, very intimate camera angle, which happens to highlight the entire…general area. Then I thought, “Eh, hell, we can handle it. We’re all adults.” So here ya go, kiddos:

Dana Kane, Spanked.


I spend a lot of time spanking people, and while you all know just how much I LOVE it, today it wasn’t happening. Well, it happened, just not the way we’d planned. Funny how things work, huh? And therapeutic, too, because it’s nice to remember that nobody, but nobody, can be on top ALL the time.


And before you ask – no, it’s not on the member site, and there’s no free preview video. Say what you will, but my backside doesn’t come out often and when it does, well…


*Warning : If you do not want to see images and video of me being spanked, do not click the clips4sale link.

** Warning : The video is raw and unedited. It’s also pretty damned close-up. If you do not want to see raw, unedited, close-up video of me being spanked, do not click the clips4sale link.

** WARNING : Really, seriously, this is NOT a video you want to watch if you are at all turned off by the idea of my being spanked, naked, or letting my guy turn the tables on me with a lexan paddle.


** FINAL WARNING : If you do choose to view this video, you will see me doing things which I do not tolerate from my playmates. This flies directly in the face of everything, and I have no defense. The following video contains: Squirming, Begging, Cursing, Rolling, Reaching the Hands Back, and Kicking the Feet. Cut me some slack – it’s been a long time.

With all that said, here’s the link:

Dana Kane, Spanked. Video.




Slap that Ass/Lamp/Artwork !?


Okay, this may be the most fun thing I’ve seen in a loong time.

It’s also not available for purchase yet, and when it is it’ll be pretty damn pricey, but I had to share this with all of you anyway.

Because, well….just watch the video:



Thanks to sweet Cras for sending me this crazycool link.


–  Dana

Wasting Time



What, you may wonder, do others do on the internet? Do other folks spend as much time looking at adult content as you do? (yes); does everyone get lost in the cute baby animal videos on youtube? (I do); is there really any redeeming value in online games? (probably not)

We all, to a person, waste time online. Many would argue that you are doing exactly that, right now, reading this post. Wasting time.

But it isn’t all a waste, right? We read the news, stay in touch with friends and family, and learn about the world around us all at the touch of a few sticky little buttons nowadays. There’s not much you can’t do online anymore – but so far it’s not possible to get a virtual spanking so I’m not terribly worried about the internet taking over the world.

I am, however, worried about dumb stuff on the internet getting more (WAY more) play than cool, smart stuff. While I’m sure that lots of people would disagree with me, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that neither first-person shooter games, nor pinterest, nor snapchat, will make you grow as a person.

Now I’m not suggesting that you need to grow – in fact I’m sure that you’re perfectly happy with your intellectual capacities – but just in case there’s a teeny part of you that’s wondering whether or not you’ve come to the End of the Internet, here are a few things online that will NOT rot your brain.

Check out:


Zooniverse  –  According to the website, “We make citizen science websites so that everyone can be part of real research online.” You can help explore outer space (literally), decode whale song, or even track the movement of animals in the Serengeti. These interactive online, public science projects are not just a fun way to while away a few hours; they’re a real, effective way for every single person on the planet to take part in it’s study. Amazing!

Track Katherine the Shark…or Fritz, or Philip, or Yolanda. The people at use real-time satellite tracking to keep updated data on dozens of tagged sharks.  –  like Luminosity, but for people who know better than pay 75 dollars to play games. Word games, puzzles, brain teasers, and a bunch of other silly stuff, too.

Google Earth  – Seriously, if you haven’t used the little yellow man on Google Earth to literally stroll down the streets of a teeny town on an itsy island in the middle of the ocean (any ocean – they’re everywhere) – one that you didn’t even know existed till you zoomed WAY in – then you haven’t used the internet properly. Start over.

While you’re exploring, you can also see a live, real-time video feed from just about anyplace in the world at Always wanted to visit someplace seemingly exotic? See what it looks like right this minute!

Okay, that’s enough time wasted here today – let’s all go back to looking at kittens on youtube now.

–  Dana

‘Amy’s First Spanking’ : Sin City Spanks entry



Finally, ‘Amy’s First Spanking’, a great way to end May’s Sin City Spanks story contest entries – have fun with this one, and stay tuned for the next spanking story contest!

–  Dana


Amy’s First Spanking

My name is Amy and I am a 21 year old former Las Vegas showgirl.  I was abandoned by my parents as an infant and raised in foster homes.  I was putting myself through college at U.N.L.V. as a showgirl until I got involved with a gangster twice my age.  I was enamored by his good looks, smooth talking, the way he threw his money around, and his celebrity friends.  Because of his fast lane life style I dropped out of college and into the Las Vegas nightlife.  I am currently lying in bed at the luxurious Vegas hotel where I was employed as a showgirl with a very sore well spanked bottom.  It was my first spanking ever and I’m afraid it won’t be my last.  I will never have to wonder again how a spanking feels!  I am a former showgirl as of about two hours ago when I decided to drop my gangster boyfriend and the Vegas nightlife in exchange for finishing college.

My former boyfriend is a thief and a jerk; but, I never realized it until tonight.  Little did I know that the money he threw around came from extorting money from the casino in Carolyn’s hotel.  Carolyn is a gorgeous motherly beauty who was celebrating her 50th birthday and looks 20 years younger.  She is 6′ tall weighs 140 lbs, has red hair, brown eyes and a muscular well toned body.  She is accompanied by her husband of three years Jonathan, who is about one half her age and 5’5″ tall, her lawyer Alexis is  a 6′ blond bombshell of 30, and Alexis’ lover Megan who is 5’4″ tall and 25 years old and looks like a college coed.

Carolyn has turned the 500 million dollars she inherited from her 1st husband Douglas into over a billion dollars.  She suspected that money was missing from her Las Vegas casino.  She has a dominate relationship with her younger husband Jonathan.  Carolyn pays the bills and Jonathan keeps house.  If he screws up its over her knee!  Jonathon worked for Carolyn before their marriage and is a computer whiz.  He checked the financial statements and discovered 50,000 dollars was missing.  He was able to trace the missing money to a floor manager in her casino.

Alexis contracted with her investigation agency and evidence revealed that my gangster boyfriend was extorting money from our floor manager who had a dubious past.  He was terminated and in exchange for not being prosecuted revealed that James was dating me and and all of the details of the extortion.  I was shocked when the hotel casino owner contacted me, a mere showgirl in her hotel, and wanted me to arrange for James and me to come to her pent house suite for drinks after my show that evening.  That evening we were introduced to Alexis, Megan, and Jonathan by Carolyn.  It was all business and James was confronted with the evidence against him gathered by Alexis’ agency.  He realized that with his criminal record and Carolyn’s and Alexis’ connections that most likely he would do prison time.  That is when Alexis dropped the bomb that Jonathan had heard before he and Carolyn were married and the petulant professor had heard after stealing a colleague’s research at the University of Colorado.  If he agreed to pay back the 50,000 dollars and accept a spanking from Carolyn and a caning from Alexis no charges would be pursued.

James agreed to Alexis’ terms.  She pulled a contract from her briefcase that James signed along with a wicked looking Spencer style paddle that made Megan and Jonathan cringe.  As I learned later both had been on the receiving end too many times and both hated the experience.  James was in tears and I was seeing him in a new light for the first time.  He wasn’t the man that I had been so stricken by!   Carolyn placed a straight back chair in the middle of the room and sit with the paddle on her lap.  James was ordered to her left side where Carolyn unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants to his knees.  She raised her short ivory silk skirt above her stocking tops and forced James over her right thigh and clamped her left leg over his legs.  Her well toned muscular right arm wrapped around his torso rendering him totally helpless.  James was pinned helplessly and Carolyn proved to be an expert spanker paddling up one side and down the other followed by a series of spanks up and down the middle of his now crimson bottom.  Next she alternated from cheek to cheek finishing on his upper thighs.  Being pinned and helpless over her lap all he could do was plead, cry, and struggle in vain as Carolyn left the imprint of her paddle on his cherry red behind.  I realized that I never wanted to see him again.  Alexis grabbed James arms as Carolyn released him from her lap and forced him over the back of a lounge chair.  Carolyn took James’ wrists and pinned him over the chair where Alexis stair cased his bottom with 12 angry wilts with her cane.  Each stripe was about one inch above the next with none crisscrossing the other.  The bawling James was shoved out of Carolyn’s suite with his crimson striped bottom before he could pull his pants back up!  Alexis’ last words to him were, “You are luck I don’t have a horse whip!”

When the five of us discussed what had just happened I was in tears and shared with them that I never wanted to see James again.  During our discussion I learned that both Megan and Jonathan were spanked if they failed to preform their household duties or their significant other believed they needed a maintaince spanking.  Although their spankings were not as severe as an the one Carolyn and Alexis gave to James, they both hated being spanked but admitted that a good spanking cleared the air.  I explained that I felt terrible about the time I had wasted with James and that allowing the night life I spent partying with him to cause me to drop out of college.  Carolyn informed me that she thought  that I would benefit from a sound spanking and if I was her daughter she would put me over her knee.  At that moment I hugged Carolyn and began crying again as I explained that I never knew my mother.  Carolyn was old enough to be my mother and I explained, “I have never been spanked and have no idea how a spanking feels; but, since you think I would benefit from a spanking and both Jonathan and Megan said that a spanking cleared the air I need to be spanked.”

Carolyn agreed but said, “Spankings are suppose to hurt and once I turn you over my knee it will be too late for you to change your mind and you will be a very unhappy little girl long before I’m finished.”  She hugged me and added, “I will pay the rest of your way through college but right now we have some business to take care of!”  Carolyn sit on the straight backed chair still in the center of the room and smoothed her ivory silk skirt with the Spencer style paddle on her lap.  She raised my skirt and put me over her knee.  She  rubbed my thin nylon white panties and said,” You will be kicking,  squirming, and dancing across my lap and that is O.K. I will have no trouble keeping you in place.”

I tried to be stoic as she began paddling my thin nylon panties but was soon crying out and dancing across her lap.  Carolyn spanked up one side and down the other and then began alternating from cheek to cheek.  Next she paddled the middle of my bottom to the top of my legs.  When  she finally left me off of her lap I danced around the room.  My eyes were teary and puffy and tears were making my mascara run down my face.  I was still crying uncontrollable when Carolyn hugged me and Alexis rubbed lotion on my stinging bottom.  I didn’t realize how much a sound spanking from a capable woman hurt.  As Carolyn had promised I was a well spanked unhappy girl.  I understood why Jonathan and Megan hated being spanked.  After three years of spanking Jonathan Carolyn had become an expert disciplinarian.   I thanked Carolyn for caring enough to discipline me and helping me finish college.

After my spanking Megan went to the kitchen and returned with a cake for Carolyn’s 50th birthday celebration.  Alexis removed her suit jacket and sit on the same straight backed chair in the middle of the room and smoothed her skirt.  Alexis had paddled Carolyn three years ago and that was the only paddling Carolyn had ever received.  Alexis informed Carolyn that she was going to receive a birthday hand spanking over her knee.  Jonathan and Megan escorted Carolyn to Alexis’ side where Alexis raised her silk  skirt to her waist and lowered her nylon panties to her knees.  Everyone was laughing except Alexis who was all business.  During her hand spanking over Alexis’ knee she never cried out and meekly submitted but I could tell by the expression on her face and her cherry red bottom outlined by her garter belt and stockings  that a hand spanking over Alexis’ knee was a very painful experience.

After Carolyn’s birthday spanking we all enjoyed white wine, cake and many laughs.  I was invited to spend the night in Carolyn’s suite.  Carolyn was going to pay for my final year of college and promised to fly back to Vegas if I needed help in maintaining my grades or any other goals that I had set for myself.  I never knew my mother but I loved Carolyn like the mother I never had.

Little game of Catch Up, anyone?


I’ve been a little under the weather this week, kiddos, so the member site update and sunday video updates will go up tomorrow (Monday) evening. Keep your eyes peeled for something a bit different featuring my friend, the lovely and bodacious Cheyenne Jewel – and we’ll be back to regularly scheduled weekend updates next week.

In related news, has a couple new features! You can now comment and rate individual video scenes – a little bit more interactivity for members.

Also, in the next few months, the website will be undergoing major upgrades: we’ll be increasing our server output so that your videos stream and download lightning-fast – and then we’ll be able to further expand with other features.

Running behind…but always running.



‘Disciplined and Properly Thanked’ : Sin City Spanks Entry

I am LOVING these entries for the Sin City Spanks story contest, aren’t you?! Here’s another fun one, titled ‘Disciplined and Properly Thanked” – enjoy.~
–  Dana
 “Disciplined and Properly Thanked”
I was very excited about my up coming week in Las Vegas, Women,Night Shows and of course the Night Life!
I was never a big gambler so that did not concern me, What I wanted was to meet a couple Wild girls and spend a week playing the bachelor Game!
The first day was just getting settled and what better way to do that then to call room service and have a meal brought up,
What happened next is a little strange, When room service showed up there was a very tall attractive lady name Elizibeth she was probably in her mid thirties and she was very assertive!
Don’t get me wrong she was very nice and told me if I needed any thing to just call,
Now me being me thought Ok how about a night on the town after you get off!
but what I said or should I say what came out of my mouth was not what she wanted to hear! How much would it cost to spend a night on the town with you?
Her response was “Why does every man think that women are for sale in Vegas? I will tell you what since you don’t know how to ask me if I am married or might be available for an evening on the town like a respectable man would, I would other wise say no but Tonight I get off at Eight and have no plans call me at the front desk and don’t be late!
Wow I know I was a little rude in how I asked but she did not have to say it like I was a Rude arrogant little boy!
Oh Well I got a date and Wow if I can get her in to bed later she will see what a real man is!
After she left I looked at my order and was a little up set, The food was cold and over cooked! So I called the front desk and said I was very disappointed with the food and would like to return it! “Really I just wanted another look at Room service!”
Sure enough Elizibeth was back at my door and listened to my comments about the food and told me she would get a new order made for me and be back in about a half hour! “
While I waited I ran to the phone book to find a nice Restaurant and Night club in the area!
Elizibeth was back with my order and I tipped her with twenty percent and said thank you! She told me I was welcome and remember Eight o’clock and don’t be late!
I laid down for just a quick nap and suddenly it was 7:30 I had to shower and get ready it was 8:05 when I got down stairs and she was standing there waiting.
She looked at her watch and ask what time was it? I told her what happened and she told me we could talk about it later!
I told her I wanted to go to Gallagers  in the New York,New York but she said she wanted to do some thing different there was a Art show at the Bellagio and they were serving a dinner after!
That sounded great until I found out it was a $250 a plate fund raiser and I was paying! She told me this is where I find out what it was going to cost me for a night on the Town with her!
I grumbled and made little singles about any and everything all during the show and dinner!A couple times I could tell I had embarrassed her and she was looking very up set!
After the show while we were leaving she stopped me and said she was very disappointed in how I acted and was going home!
I appoligised many times and asked her to forgive me! She told me I act like a spoiled child and she had hoped for a nice evening and wanted to go to the lounge and have a couple drinks and talk about our interests.
Again I continued to appoligise and she told me, She would agree to spend the evening with me but we would be going to her place instead but I had to do what ever she asked me ! “OK” This tall beautiful woman who I treated like a high priced hooker and I acted like a rude spoiled child now wanted to take me home”
She told me as we walked to her Apartment that if I did not do as she asked and started arguing I would be asked to leave!
I agreed all to quickly “Oh Boy you are getting lucky tonight!”
she had a very nice suite on the 45th floor and I was at a loss for how a person who delivers room service could afford this place!
She could see and read the look on my face and told me to have a seat in the living room while she freshened up and got comfortable!
while she was gone I found the bar and helped myself to some Johnny Walker Blue and looked around!
She startled me as she walked in to the room with a dark robe on and heels!
She told me to get my things and leave! I asked why?
She asked me what did I say to do while I was changing? To have a seat and wait for her to freshen up!
So why are you not sitting on the couch and who told you to help your self to a drink?
I thought “No you did not think you have not thought about how you behave and what your comments and actions are doing to those around you!
Now please put my glass down get your jacket and leave!
I did just what she asked, All night I thought about how I had behaved and how totally right she was!
I guess all I could think of was her she put me in my place and told me very clearly I needed to grow up in a nice way!
The next morning I asked if she was working and was told she would not be in until the next day!
I could not wait I had to see her and I had to beg her forgiveness!
I knew where she lived so I had a choice go over to her apartment or wait till she returned to work!
As much as I knew I should wait I had to do some thing so I asked if there were any social events going on around town tonight and the concierge told me he knew Elizibeth and she would want to go to the SPCA fund raiser to support the local animal shelter!
Tickets were $500.00 plus there would be an auction after of a Painting by Jean Batzell Fitzgerald
I had to think all I had would be spent if I went and to try to bid on a painting was not in the pocket book for me!
But I said Ok I will take the tickets and see if she would agree to try again!
I got to her place with a dozen Rose’s and knocked on her door!
I heard some rustling but no one answered the door so I knocked again and she asked what I wanted?
Only a minute of your time and then I will leave if you ask me too!
Elizibeth opened the door and I handed her the roses and told her how sorry I was that I thought about how i had treated her and also how I acted and told her she was right!
I told her I had tickets to the fund raiser and would like to try again to make amends.
I could she the sparkle in her eyes but she told me I would need to be disciplined for last night and unless i agreed i should just leave right now and never return!
I told her any thing Please just forgive me!
she told me to come in and she would see how I acted and did what i was told this time!
I sat down and she laid it out I was going to be Spanked just like the spoiled little boy I acted like last night!
I would have my pants taken down and put over her knee and spanked with her Hair brush and then afterwards I would be bent over the back of her couch and Caned 24 times for not doing as I was told last night at her apartment!
I chuckled a little but then seen she was serious and I had the choice to make at the moment!
I agreed and she told me to go in to the bathroom at the end of the hall take off all my cloths and put on the robe hanging on the hook!
I returned to her and she was seated in the chair next to the couch1
She told me to go to her dining room and return with one of the straight back chairs! I was mortified but did as she asked!
after setting it down in the middle of the room she pointed to a corner and said to stand there till she returned and I had better not move or take my nose out of that corner before she got back or told me to move!
The wait was agonizingly long it seemed but then I felt her take hold of my ear and lead me over to the chair!
I was told to take the robe off and set it on the chair neatly!
She sat down and I was then put over her knee!
She said under normal circumstances I would get a warm up but this was not going to be normal!
That Hair brush landed with a crack that I was sure everyone for six floors up or down could hear and before I even got one cry out she had two more strikes in! I was stunned but she was only getting started and continued for “Well I really don’t know how long but  I was begging and pleading for my life and when I went limp all I can say is she had her hand on my back rubbing it saying she was done and I could get up now!
I was told to go back to the corner and she would return in a moment!
I would not of moved for my life! when she got back she asked if I needed to use the restroom and if so go now and return immediately after!
As much as I was not in a hurry I did!
She was standing behind the couch with a large cane and told me to come over and lay over the back!
I did and she said I would get the 24 and at no time was I to stand or reach back!
If I did that one would not count and if I was told more the three times I was to leave and not return!
I had never been Caned Or Spanked for that matter!
But I thought that Hair Brush hurt, the first stroke was like a shot of electricity shooting up to my brain from the pain I shot straight up and she said that was one and it does not count assume the position or leave now!
Over I went the next twelve were so bad but I stayed down, I don’t know if she made thirteen to make me stand or it was the first one across the upper thighs but Up I went!
Thats Two! was all she said!
I went back over and how I got to twenty was a loss to me!
she said Four more and remember if you stand one more time you will get dressed and leave!
I begged her to stop that I learned from my lesson!
She told me “I would not respect her if she did not finish and she would not be a Strict Disciplinarian if she let me off!
She gave me the next two that i swear I seen Lightening then she made a criss cross over the twenty two and was done!
She patted my back and told me to stay bend over!
I was thinking she was going to do more but then she was rubbing in some cool moist cream and told me to just relax and when she is done I could get up!
After we sat down “It was non to easy for me” we talked about what she did and I found out she was a Professional Life coach and Disciplinarian!
So that was how she could afford the apartment but she needed a full time job also as it in its self did not pay the bills.
I told her I was a CEO for a large accounting firm and I needed to hear what she told me!
We went out that night and she bid on the Painting the bidding topped what she had to bid so I told her I would help in the bidding she won it and it only cost me $100.00
She told me she would be in Hawaii in two months and wanted to get together! Then said “She needed to reaffirm my need to be Disciplined and Properly Thanked for her Painting” (for all the ‘other’ stuff)



When you’ve spent all your Mad Money on fun/evil spanking toys from, but still need a few…ahem…other items, Stockroom is a good place for just about everything BDSM.

Cuffs, restraints, furniture, medical stuff, multitudes of different types of devices of general bodily torture, and lots of other things that possibly neither you nor I are sure quite what to do with…but that’s part of the fun of browsing, isn’t it?

Also, I like the tagline on the link picture:

Sin City Spanks story entry: ‘Burlesque Nightmare’



The Sin City Spanks story contest turned out several very good entries, and ‘Burlesque Nightmare’ is an aptly-titled, fun romp. I know you’ll have fun with this one..

– Dana


Burlesque Nightmare

Heels, dance shoes, sequined bra tops and bottoms? Check, check, check, and check. I was looking through my dance bag and made sure I had everything I needed for my audition for the X Burlesque show at the Tropicana. Over the past month I had been auditioning for several of the adult dance shows in Las Vegas. I enjoyed dancing and performing, and needed the money to help pay for school. Dancing topless wasn’t my first choice, but I was struggling financially and was running out of options.

I pulled part of my curly red, shoulder length hair back, and put the finishing touches on my makeup. My brown eyes sparkled. I was excited for today. I certainly had the body and dance training they were looking for.

I grabbed my dance bag and keys, and headed to the car. Once I reached the hotel, I checked in at the audition table, took off my blue tank top and dance shorts, adjusted my pink sequined bra and briefs, and pinned on my number. My outfit was sensual, but not tasteless. I put on my ballet shoes and started stretching. After several minutes all of the dancers lined up and they recorded our height and took our pictures. We then did a basic ballet combination across the stage consisting of two piqué turns, two chainé turns, two assemblés, an arabesque, two more assemblés, and a grand jeté. There was a spotlight on me making it hard to see. Going in a straight line was key, so spotting was important.

After all 60 female dancers had gone, they cut 15 dancers, and I fortunately made the first cut. We then put on our heels and were taught a classical jazz routine performed to very fast music. I danced my best and made it through the next cut. For the final round we grabbed fans and performed a classical burlesque fan dance. There were still 20 dancers remaining and the producers told us they would inform us who had made callbacks within 24 hours. I smiled as I put my dance shorts and tank top on and said goodbye to my friends who were still there. I grabbed my bag and walked slowly back to car. As I left the theater I ran directly into my mother. She was 5’8”, only a little taller than I was, and slim with short black hair and piercing blue eyes. Except for the height and body shape we looked nothing alike.

“Nicole Elizabeth, what are you doing here?” her voice was very low and it was clear she was angry.

Continue reading “Sin City Spanks story entry: ‘Burlesque Nightmare’”

All the spanking story contest entries in one place? (Your opinion)



A couple blog regulars have asked whether I’ll consider putting all (or the ‘best of’, anyway) the spanking story contests into ebook form(s), so that one can read them without having to navigate the hundreds of unrelated things on my blog.

While this seems like a pretty massive undertaking, I’m willing to do it if you all think it’s something you’d enjoy. I’m not breaking Brave New Ground here, but could – given a large amount of time – compile something for e-readers that’s downloadable and convenient.



–  Dana

Scorched in Sin City : An original spanking story entry



‘Scorched in Sin City’ is another wonderfully imaginative entry to the Sin City Spanks story contest, and I’m sure that you’ll have a great time reading.

–  Dana


Scorched in Sin City


As the plane touched down at McCarran International Airport Marie and Bob looked  forward to their 4 day getaway in Las Vegas albeit for different reasons.  Bob liked to gamble on table games and slots while Marie enjoyed the other amenities the city has to offer like fine dining, shopping, site seeing, and the big name entertainment featured at one of the many shows playing at the various casinos. While waiting at the baggage conveyor belt Marie gently reminded Bob of their last trip to Sin City and firmly but cheerfully told him not to repeat the same mistakes made on their most recent visit. Namely, that Bob lost all his gambling money on the first day and proceeded to lose all the rest of their “fun’ money they planned on using for entertainment etc. for the rest of their trip on the second day! “This trip would be different” Marie stated as she gave Bob an allowance of 500 dollars for each of the (4) days they would be in town for his gambling. She would control all the rest of the cash they brought for her shopping and their mutual entertainment needs. Marie had made Bob promise that he would not exceed his daily budget of $500 and warned him that if he did, the consequences would not be of his liking. Bob was always a little afraid when Marie spoke in that tone of voice and promised to her that he would be more careful with his gambling. He figured she was serious this time as he noticed that while packing for the trip, Marie put her large sturdy wooden hairbrush in her suitcase. He was quite familiar with that hairbrush and it wasn’t for brushing his hair either, since he had very little.


Check in at the Mirage Hotel and Resort was a breeze and soon Bob and Marie happily strolled down the Las Vegas Strip with thoughts of enjoying the activities the city of Las Vegas offers. The strip was buzzing with activity as they passed the different street performers and the many people from all different cultures and walks of life that shared the sidewalk on this hot sultry desert afternoon.

Marie couldn’t help but notice all the metal boxes that dotted the Strip  containing the paper magazines and flyers which touted certain events and adult services. She grabbed one from a box and stashed it in her purse thinking she would peruse its pages later that evening. Marie loved the fountains at the Bellagio and she and Bob watched them for what seemed for Bob hours on end! Finally at Bob’s suggestion, they both began walking toward the Luxor Hotel where Bob knew Marie wanted to visit the Titanic Museum that was on display. Bob was itching to get a crack at the gaming tables and this would present a good opportunity for him to do so. Marie could see her museum while he gambled at the tables and made some cash. Or so he hoped.

When they arrived at the Titanic Museum Marie reluctantly agreed to go it alone and let Bob do some gambling during the 90 minutes or so it would take to visit the Museum. She did warn Bob about not going over his allotted budget for gambling. “Yes Dear”, was all he could muster as he hurriedly went off to find the nearest blackjack table. Within minutes Bob was ahead by $300 dollars as he had a quick run of luck. He decided to double and triple his original bets but soon found that no longer was he up $300, but rather down $1000! He began to break out in a cold sweat as he knew he would be grilled by Marie when she would later meet up with him and ask how he was doing? In his desperation Bob could hear in the background the hoots and hollers of the happy players over at the Craps table nearby. “That’s where the action is”! he thought aloud, remembering a few years ago when he actually won a couple  thousand dollars shooting craps in one of the downtown casinos. He recalled that Craps is a lightning fast paced game where one can win or lose a fortune in a matter of minutes. Since Marie would be exiting the Titanic Museum at any moment Bob thought his best chance to get the money he lost at blackjack was at this crowded Craps table where by the sound of it, players were making all kinds of money! “Change for $1,000” the dealer shouted as he handed Bob his buy in chips. Bob quickly made (2) $100 dollar bets placing the 6 & 8. The shooter rolled an 8! Bob just won $110! This was easy he thought. He then doubled up his original bets. The shooter then rolled a 7. “Seven out” the dealer proclaimed and collected all the losing wagers including Bob’s. He was now out $300 plus the $1,000 lost at blackjack. He had $700 remaining in his total budget and he could see from the corner of his eye Marie Making her way across the casino floor towards him. He needed a big score on the next 2 rolls of the dice if he wanted to break even and more importantly, not break his promise to Marie. Bob was handed the dice and he placed all his remaining money on the chance that he could make his point. He rolled a 10. He backed up his frontline bet with odds so that if he rolled another 10 he would get almost all his money back. With confident voice Bob commanded the dice to come up with the combination of 10. He rolled a 7! “Seven out!” exclaimed the dealer and took all of Bob’s wagers. Bob realized he was now out of the game with no money left and felt dejected. Right at that moment Marie tapped him on the shoulder and inquired ”how you doing”? By the look on his face she already knew.

Continue reading “Scorched in Sin City : An original spanking story entry”

Sin City Spanks Story : Chapter Twelve


Here’s a great entry to the Sin City Spanks story contest : “Chapter Twelve” by miss Randy Lee. Enjoy!

–  Dana

by Randy Lee

It was seven o’clock in the evening. The bright desert sun was still showing plenty of strength on this May evening. The congenial group of four women strolled down the sidewalk of the Las Vegas Strip leaning close to whisper humorous snippets in each other’s ears. Their laughs and giggles blended into the conversations and loud laughter of other groups on the sidewalk. Dotty, Hope, Lynette, and Pam had just graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in their home state of Texas and had come to Las Vegas to celebrate. Having spent four years preparing to take their places in society, focusing on different subjects before concentrating their efforts in their various major fields of study, it was agreed that this was a time for letting their collective hair down, figuratively speaking. Since their high school days, each girl’s educational pursuit had demanded a regimented life both inside and outside her classrooms. Now that their respective scholastic goals had been achieved, they were here to paint the town red! Hope began moving a little ahead of the others and approached the door of a Las Vegas business establishment. On it were the letters SPA in elaborate script style.
She turned to her friends, regarded them with a wide grin, and gestured toward the door. “This is it, girls,” she announced.
The other three women froze in their tracks, their faces showing disbelief. “Wait just a dadgum minute,” Lynette protested. “We’re supposed to be going to a casino. You know, as in gambling? We can go to a spa back home anytime we want, without shelling out all those bucks for airfare.”
“Okay, calm down, Lyn. This is a casino, I promise,” Hope assured her.
“So you’ve been here before?” Pam asked.
“Twice,” Hope confirmed. “My ex-boyfriend brought me here near the end of our junior year, and I came back last Christmas vacation to do some exploring by myself. I had a blast! I’ll bet y’all are gonna love it.”
“Oh, yeah?” This from Pam. “Whatta you bet?”
“We’ll discuss it later,” Hope replied, a hint of mystery in her voice.
“Hmmh!” Pam grunted skeptically.
Dotty, the quiet member of the group, and Lynette were unmoved—literally—from their positions alongside Pam.
Hope decided some coaxing was in order. “Awww, c’mon, y’all! What’s life without a little suspense and drama?”
“Oh, all right,” Pam conceded. She turned to her skeptical buddies and suggested, “Let’s go see what this ‘spa’ is all about.”
Hope pulled the door open and held it for the other three. They trooped in for a distance of about five feet and again were brought up short. Hope watched the three newcomers take in the room’s beautiful decor. There was furniture of rich, dark hardwood and upholstery in equally rich red and gold velvet and brocade. Satin treatments adorned mock windows. No source of water was evident, and no scent of either chlorine or massage oil rankled the nose. No people were evident, either. Not another soul occupied the exquisitely appointed room.
Dotty murmured, “This isn’t like any spa I ever saw before.”
Lynette echoed her observation and added, “Or casino, either.”
“It’s different, I’ll admit,” Hope acknowledged. “Well, come along. Let’s get this party started. I’ll show you the fun room where the gambling happens.”
She led her companions in the direction of a door which bore the letters NKO. As they approached, the sound of a ball hopping on a spinning roulette wheel could be heard. There was also the distinct click of a cue ball striking racked balls on a pool table. Hope pressed a button on the wall beside the door. The four women heard no sound, but a voice from a speaker above them said, “Identify.”
Hope spoke plainly, “Hope M. 7239.”
“Enter,” the voice said. A buzzer sounded, and Hope pushed the door open. A tall man wearing a red polo shirt tucked into black trousers stood guard at the door. He motioned the women to come in, glanced quickly beyond them in all directions, and closed the door. He gestured to an electronic scanner next to him and ordered, “Handprint.” Hope laid her right hand flat on the glass surface of the machine and held still. A light moved back and forth under the glass twice and then went out. A beep sounded, and the man said, “Okay.” Hope looked at him. He nodded, she removed her hand, and he indicated with a slight movement of his head that the four could move about the room freely.
As they walked farther into the room, Pam noted sarcastically, “That guy’s a real chatterbox.”

Continue reading “Sin City Spanks Story : Chapter Twelve”

10 More Reasons to Love Cane-iac


I couldn’t think of a witty intro here, but want to share with you some of my favorite Cane-iac items, most of which are beloved to me for their specific usefulness and ability to withstand more punishment than the butts they strike. Folks ask often which types of implements are good for different things, and, while this isn’t meant to be a comprehensive list, I think that each of these items has a place in one’s spanking arsenal.

So, here are ten things I love about Cane-iac, in no particular order and not including the fact that they, in general, rock.

–  Dana


1. Exotic Mighty Might – serious bang. I call mine (in Wenge wood) ‘Angry Cricket’. This is a great paddle for even the tiniest of butts, and packs a serious local wallop no matter whose bottom it hits.

Caneiac Mighty Might


2. Love Me Strap – delivers as named, ‘love taps’. This sweet, unsevere strap is excellent for OTK and standing strapping and gives a good sting without hiding your bottom.

Caneiac Love Me


3. Curse of Dana Wallop – run for your life. Cane-iac’s rubber implements are notoriously evil, and this angry little square of rubber sitting at the end of two delrin stems is no exception. Great bounce-action for uninitiated or lazy spankers!

Caneiac Curse Wallop


4. School House Cane – sort of the epitome of strict school disicpline, the 32″ Senior version of this traditional, crooked-handle cane is enough to bring any classroom to attention. The crook in the handle makes the cane easier to hold and direct, in my opinion.

Caneiac School House Cane


5. Dana’s Inferno – spencer-style pain-maker. It’s two-sided, walnut and maple, with eleven terrible holes for maximum impact; although this paddle has moved many bottoms to near-tears, I’ve yet to come near breaking it.

Caneiac Danas Inferno


6. Delrin Rug Beater – for punishment. Seriously. Usually, I only bring out this piece if I’m dealing either with serious infractions or a seriously tough bottom. Not for the faint of heart, or most other hearts, for that matter.

Caneiac Delrin Rug Beater


7. Russet 3 Tail Tawse – excellent all ’round leather implement. This is Cane-iac at their best – a traditional tawse with a Cane-iac twist; this is one of my most oft-used items, as it’s easy to adjust the impact force by adjusting one’s swing.

Caneiac Russet 3 Tail Tawse


8. Red Acrylic Paddle – red means stop. I like this paddle visually, as it’s an intimidating bright red, shiny sheet of acrylic that looks like it could (and, indeed, can) turn your bottom an equally terrible shade.

Caneiac Red Acrylic


9. Marwood Paddle – strict Miss Marwood’s Cane-iac paddle namesake is the same size as Dana’s Inferno, but a stingy 1/4″ thick, making it an incredibly stingy lesson learned.

Caneiac Marwood


10. Naughty Stick with Holes – bruiser. This one goes down in history as having been the first implement which My Bottom’s Bottom vetoed from further future use.

Caneiac Naughty Stick



GOOD boudin, and great people


After my recent heated tirade on the evils of Las Vegas traffic and imported ‘cajun’ food products, a long-time friend took pity on me. This was unintentional, but nonetheless appreciated, as he showed his pity in the form of this box:


dana kane




The box, which has completely made my day even though I had to get out obscenely early in order to pick it up, contained (drum roll):


Good Boudin (and lots of other delicacies)!!


It doesn’t take much to turn a bad day into a good one. Usually, all it takes is one person being unnecessarily kind to another, whether in the form of word or deed. My friend did that today, and I’m smiling now as I try to decide where to start in this big box of yummy food.

–  Dana

Bad Boudin and Other Horrors



I’m a transplanted Cajun-Country-bordering-Texan, living in the middle of the damn Mojave desert. I am reminded of this simply by looking out my bedroom window, the view from which features a stunning mountain vista in the distance (with the Stratosphere much closer), or stepping foot outside for three seconds (the day’s high will be a dry 101-ish). It’s hotter than hades here, and that’s saying something when you consider the area from which I hail.

“But it’s a dry heat” you say.

“Go to hell” I say in return, “Or just come here instead.”

There are lots of things to love about Las Vegas, but, as Dorothy kindly reminds us every year, there’s no place like home. And for me, there’s no food like Cajun food (throw Creole and Soul foods in there too, as it’s all been served to me on the same plate, most of my life) to make me feel like I’m at home.

Cajun/Creole/Soul food wasn’t something we ate in restaurants, it’s what we ate at home. Turnip greens and cornbread? Yes, please. Boiled crawfish with a side of potatoes and corn? Heck yeah! Boudin and cracklin (google it)? Oh, god save the queen..

So imagine my happiness when a little internet sleuthing paid off a few days ago – I’d done a general internet search for “boudin las vegas” and was absolutely tickled when a yelp-reviewed meat market on the other side of town showed up, with a comment reading, “Every kind of Cajun food you can imagine, even boudin!”, or something close, from a lady who seemed pretty darned happy. So, with images of my long-lost gastronomic loves dancing merrily in my head, I loaded up and made the excruciatingly long haul across town.

*If you’re wondering, it’s excruciating because the traffic lights here are what I believe to be the longest, worst-timed mechanisms in the free world. Coupled with the statistical fact that 6 of 10 drivers in Las Vegas are impaired at Any Given Time, and you have a recipe for extremely defensive driving and long, slow, harrowing trips just about anywhere.



Having finally arrived in one piece, I entered a cute little old school style meat market – heavy on meat, light on everything else. While perusing the fresh meats case, I noticed that boudin was conspicuously absent…so I strolled over to the freezer case.

Aha! Boudin. Mild and hot. Three links per package.

I grabbed three, headed for the counter, and hauled ass home – where I almost literally stared down this package of boudin until it thawed. Painful hours, my friends, painful hours.

Fantasies of smoked boudin, boudin balls, boudin dip, and other boudin-based concoctions made me a bit lightheaded, and the anticipated scent of boudin washed through my nostrils like the ghosts of food past and future. (Waxing poetic about food is not new, I’m just bad at it.)

Since the post’s titled Bad Boudin, you’ve naturally figured out by now that the boudin was, indeed, bad. More than bad. Mealy and watery and soupy and, just….gross.



My disappointment cannot be contained; my mortification shall not abate. Boudin made in Lake Charles, Louisiana, should not taste (or look or smell) like that.

I guess if I really, really want to revisit the food of my youth, I’m going to have to once again revisit the geography of it – and next time, I’ll bring a cooler full of dry ice.

–  Dana


PS. Please don’t drink and drive. Or text and drive. Or stare at your GPS and drive…you get the idea. Just drive, dammit.


Sin City Spanking Story Contest Winner


Last month I received several entries for the “Sin City Spanks” story contest, and had a more difficult time than usual making a final decision. Ultimately, I chose “All Bets Are Off”, as I loved the character ‘Ma’s’ line about tickling….you’ll see.

Congratulations to our winning author, and I’m sure that you’ll all enjoy this entry and all the rest.

–  Dana

All Bets Are Off

All Bets Are Off

                “Wait! I can explain!” Crystal begged as the strong hands gripping her pulled her into a dark room. “It’s not what it looks like! OOOF!” she yelped, the wind leaving her body, as she was unceremoniously dumped onto a hard wooden chair. “That hurt,” she said gasping for breath.

The petite, bottle blonde blinked her eyes trying to breathe normally and get a good look at the person standing over her. It was impossible given that that the large male body was being lit from behind by the bright lights of the casino she had up until recently been happily gambling in. Well, gambling in the sense of winning a ton of the casino’s money by means that were anything but honest.

“Cheating is supposed to hurt,” the man grunted as he closed the door. “Think about that while you wait for Ma.”

Crystal shivered in the dark. She had seen enough of the room she was in to know that it was little larger than a closet. She contemplated banging on the door but who would hear her over the sounds of the slot machines, cheering players at the craps tables, and the music filling the brightly lit gambling floor? Instead she hugged her knees to her chest not caring that her short silver dress was riding up. Who would even notice in the dark?

After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened causing the young lady within to blink against the onslaught of light. “Oh, thank God!” Crystal said as she rubbed her eyes back into focus and saw a police officer standing there, “I was being held captive in here!” she said her hands going to her theatrically heaving bosom, which the outfit she was wearing accentuated to a most impressive degree.

“Detained ma’am, not held captive,” the officer said in a polite drawl, “On suspicion of defrauding a gaming establishment. A suspicion which is very much true given the security footage I have reviewed. And, given the amount you took, this constitutes grand larceny – a felony.”

Crystal swallowed hard hearing this but was not ready to give in yet. She sidled up to the officer her gait taking on an intoxicating sashay while her voice dropped into a purr, “I’m sure we can work something out officer,” she said huskily one perfectly manicured finger tracing a heart shape on the police officer’s chest teasingly.

“That would be between you and Ma, uh, the owner of the casino ma’am,” the police officer said stepping back. “Would you like to speak with her or prefer to take this down town?”

“Fine, let me meet the bitch,” Crystal said, with a sigh, her pretty face screwed up petulantly.

Crystal was not sure what to expect as she was led into the owner’s office. She thought it might be a bit more colorful given the garish lights and loud noises of the casino gaming floor and was almost disappointed that the room looked more like a lawyer’s office or something an executive would use – all dark wood, thick carpets, and expensive looking artwork. “You’re the owner?” she blurted seeing a petite red-headed woman about her own age standing beside the desk. “I thought you were the cocktail waitress!” she said sneeringly looking the young woman up and down.

The red-head laughed, a sound like tinkling bells. “I am the cocktail waitress silly, and you’re the ungrateful brat that not only didn’t tip me but also stole from Ma,” she said rolling her eyes. “Wrong move,” she said laughing again as the large leather chair which up until now had been facing the window slowly turned.

“I’m the owner,” the chair’s occupant said coolly in a tone that sent a shiver down Crystal’s spine. “Marjory Phillips-Brightsworth, but most people just call me Ma,” she said. “I hear someone’s been a naughty girl,” she finished raising an eyebrow and giving Crystal a look that turned her knees to jelly.

Crystal licked her lips nervously unsure what to say. Something about this woman made her very nervous. She looked nothing like Crystal’s mother but everything from the way she spoke, the way she held her head, and even the way she steepled her fingers in front of her chin gave Crystal visions of cutting switches, hard oak hairbrushes, and long minutes bawling in the corner – something that had not happened in several years.

“I…no, it’s not like that…I…I didn’t do anything wrong!” she stammered trying to find something to say to get out of this predicament.

“Well, that can always be decided by a court of law,” Ma said turning her attention to the police officer. “John, would you be so kind as to take this young lady to the police station. I will be pressing charges.”

“No! Wait!” Crystal said pulling away from the police officer who was reaching for her arm. “He said we could work something out! Please, let me work something out!”

Ma nodded and looked Crystal over carefully. The girl was trying her best to look elegant but the hem of her sparkly silver dress was frayed slightly speaking of something picked up at a thrift store and her shoes looked cheap and uncomfortable though stylish enough at a cursory glance. Ma guessed without the heels Crystal might make five foot two, but she noticed that Crystal was also doing her best to look not just taller but also older and more worldly that she was – while all the womanly curves were there the young lady in front of her lacked the poise and sophistication of the persona she was trying to emulate. “How old are you little girl?” she asked.

“Little Girl?” Crystal snapped, “I’m 25!”

The casino owner sighed and the cocktail waitress’s sprightly laugh filled the air again. Crystal was beginning to hate that laugh. “That is the last lie you tell me tonight young lady. The next one gets you a trip with the officer here,” Ma said sternly.

“Fine,” Crystal said her bottom lip pulled up into a pout, “I’m 19.”

“It seems we can add underage drinking and underage gambling to your list of charges,” Ma said shaking her head, “And given my casinos strict ID policy, I am betting you have a fake id in that faux Coach purse of yours.”

Crystal pouted again and stomped her foot in frustration, yes, actually stomped like a wilful toddler. “How do you know everything?!” she said her voice taking on a whining tone. It really was like talking to her own, seemingly omnipotent, mother.

The waitress laughed again, “Ma’s had lots of practice with lying little girls,” she said rubbing her bottom with a wink, “Lord knows she never lets me get away with anything,” she said her small hands continuing to rub under her short skirt.

“I let you get away with far too much,” Ma said rolling her eyes, a gesture she somehow made look elegant, “I think you are long due another maintenance spanking.”

“Wait, what? Spankings?” Crystal said laughing despite of, or perhaps because, of her nervousness. “You still get spanked?” she said looking at the waitress.

“Only when I need it,” the young woman said sagely, “though right now it would be my own pretty little tushie I’d worry about little miss thief,” she said glancing very meaningfully at Crystal’s backside.

“Uh, sorry Ma, I just got a call,” the police officer said motioning to the ear piece attached to his radio, “If this one gives you any trouble just call us back. I’m sure the ladies down at Florence would be more than happy to make her acquaintance,” he said before hurrying out of the room to whatever emergency dispatch had called about.

“Florence?” Crystal said unsure what that meant.

“The correctional facility where you are likely to end up if this goes forward officially,” Ma said matter-of-factly. “A pretty little girl like you would be very popular indeed.”

Crystal shivered wondering how all this went so wrong and tried to swallow back her fear. “Um, what about, uh, well, um, unofficially?”

“Unofficially you get your round little fanny whacked until you just think it is on fire!” the waitress said with her damned laugh again.

Ma sighed and pointed to the door. “Go back to work Becca. I think we can handle this without your commentary, though I will see you back here at the end of your shift. Bring your hairbrush,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument.

“Yes ma’am,” the young red-head said laughing again and flipping up the back of her short skirt to show her matching red panties below as she sauntered out of the office.

“That girl,” Ma said shaking her head, “she won’t be laughing in a few hours when I am done with her. So which is it to be – official or unofficial?”

Crystal bit her bottom lip her hands playing nervously with the hem of her skirt. “Uh, well, um, if we do the, um, the spanking,” she said her face blushing crimson, “will that be the end of it?”

“It will keep your pretty little backside out of jail if that is what you mean,” Ma said with a nod.

“Okay,” Crystal said in barely a whisper, “I’ll take the spanking.”

The elegant casino owner smiled and stood, smoothing her skirt, before moving to the front of the desk. As Ma approached her, Crystal realized that the large luxurious chair had made the woman appear much smaller than she actually was. Standing and getting closer, Crystal realized that Ma had to be close to six feet tall and had a figure that showed she focused as much on staying in shape as she did on her business. Even in her six inch heels, Crystal was shorter than the stern looking lady who was about to spank her behind red.

“Instead of standing there, your mouth open like a cod fish,” Ma said borrowing a line from Mary Poppins, “how about you pass me over the spanking chair,” she said indicating a simple, sturdy, straight-backed wooden chair that until now Crystal hadn’t noticed. “Yes, I have a chair just for spanking,” Ma said noticing the young woman’s startled look.

“Do you do this kind of thing often?” Crystal asked as she moved the chair into the spot Ma indicated. “I mean, you must if you have a special chair and all.”

Ma nodded and sat on the chair arranging her clothes so as not to wrinkle them. “I’ve always found that people are going to make mistakes; they’re going to mess up. I could fire them. I could have them arrested. I could write those people off as a failure. But in a town like Vegas, even with all its people, I’d soon run out of staff. It’s far better to settle things in a more direct, yet far less drastic manner.  Speaking of which, I think you know where you are supposed to be little girl,” she said patting her lap.

Crystal was only too aware of where she was supposed to be and draped herself expertly over the waiting knees.

“I’d say you have done this before young lady,” Ma said as she lifted Crystal’s short skirt and laid it over her lower back. “Did you mother spank you often?” she asked tugging down the tiny thong the teenager had on underneath. “Running around wearing skimpy underwear like this, I’d hope she tanned your hide for you at least once a week.”

Crystal blushed again and nodded her head. “Yes ma’am, she, well, maybe not that often, but yes, she did spank me.”

“Too bad the lesson didn’t take,” Ma said raising her strong right arm high above the now bare bottom presented so vulnerably over her lap. “Let’s hope this one stays with you a little longer.”

Any response Crystal may have made to that comment was cut off by Ma’s sturdy palm landing stingingly on her right bottom cheek. Despite being the veteran of countless over-the-knee spankings, the sheer force of the smack caused her to kick her feet and look back in surprise.

“Yes, a spanking from me hurts,” Ma said reaching up with her non-spanking hand to smooth a strand of hair off of Crystal’s face. “But if a spanking tickled all little girls would want one now wouldn’t they?” she said landing a matching spank to Crystal’s other bare bottom cheek.

Crystal winced and decided that this little girl sure as heck didn’t want one! A sentiment that only grew as her bottom bounced, jiggled, and reddened under Ma’s well practiced spanking hand. Tears soon dripped down Crystal’s cheeks and her yelps turned to cries, which soon turned to begging. “Please! I’ll be good! OW! Pleeease! It hurts!” she sniffled trying to reach back to cover her bottom.

“Yes, I know, but we already talked about how spankings hurt,” Ma said continuing to spank every inch of Crystal’s well-presented backside. Actually, the young woman’s exposed rear-end was blushing a rosy pink from the backs of her knees to the top of her exposed bottom cheeks. Ma was a firm believer that thighs should not be spared even if spanks there would show below the hem of a naughty girl’s short dress or skirt. “How about we talk about how you aren’t going to steal anymore.”

“OW! I won’t! I promise I won’t!” Crystal yelped as she tried to twist and turn to avoid the punishing spankings. “For real!”

Ma sighed, “’I won’t’ could apply to anything young lady. Be specific or how am I supposed to know that we are both on the same page?” she said continuing the pepper Crystal’s bottom with firm spanks.

“I won’t, OW! I won’t steal anymore and I won’t even think about, about stealing and and and OW! I won’t do it again I swear!” Crystal cried tears running down her cheeks.

Ma nodded and rested her hand on Crystal’s now crimson bottom. “Hmm…this is one hot little backside,” she said feeling each cheek in turn. “I’m inclined to believe you, but why on earth did you try to steal from me in the first place?”

Crystal sniffled and tried to get her composure back now that the spanking had stopped. “I don’t have any money, and no one is hiring so I can’t get a job. You know how the economy has been.”

“How about college?” Ma asked rubbing the bare cheeks over her knee gently.

Crystal sighed, “I can barely afford rent, let alone college,” she said wiping her tears with on hand, while leaving the other on the carpet to support herself.

Ma nodded and patted Crystal’s bottom causing the young woman to tense. “Oh, sorry, it helps me think,” she said noticing her distress. “I have a proposition for you – one I made once before and so far have not regretted. How about you come and work here for me?”

“Wait, work here? Uh, really? I just cheated and tried to steal money from you,” Crystal said her tone of voice reflecting the shock her face was showing.

“Well, I’ve found that ‘it takes one to know one’ is certainly true when it comes to cheats and thieves. Becca must have caught two dozen cheats by now. Who do you think tipped security off to your little scheme?” Ma asked.

“Becca? The waitress?” Crystal gasped.

“One and the same,” Ma said with a smile. “So what do you say?”

“Um, what’s the catch?”

“Well, if I ever catch you stealing or cheating again you will be arrested, and if your attitude or work ethic ever slips you will find yourself right back where you are now – over my knee getting your little behind smacked until it steams. Besides that I will pay you a fair wage and pay your tuition. Of course, if your grades ever slip below a B, you won’t sit for a week. It’s the same arrangement I have with Becca.”

“I’ll do it,” Crystal said with a small nod. It was the best offer she’s had in years.

“Great. I’ll draw up the legal documents and get Becca to get you a uniform. You can start tonight. I hope you can serve drinks with a sore bottom,” Ma said giving Crystal’s bottom another smack for good measure. “Welcome to the family.” Sunday Update : 5/25 (I know it’s Monday, dammit..)



Preview Video:


(POV) Barracuda : The Interview


Marital Discipline III

Marital Discipline 3 with Dana Kane

(Eight Canes, Foreplay, Caught Masturbating Again, You Asked for It, Bruised for Brownies, and Water War! Runtime approx. 63 minutes.)


Brand New Ass

Dana Kane Brand New Ass


(BNA: Red (2 Scenes), BNA: Lacey (2 scenes), BNA: Agatha (2 scenes), 60+ minutes.)

For more spanking videos, preview photos, scene description, and join links, visit:
Individual downloadable spanking video scenes also available on my
Clips4SaleScolding and SpankingLibrary studio pages.

When it rains, it pours.


I just wanted to stop in here for a minute and make sure that I’m not the only one:


Please raise your hand if you’ve recently said, “Ohholyhell, if one more heinous thing happens over the course of this week I am going to lose my freaking mind!” (or some equivalent)…


Okay. That makes me feel better. And hopefully, you don’t feel silly sitting there in front of your computer with your hand in the air.


–  Dana

Conversations with Spankos : One question. A million answers.

(*Remember, this is only a ‘conversation’ if you comment in the box below, so that other readers can share in the experience. Sending your comment in an email to me sort of defeats the point.)



One of the most often discussed topics for new and exploring spankos (and many old hats, too) is, “Where does it come from?” 

I don’t know if we ever figure it out completely, and I think that that’s probably a very good thing (as the unknown causes us to explore) but I still want to know what you think about this short, not-so-simple question:

Where does IT come from?

Your spanking fetish. Your need. Your interest. Whatever you want to call it. When and where do you think yours derived, or can you not remember a time when you weren’t ‘already into’ spanking?

(We usually avoid pre-adult spanking conversations here, but I’m going to relax this a bit for obvious reasons – most of us were interested in spanking before we were able to drive so it reasons that we’d need to talk about it in terms of age and experience.)

Maybe we can all figure it out together…


–  Dana

Repeated forced viewing of my pets.


Go ahead, pretend you don’t like looking at pictures of cuddly critters.

I’m gonna post these anyway, because I do.

DK Reno
Reno the Catnip Kitty


DK Jungle Cats
Jungle Cats (Reno, Noodle, and Tahoe)


DK Mr Pancakes
Pancakes -plural. For obvious reasons.


DK Pretty GIrl
The Pretty Girl, living up to her name.
DK Buddy
Buddy, who is gassy – but we love him anyway, and he’s sorry.

Es el paraíso (Unrelated to Spanking but totally related to happiness)


I’ve taken a fair few vacations, and they’ve all been nice enough – the Smoky Mountains are gorgeous in the fall when leaves change colors, and there’s a cool/funky nude river-beach just outside Portland where I once spent the day. Sitting on a big deck on the back end of a ship in the middle of big water is pretty damn amazing, too. There has never been a time when I’ve been ‘away’ that I’ve not been happy about that away-ness in some way, and I knew that this vacation would be just the same.

Away-ness makes me breathe more deeply for some reason, and I become adventurous, something which I don’t consider myself to be nearly enough in everyday life (although you may disagree). There’s something about getting out of one’s comfort zone and taking chances – even if, for me, taking chances means swimming underwater and drinking alcoholic beverages at lunch – that makes us feel that much more alive.

This past week I was Super Alive.




A week in small-town-anywhere will likely force a busy person to take things more slowly, but this small town is something special. We spent a week eating, strolling, swimming, and napping, surrounded by the gorgeous Caribbean, lush mangrove jungles, and one of the most spectacular places on the planet – the Great Barrier Reef.

Instead of doing the typical tourist thing, we decided to hop off the beaten path just a bit and ended up having quite possibly the best time of our lives. We rented a private home for the week, and I should say right at the outset that this place was Obnoxiously Fabulous – two full floors of indoor living area topped by a 3rd floor outdoor patio, pool, and party area, with a 4th floor rooftop observation deck. I should also say right at the outset that this was, by far, the least expensive vacation rental I’ve ever taken.




I could type for a very long time about the variety of birds seen and heard from this deck, but you’d have to see it for yourself. Also, the neighbors had chickens, roosters, and at least one turkey, so the usual sound of traffic, ambulances, and other noise pollution were replaced by a definite organic, winged cacophony that didn’t let up even at night.

Nighttime also brought out the geckos, gigantic prisma-color moths, and goodness knows what else scurrying around out in the mangrove directly – and I mean directly as in right up against the home’s perimeter wall – behind us.

Can I tell you how wonderful and wild and perfect this place is? There’s a crazy mix of very old, small, rickety homesteads, built-up homes like the one I rented, and cool little Mexican hotels – no huge resorts in the town proper and no way to insulate oneself from the local culture…exactly what I wanted.

One morning this happened:



And all was right with the world.

And then that evening, this happened:



Feel that?

Now let’s move on to one of the main reasons I almost always choose Mexico: the food. I believe (and I know that Anthony Bourdain would disagree and I vehemently do NOT care) that Latin America turns out the most consistently delicious food on the planet. In my opinion, as many of you already know, there are few foods more perfect than the taco. A simple corn tortilla rolled around nearly anything – how could you possibly go wrong? There is no lime shortage in Mexico, either, and I didn’t see a single bruised, black, shriveled avocado the entire time. Things are Lush and Fat in the Yucatan, and the food reflects the bounty of all that humidity.

I ate the hands-down-best-ever-on-the-planet shrimp cocktail – twice, actually – and likely downed more guacamole than anyone should rightfully admit; there were organic eggs for breakfast and mangoes so ripe and sweet that you could smell ’em right through the skin. And the habañeros? Ohholyhell…

There are no photos of the food. This should give you some indication of just how little time it spent sitting in front of me.

Oh, and cocktails. I should probably mention the cocktails. Since I don’t usually drink at all, any beverage stronger than fresh, sweet iced tea is likely going to make me a little wonky; I was wonky a fair few times last week.

It’s the Mojitos, you see, and the sun, and the sea – they conspire together to make you believe that nothing would taste better at this very moment than some really strong rum, watered down a teeny bit with a few drops of water and a couple bruised mint leaves. Do not be fooled by the steaming coolness rising from that tall glass, my friend. It is a ruse to lure in the unwary drinker and make her need a nap at 2pm. I believe I had a total of about ten alcoholic beverages during the course of the week, which should cover my quota well into 2017.

When you order your Mojito on the beach and drink it while smoking a cigar, the nice man brings you an ashtray that he just carved out of a green coconut:


I loved that man.

Hell, I loved everyone I met. Totally enamored with Latin culture, language, and people, I always feel pretty damn at home here, even though my understanding of the language is woefully inadequate (something which I plan to change immediately). We met several folks who live and work in the fishing village who are what one would call the Salt of the Earth, including one cool cat tour guide who seemed to know everyone and everything going on at any given moment. He even helped me find those cigars.

Speaking of those cigars: One needs certain things no matter where one is, but those essentials change depending on the surroundings. I’ve found it to be true that anytime I’m in the Caribbean, I need Cuban cigars. This is likely a reaction to a decades-long embargo in the U.S. which causes me to have the ‘want what I can’t have’ response, so every time I’m there I buy and smoke with abandon.

Also coffee:



Don’t think I’ve forgotten about the Sea..

That’s the reason for every single decision I make in terms of vacation travel – if there’s no beach involved, I’m likely highly uninterested. I know, I know, there are gorgeous places all over the world; ancient civilizations and art and culture and food and terrain that I’ve never experienced which could and likely would surely outdo my beloved Mexican Caribbean in a way or two. Again, I do not care. I am willfully and endlessly small-minded in this area.

Because I spent a large amount of my early life hanging out at the edge of the Gulf of Mexico and various rivers, ponds, sandpits, and the like, I’m obsessively attracted to water. I can sit, clear-headed, for hours, staring at the line where the water meets the sky, not a care in the world. Add in the fact that at NO time during my life did I ever experience water clean enough for one to actually see one’s feet when standing at ankle-depth, and you have a perfect storm of beach-bum-itis. And baby, I got it bad.

This time I did something that I thought I’d never do – I went underwater. Pretty far underwater, too. About 20 feet, which to me seems like a really long way down when there aren’t gills involved.

Also sharks.

But I did it. Snuba. Like a cross between snorkel and scuba, these two nice boys hook you up to a really long air hose that’s attached to your very own floaty thing; they give you some flipper thingies for your feet (try to keep up, I know this is getting technical..) and teach you how to do the air-breathing without drowning, which is vitally important. They also teach you hand signals to be used underwater, since you can’t talk through your air-breathing thingy (although I did yell ‘shit’ when I saw a large barracuda, all that came out was “bubblebubblebubble”). This was a super exciting little excursion and I got to see lots of really beautiful coral, a teeny bright-red ray, lobsters, aforementioned barracuda, and even an undersea cenote (google it). When it was done, however, I immediately remembered that I am 41 and don’t swim in the ocean often (see Las Vegas on the map?) – because my entire body decided to basically shut down on the walk back to the rental house, where I napped the nap of the partially-dead-by-snuba.

That was okay, too, though, because it was the perfect excuse to go back for a second massage..


I’d like to say, here and now, that it’s likely I will live in Latin America sometime during the course of my life.

This is why:



There is absolutely nothing you can say to top that, mi amigo. Don’t even try.



Random post- spanking photos


Here are a few random post- spanking photos from recent playtimes:


Dana Kane Spanking Photo
He asked for it..I promise.


Dana Kane spanking photo
This one is a couple days old..


Agatha Delicious Spanking photo
..and here’s a shot from Agatha Delicious’ Twitter feed, the day after her first spanking ever!

Don’t talk to me right now (Unrelated to spanking)


I had oral surgery last week. Endodontics, they call it, and it’s as much fun as it sounds.

Supposedly the endangered tooth had “roots like a hula dancer” (and I’m quoting the regular dentist here). Having never been compared to a hula dancer before, I initially found this somewhat complimentary – until she informed me that, instead of a regular old dental procedure, I’d be receiving a Special One.

Not special like birthday wish special or snow day special, but special like extra needles and several open-mouthed hours spent breathing directly into the faces of masked strangers special. Special in the I-don’t-take-pain-meds-so-this-is-really-gonna-suck special way.

And it does, indeed, suck. But not in the way you think. I feel pretty fine now, all things considered, but the event itself was nothing short of exquisitely awful, as all dental visits are required to be, by law, and I cannot seem to get the picture of it out of my mind.

Okay, not exactly the picture of it, even, but the picture of what I think about every single time I think of going to the dentist.





A Cheekie Update


Since posting ‘Cheekie Pays Her Dues’, I’ve received several emails asking about Cheekie and what she’s doing now.
I’m pleased to report that miss Cheekie is hard at work in her new endeavor – blogging! – and you may visit her new place at:

She’ll be reviewing spanking videos (she’s done her OWN first scene, which I just love), writing about her experiences, and posting up some of her very own original spanking stories.

Cheekie’s a really sweet girl who’s determined to make a place for herself in the spanko community, and I think she’s going to fit in quite well.


We’re also hoping to film more scenes with Cheekie later this year, once she’s back in the Southwest again, and give her the chance to up that tolerance a bit.~

Take a peek at her blog – be NICE – and stay tuned!


–  Dana

Introducing a new spanking writer



Here’s a great little spanking story by a new writer named Amy Phillips. Amy’s quite the spanko by the sound of it, and I’m hoping that she’ll share more of her excellent imagination soon. Enjoy!

–  Dana






Lena’s senior year wasn’t ending exactly as she had planned. It was the Saturday before graduation and while the majority of her class was off spending time with their families or holding drinking parties in the woods, her and a select few of her senior classmates were spending their last weekend of the school year in detention. At least Lena had her best friend and co-conspirator, Jenny, at her side. The two 18-year-olds had grown up together and Jenny was the yin to Lena’s yang. Lena was athletic, studious, and relatively reserved. She was tall; she stood about 5’9 and she had been blessed with an hour glass figure. She was in a serious relationship with an older girl, Carolyn, who was 20 and studying to be a lawyer.


Jenny, on the other hand, was no jock. She made average grades—mostly due to her own laziness—but she was dangerously witty and charming. Jenny was short and slightly built. At around 5’2, her height made her look as though she was Lena’s sidekick, which was ironic given their dynamic. Jenny had never been in a serious relationship, but the never-ending cycle of boys coming in and out of her bedroom made it clear that this was a matter of choice as opposed to circumstance.


Most teachers at St. Ann’s would call Jenny a “troublemaker.” Lena’s parents would call her “spirited.” Lena, on the other hand called her her platonic soulmate. A platonic soulmate with a knack for getting the two young ladies into horrible situations. When Jenny had initially dreamt up the senior prank that landed them in the last Saturday detention of the year, Lena couldn’t resist participating. Lena’s older girlfriend, Carolyn, had warned her to either stop Jenny or just stay out of it, but what fun was that? It was the last week of school—what was the worst that could happen?


Lena quickly learned what the worst that could happen was.


The Monday preceding Lena and Jenny’s detention started just like any other Monday. However, their Sunday night hadn’t been like any other Sunday night. Jenny had rigged an elaborate lever and pulley system on the school roof capable of pulling up to a couple hundred pounds, which, conveniently was about how much their dean of students, Miss Hafey’s office furniture all weighed. Miss Hafey was a relatively new hire. Jenny, a perennial staple in the dean of students’ office, first met her just a couple months back. Their initial meeting was not under great circumstances. Jenny had celebrated her 18th birthday by skipping out on school to go to a local amusement park with her boy-of-the-week. She had been spotted there by another student’s parents and reported to the school. The next morning, she was called into Miss Hafey’s office for a chat.


Jenny Meets Miss Hafey: A Flashback


Miss Hafey was likely no older than 35, which was a stark contrast from St. Ann’s old Dean of Students and disciplinarian, Old Man Leroy. Nobody called him Old Man Leroy to his face—not that he would hear them if they had—but he earned the nickname for being quite elderly and generally oblivious to the goings-ons of the students. Back in his heyday he had been a formidable dean, but he refused to retire despite his declining ability to do his job and thus became a bit of an inside joke amongst students like Jenny. After school detention was practically an extra-curricular activity for Jenny and she had played a large role in turning Old Man Leroy into a joke by holding a betting pool on the topic of how long it would take before he fell asleep while supervising detention.


Within moments of meeting Miss Hafey, she became quickly aware that this woman was no joke. Despite her “not-f*cking-around” aura—for lack of a better description, Miss Hafey was friendly. She smiled when she introduced herself to Jenny, which played oddly in juxtaposition to the circumstances under which they were meeting.


“Hello, you must be Jenny.” said the long-haired, brunette woman to the girl in front of her. “I’m Miss Hafey, but you may prefer to think of me as new Old Man Leroy.” she announced with a wry grin.

“How did she know I called him that?” Jenny thought to herself, but then quickly brushed it off. She refused to allow the new dean’s confidence and general soundness of mind rattle her. She was the one who was really in charge after all, just like she had been with Old Man Leroy; if she didn’t assert her dominance now, this woman could make the rest of her senior year hell. She sat down while forcing herself to yawn and look bored.


“Hello, Mrs. Hapey, what can I do for you?” Jenny said, putting her feet up on Miss Hafey’s desk, and mentally high-fiving herself for her purposeful butchering of the new dean’s name.


“You can call me by my actual name, for one.” Miss Hafey said, in a serious tone of voice. “I can see that you’re not one for pleasantries, so I’m going to cut to the chase here, Jenny. I know you. I dealt with students like you every day at my previous job. When I was your age, I was you. You’re not in charge here; I am. If I feel like you’ve forgotten that for even a second, I won’t hesitate to turn you over my knee.”


Jenny was frozen. Although Pennsylvania allowed corporal punishment, the school hadn’t used it since the 1980s.


“W-Wait, what?” Jenny stammered. She had a stutter as a child that she thought she had completely eradicated. She was wrong.


“You heard me, Jennifer. Things are changing around here. You may still be in school, but you’re a grown woman now. If you choose to act with the maturity of a child, I will make you feel like one. I’m not here to make friends and I’m not here to be a joke. I’m here to keep order, enforce the rules, and make sure you graduate with grades better than the Cs you’ve been pulling. If you’re disrespectful, I will spank you over my knee. If you break school rules, I will paddle you. And if you really step out of line, I won’t hesitate to add lines to your backside.” Miss Hafey informed Jenny, without once breaking eye contact.


“Alrighty, then.” Jenny said in a humorous tone, half out of nervousness and half out of determined defiance. “If that’s all you wanted to say, I guess I’ll be on my way. Good to meet you. Let’s do this again sometime. Maybe over tea and crumpets.” Jenny snarked as she got up to leave Miss Hafey’s office.


“Not so fast.” Miss Hafey said as she used Jenny’s shoulder to guide her back into her seat. “I received an anonymous tip that you spent yesterday at an amusement park, which is odd because your mother—who sounds a lot like you now that I think about it—called the school yesterday saying you wouldn’t be able to make it because you were on your deathbed with strep-tibia which, funny enough, isn’t a real illness.”


“It is, too. My knees would not stop coughing all day.” Jenny barked back, rubbing her left knee. “The doctors say it’s a miracle I’m up and walking.”


“You know what, Jenny? When you leave my office it’s going to be a miracle if you’re down and sitting.” Miss Hafey threatened. She pulled a hairbrush out of her desk drawer, pulled a straight-back chair out of her office’s storage closet, and beckoned Jenny over to her.


Jenny froze. She had never been spanked before and quite frankly didn’t believe Miss Hafey’s threats until this very moment.


Miss Hafey felt that Jenny could use a sound paddling, but she sensed this was the first time Jenny was being exposed to corporal punishment and wanted to be relatively gentle. Relatively. Besides, the most serious issue at hand here wasn’t Jenny’s skipping school, but her blatant lack of respect. Going over the older woman’s knee for a spanking would be significantly more humbling than a paddling.


“I’m waiting.” Miss Hafey said, almost teasingly, as she took a seat in her straight-back chair.


Jenny felt her legs betray her and she began moving toward her new dean. When she was close enough, Miss Hafey pulled her over her lap and lifted her skirt. She started Jenny’s spanking very mildly. Jenny tried her best to remain stoic, but despite the spanking’s lack of intensity, she began wiggling and begging for the spanking to end not even two minutes in.


“Are you going to respect me?” Miss Hafey asked inbetween spanks.


“Yes!” cried Jenny.


“Are you going to purposefully mispronounce my name?” Miss Hafey continued.


“No!” cried Jenny, her face reddening with embarrassment.


“Are we going to have anymore meetings like this in the future?”


“Probably!..Wait, I mean no! I mean no!” Jenny panicked.


Miss Hafey stopped spanking just long enough to have a silent chuckle, grateful that her new charge couldn’t see her amusement and then started spanking Jenny’s pink backside harder.


“Well, at least you’re honest.” Miss Hafey said, rolling her eyes and picking up the pace of the spanking even more.


Jenny was regretting that honesty. She started wiggling harder and pleading more. When Miss Hafey felt that Jenny had been sufficiently humbled, she dropped the hairbrush and pulled Jenny’s skirt down. When Jenny stood up to face her, her cheeks were much redder than her backside was.


“I don’t want to see you in here again unless it’s strictly for tea and crumpets.” Miss Hafey informed Jenny.


Jenny blushed harder and choked out a “Yes, Miss Hafey.” while staring at the floor. She didn’t cry, but her eyes did tear up slightly.


Miss Hafey noticed, but felt little sympathy. “Good.” she commented. “Go to class.” she commanded while propelling her out of her office with a parting swat.


Jenny sped out of the room as fast as she could and went to her AP Physics class she had with Lena. Lena saw that she looked disheveled when she entered the classroom.


“Did you get in a lot of trouble for skipping yesterday?” Lena inquired.


“Nope. The new dean seems like a real pushover.” Jenny lied.


The next few months were a game of cat and mouse for Jenny and Miss Hafey. Infractions that Jenny wouldn’t have thought twice about committing under Old Man Leroy’s watch were punished swiftly under Miss Hafey’s reign as dean. Not unfairly, but swiftly. In fact, Miss Hafey had grown quite fond of Jenny in a maternal way. She spent a lot of time with Jenny—not that she had much of a choice since she supervised detention and Jenny managed to spend almost every afternoon there.


If any of her friends had asked her, including Lena, Jenny would declare that she hated Miss Hafey in a way that was not unlike a knee-jerk reaction. But over the course of their frequent interactions, she developed a fondness for her as well. Aside from her regular trips to Miss Hafey’s office for discipline, she would occasionally stop in for help with homework or just general life advice. Sometimes, in a way she couldn’t explain, she even enjoyed her disciplinary trips to Miss Hafey’s office. Not the spanking itself, but the one-on-one attention she received. Jenny had always craved attention—regardless of whether it was negative.


As the year wound down, Jenny began to feel anxious about graduating. Lena was planning on attending an ivy league school out of state and although her test scores were high, Jenny’s grades weren’t good enough to merit an acceptance anywhere but the local community college. Pretty soon her best friend would be hundreds of miles away and her weekly routines with Miss Hafey would be coming to an end. Despite tricking others into believing she was a free-spirit, Jenny thrived on routine. The impending elimination of her current one made her panic. This panic was the catalyst that made her launch a plan to ensure that Miss Hafey did not forget her and that Lena and her would have a memory to reminisce about over breaks from college.


The Prank: Present Day


Jenny was the kind of kid who planned for her senior prank the way that some girls plan for their weddings. In place of planning for bridesmaids and a guest list, she had planned her co-conspirators and victims. Miss Hafey’s arrival at St. Ann’s School quickly shook up her prank plans. Originally, she had wanted to do something that would affect all members of the school. Filling the pool with jello, farm animals in the cafeteria, locking herself in a closet with the school’s PA system and playing “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley on repeat. These plans were dead and buried. She had a very specific victim in mind for her senior prank now: Miss Hafey.


Her idea to put all of Miss Hafey’s office furniture on the roof wasn’t necessarily an original idea, but it was a classic. Jenny was able to get the keys off of one of the night-time janitors she smoked weed with occasionally. Convincing Lena to participate wasn’t difficult. Lena was concerned that her girlfriend, Carolyn, would be upset when she found out that she had indulged Jenny in her fantasy, but she couldn’t say no to her friend. Her enthusiasm was contagious and somewhat intoxicating. That Sunday evening, they used the night-time janitor’s keys to get into the school, a longboard to roll Miss Hafey’s office furniture outside, and the lever and pulley system that Jenny had built days before to place the furniture on the roof.


“You have a C- in Physics, but you figured out how to get 200 lbs worth of office furniture on a roof in a matter of minutes.” Lena laughed while pulling the final piece of furniture up onto the roof.


“What can I say? I’m the queen.” declared Jenny while lighting up a cigarette and enjoying their handiwork.


“Carolyn is going to murder me if she ever finds out I helped you do this.” Lena worried out loud; her face sobering.


“Carolyn will never find out, dude. Relax. Hey, let’s go through her desk!” Jenny suggested.


“No! That’s so wrong.” Lena said, shooting her down.


“No more or less wrong than putting the entire contents of her office on the school roof.” Jenny said, flicking her cigarette butt off the roof and into the school parking lot. Jenny began going through the drawers, finding an array of items ranging from benign office supplies to the paddle that Miss Hafey had used to punish her just a few days prior for trying to eat a sandwich during the school’s end of the year mass.


“You know, what? I kind of want a cigarette. I’ve never had one.” stated Lena, staring enviously at Jenny’s pack. She had always refrained from smoking because of athletics, but she wouldn’t be playing in college and all of her seasons were finished, so why not at least see what she had been missing out on?


Jenny handed her one and Lena lit it, quickly inhaled too much smoke, then entered a coughing fit.


“Yeah I wasn’t missing much. That was pretty terrible.” Lena coughed and threw her still-lit cigarette off the school’s roof into the parking lot.


At that exact moment, Miss Hafey had just exited her car in the parking lot and was approaching the school. She had forgotten an important form in her filing cabinet that she needed to fill out before tomorrow. Reluctantly, she returned to the school to retrieve it and as she was walking toward the school, a lit cigarette fell from the sky and nearly hit her.


“What on earth…?” Miss Hafey wondered, looking around for signs of life. Examining the area, she noticed a longboard not dissimilar to the one she had confiscated from Jenny months ago for riding through the halls and something dangling from the school roof.


“This is not how I want to spend my Sunday night.” she thought, sighing and entering the school enroute to the roof.


When she reached the roof, she saw Jenny and Lena packing their bags to leave, along with an exact replica of her office’s setup.


“Seriously?” Miss Hafey asked, fuming.


“Shit.” said Lena. For a brief moment she considered jumping, but the school was too high up. She was not nearly as acquainted with Miss Hafey as Jenny was, but she had been on the receiving end of her paddle a couple of times. Each time, she had gotten it even worse from her girlfriend, Carolyn, when she found out.


“Go home. Go to bed. Be at the school tomorrow morning at 6 to help me reassemble my office.” Miss Hafey commanded.


“Yes, ma’am.” Lena said obediently, practically running toward the stairs.


Jenny took her time, walking past Miss Hafey with a barely concealed grin. This was what she wanted, after all. She didn’t necessarily want to get caught so soon and she hadn’t wanted Lena to go down with her, but more or less this was all part of the plan.


Jenny’s demeanor wasn’t unnoticed by Miss Hafey. As Jenny walked past her, she grabbed her upper arm and twisted the girl to face her.


“Do you think this is funny?” she demanded.


“I don’t not think this is funny.” Jenny quipped back.


Miss Hafey dragged Jenny over to her desk, bent her over it, and pulled out the paddle Jenny had found just minutes earlier. She lit into Jenny quickly and determinedly. She administered five of the hardest swats she had ever meted out at lightning speed, causing Jenny to burst into tears.


“Go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Miss Hafey said, trying to suffocate any rising sympathy she had for the crying girl.


“Yes ma’am.” Jenny cried, feeling an overwhelming sense of regret.


Very little sleep was had by any parties involved that night. Both Jenny and Lena arrived at the school the next day at 5:55, not wanting to anger Miss Hafey more. They quietly transported Miss Hafey’s furniture from the roof back to the floor and reassembled her office. Although it took little time to get the furniture onto the roof, it took the girls significantly more time to get it back down. So long, in fact, that by the time they were finished school had already began and word of their prank had spread throughout the senior class. Jenny’s goal had been achieved. Her prank was legendary, however, she could care less. She spent any and all time she normally would have spent basking in glory worrying about her impending punishment.


When Jenny and Lena were finally finished rearranging Miss Hafey’s office, the senior class was called to assembly. Relieved that their punishment was postponed at least until after the assembly, the girls gratefully walked to the auditorium.


Jenny and Lena were the last ones to arrive at the assembly so when they reached the auditorium, it was already filled with their 18-year-old peers. They couldn’t get seats together, so they settled for sitting across the aisle from one another.


Miss Hafey walked onto the auditorium stage and the student body silenced. Normally Principal Riley was the one who led assemblies so this was unconventional for the students.


“Last night, two of our students broke into our school, stole my belongings, and placed them on the roof.” Miss Hafey began.


Jenny’s stomach dropped. She realized what was about to happen before Lena did.


“Since these two students chose to disrespect me in such a public manner, I think it’s only fitting that their punishment be carried out in a public manner.” Miss Hafey continued.


Lena’s stomach dropped, too, and she made nervous eye contact with Jenny.
“Will Lena Cruz and Jennifer Goldman please join me on the stage?” Miss Hafey asked.


Lena and Jenny began to slowly approach the stage. As they got closer, they noticed the paddle on the floor and Miss Hafey turned over the podium so that it acted as a makeshift low-lying desk. When they reached the stage, Miss Hafey said “Will you two please bend over and place your hands on the podium?”


Lena thought she would die of embarrassment. The way Miss Hafey was asking them to bend over would entail displaying their backsides to the entire student body. Jenny blushed when she realized that hers was still red from the brief, but powerful paddling she had received last night. The girls did as they were told and Miss Hafey picked up her paddle.


“This is what happens when you behave atrociously in a very public manner.” Miss Hafey warned the student body, insinuating that these girls’ fates were cautionary tales for the rest of them. She then lifted the girls’ skirts, pulled their panties down to just below their backsides, and turned to face Jenny and Lena.


“I want you to count these. I want you to refer to me as ma’am. I want you to stay still. I don’t care if you cry and I don’t care if you yell out, but you will not move.” she commanded.


“Yes, ma’am.” the young women responded in unison.


The first crack of the paddle hit Lena and she couldn’t control her urge to yell out.


“ONE MA’AM!” she cried. She had never been paddled like this by Miss Hafey. Her previous spankings in her office had been more gentle, very private, and typically followed by a hug. Jenny, on the other hand, had received a number of wicked paddlings—just none that were quite this public.


Jenny remained silent during her first swat, aside from her required response. As the number of swats rose, so did the volume of Jenny’s voice in response to the swats. Halfway through the spanking, she was kicking and pleading for Miss Hafey to have mercy.


“Please no more. I’m so sorry.” Jenny begged Miss Hafey, quietly, so that only the three women on the stage could hear.


Miss Hafey guided Jenny’s chin up so that their eyes met and responded “I know you’re sorry. You’re not sorry enough, though.”


Miss Hafey continued paddling the young ladies until she hit twenty swats and both Jenny and Lena were sobbing. The senior class watched—half horrified and half entranced. Miss Hafey told both girls to go wait for her in her office and informed them as well as the rest of the senior class that the young ladies would be participants in the last Saturday detention of the school year. On their way out of the auditorium, Lena shot Jenny an “I can’t believe you got me into this” look.


Saturday morning, Lena shot Jenny the same exact look as they filed into detention along with a handful of other wayward seniors. Miss Hafey announced she had brought both her hairbrush and paddle and would be using them without hesitation should anyone break the rules.


To be continued and what not.


The Very Bad Boy’s Very Bad Dog




I had to share something hilarious with you – an email I received recently from our Very Bad Boy. The title of the email was something like “RIP our favorite spanking implement”, and inside was this photo, of their beloved antique store find brush:



The VBB and his Wonderful Wife have kids, but none of them is teething – so I knew this had to be the work of one of the family pooches. By process of elimination, it’s obvious that their handsome boy Maxwell is responsible, since one of the other two is tiny and old, and the other is a trained service dog. 

This is Maxwell:


Maxwell is one of the handsomest boys you’ll see all week – but he’s also a service dog training flunkie. He loves his dad endlessly but couldn’t get the hang of the whole training thing, so now it’s his job to be Maxwell – the dog who eats spanking brushes.

He will be the new hero of spanking bottoms everywhere! Folks will want to borrow Maxwell, just so he can chew up their most-loved/hated paddles, brushes, canes, and straps. I think that this could be a great career for Maxwell, as I’m VERY certain that there are a few things My Bottom’s Bottom would love to have ‘disappear’.

Below, a photo re-enactment of the crime:


Way to go, Maxwell! Now your mom gets to buy MORE!








New Story Contest : Sin City Spanks


That’s right, folks! It’s a Sin City Spanking Story Contest Extravaganza!!


Dana Kane professional disciplinarian Las Vegas


This month’s story entries should be set in my new home city of Las Vegas and contain some element of the city’s so-called mystique: gambling, gangsters, nightlife, showgirls, celebrities, etc.   And spanking – don’t forget about the spanking..


Dana Kane Spanks Las Vegas


As always, the contest will run through the month, and I’ll announce the winner beginning of June. The winner will receive a spanking ‘prize’ from me, in any of the cities which I regularly visit, or here in Sin City.


dana kane professional disciplinarian las vegas



The Rules:

*Your story must be an original, unpublished story, written by YOU, specifically for this contest.

*Don’t write about characters (or situations containing characters) under the age of 18.

*Don’t write about sex. There are lots of places to write/read about sex…this isn’t one of them.

*Don’t be a jerk. Just in general.

*All entries must be received by May 31, 2014. By sharing your entry you agree to let me publish/share/excerpt it, here and elsewhere.


Email your original Sin City spanking story to me at : 

Assume the Position Studios, feat. Christy Cutie, now has a Member site.



Just a quick note to let you know that Assume the Position Studios, formerly available only for individual scenes, now has it’s member’s site open. With around 200 scenes already available, as well as 100 photosets and LOTS more to come, ATP features most of the videos you’ll find featuring Christy Cutie, one of the more well-known and spankable female performers. Christy is joined by friends like Sarah Gregory, Casey Calvert, and more, so you’ll have the chance to see all the M/f AND F/f action you like.

I think you’re gonna like this one…

–  Dana


Click the banner below to redirect to ATP Studios:

Assume the Position Studios

Spanking PSA : Occupational Hazards



We talk a lot about all the ways in which a bottom may be hurt or harmed during spanking play, and we’re all very conscious of those things – rightfully so – but we rarely talk about all the nasty crap that can happen to the spankER during the very same scene. 

Let’s look at a few ways in which my playmates have endangered my life and limbs over the years, likely in retribution for many, many sit spot whacks. Please feel free to empathize with me and other tops, for all the pain and woe we slog through, just to spank your misbehaving behinds.


1.  Sticks and Stones, and Feet:  I have a particularly kick-y playmate who, while doing his very best impression of an alligator death roll off my lap, managed to twist himself into such a position – AS I WAS SWINGING – that my hairbrush landed squarely on…

wait for it…

my right thumb knuckle. Hard. Now hitting the backside, all squishy and full of fat and muscles and stuff, is one thing, but hitting a bony appendage is a Whole Other Thing Entirely. Agony and swelling were immediate, but, not to be outdone by short-term issues, the knuckle now sits entirely crooked, probably forever. 

*Feet also make great Face Connectors. Unless you’re on the shorter side, there’s a very high likelihood that, if you swing your feet up high enough, they’ll come into intimate contact with some part of my face. This is not a Good Thing for anyone, as I will seriously beat you to death if you kick me in the face.

Feet can be dangerous.


2.  Hippy-Hippy-Bruise:  Those of you who work hard to maintain a certain physique are, rightfully, proud of yourselves and the effort you’ve made toward general healthfulness. What you’re NOT aware of is this: Your hipbones are sharp, protruding, little cheeseburger-craving knives which stab into your spankers upper thigh in such a manner that one almost has to wonder whether you’re skinny on purpose, just so you can use those things as weapons. The most common injury that I sustain is a nasty purple bruise slashing across my left thigh, in the exact spot you’ve been torturing me with your fitness.

*Conversely, it’s always the not-so-skinny who are concerned about ‘hurting me’ when going OTK. Trust me when I tell you that you are NOT going to hurt me, regardless of the size of your underpants.

Behold the deadly Iliac crest.


3.  Back-i-otomy :  This is, I believe, the generally accepted medical term for the procedure to remove one’s back altogether – because it’s both painful and useless. From what I’ve read on the AMA website, professional spankers are the largest demographic of Back-i-otomy surgery, and the success rate is pretty high, as long as they avoid spanking altogether in the future. (Seriously, the crummy back’s not your fault – you just exacerbate it.)

*If you’ve opened another tab to search ‘back-i-otomy’, I cannot help you.

Dave Chapelle knows.


4.  Biting the Hand that Spanks You :  Okay, so you’re not the ones who actually do the biting; it’s the implements that bite. Hard. Leather belts, straps, tawses, and anything else long and slinky is, I PROMISE you, going to snap back and bite the living hell out of the back of the wielder’s hand at least once. You just looove the belt, huh? Well, us, not so much. There’s a reason for that, and it’s called It Hurts…of course, we do it anyway, because the trade off is that, hopefully, it hurts you more.



There’s more. So much more. But I don’t want to give you all the impression that I’d have it any other way.

Bring it on.

–  Dana

Video Q&A: Let’s give this a try



I thought it might be fun to do a Q&A on the blog, giving readers the opportunity to ask questions, to which I’d then reply. Then I thought it may be interesting to video the thing instead. I’d read and reply to questions asked and post up the video here, maybe monthly or every couple months or whatever.

This will be an experimental Video Q&A. Anyone who wants can ask a PERTINENT question in the comments box below (please don’t email me questions…be nice and put ’em all in the same place, below) and I’ll answer as many as possible in a video. 

I’ll leave the questions open for a few weeks then post up the answer video.


Please keep in mind that this is not an AMA. You cannot ask me anything. Be polite, behave, and be on topic (spanking. duh).

Okay, get to the questions….or not. We’ll see what happens.

–  Dana

Give to your favorite charity every time you shop at Amazon Smile (Unrelated to Spanking. Duh.)


Admit it, you shop at The sooner we get real with one another the better. Yes, we all do it – convenience shopping; they bring it right to the door, for goodnesssakes! 

Since you’re going to do it anyway, and since the experience is EXACTLY the same, try doing your Amazon shopping from the Amazon Smile landing page.  All you have to do is choose the charity that you’d like to receive a percentage of your purchase total and, every time you check out after that, Amazon will donate to your chosen charity. I’ve designated Community Cat Coalition of Clark County (, the local feral cat program.

There’s absolutely no reason to not do this, and you just have to remember to bookmark your Smile landing page, so that all your purchases are eligible.


Happy shopping (and giving),

–  Dana

Spanking Survivor Island


Okay, I have this great idea. It’s been bouncing around in my head for the last couple years, as ideas tend to do, and I’ve finally come to the decision-making process…and I need your opinions.

Take a look at this:


This is Eagle Island, off the coast of Georgia. It’s a beautiful, secluded, wooded island surrounded by water, with access to kayaks, a pontoon boat, and lots of outdoor activities – in addition to the lodge, which sleeps up to 14.

So here’s the deal : Spanking Survivor Island

A small, intimate F/M spanking party – Thursday through Sunday or something – consisting of three or four female tops and around eight to ten naughty boys. We’d have different ‘challenges’ over the course of the weekend, each boy accruing points (and whacks!) as well as demerits, to the eventual crowning of the first Spanko Island Survivor. Whaddaya think?

The boys would also have a strict set of rules for the weekend, including doing all the cooking and chores (for points!) for the ladies, as well as having the opportunity for one-on-one spanking time with one of the tops, also based on behavior.

Ladies will inhabit the bedrooms, while the boys will bunk dorm-style.

This several-acre island is large and secluded enough for outdoor spanking games, on-the-boat spankings, and….ah, the possibilities are endless!…even hide-and-go-spank!

We’d all pitch in on expenses to cover the cost of the island rental (only 2grand for three nights – for the whole damn island!), airport to island transport and back, food, etc. I’m not setting this up as a for-profit thing, so everyone’s out-of-pocket would be the same as mine…plus or minus airfare, of course.

I want to hear from you on this – sound like fun? I’m really thinking of giving this a go, and any ideas, input, or constructive criticism is welcome.

–  Dana