‘Trick or Treat?’ This is a GREAT Spooky Story Entry

The Spooky Spanking Story Contest brought out a lot of creativity in readers. In the case of this story, titled “Trick or Treat”, it brought out a little more. 

My sweet little Angel wrote this story, then submitted it under a pseudonym – trying to sneak her way into winning a contest which she’s not permitted to enter. 
Angel was surprised when she didn’t win, and (while spanking her soundly for the offense) I explained that cheaters NEVER win.

Nonetheless, Angel’s penned a beautiful story, which I’m sure you’ll all enjoy.

–  Dana

Trick or Treat?
“Why are we spending Halloween this way?” Cleo asked her boyfriend, stepping over wet mud and not liking it at all. “There better be something amazing down this country road. You realized this giant neon yellow sign says “No Trespassing, right?” she reminded him as he sloppily splashed through the muddy puddles.  “We have so much candy anyway, I can’t believe we’re still trick-or-treating at our ages.”
Edward chuckled at her annoyance, “I have a surprise for you. I promise you you won’t be thinking about the mud in a few moments.  We’re not trick-or-treating here.  We have enough candy to last us ‘til next Halloween.” He stroked her cheek but her expression conveyed that she was not convinced. She smiled slightly, “We could have done this “surprise” in a luxury hotel like last year Eddie, you cheap ass.  You were only outta work for a 3 weeks and you came back with a bonus so crying poverty ain’t gonna cut it. ”
Edward laughed, lightly wrapping his fingers around her long dark locks with a gentle tug. “Now that’s not any way for a lady to talk, now is it?” he pretended to scold.
Cleo had the immediate reaction of grabbing his fingers and twisting and bending them loose as he yelped out in pain, she wasn’t used to having her hair pulled. “Owww. Honey, what are you doing?” His digits throbbed as he shook them furiously in the air to shake away the pain.
“What am I doing?” Cleo answered with her own question. “What am I doing?” She was clearly miffed. “What are YOU doing? You don’t touch my hair like that.” She huffed and treaded onward as Edward quickly rushed behind. “You’ve been a douche all weekend, Eddie. I don’t know what you think you’re doing trying to pull my hair and talk to me like a big-shot but you need to cut it.”
Edward continued on dejectedly trying to explain, now competing with the stirring winds for his girlfriend’s attention. “Honey,” he called out, his voice echoing behind him, “Can you just slow down a minute, please?” He waited for Cleo to slow her pace and then proceeded to explain.
“Oh, good,” his girlfriend scoffed while removing the matted hair from her face. “You have an explanation for your bizarre behavior? Well save it ‘til we get to that place up there. This better be good.”
It had now started to rain which only added to her aggravation. At least she saw some lights in the distance. Hopefully this was some kind of romantic bed and breakfast tucked into the woods. She’d be able to take a soothing bubble bath, enjoy a prepared dinner and nice glass (or 10) of wine and then snuggle into bed with Eddie while they watched their favorite horror movies and ate their candy. Or maybe that would all be ruined, she thought as the rain suddenly pelted them furiously, interrupting her warm fuzzy fantasy. Cleo didn’t know if she would get past this. She ran towards the dimly lit house, losing a shoe along the way and making a new one of clay-thick mud.
Eddie lagged behind, slipping and accidentally taking a bath in wet dirt. Normally Cleo would have laughed at this, but her annoyance dictated her allegiance. She took shelter under the porch covering of this strange, eerie house while she waited for Edward to catch up, not losing any time when he did. “What is this place? Where are we? Why did you do this to me?” She angrily hurled a slew of questions at him. Unlucky lad, he couldn’t answer any of them when he looked at the house. Maybe he should have mapquested the party location after all.
“Cleo, first off, please don’t be so angry. I don’t know where we are but this is not the place I thought we would end up. We can just wait ‘til the rain lets up and go back to the car.”
Cleo sighed in frustration, her wet mascara running into her burning eyes and her false eyelashes becoming displaced. “This is probably going to be the worst Halloween ever.”
“Snap out of it,” he barked back at her. “You can put on all the stupid makeup and costume jewelry you want but you’re not really Cleopatra, you know! We were supposed to be at the 50 shades party.”
He suddenly had her attention. “At the WHAT?”
It sounded stupid, even as he said it. “You know. That book, Fifty Shades of Grey. I know you hate it but you never gave it chance, you only read it half way!”
This was just about all she could handle, “And you read it ALL the way?” she asked behind gritted teeth.
“Yes, I did. Thank you very much. Me and the guys in the book clu… uh nevermind. Come on. All the chicks love it.” He was unable to conceal his nerves and was fumbling about in his actions and speech. “And like, like I found a Halloween party, like erotic… an erotic party. On craigslist. It looked pretty awesome. That’s why I yanked your hair a little before. I thought you’d like it. That’s what the girls are into now.” He was talking at the speed of light and she could barely keep up.  Finally he sucked in a breath along with some kind of flying bug that had hitched a ride with the wind.  “Ick,” he altered her to his horror.   He wiped his mouth and then he wiped the water from his brow and took out a book from his backpack. THE book. He handed it to Cleo who was too shocked to refuse it.
Cleo looked ill. “O…M…G, where the hell did you get this, Master F*ckFace? My trash can? I think my ‘inner goddess’ is about to puke,” she said sarcastically making gagging noises for dramatic effect. By this point she was nearly growling the words. “You know how much I hate this book,” she hissed. “Why the f*ck do you think I would want to go to a party about it on my favorite night of the year?” Her anger made her look genuinely possessed.  “You are a zombie.  I am Cleopatra.  We are supposed to be at a COSTUME party where I can be admired for my awesome makeup skills and THIS is where you bring me?”
His words were ringing through her brain antagonizing her: That’s what the girls are into now.
Edward had this dumb expression on his face, the one where his eyes become slightly crossed and the corner of the right side of his mouth hangs down like someone is dragging on it. “I just thought we could try it out. What’s the big deal? Even my mom read it… twice. Maybe three times. Coulda been fou…”
“Shut up!” Cleo commanded, “This is what I of think of that dumbass book.” Maybe it was the near-full moon that possessed her as she leapt off the porch and started digging a grave for the thing with her bare hands. Edward was too terrified to protest and just watched her fling heaping piles of dirt to both sides of her, toss the book it and bury it. She didn’t even seem to mind that her perfectly manicured nails now had little mounds of mud inside of them.
“This book is ridiculous,” she screamed, her pitch rising with every word. “You think can be Christian Grey and I can be Anastasia whats-her-face? Let me tell you something, pal. The only reason that worked was because THAT guy was rich and FAKE. Seattle skyscraper? You live in the basement of your mother’s ranch house! You can’t even afford a pony, never-mind one of those luxury cars that fictitious moron sports around!” She was talking with her hands now, slinging mud with each gesture, some of which entered his nostril, eliciting a gag.
She misunderstood. “Oh, now you are going to make sounds at me?” She stood up wildly.
Edward retreated with a silent shake of his head as he pointed to the mud dripping from his nose. It was likely Cleo was annoyed enough to slap him but she was interrupted when someone flung open the door. Both of them had forgotten where they were, and most importantly, that they were not alone.
Much to their mutual shock, a beautiful dark haired woman was glaring down at them. She glanced down at Cleo with a scolding expression. Her blue glass-colored eyes looked almost translucent with the light of the moon behind them. “Why are you screaming like that, young woman?” she asked, “And what are you doing to my property?” Why are you digging in my front yard and slinging mud at my house?” Her eyes darted from Cleo’s makeup stained-face to the muddy grave and then to Edward and his faded zombie scars and dirt covered bodys. “Didn’t your mama teach you any manners?  Didn’t one of you see the NO TRESPASSING sign?” she asked without awaiting an answer. “Come inside,” she demanded.
The couple looked at each other and began apologizing simultaneously which made their words sound like a foreign language. Finally they managed to simply decline with the universal no gesture, a shake of the head with more than a hint of enthusiasm. The woman looked at them and her ruby lips began to form into a crooked smirk. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t really an invitation kids.”
“Whoa, WHOA,” Edward chimed in. “I’m not a kid. I’m nearly 33.” He pointed to Cleo. She’s even older than me. We’re not some dumbass teenagers.”
The woman looked at them crossly and examined their mud drenched appearances.  “Coulda fooled me,” she said sarcastically. She put her hand on her hips, expressing a subtle gesture of authority that made them both quiver. “As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted by a little brat (regardless of his physical age), that was not an invitation. That was a command. Besides, you’ll never make it back to wherever the heck you came from with this torrential downpour. But the cops can sure make it down here. Those fellas understand what ‘no trespassing’ means, and they just love my homemade cider.  I’ve got ‘em on speed dial, wanna meet ‘em?”
They knew she was right. If they didn’t take shelter they’d end up swimming in the mud with the… book. And they’d likely be in trouble if she called the cops. That seemed a tad drastic but the weather was too severe to protest. They were a little stuck.
Begrudgingly, they walked up to the porch and started to go inside. But this mysterious woman stopped them at the door with a look that said they must be batshit crazy if they thought they were entering her house looking like they just had a fantasy mud wrestling match. She told them to strip of their costumes and shoes and handed them two towels that hung on the coat rack, almost as if she had been expecting them in their dirtied, pitiful conditions.
“I’ll make some tea. The two of you go shower. But NOT together. I don’t care about your personal relationship whatever that is. No hanky panky here. She pointed to Cleo, “You, upstairs two doors to your left.” She turned her attention to Edward, “And you, downstairs first door on your right.” She addressed them both. “I’ll throw some clean clothes in the bathrooms, I can’t guarantee they’ll fit but those muddy clothes are staying on the porch, and you’ll just have to make do. Then you will go to the spare bedroom down the hall and take a nap. There are two beds. You will not be napping together. I am having a Halloween party later, which you are welcome to join. But I don’t need you in my hair when I’m getting it together and the guests arrive. Don’t do anything stupid either. No wandering, no stealing…”
It seemed like she went on rambling forever. Neither of them was exactly tired when they got there, but after the long winded speech, shower and tea, they both dozed off (in separate beds) for several hours.
Edward woke up first, in a panic. He rushed to the other bed and frantically shook Cleo. “I don’t know what happened. We just took a shower and “nap” in some stranger’s house in the middle of nowhere. I think we should get the hell outta here.”
Cleo was still groggy. She pushed his hands away, annoyed. “I need five more minutes. Edward.” She must have still been miffed because she used his full first name, which he strongly disliked.
“I’m serious, Cleo. Wake up!” 
She slapped at his hands this time.  “Get away from me, I’m tired!”
The agitation in Eddie was rising.  “I swear to God, Cleo.  Please!  He pounded his fist on the nighttable and a book fell from the bottom shelf, right onto his foot.  “Oww,” he screamed, hopping up and trying to shake off the pain. First Cleo bent his fingers all the way back and now a bible-heavy book fell on his foot.   Except it wasn’t a bible.  It was a thick book, leather bound and ancient looking.  Eddie thought it resembled something out of a Harry Potter movie and as he handed the book to Cleo, who was now sitting up in bed, he forgot about his pain.
Cleo, who could never control her curiosity, had suddenly found the motivation to be alert.  “What is this?” she asked aloud, really to no one in particular.  She knew Eddie couldn’t possibly know.  She examined the book, running her fingers over it as if it were brail.  “Hey, Eddie, look at this.  Make that light brighter.  I think it says something.”
Eddie sat back down on the bed after adjusting the dimmer switch.  He watched Cleo run her fingers over the cover of the book, tracing the indent of old, fading letters.  She looked at him curiously, “Look closely and use your fingers to make the outline of the letters,” she told him.  “I think it says ‘The Curse of Dana’; and it looks like a witch’s book.”
Suddenly the “kids” heard footsteps approaching and Cleo stashed the book under the bed with great effort, due to its weight. “We’ve gotta get back to this later.”  She had wanted to say more but the woman entered, looking entirely transformed.  The two moved close to each other, startled by her appearance.  She had dressed like Maleficent, the evil Queen from Snow White, probably for the party she was talking about hosting earlier. Her costume was complete with a thick black velvet robe with purple trim, and a beautiful glowing prop wand. Her eyes looked even more incredible now, almost as if they weren’t real at all.  They wondered if she had been wearing contacts.
The woman invited them to join her downstairs for some hot cider and snacks.  On their way down they noticed a sign on one of the doors that said, “Anyone who sets foot in this room shall experience the Curse of Dana.”  They both eyed each other but kept silent, not wanting to appear like they knew something.  Rather they waited for the woman to prepare the snacks and drinks while they hurriedly discussed the sign.
“We gotta go back up and see what’s in that book,” Cleo spat out.
“I know,” said Eddie.  He began to whisper like an excited child.  “Who do you think Dana is and what kind of curse do you think the book contains, and the room?”
The woman came in abruptly with the items.  She must have heard a bit of the conversation.  “I’m Dana,” she said politely.  “With all that ruckus I forgot to introduce myself but from the screaming I gather you are Cleo and Edward.”
“Please call me, Eddie, Ma’am.  I hate Edward.”  It took a second for it to register that this woman just introduced herself as Dana.  Cleo bit her lip when she realized.  Eddie started to move about anxiously as if he were doing in the wee-wee dance.
Dana immediately picked up on their anxieties.  “Well, eat up.  We only have about half an hour before everyone starts comin’ on it.  So why don’t you two go back up with your cider and see if any of those Halloween costumes fit you.  There are a bunch in the closet next to the room you napped in.”  She looked at them with raised eyebrows.  “I’m a pretty good hostess but don’t go pissin’ me off.  Some things are off limits, like rooms with signs.  I’m warning you now because somehow you missed the blinding yellow one about 100 feet off my property.”  She smiled with a mildly sinister expression.  “Go on, I promise you’ll have fun here!”
Dana left the room to finish preparing and the two headed back upstairs, whispering eagerly the whole time.  “We have to get the book,” Cleo insisted.  “That lady must be THE Dana. Maybe she is a witch, like one of those who practice Wiccan or maybe the black arts.  We need to find out.  She might have spells or hexes in there.”

“We have to get into that room first,” Eddie countered.
Cleo shook her head.  “Dumbass, maybe we should read what the curse is BEFORE going into the room?” she asked sarcastically.  “If there really is a curse, maybe we don’t want to experience it.”
“Oh come on, seriously, Cleo?”  He dragged her up the stairs as she was going too slow for his taste.  “There is no such thing as witches or black arts or whatever.  Let’s just go into the room.  We can look at the book later.”  He paused a moment as if he just had a brilliant idea.  “Or you can like go get the book and I’ll go pretend to use the bathroom so she doesn’t get suspicious, then we’ll meet at the forbidden room.”
Cleo thought about it for a second.  “I guess that sounds ok,” she said. 
Eddie became serious, his brows scrunching together to emphasize the gravity of his request.  “But please promise me that you won’t read the book or even open it until we meet back there. We’ll read it before we go in, but we gotta do it together.  You know… just incase this woman is some kind of nutjob or something.”
“Ok,” Cleo promised.  “But we gotta do this fast.  I’m getting a little nervous and her people are coming in like 20 minutes.  Let’s just get back here as soon as we can.  Hopefully there will be something awesome in that room and we can take pics with our cells and post it on facebook and twitter.”
“It’s a plan, let’s go.”  Eddie and Cleo parted ways, meeting back at the forbidden location within five minutes.  The sign was ominous and as they approached they realized the sign was actually a small chalk board with white chalk letters written on it.  “What is she a teacher?” Eddie joked nervously.
“I don’t know,” Cleo snapped.  “Let’s just do this, ok?”
“Do what?” questioned a stern voice approaching from the distance.  Both Cleo and Eddie froze, still as statues, as if this would make them invisible.  Neither of them either bothered to turn around to face the voice, this is how scared they were.  They waited as mere moments dragged on for eternity until the voice reached them.  “Face me,” it said.  “I will not tell you twice.”
The pair turned around, feeling very much like naughty children who had just been caught doing a very bad deed.  Cleo wanted to drop the book but it was much too heavy to do anything with at the last second.  It remained in her hand as evidence, as the doorknob to the off-limits room which was super-glued to Eddie’s hand by his nervous sweat.
They both noted that Dana did not look pleased.  They wondered if she would kick them out in the storm, or call the cops, or both.  But her expression turned somewhat soft as if she had a moment of reconsideration.  “I see you are curious as to what’s inside this room, and that you were about to go in it.” She eyed them with a near parental authority, “despite the fact I specifically told you not to.  So let’s just get this over with.  Let me show you.”  Her eyes were a deep impenetrable crystal, and although there was no lingering anger, they were nothing if not painfully intimidating.
Both Cleo and Eddie wanted to protest, but neither did.  Dana pushed past Eddie and pried his wet fingers from the doorknob.  She told Cleo to carry the book into the room, and she proceeded to very slowly open the door.  She also proceeded to hum eerie tunes, cheerfully, to torment them.  Cleo’s eyes were wide opened and ready for any surprises.  Eddie had his half closed, as if squinting them shut could protect him from any impending doom.  However, what they saw when they entered was what neither of them expected, and actually turned out to be disappointing.  It was just a room, a bedroom, a spare bedroom… nothing spectacular, nothing terrifying, certainly nothing curse-worthy.  This is what Cleo was thinking anyway, but she dared not say the words aloud. Instead she just glanced down at the book in her hands as if transferring her thoughts onto it.
Intuitively, Dana addressed these very thoughts.  “You are cursed now, you realize?” she said without malice and almost nonchalantly.  Nobody had the courage to speak.  “Come here,” she told them, guiding them with a finger motion to come close to her while she took a seat on the bed.  “Hand me the book, missy,” she instructed Cleo, who at this point was beginning to tremble with dread.  She complied.
 Eddie, acting quite useless, remained in very un-heroic statue mode.  Cleo gazed at him with venom.  “Good to know I could count on you in an emergency,” she hissed.
Eddie didn’t even twitch.  “You be quiet,” Dana scolded as she sat the heavy, aged book on her lap.  “You are both so eager to know what’s inside this book, so I’ll show you.  Keep your eyes open… Edward,” she demanded.  “You too, young lady.”
Thoughts were racing through their minds.  Was she going to put a spell on them?  Was the thing possessed?  Was she going to write their names in it like Death Note and kill them that way?  Their thoughts were halted and they were again shocked as Dana opened the book, only to reveal… that it wasn’t a book at all.  It was a box made to look like a book.  They both looked on in awe as she opened the cover (which was a clever front for a lid) and removed something from inside. 
“This, is the curse of Dana,” she informed them, ever so pleasantly.  And I know it’s not really a book, but I do have a little poem in here.  It’s for naughty trespassers.  They get a special treat if they actually find this little treasure.  She recited the poem to them.
                Use your wits you fools who dare
                And wonder if it’s wise
                To look upon this book so brave
                While wearing your disguise
                Take care to know the consequence
                If curiosity’s your aim
                For you might not be so eager when
                I let you lay your claim
The two of them starred at it dumbly trying to decipher the poem and the connection to this thing, a thick piece of rubber with a handle.  What kind of spell could this produce?  Neither of them knew how to respond until Dana stood up, turned around and whacked the bed with the strap.  The horrifying sound echoed throughout the room.  Cleo cringed while maintaining a little shred of dignity but Eddie screamed like a little girl and jumped so high his feet were almost off the ground.
Dana turned towards them again.  Fortunately for her, neither victim was coherent enough to protest.  So neither of them thought to run or scream for help as she bent them, together, over the bed.  In the interest of fairness, they had not ever experienced something like this and still did not know what to expect… at least not until the first stroke landed, side by side, on their fully clothed bottoms.  Eddie, acting as typical Eddie, leapt up in a frenzy and started dancing around and rubbing his lit-up bottom.  Cleo, petrified from the pain, remained there shivering and terrified.  Dana figured she would be easier to deal with, so she decided to focus on Eddie while giving Cleo the directive to remain in the impressive position she managed to withstand.
“Edward,” Dana began, her tone taking on a gravity meant to appear threatening.  “I welcome you into my home and asked only one thing of you.  You found it impossible to comply.  All you had to do was ask, and I would have gladly shown the two of you what was in here.  In a much more agreeable way.  Now, you will be punished.  Luck is on your side.  I’m an evil witch who moonlights as a professional disciplinarian,” she winked.  “Now, let’s get down to business.  With that she gently guided a shocked Eddie over the bed and pulled down his pants and briefs, revealing an angry welt from the first smack.  Cleo couldn’t resist looking at the mark, causing Eddie great shame.  However, her defiance was met with her bottom instantly bared and a series of two dozen hand smacks assaulting her backside in retribution.  Dana’s hand was not much less comforting than the strap and this time Cleo lost the remainder of her dignity as she pleaded for the woman to stop.
Dana stopped, but only to finish punishing Eddie.  She directed Cleo not to get out of position or try to sneak any peeks again.  Cleo buried her head in the pillow so as to not to be tempted. But she still heard every resounding slap as the strap came down across Edward’s naked bottom.  About a dozen vicious smacks marred his backside, causing him to yelp in pain.  But after seeing what happened to Cleo for her disobedience, he remained as stoic as he could.  This did not mean tears didn’t spring up in his eyes but his body complied with the no-protesting order. After the second round of a dozen whacks, he collapsed on the bed.  He was so consumed with his sore bottom that he barely remembered Cleo was even there and he had no interest in her agony as the strap decorated her bottom with raised red welts.
“And you young lady, are supposed to know better.  You seem a bit more intelligent than your counterpart here and why you would go along with this silliness is absurd.  That’s what I want you to think about as I strap your bottom with the last dozen.”  Cleo was shivering and her bottom was ablaze.  She didn’t know how she could possible endure another twelve.  The fear incited her to pleading.  Tears fell down her face, but Dana was unmoved.  When it came to punishing misbehavior, it was her duty and she didn’t take it lightly.  She did not stop until she was convinced Cleo wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for at least several days.
When she was done she let the two cry it out without the added embarrassment of them having to endure her watching.  She returned to check on them a little while later.  They both were in a state of fogginess but became instantly alert when she entered.  She had a visitor with her, a young man in his late 20’s who was holding the dreaded ‘Curse of Dana’ “book” solemnly in his hands.  She sent the two out and told them to enjoy the party downstairs and assured them there was no hard feelings.  She said she sometimes gets a little irritated but that it dissolves quickly, and she handed them some Halloween themed cupcakes.  They immediately obeyed and headed downstairs toward the party as Dana took a seat on the bed, in almost the exact position she was in such a short while ago.
Before she could speak, her unexpected visitor started pleading with her.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to trespass, and I just wanted to know what the ‘Curse of Dana’ was and what was in that weird old book.  I won’t come near here again, Ma’am, I swear.  Please don’t call the cops.
“I’m not going to call the cops, dear,” Dana smiled.  She held the book on her lap.  “Come closer,” she instructed.  Her new victim did as he was told.  “Here, let me show you,” she said. She began to open the lid ever so slowly at an angle where the boy couldn’t quite make out what was happening.  She only opened it a tad so that it still appeared to be the book it posed as. “You are too far away,” Dana scolded.  “Come here.”
The young man did as he was told and took a few steps forward as he watched Dana, overcome by the mystery.  Dana gazed down at the box, getting ready to reveal its secret. Her piercing blue eyes burned into him and he could not pull away from their power.
“Trick or Treat?” she asked him with an evil cackle.
Visit my premium video, DVD, and products website at DanaKaneSpanks.com.

2 Replies to “‘Trick or Treat?’ This is a GREAT Spooky Story Entry”

  1. Th last word I’d ever use to describe myself is “angel” so I admit I laughed my ass off when I read the real one tried to deceive you for the contest entry. But why was she not permitted to participate under her real name?

    It was an enjoyable story.

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