Winner of the ‘School Daze’ spanking story contest!


Springtime has sprung (at least here in Las Vegas, anyway), and the School Daze spanking story contest brought out the creative spanko writer in several entrants. You’ll find a few great efforts by our regular contributors, along with some new authors who I’m hoping will keep coming back and sharing their work with us again and again.

My biggest gratitude to every one of you who has contributed a story to these contests. They’re a lot of fun for me, and I hope you enjoy the fruits of our author’s efforts. As I’ve said before, this blog would be sadly lacking without the creativity and time spent by all of you…commenters and readers, too.

Now, with all that sniffly stuff out of the way, should we see who’s won the contest this month?

Congratulations to the author of:

Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that. The winning author has contributed a story in four parts, each with an accompanying title. I think that you’re going to enjoy each of these stories as much as I have, so I’ll post them up one at a time.

–  Dana

Part One:

A Young Professor’s Understanding

Dr. Lewis raised his hand in a slight, traffic cop sign in the direction of the unfortunate junior professor, Lisa.  “One person speaking at a time,” he sternly told her.  His voice held an undercurrent of irritation and menace.  Lisa stopped speaking, mid-sentence, and sat back in her seat, chastened.  All the other junior professors subconsciously sat up straighter in their seats and immediately looked attentive and on-task.  Dr. Lewis ran orderly staff meetings.

One of the teachers stifled an “It’s about time she got it” smirk.  Becki had no patience for this young professor, who was already proving herself a nuisance… always late, didn’t know her lesson material, unprepared for her classes, not getting grades in on time… the list of reasons why Lisa should get canned was longer than the delicate Lisa girl was tall.

Becki was older than the other junior teachers, and was easily annoyed by their shortcomings.   She was more responsible than the others, and always did exactly what Dr. Lewis asked, immediately, whether it was in a staff meeting or by email, and she made sure he knew it as well as who had not.  Becki Stewart was quite proud that her classes were in high demand:  she knew her material, she was fair to her students, conveyed practical meaning of her lessons to the real world, and had a sense of humor that could make her students laugh even after a difficult exam.  Her students adored her, and she was certain that she was Dr. Lewis’ favorite junior professor.

Despite his casual dress and longer hairstyle, Dr. Lewis projected the complete authority of his position as Full Professor and department chair.  People instinctively chose their words with care around him.    Despite his sense of humor and general look of amusement, the staff and students knew he meant business.  The first year teaching staff were routinely assigned to him for weeding out:  he was an exacting task master, to be sure, and working for him required full attention and time commitment.  But the ones who made it through their first year were certain to be successful within the department.  This year’s starting staff of 5 was likely to see several weeded out.  Rebecca Stewart would not be one of the weeds.

Becki picked up her pen and resumed taking notes in her well organized teaching notebook.  On the page headed “Staff Meeting:  05/11/13” was an entry for the upcoming final exam.  Dr. Lewis continued speaking, “All student exams must be graded, entered into the computer, and on my desk no later than 5:00 pm…” he paused for added emphasis, “THURSDAY”…he recited his list of teaching responsibilities while Becki mentally tallied his student count…  “…So please have your work completed when and as I have asked.”  He looked around the room.  “Are there any questions?”  The 5 young professors all shook their heads.  “Well, then, I am off, if you have any issues, please send me an email or drop by my office.  Have a good week.” 

With that, he got up, turned and walked out of the room.  The remaining teachers began talking amongst themselves, first whispering, then growing louder as Dr. Lewis moved further away.  “What does he mean by Thursday?” asked Lisa.  Becki sighed, thinking, this woman is an idiot.   Oblivious to Lisa’s smoldering glare, Becki explained.  “What Dr. Lewis means is that he wants our work done so he can get HIS work done,” Becki lectured Lisa as if she were speaking to a small, dull child.  Lisa began streaming a list of excuses why she should not be able to do that… “I teach 2 classes … Dr. Lewis never gives us enough time…”  Becki rolled her eyes, thinking to herself “What would Dr. Lewis do if he could hear this?”  If Lisa’s papers weren’t in on time, Becki would make sure he knew.

The teachers slowly drifted out of the room, yet Becki remained.  Their staff meeting room was held in the teaching laboratory where first year science classes were taught and it was one of Becki’s favorite places on campus.  She loved her students, she loved her teaching assignment, and she loved working for Dr. Lewis, partly because she was his pet: of that she was certain.  Dr. Lewis had taught her as an undergraduate, and now, here she was, working for him.  “He must be so proud of me,” she thought as she went around the room organizing for the next class.  He was, in fact, quite pleased with her.  Dr. Rubiski, the Dean of Arts and Sciences had even told her that.  “Dr. Lewis is very happy to have you as part of his staff, Professor Stewart.  He regularly singles you out for praise in our weekly department meeting. He likes you very much. The other senior staff in the department have also been highly complementary to you as well.  You are doing quite well here.”  Dr. Rubiski was one of those people who never gave false praise, and Becki treasured this memory.  She beamed as she went about her work. 

Reaching forward, she checked to make sure the water and gas were off.  The water valve was sticking, and she had to bend and stretch onto her toes to gain leverage.  The cold of the broad slate bench pressed into the soft roll of her lower tummy and finally the dripping stopped.  She straightened up and moved to the next bench, thinking now about Dr. Lewis. His habit was to always address her as “Rebecca”… never Ms. Stewart, never Becki… always Rebecca.   It reminded her that he was in charge, kind of like how her mom had used her full name when she was in trouble. She, in turn, never thought of him by his first name, even though his emails were signed simply “John”.  To her, he was always “Dr. Lewis”:  her mentor, her boss, her leader.  He was not traditionally handsome yet he was very attractive, all the same.   His eyes were a beautiful shade of piercing blue, and they could reflect immense amusement or cold displeasure.   When collaborating on demonstration exercises, he had a way of crowding into her personal space… to work my closely with me? to assert his authority and power? or is he attracted to me? she daydreamed.  It felt nice when he did that; it made her feel desired and protected and under control all at the same time and she always felt herself positioning herself more attractively when he did that.    Her mind swirled but she quickly snapped herself back.  “Dr. Lewis will want this lab organized,” leaned forward across the bench to check the valves, and she set herself back to her task of the remaining 4 student benches.

She was a very attractive woman, there were no two ways about that.  Cute, bouncy and vivacious with a becoming hairstyle and casually professional wardrobe, she projected a natural intelligence and curiosity that were so very appealing.  She spoke with ease and did a great job with her students, who looked up to her as a role model.   Still, there was that annoying tattletale behavior of hers and tendency to get bossy with the other teachers that needed attention.  He had seen her look of triumph when he had reprimanded Lisa during their meeting and he could guess what happened after he left.  John Lewis sat back in his oversized office and laced his fingers behind his head.  He really did like Rebecca Stewart.  She was a good teacher and always quick to take on additional responsibility.  He knew he could rely on her.  Working with her one on one, he felt an incredible sense of closeness to her that he did not feel towards his other teachers.  When setting up classes together, he felt compelled to close in on her, invade her space, stand over her… he loved her palpable tension and disquiet.  He could sense her turmoil:  she was probably attracted to him, perhaps even had a crush on him.   And when she bent forward over the lab bench, her full bottom practically begged him to step behind her.  But what to be done about that?  he wondered.  He certainly couldn’t risk his career in a dalliance with a junior professor of his charge and he was not a man to cheat on his wife.  Still.  That woman needed attention.

John’s attention turned to his inbox and an emerald green envelope within. Suddenly inspired, he sat up straight in his chair.  He knew precisely how to deal with his situation, and deal with it, he would.  He picked up the phone.  “Hello my dear… good to speak to you also…  say, I’m have a little problem that would benefit from your attention…  Do you have some time available to help me out?”  He hung up the phone and smiled.


Becki knocked tentatively on his massive office door.  “Yes?” Dr. Lewis called in response.  She opened the door a little and stuck her head inside.  “Is this a bad time for you?  I can come back if you are busy.” He gestured to the lone armless chair across from his crowded desk.  “Come in, sit down.” he commanded.  She slipped into his office, for once, uncertain about how to approach him.  Her confidence was rattled, he could tell, so he emphasized his control. “Please sit.”  It was easy for her to obey him despite her fear, so she sat.  And her news was bad enough without irritating Dr. Lewis further.  Her mind swirling, she knew it was better to get a problem out in the open quickly where it could be dealt with effectively, before it was too late.  But this was not a conversation she wanted to have.

The words shot out of her mouth.  “Ilostoneofmystudentsfinalpapers,” she blurted. 

“Excuse me?” Dr. Lewis said, “Repeat what you just said.  Slowly.  So I can hear you this time, Rebecca.” 

She looked into his eyes, eyes that were now stone cold and hard as they peered right through her.  Feeling exposed and foolish, she blushed and cast her eyes down.  “I lost one of my student exam papers.  The final.  I have no idea what happened,” she felt compelled to softly add, “Sir.”

Dr. Lewis continued staring through her, sizing her up, noting her discomfort.   He slowly and carefully chose his words.   “Rebecca.  You were given precise procedures to follow for handling exams, were you not?”  When she nodded assent, he continued.  “I don’t understand how you could lose an exam if you followed procedures.”

“I don’t know” she stammered.  The color had drained completely from her face.

“Rebecca.  Please tell me in detail how you have been instructed to handle your exams,” John Lewis commanded. 

She looked up, looked down, then recited the procedure perfectly.  “Count all collected exams, place them in a manila envelope, seal the envelope and right my name across the seal, then place it in a locked drawer in a locked office until ready to grade.  Place all graded exams in a sealed envelope until ready to return to students.”

“Rebecca, you lost one quiz at the beginning of the year, did you not.”   She nodded, so he continued on.  “That is the reason I gave you these procedures, is that not correct?”  She nodded again.  “So, Rebecca, if you did your work properly… how I told you to do it… you should have all of your exams.”  He paused again, and she silently wished he would hurry up and get this chastisement over.  “So what you are really telling me is that you did not do as I asked.”  He paused another uncomfortably long time, letting the weight of her failure sink in.  ” You clearly did not learn from your mistake.”  He paused again as she sat in continued silence.  He folded his hands, steepling his index fingers, tapping them together. 

“You have a class of 24 students, is that correct?”  She nodded.  “But you only have 23 papers, am I understanding you correctly?”  She nodded again.  “Do you have the exams with you?”  She nodded mutely.  “May I see them, please.”  She withdrew the envelope from her bag and handed it to him. He inspected the envelope.  The envelope was marked correctly.  He rolled his chair back, opened the center drawer of his desk, and pulled out a letter opener, closed the drawer, and stood up.  Slitting the envelope as he walked towards Becki, he towered over her.  He sit the opener on the desk edge with careful deliberation and cleared a spot for the papers on his desk.  “Let’s count them together, shall we?” She slid down in her seat but he was not going to allow her an easy way out.  “Rebecca, stand up please, come here and count with me.” 

Slowly, Becki rose to her feet and she stepped forward to where Dr. Lewis was gesturing she should stand next to his broad desk.  He firmly laid a paper down on the desk and moved himself to within an inch of her.  “One” he counted, and when she remained silent, he picked up the paper and intoned quietly.  I am only going to tell you.  One.  More.  Time.  We will count them.  Together.”  A shiver of fear went up her spine as she met his eyes.  “Yes, sir,” she replied, as he slapped the first paper down.  One after another, they counted, and after what seemed like an eternity, finally reached the sad number 23. 

Crestfallen, she met his gaze and said in a very quiet voice, “I don’t know what to do.”  She was shaking now, and completely unsure of herself.  Her legs felt like they would buckle at any minute.

“Would you like to count them with me one more time?  To be certain.”  Dr. Lewis asked, peering at her intently.

“No,” Becki answered meekly.  “I’ve counted them myself a hundred times.  The paper is not there.”

“Whose paper is missing?”  Dr. Lewis asked.

“Leah Murphy,” Becki said.  Leah was her best student, and more than anything, Becki did not want to see poor Leah get a zero over her mistake.   Dr. Lewis couldn’t, no wouldn’t, be so unfair to her student? But he said nothing for a very long time, just stood there looking down upon her.

Finally, he seemed to come to some conclusion in his mind and so, he spoke.  “Very well, then, I will see what I can do to fix this and will keep you informed.  You are dismissed.”

Thrilled to escape with her job intact and only a humiliating scolding, she hurriedly bent over to collect her things.  Dr. Lewis said to her bent over form, “By the way, Rebecca, can you please attend a meeting at 4:00 in the Freshman Science Lab tomorrow afternoon?”

“Yes, sir.  I can do that.”  She was back in his good graces:  she loved sitting in as his proxy at meetings.   Even though it was only Tuesday, she responded oddly. “Have a nice weekend.  And I am so sorry to trouble you, it won’t happen again” she said to the door.    

“Yes, they always say that…” he said to no one in particular as the door closed behind her.


It was precisely 3:55 pm when Becki slipped the key into the lock of the Freshman Science lab door.  She always arrived first.  Blocking the door with her foot, she pulled her key out, notebook tucked under her arm, and she stepped through the door way.

Startled, her hand slipped off the door knob, and she stopped, midstride.  There was someone sitting at her teaching lectern!  Becki’s first thought was “student rifling a teacher desk”, but something odd checked her first response. This was no student, and as the woman sat there carefully appraising Becki, it was clear her intent was more ominous than rifling a desk.  Despite the polite smile on her face, this woman commanded instantaneous respect and was clearly a woman to fear.  Confused, Becki simply stood there, mouth ajar.

“Do come in, Miss Stewart, I have been expecting you,” she quietly commanded.  Her voice was cheerful and pleasant but there was something decidedly frightening about this perfectly poised and unfailingly polite woman. “Dr. Lewis was right, you are a very punctual professor.  That is a lovely habit,” the woman smiled.  “Now, come here please.”  Instinctively, Becki tentatively approached the lectern from the student side.  She knew her place today was not on the teacher side.  The woman smiled again, her black hair and red lipstick highlighting the pale coolness of her fair skin and intense blue eyes.    She gently tapped the front of the lectern with a ruler.  “Right here, Missy, where we can see each other, face to face.  I’d like us to have a little talk.”  Becki approached, her heart in her throat.  What was going on here?  She was about to find out.

“Well, Miss Rebecca, Dr. Lewis has asked that I attend to some matters regarding your teaching performance,” the woman sweetly smiled, a slight warmth? or was it delight? creeping into the smile.  Her eyes danced as she surveyed the woman standing awkwardly in front of her.  “Something about a lost exam, I believe?  Was that one of the issues?” She seemed to enjoy Becki’s predicament.

Becki gulped and replied, “Yes, it is true, I did lose one of my exam papers.  I am terribly sorry but I don’t know what to do about it.”

The woman laughed and said, “Oh yes, I do believe you are sorry… they all say that. ”  Before Becki could ask what that meant, the woman continued.  “But we will soon see how sorry you really are.  You are aware that compromising exam quality through incompetence is a valid reason for termination?”  Becki’s eyes opened wide as she shook her head no.  “Aww Becki, seriously?  Dr. Lewis has assured me that if anyone knows the instructor handbook, it is you.  Now, let’s try that again.  Are you aware that you can be fired for losing that exam?”  Tears welling up in her eyes, Becki nodded.  “Yes, I am,” she whispered.  “Good,” said the woman. “Now we can come up with some ideas for solving your little problem.” 

She pushed a piece of paper across the lectern to Becki.  “In front of you, you have a disciplinary notice.  You can either accept disciplinary action from me, which you can indicate by checking that little box HERE,” she gave the paper a little tap with her ruler, “or you can accept termination by checking that little box…” she tapped again, “THERE.  Either way, I will need your signature HERE.”  She gave a final tap to a signature line at the bottom of the paper.  “A refusal to sign is the same as a check mark in the ‘termination’ box.  Any questions?”

Each tap of that ruler was a psychological slap.  Stunned, Becki did not know what to say and simply shook her head.  The woman pushed a pen across the desk with her ruler.  “Ink, please.  A formality.  Here you go, now make your choice and let’s be on with it.  Either way, it is your decision.”

Finding her voice, Becki croaked out two words in an almost inaudible voice.  “‘Disciplinary Action’?” she picked up the pen but her had stopped short of the paper, which had her name typed neatly upon it.

The woman smiled brightly.  “‘Disciplinary Action’  I take care of your problem, my way. Once addressed to everyone’s satisfaction, we all move on with a clean slate.  You love your job here, do you not… ‘Professor’… Stewart?”  Becki nodded quickly.  “Then there really isn’t much choice, is there.”  It was a question but it did not require an answer.  Becki checked the discipline box, signed, and dropped the pen as if it were a poisonous snake.  The woman stood up and walked around to the front of the lectern, placing a  finger under Becki’s chin, raising her face and looking coldly into her eyes.  “Miss Rebecca, where have your manners gone?  I am treating you politely and with respect, I certainly expect the same in return. You do understand I can rip this paper up and advise Dr. Lewis that you refused to sign.”  Becki shook her head no, and the woman removed her finger. 

Rebecca bent over and picked up the pen, collected the paper, and presented it to the woman.  “Here, ma’m.  Thank you for giving me a choice.”

The woman smiled happily.  “My pleasure.  Now, if you will please step over here with me.”  The woman walked her over to the far side of a lab bench.   From here, Becki noted the door ajar with dismay.  At least it wasn’t wide open. “Hands on the bench please, straight out in front of you.”  Becki placed her hands forward, elbows on the desk, and looked over her shoulders.  A happy smile had spread across the woman’s face, and a warm flush of color was upon her cheeks.  “Now, no peeking, I want your eyes straight forward.”  Becki nodded and focused her eyes upon the water valve in front of her, the cold of the bench beneath her arms, chest and tummy.  A cool breeze passed her bottom as she felt her black pants lowered, and she focused harder on the valve as her pants fell to the floor.  A gasp escaped her lips as she felt her panties eased down her bottom, then carefully arranged around her lower thighs.  “You do understand that for discipline to be effective, it must be carried out on the bare bottom, right?”  Becki said nothing; her reward was a sharp slap on the bottom.  “Answer me please, quickly, there is no need to make things worse for yourself.”

Becki meekly answered, “Yes, I understand.”  And with that, her fate was sealed.

“Very well.  I will need you to stay in this position until I tell you we are done.  Do you understand?”  Becki nodded.  “Wonderful, I am glad we understand each other so well.”  To Becki’s surprise, the woman walked away and back to the lectern.  Was she supposed to simply bend over here with her bottom out as her punishment?  Her surprise turned to dismay as she watched the woman withdraw a thin whippy cane from the chalk tray.  She stood at the front of the room, testing its flex, as Becki laid there, eyes transfixed, cringing inwardly. 

Satisfied, the woman strode back to her place behind Becki and tapped her tentatively.  “It’s nothing personal, you see.  I have been asked to deal with you, that is all.  Now, what is the magic number? How many tests were you supposed to turn in to Dr. Lewis?” 

Becki cursed her pride in her large class size.  She dully said  “Twenty four.”

“So be it.  24 it is.  I’d like for you to count please…” and the first THWACK fell. 

“One, ma’m…” cried the no longer proud junior professor as her discipline commenced.


The door to the Freshman Science Lab had been left ajar, noted Dr. Lewis as he strode down the hall.  He paused to listen to the stifled shrieks and gasps emanating from within.  Rebecca was taking her punishment well, he could hear.  The swish, the thwack, the count, slowly marching the red faced woman to 24.  Deciding to have a closer look, he slipped into the lab on the back side, which shared a window with the lab being used.  The safety lights went on, lighting the window, and the woman wielding the cane turned slightly to the window, nodded and smiled, then resumed her work…

After a very long pause, the woman asked Becki to repeat the last stroke count.  “23 you say?  Then we are almost finished with dealing with your lost exam paper.  Now then.  The last one is always the hardest, dear.”  She patted Becki’s bottom for emphasis.  “Please hold still for 24…This is for the missing paper…”   The cane slashed down, and the woman shrieked and bolted upright, clutching her striped bottom.  “24!” she yelled, relieved at having her ordeal ended.

The woman set down her cane and clucked gently.  “Not so fast, Miss Rebecca.  You didn’t think I’d forget?”  The woman was practically giggling as she happily pushed her victim’s shoulders back down upon the cold bench.  Reaching under Becki’s tummy into the book cubby below, the woman withdrew a wood spanking paddle and held it in front of her face, patting her hand with it.  “There is still this matter of your incessant tattletaling that we need to attend to, is that not correct?” Becki sighed, and nodded.  “If you want to tattle like a first grader, then we will deal with that by paddle spanking you like a first grader.  You like to tattle a lot, don’t you?” without waiting for an anwer, the woman said, “Well, I like to paddle a lot, too,” and she gave a little laugh that did not sound funny at all. 

This was going to be a much longer meeting than Becki had anticipated. 

From his position at the window, Professor Lewis noted that Rebecca’s shiny red bottom bounced as delightfully beneath a paddle as it did when she walked.  His dark haired lady friend was not at all shy about laying it on, and looked to be enjoying herself fully.  Rebecca would be bouncing for quite awhile, it appeared.


In the faculty lounge, the open lab door was the topic of much discussion.  A pile of money was on the table in front of the wagering professors.  “I bet it’s one of John’s teachers… who wants to bet it is Lisa?”  Money flew to the table.  The dark haired woman from the chemistry department piped up.  “I hope it’s that bubble butt goody two shoes he has working for him, I had her as an undergraduate, she is just asking for it and that new hairdo of hers makes me want to spank her myself.”  More money flew to the table as the laughter continued. 

“Where’s John?  Only he can settle this… unless someone wants to go have a look.”  The woman from chemistry stood up and slipped into the windowed lab…


Her ordeal well over, she had been allowed time to compose herself.  Becki wiped a tear from the corner of her eye as she was dismissed from her meeting.   In a voice that did not ask many questions, the woman called quietly after Becki as she headed for the door, “This room is free at 4 pm Wednesday every week.  I will see you here again next week and we can continue your training.    Do we have an understanding?”

“Yes, and thank you ma’m,” Becki turned and slipped out the door, practically running in to Dr. Lewis.

With a slight smile on his lips, he stared down at her.  “I trust your meeting went well, Rebecca?” he asked the blushing woman standing in front of him.

“Yes sir, it went well enough.  Thank you,” she met his eyes, blushed redder, looked down, and scurried off.

John looked up to see his teacher Nick heading into the recently vacated lab.  He looked at his watch; it was 5:10.  A shame for Nick.

John Lewis headed to his office, closed the door, and retrieved the green envelope.  “Leah Murphy” read the exam paper it contained. 

It would not do to have a thief on his teaching team. John knew Lisa had stolen the paper to get Rebecca in trouble, then apparently felt remorse and returned it “anonymously”.  That was not hard to figure out as she was not clever enough to disguise the handwriting across the flap of the envelope addressing it to “Dr. Lewis”.  The 2 young professors also shared a desk in the same office and she would have been the only person to have had access to the shared key.  Maybe not for long, but for this week, Lisa had done a good job.

(part 2 tomorrow)
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