Totally Unrelated to Spanking : Random Feel-Good-Ness


None of us thinks about the same thing all the time, thank goodness. I, like most of you, spend a bit of time engaging in things which are absolutely unrelated to spanking (although I try to keep it to a minimum), and sometimes enjoy things which are totally useless and nonsensical.

Since we could all of us use more silliness in our lives, I’ve added a few things below which you might enjoy…


First, one of our most revered singer/songwriters, the amazing Dolly Parton. Even folks who don’t care for country and western music would have a hard time finding something bad to say about this talented and funny woman, and after seeing this video I love her even more: 


Next, a somewhat older video, but one that never fails to make me laugh hysterically and inappropriately. If you need me to explain why this video is hilarious, then you’ve not looked closely enough…



And finally, this guy, who’s just awakened from anesthesia following surgery and doesn’t recognize his wife of many years…



6 Replies to “Totally Unrelated to Spanking : Random Feel-Good-Ness”

    1. pagan,

      If I ever see you in too-tight white stretch pants it may be the catalyst necessary for me to beat you beyond recognition.


  1. You’re absolutely right. Dolly is awesome as a performer no matter what type it is! Maybe she could tour with Snoop Lion, Eminem or any other popular rapper. :)
    Queen Latifa is pretty great, too.

  2. Alexis,

    Agreed. I think the Queen is something else, too. But nobody holds a candle to Dolly….and the guys would never be able to remember their lyrics with her bosom onstage!

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