Detention Caning
POV: Angel’s Video Chat
Ms. Dana Kane – Professional Disciplinarian
"Hold still long enough and I'll spank you, too."
Detention Caning
POV: Angel’s Video Chat
Here’s a great preview video from Spanking Court : Officer Kauffman is harrassing one of our ‘guests’, so I have no choice as senior officer but to sentence her to 150 swats on the spot.
Although she’s an excellent Court Officer, I can’t allow her to get away with this behavior, and won’t be swayed by her tears.
All of our Spanking Court videos are now on – go watch justice served hot.
– Dana
Well, here we are – off and running on a new blog platform, with not too much damage done along the way. Granted, I’ve not re-uploaded every single photo, especially on posts well over a year old, and you may find a broken link or two, especially at first.
( * Please be kind enough to forward along any issues, questions, suggestions, or comments for this new blog to me, so that I can make this place as handy-dandy as possible. :
The free videos are also hosted on a new page, and the link to watch them all is on the top navigation bar.
You’ll also find new Forums on the righthand sidebar – click to enter the discussion area, register, and join in the conversation!
There’s still a lot to be done, but I’m happy that the changeover – although tedious and time-consuming – was successful. Re-subscribe (if you haven’t already) to the right, and come back soon to see the changes.
– Dana
I’ve purchased the domain and am awaiting activation of the new location for this blog.
As you know, blogger’s blasting adult content blogs, so I’m in the process of moving over to a new URL. Soon as I get it all plugged in, the new location for my blog will be:
Cross your fingers for me, as I’m not certain that all of the current blog content will transfer over smoothly, and I’m hoping that it doesn’t all get lost or totally scrambled in the move.
One way or another, the blog will continue at the above address just as soon as it’s all in place.
Thanks for all the encouraging comments and emails on this Blogger mess – you all rock.
– Dana
This may be old news to many, as I am WAY behind on the popular television front, but I’ve found a new favorite television show recently and a few nights ago watched – tickled! – as Sheldon spanked Amy on Big Bang Theory. (Season 6 Epidode 10)
I’m always excited to see spanking in ‘the mainstream’, and no matter how many times I watch episodes of The Office I still get butterflies every time someone says ‘discipline’, or when Michael Scott spanks his nephew for poor professionalism in the workplace.
I accidentally saw an episode of Big Bang Theory in a hotel room someplace, and enjoyed the intelligence, nerdiness, and lack-of-general-meanness in the storyline. So, coming home, I endeavored to find and watch the series – which I have. The Sheldon character is a physicist, genius, and short on social skills; Amy is his scientist girlfriend, played by Mayim Bialik (Blossom).
In this episode, Amy has pretended to be sick in order to get some attention from Sheldon. When he finds out, he uses his totally logical brain to come up with the best possible solution for Amy’s bad behavior :
While I’ve enjoyed Twitter quite a lot, it’s time to shut down my @danakanespanks account.
Many of my followers are friends and playmates, and we do have a whole bunch of fun, but..
It’s become glaringly obvious that folks think it’s socially acceptable to harass, force acceptable boundaries, and behave in a generally not-cool manner on social media platforms. This has caused me to close my Facebook and FetLife profiles this year, also, and removing Twitter will be my final strike against the aggravation inherent to social media and the people who abuse access to another’s attentions.
It’s a damn shame, really. I’ll keep the account up for another few days/weeks, but I believe that there’s very little redeeming value, for me, in remaining any longer.
You’ll still find my blog (once I’ve made the platform change) and video website, and are welcome to email anytime at
I’ve just received a notice that all Adult Content blogs will be removed from this platform, beginning THIS SUNDAY.
I’m going to transfer the blog to another domain/server asap, and will let you all know where it may be found, once I’ve made the move.
(Blogger: You suck)
ACROSS | |||
6 | Stand Corrected Editor | ||
9 | CHoS makes us all laugh. | ||
12 | Therapist-Author-Spanker | ||
13 | This Brit is part heaven, part hell. | ||
14 | They ALL enjoy CP. | ||
15 | Hot Redhead Video Switch | ||
DOWN | |||
1 | She Assumes the Position. | ||
2 | Hardest Hand Spanking | ||
3 | Recently voted one of the best spanko blogs. | ||
4 | A ‘sweet-smelling’ author | ||
5 | Delco Spanko Founder | ||
7 | Has a Wicked Stepmother | ||
8 | She’s more than a 9. | ||
10 | She keeps Minneapolis in line. | ||
11 | 90’s Video Blonde Bombshell |
It seems that, through the imagination, spankings can happen anywhere – in another excellent reader submitted story, ‘Falling to Grace’ shows us what could happen when even ‘crossing over’ can’t save you from a hard hairbrushing. Enjoy!
– Dana
By Anthony
He was standing before her as naked as Adam, squinting into her face. She was seated, and with the white silk gown draped over her feet, he couldn’t see if she wore shoes. If so, he knew they were the most brilliant of silver pumps.
She had dispensed with the wings, and that accentuated her pale, long arms. Oddly, those arms were mismatched, with the left arm much larger in diameter. This asymmetry struck him as strange, especially here. She also looked familiar.
She patted the left side of her lap several times and without thought he lowered himself slowly over her legs, settling his nakedness onto the silky fabric covering his thighs.
“If you’re wondering,” she said, “there is no He around here. We take care of everything.” Her voice was close to his ear, low and engaging.
From his position over her lap, he and the floor were bathed in the illumination from her halo. A mother of pearl hairbrush, lay within his arm’s reach. He yearned to retrieve it, to feel its heft in his in his hand, to slap his other palm with it, to surrender it to her with delicious hesitation. But he was scared.
“Of course we all spank here,” she said, caressing his naked bottom. “Just some harder than others.”
“How much will it hurt?” he asked. His body was responding to the feel of her thighs, the smooth hands on his flesh.
“I should think a great deal,” she said. “You won’t be sorry.”
She started slapping his bottom gently, glancing blows that warmed and teased him. Her palm struck where his legs met the curve of his bottom and she slowly worked her way up that arc, eventually connecting with more force on the fullness of his cheeks.
His hands had lowered to the floor, helping him balance. Now she took one of his hands and brought it behind his back, spanking harder for awhile. Then she paused. It took him a second to realize the sensation had stopped. She slipped something flat and cool into his hand.
He brought the object around so that he could look at it. An Android tablet?
“You don’t use…I mean I thought here of all places…” he started to ask.
He heard her laugh deeply.
“He was an absolute genius but so straight-laced it hurts me to think.”
The tablet was displaying a YouTube page and when he saw the particular video, his stomach somersaulted.
“It ends about 1:42 or so,” she said. “Well, it and you.” She laughed.
But he was sidetracked now, staring at the screen, how he’d looked on the edge of the cliff, before he’d jumped.
She had to slap his already sore bottom several times hard before he pushed the play button.
He had really looked good, hadn’t he!
“There you are in your cute wingsuit,” she said. “Falling out of the blue sky, a lone beautiful bird. So magnificent I daresay it reminds me of my earlier days.”
“Picking up speed as you swoop down, down, down. Hurtling toward the hole in the rock face. There’s nothing else like flying! They know…you know…it’s certain death if you miss the hole. But you have the parachute on your back and safety is the most likely outcome.”
She started spanking him again as he watched. “There’s no way you could miss the hole is there? No reason for that…”
He was transfixed as the video merged with his memory. Outside his body, watching, he was feeling the elation of the flight in every nerve, the precision in his trajectory born out of the most minute changes in the wingsuit.
The video played on and he almost forgot his burning bottom and the fire of her hand. As he flew closer and closer to the hole, it gained in size and the video transitioned to slow motion.
“There,” she said. “Stop it there.”
He had approached the hole dead center with plenty of room on all sides, until this very moment, where a variation had pitched him slightly off course.
“Miscalculation” he said. “At that speed there’s no room for error.”
“No,” she said. “No miscalculation. Do you want me to stop spanking you?”
He felt her hand pause and he sighed, then muttered something.
“I didn’t catch that.”
“No, please!” he said. “Butt wiggle. It was butt wiggle. Keep spanking!”
“Ah,” she slapped his bottom once in punctuation, then again and again. “Butt wiggle. I thought maybe. Replay that.”
He rewound the video and played it over.
“It’s so clear isn’t it,” she said. “You were perfect, absolutely perfect, *until* you wiggled your bottom the tiniest of a millimeter. Practically invisible in the wingsuit. The aerodynamics changed just a teentsy. But at 69.3 meters a second, it doesn’t take much does it? And you knew that.”
He remained quiet.
“Well,” she said, “we really don’t need to see much more. Suffice it to say that what happened got you twice as many views as a success would have.”
“Plus,” she added, “you’re here.”
She grasped his hair lightly and her lips felt almost in his ear. “Be careful in the future – if you go to the Other Place, it’s an eternal timeout. In fact, there’s a bored guy in the corner there because he jumped semis on a motorcycle too successfully.”
He moaned. It was time. They both knew it.
Still over her lap, he swung his arm back and returned the tablet, the screen dark now. Then he reached down slowly and picked up the hairbrush. He held it for a moment, drawing it slowly down the side of his face, feeling the coolness as he slid the back of it past his temple, over his jaw, past his chin. So flat. So hard. So smooth. He gently passed it to her.
“You may not remember,” she said, “but this isn’t the first time you’ve been here. Oh no, not by a stretch.”
She laughed. “To this day, they still talk about a certain young man as a myth. They say that in this myth he flew too close to the sun and the wax wings he wore melted and plunged him into the sea.”
“We know better don’t we? I wonder what maneuver brought you closer to the sun. Close enough to melt the wings.”
He smiled and laughed, and together they said “butt wiggle”.
“The thing that you *do* forget every time,” she said, “besides your sordid, naughty history, is that the spanking is cumulative.”
“So I’ll be spanking you not only for your latest collision with the rock face, but for the melted wings, and everything in between. With this heavenly hairbrush!”
She brought the brush down on his bottom and he gasped.
“It’s mostly fun right now,” she said in a happy, menacing voice, spanking him again, “but your bottom will remember this for a long time even if you don’t”.
“And the thought of it may cause a twinge down there, a wiggle if you will.” She laughed.
“Then you’ll be back seeing old Grace again. I guarantee it!”
The summer is finally upon us, and I’ll be heading to a few of my favorite cities in the next couple months. Since it’s finally ‘not cold’ just about everywhere, my friends and playmates should be happy to find me much less cranky about the weather – which means that your spankings will hurt just as much, but I’ll be laughing harder while you get them.
– Dana
June 2013:
25 St. Louis, MO
26-27 Albany, NY
July 2013:
9 Denver, CO
10 Kansas City, MO
30-31 New York City
August 2013:
1-3 Toronto, ON
19 Atlanta, GA
20-21 Charlotte, NC
My friend ‘Mooski’ visited from England recently and we had several hours of spanking fun and caching up to do in the year-plus since I’d seen him last. Mooski’s a longtime spanko and very conditioned and tolerant bottom, and he’s tested the patience of many London area tops including Lucinda Simon, Cruel Christine, and Cecilia Prim.
You see, Mooski is a Lovable Brat. (Lovable Brat for me is defined as someone who misbehaves to varying degrees but is also, eventually, occasionally, tameable – and always respectful, as it’s hard to love something which can never be handled without caution.) He gets up to a lot of silliness with his top friends, myself included, and we (mostly) enjoy his banter and intelligent/biting humor, but in the end he’s simply an awful lot of fun to have around.
However. He’s still a brat.
I thought that it would be fun, since he utilizes social media so much in his joyous top-bugging, to give him a dose of his own medicine – I made him live tweet his discipline on Twitter.
In order to fully appreciate the feed, you’ll have to scroll to the bottom of the post and read the postings in their original order – bottom to top.
I laid out ten implements (plus three extra for the bonus round), a Dana Kane poker chip to flip, and a pair of fuzzy dice. I told Mooski that we were about to begin and he was to tweet the basics of the game: He rolls the two dice for the number of strokes for the implement I’ve chosen. Then he flips the coin: heads = the number on the dice; tails = double the number. After each set of strokes, he must tweet ‘thank you miss, may I have another”.
Following the initial ten sets, there was the bonus round. Mooski was given two minutes, with the help of his Twitter followers to choose the implement for one final roll/flip: a) My friend Robin’s handmade oak paddle which resembles a slightly smaller version of a boat oar; b) a rubber tire tread strap recently gifted me by a very lovely couple; c) a stiff, new barber strop. Running out of time, Mooski chose the huge wooden paddle…and loved it!
He’s a tough boy, and sweet as he can be….and SO very game to allow us to share his discipline with, well, the world. (Thanks Mooski…you’re the best! oxxo)
(Remember, scroll to the bottom and read your way back to the top.)
— Dana
A few weeks ago, Angel and I shot this fun video and she’s shared it on her blog at :
To go directly to the video :
As promised, here’s the first go at ‘Distractions’. I found a fun crossword-making program so the whole endeavor didn’t take more than an hour. If you have fun with this, I’ll make more.
(Note: I’d print it if I were you. Dry erase on your keyboard may be a problem.)
– Dana
Afterthought: It may be fun to post photos of some finished puzzles, so if you decide to give it a whirl email me a picture of your work, at
One of the conversations which I have with many of my spanko friends and playmates seems an inevitable one : When did we ‘find’ spanking?
Not when did we discover our interest/fascination/obsession, but when did we find the larger spanko community?
For many, their Hide and Seek brought them, in the early days, to NuWest, Lupus, and Shadow Lane. Stand Corrected seems to be the catalyst to many spankos of that generation, being their first tangible evidence that other spankos in fact existed. Most point to classfied ads in the backs of kinky magazines and big city newspapers as the key to their finding these early treasure troves of spanko connectivity, and many in the Northeast remember Times Square as a place where sex, kink, and fetish could once be found in abundance. (I know of at least one place left in Times Square, by the way, where spanking materials may still be purchased, via a friend who has firsthand knowledge, although I’ve not visited. Yet.)
The younger generation have had the advantage of the internet to connect them to others who share their interests, so I’m sure that the path wasn’t quite as long or rocky, but I’m still interested in your first exposures to the greater spanking world – whether it was a website, magazine, or (as I’ve heard several times as well) a naughty story in Playboy or Penthouse Forum magazines.
We all Hid, but we also all Sought, and we all Found.
For me, it was simple and somewhat shocking. After moving to Los Angeles from my teeny Texas town, I was gobsmacked by the enormity of the general BDSM scene. Although it took a while to weed the spankos out of the wider community, it became immediately obvious to me that geography means everything when it comes to fetish. If you’re in a rural area, your chances for contact with other spankos is drastically diminished, even with the internet at our disposal, and the feeling of isolation is increased. From that side of the experience spectrum, I observed that folks in the Big City appeared to have many more opportunities, much earlier, for freedom of exploration.
I’m still coming to terms with the apparent teeming masses of spanking fetishists on the planet, and I think we’ve still only scratched the surface of ‘out’ spankos – many more in than out.
I wonder when and where they’ll find us?
– Dana
Since I’ve started this blog, I’ve given all kinds of things away. DVDs, lots of spankings, implements, and now site memberships. Some contests garner more participation than others, the story writing contests usually being the most popular.
The writing contests will continue, and I’ll try and find other amusing ways to give things away, but I’ve also decided to start posting up games, puzzles, and other fun things which I’ll call ‘Spanko Distractions’. The surveys will be in this category, too, and I have several ideas for ways to waste your time, simply for the hell of it. The first Distraction is coming in just a few days!
Thank you all for your continued input and participation in the blog and all the things we get up to here. I hope you’re still having as much fun as I am.
– Dana
After much programming ado, I am happy to announce that the DVD store feature on is finally up, running, and ready for orders. (This has been no small miracle, and I’m grateful to my webmaster, Alan, at for all his help and dedication.)
In addition to the previously-available DVD titles, I’ve also added two new ones:
What does it mean when we say that we have something ‘in common’? For example: spanking.
Many of us have spanking in common, right?
But how many of our preferences are the same? Maybe you prefer to be spanked, while I prefer giving spankings. Perhaps you have a preference for leather implements while the next person has a preference for wood.
So you and I both enjoy roleplay, let’s say. We have that in common. But you enjoy strict, domineering characters while I tend to prefer a firm yet loving demeanor.
Many who enjoy spanking play consider it an outright sexual turn-on, while just as many others (I believe) are not interested in incorporating sexual aspects into spanking.
A specific example: I love giving ‘good girl’ spankings. I also enjoy spanking just for the sake of spanking. My girl Angel, however, doesn’t quite compute the good girl spanking – her preference is for maintenance or disciplinary-type spankings. While we do, indeed, find many places to come together – as Angel receives a LOT of spankings – our specific tastes do not necessarily align in every area.
The point is that they don’t have to. My specific interests in the intricacies of the fetish do not have to be yours, and vice-versa (viva la difference and all that, doncha know?). There will still likely be many things on which we do agree, and we can chalk up those instances where we don’t to personal tastes. Whether within personal relationships or the broader spanking enthusiast community (as it were), a little open-mindedness goes a very, very long way.
I will not go so far as to suggest a group hug, but will say that I am always inspired when I see spankos coming together and sharing ideas with an open mind, for the common good of the community.
– Dana
PS. Speaking of ‘common good’ – the Boardwalk Badness Weekend party is quickly approaching, and I am about as ready as a first-timer can be! I’ll be seeing lots of friends and meeting even more online ‘friends’ for the first time, as well as participating in a couple of fun activities. It’s going to be a WHOLE lot of excitement and I’ll be sure to share some of the details after.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all four excellent chapters from our winning writer in the ‘School Daze’ spanking story contest. (Now get ready for your ‘prize’!) Here’s number four:
The new junior professor was brilliant and talented. But every bit of her promise was matched by inappropriate behavior. John Lewis tipped back in his chair, hands laced behind his head. This girl was bratting him in hopes of being spanked! That would not do.
He leaned forward and dialed the phone. “Mrs. Thomas? … Yes, John Lewis here…” He hung up the phone and smiled. This girl would not be bratting for a spanking after Mrs. Thomas finished with her.
As she neared the end of the long corridor, the slim dark-haired woman did a double take as she recognized a familiar face. Still, she greeted the woman cordially. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Thomas.”
The older woman grunted her response, “Good day, missy.” She was possessed of a mind with a solitary purpose: administering a hard spanking to a deserving young woman. Still, as she passed the more attractive woman, she turned hopefully to size up the woman walking away. The woman was conservatively dressed in a dark skirt and jacket. Her skirt was neither too tight nor short. Pity that, thought Mrs. Thomas.
The two women disciplinarians were a study in contrasts. Rebecca’s disciplinarian was slender and attractive, cool and professional, well-dressed and elegant, firm but caring. Mrs. Thomas, on the other hand, was her complete opposite. Although her role was that of a disciplinarian, her path to discipline was markedly different from the attractive raven-haired woman and her appearance spoke volumes about her philosophies. She was a large and unattractive woman, her manner of dress was shapeless and dated, and she was as hard and harsh as she looked. She was an unforgiving and strict disciplinarian, and she firmly practiced “Spare the rod, spoil the adult”. She had been raised in a private girls’ school where old style discipline was practiced religiously, and she carried on those traditions with the conflicted and humorless approach of those who had taught her. Mrs. Thomas only took on young ladies for her ministrations.
Professor Duncan knocked loudly on the door of the office. “Hello‼” she called out in a loud voice that demanded attention, and she pushed open the door. Mrs. Thomas did not like loud noises nor did she like pushy young women. This woman irritated her, sight unseen.
Amy Duncan was a petite red-head with wide green eyes. She was a natural beauty and her feminine form was well toned and equally attractive. Unmoved by her beauty, Mrs. Thomas sized her up and came to a quick judgment: short skirt, loose woman. Mrs. Thomas was certain that short skirts were The Devil’s path to immoral behavior and her favorite thing to do was punish women who wore immodest skirts. The length of Amy Duncan’s skirt was inappropriate for a professor. Or any woman of good moral character, thought Mrs. Thomas.
This woman was missing a modest skirt and Mrs. Thomas would set that to right in short order.
Mrs. Thomas regarded the attractive woman with beady eyes. She wasted no time in getting to the seat of the matter. “Good day, Miss Duncan. That skirt is much too short, don’t you think?”
Amy Duncan recoiled in surprise. Amy Duncan immediately challenged her back with unconcealed sarcasm. “Noooooooo,” she simpered, “I do NOT think it is ‘much too short,'” she ended in a lightly mocking tone and she rolled her eyes as she put her hands on her narrow hips. Who was this bitter crone, anyhow, she thought, a wave of annoyance passing across her face that did not go unnoticed by the woman watching her.
Mrs. Thomas stepped out from behind the large desk and made a beeline, straight to the young woman. She laced her fingers through Amy’s red hair, and half dragged, half pushed the surprised woman towards the desk. “Have you lost all sense of decorum, Ms. Duncan? Or perhaps you were not instructed as to what you should expect from this meeting,” she seethed. “I am Mrs. Thomas, and I am your disciplinarian. You have been assigned to me for attention. That smart talk of yours ends. NOW.”
Her hand still meshed in a tangle of red hair, Mrs. Thomas toppled the young professor forward over the desk, pinning her down with a hand to the small of her back. Amy Duncan gasped in outrage: she did not yet realize the peril she faced.
“You are missing a skirt of inappropriate length for your professional assignment. The one you are wearing is entirely too short, young lady. Very immodest, indeed, and a poor example for the students. It distracts the men around you, as well. You will find an appropriate length skirt when I am done with you, to be sure.”
Indeed, the skirt was very immodest, Mrs. Thomas noticed with a bit of triumphant satisfaction as she stared at the woman bent forward over the desk. Amy’s pink lace-edged panties were peeking out from beneath the hem of her skirt. The pretty panties did not fully cover her lower cheeks, which peeked out appealingly. Mrs. Thomas had ways of dealing with short hems and she was starting to like Amy for all the wrong reasons.
“You can’t do this to me! I am a professor at this school, who do you think you are? This is an outrage! I will not tolerate this one minute more!” Amy hollered.
Mrs. Thomas released her hold on the woman; Amy knew it would be trouble to rise. “Is that so, Ms. Duncan?” Mrs. Thomas produced Amy’s discipline notice. She read it aloud, then pushed it under Amy’s face. “Discipline or termination, Ms. Duncan.” A sigh escaped Amy as she signed the paper unhappily, still splayed awkwardly over the desk.
Mrs. Thomas snatched the signed notice away. A spanking it would be.
She stepped behind the young woman, admiring the tiny tight bottom before her. Pacing slowly back and forth, behind the girl, she addressed her coldly. “In my day, a lady wore her skirt past her knees, Ms. Duncan, a proper length for a lady. Bent over, a lady’s skirt would keep her modestly protected, showing no more thigh than…” she stopped behind the hapless Amy, and drew a line a hands-breadth above her knee with a finger, “THIS.”
She resumed her pacing and lecturing. “You, on the other hand… you are not covered properly. You are attracting all the wrong kind of attention and I aim to correct that.” For one thing, Amy’s short skirt was attracting the attention of Mrs. Thomas and her paddle. She picked up a thin paddle from the bookshelf and approached the girl. The paddle was deceptive: it was a small and light child’s game paddle, and it looked easy to bear but nothing could be further from the truth when held within the strict clutch of this spanker.
“Together, we are going to make note of the proper skirt length. Anything that should be covered but is not? I am going to spank it with this little paddle, just like this.” She tapped the paddle rapidly against her palm.
She smoothed her palm along Amy’s thighs…”Here. These thighs should be covered, from here to here…” Her hand painted the backs of Amy’s exposed thighs, then stopped at the little bubbles of butt bursting out from under her panties. She patted the exposed bottom cheeks, just a little too long. “…and these naughty little cheeks will get a good spanking, too… So you will never, ever, forget to keep them covered.”
Amy’s heart flipped over in her chest. This spanking sounded painful, unlike the naughty ones her boyfriend gave, or loving ones, like the ones she had received back home. She thought briefly about Dr. Lewis, and fervently wished that he was the person about to spank her bottom. Dr. Lewis was stern and imposing, but he had a kindness about him.
“Then, I am going to flip up your skirt and paddle you on the seat of your panties. When I get done, you will find appropriate skirts in the future.” Mrs. Thomas announced. She stepped up to Amy, pulling her tightly across her powerful thigh, pinning the young professor’s inner arm against her bulk, then wrapped her arm around the girl, trapping her outside wrist in the process. “For your own protection, my dear. I’d hate to paddle those pretty little fingers. That might hurt.”
Amy squirmed uncomfortably. She liked spankings for sure, and she had, indeed, been craving one…. up till now. This did not sound like fun at all, it scared her. She had never been paddled before. That certainly wasn’t anything she had considered as a possibility when she signed the damning slip of white paper. The color drained from her face. She was trapped against this hard woman’s muscular leg and held firmly in place. She twisted a bit, trying to see if there was any give to the woman’s hold on her. There was none. The woman noticed her actions, and in response, pulled Amy up even tighter, then slid her other leg across the much smaller woman’s ankles. “You won’t be going anywhere for some time, dear,” she adjusted the paddle in her hand, “because I am going to devil your behind.”
With no further words or even a warning tap, Mrs. Thomas began spanking the redhead. She focused her attention only on Amy’s right thigh, and she spanked fast using short, light strokes. The strokes were light but the pace was immediately intolerable to the girl. The spanker did not let up. Up and down the rapidly reddening thigh, she slapped the paddle again and again on the writhing girl until her thigh was thoroughly painted red. She moved up to the edge of pink lace and the bubble peeking out. “This naughty bottom will be properly covered next time I see you, Ms. Duncan,” she announced. The miserable red head did not hear over the sound of her own shrieking.
When Mrs. Thomas paused, the bottom of Amy’s butt was puffy and swollen and her thigh was scarlet. But only the right. Mrs. Thomas set herself to rectifying that, spanking the agonized young professor anew, doing the same to the left as she’d done to the right. She briskly slapped away, keeping her pace of rapid, stinging strokes. Amy had cried immediately, her crying broken only by shrieking or screeching. Amy bucked violently in futility; the woman held her securely and there was no deterring her. Broken, Amy finally gave up her fight as the bottom of her bottom was spanked again and again.
Once the left side was evenly paired with its flaming red counterpart, Mrs. Thomas stopped swinging but she did not release the exhausted crying woman. Amy tried but failed to catch her breath between noisy sobs as the woman resumed speaking.
“This naughty bottom will be properly covered next time I see you, Ms. Duncan, are we clear? You will find an appropriate skirt, yes?”
Amy sobbed out a loud “Yes!” her voice catching, hoping for some mercy and an end to her hellish workout. “Please, oh, please, oh please, oh please, Mrs. Thomas, I have learned my lesson, please stop oh stop oh stop spanking me…I promise…I promise…” She dissolved in tears and gibberish as fire coursed through her backside. The bottom of her bottom had taken the worst of the spanking, and Amy felt sure it was raw. Her arms held fast, she could only dream of putting her hands back to smother the fire behind her.
Just wait until I raise that skirt, thought Mrs. Thomas, then she will truly know God. Mrs. Thomas flipped the paddle backwards in her hand. She poked a coarse finger beneath the elastic of the pretty pink panties, pinched it with her thumb, pulled it out and down, then let it snap back into place. Amy winced and gasped as the elastic bit into her puffy bottom. Such pretty panties, thought the spanker. She snapped the elastic on the other side, and Amy winced again, sobbing. The older woman flipped the short skirt up. The filmy panties were practically transparent, and she could see the cleft separating Amy’s buttocks quite clearly. Those nearly naked buns were dressed for a spanking, Mrs. Thomas thought. She smiled, relishing the sight, knowing the panties would provide no protection at all from the paddling the milky white bottom was about to get.
Mrs. Thomas loved the site of a tender swollen bottom, and she enjoyed seeing women buck and cry and burn beneath her hand. The red head’s fair spanked skin colored up into a fierce deep red, and Mrs. Thomas was pleased at the prospect of broiling the white canvas before her. She admired the curves. They were indeed, naughty, and put there by the Devil himself, she thought.
“Ms. Duncan, I told you I was going to paddle your panties, and I am determined to blister that wanton little bottom of yours. That short skirt, and these slutty panties? We cannot have a teacher on this campus, dressed like a slut. Your trashy, trampy behavior ends today. I will teach you some modesty if it takes me all day,” the hard woman lectured.
Amy blushed deeply. Her skirt was cute, she thought, ok, maybe too short for school. She could see that point now: her wardrobe WAS missing skirts of appropriate length. But calling her a slut? Amy Duncan was still a virgin. Humiliation washed over her in waves and she cried harder.
Humiliation was about to be the least of her concerns. Mrs. Thomas was a spanking machine and she liked spanking her girls soundly until they couldn’t sit comfortably. “We are just getting started, my dear. I mean to drive The Devil out of you with a fire to match his own.” Mrs. Thomas sat on the desk and pulled the girl onto her leg and pinned her securely. With the same lightning fast stroke she’d used before, she set to work torching the petite, panty clad bottom.
This spanking hurt unbearably.
Still, Amy Duncan would not be bruised up in any way that would prevent her from getting spanked again, exactly the same way, next Thursday.
Or any day before then, should she dare show up to work sans an appropriate skirt again.
Amy Duncan sat on the hard student chair, bawling openly. Completely broken down, she was way past the point of glowering at the woman who had just punished her. She could only sit there, on her well roasted rump, and cry. To complete her humiliation, Mrs. Thomas had lowered the pink panties then rapidly paddled the small sit spot, over and over again. That had been the worst of all. Amy had screeched and howled and struggled mightily but she was held fast by the powerful woman. The searing fire in Amy’s backside made it clear that Mrs. Thomas especially liked spanking girls where it hurt most: where the buttocks met thighs and that little spot in the center.
After the fiery spanking, Amy’d been put in a corner to stand, skirt up, panties down, with her scorched bare bottom on display for several long minutes. As much as she wanted to rub the sting away, Amy didn’t dare. Amy was sure this harsh woman had eyes in the back of her head, and she had threatened to start the spanking all over again if Amy so much as touched herself once. Amy was sure she meant it. She had not taken the first spanking well at all, and did not want another.
Amy’s whole rear was blazing red, and the impressive swelling at the bottom of her cheeks made lowering herself onto the chair an ordeal. She settled gingerly onto the wooden seat with her skirt still up and her panties still down, facing the timer which worked its way, slowly, down.
Amy Duncan did not think she liked spankings any more.
The bell rang loudly, jangling Amy’s fractured nerves. Her ordeal in the chair was nearing an end.
“Professor Duncan. You will find skirts of appropriate length to wear, immediately,” Mrs. Thomas intoned as she held up an ugly dark skirt. It was a baggy sack of heavy material, and it was long enough to cover part of Professor Duncan’s calves and wide enough to fit two of the petite professor. “I will be back to check your skirt length daily, young lady, and when I bend you over, I expect to see you covered… from where?” she asked the sobbing woman.
With a shaking finger, Amy Duncan drew a line across the back of her thigh, a hands breadth above the knee.
Satisfied, the woman grunted and roughly thrust the ugly garment into the punished professor’s sack. “We’ll see whether you learned your lesson tomorrow. You will report here, to me, at 4:00 pm precisely. Those thighs had better be covered or you can expect another spanking, exactly like the one you just got. For now, you can walk around with that bright red bottom on display in case anyone else has any foolish ideas about how a woman should dress. You are dismissed.”
With a grim smile, Mrs. Thomas realized the girl would have to walk past the department chairman’s office. He would appreciate knowing that the little professor would no longer be distracting him with her hussy behavior. She picked up the phone.
The professor was still crying as she stumbled out of the door, her skirt still half up. Tears blinded her as she snuffled and shuffled down the hall. Her walk was stiff and anybody who saw her would know exactly why, especially the teaching staff. And especially Dr. Lewis.
Amy Duncan rubbed her bottom as she hobbled along, desperately trying, but failing, to erase the burn. She was oblivious and well past caring what anyone thought. All she could think about was her flaming red backside.
College was a lot harder when you were the teacher, she thought.
Well, they’ve gone and done it now.
Caneiac’s made a new implement – conveyor belt material encased in rubber – called The Curse of Dana. And yes, it’s pretty darned evil.
The compliant boy featured in this video is a very heavy bottom, and most will find this implement particularly hard to handle. I, however, didn’t feel a thing.
For more preview photos, scene descriptions, and download links, click the Title links above, or visit:
Looking back on the totality of this blog, I’ve become even more aware of the talent shown in many of the spanking stories you have submitted. Rereading many of them, I’m again amazed at the sheer volume and quality of original spanking fiction that’s passed through the blog, from a lot of really dedicated writers.
So I’m tossing around an idea for a large compilation – an ebook – of great spanking stories.
The book would be a mix of reader-submitted stories and requested new writings from some of my favorite spanking authors.
What do you think, readers? Can the world handle another spanking ebook? I’d love your opinions on content, viability, and design. Especially if you’re a fan of spanking fiction – what draws you to the genre? And what story aspects do you consider integral?
Also, which stories already posted here are your favorites, and why?
– Dana
Anastasia Vinsky publishes a blog called governing ana, at
While Ana’s blog writings are now offline – as she’s been offered a book deal for her work – she is now hosting other writers of published F/M spanking fiction on her blogsite on select Mondays.
The feature is called ‘Fika’ (see Ana’s blog for the definition – it’s fun!), and the first installment is called ‘Celeste Jones on eBooks for Newbies’.
If you’re interested in being featured on Anastasia’s Fika Monday’s, send an introductory email to Ana, at:
While I should likely be hard at work on some more interesting blog post, video editing project, or email back-up, my mind is still on east coast time and there’s not much brilliance sparking upstairs this very early Las Vegas morning.
Since it’s nearly my birthday, I think I’ll allow myself a few minutes of mindless self-involvement – although it should be noted that I have been asked about my height and musical preferences more often than not.
So here’s one of those “Things you don’t know about me” things…
1. I am 5’8″ tall. (This comes as a surprise to many of my playmates upon our first meeting, and I’m not sure why. Do I look short?)
2. I wear a size 8 shoe.
3. Jeans and sneakers are my preferred everyday wardrobe.
4. While most of them are usually covered, I have a LOT of tattoos – and I love every single one of them.
5. I am the crazy cat lady.
6. Good books make me very happy. I’ve avoided the Kindle craze thus far, as printed pages are a large part of the joy of reading for me.
7. I’m from Texas. Ya’ll.
8. I usually cut my own hair. That’s why it looks the way it does. Ha!
9. Believe it or not, I absolutely HATE to fly.
10. I don’t wake up well.
11. Talking on the telephone is not on my list of favorite things to do.
12. I love to sing, although I am decidedly not good at it. Most all music has the capacity to charm me.
13. I also love to dance. (See above)
14. Shopping malls make me claustrophobic.
15. Most embarrassingly, I buy People magazine nearly every week.
Now, back to spanking…
– Dana
Now, go off and write a great, original spanking story, including all the details above – and use your imagination!
As is custom, the winning author will receive a spanking session with me – his or her ‘prize’.
The winner will be announced at the end of the month, and all qualifying story entries posted throughout the month of November for your reading pleasure.
And remember, Good Boys and Girls follow The Rules:
* NO references to characters under 18 years of age.
*NO overtly sexual situations or foul language.
Spanking scenes may be of any genre – F/M, F/F, M/F, M/M, etc.
Feel free to include as many or as few additional characters as you like, so long as the primary characters and characteristics are there.
By entering the contest, you agree to allow me to share, edit/excerpt your story, here and in other publishing platforms.
Send your entry to
Good writing, and Good luck!
– Dana
“They are passing, posthaste, posthaste, the gliding years – to use a soul-rending Horatian inflection. The years are passing, my dear, and presently nobody will know what you and I know.” – Vladimir Nabokov
October is my birthday month, and this year I am turning forty.
Surprisingly, I do not find this even remotely intimidating (although forty-one may bring on a whole other group of emotions), and am looking forward to the myriad interesting things which the world and my body have in store for me in this second half of life.
This year, like every other, I am grateful for my (ever-so-small but fierce) family, and for my iron ring of loving and thoroughly-loved friends. I am also grateful every day for the wonderful playmates I’ve made through the years, and for all the cool and intelligent people with whom I have had the pleasure of communicating online and through this blog. You all enrich my life in ways that I cannot properly express.
Thus far, this blog contains somewhere around 390 posts, over 100 original, reader-submitted spanking stories, nearly a dozen writing and photo contests, and many thousand of my own spanking-centered, rambling words.
I hope that each of you, kind enough to spend a little time participating in this blog, is aware of my genuine affection for you, and my gratitude. Thank you all.
– Dana
If you are interested in celebrating the impending birthday of a quite-possibly-virtual stranger, I humbly suggest the following two options, in order of importance:
Donate to Foreclosed Upon Pets, a Las Vegas animal rescue organization committed to saving the thousands of pets that are being abandoned in Las Vegas when homeowners lose their mortgages. These people are doing absolutely amazing work. (Or donate to your local animal charity instead.)
Or, peruse my Amazon wish list.
As severe as The Very Bad Boy’s delrin punishment may have been, within just a couple hours he was asking for more. And just when you might be thinking that I am too severe…his Wonderful Wife takes over and administers quite a hard spanking on his somewhat unmarked right cheek (since the left was out of commission) with wooden implements and even more delrin! Then she invites me back in to help her finish off the VBB’s bottom – again.
Of course, with this level of silliness on his part, we had to film it. And we had to share it with you. Believe it or not…he ASKED for this.
We all had a whole lot of fun, in spite of the somewhat serious infractions on his part, and we all hope you enjoy watching the videos.
– Dana
Since the ‘Pic Your Bum’ contest generated several fun photo entries, and many, many votes – let’s have another, shall we?
The winner of the ‘Marital Discipline’ photo contest will receive a Dana Kane Marital Discipline DVD, via US Mail.
* Your photo MUST BE post-spanking. While severe marks are not required (or recommended), some noticeable level of pinkness, at the least, must be visible.
* Self-spanking is allowed, if you are not one of the fortunate few who has a regular spanking playmate.
* Entrants may be of any gender.
*As in the previous ‘Pic Your Bum’ contest, all photo entries must contain a written statement – in this case, ‘Marital Discipline’ or some variation, so that it’s obvious that your entry photo was taken specifically for this contest.
* Be creative! The voting will be done by other blog readers, so use your imagination.
* The contest will last two weeks, after which I will post up the qualifying entries (anonymously, of course). Then readers will be given one week to vote on their favorite photo entry.
Have fun!
– Dana
Here is another fun entry for the ‘Fantasy Island’ Person, Place, and Thing spanking story contest – enjoy!
After Douglas’ death my sexual desires were becoming an obsession. I loved my husband but he was gone and I had desires that needed to fulfill. One of Douglas’ employees was a 26 year old man who I would have fallen for when I was 26 years old. Jonathan was a classical bad boy. He was 5’5″ tall and not very athletic. He was more pretty than handsome. He had risen to a position of power in one of Douglas’ companies and commanded a very high salary.
Alexis is a lawyer who specializes in sexual harassment cases and she was representing on a contingency basis some of my employees. These employees complained about Jonathan’s unwanted sexual advances and his crude remarks. She arranged a meeting with me and presented her case. There was no doubt that our corporation could be liable for his behavior and that litigating the case would be futile so we agreed to a settlement.
Alexis is a 29 year old blond bombshell. She was over 6′ tall and had the firm body of an athlete. She was involved in a relationship with her 25 year old roommate Megan. Alexis didn’t like men and felt that most were pigs who would benefit from the firm hand of a woman. When I assured h. er that Jonathan would be terminated Alexis had a better idea. Jonathan would be given the choice of being terminated or going over my knee for a sound no nonsense spanking followed by a severe caning from her.
I confided to Alexis that I was never spanked and have never spanked; but, I had seen my mother spank my younger brother who was 10 years younger than me and that I always went out of my way to witness his spankings and found them exciting. Alexis told me that she was an expert spanker and that she had promised her young roommate a well deserved spanking when she returned home. Alexis insisted that I accompany her home to witness the paddling.
When we arrived at Alexis’ home her roommate, Megan, greeted us at the door. She was dressed in tight jeans and a loose t-shirt which showed off her lovely figure. Megan was 5’4″ tall with dark brown hair down to her shoulders and dark brown eyes. She looked more like a college coed than a 25 year old. Alexis ordered Megan to put the straight back chair in the middle of the room and to bring the paddle. Alexis took off her suit jacket leaving her dressed in a pencil skirt with a white silk blouse, black stockings, and 6″ heels. She sit in the chair and smoothed her skirt which had risen to expose the tops of her black nylon stockings being stretched by her garters.
When Megan returned she was in tears carrying a wicked looking oval paddle about 1/4″ thick with holes drilled in the business end. As she handed the paddle to Alexis she begged not to be spanked too hard or long and promised to never again use Alexis’ charge card without permission. Alexis told her that she was going to give her a good no nonsense spanking and that when she was finished that Megan would be a well spanked unhappy little girl and that she deserved the spanking she was going to get.
Megan was ordered to Alexis’ right side and Alexis unbuckled and lowered Megan’s jeans exposing Megan’s white nylon panties. As she placed her over her stocking clad knees Alexis adjusted her to her liking so that her bottom was directly across her lap. Alexis proceeded to paddle the kicking girl over her panties as her t-shirt draped over her head and her jeans were kicked off her legs. Alexis paused to remove the t-shirt and then resumed the paddling. Megan’s screaming started in earnest as Alexis lowered her panties down to her knees and told her, “I haven’t ever really started yet”. Another series of spanks landed now alternating cheeks hard and fast. Megan was gasping, squirming, and tears were running down her face as her spanking continued. She was pleading for mercy. Her bottom was bright red and her sobbing was harder, her makeup was streaked and her shoulder length hair was in disarray as she squirmed kicked and howled. When Megan was finally left off of Alexis’ lap she danced and skipped around the room holding her well spanked bottom while wearing only her bra with her panties around her knees.
I was excited at the sight of Megan’s paddling when to my surprise Alexis told me that if I was to give Jonathan a good paddling that I would need to know exactly what a good spanking felt like. I’m 47 years old and this 29 year old beauty was proposing to put me across her lap and paddle me like a 10 year old. I knew that the paddling would be painful but the excitement of going over Alexis’ lap was alluring as I obediently draped myself over her knees and she raised my skirt exposing my stocking tops and lovely tush outlined by my garter belt. I took my spanking no better than Megan but this convinced me that Jonathan needed to learn the same lesson over my knee.
Our plan was to propose to Jonathan that we would go on a business retreat to my island off of the coast of Tahiti and that our attire would be from different decades of the past. When we arrived at my island home Alexis was dressed in a stunning skin tight black dress with a pencil skirt, black nylon stockings, and 6″ heels. I had a green satin gown out of the 30’s skin tight and below my knees with black stockings and heels. Jonathan was dressed in a double breasted pin striped suit out of the 40’s.
When we arrived at the island Alexis did all of the talking and explained to Jonathan his options in her best legal language. He would be paddled by me and be given a severe caning from her with a bamboo walking stick or be terminated. He agreed to be disciplined and signed a waver that she had prepared.
I went first and remembered how painful Alexis’ paddling had been and was determined that Jonathan’s experience across my satin clad lap would be just as painful. He was stripped naked and draped across my green satin clad lap. I told him that naughty boys sometimes need a firm female hand to keep them in line and that the little boy inside you needs a good spanking. I am much stronger than Jonathan and had no trouble turning him over my lap for a good spanking. I spaced about one second between spanks and could hear his squeals and promises to be good, kicking and sobbing, after the first couple of spanks. I felt a strange pleasure and release as I used Alexis’ paddle on his naked bottom. He squirmed over my knee as I watched the red outline of her paddle with the holes in it appear on his bottom. His bottom turned pink and then red and he was kicking like a 10 year old. When I finally left him off of my silken lap he hopped around the room holding his bottom and continuing to cry just as Megan had done. It was the first spanking I had ever given; but, he was as well spanked as Megan had been.
Before he gained his composure Alexis secured his wrists and ankles in leather cuffs and placed a pillow over the back of the straight backed chair that I set on while spanking him. He was then forced over the pillow and his wrist cuffs were fastened to the front legs of the chair and his ankles to the back legs. He was helpless yet comfortable. Alexis and I enjoyed a glass of wine while he gained his composure. Alexis explained to him that she paddled her roommate as hard as he was just paddled for much less serious offensives and that he was now going to be caned the same way lawbreakers are in Singapore. Alexis in her pencil black dress, black stockings, and 6″ heels was stunning as she switched the bamboo cane through the air. He was to receive 6 strokes and after each stroke Alexis waited over a minute for him to calm down before the next stroke was delivered. It took almost 20 minutes to complete his caning. Alexis proved a master. Not one stripe on his bottom crisscrossed another. There was a perfect stair step of stripes covering his bottom. Alexis rubbed ointment on his welts and left him over the chair while we enjoyed another glass of wine.
During the remainder of our week on the island Alexis and I dressed in gorgeous sexual costumes from decades past. Corsets from the turn of the century under our long skirts and dresses, pointed bras under our tight sweaters from the 50’s, and short flapper dresses from the 20’s while Jonathan was allowed no clothing until we were ready to leave. Alexis and I rubbed ointments on his bottom daily and warned him that if there were any more problems at work that he would be brought back here for a severe horsewhipping that he wouldn’t forget.
To my surprise when we returned to the states Jonathan asked me out and we have been dating. I’m not sure if he realizes that since my experiences with Alexis, Megan, and him that the idea of spanking him is exciting and after all I am old enough to be his mother. Its only a matter of time!
The ‘Fantasy Island’ Person, Place, and Thing spanking story contest really got some imaginations going…and here’s a little whodunit for you all, spanking style.
The Very Bad Boy has now received his Delrin punishment. As you know, Angel received hers weeks ago, so it was about time to get VBB’s out of the way, too. I honestly hope that this is the final punishment that either of them receives from me.
He wasn’t allowed to roll the fuzzy dice, as Angel was kind (cruel) enough to leave a dry-erase die that I could write my own chosen numbers on. So, the lowest number of strokes that the VBB could possibly receive from each of my eleven (yes, I found another in the closet) Delrin implements was 12. The highest was 25.
During the entire duration, his Wonderful Wife stood just out of camera range, keeping a close eye on him.
The VBB managed to bite his tongue throughout the ordeal, keeping back his usual bratty talk. This allowed him to slip somewhat sneakily into a very large bottomspace where likely nothing could’ve reached his limits. Much aftercare was provided him immediately afterward.
This is a very hard corporal punishment session. During the last round of strokes – with a particularly evil and painful Delrin cane – skin breaking does occur.
With all this said, it is likely that the punishment will result in somewhat-cooperative behavior on the part of the Very Bad Boy – for at least a day or two.
– Dana
Click the screenshot above to open the picasa video viewer in a new tab.
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Photos courtesy Miss Sarah Gregory. |
‘Carl’s Date’ is a cautionary tale for scheming boys who try to play tricks on strict co-eds. Another fun entry in the ‘Fantasy Island’ Person, Place, and Thing spanking story contest. Enjoy!
– Dana
Carl was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His father made scandalous tons of money during the high tech crest in the 90’s, then got out before the market fell. As a junior at San Diego State University, Carl had it made. He was smart enough to maintain his grades, belonged to the best fraternity and dated the prettiest girls available. Generally, Carl was looking for fun, not relationships, so he never lingered with only one.
One day, at the fraternity house, Carl was bragging to his buddy Andy about his soon-to-be date with Amie. Now Amie was the captain of the women’s soccer team, a serious student, with a body that rivaled any girl on college.
Andy laughed, “Carl, you are way out of your league. Amie will not be impressed with your cash and we all know that your personality won’t get you far.”
Now it is difficult to tell what Carl possessed the most, cash or confidence. He said,” I bet that, in our first date, I’ll make love with Amie easily. Would you want to make it for a thousand?”
“I don’t have that kind of cash, but I’ll tell you what. You put up a thousand. If you win, I’ll be your man servant for the rest of the semester. I’ll wash your clothes and bring you food.” Andy countered.
“It’s a deal!” Carl said.
“How can I be sure of your success?” asked Andy.
Carl immediately began typing on his computer. Immediately twelve pictures appeared on screen. “These are the security cams for my dad’s island home. I will take Amie to go fishing and we will end up here near the end of our date.”
Carl touched one picture, immediately the master bedroom filled the screen. “For better or worse, you will know the outcome of my date.”
The next day, Andy began getting nervous. He strolled by the soccer field and found Amie. Andy spilled the beans. He told Amie about the bet and the cameras. She smiled and told Andy, “When we set sail, get all of your fraternity brothers, their dates, and see if you can invite most of Carl’s previous dates to a viewing party. I will give you a show Carl will never expect.”
Early Saturday morning Carl picked up Amie. “I’ve have my dad’s boat fueled up for a day fishing. We can have dinner at our own island. You’re going to love it!”
Usually this was enough to seal the deal for some of the dates Carl had been on. When they arrived to Carl’s thirty six foot Hatteras, Amie seemed impressed. ”Oh Carl, this is as nice as most fishing boats I’ve been on. I hope you know where we can find all the fish.”
As Carl eased the boat out of her slip, into the bay, he said, “I’ve usually had good luck catching what I go after.” He broke out a cooler full of cold beer.
“I know,” said Amie, “let’s make a bet, you know, for the largest fish caught. I can’t compete with you for money, but maybe we can find something to wager,”
“What did you have in mind?” asked Carl.
“Tell you what; we will weigh each catches, whoever catches the most pounds, may spank the loser. One whack per pound.” Amie smiled.
“Agreed!” Carl leapt at the chance to spank Amie’s perfect behind.
As the morning passed they began fishing. The beer flowed and Carl had three healthy fish that totaled eighteen pounds. Amie was beginning to worry when suddenly her line began flying off her reel.
“That’s a big one!” shouted Carl, “Do you need help?”
“I’m fine. I can’t trust you with this fish. Your butt is doomed when I land this one” she replied.
As it turned out, truer words were never spoken. Amie pulled in a huge tuna! After it was in the boat, Carl began turning toward his island. The bet worried him, but the other bet was still to win. He pulled on to the island.
“Let’s weigh the fish!” squealed Amie, who knew the outcome. Her fish was 83 pounds Carl’s was 17. “That’s 66 swats!” she sweetly smiled. Across the dock was a large field of bamboo. There was a sharp knife on the dock for cleaning fish. Amie took it and cut a four foot strip of limber bamboo, about ½” thick.
“This should be fun!” She smiled. “I’ll give you a break Carl. I will race you to your house front door for 33 of the swats.”
Carl weighed his prospects. Amie was the captain of the soccer team, but Carl was pretty in shape, plus he still had his confidence. “You’re on.” Carl said.
“At your mark”
“Go!” Carl barked. And off they ran. They were pretty even for the most of the race, but at the last ten yards, Amie burst like she had a new spark of energy. She easily made the front door by a couple yards.
“OK Carl, it’s time to pay up. I’ll only give you 33 right now. We’ll save the others for later. Please lean over this chair on the porch.”
Carl grabbed the arm of the chair and bend over. Amie hugged him from the back her breasts up against his back reminded Carl the reason for this trip. She smiled and reached to grasped Carl’s belt and unfastened his pants while lowering them to his knees.
Meanwhile at Carl’s fraternity house, not another person could fit in the game room where they had Carl’s computer wired to the three big screens. All of Carl’s frat brothers, their dates and all of Carl’s previous dates were enjoying the entertainment which was just beginning.
Amie gave Carl his first stroke with her bamboo cane, a mild one. Carl thought,” This isn’t going to be so bad.”
The second stroke was a little harder. “Carl, why don’t you count each stroke so I don’t lose count?”
“We can start with three”, with that Amie gave Carl the first of a really hard stroke.
“Three, Jesus!” Carl was shocked by the pain. “Four!” this had ceased being fun. “Five” “six, seven, eight” tears began forming in Carl’s eyes. After fifteen, something strange happened. Carl began enjoying his punishment. His rear was on fire, yet he felt really alive. After nineteen Amie said, “This one’s is going to hurt more” She then laid on to one stroke that almost had Carl passing out.
The cane was laid on the wall and Amie began caressing Carl’s behind. She wiped off his tears and gently pulled his pants up. “I’ll give you the thirteen strokes back if you go and get my bag and the fish while I begin supper.”
Tenderly Carl walked toward his boat. He began wishing for softer underwear. So far the trip had been one defeat after another, yet Carl had to admit that he was having the time of his life. He was regretting his bet with Andy, thinking Amie deserved much more respect than he hadn’t given her before. Carl cleaned Amie’s fish; put most of it on ice, and took enough for their meal to the house along Amie’s bag.
As Carl approached his house he smelled something good. He walked in and Amie was in the kitchen. On the stove were greens and a pot of herbal rice.
“Where did you get these?” asked Carl.
“They were in the fridge, I think someone has been here recently.” Amie smiled.
Carl placed the tuna on the counter. “Let me grill us a few tuna steaks. It will take me ten minutes to start the grill and another five for the steaks. How would you like yours?”
“Rare works for me. Can I grab a quick shower?” Amie asked as she grabbed a new beer.
“Please, make yourself at home.” Carl took some charcoal toward the patio.
When the coals were hot Carl threw the steaks on just Amie walked out. She had on one of Carl’s dad’s shirt and apparently that was all. “This was one outstanding woman.” thought Carl while he set the table on the patio.
Carl served the rice and greens with the tuna and they began eating in silence. He couldn’t have asked for better weather and the meal was awesome. The spanking was almost forgotten till Carl sat down to eat. He winced and Amie chuckled,” Are we having problems sitting?”
Stoically, Carl smiled and replied, “No, there must be a splinter on this bench.”
“Good, I was planning to give you some more for dessert.”
“Amie, I have to confess a little secret.” Carl said
“Are you going to tell me about your bet with Andy?” Amie asked. ‘He thought he might lose so he told me Thursday.”
“Son of a bitch!” Carl was crestfallen. “Why did you even go?
“One, for the chance to teach you a lesson, and two, I’ve seen you on campus all year and, from a distance, I kind’ a liked you. To be honest, I’ve had a great time today. To this point you have been honorable, except for the cameras.”
“I was getting ready to tell you about the deal Amie. You have been great and I feel bad the way I set this date. I did everything wrong and I’m sorry. If you want to go back, I’ll start the boat up right now.” Carl never felt this low.
“So you’re trying to forfeit your bet?” Amie asked.
“No, Andy can have the money.”
“No, silly, our bet! I still get to spank you another sixty six swats! And now you really deserve them.”
Funny, but Carl agreed. He smiled when he felt the warm glow on his bottom and got up to clean the table. “Where do you want me to lie?”
“I got this shirt in the master bedroom. There’s plenty room there. I just have one question for you. Do you want your fraternity house to watch you getting spanked, or you making love with me?”
Carl walked into the den where a large panel full of lights blinking. “These switch on the top kills all security cameras.” He reached out and flicked it off and all lights on the panel went off.
Amie began unbuttoning her shirt “Pants off and on the bed! I’ll get the bamboo.” Amie was thinking she could get used to island living. Carl was running to the bedroom with his pants below his knees.
I must admit, I’m pretty chuffed with the ‘Pic Your Bum’ photo contest.
While there may have been only a small number of brave entrants, the voting response was surprisingly robust. Each entrant received a respectable number of votes, but three managed to pull well ahead of the rest.
Of those three, two ‘Bums’ were in a near-dead heat up until the last minutes of the contest.
Total number of votes: 174
And the winner of the ‘Pic Your Bum’ photo contest – and a DVD copy of Sternwood Academy (featuring lots of great actors, spanking models…and me) is:
Congratulations to the winner – he’ll be receiving his Sternwood Academy DVD via US mail.
For more preview photos, scene descriptions, and download links –
click the title links above, or visit:
I will be making a return visit to Rochester, NY, on Friday and Saturday, September 28 & 29, 2012.
Those interested in disciplinary consideration should email
My sweet friend Sarah Gregory was here recently, and we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to show our enthusiasm for our friends at And what better way than a fun little spanking video featuring a few of their implements?
Three leather implements, and two wood – mind you, Sarah’s not a fan of hard play, so a couple of these were a little tough for her. She’s SUCH a good sport!
We hope you enjoy watching
– Dana
This fella has no idea what he’s gotten himself into, in this fun F/M spanking story…
‘Trusting Brandy’ is another excellent entry to the ‘Fantasy Island’ Person, Place, and Thing spanking story contest– enjoy it!
– Dana
Trusting Brandy
Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
She wasn’t answering him. Jake could feel the boat slowing and Brandy had not spoken since just after they had left the resort’s dock. His intuition was getting the best of him. He had not heard his wife’s voice for too long now. He loved her completely, but she had a tendency to lean more towards the naive side of life. Who had she hired? The part of the world had more than a few locals eager to prey on the careless nature of tourist. Damned their anniversary, and damned her “surprise” gift, he had had enough. As the boat slowed even more beneath his feet, he reached to pull the blindfold off.
He did not. Before he could react, another hand ripped the blindfold away. More hands followed, two on each arm pulling him backwards and another pair securing his legs. By the time Jake’s eyes had adjusted to the brightness of the day, he was helplessly being carried in a horizontal position towards the rail of the boat. He searched frantically for Brandy. She was nowhere to be seen. Then he was swinging, and then he was flying. Lastly he was in the water.
He sank briefly, felt his feet touch bottom, and pushed off to regain the water’s surface. Already the boat, the boat that held his wife, his life, was speeding away. He screamed her name, and was shaken a bit by the terror he heard in his own voice. Impulsively he began a desperate and useless attempt to swim after the watercraft. His effort, and his hope, quickly faded. He was a weak simmer in the best of situations, now against the tide and weighted down with this absurd tuxedo, all he could do was watch the boat quickly vanish from the reality of his horizon.
It was as he turned away from the waves to catch his breath that he saw the island….and the woman.
By the time Jake reached the shore he was as close to exhaustion as he had ever been. He had pushed hard, and even with the tide on his side it had taken him much longer than he had hoped. The last quarter mile had been shallow enough to run, but not shallow enough to run well.
Still he pushed hard, for the woman drew closer he could see her elegance. Her white dress was flowing in the ocean breeze, melting into brim of her sun hat, creating a contrasting frame to highlight the short raven hair and darkly tanned skin. He could see her jewelry sparkle in the sunlight. A woman who wore stones big enough to sparkle on the beach was the kind of woman who most certainly owned a very good cell phone. And so he pushed on hard. When he finally reached her, he fell to the ground at her feet, gasping for air enough to power his lungs to speech.
She looked down upon him and smiled. “Welcome to my island”
At last Jake found his voice “Please, wife..they took her..please.. a phone”.
She reached down, took his chin in her hand and tilted his head to meet her gaze. The smile remained, but he saw harshness in her eyes. Her tone was pleasant, yet unmistakably firm. “We need to get you out of this sun. Come”.
With that she turned, and gracefully strode graceful towards a gazebo a few hundred feet up from the beaches edge. By the time Jake had found his faculties, she had ascended the structures stairs, placed her thin walking stick on a wooden table and began to pour herself a drink.
When he finally reached the platform she spoke again. “Please remove that wretched attire. You look like a wet penguin. There are few penguins in the South Pacific. Here is something a little more suitable for the men of my island to wear” She reached out her hand towards him. In it was a primitive looking loin cloth.
Jake ignored her gesture. It would be the first and last time he ignored her. He turned away from her, held the gazebos railing and searched the waters for a trace of Brandy’s boat. “Please Ma’am; please may I use your phone. My wife has been…”
His words where lost mid-sentence. The woman quickly reached down, retrieved her walking stick, and with the speed and grace of a gazelle, brought the wicked implement down full strength across the seat of his damp trousers.
“Brandy is fine, Jake! For her sake it would be in your best interest to display some of the manners and respect. Now do as I told you and remove your clothing!”
She had his full interest now, both mentally and physically. She knew where Brandy was, thank God, there was hope. Slowly, his eyes ever shifting from the woman’s determined face, to the formidable length of bamboo in her hand, Jake peeled away the wet tux. When it was off, after she motioned him with the stick to hang it over the railing, he slipped on the loincloth. With his hands at his side he awaited further instruction.
“That is a much better boy. Thank you.”
She went to the table, set down the walking stick, pulled a chair away from the table, and seated herself.
“Come here, across my knee”
Jake obeyed. Did he have any choice? For Brandy he would put molten lava into his mouth if this woman told him to. He walked to her, and stretched himself across her lap. The woman guided him, her hands motioning him to adjust his position to suit her intention. Once satisfied, she easily flipped up the back of his flimsy cloth, baring his bottom to her ministrations. She traced a finger along the single welt on his cheeks.
“My, my, that bamboo certainly left its mark didn’t it? Even though those thick pants. Imagine how it will feel upon your bare behind? Not to worry Jake, I will not be using it on you. That pleasure will be reserved for your wife when she arrives.”
She paused, just long enough to reach for something from the table. When she resettled her body, she made sure Jake caught a glimpse of the brush in her hand.
“Brandy loves you very much; you are a lucky, lucky man. Her boat should be docking up shore right about now. She will be her in thirty minutes or so to reintroduce you to that very walking stick. So where does that leave you and I? Well, while we are waiting…..”
She raised the brush high.
Here’s your chance to help me (and your fellow spanking fans) out with a little contest. A few weeks ago, I requested that readers take a photo of their bum, along with the words “Pic Your Bum” to show that the photo was taken specifically for the contest.
Now I’m asking you all to vote on your favorite Bum Pic. The photos are in random order, and all entrants will remain anonymous, of course. I’ll accept votes for a week, then announce the winner here.
The winner will receive the new spanking DVD release ‘Sternwood Academy’.
* Please only vote once. Cheaters will be publicly shamed.
* Comments will be moderated.
(Good luck to the ‘Bums’!)
– Dana
I think you’ll all agree that the ‘Fantasy Island’ Person, Place, and Thing spanking story contest has generated some very detailed, thoughtful, and imaginative tales. I will post up all entries throughout the month of September, and you’ll be delighted at the island spankings taking place in each.
While all of the entries were really quite remarkable, I was particularly taken with one titled “Tropical Island” – this month’s winner. Twisty and magical, this is a spanking story with a literary imagination of it’s own.
You’ll be happy to read that the author will receive, for his hard work and creativity, a very sound spanking.
PS. My sincerest thanks to the wonderful writers who continue to populate these contests. Even though not everyone can win every contest, these talented people take the time to imagine, write, edit, and share their spanking fantasy stories with us all.
– Dana
It was all very strange – she couldn’t remember getting here – wherever ‘here’ was, or indeed anything that had gone before, yet she knew she was wearing an exclusive yellow shantung dress and £275 Christian Louboutin shoes. She also knew, without knowing how, that she was wearing a matching set of What Katie Did lingerie and a pair of almost colourless – and extremely expensive – seven denier Gerbe Voile stockings.
In front of her, the sea was that wonderful Mediterranean blue that only ever seemed to exist in films, while spotless white sands disappeared into the horizon both left and right. Behind her were palm trees and a narrow road leading to a large, white, colonial-style building, which she just knew she was staying in.
Quite why she was here, at the beach, in such unsuitable clothes, she couldn’t begin to imagine – and why, despite all she did know, she couldn’t even remember her own name. ‘This is curiouser than Alice,’ she thought – or perhaps even said out aloud. It was difficult to tell as everything felt so unreal. She didn’t feel any pain or discomfort and couldn’t remember being in any kind of accident that might have caused amnesia – and if she had been in one, why was she here, rather than at home – assuming, of course this wasn’t her home …?
Her thoughts were interrupted when a middle-aged man appeared, almost like a Demon King in a pantomime, at her side. He, like her was not really dressed for the beach, although his white linen suit, his Sea-Island cotton shirt and his panama hat (Did anyone wear panama hats any more? she wondered) were of the very best and his sandals, while not new, looked beautifully-made – and probably hand-lasted. He carried a walking-cane of yellowish-brown bamboo but didn’t seem to need its help – it just went with the whole picture so well.
‘Good day, young lady,’ he said, doffing his hat to her and bowing ever so slightly from the waist, ‘How nice it is to see you again.’
‘I’m sorry,’ she replied, ‘but I don’t seem to remember you – or anything else very much, to be honest. Are you sure we’ve met before?’
‘Oh, yes, Miss, indeed we have – on several occasions. We don’t always look the way we do today, however, and that’s probably confusing you somewhat.’
‘Well – who did we look like? The last time we met, I mean.’
‘Hmmm – let me think …. It’s more than just looks, to be quite honest with you; we are sometimes quite different people, yet underneath all that, always the same people, if you follow … but I can see you don’t, Shall we sit down on this nice little bench seat here and I’ll see what I can do about telling you all there is to know.’
She hadn’t noticed the delicate, wrought-iron and painted wood bench seat – or the little table, along with two glasses and a jug of something that looked deliciously cold. Was she going mad – or had she been out in this lovely sunlight for too long? Oh, well ….
He poured a drink for them both and settled back, saying, ‘Now let me see – the last time we met – you were a schoolgirl – your name, if I remember correctly, was Erica Bradshaw, and I was Miss Helen Byrne-Jones, the head teacher of a 1950s English girls boarding school called St Walpurga’s – and I had just given you twelve strokes of the senior cane on your pretty little bare bottom, with your knickers around your knees.’
‘Y-you were a woman – a teacher …?’
‘Yes, my dear – and you were a naughty, eighteen-year-old minx who had pushed her luck once too often and a little too hard. I can remember it as if it were yesterday. The time before that, I was an over-worked and overwrought business woman and you were my lazy Lesbian lover. I had to give you six good ones with the Lochgelly tawse to encourage you to pull your weight around the house instead of spending all your time reading BDSM fiction on the internet and -er – playing naughty games, if you get my – anyway, happy days.’
‘Hmmph – for you, no doubt. Do you always get to whack girls? Are you some kind of pervert who gets his kicks from another’s pain?’
‘As a matter of fact, I don’t – always whack girls, that is. Now, that’s taken you aback, hasn’t it? I was once – no, twice – a fearsome lady, a Head of Household by the name of Mistress Karen, who kept her husband Ron very firmly in his place with frequent application of a Lexan paddle to his bare backside. You were, of course, Ron – in those particular cases and I – well, I’ll leave that to you to work out.
‘So – you are telling me ….’
‘Yes – that I am Spanker and you, my dear, are Spankee; those are our fixed roles which can be moulded as our creator thinks fit.’
‘Our C-creator?’ she said, involuntarily looking skyward as if to catch a glimpse of the same.
‘Oh, no – not ‘Creator’ with a big ‘C’, just creator – our author, as he likes to think of himself; others might disagree with the term.’
‘W-we are characters in a story?’
‘That’s right. May I get you another drink – it will stay at this amount and perfect temperature until our creator remembers to do something with it, so we may as well enjoy it while we can.’
‘Er – thank you, I will have another. W-where are we – and why are we here, do you think?’
‘I would say we are on some idealised tropical island, probably a semi-prepared scenario for a competition of some sort; this isn’t his usual kind of thing, and I am assuming he is setting the scene with us. That’s probably why you are dressed for a night at the opera when a swimsuit, a sarong and a sun-hat would have been much more suitable attire.’
‘Swimsuit, sarong and sun-hat – lazy Lesbian lover … they are both examples of – what is it – alliteration, aren’t they? A writer’s trick?’
‘Quite so, my dear – O.C considers himself very literate and loves to indulge in a little wordplay; sometimes he even drags in some portentous but often not quite appropriate Latin phrase to show how smart he is; he can’t seem to help himself. Sadly, these little tricks often displace much idea of a good story, apart from when we get to a list of “Whack!”s, followed quickly by “Ouch!”es, which is what all of his stories are about, really. That, and a half-hour in the corner with your bare, bruised bottom on display.’ He almost winced as he trotted out yet another clumsy alliteration.
‘And I – I am here to be whacked – is that it?’
‘You have it in one, my dear – spanked, caned, tawsed or paddled – or any combination of the four. He did have a minor flirtation with dressage whips, but that was a long while ago – in fact, he hasn’t written anything at all in quite some time, although what he calls “impact play” occupies his thoughts an awful lot.’
‘So, what will happen, then – if you don’t mind telling me. Will you just put me over your knee and spank me – is that it? Will you be using that wicked-looking walking cane on me?’
‘Oh, no, my dear, I wouldn’t think so for a minute. Our creator isn’t very good, but he isn’t a brute; this cane is merely a prop, and almost certainly part of the scene he is setting. And even he has to have some kind of reason for me to spank you.
‘What kind of reason?’
‘My, you do ask a lot of questions, young lady – you are making me quite thirsty again,’ he said, pouring another drink from the jug; the level of liquid didn’t change by as much as a millimetre.
‘Essentially, there are only a few distinct stories in all literature. Some authorities – if that is a suitable word – claim there are twenty. Others, Booker, for instance, maintain there are only seven, while there are those who have identified – or at least claim to have identified, thirty-six. It seems to be very much a case of “paying your money and taking your choice”, but there are generally acknowledged to be nine sub-plots involving spanking, if that’s any help to you.’
‘Well, it’s a good job we have somewhere to sit and a seemingly endless supply of this delicious drink to get through while you tell me about them – do go on – I am intrigued.’
‘Before I begin, may I ask your name, Miss? It would make things much easier if I didn’t have to keep calling you “Miss”, “young lady” or “my dear”.’
‘Why, of course – I should have said earlier. My name is … now that’s odd – all I can think of is [a].’
‘Oh, the lazy bugger! He calls himself a writer? – why, he hasn’t even given us proper names yet and is still using place-markers – how ever he hopes to get this published, even on-line, is quite beyond me. It would appear that I am [b], by the way.’
‘You were saying, Mr [b] ….’
‘Oh, yes, the plots. Well, we aren’t in an office situation, so you probably haven’t been dipping in to the petty cash or using the company ‘phone to chat to your aunt in Saskatchewan in company time. Nor are you a schoolgirl – this time, at any rate, nor a frustrated but horny lady who just fancies getting her bottom warmed for the fun of it.’
‘Well, that’s three out of the way!’
‘Yes, so on we go. You haven’t been abducted by some whip-wielding wacko to be a plaything for his perverted pleasure – oh, my, here we go again! – yet more shoddy alliteration. We really must try to get a better author, or at least improve the one we have. Where did we get to?’
‘Oh, yes. Well, we don’t appear to be part of “the family that spanks together” or the blushing bride being “instructed in her new duties”. I may just be an uncle you have been sent to spend some time with in order for him to “adjust your attitude”, or your boss – “if you want to keep your job, Miss [a] …”. That leaves us with only one more option, the “professional spanking service”, but I think that one is best left alone, don’t you?’
‘Yes – but I’m not crazy about any of them, to be honest. Then again, I suppose we have to be here for something – a competition, you said you thought it might be?’
‘I think that’s the most likely reason, and that the wayward rich girl being sent to spend some time with an older relative, in a place she can’t easily leave, in order to “learn some respect” is probably the best we can speculate upon at pre ….
Ken Thompson closed the file named ‘Story 11 – Notes’, opened a new window on his laptop and typed in:
‘Tropical Island Competition Entry’
by saucy_scribe
Part One – Coming to the Island
The Cessna Caravan, belonging to the ABG Group of Companies, had been adapted from its normal, freight-only role to carry four passengers in addition to its monthly payload of supplies for the small tropical isle owned and inhabited by Raymond Gardner, among the richest men on The Times rich-list, and his hand-picked staff.
Today, his niece, Caroline Andrews, was flying in to spend some time with her uncle Ray – not that this would have been her choice of holiday, however; her parents, scandalised by Caroline’s dropping-out of University and her subsequent wild partying that had cost a lot of money to keep out of the papers and away from the beady eyes of the police, had decided to send her to live with her mother’s brother for a month.
He was a well-known businessman and had a no-nonsense reputation; if anyone could bring Caroline around on to the right track, it was Raymond Gardner – and, for a month, Caroline would have nowhere else to go ….
The Captain announced the narrow runway was in sight and that the passengers, Caroline and Norah Phillips, her governess/nanny/minder/prison-guard – Caroline was never quite certain which of these hats she was wearing at any particular moment – should fasten their seat-belts and prepare for landing.
Norah touched Caroline’s arm gently, saying ‘Wake up, Caroline – we are almost at your uncle’s island. Did you have a nice little snooze?’
‘Er – yes, thank you, Norah, but I had the strangest dream ….’
The chunky little turbo-prop with its large, soft tyres, came to a stop on the white, sandy runway and suddenly hands were quickly unloading the supplies and refuelling the small aircraft. A middle-aged man wearing a white linen suit, a Sea-Island cotton shirt and hand-made sandals was waiting, just outside the landing-area, for the two women who would be his guests for the next month. He waved to them with an ornate bamboo walking-cane ….
‘Now come along, Caroline, and stop day-dreaming! We have to see about getting our things taken up to the house and then I think we could both do with a good long soak and a rest before dinner. Why don’t you wear your lovely new yellow dress and those fabulous CL shoes and wow your uncle Raymond? Tomorrow, we’ll put on our swimsuits, sun-hats and sarongs and hit that gorgeous beach! Caroline – Caroline …?’
I will be revisiting my lovely playmates in New York City on Nobember 12-14, followed by Albany, NY, and Toronto.
Also, I’ve added a return trip to Memphis, TN, on October 12-13.
For disciplinary consideration, please read the Appointments page, then email me directly at:
The new survey, “Your Opinions: Spanking Movies” has had an excellent response. Want to see how your answers stack up next to other spanking movie fans?
Of 334 currents responses:
Which spanking movie sub-genres do you enjoy? (Number of respondents, followed by percentage of overall responses. Remember that, on many survey questions, respondents may choose ‘all that apply’ – so percentages will add up to more than 100%.)
Female Top/ Male Bottom 277 85%
Female Top/ Female Bottom 149 46%
Male Top/ Female Bottom 74 23%
Male Top/ Male Bottom 26 8%
How hard a spanking do you like to see?
Light, gentle, barely pink 5 1%
A little harder, but no marks 16 5%
Stinging, thudding, and wiggling. Light marks. 38 11%
A good, hard spanking. Moderate marks. 183 55%
Punishment, pain, heavy marks. 82 25%
In a role-play scene, which types of top/bottom scenario do you enjoy?
Marital Discipline | 181 | 56% | |||||
Teacher/Student | 176 | 54% | |||||
Doctor(or Nurse)/Patient | 62 | 19% | |||||
Boss/Employee | 130 | 40% | |||||
Mother/Son(or Daughter) | 128 | 39% | |||||
Aunt/Nephew( or Niece) | 162 | 50% | |||||
Ageplay | 57 | 17% | |||||
45 |
Bottom behavior: What types of behavior do you enjoy seeing the bottom display?
The Demeanor of the Top: What personality traits do you enjoy seeing the top display?
Loving, Calm | 132 | 41% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Concerned, Nurturing | 132 | 41% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scolding/ Lecturing | 220 | 69% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Angry/ Vengeful | 81 | 25% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sensual | 112 | 35% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Maternal | 121 | 38% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spanking Movie Wardrobe: How do you prefer to see a female top dressed?
24 |
The August Person, Place, and Thing writing contest – ‘Fantasy Island’ – will end on August 31. The winner will be announced first of September. Story writing winners will win a spanking session with me, and all qualifying entries will be posted for your reading enjoyment during the month of September.
The ‘Pic Your Bum’ photo contest will end September 3. I will then post up all qualifying entries and give readers one week to vote on the winner. The ‘Pic Your Bum’ winning photo will receive a DVD copy of ‘Sternwood Academy’ via US mail.
If participation in the ‘Bum’ contest warrants, I will continue holding non-writing-type contests, with the next winner to receive a Dana Kane Custom DVD.
“Red. Yellow. Green. Mercy”….”That’s too hard. It hurts. Please stop”….
Balderdash. Nonsense. Tosh. Rubbish. It is NOT too hard. It’s supposed to hurt. No way, Jose.
Safe words are useless to me. Allowing my spankee to relieve him/herself of the discomfort of a spanking by spewing random words into the room is a Hard Limit.
Spanking – even punishment spanking – is about consent.
It’s also about trust.
If my playmate has so little trust in me that he must have a special word at hand to gain control of me at a moment’s notice, then it’s likely that we have not gotten to know one another well enough just yet. If I am uncertain of his full consent before the spanking begins, well…it’s not going to happen.
Instead, I require that my spankee engage me – with his eyes and his voice – and politely request a short break. I believe, and have seen through my own experiences, that requiring the bottom to make eye contact and verbally express his inability to ‘take it’ requires a lot more chutzpah than bleating some random word or phrase into the floorboards. I am convinced that holding the spankee responsible for his or her own discipline is an empowering and uplifting circumstance.
Also, by removing the safe-word option, the bottom has the opportunity to say all those things which, under safe-word circumstances, would likely leave the spanker wondering whether they’d gone too far:
“Please stop, please!”
“Ohmygod, it hurts! That’s too hard!!”
“I don’t think I can take it!”
“Okay, okay…I changed my mind..”
I have heard all these and more. Begging, cajoling, outright insistence that I stop immediately…
All simply reasons to spank harder, scold more convincingly, and manhandle my spankee.
If you need a break, twist your little neck around, look me straight in the eye, and ask for it. Otherwise, your protestations and safe words will fall on deaf, spank-obsessed ears.
– Dana
Disclaimer: These are my opinions. They may or may not reflect your preferred play style or opinions. If not, let’s just agree to disagree.
This is a fun, strict scene shot with Pandora Blake and Mike Stryker.
From Pandora, on Dreams of Spanking:
I will be visiting my friends and playmates in Texas in October: San Antonio on Saturday the 20th, and Houston on Saturday the 27th.
Please read the Appointments page before emailing:
Written by one of my lovely playmates and friends, this story is a fun spin on something quite possibly close to real life…
Peggy Pritchett sat at her desk at the Merrymount Residential Suites. The crossword puzzle was giving her some difficulty, although most of the answers were 3- and 4-letters; and the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” show was giving it, and Peggy’s concentration, quite a challenge. She wasn’t particularly attractive, and her well-padded derriere lopped over the edges of the chair a bit; but ultimately, it was her personality, and the way she treated her employees and customers, that gave her the lowest marks.
“What,” exclaimed Daniella Kaufmann, “you can’t possibly be serious?” Daniella was trying to check into the luxury suite she had reserved several weeks ago. “I’ve never heard of a hotel that won’t accept cash,” she continued, trying not to lose her dignified composure.
“I’m sorry Ms. Kaufmann, but I don’t make the rules here, my supervisor does,” said Leslie, a sweet young woman who was trapped in the middle of her boss’ policy.
Daniella was like the polar opposite of Peggy, in practically every respect. Gorgeous face, athletic, beautifully-toned body (accented by stylish $300 jeans) and an even more stylish, bodacious body. And quite an IQ to go with it all, with a winning personality and an extraordinarily positive attitude toward life, to boot.
“I’d like to speak with your supervisor, then,” said Ms. Kaufmann.
About ten minutes later, Ms. Pritchett emerged, angry at being pulled away from the Atlanta housewives. “Yea, whada you, want,” she says to Daniella.
“Listen ma’am, I’ve come a long way for a very important meeting that’s scheduled to begin in 45 minutes. My corporation, DK Enterprises, a Fortune 500 company, of which I am CEO, made a reservation for a first-class Suite at your hotel, the caterers will arrive any minute now, as will the Board of Directors and our guests, and your associate is telling me that you won’t accept cash payment?”
“That’s right, lady, only credit here,” says Peggy, scowling.
“Look,” continued Daniella, “this country has been trying to run on credit, to its incredible detriment, and so much so that even our government has been trying to cut down the huge deficit this has caused. There’s simply no justification for your position and I am politely requesting that you waive your policy for us,” and with that, she waved several hundred-dollar bills at Peggy.
“Nope. Ain’t no way I’m guna make no ‘ceptions, for you or nobody,” came the response.
Unable to contain herself, and on the verge of tears, Daniella Kaufmann stepped outside. She lit up a cigarette and sighed to herself, “damn, I had just given these things up.”
As luck would have it, just at that moment, Steve Miller, Executive Director and the brains behind DKE pulled up, in his sporty S-2000, right in front of Daniella.
Seeing his Daniella in distress, he jumped out of the car and bolted to her side. “What’s the matter, sweetie?”
Still visibly shaken, she explained everything to him. Then the catering truck pulled in.
Steve looked directly into her deep, but slightly watery eyes, and told her, “Don’t you worry, sugar, I’ll take care of everything, first for you, and then for DKE.”
He hugged her, went back to his car and produced an ice-cold bottle of raspberry tea, DK’s fav. “Yummy” said Daniella, and the sparkle to her eyes started to re-emerge.
“Daniella, leadership is practically your middle name; but sometimes these ignominious women need the masculine touch. Have some tea, tell the caterers to start unloading and I’ll take care of everything else, ok?” Steve could push a hidden, little submissive button on her. She lowered her eyes and graciously consented — she liked him a lot.
Steve entered the hotel’s reception area, where he found Peggy. “Let’s go into your office for a moment, Ms.. what did you say your name was?”
“Pritchett. Peggy Pritchett,” she blurted with a bit of fear in her voice, and she led him into her “office.” To Peg’s consternation, the housewives had finished their episode.
“Ah, Merrymount, I think we can work this out,” said Steve calmly.
“Ain’t nuthin guna be worked out, no credit card no room, plain and simple,” said Peggy with all the authority she could muster.”
“Would you excuse me for just a moment, ma’am,” queried Mr. Miller.
“Sure..” came the response.
Steve stepped out of Peg’s office and got on his iPhone. 5 minutes later, Peg’s phone rang. A few minutes after that, Ms. Pritchett emerged.
“Could you please come back into my office, Mr. Miller,” she asked, very timidly.
“Why, but of course,” came the response.
“Seems as though Merrymount is a subsidiary of AGF, and your company owns it, Mr. Miller?”
“Precisely!” Knowing exactly how he had hammer-locked this tidbit employee, Steve went into action.
“Here’s what’s going to happen, Peg.” You will give Ms. Kaufmann your finest suite immediately; the caterers are waiting.”
“Yes, sir”
“At 5pm, you, and that nice girl who works outside, Leslie..?”
“Yes, Leslie.”
“The two of you will come and be part of the meeting. Is all of this perfectly clear,” he said with incredible, but soft-spoken authority.
“Yes, sir.”
The meeting began promptly at 4:30. Daniella Kaufmann, CEO, Steve Miller, Executive Director, eight members of the Board of Trustees, and 2 models, Cheyenne and Mona, were in attendance. Secretary Frank Zenoni read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were approved. Treasurer Mike Kona presented his report, glowing and approved.
About 20 minutes into the meeting, Daniella took over. Her charm, intelligence, wit, and yes, sexuality, as always, won everyone’s attention. But it was her organizational skills that carried everything through so smoothly.
“Before I introduce our new product line, let’s have libations and cuisine!” she said, with a big grin on her face. Well, the company being so successful, why not celebrate? And what a spread it was. Open bar including premium liquors, and the finest of appetizing.. smoked sturgeon, lox, whitefish, sable.. Cold cuts, salads, and even tables devoted to the vegans and those requiring a gluten-free meal. Something for everyone.
While the group was relishing consuming their favorite cuisine and libation, Daniella again took over.
“And now, while your appetites are being whetted, nurtured, and tantalized, I would like to introduce our new product line to you. As most of you know, one of our many ventures is to produce some of the finest, most effective spanking implements, in this or any market. Our research tries to find anything that could possibly strike a naked buttocks and produce the kind of effects that those who have this predilection yearn for.”
At just that moment, the suite’s doorbell rang. Steve went to the door and there were Ms. Pritchett, looking most contrite, and Leslie, her friendly desk girl. “Well, look what we have here, one nice girl, named Leslie, and one not nice one named.. um, Ms. Piggish,” announced Steve. “That’s Pritchett,” blurted Peg. “Oh, well, for now, we’ll just refer to you as Ms. Piggy (laughter.. and humiliation).
Daniella realized that her Prince Valiant, Steve, had provided her with a golden opportunity to extract retribution, and revenge! Without missing a beat or a cue, she started Act I, Scene 1. “First, let’s have our lovely models, Cheyenne and Mona, get comfortable.” The stunning ladies removed their wrap-around skirts in a flash, showing everyone their hot bodies, now clad only in their thong bikinis. Talk about rear ends that just seem to yearn to be spanked! “We had planned to test out these newest implements on your stunning posteriors ladies, but I think it’s time for you to turn the tables and let Ms. Piggy be the guinea!” Uproarious laughter, more embarassment. “So, what are you waiting for girls, let the games begin,” shouted Daniella, gleefully.
Mona and Cheyenne hopped into action, grabbing Peg’s arms and wrestling her down to her undies in record time. Before anyone could say, “Moi?,” she was over Cheyenne’s knee. Cheyenne, no novice at delivering a spanking, began with fairly crisp smacks over those rather thick undies. After a couple dozen of those, she 86ed the ugly undies and began working on the bare. Peggy started to yelp a bit and Daniella cut her off, “Oh come on, we’re being really nice to you by giving you this warm up.” The flabby cheeks started to glow pink and, strangely enough, they looked better!
Cheyenne, whose hand was starting to feel what Ms. Pritchett’s butt was, turned her prey over to Mona, who let loose with quite a flurry. After several dozen spanks, the pink was reddening a bit, with a strawberry or two. Daniella went over to Leslie and whispered, “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you.”
Ms. Kaufmann clapped her hands, in rhythm with the spanks, and said, “Are we ready to reveal our new line of products?” “YES!” came the unison response from the spectators. And with that, Steve rolled out a novel looking bicycle, with remote control and.. cuffs! “Ladies and gentlemen, DKE has bought the rights to this ingenious device from a researcher working on something called the B.A.C.O.N. project. Mona and Cheyenne were familiar with it and they dragged Peggy, now totally nude, over to it, securing her wrists and ankles with a touch of the remote. They positioned her rump perfectly for the testing of these implements. And just to make her life a little more unpleasant, they turned on the bike, forcing her to pump those pedals, which made those cheeks ever-so-tempting to punish.
Steve pulled back a purple satin cloth to reveal about a dozen new implements of all sorts. There were paddles made of imported woods in various sizes, from pocket-book size to deadly. Riding crops, buggy whips, straps.. it was a spankophile’s cornucopia.
“Now I’d like each of you to pick out whichever titillates you the most, and try it on our special guest, Ms. Pissit,” said Steve. “It’s Pritchett,” exclaimed Peggy. “You shouldn’t correct me,” said Steve, who grabbed the large Malaysian wood paddle, raised it high, and brought it down with a WHACK, right across the sweet “sit spot.” Peg screamed. Her cheeks reddened almost immediately. “Well, I guess we’ll use this one somewhat judiciously; after all, we’re not sadists,” chortled Steve.
One by one, the guests tried each and every implement. There were paddles made of the finest leather that produced sounds truly musical to the ear. Canes that swished and left perfect “lines” across the buttocks. And riding crops that left beautiful marks. After about 15-20 minutes of this, the members were satisfied with nearly all of these beautiful toys. A few had some criticisms, which were duly noted so that the products could be further refined and retested.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please,” announced Steve. It was hard to stop everyone having such a good smacking time but the group acquiesced. “There is one last thing on the agenda here that we must attend to. You see, a wrong must be righted, and our CEO, Ms. Kaufmann, and this lovely employee of Ms. Piggy, have both been subjected to abuse in the workplace. Therefore, I think it only fitting that Daniella choose whichever implement she feels will be most effective and deliver 10 of the best, whilst Peggy count each blow and apologize to Leslie.” He was greeted by cheers, applause and whistles from a crowd anxious to witness this charming scenario.
Steve went over to his darling associate and whispered, “Now I really want you to potch that tuchas good, darling.” Steve knew that those Yiddish words, which mean smack that ass, roughly, would find a soft spot in Daniella’s soul.
Dana brought the souped-up bike to a halt and positioned the target for herself. Then she carefully selected a paddle. It wasn’t the biggest, thickest or heaviest, but it may have been the one that produces the most sting and burn. Leslie positioned herself, at Steve’s direction, directly in front of Leslie, so she could watch carefully observe her reactions.
SMACK, came the first blow, catching Peggy completely unprepared. “I didn’t hear ONE, I’m sorry Leslie,” so we’ll have to re-do that one. Ready,” asked Steve. Sniffling, Peg said yes. SMACK! “One, I’m sorry Leslie.”
“Look at her when you say that,” ordered Steve
TWO was even harder. Peg was fighting the tears. By the time Daniella got to FOUR she had given in to it all. Daniella felt this and, for once in her life, the satisfaction of knowing that someone was getting what they deserved, and would most likely not be repeating this abominable treatment of others. Whacks FIVE through TEN were delivered like a real professional. Daniella was no novice to delivering a perfect paddling, with major reddening but no skin breaks or bleeding.
Ms. Peggy Pritchett was released from the device. She immediately went to Leslie and apologized. Rubbing her raw ass, she went over to Daniella, apologized and thanked her.
Steve put his arm around Daniella. “What say, as soon as our meeting is adjourned, we go out for some Thai food, sugar? I’ll do the ordering.” Oh, yes, purred Daniella.
Both of them knew that Peggy Pritchett would not be sitting at her desk again for quite some time.
Marital discipline roleplay with a cute, young playmate.
What is he doing with my panties?! Wait, some of these aren’t even mine..they’re too big for me..
Has he been wearing panties?
Watch me catch him playing with panties, force him to put them on, and then spank his bottom good and hard.
Sexy F/f spanking video with Dana Kane.
She’s posed herself just as I asked, eyes covered, and ass up. I slide my hands into pretty white lace gloves, massage, spank, and tickle her bottom with feathers.
After removing the gloves, I rub massage oil into her pink bottom’s swollen skin, then spank her hard with my bare hands while sitting on her legs.
Lots of sexy whispering, rubbing, tickling, and fingernails…
Since the writing contests are so much fun, and I’ve had an enormous amount of positive feedback from them, it seems only right to continue the trend.
While I receive many excellent entries to each story writing contest, I’ve also received many emails from readers who just aren’t confident enough in their writing skills to enter. So I’ve decided to host a new set of contests, for those of you who aren’t natural writers, and to give away some fun spanking-related prizes to the winners.
The first new contest will be:
This one should be a LOT of fun:
Take a self-shot photo of your bottom. Your photo may be either pre- or post-spanking, clothed or nude, and funny, interesting, sexy, or whatever else you come up with.
Include in your photo a piece of paper on which you’ve written “Pic Your Bum” (so I know that the photo is you, and taken specifically for the contest).
All entries will be posted here on my blog, and other readers will choose the winner.
Please, no overtly sexual or obscene imagery.
Since bratting has been somewhat of a theme in my personal life of late, I thought that it would make an excellent topic of conversation today.
If you’ve seen the recently posted Angel’s Delrin Punishment video (and others), you are well aware of my personal opinions on things like bratting, ‘topping from the bottom’, and Asking For It. These are, in my opinion,titles we use for those times when a spanko wants/needs a spanking and won’t just come out and say so. Yes, the bratting is part of the fun – and some spankings would be much less enjoyable without a bit of it – but the outcome for the bottom is the same: a sound spanking.
And where would we tops be without playmates who are willing to misbehave in order to gain our attentions?
Many of my playmates tell me outright that they’re unapologetic brats, and that they have all intention to use those brat skills to push my buttons, so to speak. This always tickles me to no end. Without their hard work and attention to detail I would rarely have the opportunity to state indignantly “How DARE you do that, young man (or young lady)?!”
But sometimes line-crossing occurs; playful bottoms become so engaged in their fun bratting activities that it is sometimes forgotten that this isn’t entirely a ‘game’. To my mind, there must be some inherent top/bottom-perspective respect – from all parties – for the protocols of power exchange. This means that, at some point, bratting must be dealt with, and without prejudice, anger, or resentment.
This is an excellent time for you (tops, bottoms, and especially switches) to give your perspectives on bratting – is this behavior which you encourage or actively participate? What do you feel are the reasons that spanking play is so often associated with brat behavior? Is the brat persona real, or manufactured?
– Dana
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is a fantastic new project on which I’ve been working with my friends at Alpine Sierra Studios. In it, several naughty schoolgirls are taught how to be proper ladies, and to comport themselves with dignity and respect. When they do not, serious discipline is in order.
Watch as Coach Michaels, Feenix, and I take these young ladies in hand:
(Featuring Cali Cutie, Alex Reynolds, Cheyenne Jewel, Ela Darling, Heather Michaels, and Lucky Sky.)
Tuesday through Friday, October 9-12, I will be re-visiting my playmates in Chicago, Detroit, and St. Louis.
Please read the Appointments page before emailing:
Angel has been bratting, publicly, for the past few months, on social networking sites like Twitter.
After allowing both Angel and The VBB enough rope to hang themselves, so to speak, I decided it was time for punishment.
The following video is Angel’s Delrin Punishment:
(What follows is real punishment – not brutal, but certainly not for the squeamish. And Angel’s tears are real, too…)
– Dana
I have been waiting for over twenty minutes, and now he’s made me miss an important business meeting…because he’s been playing games! His laid-back attitude just makes me more angry, and I snatch the large sport paddle from his hands, bend him right over, and administer a hard, fast paddling. He won’t keep me waiting again.
(Click on the title link for more photos and download link.)
Episode Two in the series Angel’s Spankotherapy: Road Rage.
Angel admits that her therapy is working thus far, so we dive into the next subject – her inability to control her emotions while driving. We speak for several minutes, about the specific situations she gets into, and then follow with her impact therapy: 100 strokes with a braided leather strap. Road rage is dangerous, and Angel must learn how important this lesson really is.
All Spankotherapy Episodes are available in both Short and Extended Versions. Both versions include the same spanking scene, with the Extended version including the full, twenty-plus minute dialogue.
(Click on the title link for more photos and download link.)
Anthony has sent along another excellent story for the Brief Encounter story contest, and, although he wasn’t eligible for the prize – it’s a great read. Thanks, Anthony!
– Dana
The Gambler
by Anthony
It was finally Ryan’s stop. There was a prolonged screech then he had
to nudge a pregnant woman and three tourists out of the way with his
knee to get out the train doors. The thing is, he thought, if you
didn’t work in the City, you bet your nattiest bermuda shorts that you
didn’t belong on the commuter train during rush hour.
The train wooshed its goodbye, hurtling away to its next destination.
Uh-oh, wait! He turned and beckoned to the almost vanished train.
Something was wrong here. Really wrong.
What should have been a bustling train station, his station, the
station he frequented each work day for better or worse, was
completely empty. Empty as in not a living body within sight.
A white painted sign on the pitted and tagged concrete wall adjacent
to the tracks exclaimed: Nowhere Station.
Nowhere Station?
What the hell had he stepped into now? Furthermore, what deranged
person put graffiti on the wall of Nowhere Station?
That was when he heard the sound. Sound was a charitable word for what
was most certainly a guitar in great pain somewhere down the tunnel:
And the sons of Pullman porters
And the sons
Ride their fathers’ magic carpets made of steel.
Mothers with their babes asleep
Are rockin’ to the gentle beat
And the rhythm of the rails is all
Good God. His day was worsening by the second. Against better
instincts he started walking toward the noise, apologizing to Arlo
Guthrie for what he’d find.
Rounding a bend in the tunnel, he saw a upper-middle-aged man in a
worn herringbone sport coat seated on a concrete step, picking at the
“You know, if you don’t practice, it plays hell on your fingers to
start up,” the man said, focusing on his strings and not looking
Ryan’s way. “Kind sir,” the man finally looked up at Ryan, “I broke a
string – would you have five bucks so I can get a replacement?”
Ryan considered offering him a twenty to take up a different
instrument, but said “Where am I? Please tell me you’re a figment of
my imagination.”
“You have arrived at Nowhere. Don’t you think I’m real?”
Ryan just shook his head.
“Are you comin’ or are you going?”
“I take that train every day,” Ryan said. “I’ve never had this happen.”
“I gave up the smokes,” the man said, strumming absentmindedly, almost
pleasantly. “That’s what killed him, you know?”
Nowhere Station was humid this day, and the man was sweating
profusely. He slid his pick between a couple strings in the neck of
the guitar and reached for an accent of red color in his coat’s breast
pocket. Ryan considered offering him a clean handkerchief but quickly
“He told me a lotta stuff beforehand though, and you know at the time
it always sounds good.”
Suprisingly Ryan saw that instead of the expected handkerchief, the
man had pulled out a clean and folded pair of red panties and was
ready to wipe his brow with them. The man caught the mistake and shook
his head. “I been doing that more, lately. Like to say it’s because I
gave up whiskey, but there’s a small chance it might also be age
He laughed and pulled muddied linen from some other crevice that Ryan
didn’t want to know about, wiped his brow and returned the
handkerchief. The man waved the red panties in the air, “I keep these
laundered. They have sentimental value for me.”
Ryan was transfixed by the panties, estimating that they didn’t really
appear to fit the man. The man asked “Ever been on the other side,
young fella?”
Ryan looked from the gyrating panties, directly into the man’s eyes.
Back to the panties. Back to the man’s eyes.
“I’m not sure who you are,” Ryan said slowly. “I don’t even know where
I’m at. I never thought I’d say this…but all I really want at this
point in the worst way is to see the gray walls of cubeland and the
world’s most boring financial spreadsheet on the dismal flat panel
display on my desk.”
“The other side,” the man continued. “You know what I mean? You don’t
always have to give, you know? You can also be a winner on the
receiving end.”
“After I met him on the train coming here and we parted company,
abruptly,” the man reflected, “I thought I’d turn good overnight. Just
like magic.” He laughed. “You know, old man meets young man. A taste
of some advice and then I’m a shark too.”
“Well, I started hanging out here more often, and I met a lot of good
people.” The old man looked at Ryan. “People like yourself that would
drop in for a bit, then leave for Somewhere Else Station.” He added,
“You won’t be staying long here either, my friend.”
Ryan nodded agreement on the first thing the man had said that made sense.
“I didn’t play the guitar so well then, but I always had a deck of
cards with me. So, when they came to the station, always a little out
of sorts, I’d be the Welcome Wagon, the Greeter, and somehow no matter
who it was, we always ended up playing a single hand of poker. For
some small wager.”
“Of course I still got the cards,” the man said, laying the panties
over his leg temporarily and pulling out a boxed deck from his sport
coat pocket, handing them to Ryan.
“I didn’t get good overnight, but I got passable, especially with more
practice. And more confident. I started winning more than I lost.
Anyway, one day a fine young woman dropped in. I remember her
distinctly ’cause she was wearing a bright red dress. Well, and ’cause
of the rest.” He laughed.
Ryan leaned forward, interested despite himself. “Red? You mean red
like the panties?”
That man nodded and continued, “She had short black hair and a lean
frame. Confused like the others, but it wasn’t gettin the best of her.
When I first saw her, she looked short, but then standing next to me,
nose to nose, she musta been at least five and a half, probably three
or four more than that. She was young, but she held herself up in
The man paused his story, scratching at his chin. “I don’t wanna say
bossy, ’cause it wasn’t that exactly. She did have a certain air about
her, though, that made it look like she was used to bein’ listened
“Anyway, like the others, I friendly-talked for awhile, then when it
felt good I suggested we do a quick, single game of five card draw. I
asked her, I said ‘You do know how to play five card draw, right?'”
“Well, she’d nodded and smiled and told me that where she was from
they played a lot of cards and that it sounded like fun.”
“And get this, my young friend,” the guitar man leaned in toward Ryan.
“She says to me: ‘I’m sure you’ll want to have some type of stakes
involved. I’m afraid I don’t carry much cash, but I do have an idea of
what we could play for.'”
“Well, then she nearly knocked my socks off with a proposition for the
winner. If I won, she said, she’d stand in front of me, and slowly
strip off the exquisite–that was her word, exquisite–silky red
panties she was wearing under her red dress. And that those panties
would be mine for all of time.”
“But get this,” the man continued. “She said the flip side of it was
that if she somehow got lucky and won, and she figured there wasn’t
much chance of that, that I’d have a sore bottom for a week,
guaranteed. Cause she’d take off her black shoe (‘This one right
here’) and bend me over the concrete we’re sitting on right now. Then
she’d lower my trousers and paddle my behind with the sole of that
The man asked Ryan, “Now does that sound like a wager or what?”
Listening to the story, Ryan wondered if guitar man was putting him
on. It was the strangest thing he’d ever heard of and if he ever got
out of Nowhere Station, the happy hour crowd was going to love this
one. Truth or not be damned.
“Honestly, I wanted those red panties bad. I wanted to watch her slide
them down her thighs and over those tight little calves. And to see
her lift each high heel, one at a time, to step out. I wanted to see
how that beautiful red dress clung to her tight bottom as she bent
over to pick up the panties and hand them to me.”
The man reached in his sport coat, retrieved the handkerchief, and
wiped his brow again.
“I know what you’re thinking and you’re wrong. You’re thinking that
this proves that every so often the good guys do win and that life
does have a few happy stories.”
“Well I let her deal, and it sure started right. I was anything but
out of aces – in fact, she’d dealt me not two of them, but three. And
all that before the draw.”
“Well, of course we weren’t playing draw the way it’s normally done,
with an opportunity to add to the pot, bluff, and so on. And I don’t
know why I did it, but when I saw the three of a kind, I leaned over
to her and said, ‘I much would like to see those panties, but if you
want to fold now, we’ll call it off and forget we ever started this
Ryan saw humor flare in the man’s eyes as he continued. “Well,” he
said, “she wanted nothing to do with that. She was going to start what
needed to be finished, and she wanted just one card.”
“To make a long story short, when we flipped ’em I still had those
beautiful three aces, but she had something better. She had a lot of
hearts. Lots and lots of them. Enough that it made my stomach churn.”
“I’ve thought about it since. She wasn’t much surprised about the
outcome, but she did mention how those hearts almost matched her
dress, and the panties that I couldn’t see. But then she said that
what the cards were going to match most would be my red hot bottom
when was done spanking me.”
The man stopped for a bit, cocking an eye at Ryan. “I’ve always kept
my word. And I did so on that day as well. She spanked hard and fast
and I squirmed like a little boy. And the shoes off those dainty
little feet put a lot of hurt in my backside. The only thing she
really said as she paddled me was ‘I’ve done a little bit of this
“Well, my friend, the story does have a happier ending.”
Ryan noticed that train tracks below were starting to vibrate, only
slightly now, but the man noticed as well. He nodded at Ryan.
“Happy, just like your story’s gonna end. Anyway, when she was done,
she gave me one last hard smack on the behind, this time with her
hand, which hurt nearly as bad as the shoe, and then she almost had to
scrape me out of a ball. My eyes were running. True to her word, I
couldn’t sit comfortable for a long time. But what she did, as I knelt
there looking at her, she slid out of those silky red panties in the
most graceful way, she lifted them up in front of my eyes, then she
slid them into my pocket as slick as all get out. And I’ve had ’em
ever since.” The man smiled and nodded at Ryan.
The tracks were rattling noticeably and Ryan saw an opportunity. “I’m
late for work,” he told the man, rising to his feet and starting back
where he had departed the train.
As he turned back over his shoulder and yelled “Thanks, but I don’t
believe you!” Ryan heard the terrible guitar burst back into action
and somewhere among the screeching he picked up a few of the words:
if you’re gonna play the game, boy, you gotta learn to play it right.
You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
before the rest was lost in the roar of the approaching train.
This week finds me revisiting Pittsburgh and Richmond, and making my first trips to Washington D.C. and Raleigh, North Carolina – Tuesday through Saturday, September 25-29th, 2012.
Disciplinary consideration in these cities is limited. Please read the Appointments page before emailing:
Angel has come to me, asking for help with some real-life issues. We spend several minutes discussing her spending behavior, then she timidly goes over my knee for a five minute, bare-bottom hand spanking.
There are two versions of this series available, a short version and an extended version. Each contains the same spanking scene, with the exteded version containing the complete twenty-plus minute dialogue; the short version features an edited dialogue.
For more photos and descriptions, click on the title link above.
I had only a short time to spend with this wonderful group of people – a few hours on Saturday night – but am so grateful that I was able to attend. From the minute I walked in, Chicago’s Crimson Moon family welcomed me warmly and made me feel right at home at my first large gathering of spanking enthusiasts.
Yoni and Mike were both friendly, funny, and obviously dedicated to their members and friends. Each gave a heartfelt speech to the assembled spankos at dinnertime, and it was obvious that the love in the room was 100% real.
I met many of the people with whom I’ve corresponded online, both through email and social networking sites like FetLife. It was cool (and a bit overwhelming) to finally shake hands with so many online friends.
While my visit was short, I did manage to get in a bit of spanking, and boy, was it worth it! The absolutely lovely and hilarious Sarah Gregory was kind enough to ask me to give her a spanking, so I giddily pulled her over my knee for a nice little bare-hand swatting. Sarah is just as sweet and friendly as I knew she would be, and I was tickled to have the opportunity to play with her.
During the first annual Miss OTK USA pageant, I assisted my stellar friend Alex Reynolds for the talent portion, by giving her a short hairbrush spanking while she managed to be painfully cute in her schoolgirl outfit. (I also ended up lending my hairbrush to Yoni for a couple minutes’ use on a pretty lady’s bottom.)
I cannot say enough about this group of people, and am so happy to have had the opportunity to join them in celebrating this thing we do so joyfully.
– Dana
The Person, Place, and Thing spanking story contest for August is:
The winner will receive a free spanking session with me in any of the cities which I visit, or in my home city of Las Vegas. If you do not reside in an area that makes it convenient to receive the prize, please enter as a non-contestant so that the winner may actually collect the prize.
I will be making another visit to my friends and playmates in Seattle and Vancouver on Wednesday through Friday, September 19-21, 2012.
For disciplinary consideration, please read the Appointments page before emailing:
A late entry to the Brief Encounter story contest, ‘Antwerp Central’ is still certainly worth sharing..
This entry to the Brief Encounter story writing contest is beautifully set, and I particularly enjoyed the subject matter. Have fun with ‘At Stazione Santa Maria Novella’.
The Brief Encounter spanking story contest inspired some very talented writers, and I am happy to share those inspirations with others who enjoy reading original spanking stories written by real spankos. This entry is impressive in it’s detail and language, and I’m sure you’ll have a great time reading.
– Dana
This great F/F spanking story was emailed to me by a new correspondent this week, and I’ve gotten her permission to share it here. She’s written a fine little spanking fantasy, and I thought you’d like it, too. Enjoy!
– Dana
I will be re-visiting Denver and St. Louis, and making my first trip to Cleveland, Wednesday through Saturday, September 5-8th.
Disciplinary consideration in these cities is very limited.
‘An Officer’s Story’ is yet another example of the wonderful imaginations of our fellow spanking enthusiasts. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have! (Brief Encounter story writing contest entry.)
– Dana
As a Commander in the Navy I have the usual pleasure to meet and greet the new officers in my command. Today I am standing on the train platform waiting for the 4:40 to arrive from San Francisco. I wander from end to end, wondering just what this new nurse is going to be like. She seems pretty competent, from her last fitness report, and the only disconcerting comment was she was some what unconventional in a military sense. I am not quite sure what that meant, but I have run into all sorts in my military career and certainly know how to handle a defiant nurse.
“That’s better. Now do you want to explain your actions? You’re a nurse and an officer for christsakes. You’re suppose to be setting an example, and you act like a fricking hipster or something. That is completely unacceptable here. Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?
“That’s no excuse around here and we’re going to make sure you learn this right here and now!. Maybe I can’t have you flogged, but I certainly can do the next best thing.” “Get over here, and that’s an order.
Sitting on the corner of the sofa, I grabbed her arm and drag her across my knee.
“Please sir, you can’t do this…” “Oh, yes I can; and besides that, who are you going to tell, your superior officer?…Oh, wait, that’s me”!
I smoothed the startchy material of her pure white dress uniform and start giving her good hard spanks on the back of her dress. In moments her white-stocking clad legs start kicking like a little girl.
“Stop that” I command. “Yes, sir, but your hurting me.” I’ll do more than that if you don’t keep your legs still.” As I continue the spanking with hard,
slapping slaps. Then it stops.
“I am not sure I’m getting though to you Lieutentant, this certainly doesn’t seem to be making the kind of impression I wish to make on you.
“Are these standard issue, Lieutenant?” I say snapping the waist band several times. “No, sir.” “NO, Sir? Is that all you can say”? “I should make you change right now, but that can wait for a bit. I’m sure your ass won’t know the difference in a few minutes anyway.”
I start spanking her well-rounded and very shapely bottom again. Up, down, upper thighs, hard stinging swats. “Quit moving.” I stop only long enough to yank these panties down and then keep on spanking until her bottom is red, red and red hot. Then I stop. “
OK, lieutenant, get up and I want you to stand right here,” I say pointing to the same place on the deck. “Right here, and keep that dress up so I can see that red bottom of yours; It does match those red panties quite a bit. Now, I am going out for a few minutes. When I get back you’d better have your standard issue panties and stockings on and standing exactly right here; And, you will bring those red panties with you, and then then we’ll finish your punishment.”“But, sir, you can’t…” “I told you what you can do with that. Now keep your mouth shut, unless you want to go on report also. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, LIEUTENANT? GOOD.”
After I leave, she sheepishly moved to the bedroom to remove the lacy red panties and put on the standard white ones, also removing the garter belt and pulling on the white pantyhose stocking wondering just what happened and what is going to happen. Her bottom is red, throbbing and so hot and tears were swelling up in her eyes. “What a bastard” she thought, I really never thought he’s actually spank me and so hard…boy, damn, my bottom hurts!”
“I can’t believe this is happening. I know I probably deserved this, but I cannot believe it! Turned over his knee and spanked like a little bratty girl. Here I am a Lieutenant in the Navy…an officer and to have a superior treat me like this is, is, well, maybe not so bad. Beside that, I guess I did deserved it.”
Before the door is completely open, you hear the order to about face. You dutifully turn so you back is to the door. You hear the door close behind you.
“I had one hell of a time trying to find this switch, around here, but I think it will do the job.”
“Sir, you can’t be serious. You can’t whip me with that.”
“Lieutenant, I think we’re already past what I can and can’t do. Now, put those
red panties you have in your right hand, down on this end of the sofa and then I want you to bend over this end. I want you to be looking at those panties and remember they are at least half the cause of this punishment, your attitude the other.”“Not fast enough,” you’re told, and then hear a very audible swish, and then feel a deep burning sensation on your calf’s.
“Ouch, my God that hurts.”“Well then get moving. There is a much better place to use this supple switch on,” as another stroke finds its spot just above the last one.
“Ow. I hurrying”! she assert as she tosses the red panties on the sofa and slowly moves to the other end. She glances over to him, avoiding eye contact, but fixated with the slender switch he is flexing in his hands and tapping on his pant leg. She stares at the end of the sofa and places her hands on the couch and then stops short of actually bending over.
“We’re almost done, Lieutenant. I think I finally getting through to you and next time you’ll remember to act like an lady and an officer. Now hold still
for the remainder of your punishment.”
Again the switch starts cutting stripes on your bottom. Another 15 or 20 searing strokes, but you’ve lost count.
“OK, Lieutenant, rub your bottom if you wish. I think I’ve got my message across” he said as he tosses the well-worn and frayed switch in front of her on the sofa.
“Yes, sir, you certainly have,” she says still gasping for breath. You reach back and lightly caress your very tender bottom with the red panties.
“Now, pull yourself together and meet me at the bar in the Officers Club in 30 minutes and I’ll buy you a drink and we can talk about military justice.” With that and not a word more her commanding officer calmly walks out the door.
Your bottom is stripped like a barber pole. You eyes are still tearing and your hair is a mess.
You make your way to the bathroom and wash your face and place a cold damp hand cloth on your bottom. Ah,
at least some relief! You very carefully pull up your stockings and panties trying not to let them touch your skin, and
let your slip and dress down. You fix your make-up, brush your hair and make yourself presentable. You make your way to the front room and sit, albeit very gingerly, on the corner of the sofa thinking about what just happened. Laying on the sofa is that wicked slender little switch that just layed into your bottom along with your red panties..
‘Cold War Casualty’ is a brilliantly-written, original entry to the Brief Encounter spanking story contest.
(The asterisks are my edits – for somewhat sexual content.)
– Dana
This entry to the Brief Encounter story contest is funny and well-written. I think you’ll enjoy ‘A Priceless Spanking.’ (The asterisks are my edits, for slightly naughty langugage – although it should be said that it’s still obvious.)
– Dana
I will be revisiting my friends and playmates in Charlotte, NC, and Tampa, FL, the week of August 19-24, 2012.
Disciplinary consideration in these cities is limited. For details, reference my Appointments page – and for a complete list of upcoming cities check the Travel page.
– Dana
Here is the free preview video from ‘Hard Consequences’ – an F/F spanking video which I shot recently for my wonderful friend Cali at
From Cali: “Heather & I get caught sneaking out for some fun, and Dana’s over-the-knee payback isn’t worth it! See the full scene, plus many others here at! You can also download this clips from my clips stores or
POV – no male bottom visible in this video.
You are a bad boy, misbehaving in public while I tried to shop for new clothes for you. I give you a disappointed yet loving scolding, then pull you across my lap for a hand spanking, even making you look back at me while you’re taking your punishment. Then you’re sent to the corner to think about your behavior.
Five angles in this video: (1) You’re facing me for your scolding. (2) Looking down at me as I pull you over my lap. (3) Looking at the floor, and my shoes, as I spank you (your toes are visible in the background). (4) Looking back over your shoulder at me, mid-spanking. (5) Facing the corner, you turn around and sneak a peek at me. Bad!
I am very happy to announce that you may now purchase Dana Kane DVD’s on my website – HERE!
This project has taken a while to sort out – from purchasing the proper hardware, software, etc., to rendering videos into the correct formats for DVD authoring, to choosing and creating cover art for packaging. Working out a few kinks took a bit longer than I’d anticipated, but it was worth the extra effort.
The DVD’s available on my website are not mass-produced by a media authoring warehouse. I edit, export, burn, and design each one right here in my home office. The DVD’s are not ‘fancy’ – you’ll find no hidden functions, advertisements, or 3D graphics – but the spankings are hard, and the players are real.
So if you’re not a fan of download sites, or even if you’ve purchased some of my videos online and enjoyed them enough that you’d like to own them on DVD, take a look at the available titles. Maybe you’ll find something you like. There’s even an option to create your very own Custom DVD, by choosing only the titles you want – I’ll make it just for you!
As with all endeavors, I value your opinions and feedback. Please feel free to leave your comment below, or email me your thoughts directly, at
– Dana
Here is another fine entry to the Brief Encounter writing contest. There’s a whole lotta spanking going on at the ‘Ft.Worth Central Railroad Station’!
– Dana
I am a 58 year old retired elementary school principal and the mother of two grown children. At five foot ten inches and 145 pounds I have a firm and well toned body thanks to my many trips to the gym. My husband passed away three years ago and our two children have careers that made it necessary for them to locate out of state. I decided that I needed new goals and one of these was to run a marathon.
My primary running route took me by the abandoned Ft. Worth Central Railroad Station. In 1945 it peaked with almost 700,000 passengers. By 1979 usage had declined to 32,000 and it was closed and abandoned in 1988. Today as I jog by this beautiful example of architecture I can’t help but think about how many lives and stories this structure touched.
College students from near by Texas Christian University have staged wild parties inside the station. I have even seen some of my former students sneaking in. One of these, Jeremy, had even found himself face down across my lap more than once for a sound paddling.
I explored the station myself and found beautiful wooden benches, marble walls, tile floors, and chairs that were once in the waiting rooms of some of the offices.
I have lived in the same old historic home that I raised my family in for over 30 years. It is located close to the station and T.C.U. In fact there is both a fraternity and sorority house on my block.
While jogging through the neighborhood I began to notice a pattern for the parties at the station. Boys from the fraternity house joined the sorority girls every other Saturday night. And Jeremy was always there. There were many nooks where I could hide. One Saturday evening I hid in an alcove where the benches and chairs were in full view. The older boys arrived first bringing kegs of beer followed by upper class boys and girls neatly dressed and some carrying paddles. Paddling as part of official hazing has become illegal and antiquated; but, off campus paddle parties by members are common. Before Jeremy started crying (I’ll explain that later) he told me that pledges to be paddled and members to be punished for demerits were instructed to wear tight jeans.
The night I hid three boys and four girls were to be paddled. The first two boys were pledges. They grabbed their ankles while Jeremy laid on ten pops to each pledge. You could hear the echo throughout the huge station. Both boys had red faces and unhappy expressions when he was finished. The third boy was there for punishment and he was to receive 25 pops from a senior sorority sister who was on the tennis team. He had made unwanted sexual advances to a sorority sister. He was forced to bend over the bench while two sisters held his arms rendering them helpless. The tennis star was over six feet tall and had a beautiful figure and well muscled arms. To my shock she unbuckled his jeans and lowered them to his knees along with his briefs exposing his naked bottom. Now both his arms and legs were pinned. The muscular sister gave this helpless man the most wicked paddling I had ever seen. I am an expert spanker and my boys and students were very unhappy little boys long before they were left off of my lap: but, this athletic girl shifted her weight into every one of his 25 spanks. His bottom turned red and then purple and blue. When she was finished and he was released he laid limp over the bench. The four girl pledges each received 10 swats from senior girls as they bent over the bench next to each other. Ten different sisters went down the line giving each pledge a swat. The pledges had trouble staying in place and let out yelps after every spank.
Finally back to Jeremy. I think that he found himself draped over my lap more than my own sons. The school board policy only allowed five swats but I would have liked to double that at times for Jeremy. I know he didn’t like it when he was over my knee and I always made sure he was well paddled; but, he kept coming back for more. I think some boys need a firm woman’s hand.
One of the activities the boy’s at the fraternity would had were scavenger hunts. And one of the items on the list was a pair of panties. (Jeremy also revealed this to me before he started crying) I happened to look out of my kitchen window and saw Jeremy steal a bra and my red panties off of my clothesline. I was both furious and amused. He knew I lived here. This was the same behavior that would earn him a trip over my knee 15 years ago. The next day I called the fraternity house and demanded to speak with Jeremy. I told him that I expected him to meet me at the station at 6:00 sharp and that he was to bring my bra and be wearing my red panties. I found my old paddle that I hadn’t used on my boys for over 15 years. It was identical to the paddle I used at school. I arrived at the station dressed in a black silk knee length skirt, black stockings, and a white blouse. I wanted to make sure Jeremy knew it was a woman administering his paddling. When Jeremy arrived I informed him that I was going to paddle my panties as I took the paddle out of my bag. Jeremy complained that he was wearing them. As I pulled out a straight backed chair and sit with the paddle on my lap I explained that since he was wearing them he would be paddled too. And that when I was finished his bottom would be the same color as my red panties. I ordered Jeremy to my right side lowered his pants to his knees exposing my red panties as I pulled him across my nylon clad lap.
The first spank landed across the middle of my red panties. Upon questioning he gave me all of the details of the paddle parties and scavenger hunt while I continued to paddle my red panties. By the 5th spank he was in tears and unable to explain any more. He hadn’t been across my nylon stockinged lap in 15 years. I was determined that this would be a spanking he would never forget. 50 spanks later his bottom was the same color as my red panties and he was bawling, kicking, begging, and pleading. The spanks echoed throughout the station but no one but Jeremy and me could hear them- or so I thought. the entire sorority had hid inside and were viewing his paddling. When he was let off of my lap the girls came out laughing as Jeremy danced, hopped, and cried as he rubbed his red bottom- or was that my panties?
It seems natural that our spanking proclivities would run along similar lines as our sexualities…or does it?
Even for those of us in the spanking community who do not find our spanking play directly motivated by sexual desires, most of us seem to play along gender preference lines. In other words, if you are a heterosexual male, whether top or bottom, your play will likely be with females. There is an inherent discomfort for some, playing with same-sex spanking partners, which arises, I think, due to the very intimate nature of this thing we do.
I am not commenting here on sexuality, sexual identity, or any -philia or -phobia. Rather, I am interested in how many of us play outside our ‘gender comfort zone’.
– After a talk with one of my playmates (who is male, heterosexual, strictly bottom), I have been wondering how often we step outside those comfort zones, and what that means to our overall lifetime spanking experience. –
During a conversation about the lack of female spankers in his relatively small town, he mentioned that he had once, in desperation, been spanked by another man. “I’m straight, but sometimes you just need a spanking, you know?”, or something to that effect, was his comment. Unfortunately, the conversation quickly moved on to another talking point and I was never able to ask the question which popped into my mind:
‘How was it?’
The question is simple enough, but the answer could’ve been profound.
The more I think about it, the more questions arise:
What did this experience mean to my playmate? Was it just as rewarding as a spanking from an authoritative female? Will he ever do it again? What were the nuanced differences of playing with a same-sex spanker for the first time?
My lovely friend Cali recently received her first real F/F spanking (from me, I am proud to say). She and her husband are monogamous spankos practicing LDD (read more about them on their blog), so I was particularly honored to be allowed access to her very spankable bottom. She seemed very comfortable, and can certainly take a spanking, but there’s no denying the significance of the event.
Now I am curious (aren’t I always?)…what is your Spanking Gender Comfort Zone? And does it naturally align to your sexual/gender preferences? Have you ever stepped out of that zone for experimentation, desperation, or gratification? Or are you ready and willing to give/receive a spanking regardless of gender?
– Dana
By now many of you are familiar with Angel (of the video series Little Angel and the Wicked Stepmother), and The Very Bad Boy (who, along with his Wonderful Wife, is a longtime playmate and friend).
They are both as bratty as bratty gets, which endears them to me greatly. Try as they might, neither of them manages very often to ruffle my feathers.
This has led them to organize a ‘group’ which they’re calling S.A.D. (Subs Against Delrin). Ever since I videotaped The VBB receiving 200+ strokes with the Delrin Loop , he’s been on a personal mission to never EVER experience it again.
This silly campaign takes place mostly on their Twitter feeds ( @TheVBB and @SpankedAngel), and I am tickled to see that some of my other playmates and correspondents are getting in on the fun.
Lately though, they have both gotten a bit out of hand with their online bratting. It’s all in good fun, and I am always up for plenty of spanking fun, but there also comes a time when lines must be drawn.
In the next couple months, I will host both Angel and The VBB and WW in my home. During these visits, they will both experience swats from each and every delrin implement in my collection – somewhere around ten pieces. I’ll videotape these disciplinary sessions and share them with you here.
(And for the two of you – because I know that you are reading this – be very afraid.)
– Dana
Sometimes my email correspondents get a teeny bit…cheeky.
They think, because they are far away, that I cannot (or will not) discipline them for their brattiness. There’s some comfort in distance, isn’t there?
My playmates know that I have an immense capacity for misbehavior – that, while I definitely believe that discipline must be applied, a certain amount of brattiness is not only allowed but encouraged. Antics only make the application of discipline more fun for me, as I love a good struggle.
One particular boy decided to push it a bit too far in his email, however, even mentioning how happy he was to have been able to get away with online-bratting with no repercussions thus far. Obviously, he was asking for it.. I assigned him twenty-five handwritten lines, to give him a little time to think about things. I’m sure that he was thinking that this wasn’t much punishment at all, and it likely took him only a few minutes to complete – especially judging from his penmanship.
He was not aware, until now, that his assignment would be published for all to see. I do hope that this public embarrassment serves as further punishment for his cheekiness:
The POV addendum to this video, titled ‘POV: A Not-So-Happy Ending’, may be previewed HERE.
Here is an entry from the ‘Brief Encounter’ story writing contest. It looks as though Simon has gotten exactly what he wished for…
There are quite literally dozens of different slipper designs, and most of them are ugly. Of the few that are okay to look at, most don’t seem very effective for the purposes of spanking.
Here are a few I’ve been considering. Feel free to vote, comment, or link to your suggestions.
A few weeks ago, I coudn’t resist coming home with an bag of new toys from my friends at Since I firmly believe that one cannot have too many implements of impact, I was tickled to have a whole new batch of goodies for my arsenal.
When I visited London earlier this year, I had the great good fortune of spending a day spanking Pandora Blake and Mike Stryker, for Pandora’s website
This scene, ‘Plagiarism’, is the third release from that wonderful day of spanking fun. In it, Mike is a college student who’s been slacking off a bit lately – even going so far as to plagiarize another writer for his writing assignment.
While my administrative assistant Pandora looks on, I and my leather strap teach Mike a valuable lesson about getting a proper education.
The June spanking story writing contest, ‘Brief Encounter’, was a fun one for the imagination: A man and woman, alone in a train station, and a pair of mysterious panties…this could go anywhere! As always, our fellow spankos have come through in admirable fashion, sharing their stories with us all here (and possibly hoping for that spanking ‘prize’).
I will post up all the qualifying story entries over the upcoming month, but alas, only one can win:
This untitled story is steamy. I love it, and hope you do, too.
This bad boy has been a babysitter’s nightmare – staying up late, jumping on the bed – and now he’s going to get a hard paddling, along with a some very stern lecturing. First, he’s made to stand, with his body bent over the back of the wooden chair, for the babysitter to paddle him over his underpants then directly on his bare bottom.
Then the babysitter pulls him over her knee for even more paddling, reminding him that ‘big boys don’t cry’.
(Click the title link for more photos.)
There is also a POV addendum, titled ‘POV: Angry Babysitter’, found HERE.
I’ve separated the POV videos into their own page on clips4sale, so those of you looking for strictly spanking may see only that, and the same for POV’s..
Premium POV videos will now be located in their own, dedicated clips store, HERE.
Premium F/M (and F/F, for the time being) Spanking videos are still HERE.
You can still preview and read about all the videos at:
(Also, check out the ‘Meet the Models’ page for bios on my Bottom’s Bottom and Angel!)
Get your minds out of the gutter – this is about spanking.
Over the last couple years that I’ve been playing professionally there have been numerous times that new playmates have commented, “Wow, you’re bigger than I expected!” upon meeting me. Most recently, a poor boy with his legs pinned under me as I spanked him relentlessly with my palms exclaimed, “You’re too skinny to be able to hit that hard! How can you do that?”. (For the record, I am 5’8″ and 120lbs.)
I guess that, at least to our imaginations, size matters.
In reality, one’s size has little to do with the severity of the spanking which he or she can dish out – or take. The most perfect example is Dana Specht. Dana is petite, but fierce. There’s nothing about her countenance or stature that would suggest weakness, is there?
Mon.-Sat., August 6-11, 2012:
I will be visiting my playmates in New York City and Boston again in August, and making my first trip to Albany, too.
For disciplinary consideration in these cities email me at (But please, read THIS first.)
More Travel dates.