Spanking PSA : Accountability


Since we know how much all spankos love school scenes, let’s handle this like an old-fashioned lesson. Fun, right?




Have a seat there at your desk, eyes forward, and try not to disturb your neighbors. Today, boys and girls, we’re going to talk about ‘Accountability’.

Accountability is a big word that means doing what you’re supposed to do. You can be accountable for all sorts of things, and even accountable to people or situations – it’s also a very important aspect of our social structure. Let’s start with the basics:


What is Accountability ?


  1. the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
              “their lack of accountability has corroded public respect”
    synonyms : responsibilityliabilityanswerability


    See there? Right at the very top of the google search for ‘accountability’, the above. Lots of times a good way to figure out where a word belongs in the language is to look at it’s get an immediate feel for the strength and use of a word. In this case, the words synonymous with accountability are responsibility, liability, and answerability.


    How do we apply that to adult spanking as discipline? Simply put, when held accountable you are responsible, liable, and answerable for your behavior. When your behavior does not meet or exceed the expectations you’ve set for yourself (with the help of someone holding a paddle), the consequences will likely include a spanking. And almost as often they’ll be accompanied by a lot of listening, ‘yes, ma’am-ing’, and even the dreaded Written Assignment (or the even-more-fearsome Corner Time).


    Not a beating.
    Not an assault.
    Not abuse.


    In my opinion, adult spanking as discipline (or simply for fun, for that matter) is none of those things, and I think you’ll all agree. Even when we use the words ‘discipline’ and ‘punishment’, they’re used in the context of positive reinforcement, care, empathy, and mutually agreed-upon goals.


    Not everyone into spanking is interested in addressing their Issues. Hell, there may even be people walking around who have no Issues to address (although this is highly doubtful based on current empirical data)…and nothing works for everyone.


    But everyone is accountable.


    If you’re not living up to your own expectations  – because it’s truly counter-productive to care about the expectations of others before your own – maybe you need a spanking.