While it’ll take quite some time for us to share all the butt-kicking footage from Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy in the download studios, there’s no need to wait to see many of the scenes, as I’ve finally managed to add the DVDs to DanaKaneSpanks.com DVD store.
All three volumes of Sternwood Academy are available, along with the (specially priced!) original Spanking Court DVD, which includes yours truly taken to task for….something I probably disagreed with.
Longtime friends and spanking video enthusiasts will remember fondly some of my first professional spanking videos, made with our friends at Spanking Court, and later Sternwood Academy.
Over the course of three-plus years’ filming, Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy produced some of the best, most realistically-filmed discipline scenes available, including F/f, F/m, and M/f spanking, and were known for both hard-hitting judicial scenes and elaborate, multi-girl schoolgirl spankings. We worked with some of the very best performers in the spanking genre as well as ‘regular’ people from all walks of life. What made it all even better was that we, to a person, had an amazingly fun time throughout every single shoot. With performers like Christy Cutie, Cheyenne Jewel, Casey Calvert, Erica Scott, Samantha Grace, Whitney Morgan, the unforgettable Cali Katarina, and many many more, it was impossible NOT to have a blast. Many tears were shed on those sets, but not a single one in protest – even the hardest scenes left tops, bottoms, and crew grinning from ear to ear when it was all said and done – and it’s obvious in every single minute of film produced.
Our great friends at Spanking Court/Sternwood Academy eventually reached such success in their other ventures that they had little time left to dedicate to producing these monumental scenes, so sadly they’ve not been available for quite some time. Many of my friends and playmates have lamented the absence, and honestly, so have we. My partner, Michael Donovan, and I began our ‘careers’ with Spanking Court from the beginning – and what an interesting beginning it was. You see, at the outset, I was not the one doling out the spankings – oh no! I was a bothersome, troublemaking girlfriend and neighbor from hell who was regularly hauled in front of the Judge for some infraction or other. And somehow, I never managed to talk my way out of Sentencing. Yep. You guessed it.
I got spanked a LOT in the beginning.
And Michael was always happy to oblige whatever the Judge ordered. I, however, was never happy about it – not one little bit – and it’s clear in every single scene in which I’m spanked. Arguing, smart-mouthing, twisting and laughing and doing everything except kicking most of the time (shackles)…I was a pain in the ass. And even that was a blast, every time.
Eventually, after spending a week in the Spanking Court clink, I saw the error of my ways and was given the post of Court Bailiff. In this capacity, I kept defendants in line during the court proceedings, assisted them in disrobing, and affected the shackling of inmates to the discipline benches before leaving Michael to mete out their sentences. Sometimes, when an especially fierce punishment was doled out, I’d be called in to assist or even do the paddling/strapping myself, if the Court Disciplinarian was otherwise occupied. Throughout the years, Michael and I ended up giving some pretty damn hard spankings for Spanking Court..
Christy Cutie getting dressed down by Michael Donovan, for Spanking Court.Defendant Maddy Marks was found guilty.Ela Darling, also guilty. (They were ALL guilty.) -Ela’s photo
Then Sternwood Academy was born. Surrounded by naughty schoolgirls we were during these shoots – knee socks and tartan as far as the eye could see – and again Michael and I took up the dubious task of keeping all these bad girls in line, he as Coach Michaels and I as (naturally) instructor Ms. Kane. The things that private school girls get up to would likely shock you all, but luckily they were all captured on film:
A classroom full of naughty schoolgirls!Sternwood Academy was a place of higher learning…and knee socks.Gorgeous Cheyenne Jewel, Ela Darling, Alex Reynolds, and Heather Michaels. We love these girls!
So here’s the exciting part – Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy videos will now be available via my Dana Kane Spanks download studio, and on Michael’s HERE!
This is especially great news since many of you may never have had the opportunity to see them the first time around…and boy, did you miss a lot. Naturally, you’ll find all the scenes of me doing the spanking coming up in my studio, and all the ones of Michael disciplining the naughty girls on his.
You’ll also find more new videos of Michael spanking me there, as well as scenes with his discipline bottom, spanko newbie Dani Sorrento:
Introducing Dani SorrentoRead Dani’s blog at SpankingDaniSorrento.blogspot.com
I’ll keep you updated as we get the Spanking Court and Sternwood Academy scenes added (you can also keep an eye on Michael’s blog – coming soon – for M/f updates), and am probably going to have more fun looking at these videos again than you will, if that’s possible.
Click the title links above for more preview photos, scene descriptions, and download links, or visit HERE.
Part Four of Auntie Dana’s Naughty Nieces is now available for download – watch all four parts of the movie, featuring Ela Darling and Christy Cutie, HERE.
Visit my premium video, DVD, and products website at DanaKaneSpanks.com.