Newsletter of Random (TUS)

There’s something in the water here.

It’s dirt, for the most part. There’s also the remains of a small town at the bottom of the lake, which is now, technically, also the top of the lake.

Lake Mead used to be this big giant body of water, all held back steadfastly by wondrous Hoover Dam, supplying life-giving water to not only the Las Vegas Valley but large parts of central and southern California. Now that damn dam is holding back a muddy puddle. We still get our water from there, and we still send some to California, too, but it’s getting sketchy. Something about not enough rain and/or snow in the Colorado Rockies for several years in a row. And something else about Harrison Ford growing almonds (or was it avocados?) in the desert. Mostly it’s just humans. Lots and lots of us, living in places that are lush with greenery and dripping with cement ponds that are, in fact, meant to be covered in sand, scrub, and skinny snakes.

Most people think that it’s all those glittery casinos on the Strip that cause Las Vegas to be one of the most heinous energy abusers in the country, but in the case of water they’re pretty benign, making up only about four percent of the city’s annual usage. Most of the gnarly water waste goes on at the dozens of golf courses surrounding the valley, and in our very own front yards. There’s something about living in the middle of the Mojave that makes folks want to grow pears and figs and water lilies, for some reason. My neighbors have pomegranate trees and as green a gigantic-pool-surrounding-backyard as you can grow any wet place in the country. It’s a little silly when you think about it, considering how much room (and water, and grass) there is in, say, Idaho for instance.

Why do so many people want to live here? Why are there nearly 2 million people squeezed into a valley that used to be home to a handful of tribes?

It’s not the mild climate, that’s for sure.

Yes, it’s hotter than hades here again. We hit a seizure-inducing 112 a couple days ago; that was the same day the air conditioning went out. Luckily, homes here are built with two separate cooling units (see above reference to energy abusers) so that if one goes out the place doesn’t turn into one giant EasyBake oven. Still, the best prescription for this is to hold very still and drink more iced tea…so I’m fine, crisis averted, and the nice man came today and made it all better. He had to climb onto the roof in order to fix whatever was un-fixed, where I’m sure the temperature was around 125 in the roof’s reflection of the afternoon sun. I felt a little bad that he had to get so hot in order to make us cool again, but the cats are creatures of leisure and sacrifices must be made.

Speaking of the cats, Mister Pancakes is still feeling pretty crummy and would like everyone to leave him alone. This includes the other cats, who are trying to figure out why he’s getting extra stuff in his mouth all the time (medicine). They’re doing hardcore kitty research by following him everywhere he goes and meowing in his face a lot. This would piss anyone off, and he is duly offended.

The humans in charge of putting things in cat’s mouths (and the dog, too, but they don’t really care about him) are thoroughly enjoying this summer’s Advanced At-Home Mojito-Making Classes, held weekly in the kitchen, as well as occasional trips to the supermarket for more cat food (and other stuff they don’t care about). It’s nice to sit still sometimes and, as much as I miss seeing a bunch of my spanko buddies, I’m having a ball sleeping in my own bed every night. It may just be that you’ll all have to come and visit me here, in Las Vegas.

Bring water.

– Dana

It’s Been a Long Time

My friends,

Although I’m typing this post a few days early, by the time you read it, dated December 23, 2014, we’ll have been together here for more than four years.

This blog, in it’s original incarnation on blogger and imported here in 2013, contains somewhere upward of 850 individual posts, 200+ original, reader-submitted spanking stories, more than 3800 reader comments, and a whole bunch of me, running off at the mouth about this, that, and spanking. There are probably close to 100 free spanking videos now – Product Testing, Tips for Tops, previews, etc. – and uncountable photos, still, snaps, and images from several years of spanking boys and girls on film.

We’ve talked a lot about serious things, and delved pretty deeply into our interests, our victories, and our defeats. We’ve also been downright silly, probably more than anything else.

Every year I try and come up with a way to properly thank you, every single one, for enriching my life in some way, even if it’s just that you choose to come here twice a year and poke around for a while…I’m grateful.

For those of you who comment, write, and engage – well, I’m in your debt. Your feedback (whether positive, negative, or completely nonsensical) is immeasurably valuable to someone who sometimes wonders why she spends so much damn time typing. Thank you.

All my friends and playmates, what can I say? You’ve changed my world, and my view of people in general. You’ve shown me, over and over again, just how very human we all are – and what an amazing thing that is. Sharing yourselves with me, so intimately, and for so long, proves what I’m always telling every single one of you – you’re beautiful people. I love you all.

Who knows what next year will bring any of us? Hopefully, we’ll all get at least one step closer to wherever it is we’re heading.

(Also spanking.)

Happy this year. Happy next year. Happy every year.


With deepest gratitude,

– Dana

In the News : What the British Public thinks about politics and spanking


A couple weeks ago, The Independent published an article titled, “Role play, bondage and spanking: How we view the sex lives of politicos”, sharing a few spicy statistical excerpts from a book called, “‘Bedroom Politics: Party Images”.

Quoting the Independent article, “The British public believes Ukip supporters are bad in bed, Labour supporters are best, Lib Dems are boring and Conservatives are into spanking, according to a revealing new book.”

While I’m in no way qualifying the below statistics and have no way to confirm their accuracy – and also (probably shamefully) do not know a darned thing about the makeup of the British political landscape – the word ‘spanking’ is included in one of the graphs, so it’s worth looking at:


spanking fetish

spanking fetish

Click on the linked article title above to see more of the statistical data, and to read the entire text.


–  Dana

Spanking PSA : Try Not


How many times have we all said, “I’m going to try to do better” or, “I’m trying to eat healthier and exercise” or “I’m trying to treat my spouse with more respect”?

I know how many  times I’ve heard statements like these in a disciplinary setting, and it almost always irritates me. Here’s why :


We shouldn’t have to TRY to do things we already know how to do. We *try* new things, not old ones. Respect is something we all learn/experience/view at a young age; healthy living is no secret, considering we’re all told from the outset what’s ‘bad’ and ‘good’ for us.

Is this making any sense?

You don’t *try* to drive to work. You just do. Because you already know how.

You don’t *try* to chew your food properly before swallowing. You just do. (Or you don’t, in which case Natural Selection takes place.)

I could do a lot of these silly ‘you don’t *try* things, but hopefully we’re on the same page now idea-wise..


Why, then, must we try so hard to take good care of ourselves, be nice to the people we love, and do good things for our communities and fellow people?

Why does everyone have to TRY so damn hard to do the Right Thing?

Just do it.

Because you already know how.

dana kane try not
Listen to Yoda

–  Dana



Video Q&A #2 : Better late than….oh hell, it’s just late.


You’ve probably forgotten all about this VQA, but I haven’t…it’s just been sitting on one of the back burners a bit too long. However, after weeks of diligent procrastination, I’ve finally managed to sit still long enough to complete the task.

Thanks to everyone for participating, and even more for being patient.

–  Dana


In the News : Helping depression/addiction with spanking therapy?


Well well well…

This article, taken from the often silly but just-as-often correct pages of a uk online magazine, claims that doctors in some country or other are finding that corporal punishment stimulates areas of the brain, thereby releasing endorphins (“happy chemicals in the brain”) and making people relax.


My 25 cents:

When you’re stressed, anxious, depressed, sick, tired, chock-full of foreign substances (drugs, alcohol, medications, etc), or all of the above – your brain doesn’t get the chance to produce and use all those yummy Happy Chemicals you need in order to be a Smiley Boy or Girl, instead of a grievous, bitchy monster or tearful shell of your former self. Lack of neurotransmitters like Seratonin and Dopamine change the brain’s chemistry and operation, sometimes drastically, making you or me or anyone else experiencing it feel less than our best. The pharmaceutical market makes BILLIONS of dollars selling us antidepressants, anti anxiety medications, anti-whatever-else they can come up with…..and then sexual stimulators to help us get over all the other stuff we’ve pumped ourselves full of in the name of  a Good Mood.  You usually also then have to take a handful of other over-the-counter medications to offset the side effects of the original medicine, all of which also cause some sort of wonkiness in your poor, drenched-yet-oddly-still-depressed body.

Do you feel better yet? Yeah, I didn’t think so.



A Good Thrashing really DOES help.

 spanking therapy

Imagine that.


This is something that we spankos have discussed for years – decades, probably – and I can personally speak to the many times I’ve seen playmates, friends, and other participants in spanking play find peace, mentally and phycially, from the activity.

Physical discomfort releases ENDORPHINS. That’s plain, simple, and a firm, fixed medical fact.  When that physical discomfort is carried out and accepted in a positively reinforced, loving, empathetic manner, the likelihood that a spankee’s endorphins will rise and leave him/her ‘clearer’, ‘energized’, and ‘more focused’ (all quotes from current playmates) increases dramatically. I have one friend who uses her spanking playtimes as therapy for fibromyalgia, and has her own two-plus years of spankings as hard evidence – regular, firm spanking sessions reduce the pain of her fibro.  Even our illustrious Erica Scott has written at length about her own battles with depression and other issues, which were (and still are, regularly, to the great good fortune of everyone who gets to see the photos) greatly helped by her participation in weekly spanking play.

In my personal experience, I’ve had more conversations than I could possibly recount, all about the myriad ways that spanking improves mood, disposition, and general feelings of well-being. We’re not going into the sexual wellness realm, as prudishness precludes my getting too steamy here, but I believe you’ll agree it’s fair to say that, even when it’s strictly platonic, spankings are hot. They get our blood pumping, our thoughts racing, and many times we both work up a good, healthy sweat in the process. How can one walk away from a physically intense, intimate experience (which provides them a dose of Endorphins about as effective as three cups of Irish Cream-spiked-cappuccino) and NOT feel better?



This is not a joke, not a hoax, and not a load of BS.

behavior modification

Physical discomfort ‘resets’ the brain.

(Go ahead, stump your big toe hard on the coffee table and see if you can still remember what you walked into the room for.)

Again, I’m ALWAYS talking about adult spanking here, folks. I don’t converse or opine on childhood spankings on this blog, even though I had them (lots of them) myself, and have very definite opinions on the subject. No, this is all about Adult Spanking – and I’d love someone to prove to me that it does NOT positively affect the brain chemistry of those open to the idea.


