Below, our first ‘Spanking Wish’ contest entry, with many more to come.
– Dana
‘A Four Leaf Clover’
Ms. Dana Kane – Professional Disciplinarian
"Hold still long enough and I'll spank you, too."
Below, our first ‘Spanking Wish’ contest entry, with many more to come.
– Dana
‘A Four Leaf Clover’
CFNM Punishment Fantasy : Spanked, Paddled, Whipped, Strapped, and Caned
POV : Paddled at School, Spanked at Home
While it’s exciting when we first discover spanking, either in our own private little minds as adolescents, or as questioning young adults with the world now at our fingertips – or maybe even a middle-agers who’ve decided to try a new approach to life in general, the whole shebang can be a little overwhelming.
Sometimes that’s a great thing, and sometimes not.
Not because spanking isn’t great, or because having interest in this type of play is wrong or weird (we’ve already established our normalcy, I think, as far as the term can be defined), but because it’s hard to tap the brakes when you Discover Spanking.
Most of the newbies who contact me are reaching out, tentatively, for the first time – to acknowledge their difference, ask questions, confirm they’re no wacko, or to ask ‘where did this come from?’ Usually, after a bit of discussion and information exchange, they’re ready to make the big leap and hop over someone’s lap ASAP. Totally understandable, given the amount of excitement and anticipation the human mind is capable of conjuring. They want to do it, now or sooner, and want to try it all at once – like one of those never-ending buffets you see at the casinos here in Sin City.
The problem with that? Well, when has overindulgence served us well? If you really tried to eat your way through that endless buffet all at one sitting, you’d darn well deserve the heart attack you’d surely experience while dragging your bloated self out of that booth.
As with everything else in life, your spanking experience should happen naturally, in moderation, and with considered aforethought.
Think of it this way: If you’ve just discovered your interest in spanking, your next move was probably to open a whole bunch of tabs on the interweb, searching things like “spanking”, “adult discipline”, “accountability”, or even (affectionately) “spanking porn”.
You’re immediately inundated with hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of options – websites, blogs, infographics, news stories, opinions both pro and con. It’s a helluva lot to take in, and not everything you read will be accurate and/or reassuring. So you keep looking. You find what looks like what you’re interested in, and you decide to ‘go for it’. Great!
But don’t just grab the first person you see and ask ’em for a spanking, and certainly don’t hop onto social networks and broadcast your interest/need/desire to spank or be spanked to the world right away. Look around, take your time, see how people in the community behave, interact, and (hopefully) respect one another. Choose correspondents and playmates carefully, and don’t try to get yourself spanked three days after you meet someone. Take it slow. You have PLENTY of time for great spanking experiences, but should have none whatsoever for bad ones.
The more homework you do in advance, and the more you educate and ‘enlighten’ yourself about spanking and domestic discipline, the more savvy you’ll be when it comes time to get your spank on.
Even then, don’t try to get all your spanking fantasies out at once. Again, as in life, if we do it all at once, what’s the use of continuing? Try a little hand spanking, maybe a couple implements…see how you feel in the situation first, before you go and construct a bunch of elaborate fantasy roleplays involving judicial punishments and spencer paddles making you cry real tears. It doesn’t happen that way for most of us, and it won’t likely for you either…not if you’re doing it right. (Here is where I insert the disclaimer that the above is entirely my opinion which I willingly inflict on the general public via this blog. You’re welcome to ignore it completely and knock yourself out (possibly literally) in your haste…but don’t come crying to me when it all goes apples up. I’ll just spank you for not listening.)
Read the title again; don’t rush it. It’ll happen, and when it does – wow! – will it be worth the wait.
– Dana
POV : The Girls are Coming for You
Whitney’s Orgasm Earns Her a Gagged Strapping
Since I’ve decided to give away a prize to every single qualified entrant, there is no reason whatsoever not to enter your spanking story in this month’s contest.
Last entries will be accepted March 15, then I’ll begin posting the stories for voting.
– Dana
As if you don’t all know entirely too much about me already:
1. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Randomly, I’m going to say Penn and Teller. They seem like nice, funny guys.
2. Who do you blame for your mood today?
If I blame anyone but myself for my mood on any given day, I am shirking responsibility.
3. Have you ever seen a dead body?
Yes. I don’t recommend it.
4. What should we do w/ stupid people??
If they’re just ignorant, then we educate them. Once they’re no longer ignorant, if they still choose to be stupid, then we just ignore them and hope they go away, I guess.
5. How long do you think you will live?
By my estimation, I will live to be 142 years old. That’s because, no matter how old I am, I always plan on living another hundred years. Ask me again next year for the updated estimate.
6. What was the first thing you did this morning?
I do the same ‘first thing’ every morning: wrestle my fat little dog out of my bed for his morning walk. Neither of us is ever overly enthused.
7. The color of carpet in your bedroom?
It’s beige, and I hate it. I hate all carpet, of all colors, because I own cats.
9. Last person you went out to dinner with?
I honestly cannot remember the last time I went ‘out’ for dinner. Lunch, all the time; dinner, not so much.
10. Are you spoiled?
Sure. But not in that “gotta have a Birkin bag” kind of way.
11.Do you drink lots of water?
Yes. There is exactly one gallon of water in each pitcher of iced tea I consume.
12. What toothpaste do you use?
The one in the tube.
13. How do you vent your anger?
14. The last compliment you received?
My cat gave me the universal kitty ‘thumbs up’ this morning – a headbutt.
15. What are you doing this weekend?
I will spend this weekend the same way I spend every weekend – thinking about, writing about, filming, and giving spankings!
16 When was the last time you threw up?
I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it is gross.
17. Is your best friend a virgin?
18. What theme does your room have?
Theme? Who has a theme anymore?
19. When was the last time you were at a party?
Boardwalk Badness 2013.
20. Are you a mama’s child or a daddy’s child?
21. Would you ever join the military?
Nope. I don’t do well with authority. ~~
22. The last website you visited?
I’m here now..
23. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Do the photos the dental technician took last week count?..
25. Last person you went to the movies with?
I saw the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie with one of my ‘little’ boys last fall. It was very loud.
26. What did you do/will you do for your birthday this year?
I have no idea whatsoever.
27. Number of layers on your bed?
Do cats count?
28. Is anything alive in your room?
See above (plus one fat dog).
29. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?
Never, ever go back. You’ve been there already. Onward!
30. What are you looking forward to right now?
This is it.
Ms. Kane’s temper is running short, so any instances of:
– unnecessary smart-ass-ed-ness
– jealous/obsessive behavior
– offering to SPANK me
– or otherwise annoying the bejeezus out of me
will result in:
– expulsion.
Class dismissed.
Hello all,
While you’ve all been going about your ever-so-uncomplicated lives (insert sarcasm here), I’ve been recovering from what started as a simple dental procedure and ended up being quite an odyssey (who ever knew me to complicate things, huh?), all while preparing for several weeks of all-out spanking madness in order to catch up on all the time I’ve missed.
Happy to report that all HUMAN systems are running optimally and I’ll be back shooting, posting, and generally talking too damn much in just a couple days.
Except, as you know, things are never that simple…
Last night there was a *pop* power outage, a teeny one that didn’t even reset the digital clocks; but it DID knock out my interweb and a whole bunch of other technical crap about which I shall not trouble you, mainly because I don’t understand any of it either. The gist is, I have limited online access until the magical guys come tomorrow evening and wave their I.T. wands over my desk three times or something. I’ll keep up with email when I’m able, but have long since given up on doing any real communicating on my smart phone as the screen is just too damn small. (Ohgod, I just realized – I’m MIDDLE AGED!!)
So this post is really not about much at all, other than the fact that I’ve received several emails to the effect of, “What the hell? Where are the blog posts?”. Okay, nobody said, ‘What the hell’ because they know I’d smack them, but you get the idea…
I’m here. The dentist did not kill me, nor I her, and we will be back to regularly-scheduled programming soon as the interweb decides to play nice with my light-up boxes.
– Dana
Guys and Gals,
I’d like to draw your attention to the star system on my member site – it’s that little set of five white stars, one of which you’re supposed to click on to ‘rate’ the scene you’ve just watched. It’s been there since the site’s inception and is rarely utilized.
So how in all heck do you expect me to know what you like/want more of or love/want lots more of (see what I did there)?
A little audience participation, boys and girls, if you please – it’s called Feedback and it’ll make the site better for all of you.
– Dana
P.S. Further failure to participate will result in me coming to your house and stealing all your forks.
They say that it’s the little things that count.
And that can be true with spanking, too.
I don’t have to heft a huge frat paddle.
All I need is a little wooden spoon.
I don’t have to swing my arm back as far as it will go.
Just aim for the sit spot – that’ll keep your attention.
No need to tie you down, either.
You’re going to hold still because I said so.
I don’t need to hit you a thousand times.
But I will make you think twice about coming here.
There’s no reason to make you bleed.
I’d rather make you whimper.
..I’m tweeting my little heart out over here.
Okay, not really, but so far, so good.
I’d LOVE to see all my readers, friends, and playmates there, too, but you can’t have an egghead profile to get past my ninja-egg-blocker.
(It doesn’t have to be a picture of your face, silly. Just put something cute/funny/spanky up there and take a minute to actually fill in your profile info so you don’t look like a *spammerbot*.)
I’m not saying you have to do it, I’m just saying you’ll miss stuff if you don’t.
Hey kids,
Here’s a new product testing video, starring my sweet friend Kay, and featuring paddles by our new friend at Not only are the paddles made well, and really pretty, but they’re an interesting combination of wood and some type of dense foam – making them partially painful and partially painLESS. We had fun playing around with these interesting implements, and it’s clear that, depending on which side you use, it’s a toss up to who will wear out first, you or your bottom.
– Dana
Training the New Assistant
How many times have we all said, “I’m going to try to do better” or, “I’m trying to eat healthier and exercise” or “I’m trying to treat my spouse with more respect”?
I know how many times I’ve heard statements like these in a disciplinary setting, and it almost always irritates me. Here’s why :
We shouldn’t have to TRY to do things we already know how to do. We *try* new things, not old ones. Respect is something we all learn/experience/view at a young age; healthy living is no secret, considering we’re all told from the outset what’s ‘bad’ and ‘good’ for us.
Is this making any sense?
You don’t *try* to drive to work. You just do. Because you already know how.
You don’t *try* to chew your food properly before swallowing. You just do. (Or you don’t, in which case Natural Selection takes place.)
I could do a lot of these silly ‘you don’t *try* things, but hopefully we’re on the same page now idea-wise..
Why, then, must we try so hard to take good care of ourselves, be nice to the people we love, and do good things for our communities and fellow people?
Why does everyone have to TRY so damn hard to do the Right Thing?
Just do it.
Because you already know how.
– Dana
Live Session Video : Severe Punishment
The preview video :
OTK Daughter Discipline
(Fae Dcay’s first ever on-screen spanking!)
The preview video:
For more spanking videos, preview photos, scene description, and join links, visit:
I found this fun little program which allows you to upload a photo and turn it into a virtual jigsaw puzzle and thought it’d be a new and interesting pain-in-the-spanko-tushie way to sneak preview upcoming spanking videos.
Tell me what you think?…
– Dana
P.S. There’s a fun little timer attached, so see just how quickly you can get it put together. If you’re proud of your time, post it in the comments area – but no cheating!
Over the Babysitter’s Knee
POV : My Mom Says You Need a Spanking
I can’t say with certainty how many times I’ve heard the title phrase, but it’s enough to have prompted me to write this post. I’m hoping that, as always, you’ll recognize something in this which makes you think, laugh, learn, or – bonus! – all three at once.
We’ve talked abut bad scenes before, but I’d like to re-explore this in a different way: by giving you the floor.
When I gave a recent new playmate permission to talk about some of the things he’d experienced in past playtimes, there were more than a couple ‘bad scenes’ discussed; honestly, I was surprised that someone who’d had such poor experiences was still willing to experiment. I was also complimented that he’d trusted me enough to try again, and I hope that he had as much fun as I did. I’d hate to be the punchline of a ‘bad scene’ story, after all.
So what is your ‘bad scene’ story? What went wrong, and, more importantly, what (if anything) could you have done to have prevented it? Was it funny or scary or surreal or….?
I think it’ll be interesting for others to see that they’re not the only ones who’ve been working on a spanko learning curve, and that it’s okay to admit that it takes a while to figure it all out.
(**Please have sense enough to not use the actual person’s name when telling your bad scene story – we’re not trying to build a database, just get it out of our systems.**)
Here’s one of mine (there haven’t been many) and it’s a short one:
A few years ago (I’d just begun traveling in earnest), in *insert city here*, I’d made plans to meet and spank a gentleman for the first time. We’d agreed upon a pretty generic get-to-know-you spanking, and he’d not given any indication that he was anything other than perfectly lovely, so when I met a somewhat youngish (30s), well-dressed smiling guy I thought, “This should be fun.”
I was so. very. wrong.
It was not fun. Not for me, and not for him.
Immediately, he was consternated by the lack of mirrors in the room in which we were playing. There were two; they were both quite large; they were mounted to opposite walls, reflecting the whole damn room. This was not enough reflection for this fella, clearly, and so he asked whether I had “more mirrors”.
Under most circumstances, the answer would be a confused “no”, but this time I happened to be in a professional, many-roomed playspace – the room right next door had a pedestal mirror! – so there actually WERE more mirrors. So a confused “yes” later, we had a third mirror…which he spent approximately eleven minutes (I may be exaggerating a bit) positioning *just so*.
Yes, I was beginning to get a little irritated, but figured, hell, to each his own.
So we, finally, started the spanking.
I invited him across my lap to begin the spanking over his pants, then slid them down to his knees and continued over his briefs, using just the palms of my hands. He was flinching quite a bit, so as I wiggled his briefs down I said something along the lines of, “You’re doing just fine…it’ll hurt a little more now, but just take deep breaths.”
After a couple minutes of more flinching on his part, I thought maybe he could use a little break and massaged his buns for a minute before beginning again, saying, “Okay, let’s try this again. Harder now. Relax.”
Before I could land a single swat, he sprang up from my lap, placed his hands on his hips, and said, “This isn’t working. It’s like being spanked by a cheerleader.”
Nonplussed, I invited him to dress and showed him the way out. I did not offer an apology. Honestly, I still can’t see what’s wrong with being spanked by a cheerleader (isn’t there a helluva fantasy in there someplace?!). Now, I get what the guy was trying to convey: he wanted to be Domme-d – treated, handled, and spoken-to roughly; not positively reinforced or shown tenderness or empathy. He wanted his ass whipped by a mean lady who didn’t give a flip about him.
I still offer no apology. That’s not who I am. But I will admit that that ‘insult’ still comes to mind when I think of bad scenes…and not just because I didn’t get what I wanted, but because he didn’t either. Probably would’ve helped had he made his wants and wishes clear, but not everyone’s able to verbalize that, are they?
Anyway, and here’s the great part of this story: When I saw my awesome friend Mona, also a pro-domme, and told her the story, she said, “Ohmygod, The Mirror Guy! I know him! EVERYBODY knows him!!”
We’ve ALL been there.
– Dana
You know how it feels when you’re pretty sure that you haven’t done something right, but you can’t be totally certain until it’s too late?
The batter for this new banana bread recipe looked great; it smelled wonderful while baking; it even looked absolutely perfect when pulled from the oven.
And I didn’t drop this one, either. So I had high hopes.
Except that, while cooling, the center dropped. And dropped. And dropped some more. The obvious problem being that I attempted to do something very silly – bake a really thick, towering loaf of gluten free dessert bread. Alas, the constraints of wheat-free gastronomics.. Basically, next time I’ll have to make two or three ‘baby loaves’ of this stuff instead of one gigantic one. It was yummy, though..
Live, bake, and learn.
Also, this:
If you have the occasion to stay in a hotel sometime throughout the year – TAKE THE SOAP! Yes, take the damn soap. You (and the next person and the next and the next) pay for that little bar of soap every time you pay for a night in any room – all those little ‘amenities’ are in the price – and most of us don’t actually use the stuff. But why just leave it sitting there? Take it home, put it in a box, and when the box is full take it to your local shelter or mission. They’re always desperate for toiletries and it won’t cost you a dime.
Don’t want to go to the trouble of collecting and delivering them? Bring ’em to me…I’ll put them in my box.
Finally, and this is the semi-spanking-related part:
Does the stuff that’s totally unrelated to spanking dilute your interest in this blog? Do my gf recipes and pet photos and other off-topic posts add or detract from the rest? I know we’re all here for spanking and don’t want to drag you too far off-course if you’re not interested.
Let me know your thoughts? (In the comment box below please.)
– Dana
And below, unedited, your answers to the ‘Who Would You…’ questions :
If you’re a bottom, and just had to switch with someone, who would you choose to spank? |
If you’re a top, and just had to switch with someone, who would you choose have spank you? |
Michaela McGowen |
Dana Kane |
Natalie Portman |
Katy Perry |
vanessa marcil |
Julianne Moore |
joan collins |
Jamie Gunns |
Dana Kane |
Susanah reid |
Rachel Rilet |
James deen |
James deen |
Megan Fox |
Judy Garland |
Margaret Thatcher |
Lindsey Lohan |
Gena Davis |
Dane Kane,please love |
Susan Sarandon |
Ms Dana Kane |
Sarah Palin |
megan mullally |
Halle Berry |
Barbara Streisand |
Kaity Tong |
nice but bratty people |
George W Bush |
Richard Gere |
madonna |
Jennifer Love Hewitt or Christy Canyon |
Christy Canyon and/or Audree Jaymes |
Dana Kane |
Dana Kane |
Charlize Theron |
Dana Kane |
Bella swan |
No one I can think of right now |
ONLY those who ENJOY! |
ONLY those who ENJOY |
Co-workers |
Female management |
Goldie Hawn |
Sigourney Weaver |
Dana Delaney |
Dana Delaney |
Sarah Michelle Gellar |
Don’t know |
yes |
hard |
susan sarandon |
susan sarandon |
Angelina Joulie |
Angelina Joulie |
Troy Aikman … Have you seen the size of those hands?!?!? Wooohooooooooo!!! |
Miley Cyrus |
heidi Klum |
S/O |
Dita |
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz |
Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Pailin |
ellen page |
celebrities |
n/a |
jennifer aniston |
jennifer aniston |
subs |
Tops |
tom hardy |
brad pitt |
Spouse |
you or Sarah Gregory |
Dana Kane |
swim suit model |
Eminen |
Angelina Jolie |
Angelina Jolie |
Jessica Alba |
Elizibeth Montgomery |
JoAnne Jameson |
Dana Kane |
wife |
female |
Sarah Palin, the Kardashian broads. |
Jennifer Aniston |
dana kane |
jay-lo |
dana kane |
jay-lo |
brittany spears |
Dana Kane |
Megyn Kelly |
Kitty |
Samantha Woodley |
You |
Catherine Zeta Jonex |
celebrities |
Allison Miller |
Allison Miller |
Bettie Page |
Honor Blackman (and nothin’ wrong with older! :) |
Donnakane |
Donnakane |
kate upton |
rihanna |
a fit woman |
An attractive woman |
in general a blonde |
in general a redhead |
katy perry |
katy perry |
carrie underwood |
carrie underwood |
Jane Seymore |
women who cuts my hair |
Dana Kane |
polititians |
Dana Kane |
Kate Upton |
Dana Kane |
Kate Beckinsale |
Diane Keaton |
Jane Seymore |
coworkers |
Rachel McAdams |
Sarah Palin |
A Lady who needs done unto her as I need done unto me. |
Just my spanker |
Clare Fonda |
Shanelle |
Someone I trust who could coach me. |
shania twain |
dana kane |
Goldie Hawn |
Charlise Theron |
Julia louis dreyfuss |
Demi Moore |
Dana Kane |
n/a |
Someone tough so I knew I was not going to genuinely hurt them (or more specific?) |
Avril Lavigne |
Avril Lavigne |
my best friend |
anyone willing |
dana |
dana |
penny from big bang |
penny from big bang |
Felicity Kendell |
Diana Rigg |
Scarlett Johansson |
Tom Cruise |
Tom Cruise |
Jennifer lopez |
Jennifer lopez |
Olivia Newton John |
Jane Mansfield |
Dana |
Dana |
Sandra Bollock |
Miss Jennifer |
Hmm you ms Dana Kane |
Sarah Michelle Gella |
Marilyn Monroe |
Ronda rousey |
kami robertson |
kami robertson |
my domme. |
My old babysitter |
Gerard Butler |
Secretary, cheerleader |
Teacher, Boss, Riding Mistress |
dana kane |
dana kane |
Celebrities |
Dana. kane |
Leonardo DiCaprio |
Matt Smith |
jennifer lawrence |
Erica Scott, but she doesn’t bottom to women. This is one of the few times I’ll say booo to not having a penis. |
Blondie |
Loraine Newman |
Sasha Grey |
Dana Kane |
Dana Specht |
You Little Perv!
A friend emailed today to ask why I hadn’t told her about the Kiva fundraiser.
“But it’s on the blog,” was my natural response.
“Well I don’t look at the blog every day, so I must’ve missed it.” said she.
Me: “So just subscribe already.”
Her: “To what?”
“What do you mean, ‘to what?'”
“Subscribe to what?…”
“Weren’t we talking about my blog?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t know I could subscribe.”
Me: “Ohholyhell..”
If you, like my sweet, above mentioned friend, haven’t yet subscribed to the blog, it’s easy to make sure that you don’t miss stuff. The posts come to your inbox; you can choose to open/peruse them, or simply hit ‘delete’ (which would be kind of weird, considering you’ve just signed up and all).
To subscribe, just enter your email in the box below, and Feedburner will send you the posts via email. As with anything, you may choose to unsubscribe at any time.
I have a few playmates who I’d classify as ‘masochist’ in addition to the spanking fetishist tag most commonly described as ‘spanko’. (We won’t argue about whether a spanko is a masochist and a masochist is a spanko and whether those two are mutually exclusive or not, because this is one of those areas in which we’re all entitled to our opinions.) These lion-hearted few not only tolerate their severe-to-super-severe sessions, but they crave the pain associated more than the average player, I think. For many of us (and I’m going out on a limb here by generalizing, so somebody throw me a rope) the pain isn’t really one of the main goals – it’s more of a bonus, or even something to endure in order to reach emotional release. More than a few of my playmates have admitted that, although they know that discomfort is part of the process, they’re certainly not in it for the hurt.
Does that make sense to you, too?
(I’m digressing a bit. Forgive me.)
Then there’s Robin; Robin’s a long-time playmate and friend who’s one of the more masochistic spankos with whom I’ve played. He LIKES the pain…hell, he loves it. He’s also game for just about anything, and (like the VBB) can take a whole helluva lot more punishment than most would want – and then ask for more.
Last time we got together, I decided to ‘spread it around’ a bit, so to speak, as there’s not much of Robin that’s off-limits, impact-wise, and I was feeling a bit sadistic.
What follows are several clips of me smacking various parts of Robin’s body (butt, thighs – front and back, palms, back, feet) – relentlessly – with an odd selection of implements, including a rubber ruler, drum stick, and plastic shoehorn.
Some of this gets a bit rough, so be warned: if you’re squeamish – or only interested in butt-impact scenes – the other clips probably aren’t up your alley.
I’ll introduce each clip so you can pick and choose which ones to watch. Fair enough?
Playing with Robin
Beginning in the only sensible place: his butt. In this clip, I’m trying out a heavy plastic shoehorn:
Uh-oh. Bastinado (with cane and stinger):
Then onto the backs of the thighs, with my trusty martinet:
Then, naturally, the fronts of the thighs – with a wooden pasta spoon:
Rubber ruler on palms:
Drumstick test on butt:
Finally, martinet across the back:
POV : Spank Her While I Watch
(Don’t despair; once you get past all the details, there’s Free Stuff!!)
After the first two very successful ‘Give Til it Hurts’ fundraisers, both for animal charities, a few of my friends and playmates suggested that we put our considerable resources toward something a bit different from time to time. While we all love the critters endlessly, we can also acknowledge that there are a bazillion places where our dough can do great things – let’s take a look at another great way to help the world around us, while not really even spending any money at all.
Kiva is a micro-lending organization providing loans to needy folks, mostly in developing countries. Millions of dollars in small loans have been facilitated through Kiva in the last decade, and the repayment rate is 99% – meaning that nearly every single cent loaned is repayed, thereby making the loan almost zero risk for those of us who contribute. The funds contributed/loaned through the Kiva website are distributed to people who will use those funds to improve their living situations, via small business endeavors like handcrafts, continued education, and agriculture. The borrowers – who are, by nature of their demographics, locked out of the international monetary system – then pay back their loans (plus interest in many cases, which is unavoidable, so let’s get past it), the lenders are reimbursed via Kiva, and the lender is then able to re-lend their funds or simply withdraw the money back out.
Since Kiva was founded in 2005:
They work with:
This is an excellent option for those of us who like to regularly contribute as well as those who’re interested in helping but can’t commit to giving away chunks of money. Since it’s a loan and not a donation, you’re simply putting that money away in a safe place for a little while, rather than giving it away entirely. You’ll get it back.
Please take a few minutes to peruse the Kiva website, and do your own research on micro-lending so that you understand the gist of things if you want – it’s important to me that anyone considering participating in this ‘Give Til it Hurts’ fundraising endeavor ‘gets it’. The borrowers you’ll see on the site – most of whom reside in third world, rural, inaccessible areas without commerce or industry or employment opportunity – are working hard to improve their lives and the lives of their families and communities. Kiva loans give many of them the hand up that they need. I think this is an excellent way for us to help, and I hope you’ll agree.
* You don’t have to publicly display or share any of your personal information on the Kiva website or Friends of Dana Kane group profile. While you’ll make your contribution via the usual methods, your Kiva profile is set up just like any other, meaning that you may choose how much of your information is visible to other users (don’t forget to email and let me know ‘who’ you are, so you can get your video and paddle!), and keep all your personal information completely private. *
So what’s in it for you? Well, the joy and happiness and rush of doing something good, of course. But you know how much I love giving stuff away, and this time will be no exception.
Everyone who contributes to the ‘Friends of Dana Kane’ group on Kiva will receive a free specially-filmed spanking video download. I’ll corral one of my cute girl spankees into putting her bottom on the line in the name of charity, and you’ll get the benefit of watching!
Even if you’re only able to contribute 25bucks, you’ll get the free video, that I’ll make especially for the fundraiser using the limited edition Give Til it Hurts paddle:
The silhouette Dana Kane artwork, depicting me sitting in a traditional, high-back chair – hairbrush at the ready, was done beautifully by the talented and generous Red Rump, and is displayed on one of Cane-iac’s sturdy wood paddles. This 1/2″ thick OTK-size thumper is the perfect paddle for smacking a squirming, protesting brat until they learn the meaning of Behave.
The first thirty participants who contribute $40 or more to the ‘Friends of Dana Kane’ group will receive (in addition to the video) one of these limited edition paddles, shipped free of course or, even better, handed over in person following thorough usage.
Once these paddles are gone, they’re gone. Cane-iac’s been kind enough to provide us with just enough to hold this fundraiser, and a couple extra for me to keep and use..there won’t be more, and they’ll never be for sale. (If something happens and we don’t give them all away during this fundraiser, the remainder will be kept as incentive for future Give Til it Hurts endeavors.)
So let’s all get together and show the world what a bunch of spanko-kinksters can do when we put our minds (and debit cards) to the task!
** We’ll run this fundraiser from today (August 4) through September 15, 2014. Six weeks to do as much Good as we can manage. **
P.S. My sincerest thanks to Red Rump for lending his talented hand (I’ll have more from him in a future animal charity drive, and you’ll LOVE it!), and to my great good friends at Cane-iac for donating and customizing the paddles. I’m reminded again and again how many wonderful people I’ve been privileged to know, all because I’m into this spanking thing.~~~
– Dana
Another P.S. If you’re confused as all hell and need help figuring out what to do next, just email me…
I’m fiddling with the blog’s layout, so it’s going to look a little weird for a day or two, but everything’s still here. Browse on!
A short while ago, Erica wrote a blog post about a hilarious Johnny Carson routine from more than a few years ago…and apparently it got a cool reception. Probably because she wasn’t talking about Rhyming-Name-girl or Justice Beaver or one of those other pop celebrity thingy people – he was only one of the funniest guys on television at the time.
In celebration of Erica’s beloved-Carson-post-fail, I thought I’d add some of my own television nostalgia to the mix. Here’s something that you likely never saw and could probably live without seeing now, but which still makes me laugh every time I watch it:
I think our first attempt at VQA did well, don’t you?
It went pretty darn long, as there were dozens of questions, and because I talked a lot (imagine that) – but I figure it’s up to you all to decide whether it’s worth doing again.
If you’ve still questions left over, or have come up with something else, ask your questions via the comment function below (please don’t email individual questions; it’s difficult to run them down in several places). And please remember, this isn’t an AMA – you cannot Ask Me Anything – but you’re welcome to ask questions about spanking, discipline, video, and stuff of general interest.
I’ll do my best to keep this one under half an hour, but no promises.
Well, it’s happened. I’ve gone and gotten myself spanked.
Deserved it, too. Had it coming.
Can I tell you about it?
You know I spank people, and you know I make spanking videos; today, I was supposed to make new video. It was all planned out, and a day overdue.
But I couldn’t decide what to wear. One wardrobe malfunction led to another, which led to another, which led to my spending about ninety minutes standing in the walk-in closet, amidst an ever-increasing mountain of discarded skirts and blouses.
My dearest darling honey was patient as always….to a point…until I finally blurted out something like, “There is NOTHING in this damn closet!” He then very calmly explained to me that there would be no video shot today, not like this, as I had sucked all the fun out of the room.
I stomped into the bathroom, removed my makeup, tossed on a tank top, and walked back out to find him standing there, waiting, patiently again.
“Come in here, it’s time for your spanking,” he said, and I laughed and laughed. “What spanking?”
“The spanking you have coming after that crap you pulled. We could’ve been finished already, and now we’re getting nothing done at all. Well, we’re making video today – one way or another.”
“Ahaha! You’re going to spank ME? Like, right now?”
“And you’re going to record it?”
Here, I will admit, I could have reacted in a few different ways. For some reason today, I decided to go with it. Yes, I had been an enormous pain in the ass this morning, and yes, I had single-handedly seen to it that we got no work done, so….okay. Why not.
“Alright, cowboy. Let’s go.”
So keep in mind when you see the photo below that neither I, nor he, planned to share it with you when it was shot. He actually did threaten to post it up on spankingtube the way I’ve done to him, so many times. He was a teeny bit irritated, I was stressed-out, and this fun spanking ended up making us both feel immensely better.
When I played the video back, I thought, “Hmm, that’s not too bad at all, is it? I mean, my ass COULD look a lot worse, and it’s been – what? – four years since I was last spanked?” After watching the video through, quite honestly, three or four times – laughing at myself really hard and wondering whether to share it with anyone – I decided, why the hell not? It’s raw video, there’s no editing, no fancy lighting, hell, I’m not even wearing Fancy Panties. There’s also the unavoidable fact that this is a very close-up, very intimate camera angle, which happens to highlight the entire…general area. Then I thought, “Eh, hell, we can handle it. We’re all adults.” So here ya go, kiddos:
Dana Kane, Spanked.
I spend a lot of time spanking people, and while you all know just how much I LOVE it, today it wasn’t happening. Well, it happened, just not the way we’d planned. Funny how things work, huh? And therapeutic, too, because it’s nice to remember that nobody, but nobody, can be on top ALL the time.
And before you ask – no, it’s not on the member site, and there’s no free preview video. Say what you will, but my backside doesn’t come out often and when it does, well…
*Warning : If you do not want to see images and video of me being spanked, do not click the clips4sale link.
** Warning : The video is raw and unedited. It’s also pretty damned close-up. If you do not want to see raw, unedited, close-up video of me being spanked, do not click the clips4sale link.
** WARNING : Really, seriously, this is NOT a video you want to watch if you are at all turned off by the idea of my being spanked, naked, or letting my guy turn the tables on me with a lexan paddle.
** FINAL WARNING : If you do choose to view this video, you will see me doing things which I do not tolerate from my playmates. This flies directly in the face of everything, and I have no defense. The following video contains: Squirming, Begging, Cursing, Rolling, Reaching the Hands Back, and Kicking the Feet. Cut me some slack – it’s been a long time.
With all that said, here’s the link:
Okay, this may be the most fun thing I’ve seen in a loong time.
It’s also not available for purchase yet, and when it is it’ll be pretty damn pricey, but I had to share this with all of you anyway.
Because, well….just watch the video:
Thanks to sweet Cras for sending me this crazycool link.
– Dana
Finally, ‘Amy’s First Spanking’, a great way to end May’s Sin City Spanks story contest entries – have fun with this one, and stay tuned for the next spanking story contest!
– Dana
My name is Amy and I am a 21 year old former Las Vegas showgirl. I was abandoned by my parents as an infant and raised in foster homes. I was putting myself through college at U.N.L.V. as a showgirl until I got involved with a gangster twice my age. I was enamored by his good looks, smooth talking, the way he threw his money around, and his celebrity friends. Because of his fast lane life style I dropped out of college and into the Las Vegas nightlife. I am currently lying in bed at the luxurious Vegas hotel where I was employed as a showgirl with a very sore well spanked bottom. It was my first spanking ever and I’m afraid it won’t be my last. I will never have to wonder again how a spanking feels! I am a former showgirl as of about two hours ago when I decided to drop my gangster boyfriend and the Vegas nightlife in exchange for finishing college.
My former boyfriend is a thief and a jerk; but, I never realized it until tonight. Little did I know that the money he threw around came from extorting money from the casino in Carolyn’s hotel. Carolyn is a gorgeous motherly beauty who was celebrating her 50th birthday and looks 20 years younger. She is 6′ tall weighs 140 lbs, has red hair, brown eyes and a muscular well toned body. She is accompanied by her husband of three years Jonathan, who is about one half her age and 5’5″ tall, her lawyer Alexis is a 6′ blond bombshell of 30, and Alexis’ lover Megan who is 5’4″ tall and 25 years old and looks like a college coed.
Carolyn has turned the 500 million dollars she inherited from her 1st husband Douglas into over a billion dollars. She suspected that money was missing from her Las Vegas casino. She has a dominate relationship with her younger husband Jonathan. Carolyn pays the bills and Jonathan keeps house. If he screws up its over her knee! Jonathon worked for Carolyn before their marriage and is a computer whiz. He checked the financial statements and discovered 50,000 dollars was missing. He was able to trace the missing money to a floor manager in her casino.
Alexis contracted with her investigation agency and evidence revealed that my gangster boyfriend was extorting money from our floor manager who had a dubious past. He was terminated and in exchange for not being prosecuted revealed that James was dating me and and all of the details of the extortion. I was shocked when the hotel casino owner contacted me, a mere showgirl in her hotel, and wanted me to arrange for James and me to come to her pent house suite for drinks after my show that evening. That evening we were introduced to Alexis, Megan, and Jonathan by Carolyn. It was all business and James was confronted with the evidence against him gathered by Alexis’ agency. He realized that with his criminal record and Carolyn’s and Alexis’ connections that most likely he would do prison time. That is when Alexis dropped the bomb that Jonathan had heard before he and Carolyn were married and the petulant professor had heard after stealing a colleague’s research at the University of Colorado. If he agreed to pay back the 50,000 dollars and accept a spanking from Carolyn and a caning from Alexis no charges would be pursued.
James agreed to Alexis’ terms. She pulled a contract from her briefcase that James signed along with a wicked looking Spencer style paddle that made Megan and Jonathan cringe. As I learned later both had been on the receiving end too many times and both hated the experience. James was in tears and I was seeing him in a new light for the first time. He wasn’t the man that I had been so stricken by! Carolyn placed a straight back chair in the middle of the room and sit with the paddle on her lap. James was ordered to her left side where Carolyn unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants to his knees. She raised her short ivory silk skirt above her stocking tops and forced James over her right thigh and clamped her left leg over his legs. Her well toned muscular right arm wrapped around his torso rendering him totally helpless. James was pinned helplessly and Carolyn proved to be an expert spanker paddling up one side and down the other followed by a series of spanks up and down the middle of his now crimson bottom. Next she alternated from cheek to cheek finishing on his upper thighs. Being pinned and helpless over her lap all he could do was plead, cry, and struggle in vain as Carolyn left the imprint of her paddle on his cherry red behind. I realized that I never wanted to see him again. Alexis grabbed James arms as Carolyn released him from her lap and forced him over the back of a lounge chair. Carolyn took James’ wrists and pinned him over the chair where Alexis stair cased his bottom with 12 angry wilts with her cane. Each stripe was about one inch above the next with none crisscrossing the other. The bawling James was shoved out of Carolyn’s suite with his crimson striped bottom before he could pull his pants back up! Alexis’ last words to him were, “You are luck I don’t have a horse whip!”
When the five of us discussed what had just happened I was in tears and shared with them that I never wanted to see James again. During our discussion I learned that both Megan and Jonathan were spanked if they failed to preform their household duties or their significant other believed they needed a maintaince spanking. Although their spankings were not as severe as an the one Carolyn and Alexis gave to James, they both hated being spanked but admitted that a good spanking cleared the air. I explained that I felt terrible about the time I had wasted with James and that allowing the night life I spent partying with him to cause me to drop out of college. Carolyn informed me that she thought that I would benefit from a sound spanking and if I was her daughter she would put me over her knee. At that moment I hugged Carolyn and began crying again as I explained that I never knew my mother. Carolyn was old enough to be my mother and I explained, “I have never been spanked and have no idea how a spanking feels; but, since you think I would benefit from a spanking and both Jonathan and Megan said that a spanking cleared the air I need to be spanked.”
Carolyn agreed but said, “Spankings are suppose to hurt and once I turn you over my knee it will be too late for you to change your mind and you will be a very unhappy little girl long before I’m finished.” She hugged me and added, “I will pay the rest of your way through college but right now we have some business to take care of!” Carolyn sit on the straight backed chair still in the center of the room and smoothed her ivory silk skirt with the Spencer style paddle on her lap. She raised my skirt and put me over her knee. She rubbed my thin nylon white panties and said,” You will be kicking, squirming, and dancing across my lap and that is O.K. I will have no trouble keeping you in place.”
I tried to be stoic as she began paddling my thin nylon panties but was soon crying out and dancing across her lap. Carolyn spanked up one side and down the other and then began alternating from cheek to cheek. Next she paddled the middle of my bottom to the top of my legs. When she finally left me off of her lap I danced around the room. My eyes were teary and puffy and tears were making my mascara run down my face. I was still crying uncontrollable when Carolyn hugged me and Alexis rubbed lotion on my stinging bottom. I didn’t realize how much a sound spanking from a capable woman hurt. As Carolyn had promised I was a well spanked unhappy girl. I understood why Jonathan and Megan hated being spanked. After three years of spanking Jonathan Carolyn had become an expert disciplinarian. I thanked Carolyn for caring enough to discipline me and helping me finish college.
After my spanking Megan went to the kitchen and returned with a cake for Carolyn’s 50th birthday celebration. Alexis removed her suit jacket and sit on the same straight backed chair in the middle of the room and smoothed her skirt. Alexis had paddled Carolyn three years ago and that was the only paddling Carolyn had ever received. Alexis informed Carolyn that she was going to receive a birthday hand spanking over her knee. Jonathan and Megan escorted Carolyn to Alexis’ side where Alexis raised her silk skirt to her waist and lowered her nylon panties to her knees. Everyone was laughing except Alexis who was all business. During her hand spanking over Alexis’ knee she never cried out and meekly submitted but I could tell by the expression on her face and her cherry red bottom outlined by her garter belt and stockings that a hand spanking over Alexis’ knee was a very painful experience.
After Carolyn’s birthday spanking we all enjoyed white wine, cake and many laughs. I was invited to spend the night in Carolyn’s suite. Carolyn was going to pay for my final year of college and promised to fly back to Vegas if I needed help in maintaining my grades or any other goals that I had set for myself. I never knew my mother but I loved Carolyn like the mother I never had.
Tickling Her Fancy
When you’ve spent all your Mad Money on fun/evil spanking toys from, but still need a few…ahem…other items, Stockroom is a good place for just about everything BDSM.
Cuffs, restraints, furniture, medical stuff, multitudes of different types of devices of general bodily torture, and lots of other things that possibly neither you nor I are sure quite what to do with…but that’s part of the fun of browsing, isn’t it?
The Sin City Spanks story contest turned out several very good entries, and ‘Burlesque Nightmare’ is an aptly-titled, fun romp. I know you’ll have fun with this one..
– Dana
Burlesque Nightmare
Heels, dance shoes, sequined bra tops and bottoms? Check, check, check, and check. I was looking through my dance bag and made sure I had everything I needed for my audition for the X Burlesque show at the Tropicana. Over the past month I had been auditioning for several of the adult dance shows in Las Vegas. I enjoyed dancing and performing, and needed the money to help pay for school. Dancing topless wasn’t my first choice, but I was struggling financially and was running out of options.
I pulled part of my curly red, shoulder length hair back, and put the finishing touches on my makeup. My brown eyes sparkled. I was excited for today. I certainly had the body and dance training they were looking for.
I grabbed my dance bag and keys, and headed to the car. Once I reached the hotel, I checked in at the audition table, took off my blue tank top and dance shorts, adjusted my pink sequined bra and briefs, and pinned on my number. My outfit was sensual, but not tasteless. I put on my ballet shoes and started stretching. After several minutes all of the dancers lined up and they recorded our height and took our pictures. We then did a basic ballet combination across the stage consisting of two piqué turns, two chainé turns, two assemblés, an arabesque, two more assemblés, and a grand jeté. There was a spotlight on me making it hard to see. Going in a straight line was key, so spotting was important.
After all 60 female dancers had gone, they cut 15 dancers, and I fortunately made the first cut. We then put on our heels and were taught a classical jazz routine performed to very fast music. I danced my best and made it through the next cut. For the final round we grabbed fans and performed a classical burlesque fan dance. There were still 20 dancers remaining and the producers told us they would inform us who had made callbacks within 24 hours. I smiled as I put my dance shorts and tank top on and said goodbye to my friends who were still there. I grabbed my bag and walked slowly back to car. As I left the theater I ran directly into my mother. She was 5’8”, only a little taller than I was, and slim with short black hair and piercing blue eyes. Except for the height and body shape we looked nothing alike.
“Nicole Elizabeth, what are you doing here?” her voice was very low and it was clear she was angry.
Continue reading “Sin City Spanks story entry: ‘Burlesque Nightmare’”
‘Scorched in Sin City’ is another wonderfully imaginative entry to the Sin City Spanks story contest, and I’m sure that you’ll have a great time reading.
– Dana
Scorched in Sin City
As the plane touched down at McCarran International Airport Marie and Bob looked forward to their 4 day getaway in Las Vegas albeit for different reasons. Bob liked to gamble on table games and slots while Marie enjoyed the other amenities the city has to offer like fine dining, shopping, site seeing, and the big name entertainment featured at one of the many shows playing at the various casinos. While waiting at the baggage conveyor belt Marie gently reminded Bob of their last trip to Sin City and firmly but cheerfully told him not to repeat the same mistakes made on their most recent visit. Namely, that Bob lost all his gambling money on the first day and proceeded to lose all the rest of their “fun’ money they planned on using for entertainment etc. for the rest of their trip on the second day! “This trip would be different” Marie stated as she gave Bob an allowance of 500 dollars for each of the (4) days they would be in town for his gambling. She would control all the rest of the cash they brought for her shopping and their mutual entertainment needs. Marie had made Bob promise that he would not exceed his daily budget of $500 and warned him that if he did, the consequences would not be of his liking. Bob was always a little afraid when Marie spoke in that tone of voice and promised to her that he would be more careful with his gambling. He figured she was serious this time as he noticed that while packing for the trip, Marie put her large sturdy wooden hairbrush in her suitcase. He was quite familiar with that hairbrush and it wasn’t for brushing his hair either, since he had very little.
Check in at the Mirage Hotel and Resort was a breeze and soon Bob and Marie happily strolled down the Las Vegas Strip with thoughts of enjoying the activities the city of Las Vegas offers. The strip was buzzing with activity as they passed the different street performers and the many people from all different cultures and walks of life that shared the sidewalk on this hot sultry desert afternoon.
Marie couldn’t help but notice all the metal boxes that dotted the Strip containing the paper magazines and flyers which touted certain events and adult services. She grabbed one from a box and stashed it in her purse thinking she would peruse its pages later that evening. Marie loved the fountains at the Bellagio and she and Bob watched them for what seemed for Bob hours on end! Finally at Bob’s suggestion, they both began walking toward the Luxor Hotel where Bob knew Marie wanted to visit the Titanic Museum that was on display. Bob was itching to get a crack at the gaming tables and this would present a good opportunity for him to do so. Marie could see her museum while he gambled at the tables and made some cash. Or so he hoped.
When they arrived at the Titanic Museum Marie reluctantly agreed to go it alone and let Bob do some gambling during the 90 minutes or so it would take to visit the Museum. She did warn Bob about not going over his allotted budget for gambling. “Yes Dear”, was all he could muster as he hurriedly went off to find the nearest blackjack table. Within minutes Bob was ahead by $300 dollars as he had a quick run of luck. He decided to double and triple his original bets but soon found that no longer was he up $300, but rather down $1000! He began to break out in a cold sweat as he knew he would be grilled by Marie when she would later meet up with him and ask how he was doing? In his desperation Bob could hear in the background the hoots and hollers of the happy players over at the Craps table nearby. “That’s where the action is”! he thought aloud, remembering a few years ago when he actually won a couple thousand dollars shooting craps in one of the downtown casinos. He recalled that Craps is a lightning fast paced game where one can win or lose a fortune in a matter of minutes. Since Marie would be exiting the Titanic Museum at any moment Bob thought his best chance to get the money he lost at blackjack was at this crowded Craps table where by the sound of it, players were making all kinds of money! “Change for $1,000” the dealer shouted as he handed Bob his buy in chips. Bob quickly made (2) $100 dollar bets placing the 6 & 8. The shooter rolled an 8! Bob just won $110! This was easy he thought. He then doubled up his original bets. The shooter then rolled a 7. “Seven out” the dealer proclaimed and collected all the losing wagers including Bob’s. He was now out $300 plus the $1,000 lost at blackjack. He had $700 remaining in his total budget and he could see from the corner of his eye Marie Making her way across the casino floor towards him. He needed a big score on the next 2 rolls of the dice if he wanted to break even and more importantly, not break his promise to Marie. Bob was handed the dice and he placed all his remaining money on the chance that he could make his point. He rolled a 10. He backed up his frontline bet with odds so that if he rolled another 10 he would get almost all his money back. With confident voice Bob commanded the dice to come up with the combination of 10. He rolled a 7! “Seven out!” exclaimed the dealer and took all of Bob’s wagers. Bob realized he was now out of the game with no money left and felt dejected. Right at that moment Marie tapped him on the shoulder and inquired ”how you doing”? By the look on his face she already knew.
Continue reading “Scorched in Sin City : An original spanking story entry”
Here’s a great entry to the Sin City Spanks story contest : “Chapter Twelve” by miss Randy Lee. Enjoy!
– Dana
by Randy Lee
It was seven o’clock in the evening. The bright desert sun was still showing plenty of strength on this May evening. The congenial group of four women strolled down the sidewalk of the Las Vegas Strip leaning close to whisper humorous snippets in each other’s ears. Their laughs and giggles blended into the conversations and loud laughter of other groups on the sidewalk. Dotty, Hope, Lynette, and Pam had just graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in their home state of Texas and had come to Las Vegas to celebrate. Having spent four years preparing to take their places in society, focusing on different subjects before concentrating their efforts in their various major fields of study, it was agreed that this was a time for letting their collective hair down, figuratively speaking. Since their high school days, each girl’s educational pursuit had demanded a regimented life both inside and outside her classrooms. Now that their respective scholastic goals had been achieved, they were here to paint the town red! Hope began moving a little ahead of the others and approached the door of a Las Vegas business establishment. On it were the letters SPA in elaborate script style.
She turned to her friends, regarded them with a wide grin, and gestured toward the door. “This is it, girls,” she announced.
The other three women froze in their tracks, their faces showing disbelief. “Wait just a dadgum minute,” Lynette protested. “We’re supposed to be going to a casino. You know, as in gambling? We can go to a spa back home anytime we want, without shelling out all those bucks for airfare.”
“Okay, calm down, Lyn. This is a casino, I promise,” Hope assured her.
“So you’ve been here before?” Pam asked.
“Twice,” Hope confirmed. “My ex-boyfriend brought me here near the end of our junior year, and I came back last Christmas vacation to do some exploring by myself. I had a blast! I’ll bet y’all are gonna love it.”
“Oh, yeah?” This from Pam. “Whatta you bet?”
“We’ll discuss it later,” Hope replied, a hint of mystery in her voice.
“Hmmh!” Pam grunted skeptically.
Dotty, the quiet member of the group, and Lynette were unmoved—literally—from their positions alongside Pam.
Hope decided some coaxing was in order. “Awww, c’mon, y’all! What’s life without a little suspense and drama?”
“Oh, all right,” Pam conceded. She turned to her skeptical buddies and suggested, “Let’s go see what this ‘spa’ is all about.”
Hope pulled the door open and held it for the other three. They trooped in for a distance of about five feet and again were brought up short. Hope watched the three newcomers take in the room’s beautiful decor. There was furniture of rich, dark hardwood and upholstery in equally rich red and gold velvet and brocade. Satin treatments adorned mock windows. No source of water was evident, and no scent of either chlorine or massage oil rankled the nose. No people were evident, either. Not another soul occupied the exquisitely appointed room.
Dotty murmured, “This isn’t like any spa I ever saw before.”
Lynette echoed her observation and added, “Or casino, either.”
“It’s different, I’ll admit,” Hope acknowledged. “Well, come along. Let’s get this party started. I’ll show you the fun room where the gambling happens.”
She led her companions in the direction of a door which bore the letters NKO. As they approached, the sound of a ball hopping on a spinning roulette wheel could be heard. There was also the distinct click of a cue ball striking racked balls on a pool table. Hope pressed a button on the wall beside the door. The four women heard no sound, but a voice from a speaker above them said, “Identify.”
Hope spoke plainly, “Hope M. 7239.”
“Enter,” the voice said. A buzzer sounded, and Hope pushed the door open. A tall man wearing a red polo shirt tucked into black trousers stood guard at the door. He motioned the women to come in, glanced quickly beyond them in all directions, and closed the door. He gestured to an electronic scanner next to him and ordered, “Handprint.” Hope laid her right hand flat on the glass surface of the machine and held still. A light moved back and forth under the glass twice and then went out. A beep sounded, and the man said, “Okay.” Hope looked at him. He nodded, she removed her hand, and he indicated with a slight movement of his head that the four could move about the room freely.
As they walked farther into the room, Pam noted sarcastically, “That guy’s a real chatterbox.”
I couldn’t think of a witty intro here, but want to share with you some of my favorite Cane-iac items, most of which are beloved to me for their specific usefulness and ability to withstand more punishment than the butts they strike. Folks ask often which types of implements are good for different things, and, while this isn’t meant to be a comprehensive list, I think that each of these items has a place in one’s spanking arsenal.
So, here are ten things I love about Cane-iac, in no particular order and not including the fact that they, in general, rock.
– Dana
1. Exotic Mighty Might – serious bang. I call mine (in Wenge wood) ‘Angry Cricket’. This is a great paddle for even the tiniest of butts, and packs a serious local wallop no matter whose bottom it hits.
2. Love Me Strap – delivers as named, ‘love taps’. This sweet, unsevere strap is excellent for OTK and standing strapping and gives a good sting without hiding your bottom.
3. Curse of Dana Wallop – run for your life. Cane-iac’s rubber implements are notoriously evil, and this angry little square of rubber sitting at the end of two delrin stems is no exception. Great bounce-action for uninitiated or lazy spankers!
4. School House Cane – sort of the epitome of strict school disicpline, the 32″ Senior version of this traditional, crooked-handle cane is enough to bring any classroom to attention. The crook in the handle makes the cane easier to hold and direct, in my opinion.
5. Dana’s Inferno – spencer-style pain-maker. It’s two-sided, walnut and maple, with eleven terrible holes for maximum impact; although this paddle has moved many bottoms to near-tears, I’ve yet to come near breaking it.
6. Delrin Rug Beater – for punishment. Seriously. Usually, I only bring out this piece if I’m dealing either with serious infractions or a seriously tough bottom. Not for the faint of heart, or most other hearts, for that matter.
7. Russet 3 Tail Tawse – excellent all ’round leather implement. This is Cane-iac at their best – a traditional tawse with a Cane-iac twist; this is one of my most oft-used items, as it’s easy to adjust the impact force by adjusting one’s swing.
8. Red Acrylic Paddle – red means stop. I like this paddle visually, as it’s an intimidating bright red, shiny sheet of acrylic that looks like it could (and, indeed, can) turn your bottom an equally terrible shade.
9. Marwood Paddle – strict Miss Marwood’s Cane-iac paddle namesake is the same size as Dana’s Inferno, but a stingy 1/4″ thick, making it an incredibly stingy lesson learned.
10. Naughty Stick with Holes – bruiser. This one goes down in history as having been the first implement which My Bottom’s Bottom vetoed from further future use.
Bring Me Daddy’s Belt
The preview video:
..kindly broken into two pieces so it’s no so damn painfully long all at once.
Dana Kane Video Q and A First half of part two (These are quicktime files. If you can’t play Quicktime I cannot help you.)
Dana Kane Video Q and A 2 The end. Finally. Whew!
Live Session Video: Sentenced to Discipline
I’m a transplanted Cajun-Country-bordering-Texan, living in the middle of the damn Mojave desert. I am reminded of this simply by looking out my bedroom window, the view from which features a stunning mountain vista in the distance (with the Stratosphere much closer), or stepping foot outside for three seconds (the day’s high will be a dry 101-ish). It’s hotter than hades here, and that’s saying something when you consider the area from which I hail.
“But it’s a dry heat” you say.
“Go to hell” I say in return, “Or just come here instead.”
There are lots of things to love about Las Vegas, but, as Dorothy kindly reminds us every year, there’s no place like home. And for me, there’s no food like Cajun food (throw Creole and Soul foods in there too, as it’s all been served to me on the same plate, most of my life) to make me feel like I’m at home.
Cajun/Creole/Soul food wasn’t something we ate in restaurants, it’s what we ate at home. Turnip greens and cornbread? Yes, please. Boiled crawfish with a side of potatoes and corn? Heck yeah! Boudin and cracklin (google it)? Oh, god save the queen..
So imagine my happiness when a little internet sleuthing paid off a few days ago – I’d done a general internet search for “boudin las vegas” and was absolutely tickled when a yelp-reviewed meat market on the other side of town showed up, with a comment reading, “Every kind of Cajun food you can imagine, even boudin!”, or something close, from a lady who seemed pretty darned happy. So, with images of my long-lost gastronomic loves dancing merrily in my head, I loaded up and made the excruciatingly long haul across town.
*If you’re wondering, it’s excruciating because the traffic lights here are what I believe to be the longest, worst-timed mechanisms in the free world. Coupled with the statistical fact that 6 of 10 drivers in Las Vegas are impaired at Any Given Time, and you have a recipe for extremely defensive driving and long, slow, harrowing trips just about anywhere.
Having finally arrived in one piece, I entered a cute little old school style meat market – heavy on meat, light on everything else. While perusing the fresh meats case, I noticed that boudin was conspicuously absent…so I strolled over to the freezer case.
Aha! Boudin. Mild and hot. Three links per package.
I grabbed three, headed for the counter, and hauled ass home – where I almost literally stared down this package of boudin until it thawed. Painful hours, my friends, painful hours.
Fantasies of smoked boudin, boudin balls, boudin dip, and other boudin-based concoctions made me a bit lightheaded, and the anticipated scent of boudin washed through my nostrils like the ghosts of food past and future. (Waxing poetic about food is not new, I’m just bad at it.)
Since the post’s titled Bad Boudin, you’ve naturally figured out by now that the boudin was, indeed, bad. More than bad. Mealy and watery and soupy and, just….gross.
My disappointment cannot be contained; my mortification shall not abate. Boudin made in Lake Charles, Louisiana, should not taste (or look or smell) like that.
I guess if I really, really want to revisit the food of my youth, I’m going to have to once again revisit the geography of it – and next time, I’ll bring a cooler full of dry ice.
– Dana
PS. Please don’t drink and drive. Or text and drive. Or stare at your GPS and drive…you get the idea. Just drive, dammit.
Last month I received several entries for the “Sin City Spanks” story contest, and had a more difficult time than usual making a final decision. Ultimately, I chose “All Bets Are Off”, as I loved the character ‘Ma’s’ line about tickling….you’ll see.
Congratulations to our winning author, and I’m sure that you’ll all enjoy this entry and all the rest.
– Dana
All Bets Are Off
All Bets Are Off
“Wait! I can explain!” Crystal begged as the strong hands gripping her pulled her into a dark room. “It’s not what it looks like! OOOF!” she yelped, the wind leaving her body, as she was unceremoniously dumped onto a hard wooden chair. “That hurt,” she said gasping for breath.
The petite, bottle blonde blinked her eyes trying to breathe normally and get a good look at the person standing over her. It was impossible given that that the large male body was being lit from behind by the bright lights of the casino she had up until recently been happily gambling in. Well, gambling in the sense of winning a ton of the casino’s money by means that were anything but honest.
“Cheating is supposed to hurt,” the man grunted as he closed the door. “Think about that while you wait for Ma.”
Crystal shivered in the dark. She had seen enough of the room she was in to know that it was little larger than a closet. She contemplated banging on the door but who would hear her over the sounds of the slot machines, cheering players at the craps tables, and the music filling the brightly lit gambling floor? Instead she hugged her knees to her chest not caring that her short silver dress was riding up. Who would even notice in the dark?
After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened causing the young lady within to blink against the onslaught of light. “Oh, thank God!” Crystal said as she rubbed her eyes back into focus and saw a police officer standing there, “I was being held captive in here!” she said her hands going to her theatrically heaving bosom, which the outfit she was wearing accentuated to a most impressive degree.
“Detained ma’am, not held captive,” the officer said in a polite drawl, “On suspicion of defrauding a gaming establishment. A suspicion which is very much true given the security footage I have reviewed. And, given the amount you took, this constitutes grand larceny – a felony.”
Crystal swallowed hard hearing this but was not ready to give in yet. She sidled up to the officer her gait taking on an intoxicating sashay while her voice dropped into a purr, “I’m sure we can work something out officer,” she said huskily one perfectly manicured finger tracing a heart shape on the police officer’s chest teasingly.
“That would be between you and Ma, uh, the owner of the casino ma’am,” the police officer said stepping back. “Would you like to speak with her or prefer to take this down town?”
“Fine, let me meet the bitch,” Crystal said, with a sigh, her pretty face screwed up petulantly.
Crystal was not sure what to expect as she was led into the owner’s office. She thought it might be a bit more colorful given the garish lights and loud noises of the casino gaming floor and was almost disappointed that the room looked more like a lawyer’s office or something an executive would use – all dark wood, thick carpets, and expensive looking artwork. “You’re the owner?” she blurted seeing a petite red-headed woman about her own age standing beside the desk. “I thought you were the cocktail waitress!” she said sneeringly looking the young woman up and down.
The red-head laughed, a sound like tinkling bells. “I am the cocktail waitress silly, and you’re the ungrateful brat that not only didn’t tip me but also stole from Ma,” she said rolling her eyes. “Wrong move,” she said laughing again as the large leather chair which up until now had been facing the window slowly turned.
“I’m the owner,” the chair’s occupant said coolly in a tone that sent a shiver down Crystal’s spine. “Marjory Phillips-Brightsworth, but most people just call me Ma,” she said. “I hear someone’s been a naughty girl,” she finished raising an eyebrow and giving Crystal a look that turned her knees to jelly.
Crystal licked her lips nervously unsure what to say. Something about this woman made her very nervous. She looked nothing like Crystal’s mother but everything from the way she spoke, the way she held her head, and even the way she steepled her fingers in front of her chin gave Crystal visions of cutting switches, hard oak hairbrushes, and long minutes bawling in the corner – something that had not happened in several years.
“I…no, it’s not like that…I…I didn’t do anything wrong!” she stammered trying to find something to say to get out of this predicament.
“Well, that can always be decided by a court of law,” Ma said turning her attention to the police officer. “John, would you be so kind as to take this young lady to the police station. I will be pressing charges.”
“No! Wait!” Crystal said pulling away from the police officer who was reaching for her arm. “He said we could work something out! Please, let me work something out!”
Ma nodded and looked Crystal over carefully. The girl was trying her best to look elegant but the hem of her sparkly silver dress was frayed slightly speaking of something picked up at a thrift store and her shoes looked cheap and uncomfortable though stylish enough at a cursory glance. Ma guessed without the heels Crystal might make five foot two, but she noticed that Crystal was also doing her best to look not just taller but also older and more worldly that she was – while all the womanly curves were there the young lady in front of her lacked the poise and sophistication of the persona she was trying to emulate. “How old are you little girl?” she asked.
“Little Girl?” Crystal snapped, “I’m 25!”
The casino owner sighed and the cocktail waitress’s sprightly laugh filled the air again. Crystal was beginning to hate that laugh. “That is the last lie you tell me tonight young lady. The next one gets you a trip with the officer here,” Ma said sternly.
“Fine,” Crystal said her bottom lip pulled up into a pout, “I’m 19.”
“It seems we can add underage drinking and underage gambling to your list of charges,” Ma said shaking her head, “And given my casinos strict ID policy, I am betting you have a fake id in that faux Coach purse of yours.”
Crystal pouted again and stomped her foot in frustration, yes, actually stomped like a wilful toddler. “How do you know everything?!” she said her voice taking on a whining tone. It really was like talking to her own, seemingly omnipotent, mother.
The waitress laughed again, “Ma’s had lots of practice with lying little girls,” she said rubbing her bottom with a wink, “Lord knows she never lets me get away with anything,” she said her small hands continuing to rub under her short skirt.
“I let you get away with far too much,” Ma said rolling her eyes, a gesture she somehow made look elegant, “I think you are long due another maintenance spanking.”
“Wait, what? Spankings?” Crystal said laughing despite of, or perhaps because, of her nervousness. “You still get spanked?” she said looking at the waitress.
“Only when I need it,” the young woman said sagely, “though right now it would be my own pretty little tushie I’d worry about little miss thief,” she said glancing very meaningfully at Crystal’s backside.
“Uh, sorry Ma, I just got a call,” the police officer said motioning to the ear piece attached to his radio, “If this one gives you any trouble just call us back. I’m sure the ladies down at Florence would be more than happy to make her acquaintance,” he said before hurrying out of the room to whatever emergency dispatch had called about.
“Florence?” Crystal said unsure what that meant.
“The correctional facility where you are likely to end up if this goes forward officially,” Ma said matter-of-factly. “A pretty little girl like you would be very popular indeed.”
Crystal shivered wondering how all this went so wrong and tried to swallow back her fear. “Um, what about, uh, well, um, unofficially?”
“Unofficially you get your round little fanny whacked until you just think it is on fire!” the waitress said with her damned laugh again.
Ma sighed and pointed to the door. “Go back to work Becca. I think we can handle this without your commentary, though I will see you back here at the end of your shift. Bring your hairbrush,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument.
“Yes ma’am,” the young red-head said laughing again and flipping up the back of her short skirt to show her matching red panties below as she sauntered out of the office.
“That girl,” Ma said shaking her head, “she won’t be laughing in a few hours when I am done with her. So which is it to be – official or unofficial?”
Crystal bit her bottom lip her hands playing nervously with the hem of her skirt. “Uh, well, um, if we do the, um, the spanking,” she said her face blushing crimson, “will that be the end of it?”
“It will keep your pretty little backside out of jail if that is what you mean,” Ma said with a nod.
“Okay,” Crystal said in barely a whisper, “I’ll take the spanking.”
The elegant casino owner smiled and stood, smoothing her skirt, before moving to the front of the desk. As Ma approached her, Crystal realized that the large luxurious chair had made the woman appear much smaller than she actually was. Standing and getting closer, Crystal realized that Ma had to be close to six feet tall and had a figure that showed she focused as much on staying in shape as she did on her business. Even in her six inch heels, Crystal was shorter than the stern looking lady who was about to spank her behind red.
“Instead of standing there, your mouth open like a cod fish,” Ma said borrowing a line from Mary Poppins, “how about you pass me over the spanking chair,” she said indicating a simple, sturdy, straight-backed wooden chair that until now Crystal hadn’t noticed. “Yes, I have a chair just for spanking,” Ma said noticing the young woman’s startled look.
“Do you do this kind of thing often?” Crystal asked as she moved the chair into the spot Ma indicated. “I mean, you must if you have a special chair and all.”
Ma nodded and sat on the chair arranging her clothes so as not to wrinkle them. “I’ve always found that people are going to make mistakes; they’re going to mess up. I could fire them. I could have them arrested. I could write those people off as a failure. But in a town like Vegas, even with all its people, I’d soon run out of staff. It’s far better to settle things in a more direct, yet far less drastic manner. Speaking of which, I think you know where you are supposed to be little girl,” she said patting her lap.
Crystal was only too aware of where she was supposed to be and draped herself expertly over the waiting knees.
“I’d say you have done this before young lady,” Ma said as she lifted Crystal’s short skirt and laid it over her lower back. “Did you mother spank you often?” she asked tugging down the tiny thong the teenager had on underneath. “Running around wearing skimpy underwear like this, I’d hope she tanned your hide for you at least once a week.”
Crystal blushed again and nodded her head. “Yes ma’am, she, well, maybe not that often, but yes, she did spank me.”
“Too bad the lesson didn’t take,” Ma said raising her strong right arm high above the now bare bottom presented so vulnerably over her lap. “Let’s hope this one stays with you a little longer.”
Any response Crystal may have made to that comment was cut off by Ma’s sturdy palm landing stingingly on her right bottom cheek. Despite being the veteran of countless over-the-knee spankings, the sheer force of the smack caused her to kick her feet and look back in surprise.
“Yes, a spanking from me hurts,” Ma said reaching up with her non-spanking hand to smooth a strand of hair off of Crystal’s face. “But if a spanking tickled all little girls would want one now wouldn’t they?” she said landing a matching spank to Crystal’s other bare bottom cheek.
Crystal winced and decided that this little girl sure as heck didn’t want one! A sentiment that only grew as her bottom bounced, jiggled, and reddened under Ma’s well practiced spanking hand. Tears soon dripped down Crystal’s cheeks and her yelps turned to cries, which soon turned to begging. “Please! I’ll be good! OW! Pleeease! It hurts!” she sniffled trying to reach back to cover her bottom.
“Yes, I know, but we already talked about how spankings hurt,” Ma said continuing to spank every inch of Crystal’s well-presented backside. Actually, the young woman’s exposed rear-end was blushing a rosy pink from the backs of her knees to the top of her exposed bottom cheeks. Ma was a firm believer that thighs should not be spared even if spanks there would show below the hem of a naughty girl’s short dress or skirt. “How about we talk about how you aren’t going to steal anymore.”
“OW! I won’t! I promise I won’t!” Crystal yelped as she tried to twist and turn to avoid the punishing spankings. “For real!”
Ma sighed, “’I won’t’ could apply to anything young lady. Be specific or how am I supposed to know that we are both on the same page?” she said continuing the pepper Crystal’s bottom with firm spanks.
“I won’t, OW! I won’t steal anymore and I won’t even think about, about stealing and and and OW! I won’t do it again I swear!” Crystal cried tears running down her cheeks.
Ma nodded and rested her hand on Crystal’s now crimson bottom. “Hmm…this is one hot little backside,” she said feeling each cheek in turn. “I’m inclined to believe you, but why on earth did you try to steal from me in the first place?”
Crystal sniffled and tried to get her composure back now that the spanking had stopped. “I don’t have any money, and no one is hiring so I can’t get a job. You know how the economy has been.”
“How about college?” Ma asked rubbing the bare cheeks over her knee gently.
Crystal sighed, “I can barely afford rent, let alone college,” she said wiping her tears with on hand, while leaving the other on the carpet to support herself.
Ma nodded and patted Crystal’s bottom causing the young woman to tense. “Oh, sorry, it helps me think,” she said noticing her distress. “I have a proposition for you – one I made once before and so far have not regretted. How about you come and work here for me?”
“Wait, work here? Uh, really? I just cheated and tried to steal money from you,” Crystal said her tone of voice reflecting the shock her face was showing.
“Well, I’ve found that ‘it takes one to know one’ is certainly true when it comes to cheats and thieves. Becca must have caught two dozen cheats by now. Who do you think tipped security off to your little scheme?” Ma asked.
“Becca? The waitress?” Crystal gasped.
“One and the same,” Ma said with a smile. “So what do you say?”
“Um, what’s the catch?”
“Well, if I ever catch you stealing or cheating again you will be arrested, and if your attitude or work ethic ever slips you will find yourself right back where you are now – over my knee getting your little behind smacked until it steams. Besides that I will pay you a fair wage and pay your tuition. Of course, if your grades ever slip below a B, you won’t sit for a week. It’s the same arrangement I have with Becca.”
“I’ll do it,” Crystal said with a small nod. It was the best offer she’s had in years.
“Great. I’ll draw up the legal documents and get Becca to get you a uniform. You can start tonight. I hope you can serve drinks with a sore bottom,” Ma said giving Crystal’s bottom another smack for good measure. “Welcome to the family.”
Here’s the first part of the Video Q&A; there were a lot of questions, so I thought I’d break the video down into two parts…problem is, I broke at the wrong time, so this part’s ten minutes and the next one’s thirty. Oops..
Preview Video:
(POV) Barracuda : The Interview
Marital Discipline III
(Eight Canes, Foreplay, Caught Masturbating Again, You Asked for It, Bruised for Brownies, and Water War! Runtime approx. 63 minutes.)
Brand New Ass
(BNA: Red (2 Scenes), BNA: Lacey (2 scenes), BNA: Agatha (2 scenes), 60+ minutes.)
(*Remember, this is only a ‘conversation’ if you comment in the box below, so that other readers can share in the experience. Sending your comment in an email to me sort of defeats the point.)
One of the most often discussed topics for new and exploring spankos (and many old hats, too) is, “Where does it come from?”
I don’t know if we ever figure it out completely, and I think that that’s probably a very good thing (as the unknown causes us to explore) but I still want to know what you think about this short, not-so-simple question:
Where does IT come from?
Your spanking fetish. Your need. Your interest. Whatever you want to call it. When and where do you think yours derived, or can you not remember a time when you weren’t ‘already into’ spanking?
(We usually avoid pre-adult spanking conversations here, but I’m going to relax this a bit for obvious reasons – most of us were interested in spanking before we were able to drive so it reasons that we’d need to talk about it in terms of age and experience.)
Maybe we can all figure it out together…
– Dana
Go ahead, pretend you don’t like looking at pictures of cuddly critters.
I’m gonna post these anyway, because I do.
I’ve taken a fair few vacations, and they’ve all been nice enough – the Smoky Mountains are gorgeous in the fall when leaves change colors, and there’s a cool/funky nude river-beach just outside Portland where I once spent the day. Sitting on a big deck on the back end of a ship in the middle of big water is pretty damn amazing, too. There has never been a time when I’ve been ‘away’ that I’ve not been happy about that away-ness in some way, and I knew that this vacation would be just the same.
Away-ness makes me breathe more deeply for some reason, and I become adventurous, something which I don’t consider myself to be nearly enough in everyday life (although you may disagree). There’s something about getting out of one’s comfort zone and taking chances – even if, for me, taking chances means swimming underwater and drinking alcoholic beverages at lunch – that makes us feel that much more alive.
This past week I was Super Alive.
A week in small-town-anywhere will likely force a busy person to take things more slowly, but this small town is something special. We spent a week eating, strolling, swimming, and napping, surrounded by the gorgeous Caribbean, lush mangrove jungles, and one of the most spectacular places on the planet – the Great Barrier Reef.
Instead of doing the typical tourist thing, we decided to hop off the beaten path just a bit and ended up having quite possibly the best time of our lives. We rented a private home for the week, and I should say right at the outset that this place was Obnoxiously Fabulous – two full floors of indoor living area topped by a 3rd floor outdoor patio, pool, and party area, with a 4th floor rooftop observation deck. I should also say right at the outset that this was, by far, the least expensive vacation rental I’ve ever taken.
I could type for a very long time about the variety of birds seen and heard from this deck, but you’d have to see it for yourself. Also, the neighbors had chickens, roosters, and at least one turkey, so the usual sound of traffic, ambulances, and other noise pollution were replaced by a definite organic, winged cacophony that didn’t let up even at night.
Nighttime also brought out the geckos, gigantic prisma-color moths, and goodness knows what else scurrying around out in the mangrove directly – and I mean directly as in right up against the home’s perimeter wall – behind us.
Can I tell you how wonderful and wild and perfect this place is? There’s a crazy mix of very old, small, rickety homesteads, built-up homes like the one I rented, and cool little Mexican hotels – no huge resorts in the town proper and no way to insulate oneself from the local culture…exactly what I wanted.
One morning this happened:
And all was right with the world.
And then that evening, this happened:
Feel that?
Now let’s move on to one of the main reasons I almost always choose Mexico: the food. I believe (and I know that Anthony Bourdain would disagree and I vehemently do NOT care) that Latin America turns out the most consistently delicious food on the planet. In my opinion, as many of you already know, there are few foods more perfect than the taco. A simple corn tortilla rolled around nearly anything – how could you possibly go wrong? There is no lime shortage in Mexico, either, and I didn’t see a single bruised, black, shriveled avocado the entire time. Things are Lush and Fat in the Yucatan, and the food reflects the bounty of all that humidity.
I ate the hands-down-best-ever-on-the-planet shrimp cocktail – twice, actually – and likely downed more guacamole than anyone should rightfully admit; there were organic eggs for breakfast and mangoes so ripe and sweet that you could smell ’em right through the skin. And the habañeros? Ohholyhell…
There are no photos of the food. This should give you some indication of just how little time it spent sitting in front of me.
Oh, and cocktails. I should probably mention the cocktails. Since I don’t usually drink at all, any beverage stronger than fresh, sweet iced tea is likely going to make me a little wonky; I was wonky a fair few times last week.
It’s the Mojitos, you see, and the sun, and the sea – they conspire together to make you believe that nothing would taste better at this very moment than some really strong rum, watered down a teeny bit with a few drops of water and a couple bruised mint leaves. Do not be fooled by the steaming coolness rising from that tall glass, my friend. It is a ruse to lure in the unwary drinker and make her need a nap at 2pm. I believe I had a total of about ten alcoholic beverages during the course of the week, which should cover my quota well into 2017.
When you order your Mojito on the beach and drink it while smoking a cigar, the nice man brings you an ashtray that he just carved out of a green coconut:
I loved that man.
Hell, I loved everyone I met. Totally enamored with Latin culture, language, and people, I always feel pretty damn at home here, even though my understanding of the language is woefully inadequate (something which I plan to change immediately). We met several folks who live and work in the fishing village who are what one would call the Salt of the Earth, including one cool cat tour guide who seemed to know everyone and everything going on at any given moment. He even helped me find those cigars.
Speaking of those cigars: One needs certain things no matter where one is, but those essentials change depending on the surroundings. I’ve found it to be true that anytime I’m in the Caribbean, I need Cuban cigars. This is likely a reaction to a decades-long embargo in the U.S. which causes me to have the ‘want what I can’t have’ response, so every time I’m there I buy and smoke with abandon.
Also coffee:
Don’t think I’ve forgotten about the Sea..
That’s the reason for every single decision I make in terms of vacation travel – if there’s no beach involved, I’m likely highly uninterested. I know, I know, there are gorgeous places all over the world; ancient civilizations and art and culture and food and terrain that I’ve never experienced which could and likely would surely outdo my beloved Mexican Caribbean in a way or two. Again, I do not care. I am willfully and endlessly small-minded in this area.
Because I spent a large amount of my early life hanging out at the edge of the Gulf of Mexico and various rivers, ponds, sandpits, and the like, I’m obsessively attracted to water. I can sit, clear-headed, for hours, staring at the line where the water meets the sky, not a care in the world. Add in the fact that at NO time during my life did I ever experience water clean enough for one to actually see one’s feet when standing at ankle-depth, and you have a perfect storm of beach-bum-itis. And baby, I got it bad.
This time I did something that I thought I’d never do – I went underwater. Pretty far underwater, too. About 20 feet, which to me seems like a really long way down when there aren’t gills involved.
Also sharks.
But I did it. Snuba. Like a cross between snorkel and scuba, these two nice boys hook you up to a really long air hose that’s attached to your very own floaty thing; they give you some flipper thingies for your feet (try to keep up, I know this is getting technical..) and teach you how to do the air-breathing without drowning, which is vitally important. They also teach you hand signals to be used underwater, since you can’t talk through your air-breathing thingy (although I did yell ‘shit’ when I saw a large barracuda, all that came out was “bubblebubblebubble”). This was a super exciting little excursion and I got to see lots of really beautiful coral, a teeny bright-red ray, lobsters, aforementioned barracuda, and even an undersea cenote (google it). When it was done, however, I immediately remembered that I am 41 and don’t swim in the ocean often (see Las Vegas on the map?) – because my entire body decided to basically shut down on the walk back to the rental house, where I napped the nap of the partially-dead-by-snuba.
That was okay, too, though, because it was the perfect excuse to go back for a second massage..
I’d like to say, here and now, that it’s likely I will live in Latin America sometime during the course of my life.
This is why:
There is absolutely nothing you can say to top that, mi amigo. Don’t even try.
I had to share something hilarious with you – an email I received recently from our Very Bad Boy. The title of the email was something like “RIP our favorite spanking implement”, and inside was this photo, of their beloved antique store find brush:
The VBB and his Wonderful Wife have kids, but none of them is teething – so I knew this had to be the work of one of the family pooches. By process of elimination, it’s obvious that their handsome boy Maxwell is responsible, since one of the other two is tiny and old, and the other is a trained service dog.
This is Maxwell:
Maxwell is one of the handsomest boys you’ll see all week – but he’s also a service dog training flunkie. He loves his dad endlessly but couldn’t get the hang of the whole training thing, so now it’s his job to be Maxwell – the dog who eats spanking brushes.
He will be the new hero of spanking bottoms everywhere! Folks will want to borrow Maxwell, just so he can chew up their most-loved/hated paddles, brushes, canes, and straps. I think that this could be a great career for Maxwell, as I’m VERY certain that there are a few things My Bottom’s Bottom would love to have ‘disappear’.
Below, a photo re-enactment of the crime:
Way to go, Maxwell! Now your mom gets to buy MORE!
That’s right, folks! It’s a Sin City Spanking Story Contest Extravaganza!!
This month’s story entries should be set in my new home city of Las Vegas and contain some element of the city’s so-called mystique: gambling, gangsters, nightlife, showgirls, celebrities, etc. And spanking – don’t forget about the spanking..
As always, the contest will run through the month, and I’ll announce the winner beginning of June. The winner will receive a spanking ‘prize’ from me, in any of the cities which I regularly visit, or here in Sin City.
The Rules:
*Your story must be an original, unpublished story, written by YOU, specifically for this contest.
*Don’t write about characters (or situations containing characters) under the age of 18.
*Don’t write about sex. There are lots of places to write/read about sex…this isn’t one of them.
*Don’t be a jerk. Just in general.
*All entries must be received by May 31, 2014. By sharing your entry you agree to let me publish/share/excerpt it, here and elsewhere.
Email your original Sin City spanking story to me at :
My cat is a genius. And a clown.
Just watch the video.
We talk a lot about all the ways in which a bottom may be hurt or harmed during spanking play, and we’re all very conscious of those things – rightfully so – but we rarely talk about all the nasty crap that can happen to the spankER during the very same scene.
Let’s look at a few ways in which my playmates have endangered my life and limbs over the years, likely in retribution for many, many sit spot whacks. Please feel free to empathize with me and other tops, for all the pain and woe we slog through, just to spank your misbehaving behinds.
1. Sticks and Stones, and Feet: I have a particularly kick-y playmate who, while doing his very best impression of an alligator death roll off my lap, managed to twist himself into such a position – AS I WAS SWINGING – that my hairbrush landed squarely on…
wait for it…
my right thumb knuckle. Hard. Now hitting the backside, all squishy and full of fat and muscles and stuff, is one thing, but hitting a bony appendage is a Whole Other Thing Entirely. Agony and swelling were immediate, but, not to be outdone by short-term issues, the knuckle now sits entirely crooked, probably forever.
*Feet also make great Face Connectors. Unless you’re on the shorter side, there’s a very high likelihood that, if you swing your feet up high enough, they’ll come into intimate contact with some part of my face. This is not a Good Thing for anyone, as I will seriously beat you to death if you kick me in the face.
2. Hippy-Hippy-Bruise: Those of you who work hard to maintain a certain physique are, rightfully, proud of yourselves and the effort you’ve made toward general healthfulness. What you’re NOT aware of is this: Your hipbones are sharp, protruding, little cheeseburger-craving knives which stab into your spankers upper thigh in such a manner that one almost has to wonder whether you’re skinny on purpose, just so you can use those things as weapons. The most common injury that I sustain is a nasty purple bruise slashing across my left thigh, in the exact spot you’ve been torturing me with your fitness.
*Conversely, it’s always the not-so-skinny who are concerned about ‘hurting me’ when going OTK. Trust me when I tell you that you are NOT going to hurt me, regardless of the size of your underpants.
3. Back-i-otomy : This is, I believe, the generally accepted medical term for the procedure to remove one’s back altogether – because it’s both painful and useless. From what I’ve read on the AMA website, professional spankers are the largest demographic of Back-i-otomy surgery, and the success rate is pretty high, as long as they avoid spanking altogether in the future. (Seriously, the crummy back’s not your fault – you just exacerbate it.)
*If you’ve opened another tab to search ‘back-i-otomy’, I cannot help you.
4. Biting the Hand that Spanks You : Okay, so you’re not the ones who actually do the biting; it’s the implements that bite. Hard. Leather belts, straps, tawses, and anything else long and slinky is, I PROMISE you, going to snap back and bite the living hell out of the back of the wielder’s hand at least once. You just looove the belt, huh? Well, us, not so much. There’s a reason for that, and it’s called It Hurts…of course, we do it anyway, because the trade off is that, hopefully, it hurts you more.
There’s more. So much more. But I don’t want to give you all the impression that I’d have it any other way.
Bring it on.
– Dana
I thought it might be fun to do a Q&A on the blog, giving readers the opportunity to ask questions, to which I’d then reply. Then I thought it may be interesting to video the thing instead. I’d read and reply to questions asked and post up the video here, maybe monthly or every couple months or whatever.
This will be an experimental Video Q&A. Anyone who wants can ask a PERTINENT question in the comments box below (please don’t email me questions…be nice and put ’em all in the same place, below) and I’ll answer as many as possible in a video.
I’ll leave the questions open for a few weeks then post up the answer video.
Please keep in mind that this is not an AMA. You cannot ask me anything. Be polite, behave, and be on topic (spanking. duh).
Okay, get to the questions….or not. We’ll see what happens.
– Dana
Okay, I have this great idea. It’s been bouncing around in my head for the last couple years, as ideas tend to do, and I’ve finally come to the decision-making process…and I need your opinions.
Take a look at this:
This is Eagle Island, off the coast of Georgia. It’s a beautiful, secluded, wooded island surrounded by water, with access to kayaks, a pontoon boat, and lots of outdoor activities – in addition to the lodge, which sleeps up to 14.
So here’s the deal : Spanking Survivor Island
A small, intimate F/M spanking party – Thursday through Sunday or something – consisting of three or four female tops and around eight to ten naughty boys. We’d have different ‘challenges’ over the course of the weekend, each boy accruing points (and whacks!) as well as demerits, to the eventual crowning of the first Spanko Island Survivor. Whaddaya think?
The boys would also have a strict set of rules for the weekend, including doing all the cooking and chores (for points!) for the ladies, as well as having the opportunity for one-on-one spanking time with one of the tops, also based on behavior.
Ladies will inhabit the bedrooms, while the boys will bunk dorm-style.
This several-acre island is large and secluded enough for outdoor spanking games, on-the-boat spankings, and….ah, the possibilities are endless!…even hide-and-go-spank!
We’d all pitch in on expenses to cover the cost of the island rental (only 2grand for three nights – for the whole damn island!), airport to island transport and back, food, etc. I’m not setting this up as a for-profit thing, so everyone’s out-of-pocket would be the same as mine…plus or minus airfare, of course.
I want to hear from you on this – sound like fun? I’m really thinking of giving this a go, and any ideas, input, or constructive criticism is welcome.
– Dana
I spank a lotta gals.
A lot, a lot.
I don’t know why this still surprises me, but it does. Why would I, of all people, have different expectations of female spankos than males? This just goes to show that the gender mores to which we’re accustomed are hard to shrug off, even when we’re vigilant. But I’m digressing already..
Most of the women with whom I play don’t even let men spank them; it’s a line drawn for them, that even the man in their romantic life not be given dominion over their bodies. It’s a you’re-not-the-boss-of-me thing..I get it. If they’re single, they’re just not willing to compromise that kind of intimacy with a man to whom they’re not emotionally attached. It’s easier for them to relate intimately (not sexually) with another woman…I get that, too.
There’s something intensely personal about a woman giving the gift of physical submission to another person that’s quite different than men – we’ve been known throughout history as ‘the weaker sex’, and it wasn’t a woman who coined that phrase, I guarantee. So for some gals, it’s just much simpler to get what they need in that respect from another female – someone who poses no threat of romantic or sexual energy. It’s one less thing to try and figure out, and Today’s Woman leads a pretty damned complicated life as it is.
Many times, there’s a maternal quality to the interaction between me and my female playmates. This has nothing to do with age, or ageplay necessarily, but everything to do with creating and experiencing a loving, nurturing, yet structured environment, where they can let down their guard, release anxiety and guilt, and get in touch with the parts of themselves that they shelter from most of the world – the soft parts. (Get your minds out of the gutter – I’m talking about emotional soft parts…sheesh.)
The truth is, I deal much more gently in many ways with women than men, in respect to disciplinary authority. For all our toughness, we’re still built mostly of large parts of estrogen and ever-changing serotonin levels. We’re like emotional gremlins – benign until activated – and should be handled with care.
The point of it all? I used to be one of those ‘I don’t like other women’ women. That’s different now, and it’s because of all the real, genuine connections I’ve made amongst my spanko girlfriends.
I love you all, you buncha weirdos!
– Dana
Kate Upton?
Gave some guy a spanking? And left THIS on his backside?
That’s right, friends. Reportedly, Miss Upton got a bit ‘carried away’ while filming a scene for an upcoming movie – a scene in which she spanks her male counterpart. This guy (otherwise known as the Luckiest Boy in the Wide World):
He even says that, when he requested that she take it easy on him, the director laughed and encouraged her to continue..which she gleefully did.
I knew I liked that girl…
– Dana
The whole article is HERE.
There are times when it’s just nearly impossible for a blogger to be original, funny, campy, and/or creative. For those times, the internet gods created these question thingys.
This is one of those times, and those of you who are old enough to remember Myspace may find yourselves waxing sentimental about the Old Days when all 6600 people in your friend list did the same damn thingy on the same damn day.
– Dana
Question Thingy (massively edited down from 100 questions, most of them even more inane than the ones I’ve chosen to include below):
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed. If they’re not closed, the cats will turn it into a party room.
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
Yep. I put them in a box and when the box is full, I take them to the Las Vegas Rescue Mission.
Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
I hate that I have to answer ‘yes’ to such a random and bizarre question. Yes. Yes, I have.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Just one? Jeez..umm..I guess it’d have to be emoticons/webspeak.
Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Do you still watch cartoons?
I still try to catch episodes of South Park now and then, but I’m less impressed with it than I was a decade ago
What do you drink with dinner?
I’m from the South. We’re supposed to drink sweet iced tea with everything; it’s in the Book of Redneck Etiquette.
What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
If you try to feed me any kind of nugget I will slap you hard.
What is your favorite food?
This one’s easy. My honey makes this stuff called Huli Huli Chicken, which is quite possibly the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten, ever. This may have something to do with the fact that I don’t have to prepare it, but still. It rocks.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
The Birdcage. Hank Azaria’s character is one of the most hilarious performances ever.
50 First Dates. I love Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore together; it’s impossible not to smile.
Chocolat. This may be the only movie in which I can honestly say that I understand the world’s women’s fascination with Johnny Depp (And Juliette Binoche? Ohmy.)
Can you change the oil on a car?
I could change the oil on my ’01 Saturn. There’s no WAY I could do it on my current car. I don’t even know where the battery is..someplace in the trunk, I think.
Are you lazy?
Who has time to be lazy?
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
My grandmother said it was tacky to go door to door, begging for candy.
Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
I cannot tell you how much I love Lincoln Logs.
Afraid of heights?
Sing in the car?
Ever used a gun?
Do you believe in ghosts?
First concert?
I went to a George Strait concert with a boy from my high school. His mom dropped us off. It was the first time I was allowed to go to a Whole Other City without a legal guardian, I think.
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
No, no, and no.
Who would you like to see in concert?
I am fascinated by Journey’s current lead singer, Arnel Pineda.
Can you knit or crochet?
I can crochet like a skein-wielding demon.
Last Spanking PSA we touched on spanko terminology, and this time we’ll look at finding someone with whom to correspond, chat, or play.
As we discussed recently when one of my playmates gifted me some classic spanko periodicals, getting in touch with others of a like mind is different now than ever before. Most of us meet new folks online now, rather than at an afternoon social, and pen pals have been mostly replaced by IM or Skype pals. With all this interaction available at our fingertips, it can become overwhelming for us when we’re just beginning our Spanko Learning Search; it’s easy to end up in the wrong ‘place’.
I’m going to list some online resources which may be helpful in finding others with your particular interests. *Remember that I don’t suggest any particular activity on these sites, if any, and have no vested interest in any site or link – take a look around, and always trust your instincts.
Get out there. Take a look around. Be smart.
And have fun!
– Dana
It’s always a special treat for me when one of my favorite authors, UK Laureate, finds time in his hectic schedule to write and share his excellent spanking stories, prose, and poetry, and this time is no exception.
‘The Ballad Of Emmeline Spankhurt’ is whimsical, which means that, naturally, I love it…and think you will, too.
– Dana
The Ballad of Emmeline Spankhurt
This tale I’ll tell from years gone by, the early twentieth century,
In England’s land when males ruled and women were in drudgery,
Their lives bowed down with servitude, their status second-class,
Ambition low, they struggled on to earn a little brass.
But not all women were so meek, and change was in the offing;
Led by Emmeline Pankhurst there’d be no more cap doffing.
“Votes for women” was her cry, “No more we’ll be downtrodden,
We want a world where women have a role that’s strong and modern.”
Her call inspired much ire from those who liked the status quo,
But not so one young woman who was filled with bravado.
‘I’m going to change my life,’ she thought, ‘I want a better deal,
The world will be a better place if men are brought to heel.’
‘In honour of my heroine I’ll take her very name
But change the letters slightly ’cos it cannot be the same;
With s at one instead of eight to show my life intention
And make it clear that for my sex there is a new dimension!’
And so was born Miss Spankhurt, Edwardian disciplinarian.
Her aim was power over men, domestic not parliamentarian;
“With whips not votes” she emphasized “we’ll get emancipation –
The weaker sex will be no more, instead its domination!”
Now her husband was a man of means who owned the local mill;
To honour and obey she’d pledged, in church she’d said “I will”,
But now her will was different, ’twas time to turn the table,
No more would she bow down to him, his rule she’d disenable.
Next day she told him of her plans, no more she’d be subservient,
“From here on in what I say goes, to me you’ll be obedient.”
Her tone was firm, her manner stern, she left him in no doubt
That sins would mean her sexual charms he’d have to do without!
“What’s more,” she said, “I’ll punish you as though you were a child;
Across my knee you’ll swiftly go for spankings hard and wild.
And have no thought from shame and pain your feelings will be spared –
Oh yes indeed, I’ll tan your hide, your bottom duly bared.”
These words he heard with disbelief and not a little shock;
Could this be true or was it all just female poppycock?
He thought it best to humour her and let her notions fade,
And still be there as helpmate and his lover, cook and maid.
Was e’er a man so foolish, his judgement flawed and dated?
Within a week he found himself confronted and berated;
No longer meek and mild she soon hauled him ’cross her knee
And spanked him hard repeatedly, in line with her decree.
But even so he didn’t learn and made mistakes again;
Her punishments she strengthened with the use of birch and cane,
And over time he came to see that she was now the boss –
His actions he amended to avoid her getting cross.
Miss Spankhurt had a friend so dear, whose husband was uncouth,
A scoundrel he, philanderer, who rarely told the truth;
In league the women pondered, a plan him to repay –
A trap they set, temptation, with the promise of horseplay!
Oh what a shock this dastard had, ’twas not what he imagined;
Instead of hanky-panky he was spanked and disciplined.
The horseplay he encountered was designed to give him gyp,
His backside lashed repeatedly with crop and dressage whip.
This tale now moves on two years, our heroine’s fame had spread;
The suffragettes all cheered the way she turned men’s bottoms red.
No longer did she work for free, her fee was guineas three,
Presented to her graciously while down on bended knee.
From all across the land they came, all men with habits naughty –
Both Lords and men of humble birth, some young but most past forty –
To Emmeline it mattered not, she spanked them with vitality;
They left so sore, a recompense for all their life’s rascality.
In keeping with her assumed name she made the spankings hurt;
Not just her hand but whips she used, sjambok, chabouk and quirt.
In all her work she took delight, a smile upon her face;
It pleased her having full control, exposing men’s disgrace.
’Tis said with cane she was severe, and also with the birch;
Her clients spoke of angry welts – or so says my research.
Dear friends, I ask you honestly, can you believe it’s true
That men should seek such discipline and punishment pursue?
Indeed they did, and still today we seek out those who please,
A woman strong and feisty with a whip in her valise.
How good it is we know of one whose name befits her trade –
Ms Dana Kane we love you, please don’t let our spank-marks fade!
One last, great story from the ‘Spanking Party Star’ writing contest,’Miss Redbuns’ is an excellent way to end the month….enjoy.
– Dana
Miss Redbuns
Here is another of the noteworthy entries to last month’s ‘Spanking Party Star’ writing contest. I know you’ll love ‘Accepting the Inevitable.’
– Dana
Accepting the Inevitable
She said that I would be getting spanked tonight in the main room. Not because I had done anything wrong, simply because she wanted to spank me there. When all my protests boiled down to “but I’ll be embarrassed” she gave me that look, the one that said she’d heard me and it wasn’t that she didn’t care, it was simply that her will was overruling my own in this matter.
So here I was trying to unobtrusively wander the room hoping that in all the excitement of having new playmates and all her various other spankees wandering around and all of them more than willing to go over her lap, she forget about the spanking she wanted to give me.
I was, of course, attired exactly as I’d been instructed because much as I didn’t want her to spank me in public at all, I certainly didn’t want her giving me a punishment spanking instead of the “just because” one she’d decided on. I wore a thong because the rules of public play at this event required one for bare bottomed spankings. Over the thong I wore a pair of the full-cut panties she preferred because she had informed me that she still wanted to enjoy the moment of removing them, despite the event’s modesty rules. Otherwise I was wearing my own regular clothes of jeans and a t-shirt since I’d been told to otherwise dress in a manner that was comfortable for me. She wanted me uncomfortable for other reasons tonight.
I have to admit it was a fun party and I’d enjoyed watching the antics of everyone else there. The first night there’d been a school based event with many of the bottoms dressing like school children in uniforms or naughty approximations thereof and everyone who wasn’t “in uniform” got pulled into the play anyway for being out of uniform so no one’s bottom had gone unsmacked if they didn’t want it to. There had been a lot of laughter and teasing and pranks played as everyone was a little bit silly. The spankers had all been dressed as headmasters and mistresses to make the play all the more fun.
The implement demonstration booths had been going strong both nights and there was no shortage of people volunteering to demonstrate how implements worked. There was also no shortage of people volunteering their own bottoms to be used for these demonstrations. It was a convivial atmosphere with slaps and smacks against bottoms echoing through the place non-stop as spankings happened just about everywhere.
But that didn’t mean I wanted my bottom to be on the receiving end of any such treatment. Not in public anyway. It would have been fine in the hotel room and had been last night, when we were away from the crowd but this was…no longer a matter for discussion.
And at that moment, she looked up and saw me, making eye contact from across the room. She smiled warmly and a little teasingly as she crooked her finger at me in a clear command for me to cross the room to her. I sighed and reluctantly trudged across the room like a condemned person going to the gallows.
When I reached her, I stopped at exactly the respectful distance I’d been taught and kept my eyes on her face. She said she didn’t like having her bottoms staring at the floor as it gave their minds too much time to wander. She wanted us to watch her face and pay attention to what she was saying, even when it was nonverbal. The expression on her face now was thoughtful as she read my body language in return.
“I think before we begin you will do five minutes in the corner, missy.” Such a short span of time wasn’t really punishment to me and she knew it. Corner time of that duration was most useful to me as a focusing tool, giving me time to achieve a proper mindset. Of course, it worked best when I was given a thought to focus on as well and she knew that too. “While you are there, think very hard on which one of us in charge of deciding when, where, and why you are spanked. Can you do that?”
I nodded and respectfully said, “Yes, ma’am.”
She looked very sternly at me. “What are you to do?” She prompted.
“I’m to think about which of us is in charge, ma’am.”
“In charge of what?” She prompted.
I blushed. I hated saying the word but knew what she wanted. “In charge of deciding when, where, and why I’m s-spanked, ma’am.” I stuttered the word.
She nodded. “Five minutes then. Over there.” She pointed to a nearby corner, conveniently empty as though she had planned this, which she probably had. “Hands behind your back.”
I nodded and moved silently to place my nose in the corner, clasping my hands together behind my back and standing still.
I began focusing my thoughts on what I’d been instructed to think about, reminding myself that I’d consented to have her in charge and that she was the one who had final say on all spankings. It was calming and helped me slip into the proper mindset, the one that submitted to her will and accepted that when it came to spankings, she knew what was best for me.
I was so into the comforting space of my own mind I almost missed feeling her hand touch my shoulder giving me the signal that my time was up and I could come out. I took a moment to regroup my thoughts before I turned, which gave her time to reseat herself comfortably and be ready for me.
I went to her in a more accepting frame of mind. I still wasn’t completely willing to be spanked in public but I was willing to submit to her and accept what she deemed proper. That was all that was required of me in this moment.
Her hands reached out and unbuttoned my jeans, undoing the zipper then sliding them down to my knees. She gently took my upper arm to help guide me over her lap helping me get situated so that we were both comfortable with my position.
Her hand slid over the panties, tugging at the edges of them, smoothing them out and giving my bottom little gentle pats. Not firm enough to sting but just enough that I knew she was preparing to start. Then she began.
It was clear from the beginning that even though this spanking was just because, she was not playing around. The sharp crack! of her palm meeting my bottom echoed around the room causing more than one head to turn. The sting of it was immense and though I blushed to think about the audience we’d surely attract with all this noise, I didn’t have long to dwell on the matter as the stinging in my bottom built rapidly.
I tried to stay still and quiet but it became readily apparent that she had no intention of letting me be so. When I stayed taciturn past the point where I’d normally be squirming and yelping and wriggling just a little bit to get away, she moved her spanks from my bottom to my upper thighs drawing a startled yelp out of me as I began squirming involuntarily.
She laughed and kept it up until my thighs were bright red and all thoughts of staying still and quiet had left my head. I was squirming enough now that she’d put her other arm around my waist to help keep me on her lap. It was a relief when she returned her igniting smacks to my bottom, leaving my poor thighs alone.
When she stopped for a moment, running her hand over my panty clad bottom, I briefly thought that maybe she’d taken pity on me and we were done. I knew I was wrong a moment later when I felt her hands slip into the waistband of my panties and begin slowly tugging them down.
She enjoyed this moment in any spanking and she drew it out every chance she got. Now, with an audience and me still wriggling slightly on her lap, red bottomed and red faced, she took her time. It felt like an eternity could have passed in the time it took her to ease the panties one centimeter at a time down my stinging cheeks, her fingers whispering teasingly over my hot bottom. When she reached the point where the panties were resting at the base of my bottom, just uncovering my sit spot, she resumed with her hand.
She didn’t have to spank nearly as hard now because that brief pause had been just enough time for my bottom to recover to the point of sensitivity and even though she wasn’t going all out anymore, I still felt every single impact like a thousand ants had just bitten my bottom. And just when I thought maybe, maybe we were about done, her hand took hold of the panties one more time and pulled them low enough to leave my sit spots open.
She took advantage of that immediately, focusing all her attention on that under curve where bottom and thigh meet, making sure that I’d be feeling this spanking well into tomorrow and maybe even the next day. The hard spanks she placed here ensured that every time I sat, every time I moved and my jeans rubbed against this area, I’d be reminded that I’d been well and truly spanked.
Then, just as I was sure I couldn’t take any more, it was over.
I could feel her satisfaction in this whole process emanating from her. She was clearly pleased with the job she’d done, running her hand proprietarily over my reddened bottom and thighs, feeling the heat rising off them. She pulled my panties up deliberately not being careful so that they rasped against my swollen and sensitive bottom and helped me stand up.
I ached to pull my jeans up, well aware that though we hadn’t attracted a large crowd, there were still several onlookers nearby who’d stopped to watch the show we’d put on. But I knew better than to do so without permission.
She smiled at me as I fought to keep from trying to rub the sting away and did my best to will the redness in my face to subside at least a little as there was nothing I could do about my bottom.
And finally, finally, she gave me permission to pull my jeans up, watching nonchalantly as I hurriedly yanked them up, wincing as they scraped into contact with my bottom, and regretting my haste as soon as they were on since they immediately trapped the heat and made my bottom burn all the more. But once they were up I stood in the appropriate spot facing her, watching her face. Watching her as she studied me.
Her smile was genuinely pleased as she looked me over. “There now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
I considered this question and realized that no, it hadn’t been nearly as bad as I’d thought. Embarrassing, to be sure, but not anywhere near the level I’d been anticipating ever since she’d told me her intention and I admitted it ruefully, “No, ma’am, that wasn’t so bad.”
She beamed at me for my honest admission and despite the burning in my bottom, I felt great. She was pleased with me and that alone made me feel pleased with myself.
She tapped her finger against her cheek and I obediently leant over and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for my spanking, ma’am.”
“You, missy, are more than welcome. Now,” she grasped my arm and turned me towards the rest of the room, “Go play!” And with a firm smack to propel me forward, she sent me back out into the main play area.
When I glanced back several feet later, she already had another lucky soul over her lap, though the brush in her hand told me that whoever it was certainly wasn’t getting off with just a simple hand spanking.
I smiled to myself and was just glad it wasn’t me…this time.
OTK Hand and Strap
‘Richard’s Humiliating Spanking at the Party’ is another really excellent F/M entry to the ‘Spanking Party Star’ writing contest . Enjoy!
– Dana
Richard’s Humiliating Spanking at the Party
by Richard
Jennifer and I have been married for over twenty years. As time went on, our relationship evolved. Jennifer became more dominant and I became submissive. Eventually, we introduced spanking into our repertoire. Most of our spanking sessions were “playful” and typically included sex. However, on occasion, when my behavior hasn’t met Jennifer’s expectations, she has administered a punishment spanking. These are severe and do make sitting uncomfortable for a day or so. They have definitely modified my behavior. Now, when she says jump, I jump. Or suffer the consequences.
Every few weeks, the girls in the neighborhood get together for a “girls night in” party and the other night it was at our house. Jennifer asked, which in our relationship means told me that she wanted me to be the waiter for the evening. I said “there is a game on that night that I was looking forward to watching.”
“Too bad. You will be our waiter and I expect you to be a good one.”
So, while my attitude for the evening wasn’t very good, I did what I was told. I greeted the girls as they arrived, served them drinks, passed around snacks, and generally behaved as a good waiter. In between serving, I just sat in the room and sulked because I couldn’t watch the game. The girls just chatted about things that were of absolutely no interest to me. I was totally bored.
And then something got my interest, the girls themselves. There were eight all together and some of them were drop dead gorgeous. Long suntan legs and short skirts that were riding up high on their thighs. I am definitely a leg man. My undoing.
I was looking across the room at Sue, a definite milf. And after having a few drinks, her legs started to part. I couldn’t help myself. I looked up her skirt and stared at her blue panties, I was mesmerized by the panties and what it would be like to roam inside them. I was so engaged in my fantasy that I was totally oblivious to my surroundings. That is until I heard Judy, the neighborhood bitch, yell “Richard! What are you doing? Are you looking up Sue’s skirt? Shame on you.”
I was mortified. “Ah. Ah. Ah.” I stammered. But it was too late. The room was silent. And the red started at my neck and went up my entire face. I was totally embarrassed and humiliated. Jennifer, on the other hand, was furious.
“Richard! Is that true? Don’t deny it. That red face and bulge in your pants tells the entire story. How could you embarrass me in front of all my friends. You will pay for this and I mean right now. Girls, I have to apologize for Richard’s behavior. I hope what I am going to do won’t embarrass you. But Richard needs to be punished immediately for his outlandish behavior.”
“Richard, go and get the bath brush.”
“Jennifer. Please don’t do this. At least please don’t do this now. Not in front of these women.”
You should have thought of that before you decided to look up a woman’s skirt. Now go and get the brush before things get worse for you.”
I got up and headed for the bedroom where we keep the bath brush. It is a solid wooden brush with a long handle. We had just purchased it a couple of days prior. After making the purchase, Jennifer gave me a few swats just to test it out. They hurt. I couldn’t imagine what she was going to do now that she was so angry. And in front of all the neighborhood women. How was I going to walk down the street and see them after being spanked by Jennifer in front of them. And what if they tell their husbands? I’ll be the laughing stock. But I knew I didn’t have a choice but to take what Jennifer decides.
When I returned to the room, it suddenly went quiet. I assume Jennifer told them what she intended. I walked up to Jennifer and handed her the bath brush.
“Well Richard. What do you have to say for yourself? Apologize to Sue.”
I turned to look at Sue. “Please forgive me Sue. I was looking up your skirt. A gentleman would never do that to a lady. I apologize and deserve to be punished.”
Sue said “I’ll wait to see how well you take your punishment before I tell you if I accept your apology. If you accept your punishment, I’ll accept your apology. But your punishment will continue until I am satisfied.”
Jennifer then said “okay Richard. Let’s get started. Stand in the middle of the room and remove your pants.”
“What? No please Jennifer. I’m too embarrassed to do that in front of our friends. Please don’t make me do it.”
“You saw Sue’s panties. It’s only right for everyone to see your shorts. Drop those pants now!”
I had no choice. As my face turned red again, I slowly removed my pants and stood in the middle of the room.
“Bend over and grab your ankles and look at Sue. I want her to see how you respond to your punishment.”
As I bent over facing Sue, Jennifer stood behind me and swung the brush. Whack! Whack! Whack! Three quick smacks broke the silence. And these weren’t the fun swats from a few nights ago. These were punishment swats and they hurt.
“How does that feel Richard? Was it worth seeing Sue’s panties? We’ll see.” Whack! Whack! Whack! Three more quick ones. And the girls began to giggle. I’m not sure what was worse, the pain in my ass or the humiliation I was suffering in front of the girls.
“This isn’t enough. Those shorts are offering too much protection.” With that, Jennifer put her hands in the waistband of the shorts and pulled them down below my ass. “Now you will be able to watch as his ass turns from white to pink to red or worse.”
I couldn’t believe what was happening. My naked ass was there for them to see. I knew I would never think of me the same way again. I would always be the sissy who is dominated by his wife.
Whack! Whack! Whack! Three more on the naked ass. Those hurt so much more.
Now the girls started to comment. “Look at his ass. It is turning red. I love it. Keep going Jennifer. He deserve a lot more than that.”
And a lot more I got. Jennifer hit me twenty times before she stopped. My ass was sore and starting to heat up. I wondered how many more she would give me. I was ready to be done. Was I ever mistaken.
“Okay girls. Who wants to be next?”
Next? It isn’t bad enough that Jennifer is spanking me in front of them. Now she is going to let another girl use the brush. I thought about protesting but knew it would be useless. Jennifer was on a mission. I knew this was going to be the worst punishment spanking I had ever received.
“How about you Paula? Do you want to go next?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never spanked anyone before.”
“Well it’s time you did. You’ll find out just how much fun it can be. You may even like it enough to spank your husband when he misbehaves.”
“Okay.” And with that Paula took the brush, took a stance and swung.
Swat. Swat. Her hits were very light.
“That will never do. Swing hard and hit his ass like you mean it.”
Swat. Swat. Swat. Three more hits that were harder but no where near Jennifer’s.
“Those love taps don’t count. Swing really hard. If you don’t we may just have to give you a few so you know what hard swats feel like.”
Well I guess that was enough incentive for Paula to really get into it. Whack! Whack! Whack! And those really hurt.
“That’s it. Now you are getting into it. Give him a total of twenty. And she did.
“Okay girls. Now you see how it is done. Richard. Now it is your turn to choose a girl. Crawl on your knees to the girl of your choice, hand her the bath brush and ask her to please apply twenty very hard swats on your naked ass. But we will save Suefor last.”
Could things get worse? Now I had to ask the girls to give me a hard spanking with the brush on my very sore naked ass. I didn’t know how many more girls would have a turn. So I decide to choose Karen, the smallest girl there. Boy was that a mistake. I didn’t realize it but Karen works out in the weight room four days a week. Her swats were harder than Jennifer’s. And they brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t know how much more I could take.
“Okay Richard. Choose your next girl.” And so it went until there were only two girls remaining, Sue and Judy, that neighborhood bitch that caught me. Judy is a big woman. Somewhat overweight and, in my opinion, a slob. We’ve never gotten along. If it was her legs that were spread, I would have never gotten in trouble.
“That leaves Sue and Judy. Crawl over to Judy and ask her paddle you ass.”
Dreading every second, I did as I was told and crawled over to Judy. “Judy. Please use this bath brush and apply twenty very hard swats to my naked ass.” I couldn’t believe I was asking this woman to do this to me. But I did it.
“Well Richard, these girls don’t really know how to swing a hair brush. But I do. I used to have a sissy boyfriend and there was many a night that he slept at the foot of my bed with an ass that radiated heat form the spanking that I delivered. Crawl into the middle of the room, stay on your knees and touch your head to the floor.”
I did as instructed. I knew this was going to be bad but I had no idea just how bad. She straddled my body facing my ass and gripped my body with her legs so I couldn’t move. And then she swung. Whack! Whack! I couldn’t believe the pain as she swung. Maybe it was because she was working on a super sore ass, but her swats were worse than Jennifer’s have ever been. I couldn’t help it. I screamed when she hit me. By the fifth I was in tears. By the twentieth, I could barely catch my breath I was sobbing so badly. I was a sobbing mess with an ass that had passed the point of red.
At this point, Jennifer stepped in. “Well Sue, since you were the offended party, I was going to let you give Richard as many swats as you thought he deserved. But, after Judy did such a marvelous job, I don’t think her can take anymore. So, rather than spanking him now, I will give you a rain check. At some time in the future, you can ask Richard to bring out the bath brush and you can give him a many swats as you like on his naked ass. And you can do it any where you choose and in front of anyone you choose. Is that okay with you?”
“Yes Jennifer. It is. With the state of Richard’s ass right now, I don’t think he would get the full effect that I would like to deliver. Plus, I really like the idea that I can punish Richard on his naked ass whenever I want and in front of whoever I want. And I think I know the perfect situation.”
“Okay Richard. Seems as though Sue is going to let you off tonight. But I can’t wait to see what she has in store for you in the future. Now, to finish you punishment, you need some corner time. When you are not serving us, you are to stand in the corner with your ass exposed. Now thank Sue for not paddling you tonight.”
I was barely able to crawl over to Sue. And with tears streaming down my face and between uncontrollable sobs I managed to say “Thank you Sue for having mercy on my very sore ass. And I want to apologize again for looking up your skirt.”
“Apology accepted.”
And that is the story of my party spanking. A few days latter, when the pain and bruising started to subsided, I began to fantasize about what Sue had in store for me. But that’s another story.
The ‘Spanking Party Star’ writing contest turned out a lot of really good stories, and this one’s no exception. Enjoy ‘The Boomerang Effect Times Two’!
– Dana
An excellent short F/F, F/M story entry to the Spanking Party Star’ writing contest, ‘Megan Becomes a Top’ is a fun read!
– Dana
After having launched the member site, it became clear yet again that a) being a spanko and b) making spanking videos and even c) being pretty good at figuring stuff out in general – doesn’t mean that you’ll understand a damn thing about computer programming.
As regular readers and correspondents know, I took a crash course in video formatting, operating system limitations, and browser incompatibility. Long story short: there’s no single, universal way to make and disseminate video content while insuring that EVERYONE EVERYWHERE may access it simply and successfully. Some early subscribers had a hard time buffering and/or streaming scenes within the member area, and a few were unable to access the Flash videos at all.
So, with a Herculean effort by a wonderful new webmaster, and several weeks of converting and reformatting ALL the videos (around 180 now, I think), I’m happy to announce that the entire archive on has now been made easily accessible to all subscribers.
How did we do this? I’m glad you asked…
All scenes are now available in both high and lo-res MP4 versions (for slow browsers, dial up connections, and mobile devices), and, best of all,
all videos are now DOWNLOADABLE in both versions! So even if your browser doesn’t love MP4’s, or your Windows Machine working on Firefox won’t stream embedded videos, etc etc, etc – you can still watch the videos, no buffering, no trouble, by simply downloading and watching through your machine’s default video player.
To celebrate finally finishing this massive project, I’m holding a contest just for site members. The winning member will receive a free subscription to the website (if your current membership is for 30 days, you’ll get 30 days free. If your membership is for 90 days, you’ll get a FREE 90 day extension.)
The contest is simple. I’ve added the photoset “How Many Panties” to the member’s area on Enjoy the 60 photos taken from a spanking Angel received for bringing way, way, way too many panties when she last visited. When you’re done, try to guess How Many Panties Angel is being punished for. The first member to guess the correct number (kinda like ‘How many jellybeans in the jar?’) is the winner. If no one guesses the number exactly, the nearest guess will win.
*Remember to include your username when sending in your guess, and email it to me at
– Dana
All this month we’ll be enjoying spanking story entries from the ‘Spanking Party Star’ writing contest, and here’s one of many excellent offerings –
The Party.
– Dana
How do I get myself into these things I mused as I stood naked beside my Mistress knowing that in a few minutes I would be exposed before an audience of, well who knew how many. Despite my nudity I was sweating and my legs were shaking. I looked across at Mistress who was wearing her best “domme” outfit and she gave me an encouraging smile. Looking over to my left I saw a young woman in a similar state of undress who also looked very nervous. I had learned earlier that her name was Elizabeth and like me she was new to these affairs. At least she’s attractive I thought, whatever else happened this evening people weren’t going to laugh at her appearance.Me, well that was a different story, a funny looking bespectacled middle aged man with a beer belly, who wouldn’t laugh? Suddenly I saw Elizabeth tense and realised that the sounds of chatter in the next room had stopped. Then I heard the voice of the M.C. ” Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank you all for coming to this, the 5th annual spankathon in aid of Cancer Research. I hope you are all having a good time?”There were loud cheers and a few shouts of “get on with it”. It sounded like there were hundreds of people out there and I fought back an impulse to turn and run away. The M.C. gave a brief summary of the work of the charity that the evening was in aid of and then came the words I had been dreading. “Without further ado lets met our guests of honour. Please give a warm welcome to Mistress Ava and Simon and Master James and Elizabeth” With that the door was opened and I was, with the help of a little push from Mistress, propelled out into the main room of the hotel.
Okay, this video isn’t at all about Amanda Bynes (who is, apparently, truly very ill), but Justin Bieber – another of the young celebrities I mentioned needing discipline.
In this ‘Between Two Palms’ interview/spoof, Zach Galifianakis, the host, asks young Bieber several ridiculous questions and receives several ridiculous answers…the whole thing’s pretty silly.
But watch the whole video, because close to the end, wait for it…
Zach takes his belt off.
I’m sure that this has been done before, and probably more thoroughly than I’ll manage here, but we do have newcomers to the spanking community every day and not everyone knows where to look for basic information on the ins and outs and all-arounds of spanking.
So. I thought that it would be a fun idea to do a series of posts to offer some basic (and not-so-basic, eventually) stuff for newbies to peruse. I’ll invite experienced players to expand on my posts in the comments area below, so that your collective wisdom can help inform others…remember, we were all clueless about all of this at one time.
It seems that a good place to start is with some basic terminology. Even though this stuff appears to go without saying to some of us, even the most common spanko terms may be confusing to newbies. With that said, let’s cover some of the most common spanking terms..
(Please keep in mind that some folks will define a few of these terms somewhat differently, depending upon their personal experience/preferences, and it’s important to discuss these things with anyone new with whom you play/communicate.)
Spanko – Short for ‘spankophile’, it’s a term which we use to refer to ourselves and others with an interest in spanking and domestic discipline/corporal punishment. (Note: Spankophile does not appear in the dictionary, nor am I trying to overcomplicate a simple term. These words and explanations are here to help NEWBIES when they see words they may not understand (in our parlance).)
Top – A person, of any gender, who only gives spankings but does not receive them.
Bottom – A person who only receives spankings but does not give them.
Switch – A person who both gives and receives spankings. Some switches may refer to themselves as a “50/50” switch (meaning they equally enjoy both top and bottom roles), or a “mostly-toppy” switch (meaning that they like to bottom occasionally but prefer to top), etc. etc.
*Note: Switching can also refer to the act of spanking someone or being spanked with a switch, as in “Go cut me a switch.”
Corporal Punishment – This occurs when one person uses physical touch, either with hand or implement, on one or more parts of the body, with the intent to cause another physical discomfort.
Discipline – This occurs when one is held accountable, through corporal punishment, for negatively-perceived behavior.
Punishment – See Discipline. Usually, the difference between these two terms is subjective to the level of negative behavior and the agreement of the parties involved.
Maintenance – These spankings usually occur on a regular or semi-regular basis, and are most often for the purposes of keeping one ‘on the right track’, so to speak, either mentally, physically, emotionally, or all of the above.
Non-Corporal Punishment – Often used in tandem with spanking, these activities include corner time, mouth-soaping, writing/reading assignments, and many others.
Role Play – Within the context of a spanking ‘scene’, role play refers to the top, bottom, or both, taking on the persona of another person or time. Examples include: teacher/student, boss/employee, etc.
Limits (or Hard Limits) – This is usually meant to indicate ‘no-go zones’, and are subjective to the player. Example : “My hard limits include bondage, canes, and thigh spanking.” This means that the example person does NOT want bondage or canes utilized during spanking play, nor do they wish to be spanked on their thighs.
We’ll take our time to cover the myriad terms, sayings, and situations we use within the spanko community, but if you’ve a question about any basic spanko terms (or have any to add), please share here.
– Dana
Here is yet another silly, sometimes-hilariously-contradictory episode of Tips for Tops. I give you…
Good Leather.
I know you’ll love this entry to the ‘Spanking Party Star’ writing contest, titled The Surprise Party….I did.
– Dana
My wife spanks me. As strange as that image might seem to some, it is that simple. She doesn’t walk around the house dressed in a leather cat suit brandishing a whip and we don’t have any kind of a master/slave relationship. There is no dungeon equipment hidden behind a secret door in our basement. We don’t engage in any complex fantasy role playing. Dawn spanks me. When she thinks I need one, my wife simply puts me across her knee for a good old fashioned spanking.
And it works for us. It works very, very well. I have the kind of personality that lacks discipline and Dawn loves me enough to provide some. Aside from this one aspect of our life, our relationship is an equal partnership. We collaborate on household decisions and matters pertaining to our children and our business. But when it comes to my discipline, Dawn has complete control. When she provides me a list of chores, I am expected to attend to them. Other wives may have to continually nag their husbands to complete household repairs but mine asks me only once. If she has to tell me the second time, it is her hairbrush or her strap that does the talking for her. There is seldom a third time. When I get overly sensitive or moody, ten minutes positioned over a pile of pillows on our bed as she uses her cane to reprimand me rarely fails to get me out of my funk. Disrespecting Dawn earns me my hardest spankings. Disrespecting myself is a close second. We are extremely happy. Our friends notice it. Our kids notice it.
We married young and over 20 years later, our love life was as vibrant and passionate as it ever had been. We spent as many hours together as life would permit and revelled in it. Spanking keeps me in line and keeps us intimate as a couple. As much as her discipline sessions hurt at the time, I have grown to both anticipate them…and relish in the glow afterwards. As odd as it sounds, I can feel the love in her hands as she disciplines me.
Dawn had always spanked me long enough and hard enough to get her point across, but she was also in tune with my physical reactions. She could sense when I had reached my threshold. Soon after my pleading and squirming reached a certain point, she felt the lesson had been learned and her spanking would end. I would kiss her hand and thank her for loving me enough to discipline me. I meant every word of it…and I lived to show her that I meant it with my actions also.
When the internet rolled around, we found out we were by no means alone. In fact we connected with many other couples who shared in our lifestyle. Web browsing lead to emails, emails to phone calls, phone calls to dinner dates, and before we knew it Dawn and I were getting together with other femdom spanking couples on a regular basis. Mostly it was a weekend here or there with a few couples along with one annual gathering involving a larger number of husbands and wives. For the most part it was all pretty light hearted. Gatherings included some mild spanking games flavored with lots of great fellowship and laughter. While there was the occasional firmer spanking session from another wife, for the most part all of my genuine discipline spankings still happened at home. It was at one of those annual gatherings when that changed.
It was a Saturday morning. There were seven couples that year, all of us very familiar and very open with each other. We had laughed plenty by that point. There had been lots of games and every husband had felt a degree of swats from each wife with vast assortment of implements. Our bottoms were certainly kept reddened but by no means overly abused. We had almost reached the point where just our being together as a group had become more enjoyable, more important, than the spanking aspect. All of the husbands would soon find out that our wives had decided to add a bit of a twist to that year’s celebrations. I found out right after breakfast.
As we husbands put the finishing touches on the kitchen clean up, Charlene entered the kitchen. Charlene was considerably taller and larger than Dawn. She addressed the husbands with the same authoritative voice she often used with her own husband. When she told them to go outside and collect some firewood for the evening bonfire, none of the men disobeyed. When she told me to stay with her, I didn’t disobey her either. Charlene was a sweet and caring woman, but she also gave off a clear impression that she was not to be disrespected. Her husband had confirmed that she could indeed deliver a memorable paddling when crossed. None of us doubted his account of her severity.
When the kitchen had been vacated, Charlene led me into the large adjoining living room. The remainder of the women were seated comfortably on the sofas and plush chairs that lined the perimeter of the room. The center of the room had been cleared of everything but a large leather ottoman. On top of it sat a broad oval hairbrush and a considerably larger bath brush. Dawn looked at me and smiled. None of the other ladies said anything.
Charlene sat on the ottoman and called me to her side. When she spoke, she spoke as if it was just the two of us in the room. Her voice was firm and no-nonsense. She proceeded to inform me that the ladies had decided that each husband would receive a disciplinary session from one of the other wives. Mine was to be from her and I was about to get it right there and then. She went on to list a detailed account of the infractions Dawn believed I deserved to be punished for. I looked towards my wife. Dawn was no longer smiling. Charlene chastised me and told me to pay attention to her and her alone. I quickly returned my gaze to her direction. She went on reciting the litany of my shortcomings and outlining the expectations that my behaviour would change. After what seemed like an eternity of humbling scolding, she picked up the hairbrush and told me to bare my bottom and get over her knee. I complied, knowing full well I was about to get a very good tanning.
Charlene wasted no time. The brush fell the second I was over her lap. Quick and harsh. She was a very hard spanker. Unlike Dawn who usually gave a number of lighter warm up smacks, Charlene got right down to business. She was strong and her strokes were rapid and full force right from the onset. She began with five or six spanks to the same spot on one cheek. Then the brush descended the same number of times to the opposite cheek…before returning to a spot close to the original strike zone with yet another series of blows. And so she went on, a sequence on the right side followed by a sequence on the left side, back and forth, back and forth, until my entire backside burned. Only then did she take a break. A respite just long enough to adjust my position, raising my bottom more over her left knee, allowing her to swing her powerful right leg over my calves to prevent my continual squirming and kicking.
And the spanking resumed. Charlene then diverted from her previous method. Instead of multiple strokes to a singular spot, the brush now fell randomly, each spank to a different spot on my behind, sometimes alternating from cheek to cheek and other times finding different targets on the same side. The force and speed of the spanking did not slow down, if anything she seemed to increase the tempo. She was also including the tops of my thighs with this second round. I was nearing my limit. My vocal pleas to both Charlene and my wife were becoming more desperate by the moment. I assumed Charlene was reading my reactions when she finally ceased with the spanking. I was more than relived as I awaited her to release the leg hold and instruct me to stand. Much to my chagrin, my spanking was far from over.
Charlene held me firm and once again went over Dawn’s list of infractions. After each item she asked me if I understood and intended to address the problem. I choked out a “Yes Ma’am” to each. When she was satisfied with my responses, she got right back to work with the hairbrush. For a good ten more minutes that brush rained down, side to side, top to bottom in its relentless mission. At some point I realized Charlene was speaking to the other wives. She was explaining how she had discovered long ago that the most effective discipline spankings went on long after her husband wanted them to stop. Indeed it was only after he had reached his threshold that the real punishment began.
She was right. Long before she finished that final hairbrushing I had both physically and mentally handed control over to her. Her leg still pinned me down, but I had completely ceased any struggling and had resigned myself to accepting whatever amount of punishment she felt I deserved. I was being disciplined. Nor did I hesitate when she finally released me, stood and commanded me to lay prostrate over the ottoman.
She finished her spanking with twenty slow strokes of the bath brush. I was instructed to count each of them off. Dawn sat on the floor in front of me, holding my chin in her hand and gazing into my face as the brush hit home. When Charlene was finished, Dawn added another twenty of her own. I was not permitted to get up off the ottoman for another ten minutes. I had to lay there with my blistered bare behind on display as the ladies discussed what they had witnessed.
All of the husbands received a similar treatment before the weekend was out. The implements and the positions changed to meet each particular wife’s taste in discipline, but all of the men were just as surprised and just as thoroughly spanked.
That weekend, that party, that punishment only strengthened our relationship. I remembered what Charlene had told me and worked to make myself a better husband. When I fall short, Dawn’s knee and her hand are always there to remind me. I am blessed to have a wife that loves enough to spank.
…it’s my birthday too.
(Insert that cheesy birthday song here.)
October’s my birthday month, and this year I’m turning 41. I’m still waiting for that upset/obsession about being over 40, but as it hasn’t happened yet I cannot comment on what the fuss is all about. I know that, by societal mores, women are suddenly *of a certain age* when they are no longer in their thirties, and they’re not supposed to be happy about it. (It should be noted that I am deliriously happy to be ANY age, because that means that I’m still here. This is a recurring theme for me, apparently. Attendance.)
Other things of note:
When you’re (a woman) over 40, all of a sudden folks think it’s a compliment to say “Wow. You don’t LOOK forty (or fifty, or whatever)!”.
That’s not a compliment.
What the hell do you think forty (or fifty, or whatever) is supposed to look like? Should a woman no longer thought of as ‘youthful’ all of a sudden develop a dowager’s hump and conspicuous upper lip hair? Must we all sag and bag and droop in inappropriate places? That sounds more like 80 than 40, doesn’t it?
Once we’ve left our most-sensibly-timed childbearing years behind, we are also supposed to be less sexy, in practice and in perception – somehow, by process of elimination of viable pregnancy and gestation (which, I cannot stress enough, is NOT a bad thing), our hotness factor is somehow inexplicably reduced. Here, I challenge any woman who’s lived through her 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s (or beyond) to announce that she felt more sexy, sensual, and body-confident in her twenties than she does now. I, for one, am more happy with my physical reality than I’ve ever been – because it’s CONFIDENCE and EXPERIENCE which are really important…collagen’s just a pretty wrapper.
This isn’t to say that vanity isn’t a part of my middle-age reality. I know that I’m 20 years older than I was 20 years ago, and I know that nobody in their right mind would card me for booze at this juncture in my life. I’m okay with both of those things, and with the knowledge that, no matter how others may perceive me –
I’m here. And I’m happy. And that’s all that matters. (Even if I do sometimes do that thing in the mirror where you pull your cheeks up with your index fingers to simulate a Joan-Rivers-facelift-look.)
– Dana
If you’re a gift-giver, below are a couple links which you may peruse:
DONATE to the Nevada SPCA (Where we recently adopted Buddy, our sweet little elderly MinPin. Hundreds of rescued dogs, cats, and other pets daily.)
DONATE to the Salvation Army (They do good things, right in your community, every day.)
My WishList
It is my pleasure to share with you the winner of this month’s ‘Spanking Party Star’ story contest – My First Party.
This was likely the most difficult contest judging to date. As you’ll see throughout the month of October, there were several excellent stories submitted, so I read and reread until I was certain I’d made the right choice.
In the case of ‘My First Party’, not only is the story well-told and the characters and dialogue funny and believable, but the author’s taken the time to educate the reader – spanko terms, implements, relationships, etc – throughout the telling of the story. I hope you enjoy it, and all the rest, as much as I have.
Thanks again to ALL the willing authors who’ve worked so hard over the years to make the writing contests fun and competitive!
– Dana
By Randy Lee
I got out of my car, collected my purse and workday tote bag, and walked toward the steps to my second-floor apartment, pointing the remote behind me to lock the car. I hadn’t taken five steps before sweat beaded on my forehead and was about to trickle down my face. I unlocked my mailbox, retrieved my mail, and started up the stairs.
“Hi, Randy. I’m sure glad the weekend is finally here.”
I paused, turned, and saw Sandra Barnes, my three-doors-down neighbor, who was climbing the stairs a few steps behind me.
“Wow, me too,” I agreed. “This has been a real rough week at work. As if just being busy weren’t enough, there’ve been so many difficult customers and just as many difficult bosses to contend with. I’m really looking forward to being able to relax.”
“I’m with you there,” Sandra replied. “I’m going to a party later. Just the thing to wind down from a hectic week.
I reached the top of the steps and looked down at her. “I’ll think good thoughts about your head tomorrow,” I offered.
She looked puzzled as she reached the top. “My head?” she asked. “What do you mean?”
I explained, “You know, a hangover. I don’t drink anymore, but I still remember what it feels like the next morning.”
Sandra paused. Searching for the right words, she said, “Um, well, it’s not that kind of a party. In fact, there’s no drinking at all.”
“A party with no drinking? Well, that’s a new one on me.”
Sandra cocked her head and looked away for a moment, her brow knit in concentration. A smile played at the corners of her mouth as she again looked in my direction. Hesitating briefly, she said, “You and I are pretty close. Come over to my place for a minute. I’ll explain.”
I followed as she walked to her door. Unlocking it, she invited me in. We plopped our gear on the sofa, and she said, “Have a seat. Want some tea?”
“Yes, please,” I said. “It’s hot out there. Tea would really hit the spot.”
“You got that right,” she agreed. She opened the refrigerator door and reached for a pitcher of the most refreshing beverage on earth, setting it on the counter. She took two large tumblers from the cupboard, added ice from the freezer bin, and filled the glasses with tea, setting one in front of me and the other across the table. She returned the pitcher to the fridge and sat down.
I looked at her. “Okay, now what’s so top secret?”
As before, Sandra hesitated, evidencing the same suggestion of a smile, but her gaze was steady. “It’s a spanking party.”
My eyes must have gotten as big as saucers. “I beg your pardon??!!”
“You heard right,” she reassured me. “I belong to a group of people who get together once a month for a spanking party. Some of them spank, some get spanked, and some do both. Some people, especially new ones, do neither.”
I realized my jaw was nearly on my chest. “Sandra Barnes, do you mean to tell me there are people out there who like to be spanked? I mean, people besides me?”
Now it was her turn to stare. As close as we were, as much as we knew about each other, she was as surprised as I was. “Are you saying you’re a spanko, too?”
“Spanko? I’ve never heard that word before.”
“It’s short for spankophile. It means someone who likes spanking, either giving or getting or both,” she explained. “So which are you, a Top or a Bottom?”
“Top or Bottom?” It sounded like English, but she was speaking a foreign language to me. “What does that mean?”
“A Top is a spanker. A Bottom is a spankee. A Switch does both.”
“I guess I’m a Bottom. I like to be whipped. Spanked, you call it. So ‘Switch’ doesn’t mean what weapon is used?”
“Oh, no. Many Tops spank with their hands. Some use paddles or belts or other toys.”
“Toys!!?? If somebody came at me with a paddle, ‘toy’ is not the first word I would think of.” I thought for a few moments. “Although I have had a belt and a riding crop used on me. It was kinda rough, but I wanted it. And I liked it.” By way of clarification, I added, “There were always bruises.”
“So you’ve done it more than once,” Sandra asked.
“Yes, a number of times. Maybe twenty times.”
“But ‘toy’ wasn’t the word that came to mind?”
“No. It was not a game. It was consensual, but not sensual.” For a brief moment I was lost in memories of a former time.
Sandra brought me back to the present. “Were you always the one that received the spankings, or did you sometimes give them.”
“I was always on the receiving end, so to speak.”
Sandra smiled an acknowledgement of the pun. “At our parties, our aim is to have fun. We do this because we enjoy it. Bottoms enjoy getting spanked, and Tops enjoy spanking them. If it gets unpleasant, the Bottom says so, and the Top changes tactics. Either that or the Top is asked to leave. Well actually, told to leave. It’s a rule.” She was quiet for a minute. “Wanna come to the party? I could make a phone call and see if it’s okay. I’m sure it will be. You don’t even have to play if you don’t want to.
“Play? Is that what you call it?” I asked.
“Mm-hmm,” she affirmed. ‘Play.’ That’s what you do with ‘toys.’ I bet you would enjoy it. No one will coerce you into doing anything you don’t want to do. You can just be an observer. I think you would be surprised how much fun you’ll have.”
“Where does this take place? I’m imagining a dungeon somewhere.”
Sandra laughed. “No, it’s not a dungeon. This group meets at the home of some members, a married couple. More like a mansion, really. This house has eight bedrooms, six bathrooms, two large living rooms, and the usual den, dining room, kitchen, etc. And a four-car garage and ten acres. And indoor and outdoor swimming pools, one of each.”
I was amazed. “Wow, Sandra. That sounds like quite a mansion, all right. “Yes, I’d like to go. If there is a fee involved, I’ll gladly fork it over.”
She answered, “There’s a fee for the party, and there’s a one-time fee for membership in the group.” She told me the amounts. “And they do require cash.”
“Not a problem,” I said. “I happen to have that much on me. What do I do? I’ll need to change clothes.” I got up to leave.
“I’ll get hold of one of the people in charge and get it all set up. You go shower and get something to eat if you want to. They’ll have munchies at the party. Either way, brush your teeth. Be back at 7 and we can ride together, or you can follow me. The party lasts till 2 in the morning, but I usually leave about 11. Oh, and just wear something vanilla.”
“You mean white?”
Sandra laughed again, this time at my lack of knowledge. “No, it just means ordinary. Not a costume or anything suggesting spanking.”
“Oh. Okay.” I’m sure I looked confused, but not as confused as I felt.
“Take your tea. You can bring the glass back later.”
“Yeah. Sure.” Dazed, I grabbed the glass and my tote bag and went out the door, heading for my place.
I walked the thirty-odd steps to my apartment, thoughts spinning around in my mind like it was a blender. Okay, Randy. What have you gotten yourself into this time? Well, she said I could just observe. She said I don’t have to participate. What did she call it? ‘Play?’ This is the strangest thing I’ve ever heard of. But an hour ago, my craving was the strangest thing I’d ever heard of. Yeah, an hour ago, and a year ago, and twenty years ago. This may just be what I’ve been looking for all this time.
I unlocked my apartment door and went in, relocking the door behind me. I parked my tote bag and purse in their usual places and headed for the bedroom, kicking off my shoes. A long, satisfying drink of tea went a long way toward slaking my thirst. I padded around in socks, shedding an article of clothing every few steps. These I gathered up and tossed into the dirty-clothes basket in the corner. I stopped in front of the closet, whose doors were always open unless company was coming, and gazed at my wardrobe. Vanilla. What’s vanilla? Ordinary. How about dark slacks and a casual top? Yeah, that would be fine. I reached for hangers containing navy pants and a blue and white flower-print shirt with a straight hem and hung them on a hook on the bathroom door. I went to my bureau and opened the underwear drawer. If I just observe, I’ll keep my clothes on. But if I change my mind, am I going to undress? Will I keep my panties on? Should I choose attractive undies? Will anyone care? Probably not. I took panties, a bra, and socks from the drawer and laid them on top of the bureau. Then I went into the bathroom, reached to turn on the shower, and stripped off my remaining garments. Having shampooed my hair that morning, I decided it wasn’t necessary to do it again, so I put on a shower cap. Checking that the water was warm, I stepped into the back of the tub and closed the sliding door. I quickly scrubbed all over, using the bath brush on my back. Turning under the shower head to rinse off the residual soap, I contemplated what the party would be like, noting that my body was already intrigued by the idea of a whipping. I turned off the water and slid the door open, pulling a towel from the towel bar on the outside of the door. I took the shower cap off and shook it, replaced it on its hook, and stepped out onto the bath mat. I dried off, hung the towel back on its bar, and went into the bedroom. After the warm shower, another swallow of tea cooled and refreshed me. I drained the glass, wiped the moisture off the outside of it, and stuck it in the top of my purse so I would remember to take it when I returned to Sandra’s.
I put on the undergarments and outfit I had selected. With black oxfords, I was dressed. I decided to forgo makeup except for my eyebrows, which were getting paler with the passing years. Brushing my teeth was the last item on my to-do list. With that accomplished, I studied my face in the mirror. Randy, have you absolutely lost your mind? Well, Sandra’s going. I’m not any crazier than she is. No, I guess you aren’t. But you gotta admit, this is the zaniest Friday night of your life. So what? What’s life without a little drama, especially high-spirited, fun drama? Satisfied with my preparation, I gathered my purse and the empty tumbler, turned off lights, and locked my apartment door behind me.
I walked to Sandra’s door and knocked. A lusty “Come in” sounded from within the apartment, so I knew that my friend was not far from the door, most likely in the kitchen. Letting myself in, I saw that she was dressed much like I was.
“Your outfit’s just fine,” she said. “See? You’re already learning vanilla.”
“Thanks,” I replied. “Here’s your glass.” I set it on the counter in the kitchen. “You make great tea. So everything is all set for me to go to the party?”
“Sure thing. What do you want to take to drink? I have bottled water, ginger ale, and diet cola. And, of course, tea.”
“Water would be good. Thanks.”
“You’re quite welcome. Getting spanked is thirsty work,” she joked. “Not that you necessarily will.” She reached into the fridge and brought out four bottles of water, placing them in a lunch-sized cooler. “Okay, looks like we’re all set.”
“All right,” I said, moving toward the door. “Can I carry anything?”
“Nope, I got it.”
I opened the door and went out. She followed, locking the door behind her. We descended the steps in the bright Texas sun, which at 7 p.m. was still hotter than West Hell.
When she got to the bottom of the steps, Sandra asked, “Do you want to ride with me or take your own car?”
“I’ll accept the gracious invitation to go with you,” I said, joining her on ground level. It’ll help me not to be so nervous. Besides, I don’t expect to get bored and want to leave.” I smiled, and she laughed. “So how far away is this place?”
“It’s only about 9 miles. You’ll be surprised where it is.”
We left the parking lot and headed toward downtown. After a few blocks, Sandra turned right, in the direction of a city park. She drove around it and continued on a four-lane street toward the outskirts of town. We passed the high school and then a shopping mall. A few miles later, we came to what was known as the “hospital district,” a rather pretentious moniker for the area surrounding the town’s only hospital. It was new, however, and two generous endowments had provided for creating and maintaining state-of-the-art equipment and leading-edge technology in several specialties. The facility had the potential to become a showcase for modern medicine, though on a small scale.
We drove past the emergency entrance, and Sandra observed that there were no ambulances and only one police car. I voice the hope that it would be a slow night for ER personnel. Beyond the hospital grounds, on both sides of the four-lane road, were recently constructed housing developments with interesting architecture and lawns that were well cared for. A mile or so later, Sandra turned right, into a drive flanked with beautifully maintained shrubbery and flowers in an array of colors. We approached a tall gate, and Sandra drove up to a call box to gain access to the property. I imagined we were about to enter a gated community containing expensive dwellings. Sandra pushed a button, and a male voice said, “Good evening.”
Sandra replied, “Hello, I’m Sandra. Elements.”
The voice answered her, “Hello, Sandra. Proceed.” The gate moved slowly to the right, allowing us to enter. Sandra drove through the gate and followed a road wide enough to be two-lane, on each side of which was an expanse of newly mown grass. As the road wound and curved toward a large structure some distance in front of us, I realized that this was not a gated community; it was a gated HOUSE. I was looking at the ten-acre grounds of the mansion. I thought of the lyrics to a Broadway song, “What a setup! Holy Cow! They’d never believe it if my friends could see me now.” As we got closer, it was evident that part of the lawn to the side of this dwelling had been designated as a parking area. Even without marked boundaries, drivers had parked their vehicles in surprisingly even rows, with enough space between each two cars to open the doors fully.
We reached the end of the grassy parking area, where Sandra pulled in beside a dark red sedan. “Well, I see Allen is already here. He’s the one I called to make sure it was okay.” She shifted the car to PARK and turned off the ignition. “I would suggest you leave your purse here. That way you won’t have to keep up with it. Besides, there’s probably not anything in it that you’ll need. Oh, wait: You will need your driver’s license and money. I’m just taking my car keys, and I keep ‘em in a pocket.
“Sounds good to me,” I replied.
“Good. We can put them in the trunk.” I opened my purse and got out my driver’s license and the cash I would need. Then we got out of the car, Sandra unlocked the trunk, and we put our purses in it. She closed the trunk and locked the car. We turned toward the front door of the house. “Are you nervous?” She asked.
“A little. Well, maybe more than a little.” I admitted.
Sandra chuckled. “So was I, the first time I came to one of these parties. It won’t be strange for long. In no time at all you’ll settle in.”
We reached the front porch and went up the steps. Sandra rang the bell. The door was opened by a tall, slim man with dark hair just turning silver at the temples. On his green golf shirt was a name tag that said “JOHN,” beneath which was a solid blue circle. “Hi, Sandra,” he boomed, hugging her as he pulled her inside. I followed, and he closed the door. He leaned down to kiss her cheek and then looked at me. “This must be the friend Allen called me about.”
“Yes, indeed,” Sandra replied. Turning to me, she said, “Randy, this is John, the master of the house.” She gestured toward me. “John, my friend and neighbor Randy.”
He took my hand in a gentle handshake. “So pleased to meet you, Randy. Sandra tells me you’re new to the lifestyle.”
“Yes,” I agreed, having no idea what he was talking about.
My neighbor rescued me. “What he means is the Spanko lifestyle. Yes, Randy’s new to the lifestyle, but not the fetish. She was into spanking some years ago but just didn’t know other people were. She’s never been to a spanking party before.”
“Well, you’re certainly welcome, Randy,” John said warmly. “We have a real friendly group. Let’s get you registered, and there’s some information we need to make note of. Come along.” He led Sandra and me to the kitchen, where a woman sat at a table with a notebook and pen, a sheet of self-adhesive name tags and a sheet of different-colored adhesive circles with some missing, and a locking money box. “Evelyn, we have a new member. Sandra brought along her neighbor. It’s been cleared with Allen.” The woman had printed “SAN” on one of the name tags and stopped to greet us.
“Yes, he told me. That’s great!” she said to John. To me, she held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Evelyn.”
“I’m Randy,” I answered, gripping her hand briefly.
“Have a seat,” she said. “Did you bring your driver’s license?” She continued printing “DRA on the name tag and attached a red circle under the name.
“Yes. I have it right here,” I said, digging into my pocket. I handed it to her and sat in a vacant chair.
Evelyn alternately looked at my driver’s license and the page of her notebook, writing down the information she needed. “Do you know about the fees?”
“Yes,” I said. “Sandra told me. Is this the right amount?” I asked, handing her the bills I had stashed in my pocket.
“Yep, right on the nose,” she confirmed. “Glad to have you here tonight. What’s your position?” she asked, reaching for another name tag.
Again ignorance silenced me, and again Sandra came to my rescue. “She’s a Bottom, but tonight she’s an Observer.”
After printing my name on the tag, Evelyn peeled a green, self-adhesive circle from a sheet and placed it carefully under my name. “There,” she said. “You’re officially an Observer. And Sandra, here’s yours.” After peeling the backing off them, she handed us the name tags, which we pasted to our shirts.
“Well, let’s get you introduced around,” John said to me. “Come this way.”
He led us into a large, high-ceilinged living room where several small groups of people sat on sofas and in armchairs, chatting on different subjects. He went up to each group and introduced me. I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh in an adjoining room. “Now I’ll introduce you to my wife,” John said, leading us in the direction of the sound. Only two people were in the room, a woman with her dress up over her back and her panties down around her knees, and a man across whose lap she was lying as he repeatedly spanked her with his hand. Her arms were folded under her head, her chin resting on the uppermost hand. “Hi, Honey,” she said cheerily, followed by “Ow, Keith,” as she looked back at the man.
“Aw, did that hurt?” said her punisher, rubbing her bottom gently.
“Hi, Joyce,” John greeted his wife, planting a kiss on her hair. “I want to introduce our new member, Sandra’s friend Randy. Randy, this is my wife, Joyce.”
“Hi, Randy. Forgive me for not getting up,” she apologized, “but I’m a little indisposed at the moment.”
“Oh, that’s quite all right,” I said, smiling. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Then John instructed, “Now, Keith, you know Joyce only likes to be spanked when she deserves it and when she doesn’t. And she only likes it hard or harder. Keep that in mind, will you?”
“Sure ’nough, John,” Keith agreed, smacking Joyce more forcefully, which made her bury her face in the bedspread.
“Jnmm?” she said, the sound muffled by bedclothes.
“Yes, dear?” her husband answered.
She lifted her head toward him and observed, “You’re not helping.”
“Okay, Hon. I’ll just run along and do some more introductions.” He patted her shoulder gently in parting.
As we moved toward the door, John explained, “Don’t worry, Randy. She loves it. Joyce and I have been married for 34 years, and we’ve known Keith for 20. He knows she likes it hard, but he won’t overdo it. She’s in good hands. Or undergood hands, you might say.” I chuckled.
We followed John out into the living room. Ever the tour guide, he suggested, “Let’s go upstairs and see what kind of action there is. It’s usually a lot.” As the three of us trooped up the grand staircase, I thought how bizarre the scene was that I had just witnessed. A guy was spanking another guy’s wife, and she and both guys were as happy as larks.
We got to the top of the stairs and heard a variety of sounds of hitting going on. In the first room on the left, there was a queen-sized bed. Three of its sides contained women who were being spanked, two by men and one by a woman. The two Bottoms being spanked by men were prone on the bed while their Tops were standing up and using leather implements of differing types on their bare buttocks. On the far side of the bed, the woman Top had her victim across her lap, spanking her with a rather small, brown-and-tan-striped wooden paddle that brought repeated flinches and protests.
“Ouch, Vivian. That hurts,” she wailed.
“Of course it hurts, Kim. It’s a spanking. It’s punishment. It’s supposed to hurt. How many is that?”
“Twelve,” Kim answered. She sniffled.
“And how many are left?”
“Very good,” Vivian acknowledged. “Hold still.” She swung the paddle again, causing Kim to flinch. And again.
I looked at one of the other women. The man spanking her was using a doubled-over strap that made a loud slapping sound. The woman’s panties were pulled up so that both cheeks were exposed and fabric was between them. She was lying still and looked quite serene. “Hi, John,” she greeted our guide. “Have you played yet?”
“Hi, Lani. No, not yet. Right now I’m showing our new member around. Randy, this is Lani. Lani, Randy is a neighbor of Sandra’s. They’ve lived three doors down from each other and been pals for five years, and today they learned something new about each other.”
Lani smiled at me. “Hi, Randy. I hope you have a good time. This is a great bunch of people. I see you’re an Observer tonight. That’s fine. No one will make you do anything you don’t want to do.”
“Thanks,” I replied. “It’s certainly different. I’m not used to any of this.”
“That’s okay. All of us attended our first party once upo—OW, Curtis! Is that what you were trying to get me to say? All right, you got your wish.” To me, she resumed, “As I was saying before I was so painfully interrupted, we were all new and going to our first party once upon a time. Soon, you’ll be an ‘old hand.’ ”
“Thanks for the encouragement,” I answered. Seeing that John had turned and was moving toward the door, I said, “See you later.”
John said, “The woman doing the spanking in there is Vivian. She’s a Top, and she’s Kim’s Domme. I imagine Kim got herself into trouble, although being her Domme, Vivian can spank her anytime she wants to, for whatever reason.”
We moved down the hall, peeking into different rooms as we went. We passed one room where a man wearing a T-shirt stood beside the bed, bent over with his hands flat on the bedspread. I saw that his pants and undershorts were down around his ankles. A woman was using a switch of some kind on his bare bottom with much force and just as much accuracy. Several parallel lines marked the skin, and she was in the process of adding another one below them. “Eight,” he counted.
I asked John, “Another Domme?”
“I don’t think so,” he replied. “Laura is a Top, but I think she’s just giving Eric what he likes. He likes it when his Top makes him count. They’re both regulars at our parties, but I don’t think they have a Domme/sub relationship.”
“What was she hitting him with?” I wanted to know.
“A cane,” John said. “It looked like a Delrin cane.”
“What’s that?” I asked.
“Canes were originally rattan. Delrin is a synthetic material that resembles rattan in weight and size, but it’s virtually unbreakable. It’s very bendable, though.”
John then suggested that we go back downstairs to socialize some more. At the head of the staircase, I noticed a table with snacks on it, including cheese and crackers, a fruit plate, and cookies. John grabbed a few grapes, Sandra and I each took a cookie, and we started down the stairs. When we got to the first floor, I saw another table with similar snacks on it that hadn’t been there earlier. I snagged another cookie.
John turned to me. “Well, what do you think so far, Randy?”
“It’s all so strange,” I said. “I had no idea this kind of thing existed. It just never occurred to me.”
Sandra, who had been quiet all during our brief tour, voiced her agreement. “I never knew it existed, either, until I got into the same kind of conversation you and I had today. It’s opened up a whole new world for me.”
John said, “That’s true for all of us. Our group can be found online, but you have to know where and how to look. If you just google ‘Elements,’ you’ll pull up the periodic table! You can’t find us by accident. You have to be looking.”
“Speaking of which,” Sandra said, “I’m going to hunt up Keith. We have a ‘play date’ scheduled. I’ll see if he’s finished with Joyce.” She moved toward the first room we had visited.
“Randy, why don’t you wander around and mingle?” John suggested to me. “You can ask questions and get to know some of the people. And remember, if you decide you want to be more than an Observer, and your bottom needs a Top, there are several available, including me.”
“Thank you, John. I know you’re making such a gracious offer out of the goodness of your hand—I mean heart,” I replied, grinning.
“Ah, now I see you’re getting into the ‘swing’ of things,” he retorted. “See you later.” He followed in the same direction Sandra had gone, just as Joyce was coming out of the room. She reached up to hug her husband as he put his arms around her. “How do you feel?” he asked.
“Wonderful,” she answered. “After I get a drink and rest for a while, will you do me next?
“My dear, I would do you anytime, anywhere, and love every minute of it,” John lovingly assured his wife.
As they started walking into the kitchen, I went to the room where Sandra had gone. She was on the near side of the bed, her slacks and panties down to her knees, lying across Keith’s lap. He was just about to begin spanking her.
I decided to go back upstairs. I paused at the foot of the stairs for a cracker and cheese and then continued up to the second floor. In the room we had visited earlier, Lani was hugging Curtis, her Top, and thanking him. The other man and the woman he had been spanking were gone. Vivian and Kim were sitting on the far side of the bed, where Kim had lain earlier. She was crying, and Vivian held her, smoothing her hair and softly talking to her. I left the room and moved down the hallway, exploring. The man who was being caned earlier was now lying prone on the bed, being whipped with a belt. I heard him say “nineteen” as I walked past. The next room I came to was vacant, but the light was on. Proceeding down the hallway, I came to a room occupied by six women. Three were Tops, and the other three were Bottoms. The Bottoms were on the near side, the foot of the bed, and the far side, and the Tops stood over them, each holding a leather strap. One of the Tops was instructing the women about the spankings they were going to receive. It looked like some sort of ritual, because the three Tops were dressed alike and the three Bottoms were naked. I was both frightened and mesmerized.
I went back downstairs to the room I had just left, where Keith was spanking Sandra with his hand. Her chin rested on her hands. She was absolutely still, though it seemed he was hitting her pretty hard. I asked if I could come in, and Keith said, “Sure. You can watch all you want. You want to come over here so you and Sandra can talk?” He indicated an open space on the bed close to her head.
I moved over there and asked Sandra how she was doing.
“Fine,” she said. “It feels wonderful. This is an excellent way to release the tension of the work week. Have you come across anything interesting yet?”
“Oh, it’s all interesting,” I answered. “So interesting, in fact, that I’m getting very jealous. I’m going to have to become an un-Observer. I want a whipping so bad I can almost feel it, and the ‘almost’ is driving me crazy.”
“I know that feeling well,” Sandra sympathized. A light bulb seemed to go on in her eyes. “I know what you ought to do. Go upstairs and find Allen. He was supposed to have taken three gals upstairs right before we got here. Maybe he can work you in. You’ll like his style. He starts slow and easy, which would be great for you since you haven’t played in a while. Then he gets harder and a little faster, but the way he does it it’s easy to take, even if you’re not used to it. We always recommend him to new Bottoms.”
“On your expert referral, I’ll do just that. Thanks, Sandra.” I turned and left the room, heading for the stairs. I snagged a few grapes and marched purposefully up the staircase. I knew that this Allen person wasn’t in any of the rooms I had looked in earlier, so I went beyond those doors to the next one on the left. I could see two women sitting on the bed, and I could hear spanking happening. Stepping into the room, I saw that the man had the other woman—the third one—across his lap, spanking her somewhat forcefully. Her slacks and panties were down around her knees, and he was spanking her bare buttocks. She squirmed a little with each blow but didn’t make a sound. He looked up to see who had just walked in, and he froze in mid-spank.
I froze in mid-thought. Allen. Allen Saunders, M.D. My gynecologist! I blurted out, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’m Randy. Sandra suggested that I see you for a spanking because I’m new. Allen, right?” I had never in sixteen years of being his patient called him anything but Dr. Saunders.
He beamed. “Yes, that’s right. I’m pleased to meet you, Randy. And I’m pleased that Sandra would refer you to me.” ‘Refer.’ Doctor talk. ‘Refer me to him.’
I could see that he was going along with it, so I would do the same. “So I can just make myself comfortable and wait?”
“Sure, sure,” he said. “Hop up here and wait till Jenny and I are done here.” He patted the bed behind where he was sitting. I went around and climbed up beside the other two women.
One of those said, “We’ve already played. We’re just waiting for Jenny. Sort of the Three Musketeers.” I nodded understanding.
After four or five minutes, he stopped spanking Jenny and asked, “Well, how was that?”
“Very nice,” she replied. “I feel great.”
He helped her climb off his lap and stand up. He reached for her panties and pulled them up to the proper level as she adjusted her legs to assist. Then he caught the waistband of her pants, first with one hand and then the other, and began pulling them up, while she again wiggled to accommodate his movements. He stood up, and they hugged affectionately. She thanked him for spanking her and he told her how much he enjoyed doing it. She went around the bed and sat close to me.
Dr. Saunders—Allen—said, “I’ll take a short break to rest and get some fluids in me, and then you and I can start, Randy.” ‘Fluids.’ More doctor talk. He went into the bathroom and turned on the water at the sink. “He was washing his hands between patients!” Oh, for the love o’ Mike.”
He reached for a hand towel and stood in the doorway of the bathroom looking at the other women and me, drying his hands like some TV surgeon in the OR. He replaced the towel on a rack and came back into the room. “Okay. You ready?” he asked me.
I felt extremely awkward. “Hold on, now. Wait just a doggone minute. I happen to know you’re a married man. I don’t have any intention of pursuing this activity with a married man. That kind of scandal holds no attraction for me.”
He frowned. “I see what you mean. It could be a really messy situation,” he acknowledged. “That is, if my wife weren’t sitting right here.” He indicated Jenny.
She extended her hand. “Jenny Saunders, RNP. Pleased to meet you.”
I looked from him to her, and then back at him, and back at her, sticking out my hand like a zombie. My chin was on my chest for the second time that day, as Jenny briefly gripped my hand, grinning like a possum.
Matter-of-factly, Allen asked, “So do you want me to spank you or not?”
“I guess so,” I stammered.
“Well then, I think it would be nice to invoke an age-old tradition I just made up. I think you and I should go from room to room, upstairs and downstairs, and invite everyone to gather in the downstairs living room to witness your first spanking here among the ‘Elements.’ ”
“Everyone?” I squeaked.
“Well, sure. Why not?”
My mind raced. “What makes you think you can get away with that?”
“Get away with it?” Allen asked. “Who are you going to tell? My wife is right here.”
“What about the hospital? Surely you don’t think they would condone this behavior on the part of one of their prominent doctors.”
“Oh, I doubt I’ll get into too much trouble. John is the CEO of the hospital, what used to be known as the hospital administrator. Now, let me make it clear: You will not be forced to take a spanking from anyone, Randy, but if you want to be spanked by me, those are the terms.”
My last argument had disintegrated. It was tempting to say I didn’t want to be spanked at all, or to ask that someone else do it, but by now the seed had been planted in every fertile mind in the house. I wanted it, and this was the only way I was going to get it tonight. “Okay.”
“Okay what?” he tortured.
“Okay, A—.” The name didn’t want to leave my throat. “Okay, Allen. Will you please spank me?”
“Atta girl.” Then he whispered, “Such a good patient.” In a normal voice he instructed, “Come along, and we’ll rally the troops.”
Dr. Saunders and I went from one upstairs room to another, informing all occupants of the spanking that was going to take place downstairs. I was eager, but at the same time I felt trapped. When we had covered the second floor, we went downstairs and made the rounds there.
When everyone had been apprised of the latest goings-on, Dr. Saunders led me to a sofa that was the center item of the grouped furniture. As if suddenly remembering the detail, he said, “Oh, there was just one more term I forgot.”
Resigned to my fate, I asked, “What’s that?”
He paused to get the full benefit of the word. “Strip.”
I figured it didn’t make any difference now. “Might as well. You’ve seen me like that before.” I began unbuttoning my shirt.
As he sat down, a chorus started chanting as if it were a TV show, ‘Ran-Dy, Ran-Dy, Ran-Dy.’ My shirt was off. Down came the pants. The chanting was getting a little irksome.
I put my hands on my hips and asked, just loud enough to be heard, “Why’re alla y’all lookin’ at me like I’m fresh meat?” They burst into laughter as I removed my shoes, bra and then panties. I lay across Dr. Saunders’ lap. To him, I said, “This is the strangest day of my life.”
After the Party 2
One of my eagle-eyed, news-reading playmates sent me a link to this article, posted on 9/9/2013. For most of us, it will read like a roadmap to ‘becoming a spanko’, but to those not familiar with the fetish, it’s a fresh and un-scary introduction into the inner workings of the Modern Spanko.
The author, Jason Webb (a penname), based in Austin, TX, takes his readers through the twists and turns of first interest to full-blown lifestyle – and takes vanillas on an informational, rational trip down fetish lane.
Read the full article below, and feel free to come back here to comment, if you’d like.
I first met Cali and Mr. H over three years ago, out in the middle of nowhere desert, to film for a new spanking video production company called The Spanking Court. They were filming at what was, at the time, the coolest spanking location I’d ever seen: several dedicated sets, including judge’s bench, plaintiff/defendant podiums, and even a ‘jail cell’! Not only were the sets great, but the owners, Cali and Mr. H, were just about some of the most friendly and welcoming folks with whom I’d ever worked.
After the first few Spanking Court shoots, they asked if I’d like to become a permanent part of the production – and invited my honey to do the same. We ended up becoming the Court Disciplinarian and Bailiff for the entire run of Spanking Court, doling out spankings to dozens of ladies (and a few men) who ran afoul of Judge Spanks.
Eventually, we moved to the Hollywood Production Studios in Los Angeles, before finally ending up in an enormous custom-built, multi-set space in Northern California – trust me, you’ve never seen anything like the creativity and time that went into this place…amazing. One thing that always stayed the same was the level of work put into this endeavor by our friends and their genuine kindness to anyone with whom they worked.
We had the great good fortune of working with some of the nicest, most professional, and FUN people during our shoots, including the unforgettable Erica Scott, Christy Cutie, Ten Amorette, Cheyenne Jewel, Casey Calvert, and our very own VBB and WW, to name just a few.
Eventually, Cali and Mr. H also created Sternwood Academy – an all-girl’s academy which focused on education, manners, and lots and LOTS of spankings. Again, there were many beautiful and talented participants, top and bottom, and they ended up producing three full-length DVD releases of Sternwood Academy.
A couple months ago, we received a call from our wonderful friends informing us that their vanilla business had taken off like a rocket – great news for them, sad news for the spanking video world – and that there just wasn’t enough time in their current schedule to continue producing spanking content. While we were naturally thrilled for them and their success, we are more than a little sad to see SC and Sternwood come to an end, and will miss the amazing times we had with everyone involved.
Sincerest thanks and enormous love to Cali and Mr. H, and to all the fabulous folks who participated and watched…we had a blast!
– Dana
3 NOT a guy from Delaware.
7 Dual use implement.
9 Hit this.
12 Bad girls and boys get this.
13 Lovable scamp
14 A vacation for your brain.
15 What you’re likely in.
16 The best color.
1 What you should be over.
2 An absolute necessity.
4 Not nice.
5 Almost everyone wants them.
6 Let it fit the crime.
8 No peeking!
10 What brats don’t want to do.
11 THE word
Training the New Librarian
One of my adventurous playmates, who’s had his fair share of spanking experience over the years, was kind enough to gift me some of his prized spanking materials collection – several pristine magazines which I hadn’t previously seen. These are classic spanko periodicals, and I am tickled by his generous gesture. So tickled, in fact, that I had to share a couple snapshots here:
He said he’d brought me ‘a couple things’, so I was surprised when he pulled out this stack of awesome spanko history –
with titles like Strictly Woman to Woman Spanking, Over Her Knee!,
I Remember When, and Firm Forceful Femmes:
This one stuck out immediately, as it features my spanking shero,
Dana Specht:
These magazines are, well….cool….and are full of reminders of our recent spanko past – video previews for the stunning Rebecca Brooks, photos of famous tops such as Christine Justice and Simone Devon, and chock full of dozens of spanking personal ads (WAY before the internet made it easy to hook up with spankos everywhere, anywhere).
Naturally, we started talking about the pre-internet era – ordering VHS tapes through the mail with money orders (those early spanking tapes were $90 apiece!), scanning printed personals for like minds, and the excitement of seeing a Spanking Story in the Playboy magazine or Penthouse Forum.
As I wasn’t even aware of the larger spanko community back then, listening to his stories was a real eye-opener, and I’m curious how many other spanking fetishists have similar tales of cashing the weekly paycheck ASAP, in order to rush out and mail that money order for Nu-West’s latest VHS release…
Were those the Good Old Days, or is this – internet, social media, short-attention-span – the Golden Era?
– Dana
We’ve talked before about non-corporal punishment/discipline, so I thought I’d share this photo with you:
Here’s Angel, surrounded by the FIRST batch of my spanking implements which she was instructed to clean and organize as part of her ongoing discipline. As you can see, the wood implements are piled in front, with leathers to her right and non-traditionals to her left. This does not include the many dozen more canes, delrin implements, large paddles and other sundry items contained in the closet behind her.
I should mention that ALL of these implements were already clean, as they always are, because I clean them myself after each use. This was a lesson in time-wasting – having to do a task which is completely unnecessary – and how it can be avoided by making the right choices *before* you find yourself in trouble.
I’m pleased to say that not only did Angel survive her cleaning assignment, but my implement closet is now in quite the state of order….although I can’t be certain that she hasn’t hidden at least one.
– Dana
Before the Party II
A recent Conversation about Fantasy vs. Reality spawned another line of thought – and an excellent one, at that.
What happens if, as a spanko, you’re lucky enough to :
a) be in a relationship
b)have a partner who’s open to spanking, if not an all-out spanko, and
c)have the opportunity to be spanked relatively regularly by said partner
They suck at it?
We’ve all had less-than-perfect spankings, where the spanker chose an intensity, rhythm, or implement which wasn’t necessarily tops on our list; I’m not talking about the occasional imperfect scene.
I mean, what does one do when, no matter how many times they try, the spanker just can’t manage to pull a good spanking out of their hat to save his or her life?
It sounds like I’m being glib about this, and maybe a little levity is a Good Thing, because this seems like a Big Problem to me. When practice *doesn’t* make perfect – what do you say?
Back in the days when my ego would still tolerate a spanking, I threw out a couple “Umm, what exactly are you doing back there” ‘s, and maybe a few “Yeah, this isn’t going to work” ‘s, to boot. A hard spanking was tolerable, but a bad one wasn’t. Ever. (It’s fair to mention that these were not relationship-partner spankings, so I wasn’t terribly emotionally attached to the spanker’s response.)
But what about when the spankee IS emotionally attached to the spanker’s response? What if the spankee, as my aforementioned playmates (who definitely do not have an issue in the how-well-she-spanks dept.), is the only spanko in the equation, and doesn’t want to ‘look a gift spanking in the paddle’, so to speak?
I’m interested in hearing about how other spankos have handled this delicate situation, and I’m sure that your fellow readers are, too…
– Dana
Welcome to the new Spanking Story Contest. This month, our Person, Place, and Thing theme will take us to a fictional spanking party, with lots of happy spanko revelers, where YOU are the star of the party…at least for one spanking :
Write a story about a spanking that YOU either give, or receive, at this hopping spanking party. Are you an adventurous top, an exhibitionist switch, or a first-time party bottom? Are there three people watching…or 100? Use your imagination, and write your story about :
At your most fabulous fantasy spanking party:
…either spanking or being spanked in front of an audience.
Read Before Writing :
The winner will receive a spanking session with me, in my hometown or any of the cities which I regularly visit.
If you’ve any questions, feel free to email me. All completed entries should also be emailed, either as part of the email’s text or as an attachment, to:
Have fun, and good luck!
– Dana
Messy Girl
Here’s another short product testing video with Angel. In this scene, we’re trying out a well-made and stingy ash wood paddle from Blues Blades. Angel says it’s super stingy, and I like the easy to grip handle.
Enjoy! – Dana
*Current and former members of,
Since beginning the member video site, some subscribers have mentioned problems with load/buffer issues on the videos.
After quite a bit of digging, my new webmaster has begun a complete update of the file systems, and we’re currently working to offer multiple versions of each scene (online play AND download) in the archive.
The newest scenes on the site are now available in MP4 format, with a mobile play version and two download options available – and we’ll be working our behinds off on the archive (which is somewhere right around 200 scenes), so that each and every spanking will be watchable/downloadable for ALL members, regardless of your OS, browser, or connection speed.
I’m grateful to those of you who’ve been kind enough to work as ‘testers’ during this process, as your feedback has helped us make sure that there’s a way for each of you to access the videos properly.
As usual, your comments and feedback are welcome – either in the comment box below, or at
– Dana
Here’s another installment of Tips for Tops! In this episode, we are discussing the Art of Negotiation, and it’s importance in spanking/discipline play. We’ll demonstrate negotiation by using The Strap (one of my bottom’s most feared implements), and show how everyone can be happy in the end….ahem, well, most everyone, anyway.
– Dana
I know, from talks with many of my playmates, that public spankings play a large role in our spanko fantasies. For myself, having had the opportunity to dole out a few semi-public spankings (thanks to Angel, the VBB and his WW, and My Bottom’s Bottom), there is certainly an element of naughtiness, for both the spanker and the spankee. I’ve no interest in having to explain myself to passersby – or to the authorities, for that matter – but at least so far the fun has outweighed any perceived risk, and as we’ve recently spoken about the differences between fantasy and reality, I’m not touching on whether the concept is actually doable for anyone/everyone, but about what the fantasy means to us…
It tickles me that whomever is with me, in a public setting, may be unsure of whether or not I’m willing to spank them – right then and there – in front of anyone who may choose to look; whether it will be one or two ‘warning swats’, or whether I’ll have the audacity to pull out my hairbrush and really go to town. Simply the implied threat alone is enough to fulfill my need to make you sweat in public…
Is this an exhibitionist streak which runs alongside our spanko-ness? Do we really *want* to get caught, or is the idea of getting caught, of being overheard, of others knowing what we’re doing, the goal? What drives the fantasy of pulling to the side of a dusty country road for a paddling, or stepping out onto the balcony for an early morning OTK?
As I’ve shared with several playmates, my personal public spanking fantasy of late has involved the Las Vegas strip, and a brave paddle-holding boy wearing a sandwich board announcing ‘It’s My Birthday!’. I, of course, would simply watch, utterly amused, as perfect strangers stride up, read the sign, laugh, and grab the paddle from my playmate in order to deliver his ‘birthday whacks’. I’m sure that there would be no lack of takers, based on the fact that most folks come here to do things they’d never have the chance to do at home…i.e. spanking a perfect stranger on the Las Vegas strip in broad daylight. (The YouTube video would go viral.)
This, I can assure you, would bring me no end of pleasure.
– Dana
P.S. This is where you jump in…have you? Would you? Or do you just love the idea?
Weekly Accountability Report
For those of you who are subscribed to, we are making some changes in the video formatting/embedding, so that you’ll hopefully not have to suffer extended buffer/load times, and will be able to access the videos on more devices.
If you are a CURRENT member of the member site, please take a look at the most recent (excluding POV’s) scenes, and see if they play/buffer well on your device. If you’ve had play problems in the past – and even if you haven’t – I’d be happy to receive an email from you regarding the video format upgrade….please let me know how works for you – and what I can do to improve it, for you.
If you are a FORMER subscriber to the site and experienced load/buffer issues, I’d like to hear from you, too. Tell me what you need on YOUR PC/Mac/iOS/handheld, in order to watch successfully. (I do believe that the current fixes that my new webmaster are working on will resolve most of these minor load issues, but I’m still very interested in your feedback.)
Either way, when you write please let me know what type of computer/device you’re using, and which browser you are using. With your help, the webmaster and I can get this little problem fixed tootsweet and you can get those spanko videos streaming asap.
I know it’s been a bit of a pain, kids, and we’re working on getting everything shiny and new. Soon as it’s all fancy and proper, I’ll throw a fun little contest for members to show my thanks for your patience and spanko-kindnesses.
** I should probably note that the videos play dandy from my ancient mac, as well as my tres-crapp-ay windows machine – so without your help, I won’t know who’s seeing what.
Thanks and spanks,
Here’s the ‘face shot’ from the recent free video ‘Angel’s OTK’.
If you were wondering what her face looked like during that super hard hand spanking, well, here ya go…
– Dana
What happens when you get exactly what you want, only to find out – quickly – that you didn’t, in fact, want it after all?
This topic has popped up a few times recently, and most notably with a lovely couple that I see annually for a fun/instructional spanking session. He’s the spanko, and the bottom, and she’s the loving and willing, if not fully enthused, spanker. After many years of back-and-forth on the subject of spanking as it relates to their relationship, they’ve come to a good, if often overlooked, agreement : he can ask for an occasional spanking, and she can assign one when/if she feels necessary.
Except. He doesn’t always comply with the spankings which she deems necessary. He says that he always feels as though he wants and needs a disciplinary spanking – and either asks for them outright or behaves in some way as to warrant them, but when it comes down to brass tacks, it just hurts too darn much, and he usually ends up calling an end to the spanking quickly. Since his partner isn’t emotionally invested in the spankings, she usually lets him have his way and ends the spanking.
His fantasy is better than the reality.
The idea of receiving a hard, disciplinary OTK hairbrush spanking certainly tweaks the fantasy gland of many spankos – but is it all it’s cracked up to be? And should you be more careful what you wish for?
In the case of my aforementioned spanko friends, I suggested that he sign an agreement, specifying that he will accept, unquestioningly, any disciplinary spanking which his partner deems necessary, for the next ninety days. During this time, if he does request that she stop or modify the discipline, she should ignore his protests and remind him that he’s getting exactly what he’s asked for – literally and metaphorically, and keep right on spanking until she’s done.
I also suggested that he, the spanko, remember that his partner is showing much understanding, love, and willingness to compromise when it comes to a fetish which she does not share – and that he shouldn’t look a gift spanking in the mouth; at the end of this ninety day agreement, he should either learn to accept her discretion when it comes to spankings (understanding, of course, that no discipline which she’s attempted to carry out has been beyond the realm of reasonable spanking intensity; we’re not talking about hardcore beatings here), or stop asking for them.
While they’ve both agreed that this is a sensible course of action, I’m wondering whether you agree….have I given too much discretion to the top/non-spanko? Or does the spanko have a responsibility to his partner to put up or shut up, so to speak? If the spankee is always in control of the discipline, is it really discipline at all, and is the fantasy therefore unattainable?
What do you think?…
– Dana