My most recent post (below) was created and posted in less than ten minutes. After having spent very little time perusing spanking online of late (busy busy!), I did a little catching up and saw the preview for Pandora Blake’s newest F/m spanking offerings on DreamsofSpanking.com. You’ll see from the last post exactly why I was in such a hurry to share the preview pics – it’s *gorgeous* material! Pandora has, time and again, produced some of the most beautiful spanking content available.
And now? Now she’s had to close the site.
And that’s what I call a damn shame.

If you’re unaware of the fight in the UK headed up by something called the ATVOD, it’s worth taking a few minutes to read one of Pandora’s posts and acquaint yourself with the situation. Basically, the lawmakers over there have decided that *certain types* of adult content are illegal to buy or sell, including “hard” spankings.
That’s right; the culture who brought us the Headmistress Fantasy has now banned caning videos. Does that make any sense to you whatsoever? Yeah, me either. Here’s something that’ll explain it in a bit more detail : http://dreamsofspanking.com/blog/2014/12/censored-in-the-uk I think that you’ll be rightfully shocked at all the things that are now against the law in Pandora’s neck of the woods.
So we’re left with losing one of the best, most visionary producers in the genre. Pandora’s already taken down the subscription links to her site, and you can’t buy a membership anymore. The content will come down near the end of the month, and can’t/won’t go back up until and unless she wins her legal appeal, which may take a year or more – IF she wins.
While I don’t doubt for a minute that Pandora will find another, even better way to express her love and creativity, this is a serious blow for her. She’s had numerous folks try and come up with a solution for her, but I’m sure that none of them has thought as long and hard about it as she has…there doesn’t seem to be a simple one.
One thing that you can do, though, is help make sure that she doesn’t go broke in the process of fighting for ALL our rights. Dreams of Spanking videos are still available, for the time being, on Clips4Sale. Not only will you be helping someone insure their future endeavors and livelihood, but you’ll find yourself in possession of some of the best quality spanking videos made. Go to the studio now – clips4sale.com/52821 – and find a few favorites. Also, take a swing by Pandora’s blog or Twitter account (@PandoraBlake) and offer some words of encouragement – she deserves all our support.
– Dana
That’s COLOSSALLY fucked up!
I guess consensual actions are becoming irrelevant in the so-called “free world.” MUCH too much politically correct measures have begun to ruin peoples’ rights to choose what LEGALLY makes them happy.
Wonder what’s in store for the U.S. adult entertainment industry?
I second that. Let’s hope that someone comes to their senses before it spreads.
Wow—this is hard to believe! There are a number of things going on now and throughout the history of the United States that I have big problems with, however, I could never imagine something like happening in this country. However, I never thought women’s rights and voting rights would be attacked either.
I hope Pandora rights this, as do all the others in the industry in the UK.
Hopefully she can still sell products in the USA in other countries—or travel here to create.
Wow—attacks on civil liberty, sad.
I, too, hope that Pandora has some success in her appeal, and in the further fight against these ridiculous new laws. We should all know where we stand with our governments.
Pandora is a trooper, a visionary, and quite creative as her excellent productions have shown. I have no doubt she will figure out a way to effectively use those talents going forward. Many folks are rooting for her and working with her to make the best of a rotten situation, and try to overturn these draconian regulations.
Hear Hear, Mitch! I hope she wallops living hell outta the whole bunch of them.
Reading the Where do the AVMS guidelines come from? page…on behalf of a lot of old white guys, we’re not all like that :)
Ahahaa! I know they’re the exception, but in this case, they also make the rules. Damn shame how that works out, isn’t it?
I cannot wrap my mind around this going on in the UK of all places. I’m especially appalled by the way this ATVOD is targeting very specific types of content and self-expression, and I’m so sorry this is happening to Pandora and her site. At least there are people like her who won’t be taking this lying down.
It’s a shame for us all, as now there are lots and lots of UK producers who’ll likely no longer be able to produce and sell their content. I wonder what the government thinks they should do next…probably nurse, housewife, or secretary. Wait, that’s the 1950’s calling…