No (aka ‘no thank you’, ‘I’ll pass’, ‘thanks but no thanks’, and the ever popular ‘hell no’)



It’s one of the shortest sentences in the English language, but most people have the hardest time wrapping their minds and tongues around it, at least situationally. We can look at ourselves naked in the bathroom mirror and shout it at the tops of our lungs, and we can usually manage it if someone asks us whether we want a fried egg on our hamburger, but barring those simple examples the word becomes more and more difficult to say.


But it’s not really the word itself, is it? It’s the implication of rejection that we all perceive goes along with using it. We don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, or appear self-absorbed, so we don’t say it. Then we do something that we didn’t really want to do in the first place. Then we complain about it and hold it against the other person.

Don’t lie, that’s usually how it goes.

Let’s do an exercise together : take a minute to think of all the times you’d have liked to say ‘no’, and didn’t. Don’t go crazy, ’cause this could take all day…narrow it down to the last week or month or so. Did you help someone move when it was really the last thing you wanted to do? Did you babysit for someone’s rotten kids or go out dancing on a night you’d rather have stayed home? What about all those times that the ‘no’ would’ve been implied through your actions, and you chose to go with the flow? Have you answered the phone later than is acceptable to listen to a friend/relative complain about something you’ve heard before? Or maybe you just didn’t voice your dissenting opinion when somebody said or did something you thought wrong. Have you ‘gone along’?

Go ahead. I’ll give you a minute.

I think that if we’re all honest, we can come up with *at least* one example of a situation where the word (or concept) NO would’ve been warranted. And we missed it. We were afraid of it, or it was too complicated, or we’ve just been programmed to people please to an extreme.


The above question is for US, not for them. Why is it so hard for us to choose ourselves in the equation and simply demur? Honestly, I think it’s because we’re all a bunch of lazy chickens. We don’t want to have to explain ourselves for fear of being judged selfish or negative. We automatically assume that the other party will take offense at our use of the word, and godforbid we should offend anyone. Heavens to Betsy! What a terrible world we’d live in if everyone didn’t get their way all the time.

What a joke.

Learn to say no. Learn to accept that the way another person reacts to your use of the word is up to THEM, not you. Learn to be okay with someone being offended or even mad when they don’t get the answer they’re expecting – especially if you’ve trained that person to expect nothing less than complete compliance from you (your fault, by the way, not theirs). We cannot control what other people do; we can only control what we do. And the more we reserve the use of the big bad ‘no’ word, the harder it becomes to say it when it’s really necessary. You don’t have to put on your Mean Face, and you don’t have to square your shoulders and make Direct Eye Contact. You can simply smile and say, “Yeah, no. I don’t think so. But thanks anyway.”


Warning : Sometimes other folks won’t have good home training, and they’ll continue to push even after you’ve used the magic word. They’ll try to cajole, joke, guilt, and eventually outright force you to change your mind, your feelings, or your plans. These people we will refer to as ‘assholes’.

You have no responsibility to assholes. They’re rude, pushy, and obviously lack social skills. For them, only one answer will suffice :


–  Dana

Another Update of Whateverisms (TUS)


Awash as we all are in spanking content, I’ve been compelled to talk/write/think about *other* things – occasionally – of late. (Yes, Virginia, there are Other Things.) So, rather than talk to myself, or put a complete stop to Michael’s progress by talking his head off, I’ve decided to begin sharing rather mundane things here more often.

Anyone with any sense, or anything at ALL better to do, will choose to turn their attentions elsewhere right about now.


Still with me? (Bored, huh?)


Let’s start off with a little home improvement update..



dexter the current state of my house. As you can see, it’s a bit like an episode of Dexter. (And no, VBB, I haven’t found someone whose blood splashes farther than yours.) What started as an ongoing water line issue has turned into an all-out Major Pain in the Ass, replete with fully-plastic-ed living area and garage-accessible bathroom.

I’m not kidding. They removed the WALL downstairs, between the garage and water closet. Over the course of the next week, there’ll be about a dozen sweaty men parading around my living room. About average, come to think of it..

Since I’m sure you’re dying to know what the cats think about all this commotion : they think it sucks.

In other news, we almost went on a short vacation last week. About seventeen miles outside of Las Vegas proper, my car decided that it’d rather stop at a little biker bar on the side of the road in the middle of the desert. (Which, in retrospect, was better than nothing. They had a nice shady porch.) Something about the transmission, according to the nice man in the triple a tow truck. So the car is undergoing some medical intervention and I’m driving a rental, which is, in my opinion, ugly.

All this fun stuff would drive some people nuts. Lucky for us, we thrive on a Good Challenge. So, the place will be getting a new coat of paint and the car will be getting a new tummy or something, and we will be getting lots of spanking done in the meantime…upstairs.

In other parts of the world: My family are having a mini-reunion of sorts. In the South, a family reunion includes Actual Family, as well as in-laws, out-laws, and people who nobody’s really related to but are still referenced as “Aunt Sue”, “Uncle Bill”, or “Cousin Andy”, because their daddy and your daddy worked together in the oil fields and they’re Like Family. Or the kids went to school together and they all started calling you “Mom” because they figured out that that was the way to get you to feed and house them every weekend, and now, twenty-plus years later, they still won’t go away.

I won’t be attending the get-together. I’d love to, mostly, but between spanking and remodeling I’m bound to Las Vegas for the remainder of the summer. I’ve requested that they stand out in the rain (it’s always raining there) in my stead. Of course, when it rains you have to look out (even more) for snakes, but it’s a small price to pay for the moisture. My auntie calls up to tell me all about how her flowers are in raging full bloom and the grass needs cutting every five days or so and the tomatoes are as big as your head, and it’s so humid you can cut the air with a butter knife. She’s bragging, in her Southern auntie way, and it works – until I remind her that we don’t have mosquitoes here. Since where I come from you can practically saddle those things and ride them, that usually trumps all. I miss the flowers, and the food, but I do NOT miss the bugs, or the snakes, or the overly-familiar raccoons.

Now I will entertain you with what is, in my estimation, one of the cutest things ever. (It’s cats.)

(Try to ignore the not-so-subliminal message to purchase the advertised brand of cat food. It’s bad for your kitties.)

–  Dana


Newsletter of Random (TUS)

There’s something in the water here.

It’s dirt, for the most part. There’s also the remains of a small town at the bottom of the lake, which is now, technically, also the top of the lake.

Lake Mead used to be this big giant body of water, all held back steadfastly by wondrous Hoover Dam, supplying life-giving water to not only the Las Vegas Valley but large parts of central and southern California. Now that damn dam is holding back a muddy puddle. We still get our water from there, and we still send some to California, too, but it’s getting sketchy. Something about not enough rain and/or snow in the Colorado Rockies for several years in a row. And something else about Harrison Ford growing almonds (or was it avocados?) in the desert. Mostly it’s just humans. Lots and lots of us, living in places that are lush with greenery and dripping with cement ponds that are, in fact, meant to be covered in sand, scrub, and skinny snakes.

Most people think that it’s all those glittery casinos on the Strip that cause Las Vegas to be one of the most heinous energy abusers in the country, but in the case of water they’re pretty benign, making up only about four percent of the city’s annual usage. Most of the gnarly water waste goes on at the dozens of golf courses surrounding the valley, and in our very own front yards. There’s something about living in the middle of the Mojave that makes folks want to grow pears and figs and water lilies, for some reason. My neighbors have pomegranate trees and as green a gigantic-pool-surrounding-backyard as you can grow any wet place in the country. It’s a little silly when you think about it, considering how much room (and water, and grass) there is in, say, Idaho for instance.

Why do so many people want to live here? Why are there nearly 2 million people squeezed into a valley that used to be home to a handful of tribes?

It’s not the mild climate, that’s for sure.

Yes, it’s hotter than hades here again. We hit a seizure-inducing 112 a couple days ago; that was the same day the air conditioning went out. Luckily, homes here are built with two separate cooling units (see above reference to energy abusers) so that if one goes out the place doesn’t turn into one giant EasyBake oven. Still, the best prescription for this is to hold very still and drink more iced tea…so I’m fine, crisis averted, and the nice man came today and made it all better. He had to climb onto the roof in order to fix whatever was un-fixed, where I’m sure the temperature was around 125 in the roof’s reflection of the afternoon sun. I felt a little bad that he had to get so hot in order to make us cool again, but the cats are creatures of leisure and sacrifices must be made.

Speaking of the cats, Mister Pancakes is still feeling pretty crummy and would like everyone to leave him alone. This includes the other cats, who are trying to figure out why he’s getting extra stuff in his mouth all the time (medicine). They’re doing hardcore kitty research by following him everywhere he goes and meowing in his face a lot. This would piss anyone off, and he is duly offended.

The humans in charge of putting things in cat’s mouths (and the dog, too, but they don’t really care about him) are thoroughly enjoying this summer’s Advanced At-Home Mojito-Making Classes, held weekly in the kitchen, as well as occasional trips to the supermarket for more cat food (and other stuff they don’t care about). It’s nice to sit still sometimes and, as much as I miss seeing a bunch of my spanko buddies, I’m having a ball sleeping in my own bed every night. It may just be that you’ll all have to come and visit me here, in Las Vegas.

Bring water.

– Dana

A few First Time Evers (TUS)


This is, I believe, the first time Buddy’s ever been in water that didn’t have a bathtub wrapped around it.

Although it was a bit cool, and he was completely distracted by everything going on around him, he did manage to wade his old creaky butt out into the shallows a few times:

Not many people try to pet Buddy in public. Does he really look like a mean dog? Puhleese!


I’ve never visited Lake Havasu City before, and really had no idea that there was anything more there than a bunch of supposedly really nice water.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that it also contains LONDON BRIDGE…the real freaking London Bridge:

Contrary to popular schoolyard musical mythology, London Bridge is NOT falling down (it’s just in the desert now).



Pretty view from the hotel balcony. And lucky for everyone visiting, the whole London-Bridge-tarred-head-on-a-pike thing has been replaced by chi-chi restaurants and kayaking retirees:


One First Time Ever that was not accomplished : The kayak rental guy didn’t return my call to confirm the kayak delivery that would have likely freaked the dog totally out. Probably for the best…

– Dana

Another PSA : Just say No – to lots of stuff


If anyone asked any one of us if we consider ourselves to be Liars we’d likely answer “no”, or “no, at least not on the big stuff.”

If asked whether we consider ourselves to be Pushovers, we’d probably also answer in the negative; nobody wants to be a pushover, right?

How about if someone asked you how often you end up doing and/or putting up with a bunch of crap that you shouldn’t because the people in your life inflict themselves on you on a regular basis?…




Let’s talk about whose fault that is.


When someone says, “Can you do X for me?”, even when they know it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable for you, and you say, “Okay” even though you really don’t want to.

When you allow yourself to pick up the telephone knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the person on the other end is about to piss you off/hurt your feeling/interrupt your serenity.

When your own family members are a constant source of stress and bordering-on-insanity drama, and you still get involved every single time.

When someone has already proven to you that they’re not to be trusted with your favorite sweater, your secrets, your feelings, or your credit card – but you continue to give them access to one or all.

When you repeat the same patterns of self-harm and self-hatred over and over again, knowing damn well that nothing’s going to change until you do.


You’re Lying to yourself, and you’re being a Pushover. Harsh but true, and we’ve ALL been there at some time or another. The goal is to not live there permanently.


It’s okay to disengage yourself from things, people, feelings, and activities that make you feel bad, sad, or stressed. It’s perfectly acceptable to let that call go to voicemail, where you’ve left a very nice outgoing message to the tune of, “Hi, this is (your name here). Thanks for calling. If you need my immediate assistance for domestic disputes, bitching, whining, complaining, self-loathing, gossip, or to unload a bunch of baggage – please hang up and try your call at a later date. We’re all full up on crazy today. All other callers may leave a pleasant message after the beep.” Don’t feel guilty and don’t feel bad for having and maintaining clear boundaries.

Just say no.


–  Dana


Another useless waste of bandwidth, otherwise known as TUS (But not TOTALLY unrelated)


As if you don’t all know entirely too much about me already:



1. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?

Randomly, I’m going to say Penn and Teller. They seem like nice, funny guys.




2. Who do you blame for your mood today?

If I blame anyone but myself for my mood on any given day, I am shirking responsibility.




3. Have you ever seen a dead body?

Yes. I don’t recommend it.




4. What should we do w/ stupid people??

If they’re just ignorant, then we educate them. Once they’re no longer ignorant, if they still choose to be stupid, then we just ignore them and hope they go away, I guess.




5. How long do you think you will live?

By my estimation, I will live to be 142 years old. That’s because, no matter how old I am, I always plan on living another hundred years. Ask me again next year for the updated estimate.




6. What was the first thing you did this morning?

I do the same ‘first thing’ every morning: wrestle my fat little dog out of my bed for his morning walk. Neither of us is ever overly enthused.




7. The color of carpet in your bedroom?

It’s beige, and I hate it. I hate all carpet, of all colors, because I own cats.




9. Last person you went out to dinner with?

I honestly cannot remember the last time I went ‘out’ for dinner. Lunch, all the time; dinner, not so much.




10. Are you spoiled?

Sure. But not in that “gotta have a Birkin bag” kind of way.




11.Do you drink lots of water?

Yes. There is exactly one gallon of water in each pitcher of iced tea I consume.




12. What toothpaste do you use?

The one in the tube.




13. How do you vent your anger?





14. The last compliment you received?

My cat gave me the universal kitty ‘thumbs up’ this morning – a headbutt.




15. What are you doing this weekend?

I will spend this weekend the same way I spend every weekend – thinking about, writing about, filming, and giving spankings!



16 When was the last time you threw up?

I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it is gross.




17. Is your best friend a virgin?





18. What theme does your room have?

Theme? Who has a theme anymore?




19. When was the last time you were at a party?

Boardwalk Badness 2013.




20. Are you a mama’s child or a daddy’s child?





21. Would you ever join the military?

Nope. I don’t do well with authority. ~~




22. The last website you visited?

I’m here now..




23. Who was the last person you took a picture with?

Do the photos the dental technician took last week count?..




25. Last person you went to the movies with?

I saw the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie with one of my ‘little’ boys last fall. It was very loud.




26. What did you do/will you do for your birthday this year?

I have no idea whatsoever.




27. Number of layers on your bed?

Do cats count?

bed full of cats



28. Is anything alive in your room?

See above (plus one fat dog).




29. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?

Never, ever go back. You’ve been there already. Onward!




30. What are you looking forward to right now?





Not dead. Not in jail. Not yet.

Hello all,

While you’ve all been going about your ever-so-uncomplicated lives (insert sarcasm here), I’ve been recovering from what started as a simple dental procedure and ended up being quite an odyssey (who ever knew me to complicate things, huh?), all while preparing for several weeks of all-out spanking madness in order to catch up on all the time I’ve missed.

Happy to report that all HUMAN systems are running optimally and I’ll be back shooting, posting, and generally talking too damn much in just a couple days.

Except, as you know, things are never that simple…

Last night there was a *pop* power outage, a teeny one that didn’t even reset the digital clocks; but it DID knock out my interweb and a whole bunch of other technical crap about which I shall not trouble you, mainly because I don’t understand any of it either. The gist is, I have limited online access until the magical guys come tomorrow evening and wave their I.T. wands over my desk three times or something. I’ll keep up with email when I’m able, but have long since given up on doing any real communicating on my smart phone as the screen is just too damn small. (Ohgod, I just realized – I’m MIDDLE AGED!!)

So this post is really not about much at all, other than the fact that I’ve received several emails to the effect of, “What the hell? Where are the blog posts?”. Okay, nobody said, ‘What the hell’ because they know I’d smack them, but you get the idea…

I’m here. The dentist did not kill me, nor I her, and we will be back to regularly-scheduled programming soon as the interweb decides to play nice with my light-up boxes.

– Dana

You asked for it.. (TUS)



Checking in with you quickly from my staycation, and quickly addressing the numerous (okay, only two, but still) requests for animal photos.

So this technically cannot be consider ‘forced viewing’, right? (Still, click each photo to see them full-size or I’ll come to your house and beat you up.)





And here’s a video of Buddy being weird, which is not at all unusual:



Myspace throwback Survey, or, ‘Online Time Wasting 101’ (TUS)


Okay kiddos, it’s been a crazy busy month and I’ve not had as much time to work on the blog as I’d like. As further proof, the below Myspace throwback Survey, an attempt at low-level amusement.

–  Dana



Whats your favorite Kind of pie?

Pie isn’t high on my list of things to eat, but we always had Sweet Potato pie at Thanksgiving, which I loved. But only on Thanksgiving.

Who’s your favorite band/singer?

We covered favorite songs recently, but favorite band/singer is a bit more difficult, don’t you think? I dunno if there’s a particular band or singer to whose work I’m particularly dedicated. I do love just about everything from Sublime to 50 Cent to Alison Krauss.

Favorite fruit?


Favorite sport?

Does chasing people around the sofa count as a sport? If so, count me in. Otherwise, I could not possibly care less about sports of any kind. I’d rather ride the bench.

Favorite color?


Favorite accessories?

This is where I diverge from the typical feminine archetype  – I own a total of three pair of earrings, one (black) purse, and very little else in the way of accessories. High Femme I am not.


Do you collect anything?

This may quite possibly be the dorkiest thing I do : I collect stamps.


What do you spend most of your money on?

Primarily travel and cat food.


Do you read?

There is never, ever a time that I’m not part-way through at least one book.


Are you sad about Michael Jackson’s death?

Is this a trick question?

Have you ever been to a concert?

A few. I’m not a huge-crowd-crashing-music type person for the most part. I DID, however, once drive several hours to see Little Richard perform.

Do you go on youtube?

Yes, and would love it if folks would stop posting up cute cat videos so I can get some real work done.


Can you apply Mascara with your mouth closed?

Absolutely not.


Have you ever broken a bone? if so how many?

Several. Mostly phalanges.






Do you text people often?

I’d rather text than talk on the phone, but I’d rather email than text. I’d rather cut off my left thumb than video chat, by the way.


Are you a runner?

I wouldn’t run if someone were trying to chase me.


Would you ever get a tattoo?




Whats the song that describes your life most?

Carnival. Natalie Merchant. Hands down.


Have you ever been heartbroken?

Hasn’t everyone?


What do you wish to accomplish before you die?

How much time do you have? Moving to Mexico is tops on the list (so add learning fluent Spanish); visiting Machu Picchu and Angkor Wat and Red Square; shopping in Seoul; eating my way through Latin America; writing at least one real, in-print, big publishing house book (whether it sells or not is inconsequential); funding and operating a domestic animal rescue and reserve; retiring at fifty. Oh, and living for another 98 or so years.

Are you afraid of death?

Nope, just the part preceeding it.


Are you having a good year?

I’m here, aren’t I?


Do you forget things easily?

What was the question?…


Are you overly truthful?

It’s my job to be overly truthful.


Do you like the heat?

Bring on the heat. Anything below 70 degrees fahrenheit is unacceptable and practically inhumane.


Have you ever met a celebrity?

A fair few. I’ve yet to find one who is anything more or less than you or I.




‘Best of spanking’ replaced with ‘best of sex’ : Results better than expected


I spent a little time trying to find something like ‘the best spanking blogs’ to give everyone a bit more to read re: TTWD. Sadly, I found nothing of the sort (and am in no position to be compiling one).  Nobody seems to be interested in generating a list of the ‘best’ spanking/fetish blogs, and I can’t imagine how much work would go into figuring out which statistics to use in order to do so.   I did find a couple listings for ‘best bdsm blogs’ but sadly none of them was current.

There ARE hundreds of spankos who blog, and I’m sure that you’re aware of Erica Scott, Christy Cutie, Alex Reynolds, Chross’ blog,  and Spanking Bloggers Network (aggregate). You’re probably aware of lots more, too, and wouldn’t it be cool if there were a statistical/ordered list of them all? Eh., well.

Not to be deterred from avoiding any real work or progress today, I decided to check out ‘best sex blogs’ and got a whole other thing entirely – lots of well-thought-out lists of bloggers who talk about all kinds of sex topics (occasionally spanking). I noticed several that showed up again and again on these ‘best of’ lists and took some time to take a look at a few. While, again, you won’t find much spanking going on in these places, there are some very *interesting* articles.


(The below are NSFW, but if you’re here already then you probably don’t care.)



Ask Dan and Jennifer – Calling itself “today’s number one love and sex resource”, the site is pretty much a pantheon of love and sex advice, tips, talk, and discussion. You could literally spend days wandering around here.

Susie Bright’s Journal – If you’re not familiar with Susie Bright (Sexpert, Writer, Actor/Producer/Editor, Performance Artist, Activist, etc.), you’re missing out. Seriously. She’s a sex-positive legend. – From the site: “Dick and Jane is a site for sexy couples…” Everything from entertainment and toy reviews to erotic photos, stories, and a ‘fantasy box’ at Dick-n-Jane, including a simple and easy to navigate blog-style layout.

Curvaceous Dee says, “I am an exhibitionist with my words, my skin and my sexy times. Free with kisses, compliments, and friendship. Open with my heart, passions, and laughter.” Dee is a kinky, sex-forward lady with a very active (and explicit!) blog ranging on a huge array of topics.

The Spanking Writers Blog – Remember when I said ‘only occasionally’? The Spanking Writers Blog is the exception to that rule, obviously. From the site, “A literary spanking blog, updated by Abel Jenkins every other day since March 2006.” And they’re not kidding. This is certainly the most comprehensive spanking story site I’ve seen (almost all, if not totally, M/f).

Sugarbutch Chronicles – Sinclair, the owner of Sugarbutch, identifies as “a feminist dominant, identity theorist, strap-on expert, and poet.” Lots of great information, advice, and stories on queer sex, kink, and bdsm.

My Tiny Secrets appears at first glance to be what someone with my limited romance vernacular would call ‘woo-woo’, but blog owner Adina makes topics like “Conscious Sexuality” and “Intimate Beauty” sound like interesting future reading.

Smut for Smarties – Elle Chase, also known as Lady Cheeky for her VERY NSFW photoblog, writes everything from erotica to reviews to relationship advice on this award-winning blog. Even if it wasn’t great (which it is), I’d still love the name.


Okay, okay, enough of that. Pull your minds back out of the gutter or before you get a spanking.


–  Dana

Closing in on 42 : A Musical Interlude (TUS)


Music resonates with all of us – it soothes the Savage Beast, or something. Also, if you’re lucky, it has a good beat and you can dance to it! (American Bandstand reference. Anyone? Anyone…? Crickets.)

But I digress, which I understand happens far more frequently as one ages. Also losing eyeglasses, from what I’ve heard, so I’ve personally amassed a collection of reading glasses that would make Fred G. Sanford proud. (Crickets again.)

Seems like another sure sign of aging is making references to things from decades ago which many of your readers will NOT understand…move along young people, nothing to see here.


Back to music. Some things we love because they’re the soundtracks of our youth, and some we love because they remind us of a person or event in our lives. And sometimes it’s just a kickass song. Well, I’m from the sticks (the country, the woods, Down South, or, as we from there not-so-lovingly refer to it: BFE), so there’s a whole lotta fiddle in the soundtrack of my youth, and a whole bunch of old country ballads about love, loss, whiskey, trucks, trains, and swimmin’ holes. Lots of folks say that they hate country music for just these reasons, but my redneck heritage leads me to feel differently. There’s good newer stuff too, to be fair. So let’s take a short listen to some great songs you’ll probably hate if you’re not from the south. Listen anyway – it’s my birthday.


Mamma’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys – Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings

A quintessential country song..



I Will Always Love You – Dolly Parton

The original, the one-and-only, beautiful..


Jambalaya – Hank Williams

You cannot not love this song (unless, of course, you’re from anyplace else in the world, probably)…


Boondocks – Little Big Town

The country song which most reminds me of home..


But not all that music I grew up on was country, western, and cajun/creole; some of that music was rock and roll. My daddy was a bit of a wild child and grandma’s records weren’t the only ones playing on the home stereo. From that mixed bag of influence comes my favorite song of all time. From a girl born just a few miles from me, who also hated/loved her small-town upbringing. Boy, did she get a LONG way from southeast Texas!…


Me and Bobby McGee – Janis Joplin

Is there really anything else to say here? This is music history. Just listen..


 Fat Bottomed Girls – Queen

If you have to ask why I love this song, you have not been paying attention..


You Shook Me All Night Long – AC/DC

Oh hellyeah..

Then there’s this – possibly one of the most lyrically perfect songs ever (in my humble and not-to-be-challenged opinion).

Carnival  –  Natalie Merchant

If there is such a thing as a ‘second favorite’ song, this is mine…


And finally, in a bid to fairness, the song which – since the very first time I heard it – I find the most irksome on the entire planet.


Thanks for sticking around with me for another year – you all ROCK (and roll).

– Dana

P.S. For those so inclined, the birthday wishlist is HERE.

It’s September, so we should probably talk about some things. (TUS)


Around this time of year, I start thinking about what’s going to happen over the course of the next six months – planning out where, when, and how I’m going to go about cold-weather travel and surviving another winter in the Mojave desert.

Fine, fine, I can’t really complain about the weather here, even in winter, since I know just how much some of you really deal with. We don’t get massive snows (or any snow at all, since I’ve been here anyway. Not even close), or hail or flooding, freezing rain, or hurricanes (thankyouverymuch), so there’s really not much ‘winter’ here at all when you think about it.

And for the most part, I keep my slim southern backside out of the coldest-winter areas during the coldest months. I love you guys, but I think you’re all crazy for slogging through hip-high snow for three to five months a year…move to Florida and we’ll play in February. Deal?…

It’s still a bummer for me, is wintertime. I hate to fall forward…it messes with my inner rhythm somehow, and I’m firmly convinced that I know what’s right. Dark should NOT come at 5:30pm, ever. And no matter what time it is, I know that even on the coldest and shortest days of the year here, someone – someplace I’d rather be – will be sitting on a sunny beach sipping a mimosa. The bastard.

There’s really only one redeeming thing about the colder months for me, and that’s that it’s the appropriate time of year to cook things in one big pot. Things like chili, red beans, vegetable soup, and all the other Kitchen Sink meals that seem too hot and heavy for summer stomachs. Cooking is a happy thing for me, and I can spend hours in the middle of the day baking things that I hadn’t planned to bake the day before. I also have a bit of an obsessive thing about having everything prepared, on time, at the same time. I guess I’m Big on Punctuality..
(And I’ll be trying out a new GF cornbread recipe to go along with the above-mentioned beans – if it turns out not half bad I’ll take a photo before we inhale it.)

Also, my birthday month is coming in October, which means that I’ll be turning another year older – something that is, as my friends know, always a happy time for me, as I am also Big on Attendance. Being still here rocks, and I’m looking forward to doing it more, and for a very long time. (If you want to help me celebrate 42 years of Perfect Attendance, my Amazon wishlist is HERE.)

Now I’m going to go into the back of the closet and pull out the coat that I know I’ll need sooner than later.

– Dana

Not TOTALLY unrelated to spanking, but close.


You know how it feels when you’re pretty sure that you haven’t done something right, but you can’t be totally certain until it’s too late?

dana kane bakes
Gluten Free (very nearly done properly) Banana Bread


The batter for this new banana bread recipe looked great; it smelled wonderful while baking; it even looked absolutely perfect when pulled from the oven.

And I didn’t drop this one, either. So I had high hopes.

Except that, while cooling, the center dropped. And dropped. And dropped some more. The obvious problem being that I attempted to do something very silly – bake a really thick, towering loaf of gluten free dessert bread. Alas, the constraints of wheat-free gastronomics..  Basically, next time I’ll have to make two or three ‘baby loaves’ of this stuff instead of one gigantic one. It was yummy, though..

Live, bake, and learn.


Also, this:

dana kane donates
Don’t be silly. Of course they expect you to take them.


If you have the occasion to stay in a hotel sometime throughout the year – TAKE THE SOAP! Yes, take the damn soap. You (and the next person and the next and the next) pay for that little bar of soap every time you pay for a night in any room – all those little ‘amenities’ are in the price – and most of us don’t actually use the stuff. But why just leave it sitting there? Take it home, put it in a box, and when the box is full take it to your local shelter or mission. They’re always desperate for toiletries and it won’t cost you a dime.

Don’t want to go to the trouble of collecting and delivering them? Bring ’em to me…I’ll put them in my box.


Finally, and this is the semi-spanking-related part:

Does the stuff that’s totally unrelated to spanking dilute your interest in this blog? Do my gf recipes and pet photos and other off-topic posts add or detract from the rest? I know we’re all here for spanking and don’t want to drag you too far off-course if you’re not interested.

Let me know your thoughts? (In the comment box below please.)


– Dana

Old TV stuff you probably don’t care about (TUS)



A short while ago, Erica wrote a blog post about a hilarious Johnny Carson routine from more than a few years ago…and apparently it got a cool reception. Probably because she wasn’t talking about Rhyming-Name-girl or Justice Beaver or one of those other pop celebrity thingy people – he was only one of the funniest guys on television at the time.

In celebration of Erica’s beloved-Carson-post-fail, I thought I’d add some of my own television nostalgia to the mix. Here’s something that you likely never saw and could probably live without seeing now, but which still makes me laugh every time I watch it:


Veggies, Critters, and Baking Near-Disaster News (TUS : Totally Unrelated to Spanking)



Legalized Catnip Club Opens in Las Vegas

Dana Kane Cats
Furry Rat Pack


All the coolest, cutest cats were sure to be seen at the opening of Krazy Kat Organic Catnip and Scratching Post Bar last night – sniffing, rolling, and cat-noodling well into the wee hours. Many cat selfies were taken before a fight broke out between two patrons during the house band’s intermission; witnesses report hearing no argument beforehand but say that the two patrons simply began swinging at one another. One witness said that the melee only lasted a few seconds and was quickly broken up by Krazy Kat security; no arrests were made.



A Tomato Grows in Vegas

Dana Kane Blog
This is not my arm. And I know that those aren’t tomatoes.


While I’ve found it impossible to grow much more than houseplants and sweet basil here in the desert, some folks have been doing it – fabulously well – for decades. Gilcrease Orchard is probably the best local example of desert farming and, although the amount of water needed to irrigate these 60 acres must be staggering, I am ever-so-grateful for the ability to eat actual fresh produce again. (Did you know that the average age of any random apple for sale in your supermarket’s produce section is 16 months? Yep, 16 months since that sucker was picked…and it’s still red. Creepy, huh?)

Last week, we picked about a dozen gorgeous, ripe tomatoes (and a few green ones for frying), along with just-pulled onions and garlic, a couple precious Armenian cucumbers (melons), and even peaches. It’s nearly and hour’s drive, on the Super Fun Vegas Freeway, from my place to Gilcrease, so you’ve really gotta want those tomatoes. They’re worth it, let me tell you, to a gal who never ate store-bought produce until she left home, and never saw a white egg ’til then either.



I Do Domestic. Kinda.

Dana Kane Bakes


This pumpkin bread tastes fantastic. Much better than it looks, to be sure. That’s because I dropped it HARD when pulling the loaf pan out of the oven. After having finally perfected my gluten free pumpkin bread recipe and baking technique, I dropped the damned thing. Sideways. It skidded onto the stovetop at an angle, causing the whole loaf to sort of…compact inside the pan.

So what we have here is really yummy yet somewhat ugly and dense domesticity, cooked up by yours truly. Enjoy!

Wasting Time



What, you may wonder, do others do on the internet? Do other folks spend as much time looking at adult content as you do? (yes); does everyone get lost in the cute baby animal videos on youtube? (I do); is there really any redeeming value in online games? (probably not)

We all, to a person, waste time online. Many would argue that you are doing exactly that, right now, reading this post. Wasting time.

But it isn’t all a waste, right? We read the news, stay in touch with friends and family, and learn about the world around us all at the touch of a few sticky little buttons nowadays. There’s not much you can’t do online anymore – but so far it’s not possible to get a virtual spanking so I’m not terribly worried about the internet taking over the world.

I am, however, worried about dumb stuff on the internet getting more (WAY more) play than cool, smart stuff. While I’m sure that lots of people would disagree with me, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that neither first-person shooter games, nor pinterest, nor snapchat, will make you grow as a person.

Now I’m not suggesting that you need to grow – in fact I’m sure that you’re perfectly happy with your intellectual capacities – but just in case there’s a teeny part of you that’s wondering whether or not you’ve come to the End of the Internet, here are a few things online that will NOT rot your brain.

Check out:


Zooniverse  –  According to the website, “We make citizen science websites so that everyone can be part of real research online.” You can help explore outer space (literally), decode whale song, or even track the movement of animals in the Serengeti. These interactive online, public science projects are not just a fun way to while away a few hours; they’re a real, effective way for every single person on the planet to take part in it’s study. Amazing!

Track Katherine the Shark…or Fritz, or Philip, or Yolanda. The people at use real-time satellite tracking to keep updated data on dozens of tagged sharks.  –  like Luminosity, but for people who know better than pay 75 dollars to play games. Word games, puzzles, brain teasers, and a bunch of other silly stuff, too.

Google Earth  – Seriously, if you haven’t used the little yellow man on Google Earth to literally stroll down the streets of a teeny town on an itsy island in the middle of the ocean (any ocean – they’re everywhere) – one that you didn’t even know existed till you zoomed WAY in – then you haven’t used the internet properly. Start over.

While you’re exploring, you can also see a live, real-time video feed from just about anyplace in the world at Always wanted to visit someplace seemingly exotic? See what it looks like right this minute!

Okay, that’s enough time wasted here today – let’s all go back to looking at kittens on youtube now.

–  Dana

GOOD boudin, and great people


After my recent heated tirade on the evils of Las Vegas traffic and imported ‘cajun’ food products, a long-time friend took pity on me. This was unintentional, but nonetheless appreciated, as he showed his pity in the form of this box:


dana kane




The box, which has completely made my day even though I had to get out obscenely early in order to pick it up, contained (drum roll):


Good Boudin (and lots of other delicacies)!!


It doesn’t take much to turn a bad day into a good one. Usually, all it takes is one person being unnecessarily kind to another, whether in the form of word or deed. My friend did that today, and I’m smiling now as I try to decide where to start in this big box of yummy food.

–  Dana

Bad Boudin and Other Horrors



I’m a transplanted Cajun-Country-bordering-Texan, living in the middle of the damn Mojave desert. I am reminded of this simply by looking out my bedroom window, the view from which features a stunning mountain vista in the distance (with the Stratosphere much closer), or stepping foot outside for three seconds (the day’s high will be a dry 101-ish). It’s hotter than hades here, and that’s saying something when you consider the area from which I hail.

“But it’s a dry heat” you say.

“Go to hell” I say in return, “Or just come here instead.”

There are lots of things to love about Las Vegas, but, as Dorothy kindly reminds us every year, there’s no place like home. And for me, there’s no food like Cajun food (throw Creole and Soul foods in there too, as it’s all been served to me on the same plate, most of my life) to make me feel like I’m at home.

Cajun/Creole/Soul food wasn’t something we ate in restaurants, it’s what we ate at home. Turnip greens and cornbread? Yes, please. Boiled crawfish with a side of potatoes and corn? Heck yeah! Boudin and cracklin (google it)? Oh, god save the queen..

So imagine my happiness when a little internet sleuthing paid off a few days ago – I’d done a general internet search for “boudin las vegas” and was absolutely tickled when a yelp-reviewed meat market on the other side of town showed up, with a comment reading, “Every kind of Cajun food you can imagine, even boudin!”, or something close, from a lady who seemed pretty darned happy. So, with images of my long-lost gastronomic loves dancing merrily in my head, I loaded up and made the excruciatingly long haul across town.

*If you’re wondering, it’s excruciating because the traffic lights here are what I believe to be the longest, worst-timed mechanisms in the free world. Coupled with the statistical fact that 6 of 10 drivers in Las Vegas are impaired at Any Given Time, and you have a recipe for extremely defensive driving and long, slow, harrowing trips just about anywhere.



Having finally arrived in one piece, I entered a cute little old school style meat market – heavy on meat, light on everything else. While perusing the fresh meats case, I noticed that boudin was conspicuously absent…so I strolled over to the freezer case.

Aha! Boudin. Mild and hot. Three links per package.

I grabbed three, headed for the counter, and hauled ass home – where I almost literally stared down this package of boudin until it thawed. Painful hours, my friends, painful hours.

Fantasies of smoked boudin, boudin balls, boudin dip, and other boudin-based concoctions made me a bit lightheaded, and the anticipated scent of boudin washed through my nostrils like the ghosts of food past and future. (Waxing poetic about food is not new, I’m just bad at it.)

Since the post’s titled Bad Boudin, you’ve naturally figured out by now that the boudin was, indeed, bad. More than bad. Mealy and watery and soupy and, just….gross.



My disappointment cannot be contained; my mortification shall not abate. Boudin made in Lake Charles, Louisiana, should not taste (or look or smell) like that.

I guess if I really, really want to revisit the food of my youth, I’m going to have to once again revisit the geography of it – and next time, I’ll bring a cooler full of dry ice.

–  Dana


PS. Please don’t drink and drive. Or text and drive. Or stare at your GPS and drive…you get the idea. Just drive, dammit.


Repeated forced viewing of my pets.


Go ahead, pretend you don’t like looking at pictures of cuddly critters.

I’m gonna post these anyway, because I do.

DK Reno
Reno the Catnip Kitty


DK Jungle Cats
Jungle Cats (Reno, Noodle, and Tahoe)


DK Mr Pancakes
Pancakes -plural. For obvious reasons.


DK Pretty GIrl
The Pretty Girl, living up to her name.
DK Buddy
Buddy, who is gassy – but we love him anyway, and he’s sorry.

Es el paraíso (Unrelated to Spanking but totally related to happiness)


I’ve taken a fair few vacations, and they’ve all been nice enough – the Smoky Mountains are gorgeous in the fall when leaves change colors, and there’s a cool/funky nude river-beach just outside Portland where I once spent the day. Sitting on a big deck on the back end of a ship in the middle of big water is pretty damn amazing, too. There has never been a time when I’ve been ‘away’ that I’ve not been happy about that away-ness in some way, and I knew that this vacation would be just the same.

Away-ness makes me breathe more deeply for some reason, and I become adventurous, something which I don’t consider myself to be nearly enough in everyday life (although you may disagree). There’s something about getting out of one’s comfort zone and taking chances – even if, for me, taking chances means swimming underwater and drinking alcoholic beverages at lunch – that makes us feel that much more alive.

This past week I was Super Alive.




A week in small-town-anywhere will likely force a busy person to take things more slowly, but this small town is something special. We spent a week eating, strolling, swimming, and napping, surrounded by the gorgeous Caribbean, lush mangrove jungles, and one of the most spectacular places on the planet – the Great Barrier Reef.

Instead of doing the typical tourist thing, we decided to hop off the beaten path just a bit and ended up having quite possibly the best time of our lives. We rented a private home for the week, and I should say right at the outset that this place was Obnoxiously Fabulous – two full floors of indoor living area topped by a 3rd floor outdoor patio, pool, and party area, with a 4th floor rooftop observation deck. I should also say right at the outset that this was, by far, the least expensive vacation rental I’ve ever taken.




I could type for a very long time about the variety of birds seen and heard from this deck, but you’d have to see it for yourself. Also, the neighbors had chickens, roosters, and at least one turkey, so the usual sound of traffic, ambulances, and other noise pollution were replaced by a definite organic, winged cacophony that didn’t let up even at night.

Nighttime also brought out the geckos, gigantic prisma-color moths, and goodness knows what else scurrying around out in the mangrove directly – and I mean directly as in right up against the home’s perimeter wall – behind us.

Can I tell you how wonderful and wild and perfect this place is? There’s a crazy mix of very old, small, rickety homesteads, built-up homes like the one I rented, and cool little Mexican hotels – no huge resorts in the town proper and no way to insulate oneself from the local culture…exactly what I wanted.

One morning this happened:



And all was right with the world.

And then that evening, this happened:



Feel that?

Now let’s move on to one of the main reasons I almost always choose Mexico: the food. I believe (and I know that Anthony Bourdain would disagree and I vehemently do NOT care) that Latin America turns out the most consistently delicious food on the planet. In my opinion, as many of you already know, there are few foods more perfect than the taco. A simple corn tortilla rolled around nearly anything – how could you possibly go wrong? There is no lime shortage in Mexico, either, and I didn’t see a single bruised, black, shriveled avocado the entire time. Things are Lush and Fat in the Yucatan, and the food reflects the bounty of all that humidity.

I ate the hands-down-best-ever-on-the-planet shrimp cocktail – twice, actually – and likely downed more guacamole than anyone should rightfully admit; there were organic eggs for breakfast and mangoes so ripe and sweet that you could smell ’em right through the skin. And the habañeros? Ohholyhell…

There are no photos of the food. This should give you some indication of just how little time it spent sitting in front of me.

Oh, and cocktails. I should probably mention the cocktails. Since I don’t usually drink at all, any beverage stronger than fresh, sweet iced tea is likely going to make me a little wonky; I was wonky a fair few times last week.

It’s the Mojitos, you see, and the sun, and the sea – they conspire together to make you believe that nothing would taste better at this very moment than some really strong rum, watered down a teeny bit with a few drops of water and a couple bruised mint leaves. Do not be fooled by the steaming coolness rising from that tall glass, my friend. It is a ruse to lure in the unwary drinker and make her need a nap at 2pm. I believe I had a total of about ten alcoholic beverages during the course of the week, which should cover my quota well into 2017.

When you order your Mojito on the beach and drink it while smoking a cigar, the nice man brings you an ashtray that he just carved out of a green coconut:


I loved that man.

Hell, I loved everyone I met. Totally enamored with Latin culture, language, and people, I always feel pretty damn at home here, even though my understanding of the language is woefully inadequate (something which I plan to change immediately). We met several folks who live and work in the fishing village who are what one would call the Salt of the Earth, including one cool cat tour guide who seemed to know everyone and everything going on at any given moment. He even helped me find those cigars.

Speaking of those cigars: One needs certain things no matter where one is, but those essentials change depending on the surroundings. I’ve found it to be true that anytime I’m in the Caribbean, I need Cuban cigars. This is likely a reaction to a decades-long embargo in the U.S. which causes me to have the ‘want what I can’t have’ response, so every time I’m there I buy and smoke with abandon.

Also coffee:



Don’t think I’ve forgotten about the Sea..

That’s the reason for every single decision I make in terms of vacation travel – if there’s no beach involved, I’m likely highly uninterested. I know, I know, there are gorgeous places all over the world; ancient civilizations and art and culture and food and terrain that I’ve never experienced which could and likely would surely outdo my beloved Mexican Caribbean in a way or two. Again, I do not care. I am willfully and endlessly small-minded in this area.

Because I spent a large amount of my early life hanging out at the edge of the Gulf of Mexico and various rivers, ponds, sandpits, and the like, I’m obsessively attracted to water. I can sit, clear-headed, for hours, staring at the line where the water meets the sky, not a care in the world. Add in the fact that at NO time during my life did I ever experience water clean enough for one to actually see one’s feet when standing at ankle-depth, and you have a perfect storm of beach-bum-itis. And baby, I got it bad.

This time I did something that I thought I’d never do – I went underwater. Pretty far underwater, too. About 20 feet, which to me seems like a really long way down when there aren’t gills involved.

Also sharks.

But I did it. Snuba. Like a cross between snorkel and scuba, these two nice boys hook you up to a really long air hose that’s attached to your very own floaty thing; they give you some flipper thingies for your feet (try to keep up, I know this is getting technical..) and teach you how to do the air-breathing without drowning, which is vitally important. They also teach you hand signals to be used underwater, since you can’t talk through your air-breathing thingy (although I did yell ‘shit’ when I saw a large barracuda, all that came out was “bubblebubblebubble”). This was a super exciting little excursion and I got to see lots of really beautiful coral, a teeny bright-red ray, lobsters, aforementioned barracuda, and even an undersea cenote (google it). When it was done, however, I immediately remembered that I am 41 and don’t swim in the ocean often (see Las Vegas on the map?) – because my entire body decided to basically shut down on the walk back to the rental house, where I napped the nap of the partially-dead-by-snuba.

That was okay, too, though, because it was the perfect excuse to go back for a second massage..


I’d like to say, here and now, that it’s likely I will live in Latin America sometime during the course of my life.

This is why:



There is absolutely nothing you can say to top that, mi amigo. Don’t even try.



Don’t talk to me right now (Unrelated to spanking)


I had oral surgery last week. Endodontics, they call it, and it’s as much fun as it sounds.

Supposedly the endangered tooth had “roots like a hula dancer” (and I’m quoting the regular dentist here). Having never been compared to a hula dancer before, I initially found this somewhat complimentary – until she informed me that, instead of a regular old dental procedure, I’d be receiving a Special One.

Not special like birthday wish special or snow day special, but special like extra needles and several open-mouthed hours spent breathing directly into the faces of masked strangers special. Special in the I-don’t-take-pain-meds-so-this-is-really-gonna-suck special way.

And it does, indeed, suck. But not in the way you think. I feel pretty fine now, all things considered, but the event itself was nothing short of exquisitely awful, as all dental visits are required to be, by law, and I cannot seem to get the picture of it out of my mind.

Okay, not exactly the picture of it, even, but the picture of what I think about every single time I think of going to the dentist.





Give to your favorite charity every time you shop at Amazon Smile (Unrelated to Spanking. Duh.)


Admit it, you shop at The sooner we get real with one another the better. Yes, we all do it – convenience shopping; they bring it right to the door, for goodnesssakes! 

Since you’re going to do it anyway, and since the experience is EXACTLY the same, try doing your Amazon shopping from the Amazon Smile landing page.  All you have to do is choose the charity that you’d like to receive a percentage of your purchase total and, every time you check out after that, Amazon will donate to your chosen charity. I’ve designated Community Cat Coalition of Clark County (, the local feral cat program.

There’s absolutely no reason to not do this, and you just have to remember to bookmark your Smile landing page, so that all your purchases are eligible.


Happy shopping (and giving),

–  Dana

When all else fails, do a question thingy. (Unrelated to Spanking)



There are times when it’s just nearly impossible for a blogger to be original, funny, campy, and/or creative. For those times, the internet gods created these question thingys.

This is one of those times, and those of you who are old enough to remember Myspace may find yourselves waxing sentimental about the Old Days when all 6600 people in your friend list did the same damn thingy on the same damn day.

–  Dana



Question Thingy (massively edited down from 100 questions, most of them even more inane than the ones I’ve chosen to include below):


Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed. If they’re not closed, the cats will turn it into a party room.

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
Yep. I put them in a box and when the box is full, I take them to the Las Vegas Rescue Mission.

Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
I hate that I have to answer ‘yes’ to such a random and bizarre question. Yes. Yes, I have.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Just one? Jeez..umm..I guess it’d have to be emoticons/webspeak.


Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

Do you still watch cartoons?
I still try to catch episodes of South Park now and then, but I’m less impressed with it than I was a decade ago

What do you drink with dinner?
I’m from the South. We’re supposed to drink sweet iced tea with everything; it’s in the Book of Redneck Etiquette.
What do you dip a chicken nugget in?

If you try to feed me any kind of nugget I will slap you hard.

What is your favorite food?
This one’s easy. My honey makes this stuff called Huli Huli Chicken, which is quite possibly the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten, ever. This may have something to do with the fact that I don’t have to prepare it, but still. It rocks.


What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
The Birdcage. Hank Azaria’s character is one of the most hilarious performances ever.

50 First Dates. I love Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore together; it’s impossible not to smile.

Chocolat. This may be the only movie in which I can honestly say that I understand the world’s women’s fascination with Johnny Depp (And Juliette Binoche? Ohmy.)

Can you change the oil on a car?
I could change the oil on my ’01 Saturn. There’s no WAY I could do it on my current car. I don’t even know where the battery is..someplace in the trunk, I think.
Are you lazy?
Who has time to be lazy?
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
My grandmother said it was tacky to go door to door, begging for candy.
Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
I cannot tell you how much I love Lincoln Logs.
Afraid of heights?

Sing in the car?

Ever used a gun?

Do you believe in ghosts?

First concert?
I went to a George Strait concert with a boy from my high school. His mom dropped us off. It was the first time I was allowed to go to a Whole Other City without a legal guardian, I think.
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
No, no, and no.
Who would you like to see in concert?
I am fascinated by Journey’s current lead singer, Arnel Pineda.

Can you knit or crochet?
I can crochet like a skein-wielding demon.


I’m a Booster (Totally Unrelated to Spanking)


I think Las Vegas is pretty nifty – especially if you’re a visitor here. (Being a resident rocks because we have NO reason whatsoever to go anywhere near the strip, so our lives are just as normal as yours most days of the year.)

I do not, however, really know much about the city. Case in point: I recently put up a post titled “”, about a place called Heart Attack Grill, and asked readers to tell me something about the place.’s in Las Vegas. Who knew? Apparently everyone but me. (Also, to each his or her own, but this looks absolutely disgusting. In so many ways.)

Just about anyone who visits my fair chosen-home city will know more about it than I do, by the time their friends bail them out of the county jail. However, most visitors also rarely wander far from the strip; you guys and gals see the fountains at the Bellagio, lots of burlesque shows, and some of the world’s largest all-you-can-eat buffets. You get to gaze lovingly at the hundreds of boutique shops, $500 and up haircut joints, and more gambling machines than non-visitors could ever possibly imagine; adventurous souls (who don’t feel as though they’ve risked life and limb enough already by just being in Las Vegas – or possibly by eating at the Heart Attack Grill) can even make a controlled free fall from the top of the Stratosphere tower.

But there’s a whole bunch of really cool, interesting, and, most importantly, non-gambling-related things to do here, too…you just gotta get your ass off the Strip. In an effort to bring attention to a few of the hidden gems you’ve probably missed in your visits here, I’m giving you my short list of favorite places in Las Vegas:


The Pinball Hall of Fame

What’s not to love about a huge building full of hundreds of pinball machines, all working, and all ready to play for 25cents? These guys are truly passionate about restoring and maintaining these classic games – the oldest pinball games in the building date back to the 1940’s! My personal favorite: the Kiss pinball machine, which plays awful, out of tune midi files of Detroit Rock City and other hits. This will be the most fun you have in Vegas for less than 20bucks. (Tropicana Blvd. east)


Taco y Taco

Go ahead and eat at the fancy restaurants up and down the hotel zone – they’re really fantastic, and will only cost you an arm and possibly your dinner companions leg. They’ll also let you get rascally drunk and behave inappropriately at the dinner table – this is, after all, Sin City. My vote’s going to something cheaper, more peaceful, and much, much, MUCH more tantalizing.


The kind of tacos that I used to get from street vendors in East Los Angeles; the kind of tacos they’ll serve you in Tijuana; the kind of tacos where you say, “I’m really not all that hungry… I’ll take six.” Taco y Taco is a little place in an unassuming shopping complex. There’s no fancy sign and no fancy decor. Your tacos (or burritos, or nachos – the menu’s very small) will be served on thin paper plates. There ARE tons of friendly cooks, employees, and managers – all of whom are proud to tell you about their history, recipes, and the fact that they’ve already been voted best tacos in the city, even though they’ve been open just over a year. Go there. Get in a taxi if you have to, just go there. (Tropicana east)


Springs Preserve

180 acres of Las Vegas valley real estate, flora, fauna, geology, and QUIET. Springs Preserve walking trails showcase the area’s natural history with flower gardens, interactive exhibits, and knowledgeable guides throughout the preserve. It’s a nice respite from the sound of slot machines and all that sequins.


The High Roller

The High Roller

Okay, this one’s definitely not off the beaten path, and probably not cheap, either. But it’s so very cool that I had to mention it, anyway. The High Roller is a brand new, ginormous (the world’s largest, I think) ferris wheel/observation thingy just built in The Linq. Although I’m not a fan of heights, this looks like something I may be willing to do, maybe, just for what have to be absolutely breathtaking views of the valley and surrounding mountains. (Also, I find the idea of getting getting a pod to oneself and giving a spanking while overlooking the entire Las Vegas valley wildly amusing. Remember, you read the idea here first, as someone will certainly eventually pull this stunt off, and hopefully there’ll be substantiating video.)


Tonight I found a great way for me (and you, too) to see what’s going on in the city – not just who’s playing at Ceasar’s and what Britney’s wearing, but lots of other cool information on Las Vegas, the ‘culture’ of the city, and it’s denizens. Vegas Chatter calls themselves ‘a daily users guide to the ins and outs of the potlatch and pomp that is Sin City.’

That appears to be pretty accurate.

So if you’re thinking of visiting our fair(ly sandy) city, and if you have a little free time between spankings (don’t act like you’re going to come all the way here and not get a spanking. You’d have to be crazy.) to fill with educated wandering around, peruse


–  Dana

You Have No Idea Where That’s Been (Totally Unrelated to Spanking.)


Maybe it’s that I’m at an age now where, had I had children of my own, I’d be trying to lay in some seriously long-lasting and meaningful life lessons; maybe it’s just because I’m smarter now than I was in my twenties. I certainly care more about other people, the world around me, and how I impact it all, than I did twenty years ago.
There’s also a really good chance that I know I have a somewhat ‘captive’ audience, as lots of folks come here to read about spanking, to which I may preach. Forgive me.

(zero segue)

So, what did you have for breakfast this morning? How about dinner last night?
Did it come out of a box or bag? Do you know what was in it? Do you know where it came from?

Are you sure?

Yeah, you have no idea. And neither do I. And that’s a Big Problem.

*Fair warning : As anyone who’s spent any amount of time whatsoever around me in recent years can attest, I can go off about this subject. Warm your coffee, get comfortable, and consider turning back now unless you really care what I think about things which have absolutely nothing to do with spanking.

Let’s start with a little information that’ll put us on more equal ground: Google “CAFO”. Read any of the first hundred articles which come up – or even better, just click the ‘image’ part of the search.

Now let that sit with you for a while.

That’s your food.

That’s what you had for breakfast this morning, and likely for dinner last night. It doesn’t matter whether you drove through the local fast food joint, ate at a high-end restaurant, or shopped in your local supermarket for food you prepared at home – it’s almost guaranteed that your meat products came from a CAFO. 

Now let’s take one more foray into Google’s vast wealth of knowledge – search “GMO”.  Same deal; same schtick. This is what you’re eating. The crap that they’re calling food. 

Chemical company Monsanto owns the PATENT on most of the grain foods you eat now, and lots of the vegetables, and all of the stuff they feed CAFO animals. In other words, Monsanto is your supermarket. They’ve engineered foods to be able to live through repeated sprayings of RoundUp (that weed killer you buy at Walmart) – that’s right, folks, weed killer. Poison. The stuff that will kill you, kill your pets, and kill full grown trees….those people sell the seeds that grow the corn, wheat, and other ‘healthy’ stuff you buy.

And those CAFO animals? They’re pumped full of antibiotics to keep their feet rotting off while grown exponentially on feedlots – and they’re fed things that they’d NEVER eat in a million years given the choice. The antibiotics must be SO strong to keep down disease that they have to wash the processed meat in…ready for this?….ammonia – AMMONIA, to kill off the antibiotic properties before they’re passed on to us. But fear not! – we get the antibiotics anyway in the shit/sludge/runoff from these CAFO’s that goes directly into our lakes, rivers, and, eventually, drinking water. 


If this little bit of information hasn’t changed the way you look at the things you put in your body, your kids and grandkids’ bodies, and your pets’ bodies, then hopefully it’s given you pause to think about the ‘lives’ lived by the animals we’re going to consume.

Educate yourself. Please.

Start with watching the documentary ‘Food, Inc.’. What? You don’t have 90 minutes to devote to living a healthier, more conscious life?

That’s what I thought.

**Look, I’m not soap-boxing here, and am not judging. I eat meat pretty regularly – but now I (granted, much more expensively) only buy grass fed beef, free range chicken, and Organic Everything as often as possible. There’s no more fast food, and few restaurant trips….but I’ll tell you something : I feel better.

And I want you to feel better, too.


Think about it…

–  Dana

Clear-Conscience Consumerism (Unrelated to Spanking)


I try to be reasonably well-informed about the food I eat and the products I use, more so now than ever before, and that includes the yummy-girly-sniffy stuff, too.

You can’t walk into any drugstore, department store, supermarket, or even 99cent place without seeing hundreds (or thousands) of ‘beauty products’ – stuff geared (mostly) toward women that’s supposed to make us look, smell, and feel better. Problem with most of that stuff is that it’s a)terrible for you b)terrible for the environment c)tested on cute little tortured bunnies or d)all of the above. Really. Most of the stuff that they sell you in the beauty aisle is runoff from petrochemical processing and chemical by-product. Does that make you feel at all pretty or fresh? Yeah, me either.

After a playmate gifted me with an unbelievably-great-smelling gift box from Lush Cosmetics (, I was immediately hooked. The first thing I noticed after the scent was the large ‘Stop Animal Testing’ logo on their packaging (which is very mimimal, by the way, as they’re pro-reuse/recycle/biodegradable, too). None of the Lush product line contain animal products, and many are completely vegan – they even make zero-impact, beeswax free lip conditioner that is out of this world. Right down to the packing peanuts in their shipped boxes, which are made from biodegradable rice puff rather than unrecyclable styrofoam! It’s also worth mentioning that not only is each and every product in their line packaged and inspected by a specific company employee, LUSH is headquartered in Vancouver, BC, and all their products are sourced and produced right there in Canada.

So this stuff’s real hippy-dippy, you’re thinking, which is fine for girls who wear birkenstocks and don’t shave their legs, but not for Regular People….wrong. This stuff is really excellent, lasts forever, and is very reasonably priced when considering the great good done by leaving out tortured bunnies, clear-cut rainforests, and multi-syllabic chemical compounds nobody could ever really identify.

I’ve become somewhat preoccupied with eliminating as much chemical-infused junk as possible, so I’ve incorporated lots of their products already, and I love each and every one of them. The solid shampoo bars they make (amazing idea!) smell divine (I use Godiva), last forever, and lather better than the very best salon shampoo. My hair actually feels clean after using it and smells insanely good for hours. The bath gels are all scrumptious, but I prefer It’s Raining Men – a kind of sexy, honey scent that leaves skin (and hair!) moisturized and glowing. Then there’s Fresh Farmacy, quite possibly the best cleanser I’ve found for my…ahem…mature yet still-prone-to-spots skin. I could go on and on here, including the solid patchouli-scented Aromaco deodorant which is the BEST deodorant I’ve ever used, ever.

Check out LUSH online, or at one of their US boutiques, and tell me that you don’t absolutely love at least five things you find there. (And the bunnies will thank you.)

–  Dana

PS. Also, as you may have guessed, I’m enjoying writing outside the spanking theme more lately, and have categorized these posts as Totally Unrelated to Spanking in the ‘Favorite Subjects’ navigation in the right-hand sidebar.

PPS. I’m not being paid to gush about LUSH, nor do I get a coupon or cookie for the rave review. I just really like their products, and especially respect their ethics.

Yes, Mexico. (Unrelated to Spanking)



It’s that time of year again – the time of year when I begin to obsess about vacationing. To be fair, I do a pretty large amount of fantasizing about lying around on the beach year ’round, but it gets particularly bad beginning around the first of March. I know spring’s happening soon and that before long it’ll be warm enough to swim…and there I go. Googling ‘best beaches’, ‘cheap vacations in exotic locales’ and ‘how to vacation once a month’, I find a never-ending trail of photos which would make even the most hardcore couch surfer twitch.

There’s Maldives, just about universally agreed to be the most beautiful beach-lovers-hallelujah-place on the planet..



Then there’s Sardinia..


And the Bahamas, which, as reported by astronauts, has the bluest water anywhere on earth..


And then there’s Mexico.

Mexico, you say? Isn’t that where people get beheaded and kidnapped and narco’d and stuff? Well, yes, stuff like that does go on there, but it goes on here too, and we already live here.

The area of Mexico called the Yucatan peninsula (Quintana Roo, specifically) has some of the most beautiful beaches anywhere, and almost-shore-access to world class Barrier Reef snorkeling; the place is practically crawling with ancient Mayan ruins – you can’t toss an iguana and not hit something fantastically dark built by people thousands of years ago; and, if you’re at all a connoisseur, Riviera Maya beachside fish tacos are probably the best in the world. I’ve not mentioned yet that one may purchase Cuban cigars there and smoke them in full view of the general public, and one may also rest assured that polite public drunkenness is not only condoned but, in most places, lovingly cultivated.

The point is that I love (this part of) Mexico. While I can’t speak on the state of the entire country, I’ve never witnessed crime of any kind in my visits there, and I’ve also never stayed in one of those fancy-schmancy resorts that feed you sushi and keep you cloistered in with all the other skittish Ameri-Euros – that type of experience just doesn’t seem appealing to me.

The above-mentioned sushi resorts never give you the real local experience, because they’re not meant to. They’re meant to take advantage of the local attraction (in this case, the beach) and turn that into something which closely resembles your comfort zone, i.e. home. They feed you spaghetti and meatballs when the guys in the boats outside are pulling live lobster from the water, and you’re expected to change out of your flip-flops and shorts before they’ll even serve you said meatballs. Phooey! I want to eat local food, interact with actual Mexican people…actually BE in Mexico, for hells sake.

I’ve bisected the Yucatan in my travel there in the past, having seen both the north and southeast shores and toured the interior. I’ve done the big beach town, Cancun, and the island of Cozumel, and both were a bit boisterous but fun, and, although I wasn’t on any private beach, they were still super-touristy; this time, I’m going for something a bit more quiet and secluded. 

If you look hard enough (and believe me, I have looked and looked and looked and…) there are lots of little towns up and down the Mexican Caribbean, none of which require visitors to wear a plastic wristband or participate in ridiculous nightly pool games. One of these is my intended destination this year. There will be much sunblock and many brightly-colored frozen drinks (and don’t forget those Cubans), and probably a few too many renditions of Brown Eyed Girl, but I can’t wait.

Oh, and don’t worry about me. Not only will I be accompanied by my own personal ninja, but I’m pretty damn dangerous my ownself.


Daydreaming of paraíso,




The Amazing Noodle! (Unrelated to spanking)


I have the most talented cat in the entire universe – but there’s no need in my telling you about it when I can simply show you. I present Noodle the Magnificent :


As you can see, he is completely without fear – staring down the barrel of the bathtub faucet.


Able to sleep comfortably in a box approximately 1/3 his size.


And, most importantly, self-purifying!


Fine. Maybe none of that stuff’s terribly impressive, but he’s still just about the cutest cat I ever did see.

–  Dana 

Las Vegas Anecdote (Unrelated to Spanking)


Celebrity sightings are nothing unusual in Las Vegas, especially in the big hotels and clubs on the strip. But get a couple miles off the strip and things get relatively normal, fast. Soccer moms, shift workers, and lots of really old luxury cars are the norm in my neighborhood, and I like it that way…seeing fancy millionaires dressed down and drunk doesn’t really appeal.

So imagine my surprise when I ran into a real, live celebrity (read: someone you’ve heard of and who has more money than you, although you’re not sure why either of those things are so) at my neighborhood Whole Foods!

Okay, I didn’t actually run into him…more like almost ran over. With my cart. Luckily, he’s a tall and healthy specimen who would’ve likely not only survived the impact but done so without displacing a single golden lock.

That’s right, folks.

I’m talking about Fabio.

Was he shopping for yummy vegan, muscle-toning munchies?  Nope.

Cruising the organic produce section for a new, fitness model girlfriennd? Wrong again.

Oh wait, I know! He was there to meet for lunch with a producer and wanted to seem ‘down to earth’. That’s it, right?  Yeah, no.

Fabio was at the Whole Foods store hawking his new line of something. Honestly, I can’t tell you what it was because his jeans were so excruciatingly tight that everything within a six foot radius became blurry. Also, cowboy boots. Cowboy boots with supertight skinny jeans. Can I just tell you that this is not a good look on anyone? (There’s a reason you don’t see this image on the cover of any Harlequin romance novels.)

Anyway, the ladies were all aflutter and I overheard one well-dressed woman say, succinctly, “Oh god. Oh god. Ohgod ohgod ohgod.”

Viva Las Vegas….and D list celebrities.

–  Dana

Favored Phraseology (Unrelated to Spanking)


We all have words and phrases which crop up in our own speech more often than others – favored phraseology, if you will. Many times there are regional influences, dialectical differences, and the like, most of which are part of the diversity of language and usually fun to listen to.

Then there are the ones which seem more like verbal ticks than anything else, like when some people use the word ‘basically’ way too much, or when (tell me you don’t know someone who does this) folks say ‘right?’ after nearly every sentence; there are also the ‘in my opinion’ repeat offenders, and those who like to start every other sentence with the introduction ‘Duuuude…’. 

My most common favored phraseology includes:

‘High-quality problem’ – The term I use as an excuse to complain about things which I have no business complaining, like being really busy with work, visiting my relatives, or having lots of cats who all want petting at the exact same minute. These are all (in my opinion…ahem) high-quality problems, as I am lucky enough to have lots of work, people who love me, and really spoiled rotten pets.

‘This was a terrible idea.’ My general statement of regret before leaving the house to go, well…anywhere. I am a hermit at heart, so even the most exciting, adventure-soaked trek always elicits just a bit of ‘what the hell was I thinking?’

‘Rat Bastard!’ Yes, I curse. I’m an adult, I enjoy language, and there’s always the occasion for a good curse. Rat Bastard!, in particular, is the phrase which flies out of it’s own accord when I do something less-than-intelligent, like a) slam my pinkie toe against the foot of the bed – b) drop a full cup of fresh coffee in the middle of the kitchen floor because I didn’t tie the belt on my robe and tripped over it while walking with one eye open – or c) that thing we talked about recently where you walk into a room, full of determination, only to realize that you’ve no idea why you went there in the first place.

** It’s been brought to my attention (by someone who will wonder why he’s being spanked ‘for no reason’ later, that I also have a tendency to begin sentences with the word ‘Now…’. I guess that’s sort of my cue for you to start paying attention, and have confirmed the regularity of the ‘Now…’ phenomenon by re-watching several previous videos I’ve made. Yep. There it is. I say ‘Now…’ a lot. 

Well, there you go. We all have little linguistic idiosyncrasies, some maybe a little more annoying than others. Do you ever catch yourself doing this? Thinking, ‘How many times did I just say the word ‘honestly’?, or ‘When did I start saying ‘Duuuuude’? Maybe not. Maybe it’s just me, but I doubt it.



–  Dana

Memory Loss : Totally Unrelated to Spanking. Maybe. I can’t remember.



I’ve forgotten something important, I’m certain of it. Exactly how I’m certain is something worth thinking about, as if I can remember that I’ve forgotten something then that should logically lead to figuring out what said forgotten thing is. I have rattled my befuddled little mind and, well, it’s just gone.


You’ve all had this happen, I’m sure, at least in the short term. It goes something like this: “What was I just about to do? I know it had something to do with the garage, so I’ll go into the garage and see if that jogs my memory. Hmm…nope. Okay, I’ll go back to the kitchen and stand where I was standing when I thought the now lost thought and see if that environment gets me back on track.” standing…standing…looking around… “Dammit! What was I….oh, wait a minute! I remember now…”

This is sort of like that, but it’s been days with this nagging feeling of having lost an important train of thought. Was it something to do with work or travel…? No. Pets? No. Something I am out of and need to replenish ASAP? No. Damn. Is it my birthday again already? Nah, that would be way too cruel.

So what have I forgotten?

Much like the question ‘How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?’, the world may never know.




Totally Unrelated to Spanking : Random Feel-Good-Ness


None of us thinks about the same thing all the time, thank goodness. I, like most of you, spend a bit of time engaging in things which are absolutely unrelated to spanking (although I try to keep it to a minimum), and sometimes enjoy things which are totally useless and nonsensical.

Since we could all of us use more silliness in our lives, I’ve added a few things below which you might enjoy…


First, one of our most revered singer/songwriters, the amazing Dolly Parton. Even folks who don’t care for country and western music would have a hard time finding something bad to say about this talented and funny woman, and after seeing this video I love her even more: 


Next, a somewhat older video, but one that never fails to make me laugh hysterically and inappropriately. If you need me to explain why this video is hilarious, then you’ve not looked closely enough…



And finally, this guy, who’s just awakened from anesthesia following surgery and doesn’t recognize his wife of many years…



The Moderately-priced Purchase Blues : Totally unrelated to spanking


I’ve hinted at it a couple times in the past, but here’s the paddler’s honest truth:
I am a tightwad. Or a minimalist. You choose.
It does not thrill me to spend money on things which I do not find essential. (Granted, ‘essential’ means something different to everyone.) 

Is there such a thing as a reverse hoarder? 

Anyone who’s visited my home knows that I have little attachment to possessions. Furniture is scant  and I don’t bother with draperies and bric-a-brac much. I’ve grudgingly added a few things to the household in the past year or so, mostly to increase visitor’s comfort, as it all seems a bit unnecessary to me. There still isn’t a television, and I cannot foresee a future that involves my owning one. I did, however, break down and purchase an iced tea maker so that my repeated attempts at passively burning down the house by forgetting that I had water boiling downstairs would come to an end. Usually though, spending is kept to a minimum and most frivolous fits of spend-thriftiness happen at the supermarket.

But this year will be the Year of the Moderately-Priced Purchase. Sigh. It’s difficult for me to discuss, but I know you’ll understand. (insert tongue into cheek here)

It took nearly one calendar year for me to pony up the dough to invest in the member site for, and I’m still choking a bit on the residual costs associated with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m terribly excited and happy, but part of me wants to grab my wallet and run screaming in the opposite direction.

And just this week, I purchased a much-needed and long-postponed upgraded camcorder for video shoots. I knew it needed to be done, so I put on my Consumer Face and just did it. It was painful but fast, like yanking off a bandaid. Ouch.

It’s old news that my ancient Mac has been a faithful, if hypochondriacal, friend. Later this year it will give over it’s main functions to a new computer and while I’ll be tickled with the superfast processor and better overall performance, it’s not nostalgia which keeps me clicking away at this very tired machine. It’s ticket shock. I’ve dragged this old Mac wheezing and whirring through a few years more than even Mr. Jobs intended, and am certain that the old girl has another six months or so left in her.

It’s also been several years since I owned or needed a car of my own. I know that this sounds somewhat unbelievable to most of the car-driving public, but it is supremely possible to function, thrive, and be happy – without ever having to visit a gas station. The majority of the world’s population live within….oh, there I go lecturing again. Besides,  I’ve been thinking of buying an old clunker, despite my better judgment, in order to more easily access the beautiful mountains,  abundant state parks, and that place down the street that sells really good tacos. The problem is that I’ve been thinking about it for about a year now, and will likely continue to think about it well into the future. When it comes right down to it, I’m always inclined to slap the salesperson – hard – when they tell me the price. It’s a lovely, healthy stroll to any number of easily-accessible points of necessity, and a cheap taxi ride to the airport a couple times a month. Decisions, decisions.

I really do completely understand the compulsion to spend. If it weren’t for the restraint of gods-long-forgotten I would have standing reservations at no less than thirteen hidden island resorts in the steamiest latitudes imaginable. My ‘places I’ve been’ map would look like a pincushion and the wall behind it would eventually crumble from the weight of the brightly-colored reminders. 

Instead, I spend most of the year saving (and salivating) for the Chosen Destination. This year’s place to lie around and do nothing is about as removed as one can be while still having access to hot water and ice cubes, and saving my pennies for it makes it even more special.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that, at the end of the day, life is expensive. Whether you spend it on toys or bonds or solitude, you’re gonna spend it. So in light of that realization I’ve decided to loosen up and do what I have to do this year. 

But next year? I’m not spending a dime.

–  Dana

Visit my premium video, DVD, and products website at

A Love of Reading, totally unrelated to spanking

I spend a lot of time reading; magazines, online news sites, spanking blogs, hundreds of pages pulled up from general searches on anything from the history of Angkor Wat to how to make gluten free sourdough bread starter. 

Books though, have always been my respite. If hard-pressed for new reading materials, I’ll re-read a favorite book (or series of them) dozens of times throughout the years, loving every minute of the knowledge of exactly what happens next. If there is anything about which I am obsessive, books qualify. It’s a high-quality problem.

Many years spent shifting from one foot to the other and back again, staring myself teary-eyed at the shelves in thrift stores, used bookshops, and discount bookstores, have taught me that it’s worth the dough to buy books I want to read (well-written) rather than books which fit within my tightwad criteria (cheap).

So for the last several years, I’ve given myself over to the abandon of stores and sites like Barnes and Noble and Amazon  – with literally hundreds of thousands of titles available, delivered to my door thankyouverymuch – to sate my constant book cravings.

It’s always been this way.  

At the end of first grade, my teacher presented me with the award for most books read during the school year – thirty-one: a photocopied ‘Certificate of Achievement’ and hardback copy of The Story of Helen Keller. I still have them both. Sentimental value and all.

I can remember sneaking my dad’s copy of ‘It’ by Stephen King (yes, Stephen King. There was also a Dean Koontz phase, as well as an Anne Rice one.) when I was around fourteen or fifteen years old and having to stay up all night long because the book scared me so much that I was afraid to go to bed. I’ve always had an active imagination, and have always been able to completely immerse myself in an enjoyable story. That one was just scary; I’ll never forget that damn clown and his shiny teeth.

I can also remember sneaking the romance novels off my grandmother’s bookshelf and squirreling them away for later perusal. I’d seen the shirtless Native American man on the cover holding tight to the pale-skinned-yet-busty maiden and was pretty sure that there was something going on there. Sadly, I found them completely disinteresting. Around that time, I also tried to read the copy of ‘Dianetics’ gathering dust on the hall bookshelves. Happily, I found this completely disinteresting as well.

In the last twenty years, I’ve read hundreds, likely thousands, of books. Beautiful, whimsical things by Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, and Neil Gaiman, and breathless memoirs by Mary Karr, Augusten Burroughs (and nearly every other soul-searching life’s self-examination written); numerous accounts of the second World War and countless stories of the survivors of life in general; American, British, and Russian literature; historical biographies of the people who’ve fought for freedoms throughout our evolution, and many many many silly, shallow, and satisfying works of modern fiction.

Several months ago a dear friend gifted me with something I would have never purchased for myself – a Kindle e-reader. It’s the basic, I-only-want-to-read-a-book model, and I honestly didn’t want to like it. Books – real paper books – have always been so appealing. Pretty bindings, freshly-printed pages, hundreds of turns pulling you forward into the story..

Then this ereader thing comes along. I’ve now read every single available free literature classic, uncountable other free books, magazines, and publications…and purchased several ebooks. As much as I love a good book, this thing is super-convenient.

Until I drop it in the bathtub, that is.

Historically, every really good book I own will end up in the bathtub at least once. It’s a rite of passage and proof of a book’s long standing when the pages are so crinkled with multiple droppings and air-dryings that it takes up twice as much space on the shelf.

Currently, I’m devouring every single novel by Christopher Moore (‘Lamb’, ‘Sacre Blue’), who writes insanely funny novels (recommended by a dear friend and playmate), and planning a second stab at The Brothers Karamazov soon (the first one ended with my considering making a list of all the character’s names, nicknames, and pronunciations on a separate pad in order to figure out what the hell was going on). Curiosity will prevail, even over Slavic surnames.

Want to relax, expand your consciousness, intelligence, and world view? Read a book. Read a hundred of ’em. Then tell me which ones are your favorites.

There are so many intelligent, opinionated, and creative folks reading, posting, and contributing here… What do you read?

–  Dana

Visit my premium video, DVD, and products website at