Story Contest Entry #23 : What Goes Around Comes Around



Don’t give up now – we’re down to just a few more entries in the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  …

Read on~

– Dana



“What Goes Around Comes Around”

Surrounded by friends gathered to celebrate her birthday, Lindsey closed her eyes, a serene expression taking over her features.  Her face showed animation, the hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth revealing hope for the future.  Opening her eyes, she took a deep breath and blew out the candles that covered her birthday cake, silently thanking Mr. Edwards, her band director, for continually reinforcing lessons in breath control throughout her years of playing the trumpet in the school band.  As the last candle to gave up its flame, applause erupted from the onlookers.

“What did you wish for?” her best friend Sherry asked.

“If I tell you, it won’t come true,” Lindsey protested.

“Oh, come on, Lindsey,” Andrea cajoled.  “You already made the wish.  What you do now won’t affect it one way or the other.”

“Well . . . okay.  That makes sense,” Lindsey agreed.  “I wished that I would win this lawsuit.”

“Attagirl!” Sherry gripped her friend in a sideways hug, emphasized by gentle backslaps.  “I could see you arming yourself with optimism just before you blew out the candles.  We all wish that for you, too.  Winning the first one was a major victory.”

“Yeah, you deserved to come out on top in that one.  You fought hard to prove what they did was wrong,” Mindy echoed.  “I’m so glad you beat out that—” she paused, searching for the right word.

“Temper, temper, Mindy,” Sherry chided.

“Well, I was gonna say ‘witch,’ ” Mindy defended herself.

“Oh, sure,” Sherry said skeptically.  “We could hear what you were thinking.”

Everyone laughed.  Though all the guests at the party were good friends, these four—Lindsey, Sherry, Andrea, and Mindy—had known each other since they were toddlers.  Though they had different interests, their close friendship had endured through the years.

As Mindy removed the candles and Andrea brought paper plates, Lindsey busied herself cutting the cake, placing each portion on a plate Andrea held steady.  “By tomorrow afternoon I should know the outcome.  Mark will be in the courtroom for moral support.  I’ll call Sherry as soon as I find out.  We’ll get word to everyone.”

“Who wants ice cream?” Mindy asked the group.

“People always ask that, and it’s a very silly question.  Everyone always wants ice cream.”  Andrea’s pronouncement met with a chorus of affirmative comments.

“Bring your plates over here,” Mindy directed.  “There’s room for a scoop or two next to the cake.”

“Good thinking,” Sherry complimented.

Later, after most of the guests had left and the party remains had been cleaned up, the hostesses relaxed in the living room.  Indicating her concern, Andrea asked, “What’s your feeling about how the trial’s been going?”

“I’m optimistic,” Lindsey said, “but I know it’s not good to get my hopes up too high.  I gave concise answers, but the other side didn’t.  I actually saw one of the jurors fold her arms across her chest and frown when the “witch” testified.  I’m thinking they were sympathetic to my side.  Oh, and every time my attorney objected, his objection was sustained, but all of the other side’s objections were overruled, every one of them.

“Well, it’s about time to head home,” Sherry announced.  “I’m really glad all of us could get together.  It’s been a fun time.  I just had a thought:  If you win tomorrow, we’ll need to celebrate that, too!  Anyway, I hope you can relax and get a good night’s sleep tonight.”

“I plan to do just that.  I’m going over to see Mark in a little while.  He’s taking me out to dinner for my birthday, and then we’ll go back to his house for dessert.”

“ ‘Dessert,’ huh?” Andrea teased.

“Well, you know, our favorite dessert.” Lindsey said.  “ ‘Rump roast.’ ”

They all laughed.  Lindsey’s friends moved toward the front door and hugged all around, amid comments of “Take care,” “I’ll be thinking about you,” and “I’ll keep my fingers crossed.”

When they had left, Lindsey went to her bedroom and opened the closet door to take out the clothes she had decided to wear to dinner.  She went into the bathroom, undressed, and showered.  When she was finished washing, brushing her teeth, dressing, and putting on makeup, she called her boyfriend to let him know she was about to leave.

She covered the five miles to Mark’s house at a moderate speed.  She turned into his double driveway and parked next to his car.  He greeted her at the door with a strong, comfortable hug and a kiss.

“So, where are you taking me for dinner?” Lindsey asked.

“It’s a surprise,” Mark answered with a smirk.  “You’ll like it.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

Mark got his suit coat and put it on.  “All set?”  Lindsey smiled in reply and he walked her to the door and opened it for her.  He walked with her to the passenger’s side and opened the door.  When she was settled, he went to the driver’s side and got in.

As Mark backed out of the driveway, Lindsey asked, “How about a little hint?”

“There’s a blindfold in the glove compartment,” Mark countered.  “It will help you stop asking questions, just in case you can’t stop by yourself.”

“I’ll hush,” she said.

A few minutes later, he turned into the parking lot of Jackson’s Restaurant.  “Wow, Mark.”  Lindsey exclaimed.  “I’ve never been here, but this is supposed to be the ultimate dining experience.”

He parked and went to open her door, saying, “I thought it was appropriate for a celebration like this.”

“Oh, thank you.  I feel like a queen just to be brought here.”

“I hope so,” he murmured as he put his arm around her shoulders.

They were seated in a secluded area and leisurely enjoyed an excellent prime rib dinner.  After they had both finished their meal, Mark asked, “Are you ready for dessert?”  Receiving Lindsey’s mischievous smile in answer, he signaled their waiter for the check.  Walking back to the car, Mark put his arm around her and asked, “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”

“Yes,” she replied.  “I’m pretty tense.  I’m counting on you to help me with that.”

“I’ll do my best,” he promised.

“Your best has always been enough in the past,” she said, looking up at him and then laying her head against his chest.

He helped her into the passenger’s seat and took his place behind the wheel.  They drove in silence to his house.

As he opened the front door for Lindsey, she asked, “Bedroom or den?”

“Bedroom, I think,” he answered.

She went to his bedroom and began taking off her clothes, while Mark hung up his suit, threw his shirt into a hamper, and put on a pair of pajama bottoms.  He sat down on the bed and watched Lindsey remove everything but her panties.  She walked to him and lay across his lap.

“I’m going to do something different,” he told her.  He showed her a short paddle made of beautiful light-colored wood.  “I’m going to use just paddles.  It will be the warmup and the spanking.”

“Ouch, it hurts already,” she said.

“No, I’ll go easy at first, and you’ll be okay later when it’s harder.”

“Okay, if you say so,” she answered doubtfully.

He began with swats so light they could hardly be called spanks, moving to different areas of her bottom and the upper part of her thighs to make sure every spot received attention.  She lay comfortably across his lap, finding a surprising level of enjoyment in the sensation.  After two or three minutes, he stopped and began rubbing her bottom and thighs gently.  Then he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties and pulled them down to her knees, exposing the bare skin of her bottom.

“Hmm, not very pink yet.  That’s okay; we’ve got plenty of time.  How do you feel?”

She answered, “I feel great.  What you’re doing feels really nice.”

He picked up the paddle again and resumed spanking her gently, making sure to spread his attention to all areas.  “How does that feel?” he asked her, rubbing her skin gently.

“It’s wonderful.  I didn’t know a paddle could feel like this.  All this time I thought I was allergic to wood.”

Mark laughed out loud.  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it, since this isn’t a naughty girl spanking.”

He rubbed her bottom a little longer and then began spanking again.  Almost imperceptibly, he began to increase the force of the swats.  He listened for verbal reactions from Lindsey and watched for flinching, relying on her indication of distress to guide the amount of force he used.  A few minutes later, he paused and began rubbing her bottom again.  “How are you doing,” he asked.

“It feels strange,” she replied.  “It doesn’t hurt, but my bottom feels real hot.”

“Well, this could be a sample of what hot flashes will be like when you’re older.”

“On my butt?” she asked, looking around at him.

“Why not?  Hot flashes affect a woman all over, don’t they?  Your butt is part of ‘all over.’ ”

“That doesn’t make sense, but I can’t think of a witty reply.”  She laid her head back down.

“I’m going to go a little harder,” Mark warned.  “I hope it will feel good and not too painful.  At least, that’s what I’m aiming for.  You know the old story about the frog in the pan of cold water?  The water gets gradually warmer and the frog doesn’t notice it, and soon the water is boiling.  I’m not trying to boil your bottom, but I do want it to be gradual so it winds up being a hard spanking without the trauma.  Or drama.”

“Are you calling me a ‘trauma queen’?”

Mark smacked her hard with the paddle.

“Owww,” she cried.  “That was NOT gradual,” Lindsey complained.

“Oh, my goodness.  That was involuntary.  I think it’s the paddle’s way of groaning.”

“Very funny.”

“Well, your pun wasn’t.”

“Okay, I forgot.  You don’t like puns.”

“Let’s get back to the matter at hand,” he said, patting her bottom.  He started spanking her again, alternating sides and continuing to cover all areas.  He gradually increased the intensity, always on the lookout for clues that Lindsey was experiencing more stress than he intended.  As the minutes went by, the force increased.  He again paused and began rubbing her bottom and thighs.  “How does that feel?” he asked.

“It’s really weird.  It feels about the same, but I know you’re hitting a lot harder.  I haven’t been in this situation before.”

“All right.  This is going to be a little change.”  He reached over to the dresser and picked up a paddle that was longer but similar in weight.  He swatted her sharply with it.  She flinched slightly.  He waited about 30 seconds and smacked her again, in a different place.  She murmured “unh” but did not flinch.  He hit in still another spot, and she breathed in deeply and then exhaled, but remained still.  He continued in this fashion, with 30-second pauses, each swat slightly more forceful than the last.  She continued to lie still, with only minimal reaction.  After the seventh swat at the slow tempo, Lindsey’s back began to shudder, and she started whimpering.  Mark laid the paddle down and reached for her shoulders.  He pulled her to a sitting position on his lap and held her while she cried.  He spoke to her softly, soothing her.

“I don’t know why I’m crying.  It didn’t hurt that much.”

“You’re crying because you’ve been under such a strain.  It’s tension relief, which is what I was trying to achieve.  I think you’re going to be sore tomorrow.  Your bottom looks like a couple of eggplants.

Lindsey burst out laughing, even as the tears flowed.  “Eggplants?  Let me see.”

Mark helped her off his lap, and she walked to the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door.  Looking around at her bottom, Lindsey exclaimed, “Jiminy Crickets!  I didn’t even know skin could be this color.  It’s eggplant, all right.”  She reached back to touch her bottom cheeks with her hands.  “Wow!  That’s warm.  It’s numb now, but I’ll bet you’re right about my being sore tomorrow.”

Mark handed Lindsey a box of tissues from the nightstand.  “I want you to lie down on your back.”  He heard her blow her nose as he went into the bathroom, reached into a cabinet, and got a large bath towel, which he took back into the bedroom.  Lindsey was supine on the bed, and he draped the towel over her.  “I’ll be right back,” he said, disappearing into the hallway.

When he returned, Mark had a kitchen towel and a freezer bag filled with crushed ice.  “Here’s a cold pack for your face.”

Lindsey raised herself up on one elbow.  “What the heck’s wrong with my face?  You went out to dinner with this face,”  She protested indignantly.

Mark sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her arm.  “Honey, nothing is wrong with your lovely face.  It’s just that you’ve been crying, and I think that in the morning, the judge and the jury will be more impressed with your exquisitely beautiful face if your eyes aren’t puffy and you don’t look like you’ve been crying.  Now lie down and relax.”

“Oh, okay.  You’re right.”  Acquiescing, she lay back down.

Mark laid the towel across her eyes and placed the ice pack on the towel.  “How’s that?  Is it on both eyes?  It’s supposed to get colder, but only up to a point.”

“Yes, it’s on both eyes.  It feels nice and cool.”

“Pretty soon the towel will get damp from condensation, and it may feel colder.  I want it to stay on for 20 minutes unless it gets too cold.  Frostbite isn’t our goal.  I’ll be right here.”  He gently caressed her thigh.

Lindsey squirmed and reached down to touch an area of her right buttock.  “What’s the matter?  Something bothering you?”  Mark asked, chuckling.

“Just a little twinge,” she answered, smiling.

“Doesn’t it, though,” he agreed.

They were quiet for several minutes.  Then Mark announced, “Ten more minutes.”

“Mm-hmm,” Lindsey replied.  Then, anxiously, “Mark?”


“You are going to be there tomorrow, aren’t you?  In court, I mean.”

“Oh, yes.  The Budweiser Clydesdales couldn’t keep me away.”

“Good.  I was counting on it.”  Lindsey relaxed visibly.

After another period of silence, Mark said, “Five more minutes.  Are you warm enough?”

“Yes, I’m fine, and my eyes don’t feel too cold.  What time is it?”

Mark looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand.  “It’s 8:39.  You probably want to get on the road pretty soon.”

“Yes, I would.  I need to get home and get ready for court tomorrow and then get to bed on time.”

“What time do you have to be in bed?”

“Ten o’clock, or else.”

Mark chuckled.  “Or else your Disciplinarian has something to say about it?”

Lindsey smiled.  “Right.  And she says it like I can understand it.  Improvement came slowly for me, but I’ve gotten a lot better about it lately.”

“Good girl.”

“Thanks.  I’m more alert and more effective when I’ve slept well and long enough.  Mark?”


“Where did you get the idea for what you did tonight with the paddle?”

“I came up with it myself.  There’s the frog analogy, and then I thought the hard smacks at the end should be spaced out.  I figured if they were too close together, and built in intensity, the effect would be something else entirely.  I was hoping you would cry, because I thought you needed the emotional release.  I wasn’t sure it would work that way.”

“I’m glad it did.  I do feel better, but kind of weak.”

“You should still be okay to drive, but I’ll take you home if you want me to.  Time’s up.”  Mark reached for the ice pack and removed it while bringing her hand toward her eyes to shield them from the light.

As her eyes adjusted, Lindsey gazed up at Mark.  “You sure do take good care of me,” she said.

“I’m glad you think so,” he replied.  “That’s the plan.  Let’s get you up and see how you do.”  He took her hands and gently pulled her to her feet.

“Whoa,” said Lindsey, swaying slightly.  “I may have to get used to this.”

“You’ll be fine in a minute,” Mark assured her.  “Remember, you’ve been horizontal for nearly an hour.  And your body has been stressed.  The nutritious dinner we had will help a lot.  Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll bring your clothes.”  He lowered her back down to sit on the bed and went to get her things from the chair where she’d left them.

  She put on what she could while sitting down, and Mark knelt to put her trouser socks on.  Lindsey moved in a gingerly fashion to get each leg into her slacks, balancing with Mark’s help when she stood to pull them up.  “Wow, I’m gonna have a heck of a reminder of this tomorrow.  These pants hurt!  It feels good, though.”  He then placed her shoes where she would be able to step into them.

“Let’s see if I still know how to walk.”  She cautiously walked into the living room to the table where she had left her purse.

“You seem to have the hang of it, all right,” Mark said.  “I’ll walk you to the car.”

Lindsey turned to him.  “But first,” she said, hugging him to her, “Thank you for a wonderful evening.  “I keep trusting you to know what’s good for me, and you keep knowing it.”

As he embraced her, smoothing her hair, Mark said, “You’re precious to me, Lindsey.  This lawsuit is a big deal, and these people have caused you no end of turmoil, not only financially, but physically and emotionally, too.  You’ve held up through it all, and things have started going your way.  I hope the decision tomorrow also goes your way.  Now, get going.”  He gave her a final squeeze and turned her around to face the door.  He opened it, and they walked to her car.  He reached to open the door for her.  When she was behind the wheel, he closed the door firmly as she lowered her window.  He leaned down and kissed her through the window.  “I’ll meet you at the courthouse.”

“Okay,” Lindsey said.  “See you there.”  She started the car and backed out of the driveway.  As she changed gears from Reverse to Drive, she looked at him and he waved.

A short time later she was home and in the house.  She locked the door and made her way to the bedroom.  What she would wear to court the next morning was all prepared.  She took off her clothes, put them in the hamper, and took her nightgown from the hook in the bathroom door.  The garment felt cool as she put her arms through the sleeves and it slid over her head and down her body.  She looked at her face in the mirror and saw that her eyes seemed normal.  ‘Mark is such a genius,’ she thought.  She splashed water on her face and then patted it dry with the hand towel.  She brushed her teeth and went into the bedroom.

Lindsey pulled back the covers and sat down on her bed, unprepared for the sensation she experienced.  “Jiminy Crickets!” she said aloud.  It was as though her furniture had become petrified while she was gone from the house.  The comfortable mattress she had bought a year ago was now more like a bed of stone.  Admittedly, she relished the way it felt to her backside, because it proved that she had been soundly spanked, which was what she had wanted and needed.  She checked the time—9:45—wrote it in her bedtime journal, and set her alarm.  She lifted her legs onto the bed, turned off the bedside lamp, and promptly rolled over onto her stomach.

The next morning, Lindsey opened her eyes and looked at the clock.  The alarm would sound in nine minutes.  She closed her eyes again and lay still, remembering her wish.  It seemed like everything should just fall into place and she should be victorious in this lawsuit.  The other side had clearly invaded her privacy.  Sometimes, though, things just don’t work out the way they “should,” or the way we have them planned.  ‘Please let me win this case,’ she pleaded to whomever.

“RRRIIINNNGGGGGGGGGGGG,” went the alarm.  It was definitely a sound not to be ignored.  Lindsey swung her feet off the bed and sat up.  That was her first mistake.  “Oh, my heavens to Betsy,” she exclaimed.  She reached for the clock to turn off the raucous sound.  She turned on the lamp, stood up, and walked to the bathroom.  As she eyed the toilet seat she thought, ‘maybe I can just tinkle in the shower.’  It sounded reasonable enough.  But she needed coffee first.  Resigning herself to the necessity, she gently lowered herself to the seat.  At least it was cool.  But it HURT.  She breathed deeply, in and out, her eyes watering.  This was going to get worse, too, as the day progressed.  Finished with that task, she padded to the kitchen to make coffee.  While it dripped, she added a bowl of wheat flakes, orange juice, and a vitamin tablet to her breakfast menu.  She reached to pull a chair away from the table but changed her mind, thinking, ‘Forget it.  I’ll eat standing up.’  She downed the vitamin tablet with a large swallow of orange juice and then as many small swallows as needed to polish off the juice.  To Lindsey’s delight, her cereal seemed particularly flavorful this morning.  She ate while looking out the window over the sink.  It was barely dawn, and there was little to see.  After spooning up the last of the cereal, she drank the remaining milk from the bowl, rinsed it and the juice glass, and put them into the dishwasher.  By then the coffee was ready.  She poured some into her favorite mug and added milk.  Putting the milk back into the refrigerator, she picked up the mug and returned to the bathroom.

Lindsey turned on the shower, waited 15 seconds, and stuck her hand in to check the temperature.  It was nice and warm.  ‘Now comes the fun part,’ she thought.  She stepped into the shower facing the stream of water.  So far, so good.  She let her face and hair get wet and then turned around.  For a few seconds, she was paralyzed, it hurt so much.  That was the worst part, though.  She then shampooed her hair, washed, and got out of the shower and dried off.  Between sips of coffee, she dried her hair, got dressed, and put on her makeup.  She carried her coffee into the kitchen, drank the last of it, rinsed the mug, and put it in the dishwasher.  She was ready to leave.  She checked to make sure the bathroom light was off and the coffeemaker was turned off.  She picked up her purse and went out the front door, locking it behind her.

Lindsey unlocked the door to her car and braced herself for the ordeal of getting in and sitting in the driver’s seat.  ‘Man, oh man,’ she thought.  Breathing deeply and evenly, she started the car and was on her way.  Because she was early, traffic was lighter than what she usually encountered when leaving later.  That made the drive time shorter and also lessened the typical stress she had to deal with when traffic was heavy.  She also was able to find a convenient parking place easily.  She waited patiently for several minutes and then heard the sound of a familiar car horn to her left.  Mark was pulling into a parking space three cars away.  He got out and came over to her window.

“Are you ready to go in?” he asked.

“Sure,” Lindsey answered.  “We can go in the building.  We can loiter a little while before going into the courtroom.”

Mark opened the door for her and she got out of the car.  “I saw you wince when you swiveled toward the door.  That bad, huh?”

She looked at him.  “You really poured it on last night,” she said softly.  “You sure know how to hurt a girl, you know that?”  She smiled affectionately.

Mark smiled back at her.  “It’s a talent, I guess.  Too bad I can’t advertise.”

“I wouldn’t want you to do that,” she argued.  “Then I’d have to fight off the competition.  All the spanko girls would line up to sample your wares.”

Mark put his arm around her and they walked into the courthouse.  “Do you want to find a place to sit and wait?” he asked.

“I want to find a place to stand and wait,” Lindsey replied, smiling.

He looked at his watch.  “It’s ten minutes till nine.  Maybe we should go in.”  She nodded in agreement, and they entered the courtroom and found seats near the Plaintiff’s table.  Several people were already present.

Lindsey’s attorney came down the aisle and greeted her, shaking hands with Mark.  He escorted Lindsey to the Plaintiff’s table, where they both sat down.  A minute later, the Defendant and her attorney came down the far aisle and sat at the Defendant’s table.

After 12 minutes, a door near the judge’s bench opened and the bailiff ushered in the jury.  The jurors filed in and took their assigned seats.  The bailiff closed the door and moved to his table.  Two minutes later, he stood and announced loudly, “All rise.”  Everyone in the room rose to his feet as the judge entered and took his place on the bench.  Then everyone again sat.

The judge looked toward the jury and asked, “Madam Foreperson, has the jury reached a verdict?”

Juror number one, a middle-aged woman, stood and said, “We have, Your Honor.”

The judge indicated to the bailiff to get the piece of paper with the verdict written on it from the foreperson and bring it to the judge.  The bailiff did so, the judge read it and handed it back, and the bailiff then returned the paper to the foreperson.

“Madam Foreperson will please read the verdict.”

The Plaintiff, the Defendant, and both attorneys stood for the reading of the verdict.

The Foreperson announced, “We, the Jury, find in favor of the Plaintiff.”

The Judge then asked, “Madam Foreperson, have you assessed damages in this case?”

The Foreperson replied, “We have, Your Honor.  We, the Jury, assess damages in the amount of $50,000 to be awarded to the Plaintiff.”

“I thank the Jury for your service.  You are dismissed,” said the Judge.  “Court is adjourned.”

Lindsey shook her attorney’s hand and then walked to Mark.  They left the courtroom and walked out of the courthouse toward their cars.  Mark said, “This calls for a celebration, even more than your birthday.  We ought to go out to dinner again, with Mindy, Andrea, and Sherry.  Maybe even another celebration spanking.”

“Um, Mark?”  Lindsey looked at him.  “Can it wait a week?”

Spanking story entry #20 : The Resort


Boys and Girls,

The next time I decide to give a whole bunch of stuff away, remind me how long it took to edit and post all the  ‘Spanking Wish’ contest  entries. Wow, you guys and gals can write!


– Dana



“The Resort”   

Looking past the canopy bed, its beautiful peach satin drapes neatly placed over all four posts and towards the babbling creek running throughout property, Karen began imagining herself at The Resort. Not a resort, The Resort.

Every night for the last month Karen pictured herself at a fictional specialized private resort nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains just passed Malibu and only a few miles from its famed Pepperdine University. The Resort she imagined herself at wasn’t a spa or family vacation spot, it was one strictly for adults; adults with a very special kink….spanking. The Resort was an all inclusive spanking venue, a small piece of heaven for the most discerning true spanko.

Hearing the creek babble outside her window, looking out the bedroom balcony sliding glass doors, closing her eyes and wishing as hard as she possibly could, “Please, please, please make The Resort real and my home away from home!” Karen’s eyes closed as she began to drift off to sleep.

Awakening, Karen found her bottom to be sore as she rolled over from her side onto her bared backside. She recognized her own canopy bed and the peach satin draping she’d selected for it two years ago, however, everything else was different. She wasn’t in her condo at all.

Getting out of bed she found herself completely naked, but that’s not how she went to bed. A glimpse in the mirror confirmed her suspension; she’d been spanked. “What the…….?”

A soft plush full length robe and sleepers were set neatly across the arm-less chair in the bedroom. Karen quickly put on the robe, noticing a gold monogram with the initials TR on the upper right side. Sliding on the slippers she began walking towards the door of what most certainly was a small hotel suite, wondering where could she be. Nearing the door to the suite, Karen began to hear familiar sounds, those of a bared bottom being spanked; actually, more like a few bared bottoms being spanked.

Opening the door to confirm her suspicions she found a woman, spread over a man’s lap getting a full and powerful spanking. Little moans of och, ohhhh and apologizes came from the woman. Her legs kicking wildly and her light brown backside was rapidly turning a very bright pink. The man was seated in an arm-less chair identical to the one in Karen’s room. She began looking down the hallway and noticing the art work on the walls, they were all of men and women in various spanking poses and positions; all receiving spankings. This was just as had pictured The Resort in her dreams, exactly what she’d wished for before closing her eyes to sleep.


A few doors down was a fully naked man over the knee of another man and receiving what seemed to be a long hard and extended paddling. Karen was becoming fascinated by the paddling and the man’s near silence, other than a few moans and grunts as his naked bottom took smack and smack. She nearly began to cry, almost feeling the pain he must have been experiencing. Placing her hands over her bottom, Karen began rubbing her sore backside as it seemed to be getting warmer and warmer just from watching two very deliberate spankings.

“How can this be? How can this possibly be?”

“Karen Welten!” A stern voice from the man spanking the woman just outside Karen’s door yelled out.
“What are you doing? I spanked you and put you to bed for the night, but it looks as though you’ve not quite learned your lesson yet, have you young lady?”

Startled Karen shot back, “What are you talking about, and who on earth are you?”

Looking at the spankee draped over his knee the man stopped spanking her, gave her now bright red bottom a few rubs and assisted her off his lap. They smiled at each other.

“Wow David, you’re still the best.” The woman then headed a few doors down the hallway and into a room.

“Karen Welten, you don’t recall being rude and disrespectful towards me and the staff when we arrived?”

“When we arrived? What are you taking about? What’s your name, David?”

David stood up and began walking towards Karen. “I guess you’re being silly now, aren’t you Karen? Okay, I’ll play along. I’m David Sterns Jackson and we’ve been dating for the last six months, as if you didn’t know. Remember our chatting from the Spanking Personal site for nearly 2 months, meeting and hitting it off right away?”

Karen looked puzzled.

“I think this should refresh your memory.” With both a command and gentleness in his action, in what seemed like one quick move, Karen’s robe came up and David had her bent over and secured in his grasp. His hand came down on her exposed bottom with ten quick and commanding smacks to each cheek.

“Now that I have your attention, lets see if I can get your memory back.”

David Sterns Jackson began leading her to the spanking chair and Karen was in full submission, nearly gliding herself across his lap.

“I’m sorry I acted naughty when we arrived, David. I’m sorry for playing that foolish little game with you just now. I won’t act this way again.”

“Well, I’m just going to make sure you don’t, young lady.” His hand began rubbing her bottom as he

viewed the results from that earlier spanking with pride for his skills and a growing excitement from the view of Karen’s bared bottom and her ease in getting right into place.

“You’re going to be here a little while, you under stand that don’t you.”

“Yes, sir.” Her mind was now beginning to wander and a slight bit of embarrassment brushed over her as she lay exposed to anyone who should pass their way. The two men were now standing to the side of David and Karen, with the spanked man dressed in a resort robe, like the one now in a puddle at Karen’s side. David had her in a very modest position, legs together right across his knee. However, he knew very well, when the spanking gets harder and her legs get going she won’t stay that way.

Over and over and over and over David’s hand began to land swat after swat after swat. First a round of ten swats to each cheek and a nice soft rubbing of her soreness. Next a round of twenty to each cheek with more rubbing. As David was beginning the round of thirty to each cheek, Karen could no longer hold herself back and began crying out loud, spreading her legs for all to see her womanhood and kicking profusely. Though it all, David remained on task.

At this time the hallway was filled with resort guest taking in the show David and Karen were providing for them. Some people attempting to move in for a closer view, however, as The Resort rules stated, they were careful not to fully obstruct others.

By the time David assisted Karen off his lap nearly eight minutes had passed. He placed Karen’s head on his chest, allowing her to cry out the pain, embarrassment and joy from her experience.

Kissing him and then beginning assisted into the robe he’d removed from her, Karen began to notice the crowd she managed to have attracted and a bright smile came to her now tear stained face.

“Alright, into the room so I can lotion that sore bottom of yours.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry folks, as you hear I have to go now.” As Karen walked into the mini suite applause began to ring and echo off the walls of the resort.

Story Contest Entry #6 : The Wishing Well




I hope you’re in the mood for more great spanking stories, because here comes another entry for the ‘Spanking Wish’ contest .~~


– Dana




“The Wishing Well”

Anne and Julie ran towards the Outdoor fish pond in the Garden Centre, clutching their Ice Creams, which Julie had just bought for them. As they reached the pond, Julie was still trying to put the change she had been given, away in her purse – as she did so, she dropped a coin in the pond! One of the Coy Carp, tried to investigate, but didn’t like the taste, so spat it out again, where it settled to the bottom of the pond.

As the girls looked down, they saw there were a few other coins there – “I wonder if it’s like a ‘Wishing Well’ said Anne. “I don’t know replied Julie, but I might as well try anyway, you never know…”

“What did you wish for?” asked Anne. “I’m not telling you, or it won’t come true” said Julie, thinking to herself – If only you knew! She had secretly wished to be spanked by an Actor – as she thought vaguely of all the film stars – no one in particular! She knew she would NEVER admit THAT to Julie, who was very “Prim & Proper” underneath her outward bravado!

Just then Julies phone rang, it was her latest boyfriend! She had not had much luck in that area, especially as she was not prepared to have sex before marriage, which most folk she met, seemed to think strange! – Anyway, Ted wanted to take her out for lunch, as he had a bit of extra lunch time from the hospital where he worked in the office – she decided to agree, as Anne would be otherwise engaged by then.

Over lunch, a group of rowdy teenagers came in – Boisterous rather than bad, finished with School, but not yet adult! Ted looked across at them, and remarked “They could do with someone taking them across their knee, and giving them a good Spanking” – Julies ears picked up, and she replied with a question, “Do you believe in Spanking then as a punishment for bad behaviour?” His reply, “Spare the Rod and spoil the child” surprised her – she had heard it somewhere before – but her actual response, was to say “They are hardly ‘Children’ now at their ages!” Ted did not ‘pick up on the implied challenge to his statement!

After the meal, when Ted invited her to spend a little time with him, watching TV in his flat, Julie was cautious! She had not really taken on the Christian Faith, but she HAD gone to Sunday School, and the teaching about the sanctity of marriage had really struck a chord in her heart! She was determined never to have sex, until she was married! So she politely declined, making some excuse about studying with Anne, her flatmate!
They had been going out for about a month, during which she learned he was the son of a clergyman, so she had nothing to fear from him! She also learned that he worked in the administration office of the local hospital (He HAD thought of becoming a nurse, but decided he could still work in the Hospital ‘Admin’ as a more ‘Manly’ occupation!)

When he called her on the Mobile, to invite her for an afternoon with him at home – he had something to tell her – She was delighted and accepted – She felt almost like a school girl again – When she saw him across the road, where they had agreed to meet, she waved, and in a fit of bravado, remembering her wilder days, she “Played Chicken” crossing the road, and nearly got herself run over! (It WAS a bit close, but she got through, and the old exhilaration came back to her, as she proudly ran up to Ted with her arms wide – Then she saw his face! He was White, all the colour drained away! “You Stupid, Stupid Girl” he said, his voice shaking with emotion “You nearly got yourself killed!” – She immediately felt guilty, after all, she was 22 now, and should have had more sense! “I am so sorry” She said “I used to do that all the time when I was at School – and I never got hit!”

Ted’s face began to regain its colour – as he told her “You WILL be sorry, my girl! You will never do that again, I can Promise you!” She felt distinctly nervous, as he took her arm and propelled her to his car, parked in a side street, about 30 yards away! He wasn’t rough with her, but VERY Firm, in a way he never had been before! He was silent during the short drive to the Flat he called ‘Home’. Julie was beginning to feel very uneasy – she had never seen Ted like this before! She had tried to say “I have never done that since School, and I promise…” Ted cut her short, as he quite curtly told her “We will discuss this when we get home!” After that she had remained silent too.

When they got in the flat (Still in silence, which was becoming ominous) Ted closed the curtains (His window was overlooked from across the road!) then he placed a Dining room chair (no arms) in the centre of the room, and sat down on it! He called her towards him, in a firm voice that brooked no nonsense: “Now we are going to talk about this” – She stood in front of him, and he took her hands, as he went on “As a child and teenager, we were very rarely spanked,” Julies eyes widened, in real fear at the mention of spanking! Ted continued “but when we were, it meant that we had done something really bad” – “Please, NOT that” said Julie in desperation! Ted ignored her and went on “and the consequences were something we would never forget!”

Julie was almost stunned when Ted pulled her round, and firmly forced her over his Knees – She hardly noticed when he removed her skirt, to largely expose her bottom! He started to slap the cheeks of her backside, quite hard – in a way, she knew that she had always wanted this – but the reality was NOT exactly what she had dreamed of – it HURT!, then the real indignity – he pulled her Knickers all the way down! She brought her feet up, in a vain effort to prevent losing them completely, but that just made it easier! She was SO ashamed! She vaguely heard Ted say “This is only the start! You are really going to learn your lesson today – NEVER to take risks like that again – Do you understand? NEVER!” All this time the Spanking was getting harder! Then he stopped, stroked her bottom (How was she to know he was really checking on any swelling from the spanking so far!)
Ted reached under the Chair, and Julie looked over her shoulder, only to see Ted had the biggest Hairbrush she had ever seen! Where on Earth did THAT come from, she wondered? Her thoughts were broken by the explosion of pain in her right buttock, as the hairbrush found its mark! The Agony! She thought her bottom was about to burst! She wriggled frantically, but he had her tight, but she WAS aware that her struggles had only resulted in a FAR greater exposure than she had expected – everything was visible, yet she could do nothing to stop it – The embarrassment and the pain just opened the floodgates of her tears – She was sobbing her heart out! And still it just seemed to go on and on!

Finally, it came to an end, and she just lay there, just too exhausted, physically and emotionally to move! The Wracking sobs had reduced to a quiet, gasping, flow of tears! She noticed Ted was again stroking her tender behind – but this time it was a tender, comforting caressing! After a short while Ted helped her to her feet, and round to the other side of his legs, as he sat her gently down on his knees! As he gently hugged her to himself, he said “You deserve Corner time, but as we are not yet related – I will spare you that humiliation!” It took Julie quite some time, before she even realized the presence of that little word “yet”…

She began to sit up and take notice; it had been an incredible experience – Not at all what she had imagined! She was still naked from the waist downwards! She looked sharply at him, but there was not a trace of lewdness in his eyes, which were slightly moist – showing the depth of his concern. She gave him a hug (She never really knew why?) and he responded with a gentle kiss on her cheek, before she got up to collect her clothes to get dressed again!

While she did so, Ted busied himself putting the chair away, with his back to her, as she re-dressed – She said nothing, but appreciated this simple courtesy.

The whole thing was clearly over, the relationship was restored, and Ted began to ask her if she would come to the theatre some time? He told her he was a Member of an amateur Dramatic Society, and last night, was his FIRST time as Lead Actor in a Play they were doing that week – At a venue that liked to encourage new talent! All at once she remembered her wish! Seemed her wish was granted, but in a way that was infinitely better than she could ever have dreamed…

Sin City Spanks Story : Chapter Twelve


Here’s a great entry to the Sin City Spanks story contest : “Chapter Twelve” by miss Randy Lee. Enjoy!

–  Dana

by Randy Lee

It was seven o’clock in the evening. The bright desert sun was still showing plenty of strength on this May evening. The congenial group of four women strolled down the sidewalk of the Las Vegas Strip leaning close to whisper humorous snippets in each other’s ears. Their laughs and giggles blended into the conversations and loud laughter of other groups on the sidewalk. Dotty, Hope, Lynette, and Pam had just graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in their home state of Texas and had come to Las Vegas to celebrate. Having spent four years preparing to take their places in society, focusing on different subjects before concentrating their efforts in their various major fields of study, it was agreed that this was a time for letting their collective hair down, figuratively speaking. Since their high school days, each girl’s educational pursuit had demanded a regimented life both inside and outside her classrooms. Now that their respective scholastic goals had been achieved, they were here to paint the town red! Hope began moving a little ahead of the others and approached the door of a Las Vegas business establishment. On it were the letters SPA in elaborate script style.
She turned to her friends, regarded them with a wide grin, and gestured toward the door. “This is it, girls,” she announced.
The other three women froze in their tracks, their faces showing disbelief. “Wait just a dadgum minute,” Lynette protested. “We’re supposed to be going to a casino. You know, as in gambling? We can go to a spa back home anytime we want, without shelling out all those bucks for airfare.”
“Okay, calm down, Lyn. This is a casino, I promise,” Hope assured her.
“So you’ve been here before?” Pam asked.
“Twice,” Hope confirmed. “My ex-boyfriend brought me here near the end of our junior year, and I came back last Christmas vacation to do some exploring by myself. I had a blast! I’ll bet y’all are gonna love it.”
“Oh, yeah?” This from Pam. “Whatta you bet?”
“We’ll discuss it later,” Hope replied, a hint of mystery in her voice.
“Hmmh!” Pam grunted skeptically.
Dotty, the quiet member of the group, and Lynette were unmoved—literally—from their positions alongside Pam.
Hope decided some coaxing was in order. “Awww, c’mon, y’all! What’s life without a little suspense and drama?”
“Oh, all right,” Pam conceded. She turned to her skeptical buddies and suggested, “Let’s go see what this ‘spa’ is all about.”
Hope pulled the door open and held it for the other three. They trooped in for a distance of about five feet and again were brought up short. Hope watched the three newcomers take in the room’s beautiful decor. There was furniture of rich, dark hardwood and upholstery in equally rich red and gold velvet and brocade. Satin treatments adorned mock windows. No source of water was evident, and no scent of either chlorine or massage oil rankled the nose. No people were evident, either. Not another soul occupied the exquisitely appointed room.
Dotty murmured, “This isn’t like any spa I ever saw before.”
Lynette echoed her observation and added, “Or casino, either.”
“It’s different, I’ll admit,” Hope acknowledged. “Well, come along. Let’s get this party started. I’ll show you the fun room where the gambling happens.”
She led her companions in the direction of a door which bore the letters NKO. As they approached, the sound of a ball hopping on a spinning roulette wheel could be heard. There was also the distinct click of a cue ball striking racked balls on a pool table. Hope pressed a button on the wall beside the door. The four women heard no sound, but a voice from a speaker above them said, “Identify.”
Hope spoke plainly, “Hope M. 7239.”
“Enter,” the voice said. A buzzer sounded, and Hope pushed the door open. A tall man wearing a red polo shirt tucked into black trousers stood guard at the door. He motioned the women to come in, glanced quickly beyond them in all directions, and closed the door. He gestured to an electronic scanner next to him and ordered, “Handprint.” Hope laid her right hand flat on the glass surface of the machine and held still. A light moved back and forth under the glass twice and then went out. A beep sounded, and the man said, “Okay.” Hope looked at him. He nodded, she removed her hand, and he indicated with a slight movement of his head that the four could move about the room freely.
As they walked farther into the room, Pam noted sarcastically, “That guy’s a real chatterbox.”

Continue reading “Sin City Spanks Story : Chapter Twelve”

‘The New Toy’ : Future Spank story

Short, sweet, and powerful, I think you’re going to like ‘The New Toy’ – another entry in the Future Spank story contest.

– Dana

The new toy


My eyes flickered open to the red glow of the morning sun. I rubbed my eyes as usual and stretched. A familiar voice greeted me. “Good morning Ms Anderson. Here is your morning coffee and newspaper. I took the liberity of downloading all of the morning news and events that you usually follow. Would you like your morning update?”  I declined and just held out my hand. Robert, my 6000 series, handed me the digital file.  As I plugged it into my digitizer the morning briefing came online.


There was no bad news today as like every other day. It is so much better then it was before. No  rape, no murder and no one being murdered. The new robots took care of that. They were quite good and  were almost indistinguishable from humans. Their only flaw logic.  Emotion is something that can not be programmed in.


As I sat and thought about the days task my mind kept wondering. The new 6000 series was supposed to follow every command. They were made to keep their owners satisfied in every way possible.  They were even able to respond and react to sexual pleasure and tonight I was going to test out how well they would respond to something else. I wanted him to give me the spanking of my life. It wasn’t because I was punishing myself or because I had done something wrong, The digitizer located behind my left ear made sure of that.  I was just because I liked it.  There was something about being bent over over by him that I had fantasized about.  I sat down at my computer and I put together several files for me to upload into his system.  I knew once I uploaded everything there was no going back.


The ride to the office was the same boring thing.  Cars were fitted with magnetic pulsars  and roads were polarized differently . They took the same technology from a old bullet train that rode on magnetic rails and implemented them into cars.  Getting rid of pollution and the need for fuel all  together.  The office was just about as boring. The one good thing here was that everyone was still human.  I liked running the leading software company in the world. Everyday I get to face challenges that that is what I liked but today  my mind was not in it and the day just seemed to drag on.



When I arrived home Robert was not there to greet me as usual.  I called for him but he didnt answer. I figured he must be charging.  I hung up my bad and placed my shoes next to the door and started to walk inside When all of a sudden I felt a hand grab my arm.  I turned around in shock to see that it was Robert.  I struggled against him but it was useless.  I might as well have been an kitten trying to escape. He led me to the bedroom and pulled me across his lap. In less then a second my skirt and panties were torn off.  Then it landed,  the first hit.  It felt like fire had torn across my ass and I flinched and tried to get away but it was useless. Blow after blow  his hand landed  first the right cheek then the left. There was no area that was being missed.  I continued to struggle but it was in vane. Tears were streaming down my face  and I pleaded with him to stop. My pleas were only answered by another blow. Before I knew it my struggling had turned into grinding as the blows came faster and faster. I reached my peak  and as I lay drenched and crying across his lap the blows  stopped. He gently lifted me up and began to caresses my face.  I folded into his arms and sobbed quietly. Thank you Robert I needed that. Now delete all files.


Then end.

‘The Errant Robot’ : Future Spank entry



Here’s another fine entry to the Future Spank story contest, which garnered a LOT of really creative writing. Enjoy ‘The Errant Robot’.

–  Dana




Colin woke up with a start.


He looked at his bedside clock and swore silently under his breath. He was late, very late. Darn that maid, he thought angrily as he swung quickly out of bed.  He had planned to get into work early today. In fact he needed to.


He hurried though the vizi-screen that was showing a tropical beach scene and straight into the kitchen.


His Maidbot Lysette was standing, or rather frozen, in position by the kitchen counter. A large wooden spoon was held in one hand over a bowl she had obviously been ready to stir.


Lysette was dressed as a nineteenth century French maid. High heel, black court shoes, black stockings with lacy white garters, a black uniform with a frilly edged apron and a matching lace cap on her head. Colin lifted up the back of her skirt and was tempted to fire a hard fast slap against her silky black knickers with white lacy ruffles. But what was the point she wouldn’t feel a thing… yet! He Pushed his thumb in the small of her back and a compartment opened ejecting a small cylindrical object. Her battery. He put it in a charging unit and selected another that was ready and replaced it. Lysette immediately straightened up and turned round, a blush creeping into her porcelain cheeks.


She had rosebud lips painted crimson, deep brown eyes and tumbling her that fell past her shoulders and framed her impressive cleavage. Her lips trembled.


“I am sorry, Sir. I got distracted I didn’t realise my charge was so low.’


Colin pointed at the clock orb. ‘I am going to be late now. And I told you how important it was to wake me this early.’


‘I ‘m sorry. It won’t happen again.’


‘Hand me the spoon bend, over the table and present your bottom.’


‘Please, Sir. Not the spoon. Her lower lip trembled.’


‘It was going to be six, each buttock now it will be twelve.’


‘Lysette hurried over to the old fashioned kitchen table, bent over it and flipped up her skirt. Presenting her gloriously, womanly, curvy bottom. The silky panties  stretched tight.


Colin ran a hand over the smooth wonder of it, wishing he had more time.


‘Panties down, he barked.’


‘Lysette lowered her panties. Revealing the creamy magnificence of her splendid cheeks, kept modestly together.’




The spoon landed on her right buttock. She yelped but only just. She knew if she wriggled or cried out too loudly the punishment would be increased.


‘Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!


Lysette squirmed fighting to keep her thighs together. Colin stood back to admire his handiwork. The ivory perfection of her plump buttock had been pained with a red as deep as a fairy tale rose. He ran his hand over her bottom again feeling the heat rising.


‘This is just the start he said. The real punishment will be tonight I expect you to have the implements ready.


‘Yes, Sir,’ said Lysette tremulously and then gasped as the spoon landed again.


‘Thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack!!!’


The spanks sounded like pistol shots as Colin cracked the spoon hard down on each buttock.’


‘Lysette’s knees buckled and her hands flew to rub her sore bottom before she realised what she was doing.’


‘Hands away!’ barked Colin.


Lysette moved her hand away and this time Colin spanked the spoon hard three times on the top of each thigh.


The maid squealed unable to hold it back and Colin smiled as he looked down on her wriggling derriere.


Stay there till I have gone,’ he said. ‘And get the items ready for my return.’


He lingered for a moment, excited at the sight of her quivering flesh and then dashed off to the roto-shower.




Ten minutes later he was in the transporter bubble seated across from a tall red head. She was dressed, like most of them in the bubble in a proton body suit, that did nothing much to conceal the outlines of her figure. She had a haughty look about her and Colin fantasised for a moment or two about taking a wooden spoon to her haughty bottom too. But then crossed his legs and looked away. He was late, far too late. He clutched the documents case he held to his chest and hoped his boss would be in at her normal time.


Some minutes later and Colin exited the transport bubble and walked through the security scanning field at the entrance to The Museum of Old Things in New Las Vegas.


The droids at the other side of the field nodded to him and he hurried down the long marble corridor to his office. The plaque on the door read ‘Colin Freemantle 20th Century Archivist.’ Still clutching his document case he hurried in.

His secretary Anjelica Buns looked up to him as he entered. She was a small woman but very curvy. Many the days that Colin had dreamed of having her over his lap. Squirming as he took an old fashioned hairbrush to her plumptious cheeks.  But things being as they were and the law being what it was he had to settle for dominating her in more subtle ways. Being her boss had its perks in lots of ways and if his excitement was only acted out in his imagination it was a very powerful imagination and Lysette would get the benefit. If not for her!


He hurried over to his desk to get his security key when Anjelica Buns called out.




‘What is it? I am busy!’ he snapped back.


‘The Libratix wants to see you.’


Colin’s heart raced and his face paled. ‘Do you know what she wants?’ he asked.


‘Something to do with administration, she said.’


Colin relaxed and sighed relieved. ‘Okay he said. I’ll be back in a bit. Get me a cup of coffee ready.’


He hurried out the door, slipping his security key into his pocket and holding his document case tightly is his hand.


He knocked on the door further down the corridor from his office. His Boss. The Libratix. Lana Dane.




Colin pushed the door open and walked into his Boss’s office. IT was decorated very much n Old World Style. Wooden floors, expensive rugs and drapes, a large antique desk upon which Lana Dane leaned against.


She was a tall woman in very good shape. She was dressed in black and had shiny, jet black cropped hair. Her lipstick was the same shade of red as his Maidbot and Colin felt his heart race again. She was dressed in Old World style too, shiny, black leather high heeled pumps, an above the knee skirt, a crisp, pure white blouse and a black jacket. Colin couldn’t help but imagine she had stockings on under the skirt and moved his document case in front of himself.


‘I need to talk to you, Colin,’ she said. Her voice confident, authoritarian but as smooth as the silk of the panties he imagined she was wearing.


‘Yes, Ma’am,’ he replied. ‘Angle said it was something about administration?’


‘Indeed it is. Administration such a flexible word don’t you find?’


‘I guess.’ Colin shrugged. Seemed a pretty boring word to him. That was what secretaries were for after all. Administration and filing.


Dana Lane pushed a button on her wristcom and Colin heard the lock behind him close.


‘Something has come to my attention Colin.’


Colin felt his throat constrict, his mouth suddenly dry. ’Some filing issues,’ he asked.


‘No Colin. Not filing. Things that should have been kept in secure files that have been taken out.’


‘What do you mean?’ he stammered.


‘Bring that document case over here and put the contents on my desk.’


‘These are personal papers.’


‘I can get the security droids up here and alert the Moral Guardians if you prefer.’ She replied.


Colin felt his world slipping under his feet as he walked over to her desk.’


‘Please…’ he started to beg.


‘Do it now!’ She barked the order and Colin, with shaking hands undid the case and put the magazines on her desk.’


‘And what have we here?’


‘Err… I am not sure. I was just doing some research.’


‘English spanking magazines from the Nineteen seventies and eighties!’ said Lana Dane. ‘Magazines that are prohibited and a crime to be in possession of and should be kept under secure lock and key in the archives.’


Colin felt his face redden as much as the blush he had brought to his Maidbot’s cheeks.  ‘I can explain…’ he started to say but the Libratix held up her hand.


‘There is no need to explain I have been told everything.’ She picked up the magazines. Janus. Februs. Martinet. All with pictures and photos of women being spanked and caned. Some in maids outfits, some as school girls, some just naked, baring their bottoms immodestly. Lana opened one of the magazines and showed Colin the picture and if his face was red before… it was crimson now.


‘What are you g.g. going to do?’ he stuttered.


‘Like I say, Colin,’ she smiled as she put the magazine back on her desk. ‘It’s a question of administration.’


Colin inward sighed with relief again. If it was demotion he could live with that. He didn’t want to go to prison.


‘I’ll do anything!’ he said.


‘Oh you don’t have to do anything,’ Lana laughed.


‘What do you mean?’


‘It will me who will be giving the administration.’ She pushed her wristcom once more and the door opened and Anjelica Buns walked in, her rosy cheeks smiling and handed Dana Lane a small suitcase.


‘Now you have a decision to make, Colin,’ said the Libratix, ‘You can accept my rulings or you can be taken to the Morality Guardians, your choice.’


‘I’ll do anything you say,’ said Colin.


‘Good,’ replied Dana and handed him the case.


‘Get changed into these. I’ll be back in twenty minutes, I want you bent over the desk and ready for me.’


‘Yes, boss,’ he replied.


Dana Lane slapped him hard across the face and he reeled with shock.  ‘Get it right!’


‘Yes, Ma’am?’ he tried.


She slapped him hard again. ‘Do better!’


Colin spluttered, his mind in a whirl. ‘Yes, Mistress he said.’


Dana Lane smiled, revealing perfectly shaped, beautifully white teeth. ‘It’s going to be a long lesson for you. Come along Angelica,’ she said to Colin’s PA the boy needs to ready himself.


Colin heard the door close behind him and then opened the case and gasped with shock at what he saw inside. It was a nineteenth century’s maid outfit, complete with a curly dark wig, stockings and shoes. Almost identical to his Maidbot’s Lysette’s outfit.



Ten minutes later and Colin was dressed. Shoes, stockings, suspenders, the maids outfit and the wig on. He had smoothed his hands over his own now silky clad bottom and was surprised how pleasing it was and how excited it made him. He bent over the table and waited nervously. He had a guess of the kind of administration that was coming to him but he had no ideas of what manner and his heart raced nervously in anticipation of it. He didn’t have to wait long.




‘Remain in that position and put your bottom out!’


The crisp tones of Dana Lane, Libratix of the Museum of Old thing in New Las Vegas , voice was unmistakeable. There was a giggle as he raised his bottom that he could not recognise and his cheeks crimsoned once more as he realised it was not just Dana in the room. His face cheeks were crimsoned but not as much as his other cheeks were going to.


‘’Lift the skirt and show us your panties, Girl!’ she continued.


Colin’s cheeks were aflame now as he did as he was ordered.


‘Very pretty panties,’ said Dana. ‘So before the administration begins I think a new name for you don’t you.’


‘I suppose,’ said Colin shrugging confusedly and then yelped with pain as a searing pain flared across his bottom.


‘I beg your pardon?’


‘I mean yes, Mistress.’


‘Well Colin, I think you will be Cecily from now on. Anjelica go round and hold Cecily’s hands as she stretches them across the desk.’

Another swipe and Colin felt the same searing pain bite into each buttock.


‘Stretch them out!’


Colin quickly did as he was told, his face burning with shame as he saw Anjelica’s amused face as she took hold of his hands and held them in a surprisingly strong grip.


‘Now I think we want to have those panties down, don’t you Cecily?’


‘Yes Mistress,’ Colin gasped although he didn’t sound too happy.


‘In fact I think we’ll have them right off. Why don’t you have the pleasure my dear?’


Colin felt a cool pair of hands run over his bottom and then a giggle as the panties were lowered revealing two welts beginning to form on his pale bottom.


‘Now give him six each cheek with this,’ said Dana Lane.


Crack! Colin yelped as each stinging shot landed on his already sore buttocks.


‘Can you tell what the implement is?’ asked the Libratix.


‘A paddle?’ gasped Colin and then yelped again as a swish landed across his  flaming backside.


‘A paddle what?!”


‘A paddle, Mistress,’ Colin could barely speak and tears were beginning to form in his eyes.


‘Wrong! Six more each side and then three each upper thigh. And if you squirm too much, Cecily. We will start again.’


The spanks came down hard and fast and Colin fought hard not to squirm, Anjelica Buns held his hands tight as he wriggled and squealed.


‘Show him the item,’ said Dana Lane derriere as the final spank landed.


Colin gasped as a wooden spoon was put on the table. His own wooden spoon that he had disciplined his Maidbot with only that very morning.


‘That’s right, Cecily. Lysette acted like a good citizen and informed me of the items that you had taken from the archive. But more importantly items you had stolen from other departments. Lay them on the table for me please, dear.’


Lysette stepped around the table and Colin gasped again, his maid was now dressed in a figure hugging plasto-suit in shiny black. High heeled and with a satisfied smile on her face as she lay the antique implements on the table:  a leather boudoir paddle from London Tanners, an English riding crop and a Scottish two-tailed strap.


Colin swallowed hard, dreading what was to follow but relieved that there was one item missing. ‘Please…’ he began.


‘You do not speak until given permission so to do! Is that understood Cecily?’


Colin’s bottom quivered as much as his bottom lip trembled. ‘Yes, Mistress.’


‘Good. Well it is time to begin the proper administration. Lysette why don’t you swop places with Anjelica, and Anjelica pick an implement and begin his lesson. Eighteen hard on each side. Anjelica grinned broadly as Colin’s Maidbot grasped his hands firmly and picked up the boudoir paddle. It was heavy leather with a metal interior and she slapped it happily in her hand. Then walked around the desk.


‘You told me to prepare the implements…’ Lysette was about to say sir, but caught her self and smiled widely… ‘Cecily. I do hope they are to your liking.’




Colin gasped again as the searing heat flared once more in his aching rear. He had noticed that his secretary had a strong grip and felt the power as every stroke landed. One buttock to the next. Crack! Crack! Crack!


He had never known such agony like it he had to bite his tongue to stop crying out for mercy. But he knew such pleas would be met with more punishment. Goodness knows he had done the same to his Maidbot often enough even knowing she felt the pain every bit as much as he was now.


The women swopped places again and the paddle was followed by the tawse. His Maidbot giggled as every swat landed on his apple red and blistering bottom. And then Anjelica took her turn again with the English riding crop every swipe feeling like a bee sting and rising little welts on his now purpling posterior.


Finally the last, eighteenth swipe of the crop landed and Colin gasped with relief. He had genuinely been punished to tears and he sobbed, so very, very glad it was over.


Except it wasn’t.’


‘Well I hope you have learned your lesson Cecily?’ asked Dana Lane.


‘Yes please. I have. I really have.’ He begged through his tears.


‘Stand up, turn round and face me.’ Lysette the Maidbot released Colin’s hands and he stood up, his head giddy, his knees weak and turned round and gasped in surprise. His boss, Lana Dane, the Libratix of the Museum of Old Things New Las Vegas, had removed her jacket shirt and skirt. Her magnificent legs were sheathed in gloriously silky, black stockings. She had an old fashioned basque on in matching black with a 1940’s style conical bra and black knickers. He recognised it from the La Maitresse range from a an English company back in the twenty first century. La Maitresse being French for The Mistress of course. And for a moment he forgot the burning agony of his beaten bottom and felt his heart beating with excitement again.


‘Hands down, Cecily!’ barked the Libratix and Colin swiftly moved his hands to cover his immodesty. And then he saw what she was holding in her hand. The item he thought that had been missed. A very rare cane-iac, two foot long Lexan cane that he had stolen from the ancient artefacts warehouse. Made in acrylic and he knew just how much it stung. Not from first hand experience of course but on the rare times he had thrashed the beautifully wobbling bottom of his Maidbot. Had admired the beautiful welts it raised in her porcelain cheeks and took delight in her tears and yelps as every cut of the cane landed.


He wasn’t so pleased to see it now.


‘Eyes down, Cecily!’ said Dana Lane, I just got comfortable so I can swing the cane more easily. Now turn round and bend over the desk. Your hands won’t be held and you are to receive eighteen strokes. If you move position we will start again. Now get over and put your bottom in the air!’


Colin felt he was almost ready to faint. He bent over the desk once more and flipped up the maid’s skirt he was wearing and lifted his bottom, helped by his very high heels, a bottom that was welted and purpled and already very well sore.


Swish! The lexan cane landed on his proudly presently posterior and he yelped like his maid had squealed many times before, but this time the sound of his yelping brought no pleasure to him.


Again and again the cane swiped down on his quivering bottom. It was a baptism of fire. He had never felt such agony, never felt such humiliation as he heard his secretary and his Maidbot laugh as every swishing slash landed on his cherry red cheeks.


Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen! Colin’s knees quivered and shivered and he gulped in air as the tears ran down his face. He was glad he hadn’t moved. He honestly didn’t think he could face much more even if it did mean an appearance before the Moral Guardians. He knew the women would back each other and even his Maidbot’s evidence would be taken into account.


‘Up Cecily and go and stand in the corner!’ said Dana Lane.


Colin did as he was instructed.


‘You may rub your bottom, Cecily’ the Libratix whispered in his ear.


Colin thankfully did as he was allowed.


‘Now take this and hold it by your nose to the wall, and if it falls to the floor in the next eighteen minutes you will be caned the same again!’


Colin took the coin. It was as a twenty first century gambling token from old Las Vegas. He placed it and held it to the wall with his nose. Begging beyond hope it didn’t  fall.


As the ladies behind him chatted and laughed, and he focused on the coin, he realised that the feeling in his bottom was now a pleasant one and the whole sensation of being punished and exposed was maybe more exciting than he thought it would be. And as his thoughts dwelt on that he moved his hands forward, mindful of Miss Lana’s commands on modesty, and pressed his nose harder into the wall.




Colin closed his ipad, a blushing flush creeping over his cheeks as the door opened and Angel walked into the reception room.


‘So, Colin. I gather you like my bottom?’ she said.


Colin’s blush deepened. Angel was a curvy figured, young woman, with blonde hair, cornflower blue eyes, as American as apple pie and with a derriere he could only dream of laying his hand upon.


‘’Well I…’ Colin stammered.


‘Never mind,’ Angel interrupted. ‘Miss Dana Kane liked your story and she will see you now.’


Angel gestured to the door with a knowing smile. ‘Sometimes It’s best to be careful for what you wish for!’ she said.


Colin walked to the door nervously as Angel chuckled holding the paddle, unseen by him, behind her back.

‘Bottom to the Future’ : A Future Spank story entry



Enjoy this great Future Spank contest entry, written by a sweet girl who calls herself Randy Lee – I did.

–  Dana



Bottom to the Future


On a sunny Tuesday, Kim sits at an outdoor table at a café in a suburb of Dallas.  She taps the edge of her palmtop computer to turn the page of the newspaper she’s reading.  The early afternoon sun glints off the windows of the silver monorail cars as the train rounds a curve on its approach to the stop in front of the café.  When the train is still, Kim’s friend Monica emerges from a monorail car and waves as she walks toward her.  Kim stands up and hugs her friend in greeting.

“Have you ordered yet?” Monica asks as the two women sit down.

“No, I was waiting for you,” Kim replies.  “I’m not in any hurry today.  Elroy is doing some psychology research at the library, and Jeremy is meeting a friend at the fitness center for some weight training and racquetball after work.  I don’t need to have supper ready until 7 o’clock.”

“I have a leisurely day, too,” says Monica, touching some of the areas of the menu screen built into the table as she decides on a lunch selection.  “Morgan and her friend Emery are going to have a cram session for an upcoming exam in their mental disorders class.  They’re going for a swim workout at the natatorium and then stopping for Chinese takeout on the way to Emery’s house.  Morgan’s spending the night there.  They have a pretty good study system with their combination of exercise, nutrition, and mental activity.  And sleep.  They have instructions to be in bed with lights out at 11:00 p.m.  Both of them get good grades.  Emery’s parents are as proud of her as Keith and I are of Morgan.  And I know Elroy ranks pretty high in his class at the university.”

“Yes, he does keep his grades up,” Kim agrees.  “Sometimes I wonder how he does it, with chess, Space Cadets, and the other activities he’s been involved in.  We’ve instilled in him for years that his course work is more important most of the time.  We started teaching him in 6th grade that if he begins to have trouble with his grades or getting enough sleep, extra activities will be removed.  His schooling is his “job,” and his grades are his paycheck.  Activities outside of schoolwork are frills, and frills can easily fall by the wayside.  He knows we’re not kidding.  It was the rule in junior high, then high school, and now at the university.”

Monica peruses the menu and decides on her meal.  She and Kim spend a few seconds ordering from the touch-screen menu.

Kim sighs, a faraway—but satisfied—expression on her face.  “How did we wind up with such well-behaved, responsible children?” she asks rhetorically.

“You just said it,” Monica points out.  “You’ve trained Elroy for years, disciplining him to focus on his schoolwork.”  She pauses, a thoughtful look on her face.  “But specifically, how did you and Jeremy accomplish

this discipline?”

Kim’s gaze darts rapidly, randomly, in several different directions.  She looks ill at ease.  “Well,” she begins, “I’m uncomfortable admitting this, but we used spanking.  Just a smack or two on the backside.  I would use my hand when he was a little fella, and Jeremy would use his belt starting when Elroy was about six.  It was the event, not the severity, that was effective.  Jeremy would tell Elroy he was going to give him a whipping, and explain why.  Elroy would just say, ‘Yes, sir.  I know I deserve it.’  Jeremy would take his belt off, make Elroy bend over and put his hands on the bed, and swat him twice with his belt.  Then Elroy would thank his father for the punishment and for caring enough to shape his behavior.  I don’t think Jeremy has whipped him since he was eight or nine.  Now, there have been a few times some years back when we’ve taken away his communication device for three days, but Elroy says essentially the same thing, thanking me or his father for punishing him and for helping him develop responsibility and self-discipline.  I imagine we’re the only parents in the Cosmoplex who have used such primitive methods of child-rearing.”

“Probably not the only ones,” Monica counters, “but you have to admit it’s way out of style.  For children, at least.”

Kim chuckles.  “Right:  for children.”  We know a lot more about the style for adults,” she says, grinning.

Monica laughs out loud.  “That we do, Kim.”

Three electronic pings signal the emergence of two miniature helicopters from a rectangular opening near the top of a portion of the building that is shaped like a small silo.  Each tiny aircraft homes in on the table, waits for the women to lean back to make room, and lands gracefully on the touch-screen menu that corresponds with the helicopter’s “cargo.”

Kim and Monica remove their respective food orders from the rigid baskets beneath the aircraft, the helicopters return to the delivery portal, and the women eat in silence for a couple of minutes.

Kim then asks, “What techniques have you and Keith used with Morgan?”

Monica considers the question as she chews and swallows her current bite of sandwich.  “Keith and I have relied on the practice of using time-outs with Morgan ever since she was a toddler.  At first, I would sit with her and make sure she stayed seated in her chair.  I would set the timer for two minutes, and she wasn’t allowed out of the chair until the timer sounded and I said she could get up.  I would talk with her about what she did, why she was being punished, and how she could behave better.  When she was a little older, we used a clock, and that’s how she learned to tell time.  I won’t say she enjoyed time-outs, but we made it a learning experience in addition to being a discipline technique.  Morgan was never spanked until she was 18.  No, wait:  She was 19.  She told us she was going one place and we learned she actually went with a friend to a concert Keith and I had said she could not attend.  Keith put her in the Hidetanner for ten minutes, set at 30.  She tried to be stoic, but it got the best of her, and she was crying before six minutes had passed.  Her behind was bright pink.  Afterwards, she apologized to us for disobeying our instructions and for lying about it.  Then she told us that several things the musicians did during the concert were in poor taste and that she knew we had been correct in not allowing her to go.  She assured us that she had learned not only that disobedience and lying would not be tolerated, but also that she realized our judgment and decisions were wise and were in her best interests.  That was two years ago, and she hasn’t given us any reason to repeat that punishment.”

“I should say not,” Kim agreed.  “Ten minutes at the 30 level for a newbie would be pretty rough.”  Of course, you and I do 50 and 60 routinely, and for way more than ten minutes.”

“Well, of course we do, but both of us are used to it.  Besides, we like it, but Morgan does not.  She definitely isn’t ‘one of us.’  I’ll tell you, though, I wasn’t used to what Keith did last week.”  Monica paused, her brow knit as she recalled the event.  “I had been at the regular Tuesday meeting of the Hydroponic Society and stayed to talk to a couple of other members.  I lost track of time, supper was late, and Keith was quite angry.  As usual, he didn’t raise his voice, but what it lacked in volume it more than made up for in intensity.  He told me I was going to be punished in the Hidetanner, and he really let me have it.  He set it high and timed it long.  He wasn’t joking, and it wasn’t funny.  He stood there the whole time and talked to me, lecturing me.  I wish he had just left me alone and let me cry in peace.  It still hurts, and that was eight days ago.  Sometimes he can be so demanding and domineering.  I don’t like being treated like a slave.  He and I need to have a talk about that.”

Kim looks concerned.  “Do you think that will make him angry?”

“Oh, no,” Monica asserts.  “He isn’t thin-skinned.  Conversation doesn’t make him angry.  We can have a good conversation about subjects we disagree on.  Most of the time, we come to some kind of agreement, at least in principle.  But Keith doesn’t like rules broken and he doesn’t like the routine disrupted for no good reason.  Now, if there’s a good reason, that’s never a problem.  We all know things can happen.  You know, monorail delays, traffic jams, those kinds of unforeseen circumstances.  However, thoughtlessness is always a problem, even when he’s guilty of it.  He’s been known to put himself in the Hidetanner.”

“Speaking of which,” Kim interjects, “how do you think the Hidetanner compares with the Spankocert you and Keith used to have?”

“It’s more rigorous than our Spankocert GX2 was,” Monica replies.  “Well, that machine was four years old, so you can understand it didn’t have the kick it had when it was new.  The Hidetanner can do a really good job of covering a large area, but it can also be set to concentrate on the same spot over and over.  And it can deliver the side wrap I’m sometimes in the mood for.  Yours is a Spankocert GX4, right?”

“Yes,” Kim confirms.  “I like it, but I’m interested in trying yours, just to see what it might do differently.  Maybe it does some things better.”

“I’d be glad to let you try it out.  How about at our party on Friday of next week.  You and Jeremy are planning to come, aren’t you?” Monica asks.

“You bet.  We wouldn’t miss it.  We always have a great time at the parties.  Are a lot of people going to be there?”

“About 20, if everyone comes who E-plied.  Several people are going to bring their frames, benches, and even some machines,” Monica notes.  “And, of course, the toys their machines use.”

Kim registered surprise.  “There are machines light enough to be portable?”

“Oh, yes,” Monica confirms.  “Dawn and Josh have one.  I’m eager to see it in action.”

Kim looks at her wrist phone.  “Will you look at the time!  I need to be getting home.”  She touches an icon at the top of the menu screen to display the cost of her meal, and Monica follows suit.  Near the center of the table at each woman’s place, a block 8 centimeters square rises from the surface of the table disclosing an opening in the block resembling a mouth ready to eat money.  As each woman inserts her money, the block calculates the change, deposits it on the table, and lowers back into the surface of the table.

Kim and Monica gather their belongings, stand up, and hug.  “There’s my ride,” Kim says, spying a monorail train moving closer toward the restaurant station.

Monica walks with her to the platform, saying, “Mine should be the next one, in about five minutes.

Kim boards one of the cars.  Monica awaits her train, smiling in anticipation of the party.



Ten Days Later


“Keith!” Monica calls.  “Did you get the tables and chairs set up on the patio?”

“Yes,” he answers.  Everything’s ready for the guests.  Do you want me to put out the trays that are on the kitchen table?”

“Yes, please.  That much is done, and all that’s left is the beverage and ice dispensers.”

Got ’em, Keith says. He retrieves the drink dispenser and an ice dispenser from a closet off the patio, where they had been waiting, primed.

The doorbell rings.  Monica goes to the door and opens it to usher in six guests, all talking at once.  With everyone being in a “Friday mood,” smiles and cheerfulness abound.

“Come on in, y’all,” Monica invites.  “Make yourselves at home in the living room, out on the patio, or wherever you’re comfortable.”

The guests move to different areas, talking among themselves or going to the patio to greet Keith.

Another ring of the doorbell is heard, and one of the new arrivals definitely makes himself at home by yelling, “I’ll get it.”  He opens the door to admit another party of guests.  “Come in this house,” he tells them, smiling.  “How ya doin’, Jim?”  He shakes hands with the man in the group.

“Can’t complain,” the man returns the handshake.  “I saw Josh and Dawn coming down the street in their van.”

Both men look out the door and see the vehicle pull up behind a car and park in front of the house.  The occupants get out and close their doors.  The man opens the cargo door and begins to pull a covered piece of equipment from the van and position it on the sidewalk.  The woman closes the cargo door and locks the van.  The man tilts the apparatus onto its wheels and guides it toward the house.  A couple of other men help lift the machine over the threshold and assist in shielding the door jambs.  With the shrouded mystery apparatus finally in the middle of the living room, its owner, Josh, announces, “Ta DA!”  Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on the very latest in portable, automated spanking pleasure.  I give you . . . the ‘Angel Maker.’ ”  He whisks away the cover to reveal the stainless steel machine.  Everyone begins to applaud, voicing comments like, “It’s beautiful,” “I can hardly wait to try it out,” and “Oooh, it looks scary.”

“Okay, folks,” Monica says, getting their attention, “why don’t we all gravitate out onto the patio so people who are bringing frames can have some room to set them up.  We can chat out here while that’s going on.  Of course, the ones who specialize in putting things together can hang out in the living room and help.  Some people are still on the way.”  The majority of the group follow Monica out to the patio.

In response to subsequent rings of the doorbell, those who are closest admit the partygoers and welcome them.  Frames are assembled and made ready for use.

After meeting and greeting is done, Keith says, “Okay, let’s get this show on the road.”  The woman in each twosome who own a machine or frame moves to take her place as her top helps her into or onto it, removing whatever clothing is an impediment and fastening whatever is necessary to prevent the woman’s escape.  After securing the women into the devices, the tops’ primary activity is wielding cameras and video recorders to immortalize the scenes of the torment their victims are enduring.  Soon, the room is filled with the whirr of electric motors and the sounds of wood and leather striking flesh and the windy swish of canes stirring the air.  After a short while, there begin to be reaction sounds, the usual “ow,” “uhnnh,” and “that hurts,” until—everything goes dark.  And still.  And silent.

“Not to worry, everyone,” Keith reassures the group.  “Light is on the way.  I have the situation under control.”  His voice fades somewhat as he moves away from the living room toward the kitchen.

One of the men moves carefully toward the window and peeks around the drapery to observe a pitch dark neighborhood.  “Hey, y’all?  This whole area is dark, all the way to the statue on the square.  There are lights on the bridge, but none this side of it.

From the kitchen, the sound of a drawer being opened is heard, and the glow of a flashlight can be seen.  Its beam plays around the kitchen, and a cupboard is opened.  A larger and stronger beam of light enhances the original one, and Keith comes back into the living room with the stronger light source, placing it on the coffee table and aiming it at the ceiling.  It reflects off the white surface and gives a faint glow to the entire room.

“Well, now.  Where were we?” Keith asks the group.

“I’m trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey, that’s where,” replies Dawn, the occupant of the Angel Maker.  “Get me out of this thing.”

“Coming, Dear,” says her husband Josh.  Other men begin undoing latches and straps and bindings to free their bottoms from the other machines.

“What a bummer,” exclaims Kim.  “I was looking forward to trying out Monica and Keith’s Hidetanner.  Now what are we going to do?  Go home?”

Monica responds, “I don’t see why.  We could all sit and talk, share stories about our favorite spanking times.”  She pauses, looking around the room with a mischievous

twinkle in her eye.  “Or there is another option.”

All eyes are on Monica as she continues.  “We could do it the old-fashioned way.”

Dawn asks, “Do you mean OTK?  That kind of old-fashioned?”

“What’s ‘OTK’?” a woman named Emily asks.

Kim answers, “It means ‘Over the knee.’  An old-fashioned hand spanking while lying across someone’s lap.  Or it could be with a paddle or strap of some kind.  That’s what spankos used years ago, before all this technology.”

“Hmmm,” Emily muses.  “That sounds a little creepy.  I don’t think I’d like that.  It sounds too—I’m not sure what.  Close?  Intimate?

“Well, it is intimate,” agrees Monica, “but I think you should try it before you dismiss it altogether.  Keith, why don’t you and I demonstrate?”

“Ah, My Sweet.  You have made me an offer I cannot refuse,” her husband says, smiling.  After seating himself on the sofa, he beckons Monica to stand in front of him.  He puts his thumbs in the waistband of her slacks and gently pulls them down to her knees.  The he pats his right thigh as a signal for her to lie across his lap.  She drapes herself across his legs, with her upper body and her legs supported by the sofa.  He begins to rub her bottom gently, over her satin panties.  Then he smacks her right cheek with the smallest amount of force.  Then the left.  Then both, in the middle.  He develops a rhythm, increasing the force a little, but not enough to elicit more than a contented “mmm” from Monica.  After a couple of minutes, he stops and hooks his fingers in the waistband of her panties and pulls them down.  She lifts herself off his thighs a few inches to help him get the undergarment down to her knees.  Then she settles back down on his lap so he can resume the spanking.  He increases the force of the spanks, bringing a deeper pink color to her bottom.  One smack leaves the prints of his fingers on her right upper thigh.  “Did that hurt?” he asks her.

“Mmmm.  Yes,” she replies.  “It feels good.  Why did we ever stop doing this?”

Keith pauses in his delivery of the smacks and rubs her bottom again.  “I don’t know.  This is much better than taking all those silly pictures and videos that just sit in the computer, never being looked at.  There’s just something about feeling the hot skin of your bottom under my hand.”

“Yes,” Monica agrees.  “And there’s something about feeling your warm, powerful, loving hand raining down on my bottom with such force.  I’d like to feel your belt, too.  Would you mind?”

“No, of course not,” Keith replies.  He stops spanking her and, being careful not to jostle her off his lap, unbuckles his belt and pulls it through the belt loops.

“I love that sound, Keith,” Monica tells him.

“Let’s see what else you love, My Love,” he answers.  He doubles the belt and brings it down on her pink-skinned bottom.

“Oww!  I think you mean business,” Monica exclaims.

“Well, you asked for it, right?” he teases.

“Yes, I asked for it,” she concurs.

“In so many words, right,” he prods, smiling.

“Yes, in so many words.”

“So, if it hurts, whose fault is that?” Keith asks.

“Hey, I didn’t say I didn’t like it.  I just said it hurts.  I like it very much, and you do a magnificent job,” she praises.  To the others watching, she says, “Hey, what’re the rest of you waiting for?

The spectators began pairing up, and the various bottoms lay across their tops’ laps.  In due course, the sound of palms and belts slapping skin overrode all other noises, each couple appearing isolated in their own little world.

Minutes passed, and then hours.  Later, after nearly all the guests had left, Monica found Jeremy sitting on the sofa in the half-light, with Kim seated on his lap, her arms around his neck as he held her close.  Monica sat down on the sofa near Jeremy.  “So, Kim, did you have a chance to try out our Hidetanner?”

Kim murmurs into Jeremy’s neck, “No, I didn’t get around to it.”

Monica observes, “You don’t look too disappointed about it.”

Kim lazily turns her gaze in Monica’s direction, a contented smile on her face.  “No, Monica,” she muses.  “I’m not disappointed at all.”

New Spanking Story Contest : Future Spank



In celebration of the new year and all the ones to come, the theme for this month’s spanking story writing contest is..

The Future

No, not like next month, smartass. Think a bit farther ahead. Think flying cars or living on Mars or robots that are programmed to dole out spankings; think about what the world will be in the distant future, and then figure out how to tell a good spanking story within it.

We see and read a whole bunch of ‘olde tyme’ spanking stories and ‘best of the 50’s’ stuff – let’s see what you can do without the concepts of current tradition.

I’ve come to rely on the creativity and veracity of these writing contest entrants for their abilities to weave an amazingly believable spanking story out of just about any situation they’re given, so I’ll be very interested to see what our intrepid authors come up with for this one.

As always, the winner – chosen solely by me and based on no specific criteria – will receive as his or her prize a free spanking session with me, either here in Las Vegas or any of the other cities to which I regularly travel.


And also as always, a few things to remember before you start writing:


  • Absolutely no characters or mention of characters under the age of 18. The occasional ‘like a little boy’ is acceptable, but best to keep it to a minimum.
  • Same goes for explicit genital, sexual, or graphic language references. This is about the backside, not the front side – keep it clean, please.
  • Characters may be of any gender, and spankings may be of any genre – feel free to include as many or few characters as you like.
  • Entries are not judged on length, but attention to spelling, grammar, capitalization, and the et cetera, certainly matters.
  • Contest ends January 31, 2014.
  • By entering your story to the contest, you agree to allow me to share/excerpt it here and elsewhere.
  • All entries may be emailed to me, either in the body of the email or as an attachment, at

Now, get writing – and good luck!


–  Dana

Spanking Party Star entry ‘Miss Redbuns’


One last, great story from the ‘Spanking Party Star’ writing contest,’Miss Redbuns’ is an excellent way to end the month….enjoy.

– Dana


Miss Redbuns

My boss gave me two choices. My first option was, I could spend the day at work, in my usual 8 to 5 shift as his dutiful secretary, as I did every weekday throughout the year. My second choice was I could spend the day attending an annual spanking party, as his date, and get paid as I would for a normal workday. I didn’t have to think very long before telling Danny I’d be happy to accompany him to this “spanking party,” whatever it was.
What it was, was an annual gathering of spanking enthusiast business owners, who would get together for a luncheon at a banquet hall downtown. It was a great way to reconnect with old contacts and network, as most of the attendees were owners of spanking related business. My boss, Danny, is the CEO of Naughty Novelties, a company that produces adult toys for the BDSM crowd. He said the annual convention was a great way to meet new clients to increase ad revenue for the magazine. I saw the convention as a great way to get out of the office for a day and still get paid, so we all had our reasons for attending.
Now, I am no stranger to spanking. I am a little embarrassed to admit this, but, I get spankings. A lot. Danny made it very clear to me during my interview for the job, that one of his expectations of me was that I would have to submit to spankings whenever asked of me. It was a fantasy of his, for many years, to one day work in an office and have a young hottie for a personal secretary, to wear short skirts that she could give spankings to on a regular basis. I seemed to fit the bill for both my looks and attitude, so he hired me.
I figured, why not? The pay was great and I got to wear cute sexy clothes to work, so it seemed like a great gig. And to be totally honest with you, I actually kind of enjoyed the spankings. Sometimes I cried and put up a fuss, but if I really didn’t like them, I didn’t need to stay at that job. There was something I found a bit thrilling when Danny would call me into his office and order me to bend over his desk. I loved the adrenaline rush; the nervous sense of anticipation, as I placed my hands on his desk and stuck out my behind. And when he’d instruct me to lift my skirt, and lower my panties? That just added to the fun. I loved being able to feel the spankings that much better. Even if it made sitting a bit uncomfortable for the rest of the day.
By the way, my name’s Lea Kim. I’m 22 years old, Asian American, and I like music and dance. I have long black hair, a slim body and a round bubble butt. I’ve been told I’m very attractive with and without clothes. I’ve been a secretary at Naughty Novelties for six months, so this is my first year with the opportunity to attend the annual Belts and Bottoms Spanking Party.
Belts and Bottoms, a magazine that features spanking stories as well as advice for readers interested in the BDSM lifestyle, hosts this event every year. The event consists of a meet and greet, with hors d’oeuvres, a luncheon, a screening of some spanking videos submitted by guests, and finally, a spanking competition.
This competition involves female contestants getting spanked on stage in front of the entire party. Each girl is spanked ten times per round. The first round they are spanked by hand, the second round via paddle. Later other methods are implemented, each gradually more severe than the last. The girl who can withstand the most swats is crowned Miss Redbuns, and her company is featured prominently in the next quarter’s edition of Belts and Bottoms. This creates excellent publicity for Miss Redbuns’ place of employment, so naturally Danny was very adamant that I compete.
Not wanting to disappoint, I agreed, and signed my name onto the application form at the entrance of the banquet hall. I could sense the smiles of the gentlemen watching me as I signed. It was obvious they were eager to see a young pretty Asian girl get her bottom spanked. I was quite excited as well so it was likely to be a fun day.
I learned shortly after arriving that I had some stiff competition. Apparently, the title of Miss Redbuns had been won by the same girl the past six years in a row. Deanna Franklin was a spanking actress and model, and was therefore quite used to having her bottom smacked, paddled, belted and caned. I recognized her face from the copies of Belts and Bottoms that Danny let lying around the office. She was a tall leggy blonde, standing at the entrance of the banquet hall smiling and laughing with several of the guests. As I finished signing my name to the application form, she approached me.
“You’re new here?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said, extending my hand. “I’m Lea.”
“Deanna,” she said, shaking my hand. “You’re pretty brave doing this. You should be proud.”
“Thanks,” I said. Deanna picked up the pen and signed her name on the form in the slot below mine.
“You ever been spanked before, Lea?” Deanna asked, not looking up from the form.
“Yes,” I nodded. “By my boss. Lots of times.”
“Well, you’re in the big leagues now,” Deanna said. “Vincent is not kind when he’s wailing on you up there.”
I felt a chill go up my spine.
“Well, best of luck to you,” Deanna said, cheerfully. I gulped.
I spent the next hour making small talk with other guests at the party. Most of them were quite supportive, and gave me their best wishes in the spanking competition. I, on the other hand, was so nervous that when the luncheon was served, I couldn’t eat a bite! Danny gave me a reassuring pat on the butt and assured me it would be alright.
I did notice a delicious fondue pot was available. I helped myself to a few chocolate covered strawberries but that was all I could eat.
After dinner there was a screening of a few spanking videos. To my displeasure I saw a few of them featured Deanna Franklin. In one video, Deanna was dressed in a schoolgirl’s costume while a stern lady teacher thrashed her with a belt. Deanna held her poise for what seemed like an eternity, and never once begging for a reprieve.
“May I have your attention please?” Scott Hawkley, the emcee of the evening, took to the stage. He had a microphone in his hand and was dressed in a fine white vest and dress pants. “How’s everyone enjoying the fondue?”
A few cheers shot from the audience.
“We thought you’d like that. Well folks, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for, our annual spanking competition!”
The audience erupted in applause. Scott invited the contestants onto the stage. There looked to be about fifteen of us, all nervous and waiting our turns to be spanked. One by one, he read off our names and asked us to introduce ourselves. I stood nervously wringing my hands until finally, he got to my name.
“Lea Kim,” Scott said, reading off the application form. I stepped forward.
“Nice to see a fresh face this year,” Scott said. “Where do you work?”
“Naughty Novelties,” I said. The audience applauded.
“Ah, you work for good old Danny,” Scott said. “Our sympathies.”
The audience laughed. I let out a chuckle.
“Well Lea, we wish the best of luck to you,” Scott said. He finished introducing the other contestants, but I was so nervous I realized I didn’t even hear a word he said. Finally, he introduced the last girl, and was ready to begin.
“Here’s the rules, girls. Each of you gets a turn taking ten swats. If it gets too much for you, all you’ve got to do is say our special safe word, and you’ll be eliminated from the competition. Last girl standing will win the title of Miss Redbuns. In honor of the delicious condiment we’ve been served this afternoon, our safe word this year will be ‘fondue.’”
This got an applause from the audience.
“Are we ready to see some spankings?” Scott asked. The audience cheered.
“Then let the spanking competition commence!”
Scott called the first girl to come to his side. Her name was Allison, and Scott asked her to bend over. As she did, a large, muscular-in-a-handsome way man approached her. This was Vincent, the Designated Spanker. He would be giving all of us our spankings.
I watched with nervous excitement as Vincent smacked his palm across Allison’s bottom ten times. She squealed after each one, but when he was finished, she did not hesitate to return to her place in line, ready for the next round.
Vincent repeated this procedure with the next girl. And the next. And the next. Until finally it was my turn.
“Lea Kim,” Scott said. Nervously, I stepped forward. “Let’s see how this lovely newcomer fares.”
I took my place in the center of the stage and bent over. I rested my hands on my knees and waited. I didn’t have to wait long.
“Ye-owch!” I squealed. Vincent spanked me hard. I tired to hold my composure but he just kept smacking me, again and again, until he reached ten swats.
I cringed as I stood upright. I rubbed my bottom and took my place back in line. Vincent spanked much harder than Danny did. I hoped I wouldn’t have to cut out too early.
When it was Deanna’s turn, I watched with amazement as she held herself so gracefully. I couldn’t believe she could remain so calm and complacent. It was if she didn’t even feel it, and yet the sound of Vincent’s hand striking her buttocks was loud enough to be heard throughout the dining hall. After ten swats, Deanna shot a flirty glace at the crowd and returned to the lineup.
“All right, looks like all of our ladies survived the first round!” Scott declared. “Time to take this competition up a notch!”
Allison returned to center stage, and Scott instructed her to lift her dress. Allison did as she was told, and exposed her panty-covered bottom to the audience. This got many whoops and hollers from the crowd. Allison wore very pretty light blue panties, and her bottom looked quite firm and sexy. This did not stop Vincent from laying ten hard swats on her delicate bottom, causing her once again to squeal after each one. Even so, she rose to her feet and with as much dignity as she could muster returned to the line.
Vincent continued spanking the girls on top of their panties. One girl, a pretty young Italian girl named Gina, revealed she was not even wearing any panties underneath her flippy red dress. Consequently Gina gave the crowd a peek at her bare buns a bit earlier than the rest of us. She managed her spankings with grace, and returned to the lineup.
I felt my heart skip a beat when Scott called my name. Even so, I walked to the center of the stage and turned my back to the audience. I could sense their anticipation of seeing me lift my dress; there was a wave of baited silence.
“Well go on, darling, lift the dress,” Scott said, urging me on. I took a deep breath, and pulled up my dress.
I heard a few wolf whistles as I unveiled my lacy white panties to the crowd. The crowd was obviously enjoying the show. I bent forward and awaited my spankings. I felt my face heat up to what felt like three hundred degrees. I has never felt so exposed and vulnerable. Soon after, Vincent raised his palm, and smacked my panty-covered bottom ten times.
When he was finally done, I felt a tear dribble down my cheek and I returned to my feet. I kept my face away from the crowd and walked back to the line. For reasons I couldn’t explain, I felt more embarrassed by my pain than anything else. I didn’t want anyone to know I’d suffered.
Deanna handled herself with much more finesse when she was spanked on the seat of her pretty pink panties. She once again smiled and returned to the lineup as if he’d just given her a kiss rather than ten hard swats on her scantily-clad behind.
“Round three!” Scott announced. Allison was up again. Scott instructed her this time to not only lift her dress, but also to remove her panties. The crowd cheered as she slipped her sexy blue panties down her thighs and bent over. Her cheeks were already slightly pink, and Vincent looked eager to darken their hue.
Ten hard smacks to Allison’s bare bottom left her in tears, but still she returned to the lineup. The other girls reacted the same way, even Gina, who had her bottom spanked on the bare for the second time in this game.
Once again it was my turn. It seemed I was fast becoming a fan favorite, as the crowd cheered louder than ever when I lifted my dress and lowered my panties for my excited audience’s pleasure.
The spankings stung. Without my dress or panties for protection, my very sensitive cheeks had to bear the full brunt of Vincent’s smacks. I squealed and I cried, but I made it. I even got an applause from my growing fan base as I rose to my feet and pulled my panties back up over my stinging bottom.
“Round four!” Scott announced.
Vincent exited the stage, but soon returned with a sturdy wooden paddle. He gave an evil smile to Allison, who gasped as Vincent beckoned her towards him. “All right, lets see how these lovely ladies fair against the PADDLE!”
If being spanked by hand was terrifying, it was ten times worse when seeing a wooden paddle come smacking down against a pretty girl’s bottom. On the plus side, we at least got to remain fully dressed for the paddle, at least for this round.
I was in pure agony when the paddle struck my behind, which was still sore from the previous spankings. However I absolutely did not want to be the first girl to be eliminated. I thought that would be embarrassing both for myself and for Danny, so I was determined to hold out. Unfortunately, it seemed most of the other girls felt the same way. Each of them looked ready to quit, but the look in their eyes told me they had no intention of doing so.
Round five saw the first elimination. Poor Janie was only on the fourth stroke of the paddle on the seat of her panties when she cried out “fondue.”
“Good effort Janie!” Scott said, crossing Janie’s name off the list. One down, fourteen to go. I watched as Janie rubbed her bottom as she returned to the audience, softly crying.
Soon after, Gina also said the safe word, no doubt regretting her decision for forgo her panties in a spanking competition. I managed to refrain from saying the safe word, tempted though I was, when I felt the burn of the paddle against my panty-covered bottom in round five. I took short, deep breaths, and tried to tune out the pain, just as I did all those times when I was bent over Danny’s desk.
It occurred to me, at that moment, that all those spankings Danny gave me weren’t just to punish me for being an imperfect secretary. Danny was training me. I realized I wasn’t the beginner I thought I was. I had just as much, if not more experience than most of these other girls. I actually had a chance.
Round six saw four eliminations, bringing the total down to nine. Being paddled on the bare bottom wasn’t something a lot of girls could handle, it seemed. Deanna was handling herself just fine, though. She seemed her usual perky self in spite of the increasing reddening color forming across her cheeks.
“Round seven!” Scott announced. The nine remaining girls gasped as Vincent appeared onstage carrying a long black leather belt. He cracked it loudly, making several of us jump. He smiled at Allison and invited her to take her place.
Everyone made it through round seven, in spite of the squeals and cries. We lost one girl in eight and one in nine, leaving seven girls remaining for round ten, when Vincent entered the stage carrying a sturdy wooden cane.
“It’s come to this folks, round ten, and with seven girls remaining!” Scott said. “We’ve never had this many girls this late in the game, so this is sure to be a tense round!”
I stopped to think, deciding perhaps this was the round to call it quits. I was clearly up against some fierce competition if it was unusual for this many girls to remain for this many rounds. I watched in anticipation as Allison bent over for her caning.
Allison squealed. Vincent caned her again, and again, until after four strokes, Allison eeked out a quiet “fondue.”
The audience applauded, and a tearful Allison returned to her table. Six left. The next girl, a sultry brunette named Mandy, dropped the safe word after one stroke. To my shock and horror, the next girl and the next girl gently excused herself from the competition until it was finally my turn.
“Good luck,” Deanna whispered to me, smiling. I felt a chill go up my spine.
“Well, let’s see if lovely Lea can survive a round with the cane,” Scott said. “Show us what you’ve got!”
I leaned forward, thanking my lucky stars that I didn’t have to remove any clothing for this round and waited.
I screamed. I’d never been caned like this before, and it was worse than any other implement I’d ever gotten. I wondered how even a girl like Deanna could tolerate such an unfathomable amount of pain.
I screamed again. My bottom felt like it was on fire. I waited and prayed. I knew that if I could survive this round, than maybe, just maybe, I could win by attrition. I had to. No one else could tolerate this, I was sure of it!
And I wasn’t sure if I could. I screamed, and I wailed. But I didn’t give up. He caned me again and again, and soon each whack blended into the next. Before I knew it, I had made it to ten.
“Let’s give her a hand, that was incredible!” Scott said. I got a heavy applause, and took my place in line. As I did, Deanna whispered to me again.
“Now let me show you how it’s done,” Deanna said.
Now I saw what Deanna’s game was about. She wasn’t braver or stronger than the rest of us. She just knew how to psych us out. I could tell by the tremor in her voice she was petrified at the thought of going through what she had just witnessed me endure. So I shot back at her:
“You don’t have to do this just to impress me.” The look on Deanna’s face told me everything I needed to know. I could beat her. All I had to do was make her believe nothing would stop me, and she would fold.
Round ten saw the exit of every girl but me and Deanna. She tolerated each strike of the cane, but I could tell she was getting frustrated at not being able to get inside my head.
“Your turn,” she said, returning triumphantly from her ten licks, and I knew that with so many other girls eliminated, my next turn was going to come much sooner.
“She made ten on top of her dress, but can our beautiful newcomer handle a caning on top of her panties? Let’s find out!” Scott said.
I lifted my dress and bent forward, groaning as I did. I had to think of something that would give me an edge. Something that would help me better my chances of winning.
I squealed. The crowd cheered. And as if a light had gone on over my head, I realized what I needed to do. Deanna may be the reigning champion, but I could win the crowd’s favor over her.
“Wait,” I said, holding out my hand.
“Uh oh,” Scott said. “Is our newcomer ready to back out?”
“On the contrary,” I said. I slipped off my panties and kicked them into the crowd. Several men fought over them until one man grabbed them and stuffed them into his suit jacket. “I don’t need these.”
I shot a smile at Deanna. Scott’s eyes went wide.
“Wow! Our newcomer is showing our queen how its done! This will be a match to remember, folks!”
I bent over once again, and invited Vincent to continue. I had to hope that this would make me more intimidating to Deanna, but I feared I might have just sealed my fate.
Vincent caned me again, and I cried out in agony. Still, I held my ground, doing everything in my power to avoid spoiling my bluff. I thought I might possibly be able to endure one more round, but after this, I was done. If this didn’t win it for me, Deanna could keep her crown.
But I could not quit yet. I would look stupid if I quit in the same round as the stunt I just pulled, so I had that to motivate me. Just one more round.
I held back my squeals. I had to look strong. Simply knowing I was almost done seemed to give me a bit of strength. I endured five more hellish strikes of the cane, and let the crowd admire my bruised bottom before taking to my feet.
“I’ve never seen anything like this folks, not in the twelve years of hosting this event,” Scott said. “This girl’s got guts!”
I got a huge applause. I put on the best fake smile I could, and walked back towards Deanna.
“You were saying?” I asked, smugly.
It took everything in me to maintain my demeanor. I was ready to burst into tears, but I couldn’t. Not yet. I couldn’t even enjoy watching the fear in Deanna’s eyes as she returned to her place on the stage, ready for ten more licks on the cane.
Not to be outdone, Deanna slid off her panties, and tossed them into the crowd just as I had. I had to laugh at her copycat gesture, a desperate move on her part. She bent over, and I saw the horrendous bruising on her soft, supple cheeks. I knew that my own bottom couldn’t have looked much different.
Deanna held back a scream, but I could see her tremble.
Tears dribbled from her eyes. She tried to turn away, so I wouldn’t see her, but I still could.
Deanna was sobbing. Everyone could hear it. She wanted that crown so badly. But she was not prepared to go against the likes of me.
She let out a scream. Vincent stopped. He waited. A noise in Deanna’s mouth was forming. She was trying to say something. She cried. Hearing only muffled cries, Vincent caned her again.
“Fondue!” Deanna screamed.
“We have a winner!” Scott declared.
The next few moments were a blur. I heard applause. Everyone was cheering for me. Danny joined me on stage. Scott placed a tiara on my head.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present, Lea Kim, our new Miss Redbuns!”
Only then, did I cry.
I could barely sit. The car ride back to the office was uncomfortable and painful, but Danny could not stop smiling.
“You did it! I knew it!” Danny kept saying over and over.
“Thanks,” I said, too exhausted to speak any more. I stared out the car window at the starry night sky and let my tired eyes drift shut.
“You’re going to be famous! Our company is going to be famous!” Danny said. I nodded in appreciation.
“I sure hope so,” I muttered.
“About time somebody took that crown away from Deanna,” Danny said, chuckling.
I sighed.
“Well she can have it back next year if she wants it so bad,” I said. “No more for me.”
Danny shook his head.
“Aww, we’ll see.”

One of my favorite spanking writers is back, with ‘Soccer Moms’


This is a sexy switch story from our friend The Cowboy Writer. While, in it’s original form, it’s more than a little saucy, I’ve chosen to prudishly edit out the heavy sex stuff (as usual) and allow you to all use your imaginations there…asterisks are my edits. 


–  Dana

The Soccer Moms

Tyra leaned closer to the mirror to put the final touches to her
She batted her stunning green eyes, powdered her cute little impish
nose and applied a final touch of gloss to her full lips.
Practicing her classic, seductive smile , her perfect teeth still
glistened from their latest expensive whitening treatment.
Opting for a casual look, she tied up her long, blonde hair in a
ponytail and stepped back to take a full-length view.
Her slender , tanned legs were accentuated by the tight, white jean
shorts she had squeezed into and Tyra smiled with satisfaction when
she spun around and took in the rear view.
She loved the way her firm, round cheeks looked encased in her new
Her black tank top offered a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage and
tiny waist.
A few wisps of expensive perfume in the right places and Tyra was
ready for her evening out.

The excited voice of Tyra’s 10-year-old daughter Cassandra caught
her ear.
“Hurry up Mom.Coach Todd wants us to be at practice 10 minutes
early” .
Tyra felt a schoolgirl thrill in the pit of her tummy at the mere
mention of Cassandra’s handsome soccer coach Todd Marley’s name.
Despite being twice divorced at only 43 years old Tyra was not going
to pass up the prospect of landing the desirable Todd.
He was the town’s most eligible bachelor, tall, confident, athletic
and the owner of a flourishing Accounting firm.
Bachelor Todd’s niece Brandy was in the team and he had volunteered
to coach the team when nobody else would .
A lifelong athlete and soccer player, Todd gladly obliged and was
really enjoying his assignment, especially when he met some of the
attractive soccer Mom’s.
He did have a reputation as something of a Casanova and was quite
skilled having managed to remain single to the ripe age of 41.

As Cassandra hustled her Mom and her soccer bag into the van, a few
doors down her neighbor Janet Whelan was already packed for practice
and waiting for her daughter Emily to emerge from the house.
“Come on Emily Ö.we’re late!” Janet called out impatiently glancing
at her watch.
Janet was the Gym Teacher at the local school and also owned her own
fitness business.
Her looks were a stark contrast to Tyra.
Tall , toned and athletic, she kept her dark hair short and her big
brown eyes, high cheekbones ,full lips and long elegant neck gave
her natural beauty which required no  make-up.
Janet looked good in anything but for soccer she chose a team t-
shirt which hugged the curves of her firm torso, skin tight track
pants cut at the knee, running shoes and a baseball cap.
Like Tyra, single Mom Janet was much more interested in coach Todd
than the soccer practice.
Todd cut a fine figure in his red coach jersey and matching shorts.
His soccer socks were rolled down to his ankles , displaying his
powerful calf muscles and he impressed everyone with his athleticism
and fully participating in all the drills he put his young charges

All the girls loved him, as did all of their Moms as they sat on the
sidelines drinking in every view of Todd’s tanned, muscular ,
athletic frame.
Tyra and Janet had not been overlooked by Todd and he responded to
their discrete flirting by flashing a smile and a wink at them at
every opportunity.
When Todd blew his whistle for a water break both Tyra and Janet
grasped the opportunity to get closer to him.

The more athletic and appropriately dressed Janet got of the mark
faster, bounding toward Todd as Tyra struggled to free herself from
her fold out chair without disturbing her appearance.
“Have a drink honeyÖ.I’ll be right back ” Janet told Emily as she
stuffed a water bottle in her hand and continued her run to Todd’s

Janet stuck out a hand “Hi Coach MarleyÖ. I’m JanetÖEmily’s MomÖ
number 7?” she said nervously.
Tyra sighed as she saw Janet already talking to Todd as she prepared
to approach him.
“Darn you JanetÖ” she muttered under her breath and marched over to
the pair anyway.
Todd smiled at Janet and shook her hand.
“Emily is quite the little defender Mrs. Whelan” Todd replied.
Janet’s heart pounded and her mouth went dry as she pondered a
The normally confident woman felt as giddy as a teenager in front of
this handsome beau.
Her dating skills were becoming quite rusty.
“Its Miss actually ÖÖ.but please call me Janet .
I’m a trained gym teacher and personal trainer and would be glad to
help you with the teamÖÖif you likeÖ.of courseÖ” she said nervously.

Janet wanted to kick herself for sounding so dumb and her
embarrassment was compounded as Tyra arrived to eavesdrop.
She chuckled and gave Janet a wry smile as she listened to her
rival’s faltering approach.
Todd’s eye immediately caught the flirting Tyra and he smiled back
at her.
“I’ll just be a minute Tyra ” he chirped and looked back at Janet.
“That would be great Janet. Why don’t you give me a call and we can
get together and chat about how you can help.”
Janet felt victorious and fired a challenging glance over at Tyra
who was trying hard to conceal her jealousy.
Todd could not help take in the sight of Janet’s swaying hips and
firm derriere as they chewed against her sleek spandex pants.
His lusty gaze did not go unnoticed to Tyra but she was not that
She was a lifelong tease and had no trouble capturing the attention
of any man.

With a flutter of her eyes, a tilt of her head and a soft hand on
Todd’s arm Tyra quickly  gained his full attention.
“Hi Todd Ö.did you enjoy your day at my spa?” Tyra purred.
Tyra had emerged from her two failed marriages with quite a
financial windfall and had recently invested in opening a spa.
She had asked Todd for some business advice and offered him to spend
a day at he spa for helping her.
“Yes TyraÖ it was great. So great I think I’ll go back ñ this time
as a paying customer!
How are you doing with that new accounting program?” Todd replied.
Tyra pouted and batted her long lashes  “Not very well I’m afraid
that’s why I came to ask you a favorÖ. ” she said in a sultry tone.

Todd was eating out of her hands now and when Tyra asked if he could
come to her house to help with her accounting he just couldn’t say
“WellÖ.sureÖwhy not. I’ll zip home for a quick shower after practice
and be there around 8ish?” he replied.
Tyra smiled and made sure to give Todd an ample view of her
delectable, jean clad bottom as she scurried away.

Todd continued the practice and Tyra and Janet stood uncomfortably
together until the usual group of players and drooling soccer moms
around Todd had drifted away.
“So I’ll see you 8ish Todd?” Tyra waved to him in a clear attempt to
make Janet and most of the other ladies green with envy.
Todd looked up from his clipboard and confirmed with a wave.
Janet edged closer to Todd.
“Could I ask you to help me with a non-soccer issue Todd?” she asked.
She went on to tell Todd about her personal fitness business and
asked him if he could help her with her accounting.
Todd laughed.
“It seems all you ladies are accounting challenged.
Actually I’m helping Tyra with the same problem with her spa tonight
so how about I stop by your place around 9-9:30 and see what the
problem is?”

Surprised at Todd’s quick response Janet agreed although she was a
bit disappointed on the short notice as Emily would be home.
Just then, Janet’s ship arrived when Emily called to her from the
“Come on MomÖI’ve got a sleepover at Brittany’s tonight Ö.don’t you
For a moment Janet had the urge to leap up and punch the air but she
was able to restrain her reaction to a muted “YESSSSS!” to herself.


“Bye Cassandra. I’ll pick you up at 10am sharp tomorrow!” Tyra
called out as she watched her daughter climb into the van to go to
her sleepover.
A few moments before the same scene had played out at Janet’s house
as Emily hopped into the same van.
Both Tyra and Janet wasted no time in readying themselves for their
dream dates with the hunky Todd.
Tyra decided to stay with her chosen outfit, betting that her tight
white jean shorts were already a hit with Todd.
Janet was undecided however.
She knew she looked good in those spandex tracks but thought she
should give Todd a different glimpse of her.
As she soaked in the tub she thought about the best outfit and
decided on a short, summer dress which showed off her firm physique
while keeping that feminine touch.
Todd was in for quite an evening Ö.

If Todd already had an inkling that Tyra had other reasons for
inviting him to her house other than accounting problems it became
clear as he entered her house.
Soft music played in the background, the lights were dimmed and
scented candles were everywhere.
“Have a seat and I’ll fetch my laptop ” Tyra cooed, ushering Todd
over to the table where a bottle of wine and two glasses sat waiting.
Tyra fired up the computer and began pouring the wine without even
asking Todd.
“TyraÖ.I don’t usually drink when I’m workingÖ.” He said.
Tyra just giggled, ” Oh ToddÖthis can hardly be called work can it?”

Meanwhile a few doors down Janet was cursing as she tried to set up
and install the accounting program on her computer.
She had told Todd a `little white lie’ that she was having problems
with it but she had not even taken it out of the box!
She took a gulp of wine.
“How hard could it be?'” she told herself, glancing at her watch.

Back at Tyra’s, Todd was becoming a little frustrated at her poor
attempts at producing a simple invoice.
“I find it hard to believe you’re having so much trouble with this
Tyra Ö.you’d better not be doing this on purpose.” he warned her as
he set up yet another template for her.
The wine bottle was almost empty now and Todd’s one glass was still
half full.
“And what if I was?” Tyra teased him taking another sip of wine and
putting her hand on his lap close to his crotch.
Todd took her hand and placed it on the table.
“Then I would have to put you over my knee and give you a good
spanking!” he informed her.
Tyra felt a surge of excitement pulse through her veins and a
tingling sensation in her bottom.
Todd’s response surprised her but also excited her.
“You wouldn’t dare!” she challenged him , her eyes lighting up.
Since he had seen Tyra at soccer practice that evening, Todd had
wished for nothing else than to find a way to get Tyra’s sumptuous
bottom out of those tight little shorts and now he had the
opportunity to do just that !

A mischievous Tyra stood up and made a spirited but half-hearted
attempt to escape from Todd’s grasp.
He did not have to pursue her for long and caught her wrist before
she made it to the living room.
Grabbing her other wrist he easily pulled her to him and returned
her to the dining area.
Tyra struggled to free herself as Todd pulled out a chair and sat
“OOOOH NOOOO!” she squeaked as Todd tipped her effortlessly, face
first over his awaiting lap.

“NooooooÖ. what are you doing ToddÖ..dooooon’t!” Tyra squealed ,
feigning outrage as she felt Todd’s fingers slip under her tummy and
undo the snap on her shorts.
Todd laughed as the petite Tyra kicked and flailed helplessly when
he then slid down her zipper.
“Taking these shorts down so I can spank you properly !” Todd
informed her.
“OMIGOSH!!” Tyra gushed as she felt Todd’s fingers pull on the
waistband of her jeans.

She could only lie there helplessly as she felt them slide over her
hips, the curves of her bottom and then down her thighs.
She wore only a white thong underneath and felt a cool breeze on her
bare skin as her shorts reached half-mast.
Todd took in the wondrous sight before him.
Two of the most beautiful, tanned, jiggling globes he had ever laid
eyes on lay there before him.
For a second his mind wandered to things other than spanking but he
snapped himself back to reality and placed a palm on Tyra’s bottom.
Seductively he caressed her entire bottom as Tyra cooed in delight.
Between each caress he introduced a playful smack which generated a
yelp of surprise from Tyra.

Steadily he picked up the speed and intensity of the spanks bringing
a nice pink hue to the blonde’s cheeks.
Tyra squirmed and moaned on Todd’s lap as he briskly spanked her
quivering cheeks.
As the heat in her bottom intensified Tyra began grinding
rhythmically into Todd’s groin.
She could feel *** beneath her which made her even hotter
as she gasped with delight.

Having turned her bottom a bright red Todd began spanking harder and
methodically, landing stinging smacks to Tyra’s sensitive sit spot.
She cried and yelped as they landed and began bucking and squirming
to avoid his punishing palm.
“OH GAAAHD THAT BURNS!” Tyra bawled as the spanking started to take
its toll on her tender skin.
Todd paused again to caress Tyra’s bottom giving her a temporary
soothing relief.
Her skin was so soft and smooth and very hot to his touch and once
again his mind wandered.

Refocusing again he took a firm grip on the waistband of Tyra’s
skimpy white thong.
“No ..noÖ.please don’t Todd !” Tyra protested.
Todd wondered why she was so outraged.
Her cheeks were already fully exposed to his view but the lowering
of her last line of defense added to her indignity ñ and gave Tyra
another thrill of excitement as Todd peeled her little undies off.

Todd moved the spanking to its finale, paddling Tyra’s defenseless
bottom briskly as she squealed and kicked her tiny feet.
With a final flurry of short, sharp spanks he concluded Tyra’s
comprehensive bottom warming.

They were both out of breath when Todd released his grip and stood
Tyra on her feet.
Instinctively he pulled her into his arms and she nestled her head
on his strong chest as they embraced.

Tyra grimaced as she rubbed her molten hot bottom to relieve the
“Oooooh that really burns..” she moaned.
It was also fueling a fire elsewhere as she kicked off her shorts
and undies and ***
Tyra ripped Todd’s shirt over his head and began undoing his jeans
as he unceremoniously yanked her top off allowing her pert breasts
to spill out before him.

Todd frantically helped Tyra remove his jeans and underwear as their
lips met again.
Somehow the table survived the test and Todd and Tyra lay quietly on
top of it, catching their breath.

“WOW!” Tyra exclaimed and Todd nodded agreement.
Tyra snuggled closer to Todd “Stay the night ToddÖpleeeease?” she
Todd glanced at the clock.
“GeezÖ.its 9.30Ö.I promised Janet I’d stop by her place to help her
with her bookkeeping!” Todd announced.
Tyra sprang up.
You haven’t made a date with that bitch have you?” Tyra yelled.
Todd put a finger to her lips to silence her.
“I promised her TyraÖthere’ll be other nights.” he told her firmly
and hopped off the table and started to dress.

Tyra slid of the table also and winced at she inspected her red
Todd laughed ” A good helping of Aloe Vera will cool that down ” he
advised planting a peck on her forehead.
Tyra stamped her tiny foot angrily.
“I was hoping you would do that!” she fumed.
“Gotta go!” Todd replied as he tucked in his shirt and was gone out
the door before Tyra could reply.

Janet’s heart sank as she looked at the clock.
“DAMMITÖI should have known once that little minx Tyra got her claws
in Todd he wouldn’t be coming to see me!” she fumed.
At least the time had been well spent setting up her accounting
program but Janet’s real interest was Todd.

Just then the doorbell rang and Janet’s heart pounded when she saw
it was Todd.
“Is it too late?” Todd asked meekly.
Janet smiled and beckoned him inside.
Unlike Tyra, Janet’s attempt at seducing Todd was more subtle.
There were no candles , music or wine but he had never seen the
usually dressed down Mom look so good.
He admired how her sundress hugged her firm figure and how it
displayed her exposed and well-toned arms and legs.
It did not take Todd long to conclude that Janet had not dressed
this way to practice accounting but he played along.
Pointing to her computer in the corner of the room Janet sighed in
feigned exasperation.
“I’m so glad you’re here Todd, I’ve been pulling my hair out with
this accounting program for weeks” she said in her best `maiden in
distress’ voice.

Todd sat at the computer and started working as Janet hovered over
Occasionally she made a point of brushing against him and Todd’s
mind soon strayed from accounting as he breathed in her scent and
admired her statuesque form.
Janet was almost a contrast to the diminutive blonde Tyra.
She was tall, athletic and had a bold confidence about her.
Her legs were long and toned and flowed into what were clearly `buns
of steel’.
He longed to get his hands on that voluptuous rear.

It was then Todd spotted the discarded packaging from the accounting
program in the trashcan beside the desk and immediately went into
the log of the program.
“HmmmmÖinteresting.” he murmured, folding his arms and spinning
around in his chair to face Janet.
Todd looked at her the same way she looked at her pupils at school
when they did something wrong.
She gulped and her heart pounded.
“So you’ve been using this for weeks have you Janet ?”
Janet’s face flushed.
She hated lying and it showed.
“ErÖumÖyesÖyes of course I have ToddÖ” she stammered.
There was a pause as Todd pondered her reply.
“That’s oddÖbecause according to the log the program was only
installed a couple of hours ago and if I’m not mistaken that would
be the packaging over there ” he declared.

Caught red-handed Janet had no reply except for a girlish giggle.
Todd pretended he was not amused.
“Janet Whelan, you only started using this program tonight and I
think you were using it as an excuse for you and I to be alone.” he
lectured , wagging a finger at her.
Bowing her head Janet could only nod agreement.

Todd stood up, took Janet’s hand in his and raised her chin gently
so they were eye to eye.
“That was very naughty of you Miss Whelan and I’m afraid I’m going
to have to give you a good spanking !” Todd announced.
Janet’s jaw dropped and her eyes went wide as saucers as she
absorbed Todd’s words.
“A spanking ? Now ToddÖ.pleaseÖ. I was justÖ.EEEEEK!” she squealed
as Todd leaned on the desk and quickly turned her over his
outstretched knee.

Compared to Tyra, Janet was more of a challenge to keep in place as
she genuinely struggled to free herself from Todd’s grip.
She was certainly strong from all those hours in the gym but Todd
was more than a match for her and despite her attempts he was able
to hold her in place.
“Todd ! No ! NoÖ.don’t you dare !” Janet yelled as she felt Todd’
fingers slip under the hem of her dress .
The material slowly slid up her thighs, over her hips and finally
bunched up at her waist.
Todd admired another glorious sight before him.
Janet’s buttocks were firm, tanned and muscular and on full display
as, like Tyra, she wore only a tiny thong underneath.

Janet’s bottom tensed as she felt Todd’s palm caress and massage her
She could not suppress a moan of joy “OH GAHD THAT FEELS SOOOO
“OW!” Janet’s eyes and mouth opened wide as the first firm spank
landed on her right buttock.
As it started to sting she yelped again as Todd’s palm connected
firmly with her opposite cheek.
Todd could feel that Janet really did have buns of steel so began
spanking harder ñ much harder than the spanking he had applied to
the more soft and tender rump of Tyra.
Although it really stung and her bottom was smarting Janet was up to
the challenge and even teased Todd , looking up at him and saying
through gritted teeth  “Is that the best you can do ?”

Todd shook his head, paused, raised his hand and brought it down
with resounding force on Janet’s stubborn rump.
It sounded like a gunshot and Janet howled upon impact.
“How was that?” he responded to Janet who was still wincing from the
stinging swat.
“WhÖwhat are you doing ? STOPPIT !” Janet yelled as Todd peeled off
her thong.
Her bottom completely bare , Todd continued delivering volleys of
spanks of the same velocity until Janet’s bottom was a flaming red
and she was squirming and bucking on his lap.
Janet exhaled forcefully.
Her bottom was on fire!

“OK OK I’m sorry Todd!” Janet wailed as Todd continued to spank her
briskly on her tender sit spot ..
Her bottom was well and truly tenderized now so he didn’t have to
spank Janet so hard.
So after a final flurry of spanks which had Janet yelping like a
puppy he stood her up and she immediately danced around the room,
furiously trying to douse the fire in her rear.
Todd chuckled at her antics before taking her by the wrist and
spinning her into his arms.

Their lips locked in a long, lingering kiss as Janet melted in
Todd’s arms.
She was conquered and she loved it!
Although the time was short , the sheer physical effort had
exhausted both of these athletes and Todd lay prone on top of Janet
as she remained over the desk.
When they stood up Todd took Janet in his arms and kissed her again.
“I want more” she pleaded to him.
Todd hugged her tightly.
“Sorry Janet I have to goÖ.it wouldn’t look right Ö” Todd explained.
Janet sighed as she watched Todd restore his jeans.
“Better get some Aloe Vera for that” he chuckled pointing to Janet’s
fiery red bottom.
Janet winced as she restored her dress over her sore bottom and
watched Todd leave.
Tyra groaned sleepily as she was awakened by the sound of the
Stretching an arm out she dragged the headset to her ear.
`MomÖits 10 amÖ.you should be here !” Cassandra lectured.
Suddenly awakened Tyra sat up on the bed.
“AIOOW!” she yelped as her still tender rear took her full weight .
“OOOOHÖ.I’ll be there in a few minutes honeyÖ.” She grimaced ,
raising herself up to her knees.

Hoisting her short nightie Tyra inspected her bottom in the mirror.
The sting had mostly  dissipated but her skin was still tender and
pinkish and she could  see the vague outline of Todd’s palm where it
had landed repeatedly.
It was only when she pulled on her nylon briefs that she realized
how tender the area was.
Luckily it was a short drive to pick up Cassandra but she still
found herself shifting and squirming in her seat .

As she waited in the car for Cassandra , Janet and Emily emerged
from the house.
“I can give you guys a ride .” Tyra chirped as they approached.
In reality she was anxious to get information on Todd’s visit.
Janet forced a smile ” No thanks Tyra the walk will be good for both
of us” she replied.

Tyra noticed Janet was walking a little stiffly .
“Did you hurt yourself ? You look like your limpingÖ” Tyra inquired.
Janet blushed and shook her head.
“I think she did hurt herself Mrs. Connor Öshe was too sore to sit
down at  Brittany’s for a coffee !” Emily piped up.
Tyra raised a curious eyebrow as Janet’s blush deepened.
“ErÖits an old basketball injuryÖlets go honey..” Janet babbled and
hustled Emily along.

Todd was in fine form , whistling as he strode into Tyra’s spa for a
Tyra’s eyes lit up at the unexpected visit.
“Told you I’d be a paying customer Tyra ñ your best massage please
Ma’am” he joked.
Tyra frowned “I’m afraid my masseur is not here todayÖ.will I do?”
Todd grinned and pulled Tyra into his arms and kissed her.

“You look like a mad scientist ñ but a real cute one !” Todd
observed as he lay on the massage table with only a tiny towel
covering his muscular hindquarters.
Tyra was wearing a short white lab coat , and had a pair of thick
framed glasses perched on her cute little nose.
Her long blonde hair was pinned up revealing a most beautiful face.
Smiling mischieviously she seductively slid down the zipper of the
lab coat , letting it drop to the floor .
She stood before Todd , hands on hips wearing only glasses and a
pair of heels.

Todd gulped and was rendered speechless momentarily.
Tyra’s hips swayed as she moved closer to Todd.
Turning , she showed him her bottom which still bore the marks of
the spanking he had given her.
Pouting her lips she tantalizing rubbed the area.
“You really spanked me hard last night” she purred.
Todd beckoned her closer.
“Let me kiss it better” he replied hungrily.
Tyra obliged bringing her bottom closer and Todd began planting soft
kisses all over her derrrierre.

Tyra turned to face him an started to massage his strong back.
Her hands soon drifted down to the towel draped over his bottom.
Slowly she eased it off and squeezed Todd’s buttocks with her hands
making him flinch.
“Hey ..easy there !” Todd complained.
Tyra’s response was to deliver a playful but firm slap to his rump.
“OUCH!” he cried , surprised by the sting.
Tyra clamped her left hand down on the small of Todd’s back.
“This is for leaving me to go see Janet last night. I just saw her
and you didn’t go there for her accounting ñ did you ?” she said
With that she started spanking Todd’s rump fast and furious and as
hard as she could.
His position on the massage table made it difficult for Todd to
avoid the unexpected paddling as Tyra whaled away at him.

Her palm may have been tiny but it was having an effect.
The sight of Todd’s skin reddening inspired Tyra to continue until
his cheeks were really red.
Finally out of breath Tyra stopped spanking.
Todd put a palm back to sooth his burning rear.
“AAAW Geez Tyra that hurt !” he whined as he rubbed.
Tyra leaned closer to him ” There’s lots more where that came from
if you ever try that again!” she told him through gritted teeth.
“YEOOW!” Todd yelped as Tyra delivered a final solid whack to his

Tyra studied her palm which was red and burned .
If her palm hurt that much she could just imagine what Todd’s bottom
felt like.
She blew on her palm like a gunslinger would do with with his gun.
“There will be no charge for this session Mr.Marley !” she grinned
as she departed.
Todd’s rear was still smarting when he arrived at Janet’s personal
training centre.
“Hi JanetÖis now a good time to talk about how you can help with the
team ?” he asked.
Janet was pleased to see her handsome beau.
“Sure Ö.have seat ” she replied pulling out a chair.
Todd put a hand to his stinging rear.
“No thanks I’ll just stand for a while” he said.
Janet put a hand on her spandex clad bottom.
“That’s fine with meÖsitting is a bit of a problem for me this
morning after thatÖ.wellÖlast night ” she blushed.

Todd grinned ” Yes ..well sorry I got there late and had to leaveÖ”
he said.
Janet raised an eyebrow and challenged Todd.
“You did seem to take a lot of time at Tyra’s just to do some
invoicesÖor was it just invoicing you were doing over there?” she
Todd blushed and tried painfully to explain.
“WellÖerÖ.we did have some wine and chatÖand erÖstuff..” Todd
coughed nervously.
Janet was gaining in confidence as Todd’s drained.
“Öand stuff ?” she said.

Janet took a ping pong paddle from a nearby shelf and advanced
towards a retreating Todd.
“So I was your little dessert after Tyra was I Todd ?” she seethed .
Todd tried vainly to add some humor.
“If we’re playing table tennis I’ll need a paddle too Janet.” He
Janet patted the paddle against her palm.
“For this game I’ll be doing ALL the paddling and your bare butt
will be the ball!”she declared .

Todd was stunned and taken by surprise by Janet’s confident stance.
She stood before him , paddle in hand , looking like an Amazon
“YEOOW!” Todd yelled as Janet took him roughly by the ear and
wheeled him into her office and closed the door.
“Jeans down and bend over the desk” Janet ordered.
Rubbing his ear Todd tried pleading with Janet.
“Now JanetÖ I know what I did was wrong butÖ.” He began but Janet
stopped him.
“I said jeans down and bend over the desk mister” she repeated.
Resigned to his fate , Todd sighed and began undoing his belt.

“Those too” Janet ordered pointing to Todd’s tight black briefs.
Todd’s shoulders slumped and he slid down his briefs and assumed the
“Well , well it appears you’ve been warmed up already !” Janet said
as she hoisted Todd’s shirt and observed his backside , red from the
whacking Tyra had administered.
“Hold on tight ñ you’re in for 20 of the best !” Janet announced.

Taking a step back Janet wound up and cracked the paddle against
Todd’s bare buttocks.
It sounded like a gunshot and Todd cried out loudly.
Slowly and methodically Janet delivered a full 20 blistering swats
to Todd’s backside as he remained bent over the desk.

Todd gritted his teeth and held on to the desk , struggling to stay
in position and maintain some composure as the paddle scorched his
After the final stinging swat landed he sprang up clutching his
cheeks with both palms .
Janet came up to him , put her arms around him and pressed her lips
against his.
Todd pulled her close to him and winced as Janet dug her fingers
into the tender hot skin of his buttocks while they kissed

Janet looked deep into Todd’s eyes and wagged a finger at him.
“Don’t ever pull a stunt like that with me ever again !” she said
“Ö..nowÖ.lets talk about the team shall we?”

Todd strolled home , his backside still smoldering inside his jeans
from the double paddling he had received from Tyra and Janet.
He had clearly underestimated the resolve of these two soccer moms
and had deservedly suffered their wrath.

With all the scores even ,  Tyra and Janet were both  anxious for a
second rendezvous with Todd and saw the team party that weekend as
the perfect opportunity to win it.
It was the soccer team pool party at Todd’s place and both ladies
had volunteered to chaperone while Todd barbequed.
Tyra eyed her extensive collection of swimsuits for the occasion and
settled on a tiny black bikini.
Not to be outdone, Janet had gone swimsuit shopping also and after
much deliberation about styles selected an eye-catching outfit.

There was definite tension in the air when the two rivals arrived at
Todd’s house to help set up for the party.
Luckily there were a few other Moms and Dads present which at leased
served to keep them apart.
It did not stop either of them from taking every opportunity to make
each other jealous by flirting  with Todd.

It was soon time for Tyra and Janet to play their trump card and go
for a swim with Todd in the pool.
Both of them were convinced that once he saw them in their carefully
selected, skimpy, swimsuit his heart would be theirs.
They glared at each other angrily as they peeled off their shorts
and tops.
“Hey what are the chances of that happening !” Todd cackled as Tyra
and Janet joined him at the pool.
The two ladies were aghast to see that they were wearing identical
bikinis !

The rest of the parents found it funny also and laughed out loud and
the Dad’s attending were most impressed.
Tyra and Janet looked wonderful but the laughter only served to
fester the simmering feud even more.

The pair competed hard for Todd’s affections as they all frolicked
in the pool and stayed there as one by one the parents and kids left
for home.
Even Cassandra and Emily were growing embarrassed by their Mothers’
pursuit of their coach.
“Can we go now Mom?” they whined in unison.
“I’ll take these two for an ice cream if you like and you can pick
them up at my place ” one of the remaining parents offered on their
way out.
Of course Tyra and Janet gratefully agreed and were left alone in
the pool with Todd.
The trio retreated to sunbath on the deck and Todd offered to get
them all some drinks.
While the ladies were intent on one of them winning over Todd for
the evening, Todd’s goal was to have every man’s dream come trueñ a
threesome !

His opportunity arrived when he returned with the drinks and found
Tyra and Janet in a heated argument.
Before he could put down the drinks Tyra slapped Janet’s face and
Janet retaliated by grabbing Tyra’s bikini top and pulling it clean
Her eyes filled with fury Tyra returned the favor and reached for
Janet’s top.
The stronger Janet was able to hold her off but they both fell in
the pool and continued their struggle.
Todd dived into the pool and quickly separated the two flailing,
topless females and yanked them out of the pool.
He tossed them each a towel as they spat out water and tried to
cover their nakedness.
Todd was genuinely furious but sensed an opportunity.
“Both of you ñ inside ñ NOW!” he seethed.
Like naughty schoolgirls the feuding soccer moms trundled inside
with Todd close behind.

Todd had them stand by the sofa while he went to the kitchen,
returning with a large wooden spoon.
The ladies’ jaws dropped as reality sunk in.
“Get those bikini bottoms off and bend over the back of the sofa!”
Todd ordered.
For a moment Tyra and Janet mumbled a protest but their words
trailed off and they both wiggled their hips out of their wet bikini
The ladies made an attempt to cover their vanity with their hands
but Todd was showing no sympathy for their plight and motioned them
to bend over the sofa.

Todd took in the sight of these two shapely, bare, glistening
bottoms presented to him.
While he had seen them before he could not resist pausing to compare
their beauty.

Tyra’s bottom was smaller, round and soft and with more curves while
Janet’s was firm and muscular but still very feminine.
Taking his position beside them Todd tapped the spoon against their
bottoms as a warning for what was to come.
In unison the two ladies closed their eyes, gripped onto the sofa
and tensed their bottoms.

In no time Todd had the spoon dancing all over the four globes,
peppering them with short, sharp, stinging whacks in rapid
The fact that the spoon was being applied to wet skin made it smart
even more and Tyra and Janet were soon making quite a racket as
their bottoms were well and truly warmed wth the punishing spoon.
When both their bottoms were a fiery crimson Todd paused to smooth
his palm over them.
It felt good and the women moaned and sighed but soon began
shrieking loudly as the spoon resumed its dance harder and faster
before finishing in a cracking crescendo.
Tyra and Janet remained prone over the sofa when it ended, slowly
allowing their palms to sooth the damaged area.

“OK you two ñ you can get up now!” Todd said firmly.
Too sore to worry about their nakedness both Tyra and Janet needed
both hands to rub their bottoms as Todd lectured them on their
“Get up stairs and lie down on the bed and I’ll get some Aloe Vera
for those naughty bottoms!” Todd suggested with a grin.
Tyra and Janet smiled, looked at each other and headed for the
bedroom upstairs.
Todd picked up the tube of Aloe Vera as he watched the two jiggling,
red bottoms scurry upstairs.
When he reached the bedroom door Todd peered in to see Tyra and
Janet lying together , naked on the bed, their bottoms in the air
awaiting his arrival.
Todd’s fantasy was about to come true he thought.

He stepped out of his swim trunks and his ***.
Aloe Vera in hand , his eyes feasted on the sight before him and he
sat on the edge of the bed.
Tyra and Janet groaned and giggled like schoolgirls as Todd
seductively applied the cooling ointment to their hot cheeks ,
allowing his fingers to wander , linger , explore and tease them.
“Oooooo,,,,that feels soooo good Todd..” Tyra sighed , glancing at
Janet smiled and looked up at Todd.
“Why don’t you lie down on the bed Todd and let us take care of
you ” she suggested.

Todd needed no encouragement and the girls stepped off the bed and
signaled him to lie face down to await their pleasure.

For a moment Todd heard some rummaging in the closet behind him.
“What are you two looking for ?” he asked innocently.
With the speed of a panther Janet leapt onto the bed and sat on
Todd’s back , straddling him and pinning his arms down with her
strong legs as she faced his feet.
“You go first Tyra !” she hollered excitedly.

Forcing his head around Todd saw Tyra looking very determined and
holding a thick , leather belt she had taken from his closet.
She doubled it over and slapped it against her palm.
“You men never learn do you Todd ?
Did you really think you were a getting a threesome that easily?”
she teased.

“All you’re getting from us is an ass blistering mister !” Janet
yelled excitedly.
Todd tried frantically to free himself but there was no way Janet
would let him move from his vunerable position.
“Tyra Ö.JanetÖ.pleaseÖÖ..let me upÖ..AAAAARRRRGGHÖ.”Todd  howled as
Tyra lashed the leather belt across his backside.


Todd was a strong , powerful with a tough hide and a fierce male
pride and he never thought that these two soccer moms could have him
bawling like baby.
But they had done just that.
Like a tag team they took turns holding him down and walloping his
rear with the belt.

He was totally humbled now as he joined Tyra and Janet on the patio
for a long overdue talk.
Despite clear warnings he was determined not to choose between these
two attractive women and his male ego had driven him to scheme so he
could have them both.
Teaming up to administer that well deserved strapping had bonded
Tyra and Janet.
They could even laugh about their identical swimsuits as they sat
under the sun umbrella while Todd served them up some ice tea.

To add to his humiliation the ladies shared with each other the
spankings they had given him only a few days earlier.
“That’s why his rump was so red Ö.I figured it was you Tyra !” Janet
Tyra was bent over laughing loudly.

Their bottoms still tingled from the effects of the wooden spoon
earlier but they were able to sit fairly comfortably on the soft ,
thick chair cushions .
The same could not be said for Todd .
It would be a few days before he was able to sit down comfortably on
anything !

“I’d like to apologise to both of you for being such a cad ” Todd
said holding up a glass for a toast.
“To honesty and fair play !” he declared.
“I’ll drink to that!” the ladies chimed and clinked their glasses.


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‘A Priceless Spanking’ : Great M/F spanking story


This entry to the Brief Encounter story contest is funny and well-written. I think you’ll enjoy ‘A Priceless Spanking.’ (The asterisks are my edits, for slightly naughty langugage – although it should be said that it’s still obvious.)

– Dana

                                                A Priceless Spanking

Sara had not been the best girlfriend in the world. She ran up $1575.50 on Andrew’s credit card. Designer snake print jeans $489, Lace-Inset Blouse $897.00, designer heels $178, red panties 11.50. The spanking she was going to receive, priceless.  
Sara was lying naked on her stomach with her laptop in front of her. Her long dark hair was cascading down her back all the way to her lovely bottom that protruded proudly in the air. Her large breasts rested comfortably on her bed. Sara opened her e-mail account.  Apparently, she had inherited a large sum of money from a long lost Nigerian relative and only had to send $500 to cover the processing fees. Sara laughed. “How could anyone be stupid enough to fall for this?” she thought. “O here’s one from Andrew.” Sara read Andrew’s e-mail:

“Meet me at 135 Baker St.  Coventry, CT at 3pm” was all it said.  

“Hmm that’s odd” Sara thought. “He must have a surprise planed for me, how fun.”  Sara looked at the location on Google Earth. “Looks like a train station, not very romantic. Well I better get dressed.” Sara got up and put on her new red panties. “I better not wear the rest of my new clothes, Andrew might ask questions.” Sara put on her socks, some old jeans, a tee shirt and some running shoes. There was no reason to get dressed up for a train station. 
When Sara arrived at the train station she was surprised that it was empty. Just then Sara saw Andrew walking towered her. 
Andrew:  “The station is shut down for repairs. We have it all to ourselves.” 
Sara: “I don’t have sex in train stations if that’s what you had in mind.”
Andrew: “Don’t worry, so apparently you ran up an enormous bill on my credit card.”
Sara: “(smiling) So, what are you going to do about it?”
“Perhaps I’ll do Andrew in the train station after all. After a good lay he will probably forget all about the credit card,” Sara thought to herself.
Andrew: “Well for starters I’m going to give you a good spanking.”
Sara: “(laughs) What a joke. You don’t have the *** to spank me.”
Andrew: “We’ll just see about that. Take off all your clothes save you shoes and socks. You’re going to need them.”
Sara “OK, I’m feeling pretty *** myself.”
Sara casually took off her shirt then her jeans and panties.
Andrew: “Well I’m not. (sitting down on a bench) Get over my knee.”
Sara positioned herself on Andrew’s lap.
Sara: “I thought I felt something. Did a fly land on my ass?”
Sara: “O now you want to play paddy cake with my ass. How cute, paddy cake, paddy cake bakers m”
Sara: “Owwy, owwy, owwy”
Andrew: “I thought I didn’t have the *** to spank you.”
Sara: “Ok! Ok! You have the ***! You have the ***!”
Sara: “Your *** are gigantic! You have the biggest *** in the world! Please stop spanking me!”
Andrew: “No need to get carried away. My *** are average size.”
Sara: “Have you been comparing them with the guys at the gym?”
Sara: “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!”
Andrew: “Now stand up and get your little red caboose on the tracks.”
Sara: “O aren’t you just sooo clever (sarcastically)”
Andrew: “You just can’t help being a smart ass, can you?”
Sara: “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!”
Sara got up and stood on the train tracks facing away from Andrew.
Andrew: “You’re always saying that you want to exercise more. Why don’t you pretend you’re a train and run to the platform and back?”  SMACK!!!!
Sara jogged slowly down the track. As Andrew watched Sara’s red bottom change shape as she jogged, Andrew realized that he had lied about not being ***. Sara’s red bottom looked smaller and smaller to Andrew as she jogged towered the platform. When she reached the platform she turned around and began jogging toward Andrew. Her breasts bounced rhythmically. Sara’s breasts seemed so carefree to Andrew, free to bounce as they pleased without the confinement of modern technology. Sara now stood in front of Andrew. She was breathing a little harder then normally. 
Andrew: “Turn around; you’ve been a very bad train. You were way to slow. The passengers were all late and I’ve had to listen to them complain all day.”
Andrew was pleased that Sara was no longer talking back to him.
Andrew: “Now let’s try this again.” SMACK!!!!
Sara ran at a full sprint down the track. She reached the platform in no time. She turned around and began running toward Andrew. Her breasts were now bouncing at a feverish pace. Sara stood in front of Andrew.
Sara: “(breathing heavily) Was I a good train this time Mr. Conductor?”
Andrew: “Yes you were.”
Sara:  “I’m sorry about the credit card. I’ll return the clothes I bought.”
Andrew: “Don’t return the red panties. I kind of like them.”
Sara: “O good you’ll look so cute in them.”
Andrew:  “Well I see you’re still a smart ass. But my arm is too tired to spank you anymore.”
Sara kissed Andrew. Andrew gently kneaded Sara’s sore red bottom.
Sara: “My bottom is so red (protruding her lower lip in an exaggerated pout). Kiss it better.”
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