I’ve changed the color scheme of the blog somewhat after having received several emails about the difficulty of reading light print on the previous dark-colored background.
Also, the former drop-down menus for spanking stories and other content are listed on the right-hand side of the blog sidebar as individual links again, since the drop-downs didn’t work with all browsers.
The links for my Clips4Sale and Spanking Library studios have been replaced by a link to my new video website, (Video updates will be posted to the blog once a week, when applicable, on Sunday.)
I hope that these changes make the blog easier to read and navigate, and that you’ll continue to send your suggestions to me – either via the comment box below, or at
VBB and WW go to Spanking Court (lots of preview photos!)
Spanking Court recently had the immense pleasure of hosting the case of the VBB vs. Isabella (The WW) and Dana Kane. The VBB brought many trumped-up chages against his Wonderful Wife and I, but (naturally) he did not prevail. They’ve been nice enough to send along their thoughs on the weekend below, and the preview photos are courtesy of – Dana

Brand new spanking story from our UK Laureate
New Survey: Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why of Spanking
New website
I have been actively posting to this blog for well over a year now, and it has been a real eye-opening experience. Many cool and wonderful people have passed through, leaving comments, words of wisdom, and pieces of their imaginations on the pages here.
In recent weeks, and since the inclusion of premium spanking videos to my repertoire, a large portion of my blog has been filled with preview photos, videos, and links to said premium content.
Since it has never been my intention that this blog serve as a ‘shopping cart’, I have decided to build a separate, non-members website on which I may advertise downloadable spanking videos, DVD’s, and other products, so that my blogsite can remain more focused on the general discussion of spanking and discipline play, contests, Conversations, and the like.
New premium videos and DVD’s will still receive a short weekly mention on my blog, with links to the new site – and readers may choose whether or not to click over and view the scene descriptions, screenshots, previews, and buy links. Other interesting features like ‘Meet the Models’ and the chance to become one yourself are included, as well as links to other quality sites. You’ll be able to order custom videos, and build your own Dana Kane spanking video DVD’s, too.
Free videos, like the Product Testing series, Tips for Tops, and other planned fun projects, will still be available here, updated just as regularly as always, along with stories, surveys, and all the rest.
The new website is located at: HERE. Please do let me know what you think – but be gentle, as I’ve quite literally learned each step as I went along, and am pretty darned proud of the site thus far. (You can also subscribe to email updates from, by clicking the RSS feed button at the bottom of the Homepage.)
– Dana
Conversations with Spankos: Chapter Eight
I have received a number of age-play requests and comments of late, which is likely directly related to my posting blogs and videos (both in my studio and with Dreams of Spanking). While these conversations concern everything from role-play scenarios to childhood memories to issues of accountability, the similarity which I notice among most of them is regression.
We have discussed regression previously in the context of of age-play, but I am considering now it’s wider implications relating to all disciplinary spanking play.
Consider this: Spanking is something naturally and commonly associated with our formative years; it is one of the worst forms of punishment that may be heaped upon us up until a certain age – an embarrassing and painful event. When the severity of our infractions increases, so does the severity of the spanking.
Even if we weren’t spanked at home, we watched someone else – a neighborhood friend, relative, or schoolmate suffer the fate of a spanking for something he or she had done wrong. We have all been influenced in some way by spanking, and all at an early age.
Once we reach adulthood things become much more complicated. Spankings are no longer used as a form of discipline or punishment in the adult world. Now, when we make mistakes we suffer much larger consequences. A slip-up at work may result in termination; a little misunderstanding can lead to major relationship problems; one wrong financial move and our futures are at perilous risk.
Who wouldn’t want to return to a time when a quick spanking was just about the worst thing that could happen on any given day? This is why I am beginning to think that regression is a natural part of any discipline spanking, even those not even remotely related to age or role-play.
What else is an adult discipline spanking for, if not to hold that adult accountable for some adult action? Maybe you haven’t been sticking to your diet, so you request a spanking from your top for direction and motivation, rather than going to your doctor and confessing your non-compliance. How many of us have received spankings for tardiness, laziness, or doing naughty things when we know better? It’s safe to say that nearly all who enjoy receiving a spanking could raise a hand. As youths, if we were caught in any of those situations, that’s likely what we’d get – a good, hard spanking, and a “What were you thinking?”. As adults, repeated tardiness could result in much more dire consequences, as could numerous types of behavior termed naughty.
So we enter a fantasy world of sorts when we participate in spanking play. That forgotten memo at work won’t get you fired if you play your cards right – but you’ll likely feel a little guilty about having gotten away with it. Rather than confess to your superior and risk your job, you confess to your spanker instead, get your spanking, and feel better afterward. No harm done, and you can now get on with your day.
Most indiscretions, misdeeds, and naughty behavior are handled with spanking discipline within the world of spankos. We tops do not ask that our bottoms hold themselves to some higher adult standard which requires them to be held accountable in the real world. Accountability and redemption come through the act of receiving the spanking, and the psychological implications which go hand-in-hand with the act.
Is this not regression, if not solely in action, during every adult discipline spanking – since it’s really the most dire consequence under the circumstances?
Please do take a moment to add your comments and thoughts to the discussion by commenting in the box below.
– Dana
F/F spanking photo preview: Introducing Sternwood Academy
Hello everyone,
Allow me a moment to introduce a new project from my friends at Alpine Sierra Studios, makers of the wonderfully irreverent The new video series, called ‘Sternwood Academy’, features a very strict young ladies preparatory school – and some very lovely young ladies in attendance.
I love the girls’ uniforms – traditional knee-skimming plaid skirts, worn with ribboned knee socks and black blazers. The girls are never allowed to look or behave like anything but perfectly-poised young women, but somehow usually end up with their panties hanging from hooks on the wall, anyway. Isn’t education wonderful?
Our first installment of Sternwood features:
Heather, Alex, Ela, Cali, and Cheyenne: Bad Girls |
Cali Cutie (from Spanking Ms. Cali), Alex Reynolds (more photos from the shoot on Alex’s blog!), Cheyenne Jewel, Heather Michaels, and spanking newcomer Ela Darling (she proved herself to be a real champ over the course of this rigorous two day shoot). These students just cannot seem to behave themselves, in spite of the best efforts of the staff: Coach Michaels, Professor Feenix, and Ms. Kane.
Can you guess which red bottom belongs to whom? |
(Yes, that’s me in the wig and long skirt.)
Cali and Ela know that they’ve pushed Ms. Kane too far this time. |
Sternwood Academy will be DVD-released soon, and I’ll keep you updated here on it’s availability.
– Dana
New Writing Contest: ‘Brief Encounter’
Since the ‘Person, Place and Thing’ story format brings such interesting and varied entries, I’ve decided to make it the regular, bi-monthly writing contest. Each contest will vary in it’s thematics, and you’ll have ample opportunity for artistic license.
With that said, June’s ‘Person, Place, and Thing’ contest is:

All the other details are yours to imagine – just make sure you include the spanking!
You may include as many (or few) other characters as you like, and the spankings may be of any sub-genre (M/F, M/M, F/F, F/M). The contest will run throughout the month of June, and the winner will receive a spanking session with me.
Remember the rules:
– All characters must be over the age of 18.
– Don’t plagiarize or ‘borrow’.
– No extreme profanities, or overtly sexual language.
– The winner must either claim his or her ‘prize’ in Las Vegas or in one of the other cities which I visit( see Travel). Otherwise, please enter your story as a non-contestant, so that the ‘prize’ may be awarded in a timely manner.
– Your entry means that you agree to share your story both here and on other publishing platforms. Stories will be posted/excerpted publicly, here on my blog, and promoted through other social media outlets.
Have fun writing, and good luck!
– Dana
F/M Spanking Story: ‘Well, if you think that’s embarrasing’
Naughty Bench reader entry: Hilarious!
When I posted the photo of the Wonderful Wife’s take on the Naughty Bench, I also issued a challenge. Send me photos of your own, homemade discipline bench – the best one will receive a special gift from me.
Well, one of my more imaginative playmates jumped right into this one. He spent what looks to be quite some time coming up with a series of ‘punishments’ for his bench. He’s sent photos of the bench and some funny ones also of him ‘testing’ it’s efficacy (yes, he actually sat on the conch shells!). I cannot decide whether to applaud him for his industriousness or spank him for his complete silliness. Maybe both are in order.
Here are a few samples of his Naughty Bench:
I am looking forward to seeing what else you smart spankos can come up with – send your photos to
– Dana
Original F/M Spanking Story: ‘The First Spring Break’
New Free Spanking Video: Tips for Tops: ‘Don’t Break your Bottom’
New Premium POV videos: F/M Scolding and Discipline
Here are a few preview photos from the two new POV videos available at my Clips4Sale studio.
The first, a strictly scolding POV scene titled ‘Panty Snatcher’, shows what happens when I find my new satin panties hidden on your side of the bed. A harsh lecture and threat of two hundred swats with a wooden stinger paddle should get your mind out of the gutter.
The next, titled ‘Little Boy’s Toys’ is an Age-Play, OTK POV – no male bottom visible in this scene, even during the spanking action – with scolding and an over-the-shoulder-view POV hand spanking.
Friends, Links, and Gratitude
Occasionally it’s nice to acknowledge acknowledgment. Thanks to these fellow sites and bloggers for links, mentions, and internet love:
Spanky at Bright Bottom
Mr. Marks at Secret Spanko
The Cherry Red Report
Alex in Spankingland
American Spanking Society
Yeowch 2 Spanking Blog
DWC Desires
fB’s Blog
Mistress Aimee
Spanked Hortic II
Spanking Court’s Blog
There is a lot to love about each of these linkers – take a few minutes to peruse the excellent writing and broad imaginations of these fellow spankos.
– Dana
Marital discipline scene on Dreams of Spanking
Here are some preview shots and a link to the preview video of a fun and sexy marital discipline/age-play scene I worked on for Pandora Blake’s Dreams of Spanking website. My costar, Mike Stryker, was game enough to not only let me spank him – hard – but to allow me the honor of shaving his beard on camera. Mike’s ample young bottom was even more pink than his drop-seat pajamas, by the time I was done with him. Enjoy!
Original F/M and F/F spanking story, set in 1966
Another fine entry to the ‘Person, Place, and Thing’ Spring Break story contest, this blast from the past untitled piece incorporates both F/F and F/M spankings. Enjoy!
– Dana
It was the spring of 1966 and I had big plans for spring break- hot girls and cold beer. For months Sandy and I have been planning to go to a secluded beach in Florida that was a popular spring break destination. My sister was out of town for two weeks and I knew the combination to the lock on her garage where she kept her 1958 Pontiac convertible. When we arrived it was everything we had expected- hot girls in bikinis and cold beer. Back in the 1960’s if you were caught with beer in your car cops would pour it out and send you on your way. It was the good old boys system- or so we thought.
Sandy had a beautiful body and wasn’t afraid to show it off in a skimpy bikini and could she kiss. If I tried to get beyond that point she would grab my hands and put them in their place. When we got to the beach we got drop dead drunk. What shocked me the most was the rude disrespectful behavior that the other students displayed toward the police. Yet the police tolerated the remarks, underage drinking, smell of pot, and even being called pigs from the direction of the smell of pot. I didn’t understand it; but, I assumed that they were concerned with not starting a riot and keeping our behavior isolated to a small beach.
How wrong I was. There were only three ways out of the beach and when Sandy and I left that evening there was an alcohol check point at every exit. Here we were half wasted with open containers and beer cans all over the back seat. Upon checking our car the police officer directed us to a parking space and ordered us into the back seat of a police car. When the doors were closed we were locked in and Sandy was in tears. Here we were in another state and about to be hauled into a police station for underage drinking and driving under the influence. I immediately understood why the police tolerated so much name calling and rude behavior from the crowd- they would get the last laugh.
The police officer got into his car and drove us past the police station for a couple of miles and turned on a long driveway to a secluded house. The officer grabbed our arms and escorted us to the front door where we were greeted by a maid who lead us to the library and instructed the officer to wait in the hall. She had a strange smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye that was almost frightening.
Sitting at his desk in the library was a handsome gentleman in his 50’s. He smiled and offered Sandy and me a seat. We both felt quite foolish in our swimming suits. He explained that we were both in serious trouble and that the citizens of the town were perturbed with the behavior of college students during spring break but couldn’t afford to hire enough officials to deal with the problem when it was only for one week. The jails and criminal justice system were sufficient for fifty one weeks but not for the one week that college students invaded the town. Because of this civic leaders have come up with a three step plan. First we will patrol the beach and note unlawful and disrespectful behavior. Second since there are only three exits from the beach we will establish checkpoints. Students being disrespectful will have profiles sent to checkpoints and those with excessive beer or impaired will be detained. Third there are three secluded homes where detainees will be escorted.
One house was occupied by a couple who operated the local health club. This couple were trim and fit and would have no trouble handling young college students. In the second house lived a 50 year old widow who had raised five children after her husband was killed by a drunk driver. The third house was his and his wife Dana Kane was the local elementary principal. He said that we had a choice to make. Either we would burden the local judicial system or agreed to voluntarily accept a no nonsense paddling from his wife. He further explained that her school only allowed five swats but that girls never returned for a second spanking and that the boys were very unhappy little boys when they left her office. A few of the boys found themselves over her knee several times but were in tears, kicking, begging, and pleading long before the fifth spank. Ms. Kane suspected that some of the boys, although they found her spankings extremely painful, had a need to be soundly spanked.
We both agreed to be soundly spanked by Ms. Kane. Sandy went first and Ms. Kane put her across her nylon clad legs. The first spank went across the top of Sandy’s legs and the bottom of her bottom leaving a red strip across the bottom of Sandy’s bikini clad bottom. The second spank landed right in the middle of both cheeks. The third and fourth landed on the right and left cheek respectively. The next six peppered her bottom from the top to the bottom as she pleaded, kicked , begged and cried. When Ms. Kane left Sandy up she danced and jumped around the room holding her bright red bottom.
I was next. Ms. Kane put me across her nylon clad lap and told me that I would get double of what Sandy got and that I would be acting more like one of her elementary students than like a college freshman when she was finished with me. She was right. Sandy took her paddling better than me.. By the third spank I was pleading, by the fifth I was kicking and begging and by the sixth I was crying. After twenty my naked bottom was bright red and so was my face.
To this day I thank Ms. Kane for the paddling she gave me. While over her knee I only wanted it to end; but, when it was over I was grateful for not going through the criminal justice system. Ever once and awhile I for some strange reason wish that I could again relieve all of my anxiety over her knee again.
The Wonderful Wife builds a Naughty Bench, plus a fun challenge.
Yesterday I received an email from the Wonderful Wife. She was inspired by my Naughty Bench and decided to make one of her own. As you know, the Very Bad Boy is a world-class brat, so this should come in very handy in her repertoire. I am looking forward to hearing about it’s first implementation.
Spanking PSA: Bruises – Take Your Medicine
There are ways to avoid light marks associated with spanking play, and to help dissipate bruises faster.
In my experience, both Arnica (taken internally) and Vitamin K are good supplements to take prior to engaging in spanking play. Arnica gel is used by many – as well as Vitamin K oil – topically, and with good effect. Below is an article I found which gives a bit more information on supplements and vitamins. Of course, always check with your physician or pharmacist to make sure that these do not interact with any other medications you are taking.
From eHow:
For people who bruise easily, doctors suggest taking Vitamins C, E and K and zinc to help speed up the healing process of bruises and prevent future bruising.
Vitamin C can help with bruising because it increases collagen in the body, reduces inflammation and builds up the immune system. This vitamin may be especially helpful because of the citrus bioflavonoids and antioxidants found in citrus fruit.
Vitamin E is important for the prevention of bruising because it aids in blood-vessel function and tissue repair.
Vitamin K helps with blood clotting and strengthens the walls surrounding the blood vessels. People often use Vitamin K lotion and supplements to get rid of bruises quickly and to fade spider veins.
Zinc is a mineral that helps prevent and dissolve bruises because it assists in the development of healthy tissue and skin and is essential to wound healing. The best sources for these nutrients are the foods we eat including fruit, leafy vegetables, whole grains and nuts. These nutrients can also be taken in supplement form.
The most common herbs suggested to prevent and treat bruises are horse chestnut, arnica and grape-seed extract. Horse chestnut treats the inflammation and swelling associated with bruises and broken capillaries as well as other vein conditions such as spider veins and varicose veins. Arnica is a homeopathic herb used to prevent bruises and relieve pain and discomfort associated with tissue injuries. Grape-seed extract has powerful antioxidant properties and makes blood capillaries stronger, resulting in less bruising.
Dr. Oz says:
You may also bruise more easily if you take coumadin, aspirin, or steroids, which all make your capillaries more fragile. Certain herbs, especially ginkgo, ginseng and glucosamine (the “g” herbs) can make you bruise more easily too.
Cold compresses help with inflammation as well as bruising. So does massage. It may be a little uncomfortable, but rubbing those strawberries and bruises out is one of the quickest ways to disperse them. Ask your partner to give you a nice next-day bottom massage, or reach back there and give one to yourself. – Dana
F/M Spanking Story: ‘Thomas and Della take Spring Break’
The DVD Learning Curve
Not every person who likes spanking videos wants to pay for an online download – some of us prefer things a bit more tangible, and others just don’t entrust our credit card numbers to an online porn site.
I know that technology is leading us all in the direction of all-online, all the time, but I also believe that there is still a large audience for hard media. Therefore, I have decided to begin producing DVD’s of my spanking videos. As with everything, I’ll be doing all the production myself, and I’m sure that the learning process will take a few weeks, but am looking forward to being able to offer my videos in DVD format for those who are interested.
While I have done quite a bit of research already, and have much more to do, I am always interested in comments, feedback, and advice. Please feel free to comment below, or email me directly at
Naughty Bench, under construction

(Many loving thanks to my favorite carpenter’s helper for lots of work on this little bench.)
Spanking Story: Spring Break Person, Place, and Thing Contest
Here is another well-written entry to last month’s ‘Person, Place and Thing’ spanking story writing contest. Titled “Spring Break Breakdown”, you’ll enjoy the turns in this fun spanking tale.
The cool "Pina Colada Hour" that promised to be so much the part of each day on this vacation was rudely interrupted by the jangling telephone. Just when I was looking forward to renewing my close acquaintance with Hannah---in the bedroom.
"Your turn," said Hannah. "They've all been for you."
I winced. She was right. If it wasn't Jane, my secretary, it was someone she'd given my number to. I'd been running to catch the phone all week. Three days here but it hardly seemed like a vacation. After handling a rather intense case, I'd received a handsome bonus and had decided to renew the conversation with former lover and still current very good friend Hannah Reeves about setting up a law practice in Florida. Hannah was more than happy to meet me in Florida, but she had agreed to chaperone two college freshmen---- her sister's 18 year old daughter, Wendy, and her friend Holly at Ft Lauderdale for Spring Break. So here we all were, and I was up to my ass in estrogen with the three of them in a two bedroom condo on the beach.
As it turned out, the phone was for Hannah. "It sounds like law enforcement," I said. Hannah cocked her head and mouthed "what?" Then she took the phone.
"They what? OK, where? OK. Oh my God. Thanks." Hannah looked worried. "It's the police. Wendy and Holly are in custody."
"Juvenile to be exact. The little dears were rounded up by the beach patrol. Indecency. They were wearing thong swim suits. Police hauled them to jail." Hannah looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Thong suits---what do you know about that?"
They had pleaded with Hannah to allow them to buy these thong barely-there-butt-floss bikinis. They were obviously designed to tease every available male for miles around into hormonal overload. The city had passed a new decency ordinance--just in time for Spring break, and the girls had gone out to the beach in defiance of it.
Served them right, getting arrested.
But, uh, oh. I'd let them buy the suits after Hannah had looked at them in the store and said "Absolutely not."
Both were blondes with great figures which they had been determined to show off as much as possible. They had pleaded with me after Hannah had moved off to another part of the store. I had given in and let them put it on my charge card.
Hannah looked at me with that chilling no nonsense glare. "You bought them after all, didn't you? After I'd said no."
"They promised not to wear them here," I said weakly.
"I should have known they'd try this," fumed Hannah.
"Well, they did leave wearing their one-piece suits," I offered.
"But they changed somewhere. I can't believe this," she fumed. I tried to apologize for buying them in the first place. "I'll deal with you later," she said.
"So what happens now?"
"I don't know. I have to go down there."
So we drove to the juvenile correction center. The parking lot was full. The place was a madhouse, but we were told that there would be an arraignment for a huge block of kids picked up in a sweep for a variety of youthful offenses. Hannah, who was a member of the Florida bar, was able to get us moved up on the docket. Most of the kids there were unsupervised, on their own, and had no one to plead their cases. The judge, a crusty old cracker who'd been on the bench longer than Moses motioned us back into chambers.
"Says here they got hauled in for wearin' one of them thong things," he drawled, reading the police report.
Hannah admitted only what we'd been told.
The judge leaned back in his chair and regarded us thoughtfully. "Way I see it, there's two ways this can go-one, the girls could get the mandatory Juvie treatment-locked up for three days of Spring Break week. Now that's door number one. Two--and this one you ought to think about--Juvenile Correction is going to put on a little demonstration. Right out on the beach. They're gonna show kids what can happen to 'em if they don't obey the law. We're overrun with these damn hooligans this time of year, and the county passed a new ordinance. We're damn tired of paying to incarcerate these kids.
"So now, they're going to get what us kids got in my day for such shenanigans, and that's a good paddling. Only now, the county is going to do a public demonstration and what they need are 'volunteers' for this little show. The good part is, after they're done, that's it. Case dismissed."
Hannah was in shock. So was I. In return for a guilty plea, the girls were to receive, honest to gosh, a public spanking and no incarceration.
"You want to talk to your clients about it? After all, they'll be up on that stage, wearin' those little thong suits and getting a good licking in front of their friends..."
"I can safely say they'll agree to it, judge." Hannah was actually smiling. The little madams were going to get it.
The announcement to Wendy and Holly did not go over well.
"You mean they're going to s-spank us?" asked Holly incredulously.
"In front of all those people?" Wendy was shocked to even ask.
"Well, kids it's a hell of a lot better than being locked up at Juvenile, isn't it Rob?" asked Hannah, turning my way.
"It's pretty grim in the lockup," I said.
The girls were crestfallen. They were still in the juvenile detention center wearing their thong suits (now covered by a beach skirt and jacket ensemble).
"I could call your parents and ask them what they want you to do..." ventured Hannah.
"Oh, no no," they both blurted, almost in unison, "we'll do the, uh, demonstration thing."
Hannah notified the matron, then signed some papers. Then the girls signed. The matron made a phone call and two juvenile officers showed up. Both officers were Dept of Corrections people. Both wore khaki shorts and white blouses with ties. One whose name tag read "Carla" was a tall Brunette with a thin face and short clipped hair, the other, "Fran" was a stocky blonde. Both women appeared to be in their early forties and very capable. We were to go with them in a squad car to a stage that had been set up on the beach.
The girls were silent all the way there until Wendy asked in a shaky voice, "Are you the ones who are going know..."
"That's right, miss," said Carla in a clipped businesslike voice. "You are both getting a break and I want full cooperation--or else. Just think of us as your moms away from home." Both women chuckled.
The girls just slunk down in their seats, totally mortified. When we got to the staging area, a crowd had already started to gather. The stage was set up at the end of a parking lot facing the beach. It was usually used for bands and music, but Juvenile Corrections had taken it over today. On stage were a few microphones and two sturdy stools. Carla and Fran secured the girls' wrists in front of them with plastic restraints and pulled them out of the car. Another Dept of Corrections officer, a man, took the microphone on the stage. A curious crowd had begun to gather. It was mixed. There were families with kids, teenagers, and seniors who had been either sunbathing or swimming or walking on the beach, but they sensed something was in the offing and started gathering about the stage in expectation of what it might be.
The corrections guy announced that he was officer Ruiz and that what they were about to see was a sentence carried out by order of the Juvenile Court for public indecency. Couched in the announcement was a warning that the punishment they were about to see was mild compared to what juveniles might receive for other, more serious crimes. Now the crowd was very interested. The girls were frog marched by Carla and Fran, respectively, to the stage. They had been stripped of their beach shifts and were now clad only in the thong bikinis that had prompted the arrest. No wonder they were arrested. Pale, firm and full, the pair of succulent teenaged bare bottoms on display in those bikinis left nothing to the imagination. When they had climbed the stairs to the stage, they stood, each officer with a firm grip on the arm of her charge, facing the expectant audience. Officer Ruiz regarded them with a thin smile then pulled out a sheet of paper and began to read it aloud to everyone.
"By order of the Juvenile Court of Dade County, Judge Ellison presiding, Miss Holly Sanders and Miss Wendy Woods, having pleaded guilty to violation of county ordinance no. 114.675(a)(2), public indecency, both shall be publicly punished as prescribed by law."
Turning to Carla and Fran he said, "Ladies, do your duty." Holly and Wendy started to mouth protests as they were gripped more tightly and escorted over to the two sturdy stools. Almost in unison, the corrections officers sat on the stools, which were side by side and pulled the two juvenile culprits over their laps. The girls shrieked at this indignity. Their pale moons quivered as they squirmed helplessly across the laps of the stolid matrons who held them in a secure grip, learned no doubt by experience with countless other naughty teenage hoydens.
Chuckles swept through the crowd at the obvious distress of the embarrassed teenagers. The crowd now noticed that cute backsides of the two girls were practically bare save for the skimpy thongs that hid only their private girlish parts. With grim smiles the officers each produced an oval paddle. The crowd grew silent. At a signal from Officer Ruiz Carla and Fran raised the leather spankers and proceeded to smack the wriggling bottoms of the hapless teenagers. The girls screeched in indignity and pain as crisp smacks rang out, the sounds of which were effectively picked up by the stage microphones. Holly was the shorter of the two and her legs fluttered as she squirmed in vain over the determined officer's lap. Wendy's toes drummed on the floor of the stage in an attempt to alleviate the unbearable sting that had built up from repeated applications of the paddle. The cracks and thwacks of the paddles along with the shrieks and crying of the mortified girls formed a cacophony of sound that attested to the efficacy of Florida justice as the bouncing bottoms of the two girls took on the dark red hues of a bad beach sunburn. After what seemed like two or three minutes of steady spanking, both officers quit and stood up, hauling their blubbering charges to their feet.
But it wasn't over. Holly and Wendy were grabbed by waist and bent over, tucked under an arm of the officers with their red bottoms on display.
"This," intoned Officer Ruiz, "is what juveniles flaunting our ordinances can expect-only worse. For you kids out there, be forewarned."
They released the sobbing girls to Hannah and we bundled them into the car. Both teenagers were crying softly and rubbing their swollen rears.
"Ow," bleated Holly, as she tried to sit in the car, "they really spanked us hard. My butt is raw. I never got a spanking from mom that was that long or that hard."
And that was the problem, I thought.
"It was the most humiliating moment of my life," sobbed Wendy.
"It could have been worse," remarked Hannah. "You could be having fun in a cell with new friends."
"Brrr," said Holly. "If that's what you call fun, I'm out of here."
Hannah looked at me and smiled. "You girls go down to the pool--in your one piece outfits. I need to discuss something with Rob."
They left. Cooling off their little bottoms in the pool would take awhile.
Hannah looked at me and pointed at the sofa arm. "Shorts down and bend over."
"You heard me," she said, first unbuckling, then pulling my own belt though my pant loops with a slithering sound. "I think 20 good licks should suffice."
"But what did I do?"
"I told you not to let them buy those suits so you share the blame," said Hannah.
There was no help for it. I had to accept my fate or I might as well pack up. I slid my shorts down and bent over the sofa arm. A cool breeze wafted in from the ocean tickling my bare behind. I was grateful the crashing sound of the waves because it masked the sound of leather cracking down on my bare bottom and my accompanying yelps. Hannah has a strong arm and each crack of that belt was deliberately placed. I "youched" and pleaded as the belt strapped my bare bottom with searing intensity. It seemed like each welt raised the heat in my seat by a factor of ten. Twenty with the belt is a lot and by the time Hannah had finished plying that strap across my bare behind twenty times, I was clutching the sofa pillows with a death grip, my eyes had watered up and it was all I could do to force myself to stay in position. Then it was over.
Hannah told me to stand and face her. "You took that well, Rob," she said, unbuttoning her own shorts and pulling off her top. "The girls are in the pool cooling off their little behinds." She smiled wickedly. "Strapping that cute boyish ass of yours gave me naughty thoughts. What say we get this vacation started right?"
Contest Winner: ‘Person, Place, and Thing’ Story
April’s ‘Person, Place, and Thing’ story writing contest required two college freshmen, a classic convertible, and a road to anyplace. The winning entry, called “Spring Pong Break” is a funny, sexy, spanking delight, firmly covering all bases. I know you’ll enjoy it as much as I have.
– Dana
“Ah, life is good,” sighed Marty as he revved up the engine of his dad’s ’57 T-bird. “Bitchin, man” said Rod, his college roommate and partner-in-crime for a most promising Spring Break junket to Vegas. “Bitchin?” queried Marty. “It’s an old expression, dating back to the time of this classic vehicle that my dad has been kind enough to loan us,” responded Rod.
The car is epic, and this one has two convertible tops, one canvas and another solid one, which clamps into place. Marty opted for the canvas one since his dad had modernized the car with air-conditioning; and yes, of course, chick-hunting has better odds with a convertible. Yep, as the boys headed out to Vegas on Interstate 15, their minds were spinning one fantasy after another about what was in store for them: fun fun fun and sex sex sex sex!
They blasted all the hottest tunes on the updated sound system, and basked in the sun. The speedometer kept creeping up and up. Then, the horrid flashing lights told them they would be paying the price for their thrills. Officer Wendelworth wasted little time in dispensing them a ticket for doing 94 in a 70. [Luckily, no drugs or alcohol were harmed from this event].
The 429-hp V8 BMW M6 purred its way into Delia’s heart the first time she laid eyes on it. Of course daddy would get her little girl whatever she wanted. And that’s exactly what she and Coralee planned to do for their Spring Break, as they sunned themselves on the Interstate. Destination: Luxury Suite at the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino. What other drivers on that highway saw wasn’t just “drop dead” beauty, it was the kind of thing that makes men hand over just about anything. Skimpy shorts, with the obligatory exposure of the cheeks. Halter tops, with the creamy cleavage. Damn, these girls had it all!~
Uh-oh.. Remember Officer Wendelworth? He was back at it again, providing all of that revenue for the State of Nevada and ever-so-intent on devotion to duty. “Let’s have a little fun,” said Delia with an evil grin. Seeing the flashing Xmas lights in her rear view mirror she put the M6’s disc brakes to immediate use, bringing the car to such an abrupt stop that poor Wendelworth had to swerve around her to avoid a collision. Delia enjoyed an inner smile.
Jumping out of his squad car, the Officer marched over to the Beamer. “Young lady, do you realize that by stopping that suddenly you could have caused an accident?” barked the policeman.
“But officer, I was raised to always obey the law, and its enforcers, as diligently and swiftly as possible, especially such a good-looking man as yourself,” pouted Delia. Wendelworth remained stoic. “License, Registration..”. He took the paperwork back to his car, trying ever-so-hard not to stare at the irresistible display of flesh that completely consumed him. Coralee dialed up Led’s “When the Levee Breaks” and the girls began gyrating to the music in the M6’s plush seats.
Unable to concentrate on anything other than his libido, Officer W again approached the fabulous machine and its scrumptious occupants. “You know, there was a time when young ladies like you would be turned over their Papa’s knee for this kind of outrageous behavior.”
Delia found her opening. Raising up the $800 Sospiri Oriana luxury sunglasses and exposing her dark brown eyes, she began her song. “Oh officer, I so long for those good old days,” she said, her tongue running over a tiny portion of her lower lip. With that, she rolled her hips to the side, presenting her stunning left globe to the lawman. Wendelworth dropped his citation book. “Come on, daddy, give me your best shot,” cooed Delia, “Spank me!”
Glancing around to make sure there were no witnesses, Officer Wendelworth raised his right hand, and with a swooping backhand landed a SMACK on the bronzed cheek.
“OWIE”, yelled Delia (well, it didn’t really hurt that much, but her academy-award might be at stake).
Having got his jollies and confident he had taught one naughty young lady a lesson, the good Officer bent over to pick up his precious citation book. In the meantime, Coralee reached into her purse and handed Delia a nasty wooden hairbrush. WHACK went the hairbrush. “OUCH” went Wendelworth.
Outraged, he said, “So now you want to add Assaulting an Officer to the charges!?”
Delia readied herself for the coup de grace. She revitalized her red hair with the brush and lowered the sunglasses back over her bedroom eyes. “You don’t know which way to go?” sang Zep. “Oh officer, perhaps you’re not aware that among the many options offered by BMW is a video taping system customized for the M6. It’s an HD system too,” she said with a big grin. “Now you just get right back into your car like a good little boy, or momma and her hot partner gonna get some more retribution by making you an internet star.”
Officer Wendelworth hesitated, very briefly, and skedaddled back to his car. The M6 roared back onto the highway and the 2 ladies roared their laughter. And they knew this was only the beginning.
The bellhop at the Monte Carlo seemed a bit surprised at the heavy weight of the luggage belonging to these two athletic-looking females. Being a professional, he kept these feelings to himself and enjoyed a generous tip from Coralee as he escorted them into one of the hotel’s finest luxury suites. “Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you,” he added as he exited the room. The girls plopped onto their giant beds. Spring Break = there is a God! They thoroughly enjoyed the moment, and knew that there was much preparation necessary to ensure their success in joining the Sigma Delta Lambda Sorority.
And the boys seemed happy enough with their Suite. It overlooked the pool and they were already checking out the hot bods.
Sometime later, Marty and Rod sauntered down to check out the pool, which was hopping with the latest Gaga, shots by the dozens, beer bongs, and scantily clad Spring Breakers. The aromas of alcohol, suntan oils and teen sweat comingled to permeate the atmosphere — hormones raged.
They managed to find 2 lounge chairs and parked themselves there, ordered a couple beers from the juicy bar girls and began watching the show. The skimpiest of suits abounded, showing spectacular cleavage, on both sides, creamy and golden skin, bods that wouldn’t quit, conditioned from booty camp workouts and/or just from mother nature. It was a smorgasbord, fersure!
After a few minutes, the boys attention became affixed to a couple of the hottest of the hotties playing ping pong — Coralee and Delia! After a brief discussion, and a big chug of beer, Rod and Marty mustered up the courage and approached the table tennis table. “Hi girls, how’s it goin’,” asks Rod (not exactly his best line). “Bitchin’,” says Delia, with another swing and a miss. “That’s the 5th one you couldn’t even get your paddle on,” announces Coralee. “One more wisecrack like that and this paddle’s gonna land somewhere else, wise ass,” blurts Delia. Since it’s midway in the game, the girls switch sides. As they do so, Delia lands a light-hearted, well-placed smack of the sandpaper table tennis racquet on Coralee’s lower right cheek. “Hey,” laughs the girl, who deftly pulls at Delia’s bikini top. One delicious breast is exposed in the operation and Delia quickly reorganizes her wardrobe. “Now you’re in for it!” says the poor girl.
The game, if you can call it that, continues for about another minute. The ping pong ball occasionally lands on the table but most points are lost on the pathetic serves. Rod keeps checking out that lower right cheek, which has a slightly pinkish hue where the paddle landed.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” says Marty. “How about a game of doubles, boys vs. girls?”
“Ok, what are the stakes?” responds Delia.
“A dollar a point, 3 games?” says Rod.
“Yer on boys!” proclaims Coralee.
The first 2 games are quite quick. The men dominate. The girls can barely touch the ball. Marty does his math (21-3; 21-2; 42-5=$37).
“I propose that we up the stakes a little here,” suggests Coralee, adjusting her bikini for the 8th time.
“Oh yeah, whadja have in mind, girls?” sez Marty.
“How about, winners of the final game get to take the losers to their Suite and have their way with them?”
The men, too stunned for words, nod their heads in solid agreement to the terms.
“Done!” declares Delia. And with that, the girls reach into their handbags and pull out their Killerspin RTG table tennis rackets.
“That ain’t gonna do much for ya,” chides Rod. Marty’s curiosity is perked.
The players get into position. Delia takes the ball and hand tosses it (correct professional etiquette/procedure) to commence the rally for service. Marty pokes the ball back and Coralee connects with a wide, sweeping, powerful and graceful motion creating tremendous, kinetic topspin; but instead of it hitting the table it sizzles into Rod’s flabby abbies. “OW,” screams Rod, “that really hurt!”.
Very proud of the accuracy of her shot, Delia says “I guess you get to serve first,” suggestively.
First serve aces Marty. Second, Rod. Third, both of them.
Boys service: Return forehand slam, backhand slam.. It’s hopeless. Little could the boys have known that Delia and Coralee are in fact table tennis champs of their college. Their utter humiliation is compounded by the fact that the only points they get are when one of the girls decides to target the body part of her choice with that nasty topspin shot. The girls smile as they admire the round, pink marks they’ve made on their men. What a game!
“Well, 21-8,” proclaims Delia, “I guess we’ve won!” The girls hug each other. The boys shake their heads — hustled on the first day. But they’re dying to know what’s in store for them.
“Ok, guys, it’s room 32-158, at the very end of the hall. Tell the security guard ‘spring pong’, it’s the password for the luxury floor. 9pm, be prompt,” orders Coralee.
“Yes, ma’am,” responds Rod.
“Oh. And dress just as you are now, no need to waste time,” suggests Delia. And with that, the girls pack up their racquets and head off into the sunset, hips swaying.
Clad in their frat sport jackets, with only their speedo swimsuits underneath, Rod and Marty head up to Club 32. The security guard asks them for the password and they both blurt out, “Spring Pong!” “It’s at the end of the hall,” says the guard, with a sly smile.
Checking his watch to make sure it’s exactly 9 pm, Rod knocks on the door. Delia and Coralee open the door and Coralee says, “What’s with the jackets, you were told to wear only what you wore at the pool?” And with that, the girls each slide the jackets off of their men. At the same time, they slip blindfolds over their heads.
“Oh, cool, this is gonna be nice and kinky,” says Rod. “Bitchin'” responds Marty, as the girls take them by the hand and lead them into the Luxury Suite. They hear “Black Dog,” coming out of the speakers, somewhat softly.
The girls escort them onto something that feels somewhat like an exercycle (?). Placing their hands and feet into position on the device, the guys hear a motor and seconds later, their wrists and ankles are locked into place by metal restraints. They’re both confused, because it certainly seems as though more than just two hands are involved in this operation as their Speedo swimsuits have been quickly and deftly removed. Naked and helpless, they suddenly realize.
Their blindfolds are then removed, and what a sight greets them. The room has been specially prepared. It’s rather dark, lit with soft red lights, something like a posh old-world brothel. Seated on several of the luxurious sofas are ten of the most gorgeous ladies imaginable, in various states of undress. Most have big grins on their stunning faces, and all look like they are going to have the time of their lives.
Standing by Rod, Delia says, “Welcome to the world of Sigma Delta Lambda Sorority. You’re about to commence your indoctrination as Honorary Male Members”
Marty, getting nervous enough to feel some sweat trickle down his sides, struggles to get loose from the exercycle contraption thingee, to no avail.
“Oh yes, and allow me to introduce you to this special remote-control machine, something I learned about when I read a research paper entitled, The B.A.C.O.N. Project“, said Coralee in her sexiest, scientific voice. With that, she and Delia started playing with their remotes, forcing the boys to pedal the machine, maneuvering and manipulating their naked bodies until…
“Wow, their tushies are in perfect position,” exclaimed one of the blond girls on the sofa.
The women slowly rose from the couches, slinking around their prey.
One of them raises the volume as Led sings, “gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting.”
Delia hands the two Killerspin racquets out to a couple of her Sisters. “I think, in light of your humiliating loss at the doubles match today, that you gentlemen need a lesson in table tennis history,” says Coralee (so professorial!). “These very high-end racquets are a relatively new development to the sport. They feature inverted “pimples,” in order to impart maximum spin. In order for each of you ladies to get a feel for precision targeting, we’ll put the machines on low and each of you can practice.”
The girls wet their lips with their beverages of choice and gleefully begin their assignments. Whacking away at the bouncing male butts they notice that they’re not getting much response out of their inductees.
“The only problem with these state-of-the-art paddles is that they’re terrible for spanking,” explains Delia. “The inverted pimples result in a cushion that has little or no sting,” she continues. And with that, she hands out an earlier style.
“These have pimples facing outward, and will produce much more reaction.”I’d like each of you to land a half dozen swats, alternating cheeks, carefully avoiding the coccyx, targeting the ‘sit spot’, and ensuring that, after this collective paddling, our boys will not be parading their buns in Speedos at the swimming pool [Uproarious laughter!].
The girls have a field day, each of them relishing every swat. The boys start in early with their “OOOs” and “OWies” and begin to feel the wrath of the women they had viewed as pieces of meat. Now they’re the meat, the red meat!
Continuing the lecture, Coralee holds up one of the earliest paddles used in the history of the sport. It’s large, made of heavy wood. “This doesn’t work very well at the ping pong table. But it does work very well on the bare behinds of naughty college boys!”
While Delia hands out these antiques to the curious women, Coralee stops the machine, to ensure targeting accuracy.
Round 3: The boys are not too happy now. Their bottoms are on fire and they are fighting off tears. Worst of all, they are feeling like punished, naughty children. They wonder if it will ever end.
At just that moment, one of the blonds comes over to Rod. She releases the metal clamps and begins rubbing his wrists. “You took that really well, young man. Now it’s all over,” and with that, she gives him a big hug. At the same time, another girl, quite attracted to Marty, especially his swollen buttocks, does likewise. Both of the tawdry girls also do their very best to massage the areas of greatest soreness.
Carole, President of the Sigma Delta Lambda Sorority, begins her announcement. “It is with great pride that I proclaim our two gentlemen, Honorary Male Members of this Sorority.” The girls cheer and laud their manly subjects. “Whatever skills they may lack at table tennis, they have more than made up for by being such wonderful sports at our favorite game!”
Just at that moment, there’s a loud rap at the door. Uh-oh..
“Sister Danalea,” requests the President, “could you please take care of this?”
Danalea scurries to the door, a few words are exchanged and she ushers in a gentleman, in full uniform.
“My oh my,” says Coralee, “it’s Officer Wendelworth!”
Preview Video: ‘The Gambler’ F/M Spanking
I’ve caught him in a lie, and he admits that he’s been gambling. He lost two hundred dollars!
A long, stern lecture is the only warmup in this 11+ minute video. I tell him that I have a game for him – one that he’s bound to lose.
Every roll of the dice finds another implement laid across his red and painful bottom – hairbrush, cane, big wood paddle, and several more.
An Anniversary Letter from the VBB
New Free spanking video: ‘Tips for Tops: Body Language’
Screenshots: New F/M video ‘Closeup OTK’
Dana for Senator

Conversations with Spankos: Brutality
What constitutes brutality, within the confines of spanking and/or corporal punishment? Is it subjective?
Conversations with Spankos: Chapter 7
I’ve seen many photos, videos, and written accounts of what could be called ‘Corporal Brutality’…extreme paddling, caning, or whipping scenes where the bottom’s bottom is reduced to smithereens. Usually, these are things which I would consider ‘brutal’. (This is not a discussion of consent, as I believe all spanking and cp-related activities should be based in consent.) I I being judgmental? What does it matter whether the play is extra-heavy, if that is what all parties are seeking? Or is there some physical-damage-border that just shouldn’t be crossed?
Several weeks ago, I received an email from a lovely gentleman who’d located me on the website of my friends at Following a nice introduction he explained that he’d not been disciplined in many years, and had never experienced a ‘judicial’ session. He requested that I consider helping him change that by delivering a merciless, bound punishment.
I do not often agree to scenes of this severity, for several reasons – the main one being that I am not stimulated by overt brutality. Other considerations such as health and safety of the bottom notwithstanding, it just isn’t that much fun for me to beat someone’s bottom beyond recognition. Strawberries, bruises, and deep-red cane stripes tickle me to no end, but I’m happier keeping all your blood on the inside of your body.
In this case, however, I acquiesced. There was something to the sincerity of the request..
I often tell my playmates that I can spot a spanko ‘from a mile away’ during email and conversation, and this gentleman managed to so eloquently convey his desires that I found myself happily agreeing to take him beyond anyplace he’d been before.
After securely yet comfortably binding him at four points, and with no warm up, I applied repeated heavy blows with a wicked French Martinet – which immediately broke his pale, thin skin, followed by numerous hard hits with the Naughty Stick. In most other cases, and from the condition of his bottom, I would have stopped there, but he never twitched. Never cried out. Smiled like a champion from ear to ear throughout it all, even the alcohol which I sprayed on intermittently.
So I continued.
I landed a thin, whippy rattan cane over and over and over onto his bottom and upper thighs, raising a hot, angry little welt with each impact, then followed with a much thicker cane for the final round. His bottom and thighs took dozens of hard strokes with this final cane, and were covered in radiating red-black slashes by the time I’d finished. He only screamed once.
It was intense, to say the very least. As rough as his backside looked, he was still simply beaming. I cannot describe properly the energy that was flowing at that point, but we were both immensely pleased with the experience. He has since written to say that this was one of the most amazing things he’s experienced, and I am so very grateful for that.
Was it brutal? You betcha.
– Dana
PS. I am always interested in reading your thoughts. Please feel free to comment below.
Your Opinioin: POV-style videos
In making different types of videos, I’ve found that along with doing a lot of spanking, I also enjoy recording the POV-style videos. (For those unfamiliar, POV stands for ‘point of view’ and usually feature one or more persons speaking or gesturing directly to the camera (you).)
A few men have remarked that – while they greatly enjoy receiving a spanking – they’ve really no interest in seeing another man over the female spanker’s lap. Others have commented that there’s something much more personal about the fantasy if one can put oneself, literally, in the position of the person being scolded.
In my opinion,POV-type video is excellent for scolding, threats, role-play and behavior modification-themed scenes, but I am curious what you think of the genre..
If you are a watcher of spanking and discipline videos, do you also enjoy POV-style videos? Please feel free to comment about your preferences in the box below.
– Dana
New Free Spanking Video: Tips for Tops – Strike Zone
I have an indescribable amount of fun making the Product Testing videos, and have received much positive feedback. It’s great that so many people appreciate the humorous side of this thing we do.
In that vein, here comes Tips for Tops, a tongue-in-cheek instructional video series for my friends at Cane-iac – featuring their products, my bottom’s bottom, and fair doses of silliness throughout.
In the first installation – ‘Strike Zone’ – we use the Devil Braid to demonstrate where best to land blows with heavier implements. (If you ask your bottom where best to land the Devil Braid, they’ll likely answer ‘Nowhere!’) – Dana
Photos from new F/M video: ‘Caught Watching Porn’
Spanking Court doles out F/F spanking justice
Preview Photos from the Dreams of Spanking video shoot
I think that these photos will attest to the fact that I had a very nice day, shooting with Pandora and Mike (along with Tricia and Jay on cameras) for her Dreams of Spanking website. I cannot wait to see the videos!
We shot several scenes, including this one – where I’m running for office (!)…
And this particularly fun sequence with Mike…
Read Pandora’s account of the shoot day, and view more preview photos on her blog, HERE.
Thoughts on Age-play
There are many opinions and preferences when it comes to spanking play – or domestic discipline, or corporal punishment, or however you choose to classify it – and I believe that each of us is entitled to his or her own thoughts on the practice. Some spanking enthusiasts seek out guidance, refinement, or behavior modification, while others are sexually or psychologically gratified. Every experience is different (thank goodness), and every one of us, too.
Within the arena of spanking play, many variables come into play, including gender preference, discipline style, non-corporal punishments, and role-play or fantasy fulfillment. Within those, even more variables exist, such as whether one enjoys specifics like corner time, mouth soaping, etc., or whether one prefers to regress to a previous time in life.
Regression: A return to a former or less developed state.
While many prefer their discipline play ‘straight up’, as it were, just as many others like to experiment with role-play – allowing themselves the freedom to feel, think, or behave in a different manner than usual. Sometimes this takes the form of age play, wherein one or more participants pretend to be at an age disparate with their current years. Most often, one of us is behaving in a less mature manner, while the other takes the role of nurturer, teacher, or authority figure.
Age play isn’t everyone’s interest (no more than is caning), but for those who enjoy the fantasy, it is best described as a mini-vacation from adult responsibility. For a lot of age-players, this is not a sexual fantasy but one of innocence.
In my experience, role-play can be a truly fun and rewarding addition to spanking – especially if all participants are really invested in the fantasy. This includes age play, and the willingness to turn over ones responsibilities..even if only for a short time.
– Dana
P.S. I am interested in your opinions, thoughts, and preferences on this subject, as always. Please share in the comment box below.
From UK Laureate: ‘A prize spanking from Dana’ (and a photo!)
April Contest: ‘Person, Place, and Thing’ Spanking Stories
Memories of London
Two days’ rest after arriving home from London and playing the remember-when-to-sleep game, I am happy to report that I had a fantastic time – and met some truly memorable people.
Saturday turned into Sunday during my flight from McCarren to Heathrow airports, and England sprang-forward an hour while I was in the air, none of which I truly understand on a quantum level but I did manage to avoid the dreaded trans-continental jet lag somehow. Thanks to the connections of a wonderful friend, the flight was the most pleasurable I’ve had (and many of you know just how little I love air travel, so this was particularly nice).
After checking into my apartment and getting a good night’s sleep, I hopped on the underground train on Monday morning for a short trip to meet with the lovely Pandora Blake and her crew for a fun day of spanking video. We shot several scenes, talked and laughed a lot, and I was totally charmed by Pandora and Mike, the two fantastic spankees who I had the happy task of disciplining. I’ll be tickled to see the end result – and will definitely share previews and links here when they’re available.
The rest of the week was spent between happy anticipation at meeting and playing with some long-term correspondents, and a sense of self-satisfied exhaustion.
I had the distinct pleasure of delivering a spanking prize to our UK Laureate, who is just as eloquent in person as on page, and I will be sharing his account of our meeting here later in the week.
One of my wonderful new playmates writes his own CP blog, and has posted an account of our playtime HERE.
A couple of my playmates and I have been corresponding for over a year, and it was so nice to finally meet and ‘get my hands’ on them.
One boy flew in from a neighboring country, and I was able to connect with a playmate from here in the States, as well.
The role-play was some of the best I’ve experienced to date – and the conversation, too. I found that the ‘stereotype’ of the polite Brit is absolutely true, and every one of my playmates were impeccable gentlemen from start to finish. They’re a tough bunch, too, as my still-recovering left palm and shoulder can attest.
Flowers, cards, and gifts were in abundance, and I have enough bathtub reading materials to last me well into the next year. Ahh, books!
Some time well-spent with my Windsor-born friend, and a few strolls through the neighborhood were all else I could ask for – except maybe the fish and chips which, sadly, I skipped.
Another trip is most definitely in the making. Next time, maybe I’ll do some sightseeing, but the true joy for me in London was (and will continue to remain) the people. My most sincere thanks to everyone I met, for your kindness and trust. See you again soon!
– Dana
P.S. And then there was the knicker stealing gopher..
Out for the week…stay tuned!
I will be hopping on a very large airplane this evening for a nine-plus hour flight to London. I’ll be returning on the last day of the month, and will not likely have much free time for blogging.
In the meantime, please enjoy re-reading some of the dozens of original spanking stories, watch a few of the free videos, and look out for the full report on my maiden spanking voyage to the UK, next week.
Very luckily, I’ll be spending a day shooting some great F/M and F/F video with Pandora Blake and her friends at – watch her site for updates!
Wish me luck,
F/F Spanking Video: A Red Bottom for My Little Angel
‘A Bedtime Story’ : F/M spanking fiction
This lovely story, another entry to the ‘Bedtime Story’ writing contest, is certain to tickle your spanking fancy. Enjoy! – Dana
Philip looked up at the station clock above platform 6 of the railway station at Delft, a small town in Holland and waited patiently. How he came to be there was really quite unexpected.
He had just turned twenty, was tall and quite aristocratic-looking as the sons of well-to-do English parents often were. In fact his upbringing was quite conventional for his class; until the age of nine he had been primarily cared for by a nanny who had provided the love, education and discipline that any young boy needed and usually received from his parents. At that age, he had been sent to boarding school, the parting from his nanny was difficult but he was told to be stoic and to display ” a stiff upper lip”. As the school term progressed his yearning for her lessened and by the time the term finished and he returned to his home for the holidays, his parents were able to tell him without him being too upset that he was a big boy now with no need for a Nanny and she had consequentally left to return to her home in Holland.
Nevertheless deep down he felt a tremendous sense of loss and abandonment which was exacerbated by the fact that his parents were effectively strangers to him. Over the coming years he grew no closer to them and when at the age of 15 they divorced with his mother going to live with a racehorse trainer in Australia, he felt no further sense of loss and continued to live with his rather distant and austere father who was more pre-occupied with affairs of state rather than his son.
Philip was clever however, popular at school and, at eighteen, won a place at Cambridge University. At college, he became a member of the “Bullingham” a roudy set of upper-class youngsters who had more money than sense, who believed they were superior to others and who were frequently involved in “scrapes and capers”. In his third year at University his “capers” turned more serious; he was caught shop-lifting – a totally unneccesary activity considering his wealth but nevertheless attempted because of his arrogance and detachment from society. The police let him off with a caution; the college authorities were less forgiving “sending him down” from University two weeks before term finished.
This presented a dilemna; it was early December but he had no wish to return home to an empty house and a distant father – infact he saw no reason to discuss the matter with him at all. However he could not stay with his friends who would be continuing at University to the end of term. But where was he to go? He was not short of money so he decided to travel to Europe and see some of the cities he had not yet visited. He first went to Naples but rapidly grew bored of the ruins and then went to Milan but again could not generate any real enthuisiasm for the city. Something seemed to be missing from within himself he mused as he sat unpacking in his hotel room in Amsterdam about a week later.
He immediately sent a note but by that time it was late evening; strangely satisfied he went to bed and slept well. Waking late in the morning, he eagerly checked his emails and was very pleasantly surprised there was a reply from her. Her note was brief and somewhat cryptic – “Pip, At last you have contacted me, meet me under the station clock in Delft railway station at 6 this evening, Hannah”.
And so that was why he was in Delft that evening.
He saw her through the crowds, he knew it was her even though he had not seen her for almost twelve years and as he first looked at her, he realized she had already recognised him and was walking directly towards him. They hugged each other with an intensity that suprised him; she hadn’t changed, her figure had stayed the same as had her face though there were the first signs of her advancing age. What had changed were her eyes – as he looked at her he could see a sadness in them but he was pleased to see that seemed to lift as they talked. She insisted that he should not stay in a hotel but should come home with her. As they walked to her apartment, they talked about their lives and he learnt that after leaving her job with his parents she had decided not to take any further Nanny positions. She had returned to Delft, married briefly and unsuccessfully and now lived alone earning a living as a translator. He in turn talked about his school and university. She asked him what brought him to Holland and surprising himself, he talked frankly about his behaviour and the episode that had resulted in his exclusion from College. He rationalized his behaviour by claiming it was common practise but realized as he explained himself that this was a hollow excuse; her only comment was “We will need to deal with this issue further”. It seemed a strange comment to make at the time but he thought no more of it.
Her apartment was small but very tidy with two bedrooms. She showed him his bedroom and immediately asked for his dirty laundry that filled his bag saying that she would be happy to deal with it. “Infact why don’t you shower and change into your pajamas, I know it’s early but then I can clean those clothes as well”. In a strange way he felt relaxed and content to do as he was told. Meanwhile she bustled around sorting out his laundry and dinner – suddenly he felt very hungry. They ate and then afterwards Hannah herself changed into her dressing gown and as they sat by the fire she had lit they talked and talked. He realized he had not felt so happy and relaxed as he felt that moment for many a year. Then, as the clock above her fireplace struck eight-thirty, Hannah said
“Well Pip, it’s time to go to your bedroom.”
“But Hannah”, Philip said laughing, I have never been to bed at this time in my entire life”
“Well that’s not strictly true is it my dear, there were a few times when I sent you to your room at eight-thirty”
With a sudden realization Pip said, blushing as he did ” But that was then you gave me a thrashing for being naughty”
“Yes Pip, you’re right and you learnt your lesson well after each time. I think it’s time that you were thrashed again”
“Hannah, you can’t be serious”
“Pip, my darling. Don’t you see that your shop-lifting was a cry for help. You needed somebody to notice you and I am here for that. You must be accountable for your actions and, although you may not realize it, you have come to me because, deep down, you know I have always cared for you and I still do”
He looked at her but could not bring himself to protest. Getting up she crossed the room and taking him by the hand she led him to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. As she led him to the side of the bed he noticed, placed neatly on the blankets, a hairbrush, strap and cane. Unbeknown to him, Hannah had deposited these implements whilst she had herself absented herself to change.
“Pip, you realize that I am doing this because I care about you deeply. I want you to be a fine young man, a man I can be proud of and not a foolish dilettante. I want you to realize how much you mean to me and that includes your behaviour”
Philip wanted to argue but couldn’t. As he listened he felt that she cared and suddenly he felt very sorry for his behaviour and felt keenly that he did not want to disappoint her
“Yes Hannah, I’m sorry” was all he could say.
“That is a start but you realize you must be punished and punished severely”
“Yes Hannah”
“Very well, take down your pajama bottoms “
“You realize that I had to punish you for your own good and that what you did was quite wrong”
Travel, Travel, Lonely Spanko – one year later.
Most of you know that I travel quite extensively – back and forth (and back again) across the country, spanking willing and naughty adult boys and girls.
This week alone I’ve seen Denver, Colorado, Kansas City, Missouri, Richmond, Virginia, and Charlotte, North Carolina. In every city, I encounter great and wonderful people who have the same interest/fetish/compulsion as I. To date, I’ve been lucky enough to have nothing but positive experiences with my playmates, who are – without exception – polite, gentlemanly(womanly), and truly ‘into’ spanking.
The most common lament of my spanking playmates is that ‘there aren’t many people who do what you do.’
That’s because near-constant travel isn’t always fun…
Of course, the actual SPANKING is tons of fun, and spending time talking with and getting to know my playmates is such a great bonus.
However, it’s not all spanking adventure. Four a.m. wake-ups, early flights, long trains, taxi rides, and numerous hotel check-ins begin to blend together sometimes.
It’s been exactly one year since I began traveling to cities large and small, and I have had plenty of time to weigh the benefits as well as the drawbacks.
I know that it’s not for everyone (or nearly anyone, for that matter), but, as my good friend Miss Mona Rogers would say, at the end of the day it’s worth it.
I feel as though I am living a grand adventure of my own making, and could not possibly come up with the right combination of words to tell my playmates just how grateful I am for their friendship, playfulness, cards, cute underpants, dinners out, hilarious stories, and hand-delivered ice cold Dr.Peppers, – so I’ll just say:
Thank you all. Again, and again and again, for helping make possible this dazzlingly frenetic life that I am so very grateful to live. Maybe I’ll write a book..
With enormous gratitude (and no small measure of jetlag),
New F/M videos: ‘Asking For It’
Bedtime Story
The ‘Bedtime Story’ contest generated a lot of creative writing, as in this untitled entry – a story within a story. Enjoy!
– Dana
You ask the boy, “My little one, I know your bottom is burning, but other than that are you comfortable ?” he nods yes and You start:
There was a bright and handsome prince and his mother the Queen was happy with him … most of the time. As the prince grew older he proved to be smarter and brattier then all of his classmates. His mother the Queen was beside herself until She noticed a beautiful horse prancing in a circle with an equally beautiful Woman holding his reigns. The Woman put the horse through his paces and never once touched the crop She held in Her right hand. The horses movements were graceful and one could see the pride the Woman rider took in Her horse. When the Rider put the horse through a series of ballet movements the Queen applauded.
The prince at the same time was getting a scolding from his professors due to his lack of effort in doing his homework and in the lack of courtesy and respect to the other students, the professors and even his mother the Queen. The prince reacted according to his normal behavior and used foul language in addressing his professors, “You are all servants and nothing more of my mother the stupid queen who hired you. Stop lecturing me this instant. One by one his professors left the room in anger. One of his professors a man who was highly respected found the Queen and this Rider talking. He knelt in front of the Queen and bowed his head. He then did the same thing to the Lady Rider. The Queen was impressed but when the professor told his story, the Queen became embarrassed and angry at Her sons attitude and behavior. The Lady who had ridden the horse listened and spoke out before the Queen could act or say anything. “Your Highness, it is apparent that Your son is in need of some strict attention. I am sorry that it has come to this, but has Your son ever been properly spanked ?”
The Queen shook Her head no and the Lady continued, “Your Highness, if I may let Me take over the care of Your son. Strip him of his title and assign him to Me for a period of 90 days. At the end of that time, I will bring him back to You a changed person and a young man You can be proud of.”
The Queen thought about this and smiled grimly, “Will You break him as You broke that lovely beast ?”
The Woman laughed and said, “Your Highness more so than any beast I have come across Your son needs to and will be broken. Harshly if necessary, I will most definitely hurt him, but I will never harm him.”
Early the next morning, the Queen was in Her royal chamber holding court. Her son was next to Her smirking at all the common people his Mother judged. Then the Captain of the Queens own guard approached him, grabbed his arm and took him before the Queen. The prince threatened the Captain of the guard…who promptly drew his sword. The prince went wide eyed seeing this and visibly went pale. he was pulled before his Mother and forced to kneel. The Queen spoke with a severity the boy had never heard before. “My son, you have had every opportunity to prove your value to Myself and My kingdom. To put it clearly, I am outraged ! I have sat here and listened as every one of your professors have come to Me, told Me what was happening and then quit. No more My disobedient son. As of this moment you are no longer the prince and heir to the thrown. You will be taken from this place to a place of My choosing. There you will be placed in the care of This woman.”
From behind the Queen a beautiful, being appeared. The great hall gasped as She walked gracefully forward. She gracefully curtsied to the Queen and with music in Her voice said, “Your Highness, I accept charge of Your son.” With that the guards gagged the shocked boy and took him out of the room and out of the palace. he was stripped of his robes, put in a simple brown tunic and thrown into a cart of hay. The young boy was in a whirlwind of emotions when he was unceremoniously dumped in the middle of a horse stall. The door was locked as was the top of the stall. It was a cage he was trapped !!!
The boy was awakened well before dawn by a pail of water dumped on him from above. he sputtered and shook his head and looked up. he cursed at the young lady who had dumped the water on him. She merely smiled and said nothing. Later, She came and dropped some fruit to him from the caged top of the stall. The boy bellowed to Her again and threatened Her with such violence that She left his sight. The stall door was opened and the first thing that happened was that the Woman he had seen in his Mothers court approached him and viciously slapped his face. “You will NOT talk to one of Mine like that ever again. Should I ever hear of such, I promise you that your life will be filled with pain. Now get out here and strip !” The stunned boy followed this beautiful Woman out into the light and saw Her sit on a log. he very slowly took off his very thin top and stood embarrassed in front of Her and the Lady who had given him the fruit and dumped water on him. Without hesitation the Woman grabbed the young lad and threw him across Her lap…
Miss Dana shut the DVD player off and turned Her attention to the young student before Her. “So,” She said, “This is the kind of material you like to view when you are supposed to be asleep ?” The boy in front of Her was silent. With a command of authority She said, “Answer me young man right NOW!”
Robert gasped and unable to meet Her eyes said, “Yes Miss Dana, I’m sorry.” Dana had read through both the school handbook specifically the part where it specified different punishments that could be handed out, and the file on Robert. She calmly pulled Her chair out from behind Her desk and sat down. She pushed a button on Her phone and spoke with Her secretary. Young Robert could not believe his ears. Miss Lydia the head girl was being summoned. Miss Dana sat silently for a full five minutes before Miss Lydia showed up. Miss Dana finally spoke. “Lydia, it seems that young master Robert enjoys spending his evenings watching Women give spankings and floggings to young men.” Robert wanted to crawl in a hole. “Lydia, I am assigning You a very special task. Every other evening, You will escort young master Robert to Your room. Once there he will take his clothes off and stand in the corner until You are ready for him. He is to be placed over Your lap and severely spanked with Your hand, the hair brush I used to use on You as well as the wonderful slipper Your cousin left You. He will then kneel in the corner, his hands on his head for a period of ten minutes. You will then take him out of the corner and make him lie on his stomach Your bed. You will then use the crop and the leather strap each for thirty full swats each. This will be followed by his being placed in the diaper position. You will then issue two dozen of the best with the senior cane. This will go on as I said every other day for a period of three weeks. On the days that You do not do this, You will go to his room where You Yourself will strip him and then place him over Your lap for a severe spanking. Do You understand Lydia ?” Lydia nodded yes.
The first night that Miss Lydia escorted Robert to Her room, She relished the opportunity to discipline Robert. The fact of the matter was that She knew Robert really liked Her and was going to use that to Her advantage. Robert was in tears far before he was allowed to put his clothes back on. The next night She went to his room dressed in Her tightest fitting blouse to accentuate the feature Robert drooled over…Her breasts. Lydia first took Her time taking his clothes off then turned Robert over Her lap and began spanking him. For three weeks Lydia not only spanked Robert, but tormented him by dressing suggestively. The last time Lydia spanked Robert, both of them were naked.
Early the next morning Miss Dana called Lydia and Robert to Her office. They arrived and sat down. Miss Dana talked with them for about thirty minutes. She rose and turned a television monitor towards them. On the screen was both Lydia and Robert naked and making out. She gave them a wicked smile as She turned to them and planned Her own discipline for both of them.
New F/F spanking video: ‘Bathtime, Interrupted’
‘Camelot’ : Original F/M Spanking Fiction
I hope that you’re enjoying all the entries for the ‘Bedtime Story’ writing contest. More thanks to the author of ‘Camelot’, and all the others, for contributing.
– Dana
‘Cinder Angel’ : F/F spanking video
Excellent spanking fiction: Bedtime Story contest entry
This entry to the ‘Bedtime Story’ contest is titled ‘Hansel’…enjoy! – Dana
Alright, already : Boardwalk Badness
I have a confession to make. In the past, I have been known to say things like:
“I don’t really like to attend big parties.”
“I don’t do much public play.”
And the classic:
“Crowds make me crazy.”
Apparently, all those statements must now be rescinded, because I will be attending the annual
Boardwalk Badness Weekend in Atlantic City, April 27-29.
(As regular readers know, I was shooting for an animal charity fundraising booth this year, but time’s gotten away from me, alas.)
From everything I’ve heard and read, the Strictly Spanking folks put on one helluva party, and I am anticipating a great time. (I am also thoroughly and happily anticipating seeing my wonderful friend Erica Scott much sooner than previously expected!)
See you there!
– Dana
Video Preview and Photos: ‘Cupcake Cornertime’ : F/F spanking
Spanking story : ‘The Bedtime Story’ contest entry
Here is another excellent story submitted for the ‘Bedtime Story’ contest. ‘The Wish’ is a beautifully-written F/F spanking fairy tale.
– Dana
POV video: ‘Scolding the Boyfriend’
Continuing the series ‘Little Angel and the Wicked Stepmother’:
‘Stepmommy Dearest’ : F/F spanking video
Bedtime Story contest winner!
The ‘Bedtime Story’ writing contest was a tough one, but (as always) entrants made a lovely show of creativity. This time wasn’t just about writing a story – or even just about writing a Good Story – but also about how well that story would translate into an upcoming film.
The winner this month will not only see his or her story in a future spanking video, but will also receive the ‘prize’ – a free spanking session with me.
I am happy to announce that the winner is:
‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, submitted by the UK Laureate! UKL has submitted entries to many contests, along with his other poems and stories, and his entry to the Bedtime Story contest was simply spot on. I will look forward with great anticipation to delivering his spanking prize later this month.
(The video which I’ll make to accompany the story will be available in coming weeks. My sincerest thanks to all of the authors – I will be sharing all of the entries throughout the month of March.)
Enjoy! – Dana
Video, Video, Video! (F/M AND F/F)
As you may have noticed, it’s been a video-kind-of-week here. I’m happy with the progress of the premium videos on my Clips4Sale and Spanking Library stores, and the free Product Testing videos just keep rolling out!
With that in mind, I thought I’d do a ‘mash-up’ post of sorts today – sharing another fun Product Testing video, along with a short preview from the premium videos on which I’ve been working.
Please do feel free to email me or leave your comment in the box below. As always, I am having a LOT of fun making these little films, so I do hope that you’re enjoying them.
– Dana
Slutty Schoolgirl Morning: F/F spanking premium video
Episode Three in ‘Little Angel and the Wicked Stepmother’
F/F Spanking Video: Product Testing with Dana Kane
‘Grab Your Ankles’ : New premium F/M spanking
Little Angel and the Wicked Stepmother: Chapter Two
F/F Video: Little Angel and the Wicked Stepmother
Spanking PSA: Tears
The ability to reach tears during a discipline session is, for many spankees, an oft-fantasized yet rarely-realized circumstance.
Many of my playmates voice the interest (or longing) to express their emotions through tears during the course of a long, hard spanking.
Here are a few things which my experience as a spanker have taught me (Disclaimer: The following may or may not reflect your experience/opinions and are in no way meant to be definitive statements on the spankee community as a whole.):
– Female bottoms seem to be more naturally inclined to be able to reach tears during spanking play.
Why? I’ve no idea, and won’t presume to guess.
– There is almost zero correlation between the severity of a spanking and ones’ ability to reach tears.
When we’re children – especially in the first few years of life – physical pain equals crying. Toddlers tip over and scream their lungs out for approximately forty-five seconds; eight year-olds scrape a knee and you’d swear that someone had just amputated the entire leg, tears, snot and all; but somewhere along the way we learn that it’s not grown-up to fall apart emotionally every time we injure ourselves physically.
At some time on the way to adulthood, we learn that big boys and girls don’t cry, which means that – in most cases – it doesn’t matter how hard your spanking is – you are unlikely to cry real tears from the discomfort alone.
– Trying to cry/forcing it or fake crying will only frustrate you.
Unless you’re one of those people who can bring tears at any time (a marketable talent if you’re a spanking model), things like holding your breath, squinching your eyes, and trying to hyperventilate won’t help. Also, saying things like “I don’t know why I can’t cry right now” are no help whatsoever, I’m sorry to say.
– Adult crying is something that happens when we think, or talk – not when we scrape our knees.
When a playmate does manage tears during the course of a spanking scene, it is – without exception – a release of pent-up emotion. This is almost always unrelated to the actual spanking activity, and crying most often occurs before or after the spanking itself rather than during.
In my experience, a spankee is most likely to shed tears during conversation prior to beginning the spanking – this may come as the result of some sort of confession on the part of the spankee, or because of some generalized state of guilt which may or may not be verbalized.
Just a handful of times have my bottom and I both been completely caught off-guard by an outburst of genuine sobbing during the course of an over-the-knee spanking. On these few rare occasions, I can honestly say that they were truly cleansing, cathartic experiences for both my playmate and for me.
The only advice that I can offer is: Don’t try too hard. Don’t overthink it. In fact, try not to think about it at all. Adult tears are bashful, private, and wary – they won’t come out while you’re watching for them.
– Dana
The UK Laureate Strikes Again! : F/M Spanking writing
More fantastic writing from our very own UK Laureate: ‘Twelve Strokes of the Cane’. (I absolutely adore this boy’s imagination.)
For more from UKL click HERE.
Photos: What’s Black and Blue and Red allover?
London Calling
A few interesting things have occurred to me in the last day or so regarding my visit to London next month.
Photos: Tardiness is Unacceptable
Here’s a little cautionary tale:
Once upon a time, there was a boy who just couldn’t manage to be on time. He was given lots of rope to hang himself, having many opportunities and warnings prior to our last meeting. He assured me that he would, indeed, be there promptly.
Alas, the boy was yet again unable to find himself at the proper place in the proper time.
Eleven minutes late, he was, so for each minute late – ten strokes of the cane. Applied immediately upon his arrival.
One hundred and ten strokes later (and still with a two hour spanking ahead):
Photo: Resolution Contest Winner
‘No Marks for Mr. Marks’ : New (free) F/M spanking video
Many of you are likely familiar with Mr. Marks’ blog
I had the pleasure of administering his first-ever spanking just a few months ago, and have been tickled to administer a couple more since.
During a recent meeting, I thought it would be interesting to film a little spanking scene addressing a concern which Mr. Marks has discussed previously on his blog – marks. He was an excellent sport, and helped me prove my point beautifully. Enjoy!
– Dana
F/M Spanking Story: ‘A Journey to the Mall’
Sometimes really nice things, like earrings and silver dollars, slip through cracks. In this case, somehow an excellent F/M spanking story slipped through the cracks during the holiday season..and I felt compelled to share it with you now, anyway. I think you’ll agree that spanking is the same in every season.
Written by the VBB, the ongoing saga of Ann and David continues:
Enjoy! – Dana
“A Journey to the Mall”
I glanced at the clock for the hundredth time, it seemed to be stuck on ten after three. Was this day every going to end? The afternoon seemed to drag on and on and on; all I wanted to do was to go home and spend the evening resting in my easy chair and go to bed early. Time slowly passed by as I tried to keep myself busy hoping that somehow time would pass quickly and I could finally head home. All I could think of was going straight to our bedroom when I got home and crash on the bed. Won’t that be nice no phone calls, no emails, no one sticking their head in and asking stupid questions just a nice soft warm bed to lay on and rest. Finally, I looked at the clock and saw it was 4:30 P.M it was finally time to head home. I was hoping by some miracle the holiday traffic would not be too bad and I could get home without much difficulty. As I headed towards the highway my hope was crushed as I saw a long line of cars slowly making their way onto the barely moving highway. I sat back in my seat and gave in to the reality that I was in for one long frustrating journey home. Unfortunately getting home in heavy traffic not was the only thing that would go wrong for me that evening.When I finally pulled up to the house I gave a massive sigh of relief, I had finally made it home and it only took an extra 45 minutes. I was so happy to be home that as I made my way into the house I yelled out to Ann “Honey I’m home and I am exhausted I’m going straight to bed.” Ann yelled back “Oh I am so glad you made it home, I was afraid you would be stuck in traffic all night.” Go upstairs and change, I want to take a trip to the Grapevine Mall tonight to pick up a new dress for a meeting I have in the morning. We can stop and grab a bite to eat at the Texas Roadhouse after we are done shopping, it will be a fun evening.” I just stood there for a moment, had I heard her right? Did Ann just tell me she wanted to go shopping tonight and did she really say we would have “fun”? Didn’t she realize the mall is a 45 minute drive in decent traffic? It will be at least an hour and twenty minutes in this holiday traffic. I walked into the study where Ann was working on the computer “Ann, I am really tired I really don’t want to go shopping tonight especially at the mall. What so important that you need to run out and get a new outfit tonight? Why can’t you just wear something that you already have?” “I have a very important meeting with a new client in the morning and if the meeting goes well, we will make more money with this one account than we will with all the other accounts combined. It is important I look my very best tomorrow.” I looked at Ann and mumbled “I don’t see why you can’t just wear that red dress you have hanging in the closet. You look really nice in it and besides I am really tired and all I want to do is go to bed early. If you really have to go, why don’t you just go by yourself?” She replied “David I really want you to go with me, we will get my dress and then have a nice dinner. I promise you we will have a fun evening, now stop complaining and go change so we can go; it will be nice to spend the evening together.” “I already told you I don’t want to go. I can’t see why we need to go all the way to the Grapevine Mall just to get a stupid dress for some new client that won’t even care what you are wearing.” Ann looked up from the computer “David I suggest you change your attitude right this minute and go up stairs and get ready to go, do you understand me?” I looked at Ann for a moment contemplating whether I should say something else, but the look Ann gave me told me I had better keep my mouth shut. I turned around and promptly walked out of the office mumbling to myself how I was not going to go to the mall. As I headed up to our room I decided I was not going to go. So I kicked off my boots and laid on the bed determined not to be bullied by Ann and forced to go to the Mall.“What do you think you are doing? Get up right now and get changed. I told you over a half hour ago to get ready and I come up here and find you asleep? I should take you across my knee right now and give you a good spanking with the hairbrush. You are just lucky I don’t have time to give you a good spanking. Now get up and let’s go. I expect you to be in the car in five minutes.” I was angry as I opened the car door; I did not say anything to Ann as I slammed the door. Ann looked over at me and gave me a warning look and said “I hope you don’t plan on having an attitude tonight, you won’t like the result of what will happen if you don’t straighten up.” I gave her a sideways glance and put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway a bit faster than I should have. Ann just gave me another look and said “I see we are going to have a problem with your attitude tonight.” The traffic was even heavier than I feared. Ann reached over and changed the radio to a station that was playing 24 hour Christmas music. As The song “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” started playing, a car pulled out in front of me as I tried to change lanes. I started yelling at the driver “yea have a freaking merry little Christmas to you to idiot.” I looked over at Ann and said “See I told you this was a stupid idea we should have stayed home instead of trying to go to the mall this evening in this mess”. Ann simply looked at me and said with a commanding tone “That’s enough David.” This was Ann’s way of telling me I was about to cross the line and was about to get myself in trouble. I had learned when Ann said, “That’s enough” I had better stop whatever I was doing; otherwise I would face some very unpleasant consequences. Unfortunately, I decided to push her a bit more today and instead of keeping my mouth shut I decided to add another smart comment under my breath. Ann gave me a disbelieving look and just shook her head “Ok I see we need to take care of your attitude.” My stomach jumped just a bit and I thought about apologizing but I was still upset so I kept my mouth shut and sulked rest of the way to the mall.When we finally arrived at the mall I was tired and my mood had become even worse. Even though I had stopped making comments I let Ann know how unhappy I was by my attitude. As we exited the car I slammed the car door and headed towards the mall without waiting for Ann. By the time I reached the mall entrance I looked back and saw Ann walking towards me. She had a very determined look on her face which made me feel a bit unsettled. I have seen that look before, usually when I was about to receive a good hard spanking. I waited for her to reach the entrance and as she did I opened the door for her; I gave her a small smile hoping that I could somehow manage to make up for my previous attitude. However, I was soon to find out I had pushed her to far this evening. What I thought was going to be a bad night at the mall would soon turn out to be a very bad night at the mall. Ann walked past me and said coldly as she walked through the door “We need to stop by the restroom before we go shopping.” I rolled my eyes at her and mumbled “of course we do.” That was the last straw. Ann stopped and looked directly in my eyes “David, I don’t understand why you have to be so nasty this evening, all I wanted to do was to spend some time together tonight. I know you do not like coming to the mall especially after you have worked all day and to be honest I would rather be home myself, but this is very important for me. I was hoping we could make the best of this situation. I was planning on getting what I needed and then go out for a nice dinner. But I guess I was expecting too much from you. All I wanted was a little understanding and support from you” I stood there for a moment, thinking about what she said. I did feel bad about my attitude but sometimes I am thick headed and instead of apologizing I said something which I immediately knew was the wrong thing to say. I quickly mumbled “yea right.” I knew instantly that it was the absolutely wrong thing to say. I stood there for a moment trying desperately to think of something to say that could somehow fix what I had just said. Ann’s eyes grew big and her face turned as red as my bottom would soon be. She turned and walked through the door. I don’t think I have ever seen her so mad. I knew at that moment that not only had I crossed the line but I was in more trouble than I had been in a while.As we walked towards the women’s restroom, I stopped by the water fountain and was planning on waiting for her. But instead of going into the ladies room she turned and walked towards the family restroom. As she opened the door to the family restroom, she looked back towards me and motioned me over with her index finger. I looked at her for a moment not sure what she wanted or why she was standing in the doorway of the family restroom. I slowly walked over to her and I noticed that she was still very upset; I looked down at the ground and nervously walked up to her. She grabbed my arm and ushered me into the bathroom and closed the door behind us. I heard her lock the door, I was about to learn there is more than one use for the family restroom at the mall. She just stood there for a moment looking at me, I could not tell if she was thinking about what she was going to say or if she was waiting for me to say something. After a few moments I started to say something but Ann cut me off with a stern look. The look was a combination of anger and hurt and I could tell that my attitude this evening had really set her off. She was doing everything she could to maintain her composure. She finally let out a big sigh and said “I don’t know what you were thinking; I guess you thought you could be disrespectful and hurtful this evening and nothing was going to happen. Well I have news for you mister, you thought wrong and you are about to find out what happens when you decide to outright defy me.” With that she placed her handbag on the counter and pulled out the old hairbrush she received as a wedding gift.She turned towards me and simply said “drop them” I looked at her for a moment wondering if she was serious. I was about to say something to her but I saw the look in her eye and I knew I had better do what she said. So I slowly unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants and hesitantly lowered my pants. Ann stood there looking at me and raised her eyebrow indicating that she was waiting for me to pull my shorts down also. I timidly looked at the floor and slowly tucked my thumbs into the waistband of the shorts and little by little pulled them down. When I had pulled my pants and shorts down to my ankles she pointed to the counter “place you hands on the counter.” I shuffled over to the counter and bent over placing my hands about a shoulder length apart and looked into the mirror. I could see Ann moving to my left side with the hairbrush in her hand. Being the bathroom was a family bathroom she had plenty of room to swing her arm without worrying about hitting anything. I caught a glimpse of Ann’s face in the mirror and I could tell she was very upset. Even though we had only been married a few months I have learned to interpret Ann’s looks and what I saw at that moment told me that I was in for a really hard and painful spanking.Ann bent over slightly and patted my right cheek with the hairbrush. I felt the cool wooden back of the hairbrush and a chill went up my spine. I stood there trembling waiting for Ann to apply the first swat with the hairbrush. It seemed like an eternity before Ann brought the hairbrush down on my bottom. I instantly stiffened as I felt the stinging of the hairbrush on the surface of my bottom followed by a slight warming sensation deeper into my flesh. The sound of the hairbrush slamming into my soft bottom ricocheted off the tile walls and the titles amplified the sound as it bounced around the room. As the sound of the swat echoed off the walls it was so loud that I was sure everyone who was walking past could hear it. I looked back at Ann and said “Honey everyone can hear that” the only reply I received were two more hard swats to the same spot where she landed the first one. The echoing sound of the swat and my cries intermixed and bounced around the restroom. I was certain the sound was so loud that someone would start banging on the door wanting to know what was going on in there. I think Ann might have felt the same way as she paused for about thirty seconds. After the sound died down I held my breath for a moment hoping she would not continue. After a few more seconds she let loose with a long string of quick hard and painful swats with the hairbrush. Usually Ann is very focused with her swats choosing just the right place for the hairbrush to land. But this time she just let loose and allowed the hairbrush to land wherever it wanted. She did not give the swats anytime to register at all before she allowed the next swat to land with a sounding smack. Usually Ann is very stern about me moving during a spanking but today she did not seem to care. She just kept spanking me one swat after another. The sound of the relentless swats landing on my bare bottom and my increasingly loud shouts of pain filled the restroom with a strange crescendo of bitter music of wood slapping flesh and my echoing cries of pain. The pain was building so fast that I stopped worrying about whether anyone in the mall could hear what was happening. As the swats were getting harder I started moving around more which was a big mistake, as Ann was not going to slow down at all. All my moving did was to allow the back of the hairbrush to find new and fresh areas to land their stinging blows. I began crying out loud “I’m sorry Ann, really I am” “What are you sorry about David” “I am sorry for my bad attitude and for being disrespectful” as I talked Ann increased the intensity of the strokes. “Are you going to change your attitude?” “Yes ma’am” was all I was able to get out as the swats from the hairbrush were landing harder and faster. The stinging from each slap overlapped the previous sting so that my entire bottom felt as though it was on fire. “Please Ann I’m so sorry ….. I will change my behavior, please stop.” Finally Ann brought the stinging blows to an end. My bottom was so red and hot that when I reached back to rub my bum it felt as though I had placed my hand on a hot plate. I looked into the mirror and saw a few tears forming in the corners of my eyes. As I looked past my reflection in the mirror I saw Ann putting the old wooden hairbrush back into her handbag. She then turned around and said “All right David are you ready to behave yourself now?” I answered “Yes Ma’am, I’m sorry for my attitude and for being disrespectful to you, I didn’t mean to ruin this evening.” “Thank you David, I appreciate your apology, now pull up your pants and let go do what we come here for.The rest of the evening was much better, Ann found a stunning dress for her meeting the following day and we ate a great dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. It was already 9:30 when we headed back to the car to head home and even then the holiday traffic was still bad. As we slowly inched our way onto the highway Ann gave me a sideway glance. I smiled at her and said “Isn’t it wonderful that we are able to spend the entire evening together?” An hour later we finally arrived home, as we were walking into the house Ann patted me on my bum and said “See didn’t I tell you we would have fun this evening at the mall?” I turned around and gave Ann a small kiss “Yes honey, we sure did have fun this evening.” Ann smiled as I headed up the stairs carrying her new dress and sporting one red and very tender bottom.
Photos and Preview from ‘Masturbation: A Real Bitch’ – New F/M premium video

For POV fans, there’s also an addendum video:
(POV) Masturbation: A Real Bitch
available for download.
New free F/M spanking video: 200 for the VBB
As regular readers well know, I often play with a couple to whom I refer as the Very Bad Boy and his Wonderful Wife. On a recent visit, we thought that it would be a fun idea to make a ‘Product Testing on the Road’ video, using one of the more heinous implements which Cane-iac produces – the Twisted Delrin Loop.
This is an implement which I would not even consider using on many playmates, but the VBB is an exception to nearly every rule when it comes to tolerance. Therefore, I decided that two hundred strokes of the loop would be appropriate.
He admitted afterward that after only thirty strokes he was afraid that he wouldn’t make it, and had tears in his eyes by the 100 mark. I knew he would…because his WW was standing just outside camera range. That’s excellent inspiration.
Note: While there is no blood-letting, this is a somewhat intense scene. Those who prefer the softer side of spanking play may choose to opt out of viewing.
Enjoy! – Dana
Conversations with Spankos: Chapter Six
For the last few months, I have been corresponding with a delightful lady who’s exploring her spanking interest after many years of being in the closet, so to speak. Recently she asked my opinion on:
Topping from the Bottom.
Naturally, I have one..
I told my new friend that (at least in the context of my play) topping from the bottom is moot. For me, spanking is always consensual. We may role-play that you’re reluctant to receive your spanking, or that you’re a terrible and incorrigible brat, but the real truth is that the only reason I have the great pleasure of spanking my playmates is that they allow me to do so. Therefore, if they choose to brat, talk back, or generally try and control the scene, it is my job as top to discourage said behavior both verbally and physically. Topping from the bottom is impossible if I am in control, and the bottom’s attempts to do so are not only amusing, but welcome.
My ‘bottom’ line? Without a bottom, there’d be no need for a top.
Tell me your opinion – what are your experiences (spankers and spankees alike) and opinions on ‘topping from the bottom’. Please share your thoughts in the comment box below.
– Dana
POV Lecture Series: Teacher/Student (and more free videos coming this week!)
Ma’am, Yes Ma’am, Spanking Sites and Reader Recommendations
What has happened to our wonderful wdspoone (Tom) and his Ma’am, Yes Ma’am blog?…
He’s been removed. He says that Google told him that he was suspected of spamming, then he found that his blog was deleted due to ‘violence’.
Tom’s setting up his new blog at – make sure to subscribe.
A correspondent (not the first) recently recommended the Disciplinary Wives Club, and I think you’ll agree that it’s worth more than a glance:
Hogspy lists various news and travel notices for mistresses worldwide:

Otto recently turned a screengrab from my recent video ‘Lingerie OTK’ into a piece of art, which I absolutely love:
‘In Awe of the Cane’ : F/M spanking verse from UK Laureate
‘Cherry Pie’: New premium F/M video
New Contest: ‘The Bedtime Story’
– No characters under eighteen (18) years of age.
– No sex, no filthy language.
– (For male entrants) Stop talking about your genitals!
– Writing rules, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation will be VERY important in this contest. ( I know that things like punctuation can be literarily subjective, and I know the difference when I see it.)
– Your story may contain as many or as few characters as you’d like, and may depict any scene(s) of Female Top spanking (F/M or F/F)
Think about that poor boy, pictured above, who’s just had a very hard spanking and been sent off to bed to sniffle, while his bottom throbs. Think about what sort of story may soothe him, or make him laugh, or drift him into dreamland…
Think about the storybooks you enjoyed when you were younger: Once upon a time, princesses, knights, ogres, big bad wolves, and happily ever after…and spanking, of course.
Email all story entries to me at
The winning author will receive a free spanking session with me. I will also print, illustrate, and read the winning Bedtime Story in a future video.
All entries will be printed/excerpted here on my blogsite, and your submission means that you’re okay with sharing. (Naturally, your name and other personal information will be withheld.)
– Entries will be accepted throughout the month of February, 2012, with the winner announced on March 1.
– The winning author may receive his/her prize in my home city of Las Vegas or in any of the other cities planned in my upcoming TRAVEL itinerary.
– If you do not reside in, nor are you able to get yourself to, one of the above linked cities, please submit your entry as a non-contestant, so that the winner may actually receive his or her ‘prize’.
F/F Spanking Story: ‘New Year’s Resolutions that Need Breaking’
– Dana
‘You Count to Us’ : Original F/M Spanking Story
‘Anthony’ wrote another excellent story for his entry to the ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ writing contest. ‘You Count to Us’ is worth a read!
– Dana
Premium Video: ‘The POV Lecture Series’
I have received several requests for POV-type videos, featuring lecturing, scolding…and no spankee. Just an angry wife/teacher/doctor, etc. giving ‘you’ a stern talking-to, eye-to-eye, for your own good.
‘The POV Lecture Series’ is my answer to those requests. I will be taking on various, traditional ‘fantasy disciplinary roles’ in order to verbally convey just how very displeased I am with your behavior.
These will be solo dialogue videos (no spanking), shot in POV style.
The first installment of ‘The POV Lecture Series’ is:
Conversations with Spankos: Chapter Five
A fun subject which I have the great good fortune to discuss fairly regularly of late is the ‘Second-Day Spanking’. Many of the female tops with whom I communicate (the WW comes to mind, naturally) enjoy the great power (and slight sadism) involved in spanking an already sore bottom. We know that even that even the thought of being spanked on a sore and swollen bottom is terrifying…and that’s the point, isn’t it? – I should interject here that it is a certainty that male tops enjoy spanking a sore bottom just as much as we ladies do.
Many spankos fantasize of near-endless spankings – spankings which go on for hours, or drag on all throughout the day and night – spankings which, frankly, most will never really be able to endure. (That’s why it’s such a great fantasy.)
A single spanking can only last so long, even with the most practiced top and bottom, as exhaustion will certainly eventually set in. Marathon spankings of two to three hours or more are for the most brave and formidable of players.
I much prefer the Second Day Spanking. Rather than trying to wear your hide down to the bone over the course of several hours, I enjoy the idea of allowing you to spend the evening sitting uncomfortably, knowing that morning holds the promise of more. You’ll have plenty of time to think about the swats of the previous night, along with the fear of many, many more to come, as you make your slow walk toward my lap. When I lower your underpants to reveal a still-pink bottom, I cannot contain my glee. I know that this is going to sting, like hellfire, from the very first smack.
If you have an experience or opinion on Second Day Spankings, please take a moment to leave your thoughts in the comment box below.
– Dana
F/M Spanking Story: ‘Dana Kane’s Weight Loss Program’
The ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ story writing contest turned up more than a few boys who’ve been off their diets. Here’s another sneaky snacker taught a lesson, in ‘Dana Kane’s Weight Loss Program’. Enjoy!
– Dana
Gambling Resolution: F/M Spanking Story
Gamblers beware! The ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ story contest will catch you, too, as the author of this fun story finds out…
– Dana
Stats on ‘The Other Stuff’ Survey
Here are a few of the results from ‘The Other Stuff’ Survey – with 213 responders thus far:
When asked which ‘other’ types of corporal punishment you’re interested in, you responded as follows
(number of respondents, followed by percentage of overall responses):
Flogging | 84 | 42% | |
Single-tail/Whipping | 54 | 27% | |
Face-Slapping | 60 | 30% | |
Bastinado (google it) | 16 | 8% | |
Punching | 10 | 5% | |
Ballbusting | 25 | 13% | |
All of these things sound awful. Please just spank me. | 79 | 40% |
The question regarding ‘other’ types of BDSM play ellicited the following responses:
Foot/Shoe Worship | 61 | 30% | |
CBT | 70 | 35% | |
Rope/restraint Bondage | 82 | 41% | |
Confinement | 21 | 10% | |
Sensory Deprivation | 24 | 12% | |
Wax/Ice play | 41 | 20% | |
Ass play | 123 | 61% | |
Eek! No, thank you to all of the above. | 36 |
On voyeurism and exhibitionism, you said:
I enjoy watching others, but do not enjoy performing. | 25 | 12% | |
I enjoy performing, but do not enjoy watching others. | 6 | 3% | |
I love to watch AND participate. | 90 | 42% | |
Play is private for me, always. | 77 | 36% |
The question on fetish items which you enjoy returned these results:
Rubber/latex | 42 | 27% | |
Leather | 87 | 56% | |
Hoods/masks | 31 | 20% | |
Gloves | 53 | 34% | |
Gags | 50 | 32% | |
Thigh-high boots | 72 | 46% | |
Stockings/pantyhose | 101 | 65% |
And finally, when asked about your lifetime number of playmates, you answered:
One | 96 | 45% | |
2-5 | 17 | 8% | |
6-10 | 4 | 2% | |
10-20 | 8 | 4% | |
I get around. | 10 | 5%
I |
Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far…your cumulative replies always manage to interest and surprise me.
If you haven’t yet, please take a minute and include your responses, either through the above link or by clicking the ‘Survey’ page at the top of the blog page.
– Dana
‘Lingerie OTK’ New Dana Kane premium F/M spanking video
‘Snuffing out a Bad Habit’ F/M spanking fiction – A Must-Read!
I absolutely love this original entry to the ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ spanking story contest. The subject matter is unique, and the author’s tone is personal and engaging. Please enjoy ‘Snuffing out a Bad Habit’.
– Dana
Snuffing Out a Bad Habit
*A good day’s work, and it’s only 4:30. Jim’s gonna be thrilled. He’ll
owe me one.* I thought to myself while taking a leak. Thump Thump wiggle
wiggle tuck zip flush.
I washed my hands in the sink, looked up into the mirror, straightening my
tie, *Yup, even under flourescent lights, still handso– woops.* The
self-congratulatory thoughts were cut short when I smiled and saw it. There
in my teeth was a flake of Copenhagen. *Dammit! Must’ve been there since
just after lunch- wonder how many people at the conference table noticed?
Don’t kid yourself- all of them.*
“Daddy, what’s this?” my five year old asked, holding up an empty can of
“Uh, it’s uhm one of Daddy’s things. Thank you.” I said, taking it from him.
“Hey, I was gonna use it as an artifact for the lego explorers!”
My son watches too many “educational” cartoons, I guess. But it did look
like it could be a cool artifact. The shiny gold metal lid with raised
writings and symbols… But then I saw my wife Lauren give me a look. I’m
not always the best at interpreting those looks, but this one was clearly
“No, this goes in the Daddy closet with the tools. Sorry bud.”
“Aw, man!”
And just to make sure I understood, my lovely wife gave me a good uhm,
“chewing” out about how she hopes our boys never pick up that disgusting
habit, oh, and by the way when was I going to grow up?!
Then there were the yahoo health articles on mouth cancer left up on
the computer,
and the comment about Roger Ebert, and the looks every time someone
mentioned anything about cancer.
Dipping tobacco was a nasty habit. Not as bad as smoking- my clothes and
car didn’t smell bad, nor did it affect my ability to jog, but it was a bad
habit that I wanted / needed to quit. A remnant of both my country
upbringing and my fraternity days that if I’m being honest was a full blown
addiction. I’d tried to quit before, and had a couple of times. I quit for
30 days before the life insurance physical… Then promptly put in a nice
big fat celebratory dip for having done so.
I tried to be discrete, because I knew my wife didn’t like it, and didn’t
want the boys to know. But in the car, in the john, working outside in the
yard, those increasing rare days playing golf… I had a dip in. Plus it
had become increasingly expensive in the last few years.
It was time.
Didn’t tell anyone, didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, plus I’d
tried twice before and when I went back to it, my wife was livid. Not that
I planned on failing to quit, but based on that experience, I wasn’t
planning on telling her about it either. Starting with the new year, I’d
quit. Well, okay, starting Monday the 2nd. (New Years Day was a holiday,
A lot of gum chewing, but the first day wasn’t that bad. The second day was.
The third day was even worse. So much for not making a big deal of it and
keeping it to myself. My wife knew because I was grumpy and in a foul mood
and didn’t touch the beers in the fridge. (I knew from previous attempts
that alcohol was a quick way to lose this battle.)
“Honey I am sooo proud of you. I know you’re strong enough to make it stick
this time. I’m so happy! No more little flakes of dried dip when I sweep,
no more spit bottles I find out in the garage, no more half empty cans you
try to hide but forget about until I find them. Come here, how about a big
kiss on those clean lips!” Lauren went on and on…
“Enough!” I roared. The last think I wanted to talk about was dipping, I
was trying to block all thought of it from my mind.
But somehow three days led to a week, one week led to another, and though the
craving never left, I was through the worst of it and had made it over a
It was early February and I was about to start on our taxes. I have a small
study in our home that’s really more like a large closet. I’ve always done
my own taxes, and doing them online was fairly simple. I keep fairly well
organized and was almost done but was finishing and couldn’t find our kids’
social security numbers, dangit! I opened the bottom drawer of my little
desk and dug around in the files- the paper copy from last year was in here
CLINK, rattle, rattle, rattle…
One of those half empty cans of dip I’d forgotten about fell off a
stack of papers and made its distinctive sound as it histthe bottom of
the drawer. I stared at it.
I picked it up. I opened it up and took a long deep sniff. Mmmm… It
was mostly dried out -who knows how long it had been there-
But it sure smelled good.
Then I closed the lid and slid the can back across the desk. Nope. It took
me about an hour more finishing up and double checking before finally clicking
“submit” and being done with it. (Well, done with it except for having
Lauren “sign” it too with her email.)
I felt pretty good about myself, and had plans for the refund. Walking
around the house in my socks, I checked and everyone was soundly asleep.
Our littlest had somehow made his way into our bed and was snuggled up with
my wife. Cute.
Down to the kitchen I went to grab a couple of beers and some chips before
heading back up to my study. Long week, taxes done, temptation resisted…
I was going to enjoy myself looking at spanking videos on the computer. Oh
yeah, I may have forgotten to mention that. My wife and I are both into
spanking. Just foreplay, basically, but pretty intense and kinky foreplay I
suppose. Occasionally we’d incorporate real transgressions to spice it up,
but we didn’t live a domestic discipline lifestyle, by any means- most
spankings involved roleplay, which led to great sex. (A lot less frequent
with little ones running around, though.)
So I undid my pants, twisted the bottle cap off, and settled in for some
happy personal time.
One beer (and one mess cleaned off my stomach) later, I looked at the can
on the back of the desk where I’d pushed it away earlier. It wasn’t going
anywhere, just waiting for me. Maybe I should just finish it off. Not like
I stopped at a convenience store to get a can. It just basically (almost
literally) fell into my lap. It was mostly dry, so I wouldn’t enjoy it
much. But I should finish it off before I had it tempt me everytime I came
up here to get work done, right?
“Isn’t it a little early for spring cleaning, honey?”
“I don’t care. We haven’t had a free weekend in over a month, and this
house is FINALLY going to get really clean, not just staightened up. Have
you SEEN behind the boys’ toilet?”
No getting in Lauren’s way when she’s determined to clean. She’d go
through a box of swiffers and half a bottle of windex today, I was sure.
I came back from running errands and the house smelled like lemons and
“Honey I have a lot more to do, but we have that birthday party for the
Smith’s son at 2:00. Would you mind taking the kids? ‘No gifts’ so I just
got him a cookie from cookie bouquet. It’s already wrapped.”
“No problem. How much more cleaning can you do, though? House looks and
smells great already.”
“I haven’t even touched organizing the play room or your study.”
*Crap, I got rid of the can last night, didn’t I?!* I thought to myself.
On the outside, I said,
“You’ve done enough sweetie, there’s no point going upstairs. You know how
I organize our files, and the boys playroom will stay organized and clean
for about 5 minutes- max.”
“I’m on a roll and not stopping, hon. But if you’re worried about the
house being too clean… We can make a big mess in our bedroom tonight
-MeeMaw wants the kids to spend the night!” she said, snuggling up for a
“Mmm, and its been awhile since this got any attention,” I said, squeezing
her bottom.
“Down boy! You’re right, but first you have to go to a Batman party.” She
said with a smirk and gave me a little squeeze of her own.
I high-tailed it up to the study and doubled checked that I’d thrown the
can away. Whew!
Then off to the Batman party. I felt sorry for the guy dressed up as
Batman. Somehow the dark knight making balloon animals just seemed a little
sad. But the kids had fun, and did the usual small talk with all the other
dads, all of whom were equally miserable. Kids were excited to spend the
night with MeeMaw, and I was excited they’d be spending the night with
MeeMaw too!
On the way home I went over in my head possibilities for tonight. Go out?
Cook at home? Weird… Lauren always answers the phone, but she
hadn’t when I called on the way to MeeMaw’s and wasn’t answering now
either. Irritating.
“Honey? What’s going on? Why aren’t you answering your phone? You know
that’s one of my pet pee-“
“I’m in here.” She called out from our bedroom.
“Oh, you were in the shower -got it- hey wait, that mustve been an awfully
long shower! I called you almost an hour ago!” I yelled to the other end of
the house.
“I know. I didn’t answer because I was angry.” She hollered back.
*Dammit-What now?! Did she not appreciate that I’d just suffered through
not just a preschool birthday party but her mom’s 20 minute conversation
about Aunt Sarah too?!* I made my way to our bedroom and stopped short
when I saw her. Nude, she still took my breath away. Her gorgeous hourglass
figure shimmered. The setting sun’s light coming in through the window
caught the drops of water covering her body. My eyes were drawn
involuntarily to her dark triangle and then her breasts wobbling as she
towelled off her hair. What was I irritated about again?
But when I looked up, her smile was missing.
“I didn’t answer your calls because I was angry. I’m not angry anymore but
we need to talk.” She said calmly.
“Care to explain this?”
She handed me a swiffer with some dust bunnies and lots of little brown
specks stuck to it.
“Those look like dip flakes sweetie but they’re pretty old and dry. When
was the last time you cleaned the study?” Notice how I didn’t deny it but
tried to parry the implied accusation?
“Nice try. I cleaned it in January… AFTER you quote quit.” She said,
making air-quotes with her fingers as she went back into the bathroom. .
She returned and had put on her robe and was carrying her hairbrush.
*Uh-oh. *
She sat down on our bed and patted it just beside her, indicating she
wanted me to take a seat as well.
“I’m not going to ask you to explain yourself. You’re just going to dig a
bigger hole for you to have to crawl out of. But don’t interrupt me. I’ve
been practicing what I want to say in my head. While I was in the study,
and after I’d calmed down a bit I looked up quitting nicotine on the
computer. Turns out the average quitter is successful on their sixth
attempt to quit. This is your third time, but you’re above average,
right? Ah- don’t interrupt.
Also read that an occasional slip up is fairly common and doesn’t
necessarily mean that the effort to quit has been in vain. Look I want to
do everything I possibly can to encourage you. This is a big deal. I
want you sitting on the rocking chair on the porch with me when we’re
old and wrinkly, and you won’t make it to old and wrinkly unless you
quit. So I’m going to give you a spanking, and it’s gonna be a good
“Wait, I-“
“Ah- what did I say about interrupting? My mind’s made up but I
really want you to hear me out. This is not a punishment spanking,
but an encouraging one. We don’t do punishment spankings- well, except
for that time I got too drunk at that wedding- but I want to help you,
help us, win this battle. I want for the spanking to be bad enough
that the next time your tempted to backslide, your backside will
scream ‘No!’ So… Now you get to talk. Do you have anything to add?”
“Not really. Sorry sweetie. Yup, I was guilty of backsliding, as you
called it. And I don’t want to again. ” I thought about arguing or
getting out of it, and I probably could have, but truthfully I really
wanted to quit, and probably deserved this as punishment but if she
wanted to call it encouragement, so be it.
“Alright then, honey, come on.” I stood in front of her and let her
undo my belt and pants, pulling them down. As she pulled my underwear
down too, I had my natural reaction to an upcoming spanking and her
face positioned just in front of my crotch. I couldn’t resist; “But
why not encourge me with a carrot instead of a stick?”
“Oh honey,” she said grabbing me, “there’ll be plenty of time to have
some fun with your carrot later. First though, it’s over my knees you
Her bathrobe parted, and her thighs were still a bit damp as she
adjusted me a little.
She started awfully strong. “Hey, what happened to a warm up?!”
“This [SMACK] is [SMACK] a warmup. I’m not using the hairbrush yet.”
On and on the “warmup” continued. Rapidly it became hot and
uncomfortable, then outright started to really hurt. Before too long,
she picked up the hairbrush and continued at the same pace. I was
tensing and groaning with each searing spank. She didn’t lecture, but
told me in a soothing voice how much she loved me and how she knew I
could do it but just SPLAT wanted SMACK to give me SMACK WHACK all the
CRACK encouragement WHAP she could.
Usually our spankings were given with the spankee naked, and it was
kind of different to have my boots still on and my jeans around my
ankles. It meant I couldn’t really kick, just took it and took it and
took the pain some more. (With lots of growling and gripping the
bedspread so tight my knuckles were white thrown into the mix too.)
Finally she relented, and patting my butt told me to get up and take
off my clothes. Carrot time? I wondered.
“Up on the bed. On your knees, I want your face down on the pillow.”
Guess not. She fondled my bottom, poked a couple of bad spots, then
using her nails and then a finger moistened in her mouth fondled and
teased my whole throbbing bottom, even my bottom hole.
I just groaned feeling the mixture of pleasure, pain, and relief that
she wasn’t inflicting even more pain.
“You know, I think just a little more encouragement is needed where I
missed some spots here, here, and right in here too,” She said, ever
so sweetly, “stay put, honey, I’ll be right back!”
And she was, carrying the long thin wooden kitchen spoon.
“I’m getting a little warm with all this encouragement,” she said,
shucking her bathrobe, and hopping on the bed in front of me. She
spread her knees and crawled toward me, tantalizing me but then kept
going past my head until she was straddling my back on her knees.
“Now, where were we? Oh yeah, we were encouraging all of your bottom
not to be tempted to dip again. Even these parts of your bottom
[snap, snap] and these parts [snap, snap!] And even this little cute
part right [snap!] here!”
Each little strike was intense and stung as she got the insides of my
cheeks and thighs. In my current position I couldn’t even really tense
up and avoid them easily. Over and over again the little snaps of the
spoon stung my tender parts until I was on the verge of tears. Just
when I truly. Could not take any more, she sat down on my back.
“Okay honey, do you think your bottom will be screaming ‘NO!’ the next
time your tempted?”
“Yes” was all I could groan in response.
“Let’s make double sure!” And then she proceeded to spank me all over
with rapid-fire blows of the spoon that did send me over the edge to
Next thing I realized, she had scooted up in front of me again, her
legs still spread.
“Honey, I love you, and I had to do that for you, and for us.”
She leaned over and wiped my tears and kissed my face and rubbed her
hand in my hair.
“It’s almost time to take care of your carrot, but first, before we
finish this, let’s give those healthy lips some exercize.” She said
with a smile, pulling my face toward her.
My lips (and my carrot) got plenty of exercize that night. I can’t say
that I’ve QUIT dipping- I now think it’s more of a lifetime struggle
against temptation, but it’s been a couple more months now and so far,
so good. At least I have my loving wife there to “encourage” me when I
need it!
New ‘Product Testing with Dana Kane’ F/M spanking video
Product Testing with Dana Kane: Purple Heart Bottom Burner
This little paddle packs some serious heat! To watch the free video, follow the link below:
(And thanks again to my friends at Cane-iac for constructing such fearsome implements!)
As always, please take a moment to come back here and let me know what you think. – Dana
Excellent F/M Spanking Story
Here’s a fun entry to the ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ story contest. My thanks again to the author (and all the rest!) for contributing.
– Dana
(Click ‘Read More’ below to finish the story)
New premium Dana Kane spanking video: ‘Dirty Little Pervert’
Followed by twenty-four strokes with the ferocious three-tail leather strap.
He was left writhing and moaning by the time it was over, and it’ll be a couple days before he thinks of touching anyone’s backside but his own!
Resolution Story
I received so many wonderful original story entries in the ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ writing contest that it was even more difficult than ever to decide on only one winner. Another very worthy entry is the untitled story below…yet another reason to stick to your commitments. I know you’ll enjoy it..
– Dana
Fun Bloggers and Friends
Although I sometimes get a little ‘behind’, there are lots of people and places on the web who I try to visit on a regular basis.
These are all folks who, in their own corners of the web, are working for a more familiar, cohesive internet spanking community. Some are new friends, and some are famous (infamous?), and I am grateful for each and every one of them.
Spanky at Bright Bottom chronicles his (M/F) spanko relationship with much humor.
Ken and Cora at Spanked by my Lady are now making videos! (F/M, FLDD)
– Miss Elsa Svenson’s Spanking Board, an active, free-to-join discussion board(U.K.)
The lovely Ms. Erica Scott – take a look at her new store (M/F)
Mr. Marks at Secret Spanko has an interesting perspective on the spanking lifestyle. (F/M, M/F)
Michael at Disciplined Behaviour writes beautifully. (M/F)
Red Rump and his fantastic artwork will impress you. I promise.
Cane Master and Cane Mistress at – these two are wonderful, real-life spanking enthusiasts with a serious knack for woodworking.
Pandora Blake’s blog, and Dreams of Spanking website are both beautiful and intelligent. (M/F, F/M, M/M, F/F)
Bonnie at Bottom Smarts. In a word: comprehensive.
There are so many creative spanko sorts out there – feel free to tell us about other great sites/blogs out there (including yours!), in the comment box below.
– Dana
Original F/M Spanking Fiction: ‘The Predicament’
Another fine entry to the ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ spanking story contest, “The Predicament” is so well-written, you’d think it actually happened exactly this way. (In reality, he has less than one week left to maintain his weight goal, and I am confident that he will.) Enjoy!
– Dana
F/M Spanking Story; ‘An Ode to New Year Resolutions’
The ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ story writing contest was another opportunity for our UK Laureate to showcase his talent. I think you’ll agree that he’s outdone himself, once again..
Click for More from UK Laureate
A new Clips4Sale store for Dana Kane
My oft-postponed Clips4Sale store is now live, and I’m pretty pleased with it thus far. Take a look:
You’ll notice many of the videos which have been viewable here on my blogsite, now available for download.
I will also begin adding premium videos exclusively to the clips4sale store, with previews and still photos here free, naturally.
” IT : A POV Lesson in Marital Obedience ” will be the first premium spanking video release, and I am hoping that those who watch it enjoy it as much as I did making it. Look for ‘IT’ later this week.
As always, I am interested in your feedback, so feel free to leave your comments below, or email me at:
– Dana
F/M Spanking Story: ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ writing contest
Another example of the great stories submitted by you, this same-named entry to the ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ spanking story contest is a cautionary tale in overspending. My thanks to the author, and all the rest. Enjoy!
– Dana
I made a resolution to improve my finances. You see, I tend to make mistakes that do not help my finances. First of all, I do not balance my checkbook. Once I make a deposit, I glance at the receipt, and that’s all I do.
Second, I tend to put almost everything on my credit card. That has worked well in the past, but I have only paid the minimum payment, and now I am near my credit limit.
Also, I like buying the new gadgets all of the time. It makes me feel good to have all of the newest and greatest stuff. This way I can be very proud and show my new gadgets to my friends.
I do have a good job I like doing, but I tend to live from paycheck to paycheck. So with the New Year coming up, I have just found out my credit cards are maxed out, and I have very little in the bank. My resolution is to balance my checkbook and to pay down my credit cards.
Everything worked well until the third week in January when a new model of a phone came out. I went to the cellphone store to buy it, and I got a surprise. When I went to pay for it, all three of my credit cards were declined. Next I tried to pay for it with a check, and my check didn’t go thru. The store also had a payment plan, and I filled out an instant application. To my surprise, that was declined too. I guess with my credit cards maxed out, they made my credit rating very low.
Then what did me in, was the next day, I got a notice in the mail from my bank, saying I was overdrawn. Now I was desperate. What was I going to do?
So I called a helpline center, and talked to them about what I could do. Since I had no money and I needed a lot of help, they recommended I talk to a special type of financial planner and bankruptcy attorney. They gave me her phone number and told me I should make an appointment as soon as possible.
When I called her, she had a very soothing calm voice and she told me that she could still work with me, although I had no money. The first appointment would be in two parts. First part, a full evaluation and accountability of my situation, and the second part would be a partial resolution of the problem. So I needed to bring in all of my credit card statements, bank statements, plus a projected spending and savings plan.
The first appointment would last about two hours, and then I needed to make a weekly follow-up appointment that would last about one hour. Since I had little or no money, she would expect me to sign papers stating that I would strictly follow her instructions on how to solve my money problems. All of this sounded very good, so I made an appointment with her. I made the appointment for 7 PM, the next evening.
When I arrived at her office, there was a receptionist who I signed in with. See took all of the information that I brought with me and also gave me some papers to fill out and sign. They needed the usual information that included my name, address, etc.
Then there was paper that I found unusual to sign. It stated that I would follow all orders given to me by counselor, or I would be kicked out of the program. It also stated that I would show up on time for my follow-up appointments, and I would strictly follow what I was told to do by my counselor.
I wasn’t sure about signing it, and I asked the receptionist about it. “If you don’t sign it before you see her, you will not be helped by her. So I suggest you sign it,” the receptionist said.
So I reluctantly signed it and gave all of the papers to the receptionist. She carried the papers into the office of the counselor and closed the door. In a few minutes, a smartly dressed young woman came out of her office.
“You must be Jim. Glad to meet you. My name is Mary,” she said.
“I am glad to meet you too. I hope you can help me.”
“Come into my office with me.” Then Mary told the receptionist, “Jim is my last appointment so you can go home now. Be sure and lock the door.”
Mary’s office looked like any other office with a large wooden desk, with a computer, and many papers on it. There also was a door marked “Resolution Room”, which I wondered about.
The first thing Mary did was to ask for my credit cards and my ATM card, and she cut them up. “You won’t be needing these anymore. Now let’s go over your financial situation.”
After reviewing my budget, my expenses, and my income; Mary decided my best way to handle this would be with a bankruptcy. I would need to live on a cash and/or money order basis for the next two to three months. I agreed and then signed some more papers to start the bankruptcy procedures.
Then Mary said, “Now is the time we need to work on the resolution part of your financial problem. Until you have enough money to pay me for my work, and until this problem is resolved by the bankruptcy court, I want you to report here every week to update me on your financial progress and I will administer some corrective measures to make sure you stay on track.”
“What do you mean by corrective measures?” I asked.
“It involves being scolded and spanked to various degrees. You have already signed the papers agreeing to this punishment,” Mary said.
“I didn’t realize that,” I quickly answered.
“Either you accept your weekly punishment or you owe me five hundred dollars right now and more later, or I will file charges and you will go to jail. It is your choice.”
“ I guess I did sign the papers and I have no money to pay you. So what happens next?” I asked.
“You will follow me into the resolution room where your spankings will take place. I expect you to follow all of my commands and orders, without question. And from now on, refer to me as ‘Mistress Mary’ or just ‘Mistress’. Also answer me with only ‘Yes Mistress’ or ‘No Mistress’. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Mistress,” I said.
“Good, you obey very well.”
We entered the room and I was shocked at what I saw. There were various paddles and spanking implements hanging on the walls. In the middle of the room there was an old-fashioned wooden chair with no arms. There were also other types of wooden furniture that I had never seen before.
Mistress Mary sat on the wooden chair and said, “I will start you out with a hand spanking. Take off all of your clothes, except for your underwear, and neatly fold them and put them in the corner. Then come and stand directly in front of me, with your hands on your head.”
I felt embarrassing taking my clothes off in front of a woman I had just met. As I stood there in front of her, I was surprised again when I felt her fingertips in the waistband of my undershorts.
“Stand still. A spanking is most effective given on the bare skin.” Once my undershorts were at my ankles she said, “Now step out of your undershorts and then bend over my lap so I can spank you.”
I couldn’t believe what was happening to me, but I obeyed her and lay over her lap. Now I was acutely aware of her perfume and body heat. As she grabbed my waist and guided my body closer to hers she said, “When you are spanked by me, always keep your legs parted, no matter what position you are in.”
“Yes Mistress.”
Then she began spanking me. Although she was just using her hand, it really stung my bare bottom. Also, since my legs were apart, her fingers wrapped around the tender insides of my upper thighs, and those spanks I could really feel. Although the spanking stung my bare bottom, I felt a nice warm feeling in my lower body.
After awhile, Mistress Mary said, “Now stand up and follow me to your next part of your spanking.” She led me over to a piece of furniture that looked like a padded sawhorse in the middle. On the sides, there was wood to put your knees and arms on. “I expect you to climb upon or bend over any piece of furniture I direct you to. I will only use restraints if I have to. So get yourself over this with an arm and leg on each side.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
This kept my poor bottom raised up high and my legs spread apart. Now I felt very exposed and vulnerable. Next, Mistress Mary showed me a wooden paddle like what is used in Ping-Pong, and she started spanking me with it. This stung my bottom a lot more than her hand.
“Now I will want to see you every week to make sure you stay on track with your money problems. After a short review, you will be spanked,” she said.
Mistress Mary then showed me a riding crop. “With this, I can make sure I haven’t missed any spots.”
The riding crop was able to spank my upper inner thighs and even between my butt cheeks. Lucky for me, she didn’t use the crop on me for very long.
“Now stand up and walk over here. Do not rub your bottom, until I tell you to.”
She led me over to two old wooden school desks. They were the old type that slanted down. She had me stand near the front of a desk, and bend over it so my head was on the chair next to it, and my hand grabbed both sides of the chair.
Then she showed me an old long wooden paddle with holes in it. I used to see paddles like this hand from my teacher’s desk when I went to school. “This should bring back memories,” she said. “I am only going to give you six swats with this paddle. So don’t move about and keep those legs spread.” This paddle hurt the worst, so far, on my now tender, well-spanked bottom.
After those six swats, she showed me a cane. “For these, I want you to count them out loud, and then say ‘Thank you, Mistress’. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.” I reluctantly said.
I heard the whooshing of the cane, then the cane whistled, and SWAT! It felt like a hundred bees stung me in a straight line. I stood up and clenched my poor bottom.
“You forgot to count and you stood up, so that will not count. So bend over again.”
“Yes, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress,” I said.
Whistle, Swat! “One. Thank you, Mistress.”
“Good. You are learning to follow my orders,” She said.
Whistle, Swat! “Two. Thank you, Mistress.”
“Only one more, if you stay bent over and count.
Whistle, Swat!
It felt like a hot straight rod on my poor bottom. “Three. Thank you, Mistress.”
“Now you can stand up and rub your bottom. I will expect to see you next week, to see how you are progressing. Nice to meet you and you can get dressed now and leave my office.”
“Thank you, Mistress. I will want to resolve my money issues as soon as possible so I don’t have to see you every week. Thank you for your help,” I said.
Spanking Great Poetry: ‘Maybe Later’
Here is a whimsical entry to the ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ spanking story contest. ‘Maybe Later’ is a fun, rhyming verse, all about procrastination.
– Dana
Fantastic F/M Spanking Story: ‘The B.A.C.O.N. Project’
Three cheers for this imaginative ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ spanking story contest entry (with some tiny editing for naughtiness). Get ready to laugh, sweat, and learn a valuable lesson..
– Dana
He stared at the little ad and wondered what it could possibly mean: “Need to lose a few pounds quickly?” it read. He glanced down at his bulging tummy, which was large enough to hide his favorite body part from view, and continued reading. “Attractive female college professor seeking males who have lost their willpower, but not those unwanted pounds, to participate in a special project”. Hmm, I like the attractive female part of it he thought. And if she’s a college prof she may even have a brain, lol. “Interested? Call (543) 772-6533.”
He put the paper down and went straight to the refrigerator. That’s it! A giant Dagwood! 15 minutes later he had constructed the most humongous creation in the new Deli world, loaded with 5 varieties of meats, 3 of fowl, chopped liver, bacon, 4 cheeses, onions, lettuce, mustard and, most importantly, at least a half cup of mayonnaise dripping from every orifice!! He smiled and winked at his masterful, sinful creation. A couple drops of saliva somehow snuck out and hit the plate.
“Wait a second honey, I don’t want you to be all alone, especially with a hot stud like me!” He opened the cupboard and weighed his options (instead of himself). Fritos? Nah, not oily enough. Chips? Too ordinary. And just then, as if it was an out-of-body (more like out-of-mind) experience, the obese, 3-pound jar of Cheese Doodles beckoned. Of course!
But what can I wash this down with — it needs lubrication! Chocolate shake? No I’m gonna hit the Haagen-Daz for dessert. He took the one-liter stein out and placed it in the freezer. The sub was oozing irresistibly now; he couldn’t say no.
He tried to grab the sandwich but it wasn’t going down without a fight. Finally, his efforts paid off and he got a grip on things. He wrestled the monster hero, or at least part of it, into his mouth for chomp #1. Quite a lot of the fixings didn’t quite reach their intended destination but this only increased his lascivious pleasure. He chewed, gulped and wiped the residual scraps on his shirt sleeve. This act was repeated a number of times, interspersed with cheek-expanding handfuls of the doodle thingies (lest we forget).
BELCH! “Ah, life is good!” he said to himself. The beer mug readied, he filled it to the brim and thought how much he loved head.
Some time, lotsa hoagie and suds later, he went into the smallest room of his house to relieve himself from some of his extreme gluttony. He looked into the mirror, a slightly cloudy vision, and studied. Ok, I think that’s enough, maybe I’ll be a good boy and skip the ice cream.
When he awoke, he felt awful. A hangover, not just the beer, but a food hangover. He went into the bathroom, carefully avoiding the scale. But the mirror was relentless. He felt really bad, like he had just lost a big fight.
The ad was still on his night stand, so he read it again. He tried to dial the number of few times but wimped before the last digit. Back to the bathroom. Summoning some courage he called, hoping to get an answering machine. A slightly sleepy, very sultry voice answered, “Hello?”.
“Um, er.. I saw your ad in.. the paper?” he said.
“Is this call in response to my notice of the research project and weight loss program,” inquired the very sexy voice.
“Um, yes. I’d like to participate, maybe take off a couple of excess pounds [cough].
“Very well. Please understand that this is a research study and that you will be required to meet certain criteria, which will be agreed upon in writing at the time of your participation. Is that quite clear, young man?”
“Why yes, certainly!” (Anything for science).
“Ok, please report to 1540 Smartsville Lane at 11am this morning, and be prompt!”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
He hung up the phone, feeling excited but somewhat apprehensive. “..certain critera.. agreed upon in writing..” Probably just some legal shmeagle requirement.
He showered, shaved, threw on some cologne and dressed in his sportiest, sexiest outfit. “Young, college professor..” I hope she’s a knockout, and maybe I’ll even get laid, if she can see beyond the excess poundage..
(Make sure to click ‘Read More’ below to finish the story. – Dana)
11am, on the dot, he showed. He knocked, and she opened the door. Wearing high heels, a leather miniskirt and a fluffy white blouse showing luscious creamy cleavage, she introduced herself, “I’m Professor LeKane, won’t you please come in”? Completely overwhelmed, he stumbled in and followed, her magnetic rump at the lead.
She grabbed a clipboard off the table and flipped several pages. “Your name?”, she asked. “Nate,” he replied. “Hmm, interesting name,” she responded. “Well, one of my girlfriends nicked me ‘Red’ and somehow or other that stuck too. You can call me whatever you like,” he said with a grin. “Now, Nate, as we discussed,” she said, “here is our agreement. I would suggest that you read it care..” “Oh I’m certain that everything is in order,” he interrupted. Grabbing the clipboard he scribbled on the dotted line and handed it back to her, emphasizing his arrogance with a syrupy wink.
“Very well then,” she sighed. “Kindly remove your clothing.” Wow, this is getting more promising by the second, he thought. He stripped down to his shorts and threw his clothes on the floor. Ms. LeKane cleared her throat and, trying to control her temper said, “Would you mind putting those on the chair?”. “Sure, babe” came the response, as he placed the items on the chair. “And the boxer shorts” she queried, snapping her fingers. “Yes, ma’am,” he said, with some sarcasm and a repeat of that silly wink. He removed his boxer shorts.
Clipboard in hand, she circled him, studying his body carefully. It made him feel rather uncomfortable, like a piece of meat. She pointed to a scale over in the corner. Damn, he thought, it’s the old-fashioned kind, with the weights and the balance thingy — you can’t shift your weight around to get a fake read. Reluctantly, he went over to the scale and she followed him, clipboard at the ready. He hesitated, and she responded with a crisp slap on his left cheek, which, surprisingly, stung a lot. Taken aback, he stepped up onto the scale. She moved the weights around and he prayed, but to no avail. Wow, who would have thought a Dagwood could add 6 pounds? She noted his weight carefully and then pointed at some sort of exercycle — it looked a bit different, more elaborate, than any he had seen before. Knowing that she was in an “all-business” mode, he stepped off the scale and obediently marched to the bike gizmo. For some reason, he felt some pangs of fear. That slap on his left cheek, which he was still feeling, seemed to have a more serious intention.
“Thank you for your cooperation, Red. Now kindly position yourself on this equipment by placing your feet on these pedals and your hands on the grips,” she instructed. He complied with her request. Seeing that his hands and feet were in proper position, she pressed a button on the remote control she held. Suddenly, metal restraint devices locked him into position — he was helpless! “Hey, what the hell is this all about?” he said, in a slightly panicky voice”
“Perhaps next time you will take a moment to read what you sign,” she said, with a mischievous little grin. “Let me start up the machine and, if you will give me your full cooperation, which includes always addressing me as “Ms. LeKane,” I’ll try and brief you during the process. Keep in mind that, in the interest of science, I must stay fully focused on this experiment, which I have been devoting my life to for over 6 months now, and that therefore, I can’t engage in idle banter. Is this understood?” She started up the machine and his legs started moving; they didn’t really have any choice.
“Um.. er.. I guess so,” he said compliantly.
“Yes, Ms. LeKane,” she inquired?
“Yes, Ms. LeKane,” he mimicked.
“Very well. Before I begin the first phase of my procedure, which I must conduct without interruption, allow me to tell you the good news.” She turned up the machine a bit now and his legs actually had to do some work. “You will be receiving $50 cash at the end of this session. It’s part of my grant allocation. Oh, I almost forgot,” she exclaimed.
“What, you forgot to get me out of this thing?” he said in a somewhat harsh voice.
“Red.. Nate.. or however you envision your identity,:” she said in exasperation, “please do not say things to anger me. I’m conducting scientific research and can NOT respond in anger.”
“Sorry,” he blurted sheepishly.
“Sorry, Ms. LeKane?” came her response.
“Sorry, Ms. LeKane,” he submitted.
She went over to some stereo equipment. The exercycle kept Nate’s legs moving, his bottom cheeks shifting from side to side, while Ms. LeKane put on some soft music. It sounded like one of those classical composers, maybe Bach? Then she opened up the cabinet.
My oh my! Nate glanced over and his mouth fell wide open. Hairbrushes, paddles, crops, whips, straps and a number of items that he couldn’t identify.
She grabbed her trusty clipboard again, came over to Nate, and turned the machine up another notch. Nate was breathing harder now and she made a note of that. Then she positioned herself alongside him and started slapping his bum cheeks, in rhythm to the music. Left, right, left right… she was catching each cheek as it relaxed, and Nate began feeling the effects immediately. “Ouch!” he declared. But the slapping, or its intensity, didn’t stop. “That hurts, Ms. LeKane,” but she continued.. left, right, left.. Just when it got to the point where he was really beginning to wonder if he could take any more she stopped, and made some more notes.
He began to wonder what he had gotten himself into. Those weren’t love pats. It certainly seemed that this wasn’t the first time this woman had delivered a spanking. “Wow, you hit awfully hard.. for a girl,” he said. Ms. LeKane ignored the remark and kept penciling away on that damn clipboard. Another 50 spanks followed. He winced, squirmed and complained but the nasty slaps just continued to irritate his buttocks. Another respite while she jotted away. He felt so embarrassed, helplessly in bondage on this weird machine, being spanked hard by this gorgeous woman and reduced to a naughty, naughty boy, with an ass that was burning.
“Ok, we’re done?” he asked. No response.
She turned the machine up a little higher and delivered another volley of stingers. He wasn’t counting any more. Some tears began welling up as he tried to remain stoic. Suddenly, she turned off the machine. It’s over, thank God, he thought. More scribbling. She examined his tushy carefully, kneading it like dough, patting it, massaging it, doing who knows what with her hands and fingernails.
“The first portion of my experiment is completed,” announced Ms. LeKane. Noticing that he was sweating, and breathing heavily, she said, “I’ll get you a glass of water.” Marching out of the room, his eyes again glued to that magnetic buttocks, he sighed with some relief. She had left the clipboard within plain view and he glanced at it. At the top, it read:
Behavioral Application, Conditioning and Ontological Neoscience.”
He had no idea what that meant. Scanning some of the verbiage he noticed references to Pavlov, B.F. Skinner, and other names with which he was unfamiliar. Ms. LeKane came back into the room with a glass of ice water. She released one of his hands from its metal restraint and handed him the water. It tasted very good, and his sore bottom appreciated the respite. Noting that the metal restraints had caused some slight bruising she went over to the cabinet and took out some soft leather cuffs and rope She toweled off some of his sweat and then secured his free hand with the leather cuff and rope, right back on that dreaded machine. She did the same with his other hand, made some notes and said, “Ok Mr. Red, we’re ready for Part 2.”
She turned on the machine, cranking it a little higher and making Nate move more than he had in about a decade. He felt embarrassed about his fatty flesh bouncing around, especially his rear end. Ms. LeKane made more notes and waltzed over to the cabinet. When she returned she had two whips, one looked like a riding crop, not really for horses, with a nasty loop on the end, and the other, some sort of buggy whip.
“I’m going to take this machine up to your maximum safety level and encourage you to move with this crop of mine.” She swished it thru the air 3 or 4 times. Nate cringed. The machine was cranked up. The music she had put on had a dance like rhythm and the swishes coincided with it. Now they landed, left.. right.. left.. right.. After about 15 seconds he began pleading, “please Ms. LeKane, you’re really hurting me!” But she ignored his pleas, concentrating on covering every square inch of the area of his buttocks, from the “sit spot” to the area where it meets the thigh. She continued relentlessly, for two minutes (glancing at her watch) and then stopped. He was begging now. “Please, please Ms. LeKane, does this experiment have to hurt so much?”
She slowed the machine to a walking pace and stood right in front of him. “When you read the agreement you signed,” she stated calmly, “you will see that you have empowered me to inflict pain levels necessary for this project. The contract includes that I must not do anything to cause any permanent damage, and that evidence of what I do shall not be apparent by the time you have your next session, should you choose to do so. And the good news, is that you will be paid $100 cash for that 2nd session. Are we clear, Mr. Red Nate?”
“Yeah, I guess so..” he said.
“Ok. Now I could use a little respite and you could probably use one also.” That said, she went over to the CDs and popped on Led Zepp’s “Black Dog”. Grabbing the buggy whip, she started dancing, her drop-dead bod gyrating and undulating, “Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move, Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove..” Brandishing the nasty whip , she punctuated her bumps and grinds with short, supple wrist flicks that sizzled through the air. She was driving him crazy and when she lifted her arms high in the air he was transfixed by the patches of sweat that appeared at her underarms. What a dance — And what a woman!
She slowly danced twoards him. “Swish” went the buggy whip, leaving a thin red stripe. “Ah, ah, child, way you shake that thing, Gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting.” She spun around, removing her blouse. He fell in love. Moving in and out she swished away, making thin lines all over him. It hurt like hell but he was way too intoxicated with her to protest. On and on the song went, with intermissions while she danced away followed by more evil cuts from the buggy whip. Eventually, his rump resembled some kind of bizarre peppermint candy.
When the song ended she was sweating heavily, breathing hard. She released Nate, and he crumpled down onto the floor. “Need a woman gonna hold my hand, tell me no lies, make me a happy man“. She turned off the music and got them both tall ice waters and sat down next to him. “This is going even better than I expected,” she exclaimed.
“I’m so happy,” he said. “Anything for science!” “Are we done?” he queried.
“No, just taking a breather before the last phase of today’s experiment.”
His eyes moved to the glistening sweat on her cleavage. “Nate, look me in the eyes. Resist your animal urges for once, please,” she implored. He did as she asked, but gazing into her adorable eyes seem to have the opposite effect of what she was requesting.
“Ok, last phase,” she announced.
“Red.. I want you to get back onto this special cycle but I don’t want to restrain you. I need for you to cooperate voluntarily.”
How could he resist anything she asked for. “Ok, Ms. LeKane”.
He did as he was told and she continued taking notes. She went over to the cabinet, pulled out a fur blindfold and gently placed it on him.
He felt the machine moving now, his upper body bending over and his flanks being raised up into the air. He felt so vulnerable, his tushy right there, all stretched out. He was worried. “Try and relax as much as possible darling,” she cooed in his ear. “It will be less painful and I won’t risk breaking some of my equipment,” she added.
Again, he did as he was told.
“Now Nate, I want you to breathe deeply and try to tell me what you smell,” she asked.
“hmm, that smell.. it smells like some kind of underarm odor,” he said quizzically. (Oddly, he really liked that smell).
“Very good, that’s what it is and it’s from my underarms,” she announced. “Your olfactory system is working well. Now let’s proceed with the next step.”
She placed something in front of Nate’s nose. He sniffed. “Bacon?” he guessed. “That’s correct. Bacon is not bad for you but it’s very dense in calories.” Suddenly he felt something rather cold and very hard being held against his lower butt cheeks. “This is a heavy, dense wood paddle,” she explained. W-H-A-C-K, and he practically hit the roof. “Man, I ain’t gonna be able to sit for a week!” he exclaimed. She had hit dead center and low (a beautifully-delivered smack).
“Did you understand what I just said about the bacon, Nate?”
“Yes I did,” he responded.
W-H-A-C-K a perfect repeat! “YEOWEE,” yelled Nate. Tears started welling up again.
“Where’s the Ms. LeKane, Nate”?
“Ms. LeKane” he blurted, trying to hide the tears from her.
He heard the rustling of paper and opening of a jar.
“Open your mouth, please” she said.
He opened and she placed something in his mouth. “Mmm, that’s a Cheez Doodle with mayo, right,” he asked.
“Correct. Again, something high in calories, but this time less dense. I’ve chosen my newly-acquired tawse to make my point. Don’t be fooled by foods that taste light, but are loaded with calories,” she instructed.
SWISH/SMACK.. SWISH/SMACK.. SWISH/SMACK SWISH/SMACK.. went her tawse. Another “YEOWEE,” went Nate. Wow, that one hurt. He couldn’t decide which implement was worse, only that they were different. But he knew he had reached his limit.
“Please, please [sob] Ms. LeKane, can we finish this yet?”
“All right, Mr. Red Nate, you’ve been a terrific subject,” said Ms. LeKane. She pressed some buttons on the remote and the machine eased him into a standing position. He rubbed his buttocks to attempt to get rid of the horrible fire she had inflicted on his bottom. Then she threw her arms around him. (She made a mental note to herself about tawses that need to be broken in..).
She whispered in his ear: “Nate, you are a very very naughty boy, and you know it.” He nodded. “And what happens to very naughty boys, Nate?” “They get spanked, Ms. LeKane, spanked hard,” he said. “That’s right. And for the final phase of today’s session, I’m going to take you over my knee and do just that. I’m going to do what your mom should have, not in anger, but out of concern for your well-being.”
“And just to make it more poignant, look what we have here,” she added, as she took out a plate full of sliced carrots, celery, tomatoes and several other veggies.
“Now take this plate and set it down to the right of that straight-backed chair,” she ordered. “Yes, Ms. LeKane,” came the conditioned response, now automatic.
Ms. LeKane positioned herself on the chair and pointed to her lap. Nate came forward and climbed over it, his eyes gazing at the vegetable platter, his mind realizing that Ms. LeKane is a lefty.
The spanks began, each one beautifully delivered, using a whippy wrist motion that only a seasoned spanker can execute well, and covering all of the areas nicely, evenly. It hurt his already sore tush but nothing like the implements. He went into a reverie for the next 5 minutes or so until the excellent spanking came to a conclusion.
“You may get dressed now, Nate,” said Ms. LeKane.
He got up, tried to keep himself “together” after this whole experience, an absolute flood of emotions and sensations engulfed him. He dressed himself, regretting that he hadn’t folded his clothes neatly.
“Oh, lest I forget,” said Ms. LeKane, “here is your $50,” and she handed him a crisp bill. “I want you to give yourself a little time to process this experience, and if you choose to continue in the project, give me a call. Your next session will pay $100 and, if you haven’t lost any weight, you will get a very mild spanking. If you can manage to lose 3 lbs or more, you will get a little more than you got today, and you will have a chance to meet some of the other characters you saw in the cabinet. Understood?”
He looked her straight in the eyes and said, “understood, Ms. LeKane, and thank you.”
She gave him a little kiss on the cheek, opened the door and he exited. He don’t know whether he walked to his car or not, since it felt more like floating.
She locked the door, jotted a few final things on the clipboard, carefully cleaned the thick wood paddle, tawse, crop and buggy whip with Sporicidin and drew a bath for herself. She put the Bach CD back on.
She felt quite exhausted but completely exhilarated at the same time. The water was perfect and she guided her gorgeous body into the tub, leaned back. With her eyes closed she envisioned all the wonderful marks she had inflicted, heard his pleas and smiled. In the distance, she heard the phone ring, and Nate’s voice. ***
Dana Kane Premium Spanking Video – coming soon!
Original F/M Spanking Story: ‘New Year’s Resolutions and the Consequences of Failure’
We are off to an excellent start to 2012, with the fantastic story entries from the ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ writing contest. This one, titled ‘New Year’s Resolutions and the Consequences of Failure’ is an educated take on FLDD relationships, and accountability. Enjoy!
– Dana
Contest Winner: ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’ Spanking Story
This month’s spanking story contest, ‘I Broke my New Year’s Resolution’, was one of the most fun yet. Many thanks to the entrants, who have outdone themselves this time around.
It seems inevitable, looking at the numbers, that most of us will break our resolutions (again) this year – and there also seems to be no shortage of spankos who are willing to offer their bottoms up in trade for sticking to their plans. The lengths that these writers go to in order to see themselves properly disciplined for their expected offenses are quite impressive, and I think you’ll agree that each of them should know better next year.
Quite honestly, winners are getting harder and harder to choose. Those of you who’ve endeavored to commit the time and effort to these contests continue to bowl me over…my sincerest gratitude to each of you. I do hope that every one of you one day brings home the ‘prize’.
This month’s winner, whom I’ll call ‘E’, will receive his spanking for a job very well done on “Write What You Know”. This story is exactly what we’ve come to recognize from our spanko authors – a wonderfully-written story with relatable characters and absolutely fantastic spanking suspense.
Don’t read this one in a hurry…it’s too good to rush.
– Dana
New Site Suggestion
I haven’t previously written reviews or suggestions of premium video-based spanking sites – and not because there isn’t a wealth of excellent content out there. It seems to me that those of us who are interested in purchasing spanking video content probably know full-well where and how to do so, so there’s never really seemed like much need for my two cents.
For the last couple of months, though, I’ve followed the ongoing construction of Pandora Blake’s Dreams of Spanking website through her Twitter feeds (@PandoraBlake and @DreamsOfSpanking ), and have been anticipating it’s going live. I’m sure that I was among many who were happy to see the unveiling recently.
As expected, there is a lot to like about Miss Blake’s vision, and the first word which comes to mind is ‘classy’. It’s a classy website. The text introductions are intelligent, succinct, and written by someone who’s obviously passionate about corporal punishment.
High-resolution images and beautifully-written scene synopses (along with a very attractive cast of players) make an excellent first impression, and costumes, scene settings, and high-definition technology guarantee great video.
But the most interesting part of Dreams of Spanking?
The FAQ.
This is where the true brilliance shows, in my opinion. We get some insight into the seriously impressive work which has gone into building the site itself, including a genius little bit of code which allows the site to operate without a restricted members’ area.
We also find out that Miss Blake’s website includes all sub-genres (including M/M spankings) within one site, which I’d like to stand up and applaud. We’re too small a group, us spankos, to go around breaking ourselves up into even smaller groups, in my ever-so-humble opinion. And you know my motto: This is about your backside, not your front side.
Naturally, Dreams of Spanking is still a work in progress. The site builders promise a “more sophisticated” search engine function, but the current one seems dandy to me. There is already a nice selection of content available, and they’ll be regularly updating video, photo sets, audio files, and who-knows-what-else.
Lastly, Pandora Blake seems like a nice girl. Genuinely, wholeheartedly nice.
And who doesn’t like to see nice girls spanked, hmm…?
– Dana