You are NOT alone : Visitor Stats


There’s a feeling of isolation that sometimes comes along with being a bit different than those around us (the truth is that all of them are different, too, somehow, than everyone else) and we sometimes feel all alone in the world. Especially when you’re a part of some sort of minority, ours being the spanking-motivated kind, we all have occasion to feel as though we’re surrounded by people ‘other’ than us. As a way of relieving that notion, every year I have this handy little statistical thingy in the sidebar of my blog. As you can see, you can hardly toss a rock without hitting a fellow spanko, at least in many parts of the world..

Spanko blog visitors,

beginning January 1, 2014:

Flag Counter

Now, this little widget is just a code written by some cool folks which I’ve added to the blog. There’s also something called Analytics, which records daily visitors (along with a whole host of other boring/unrelated stats) for the week, month, year, and so on.

Per Analytics for this blog, the number of individual users who’ve visited since January 1, 2014 :

Individual Users



So no excuses! If you’re not spanking/being spanked in your current life, you can’t blame a lack of willing co-participants – unless, of course, you’re that one guy in Angola…

–  Dana

2 Replies to “You are NOT alone : Visitor Stats”

  1. I would say you’ve got “universal appeal” except that it appears you have work to be done first…

    Post a video of you spanking an alien (and not the VBB “dressed up”) and I’ll concede that.

    1. BT,
      I dunno about me, but spanking’s certainly got that universal appeal thing, doesn’t it?

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