This is, I believe, the first time Buddy’s ever been in water that didn’t have a bathtub wrapped around it.
Although it was a bit cool, and he was completely distracted by everything going on around him, he did manage to wade his old creaky butt out into the shallows a few times:

I’ve never visited Lake Havasu City before, and really had no idea that there was anything more there than a bunch of supposedly really nice water.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that it also contains LONDON BRIDGE…the real freaking London Bridge:

Pretty view from the hotel balcony. And lucky for everyone visiting, the whole London-Bridge-tarred-head-on-a-pike thing has been replaced by chi-chi restaurants and kayaking retirees:
One First Time Ever that was not accomplished : The kayak rental guy didn’t return my call to confirm the kayak delivery that would have likely freaked the dog totally out. Probably for the best…
– Dana
not to “poke” fun, but don’t some of the kayaking retirees look like a tarred-head-on-a-pike-with-a-hat?
Honestly, everyone in the entire city looked Stepford-healthy. It’s almost *too* spry.~
I think for your Pup-per’s getting in to the water with out a bath tub around it was a BRIDGE it had to cross when it came to it! but now that you have seen the London bridge you will find it to be a BRIDGE less traveled!
So we can BRIDGE the subject of what to do about my BRIDGE jokes when we cross paths or you get the Kayak and then you won’t need to cross that BRIDGE after all!
I have a canoe paddle that will help bridge the gap between your jokes and actual humor…bet on it.
Was it made by Cane-Iac? “Ms Dana’s Canoe Paddle” You won’t want too many strokes and its Guaranteed to BRIDGE the gap between your Left and Right Aft!
Nope, it’s a real-live canoe paddle, not made specifically for anything other than getting you from one place in the water to another. I just find this use MUCH more interesting.
Actually The game of London Bridge is falling down was referring to the Black Plague when it said all fall down.
You get an A in history and an F for being a know-it-all…hands on the desk, missy. ~
I was just out there about a month ago. Seeing the bridge is pretty neat. Have fun Ms. Kane and pup!
Isn’t it postcard pretty? I’m already planning another short visit before the desert heat becomes Too Much.
Nice to see you out and about and (hopefully) relaxing. If you ever want to kayak in the PNW let me know. I am always up for an adventure. I take Bailey with me in mine, she does just fine :)
P.S. nice shoes :) and I would pet Buddy in a heartbeat! Glad he got his paws wet too.
S ~
Relaxation is the name of my spring and summer Game, and I’m going to be a champ by the time it’s all said and done.~
I think that was probably Buddy’s last long hike trip. He’s accompanied us to the desert a couple times and always spends the following 36hours acting like he’s ready to die…he’s just a cranky little old guy but lovable as all hell. 0xx0
Well…no doubt you have earned some nice R&R!! Have a blast!!