We’ve had another wildly successful fundraising event in the Give Til it Hurts Raffle #2, raising $845 for animal charities!
And since it’s so much fun to give things away (as our generous donors have again proven), here’s the video showing who’s won the 1 year membership to DanaKaneSpanks.com, and the runner up winner of a 30 day membership:
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated. Below, all donor pseudonyms and their contributions:
Dana’s World Record Holder – $50
Lab Saver – $25
Naughty Tom – $25
Arapahoe – $25
GreenEyes – $300
Rigel – $25
Kalman – $100
Arrogant Brat – $50
NJSpank – $150
Oldog – $25
Randy Lee – $20
Danielle – $50
And here’s the payoff – all the wonderful animal heroes you’ve helped by participating, and, most importantly, the sweet little animals who’ve benefitted so much from your generosity:
City Critters – $100
City Critters rescues, rehabilitates, and re-homes cats and dogs in and around New York City. The city’s animal control, collectively called NYC ACC, is one of the country’s most notorious kill-mills, especially cats and pit bull breed dogs. City Critters saved the lives of over 200 cats (and a number of dogs) in 2013, providing everything from medical care, transportation, and shelter rescue, to TNR funding for local groups. Good people working hard in the most populace place in the country.
Becky’s Hope – $50
We’re revisiting Becky’s Hope, a Texas-based rescue for abused and neglected horses. Becky’s Hope is a small, self-funded horse sanctuary that takes on animals who, without them, wouldn’t have much hope at all. They’re always in need of hay for these big sweeties, so we’ll likely make sure that a little goes to them every time we fundraise.
Noah’s Ark Rescue – $200

Dogs who are sick, injured, and abused rarely stand a chance for the expensive medical care they require. And then there’s Noah’s Ark…These folks work tirelessly to provide life-saving medical care to dogs who’d otherwise have no chance at life. Not only does Noah’s Ark provide the funds, but they ferry the dogs to and from multi-state specialists, network to rehome them, and need donations to continue this work more than you can imagine. There isn’t a better definition of selfless than what these folks are doing, every day.
C5 (Community Cat Coalition of Clark County) – $100
The C5 kitty cam – one feral colony’s minder has set up a 24/7 stream of her wards.
C5 is an all-volunteer group in Clark County, Nevada, working to save, spay, and care for the more than 200thousand feral cats in and around Las Vegas. They’re one of my chosen local charities and doing great and important work for the kitties here.
Angel City Pit Bulls – $145

Almost all cities are pitbull-unfriendly nowadays, although for decades they were considered one of the best, smartest, and most gentle breeds for children (do your homework). Los Angeles is an especially tough place to be a pitbull – or any dog even remotely resembling one – and Angel City does their damndest to save them. Pulling ‘bully’ breeds directly from local L.A. shelters, fostering and rehoming them, and advocating for the breed and public common sense when it comes to these misunderstood and maligned sweeties. I LOVE bullys, and have owned three…every single one of them sweeter and more cuddly than the next.
Crash’s Landing – $250

260 cats. Crash’s Landing is a nokill cat rescue in Grand Rapids, Michigan, focused specifically on saving, rehabilitating, and giving homes to at-risk stray cats – and they home 260 of the little furballs. With a monthly cost of nearly 15thousand dollars, caring for sick, injured, and terminally ill cats is an expensive but oh-so-terribly loving endeavor. The people who staff and fund places like Crash’s Landing deserve all the help we can give them.
Please take a few minutes to take a look at all these great groups yourself, and maybe even click on that ‘Donate’ button.
**Disclaimer: By sharing names of organizations in receipt of funds donated, neither I nor Dana Kane Films assumes or implies association with any of the above named groups. (This simply because not everyone wants to be publicly associated with someone who does naughty things during daylight hours, and we understand that completely.)
**In the name of clarity, documentation of all monies distributed is available upon request.
**As payment processors charge a hefty percentage of every transaction (yes, ridiculously, even for charitable donations), I’ve decided to start mailing in donations by check rather than allowing Paypal to hedge our hard-earned five percent. Take THAT.
It’s impossible to say often enough how grateful I am for our donor’s participation in the Give Til it Hurts fundraisers – it’s endlessly heartwarming and reassuring to be reminded of all the Really Wonderful People with whom I share this planet. You’re all, quite pointedly, freakin’ awesome.
I’ll be back in summer with another fun and decidedly spanko way to help the critters while participating in something that may net you something relatively exclusive..
– Dana