New FREE F/f spanking video : Testing Blues Blades Ash Paddle
Here’s another short product testing video with Angel. In this scene, we’re trying out a well-made and stingy ash wood paddle from Blues Blades. Angel says it’s super stingy, and I like the easy to grip handle.
Enjoy! – Dana
A Note to subscribers
*Current and former members of,
Since beginning the member video site, some subscribers have mentioned problems with load/buffer issues on the videos.
After quite a bit of digging, my new webmaster has begun a complete update of the file systems, and we’re currently working to offer multiple versions of each scene (online play AND download) in the archive.
The newest scenes on the site are now available in MP4 format, with a mobile play version and two download options available – and we’ll be working our behinds off on the archive (which is somewhere right around 200 scenes), so that each and every spanking will be watchable/downloadable for ALL members, regardless of your OS, browser, or connection speed.
I’m grateful to those of you who’ve been kind enough to work as ‘testers’ during this process, as your feedback has helped us make sure that there’s a way for each of you to access the videos properly.
As usual, your comments and feedback are welcome – either in the comment box below, or at
– Dana
New FREE F/M spanking video : Tips for Tops – The Art of Negotiation
Here’s another installment of Tips for Tops! In this episode, we are discussing the Art of Negotiation, and it’s importance in spanking/discipline play. We’ll demonstrate negotiation by using The Strap (one of my bottom’s most feared implements), and show how everyone can be happy in the end….ahem, well, most everyone, anyway.
– Dana
Conversations with Spankos : Public Spanking?
I know, from talks with many of my playmates, that public spankings play a large role in our spanko fantasies. For myself, having had the opportunity to dole out a few semi-public spankings (thanks to Angel, the VBB and his WW, and My Bottom’s Bottom), there is certainly an element of naughtiness, for both the spanker and the spankee. I’ve no interest in having to explain myself to passersby – or to the authorities, for that matter – but at least so far the fun has outweighed any perceived risk, and as we’ve recently spoken about the differences between fantasy and reality, I’m not touching on whether the concept is actually doable for anyone/everyone, but about what the fantasy means to us…
It tickles me that whomever is with me, in a public setting, may be unsure of whether or not I’m willing to spank them – right then and there – in front of anyone who may choose to look; whether it will be one or two ‘warning swats’, or whether I’ll have the audacity to pull out my hairbrush and really go to town. Simply the implied threat alone is enough to fulfill my need to make you sweat in public…

Is this an exhibitionist streak which runs alongside our spanko-ness? Do we really *want* to get caught, or is the idea of getting caught, of being overheard, of others knowing what we’re doing, the goal? What drives the fantasy of pulling to the side of a dusty country road for a paddling, or stepping out onto the balcony for an early morning OTK?
As I’ve shared with several playmates, my personal public spanking fantasy of late has involved the Las Vegas strip, and a brave paddle-holding boy wearing a sandwich board announcing ‘It’s My Birthday!’. I, of course, would simply watch, utterly amused, as perfect strangers stride up, read the sign, laugh, and grab the paddle from my playmate in order to deliver his ‘birthday whacks’. I’m sure that there would be no lack of takers, based on the fact that most folks come here to do things they’d never have the chance to do at home…i.e. spanking a perfect stranger on the Las Vegas strip in broad daylight. (The YouTube video would go viral.)
This, I can assure you, would bring me no end of pleasure.
– Dana
P.S. This is where you jump in…have you? Would you? Or do you just love the idea? Sunday Update : 8/18
Weekly Accountability Report
Subscribers, help a girl out…
For those of you who are subscribed to, we are making some changes in the video formatting/embedding, so that you’ll hopefully not have to suffer extended buffer/load times, and will be able to access the videos on more devices.
If you are a CURRENT member of the member site, please take a look at the most recent (excluding POV’s) scenes, and see if they play/buffer well on your device. If you’ve had play problems in the past – and even if you haven’t – I’d be happy to receive an email from you regarding the video format upgrade….please let me know how works for you – and what I can do to improve it, for you.
If you are a FORMER subscriber to the site and experienced load/buffer issues, I’d like to hear from you, too. Tell me what you need on YOUR PC/Mac/iOS/handheld, in order to watch successfully. (I do believe that the current fixes that my new webmaster are working on will resolve most of these minor load issues, but I’m still very interested in your feedback.)
Either way, when you write please let me know what type of computer/device you’re using, and which browser you are using. With your help, the webmaster and I can get this little problem fixed tootsweet and you can get those spanko videos streaming asap.
I know it’s been a bit of a pain, kids, and we’re working on getting everything shiny and new. Soon as it’s all fancy and proper, I’ll throw a fun little contest for members to show my thanks for your patience and spanko-kindnesses.
** I should probably note that the videos play dandy from my ancient mac, as well as my tres-crapp-ay windows machine – so without your help, I won’t know who’s seeing what.
Thanks and spanks,
‘Angel Face’ : New Free F/F spanking video!
Here’s the ‘face shot’ from the recent free video ‘Angel’s OTK’.
If you were wondering what her face looked like during that super hard hand spanking, well, here ya go…
– Dana
Conversations with Spankos : Fantasy vs Reality
What happens when you get exactly what you want, only to find out – quickly – that you didn’t, in fact, want it after all?
This topic has popped up a few times recently, and most notably with a lovely couple that I see annually for a fun/instructional spanking session. He’s the spanko, and the bottom, and she’s the loving and willing, if not fully enthused, spanker. After many years of back-and-forth on the subject of spanking as it relates to their relationship, they’ve come to a good, if often overlooked, agreement : he can ask for an occasional spanking, and she can assign one when/if she feels necessary.
Except. He doesn’t always comply with the spankings which she deems necessary. He says that he always feels as though he wants and needs a disciplinary spanking – and either asks for them outright or behaves in some way as to warrant them, but when it comes down to brass tacks, it just hurts too darn much, and he usually ends up calling an end to the spanking quickly. Since his partner isn’t emotionally invested in the spankings, she usually lets him have his way and ends the spanking.
His fantasy is better than the reality.
The idea of receiving a hard, disciplinary OTK hairbrush spanking certainly tweaks the fantasy gland of many spankos – but is it all it’s cracked up to be? And should you be more careful what you wish for?
In the case of my aforementioned spanko friends, I suggested that he sign an agreement, specifying that he will accept, unquestioningly, any disciplinary spanking which his partner deems necessary, for the next ninety days. During this time, if he does request that she stop or modify the discipline, she should ignore his protests and remind him that he’s getting exactly what he’s asked for – literally and metaphorically, and keep right on spanking until she’s done.
I also suggested that he, the spanko, remember that his partner is showing much understanding, love, and willingness to compromise when it comes to a fetish which she does not share – and that he shouldn’t look a gift spanking in the mouth; at the end of this ninety day agreement, he should either learn to accept her discretion when it comes to spankings (understanding, of course, that no discipline which she’s attempted to carry out has been beyond the realm of reasonable spanking intensity; we’re not talking about hardcore beatings here), or stop asking for them.
While they’ve both agreed that this is a sensible course of action, I’m wondering whether you agree….have I given too much discretion to the top/non-spanko? Or does the spanko have a responsibility to his partner to put up or shut up, so to speak? If the spankee is always in control of the discipline, is it really discipline at all, and is the fantasy therefore unattainable?
What do you think?…
– Dana
‘For Bottoms Only’ Survey results
Sometimes it’s interesting to know where you fit in with your fellow spankos. In this survey, I’ve asked only spankees to respond to a few simple spanko questions. See how you compare to your fellow bottoms!
Below you’ll find the results of our recent ‘For Bottoms Only’ Survey.
– Dana
(Remember, some of the questions allow for multiple answers, so percentages won’t always add up to 100.)
Spanko Distractions #5 : Reasons for a Spanking Wordsearch Sunday Update : 8/4
I’m Having a Really Bad Day
I’m worried about Amanda Bynes, and other unusual spanking subjects
I don’t think it’s unusual that we have feelings of like, dislike, compassion, or revulsion – even for folks we’ve never met before. Especially for celebrities and the like, we somehow come to ‘know’ them through their ever-less-private lives and exploits.
Case in point: Amanda Bynes. While I never watched any of the Disney stuff she did, and really have no idea what the span (typed spank here, out of habit, and had to erase the ‘k’) of her career has been. I only know that, for the last year or so, this young woman’s life has spiraled dangerously out of control, and that the media have been there to document every single episode in excruciating detail.
Now this girl is reportedly being held in a psychiatric facility, undergoing tests to find out what kind of ‘crazy’ she is – whether she’s acting crazy, or really is mentally or emotionally disturbed. Of course, my view is of the ‘Genetics loads the gun and Environment pulls the trigger’ mentality; obviously something going on there, and lifestyle must be a factor, but who’s to blame? (South Park would remind us here that we are supposed to ‘Blame Canada’, but I think we can only hold them responsible for Justin Bieber. More on him in a minute.)
Is it the fame? The lack of accountability to oneself and others? Is it the constant public scrutiny?
Is it possible to spank sense into someone who’s behaving this way? (Not if she’s suffering from an actual chemical imbalance, but if this is behavioral dysfunction.) And I’m not talking about that funny way in which we spankos always talk about spanking the politicians, or Osama bin Laden. I’m talking about actual applied discipline, accountability, and all the trimmings. Could it work for someone who’s not hardwired to be a spanko?
Miss Bynes isn’t the first, or the hundredth, to have these sorts of problems, ad certainly isn’t even the most infamous. (Think Lyndsay Lohan, Britney Spears, etc.) For me, it’s always hard to see the news articles and trash pieces, making these people out to look like a bunch of loonies – hell, I’d be a loony too if a bunch of strange guys with cameras followed me into Starbucks every morning, too.
I guess my question is: how effective could spanking and discipline be for someone without prior motivation? Does one have to be a spanking fetishist to benefit from the basic ideals of spanking as discipline? Adult corporal punishment is still practiced in many countries, although the rituals are usually severe and dangerous, as a means to correct or punish perceived negative behaviors. Although I don’t advocate these practices, I think that there may be something to be said for spanking some sense into someone along with a nice longwinded lecture, regardless of their orientation. Or am I straddling the line of non-consent with the idea that non-spankos be subjected to our process?
Also in the news lately: Anthony Weiner. You remember this guy as the Congressman (Senator?) who infamously sexted photos of his…ahem…to at least one woman and was (duh) caught, er, red-handed.
Even after his humiliating public admission and stepping-down, apparently Anthony just could not contain himself. He went right back online and got himself in another tub of hot water when, according to news reports, he was caught having naughty online chats with a woman in her twenties.
Sigh. Here again, a case for dragging someone over one’s lap and smacking them ’til the cows come home. And then some. What the hell, honestly, could a person be thinking? (And herein lies the paradox: He WAS NOT thinking. There was nothing there, in his improperly functioning mind – no trigger – to make him stop and think before pressing ‘send’, yet again. Would a weekly accountability report and sound disciplinary spanking give this man some price to think about, before whipping his junk out again on Chat Roulette or something? And P.S. he’s running for mayor of New York City. (Marion Barry, anyone?..)
Speaking of inexplicable behaviors, I give you the poster boy for needing a country butt whoopin’ :
His Highness Justin Bieber
I should preclude this by saying that, until recently, I had never heard any of this young man’s music. Now that I have, well, let’s just say that I have. He’s cute and will probably have a much lovelier singing voice as soon as those berries fully drop.
Youth and (purported) talent are not excuses for the kind of (fine, I’ll say it) punkass, disrespectful crap this one seems to be getting away with. All the money in the world doesn’t buy class, and this fella is out to prove that the starlets of Hollywood do not corner the market on Diva. He urinated in a mop bucket! In a New York City restaurant’s kitchen! In full view of the kitchen staff, forgodssakes…and nobody did a thing to stop him. Having spent several years working in and managing restaurants in my twenties I can tell you, without a doubt, that I would’ve grabbed that boy and shook him ’til the diamonds dropped off his Rolex.
I can also tell you, unequivocally, that Mr. Bieber would benefit from a co