DanaKaneSpanks.com Sunday Update : 7/28
My Daughter the Hussy
POV Lecture Series : Nail Biter
Bloggers who actually write about spanking!
While the Great and Dreaded Blogger Hatchet seems to have been a boogeyman, I’m still very pleased to have made the move to this new host. It’s not perfect, but appears to be more viewer-friendly than the old platform, at the least.
One thing I do NOT love about the move is that my old blogroll from blogger isn’t importable (is that even a real word?), so I don’t get to see updates for my favorite spanking bloggers unless I go over to the old blogger admin page.
This sucks.
I do it, though, because there’s some really good writing going on out there, on a number of broad, spanking-related subjects, and I like few things better than a good read. Since I haven’t done this in a while, and newer readers may not be aware of all that’s ‘out there’ in terms of spankos, I’m going to link to a few of my regular stops.
(If you’re an old pro at this online spanko stuff, you’ve probably heard of all these folks before, but they’re worth another look nonetheless.)
First, and most obviously, Erica Scott Life, Love, and Spanking.
Erica is not only a great gal and exceptional writer, she’s a real-live, dyed-in-the-wool, no-excuses spanko. She’s what you’d call an ‘alpha bottom’ and is famous (infamous?) for being the queen of bottom snark done right.
Erica writes on a number of topics, and her hilarious CHoS, or Comment Hall of Shame, column has recently been published both in paperback and ebook. If you don’t find something worth reading there you’re obviously doing something wrong.
Next, the lovely Alex Reynolds (aka Alex in Spankingland).
Alex is a professional spanking model, producer, and top-notch blogger, among many talents. She regularly updates her blog with stories from her life and work, as well as some very thought-provoking posts on DS, feminism, and other subjects.
You also can’t help but LOVE the numerous photos Alex posts, many of which feature her terribly cute face – and just as many showcasing that fabulous derriere.
This inevitably leads us to Pandora Blake: Spanked Not Silenced.
Pandora keeps quite likely the best written, most well-thought blog I’ve seen on the subject of spanking. She writes about her personal experiences, opinions, and her fair trade approach to video production, and does so absolutely eloquently.
With the added benefit of regular photo updates and video previews from her member site, Pandora’s blog is an excellent way to spend a few hours…or days.
When you want to know about just about ALL the other spanking-related blogs out there, the only place to go is My Bottom Smarts. Bonnie has what must be the most comprehensive listing of spanko links on the web, and there’s always a very lively discussion on her Spanko Brunch posts. It’s a great place to start for newbies.
For an interesting perspective on one spanko lifestyle, visit Mr. Marks at Secret Spanko. He writes about all the ways in which the spanking fetish may or may not clash with one’s vanilla lifestyle, as well as his own personal process of living a ‘secret spanko’ life.
This is just a good place to start, as there are quite literally thousands of blogs, sites, photoblogs, journals, discussion boards, chatrooms, etc etc etc to be found nowadays. Happy spanko reading!
– Dana
Spanko Discractions #4 : Escape the Disciplinarian
New FREE F/F spanking video with Angel
Here’s a fun free video which Angel and I shot during her last visit…
Angel asked me to spank her as hard as I could, with just my hand. While the spanking’s not extremely long – and I’m now convinced that I could’ve done better (TypeASpanko?) – it’s still pretty darn hard.
PS. This video originally posted on Angel’s blog, AngelSpanked.com, and you can read her assessment of the scene there.
DanaKaneSpanks.com Sunday Update : 7/21
PHOTOSET : SHBs Motivational Discipline

Diaper Position spanking, and more lost audio
A couple weeks ago I asked forum participants about their experiences, or lack thereof, with Diaper position spankings.
It seems to be a very humbling position (echoed by bottoms who responded), but also very effective in the making-the-sit-spot-a-raging-hellfire department, too.
Along with these two obvious benefits, there’s the added bonus that spanker and spankee may make easy eye contact – and it’s one of the few positions, barring the use of a mirror, in which the spankee can see the whacks coming.
To that end, I recently filmed a great scene with one of my playmates (Mr. Sexual Harassment Bartender) where I employed the Diaper position to great effect, and was SO looking forward to sharing it.
Then I happened. Again. Yes, me. I ‘happen’ to the audio/visual equipment from time to time and, even with my best efforts, managed to do it again with said Diaper position scene. No audio. Dammit.
Naturally, I am crushed. But fear not! – I have pulled out a few still shots from the Diaper position portion of the video to highlight our current topic, and it’s just a shame that you can’t hear him reciting the number of whacks. In Spanish. For practice. Priceless, really, but I digress…
Slate.com article on the ‘dangers of BDSM’
Here’s an excerpt from ‘Spank You Very Much : Is S&M Dangerous? Let’s Look at the Evidence’ from a Slate.com article sent me by a friend.
While I doubt that any accurate and encompassing statistical study of BDSM has ever really been done (ala Kinsey), I think it’s safe to say that what’s stated in this article is agreeable, at least in content, if not context.
Basically, it’s the vanillas saying that we’re not crazy, and that their sorta science backs that theory up. Hey thanks, vanillas! If it weren’t for you all, we’d have no standard by which to measure crazy in the first place.
– Dana
(read full article here: Slate.com ) :
“4. Is it mentally unhealthy? For the most part, no. The surveys vary, so let’s take them one by one. The California study, conducted by Pamela Connolly of the California Graduate Institute, found a “significantly higher level of narcissism” in its BDSM sample than in the general population. Connolly estimated that 30 percent of people in the sample were clinically significant on that scale. Theoretically, a high narcissism score implied “little interest in give-and-take in social life,” but Connolly cautioned that it could signify “personality strengths as well as personality pathology.” Only two of the 132 participants met the criteria for pathological narcissism, and Connolly noted an “absence of borderline pathology.”
Likewise, the sample “scored relatively highly on almost all of the scales” related to dissociative symptoms, suggesting a “higher prevalence of a dissociative syndrome.” Yet only one respondent met the criteria for dissociative identity disorder. Compared with the general population, the sample showed a “significantly higher level of histrionic features,” which increased the risk of “fear of genuine autonomy,” “a need for repeated signs of acceptance and approval,” and an “indiscriminate search for stimulation and affection.” But Connolly added that this result might have been skewed by geography, since the Los Angeles BDSM community favored and fostered exhibitionism.
Connolly reported no significant differences on “most measures of PTSD, on obsessive-compulsion or on depression or anxiety.” She emphasized that “no evidence was found to support the notion that clinical disorders—including depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsion—are more prevalent” in the BDSM population.
A Canadian study published that same year (2006) also defended BDSM. “Masochists were not found to be more prone to psychological distress or mental instability than the other groups,” the authors wrote, and “we found no support for the idea that masochists were more inclined to engage in escapist behaviors such as drug-taking…” ”
DanaKaneSpanks.com Sunday Update 7/14
Fiona’s Lost Bet
Virtual Spanking : Johnny’s Haircut
Join the Spanking Forum!
Now that we’re all nice and comfy here at the new blog, and I’ve managed to unplug myself from all social networking sites (whew!), you’re invited to join the Spanking Forum here on my blog if you’d like to ‘keep in touch’ outside of traditional emailing.
We’re already conversing about a number of topics, and welcome anyone who wants to talk about spanking, corporal punishment, bratting, or any other (within the Rules) aspect of adult consensual play.
You’ll find the Forum link at the top of the righthand sidebar, or just click the link below:
– Dana
PS. There’s also now a ‘star rating’ system attached to posts, so you can rate photos, stories, and other stuff if you’re so inclined.
Erica Scott’s New CHos Book – Now Available!
I’m sure that most of you are familiar with Erica Scott’s blog Life, Love, and Spanking
and with her fun and popular column ‘Correspondence Hall of Shame’, or CHoS.
Well, Erica’s compiled some of her best and most hilarious CHoS moments into a new book, ‘One Woman’s Adventures in Online Idiocy’, which she’s just released (on real paper, nonetheless) and which I’m sure will be another raving success for Erica’s writing career. Her ascerbic, sharp-as-a-knife responses to these online encounters are priceless!
Click the book below to go to the Amazon.com page, or visit Erica’s blog for more information.
New FREE Product Testing video! The Wallop (and Ballgag)
Here’s Mooski again, being ever-so-helpful in this newest installment of
Product Testing with Dana Kane. Here, we’re double-testing, both the
Curse of Dana Wallop (which I LOVE and wholeheartedly endorse, but
only for tough bottoms) and Cane-iac’s ballgag (which will come in handy
when applying the Wallop, even on some of those tough bottoms).
Enjoy! – Dana
DanaKaneSpanks.com Sunday Update – 7/7
Detention Caning
POV: Angel’s Video Chat
Spanking Court Video : Officer Kauffman is Insubordinate
Here’s a great preview video from Spanking Court : Officer Kauffman is harrassing one of our ‘guests’, so I have no choice as senior officer but to sentence her to 150 swats on the spot.
Although she’s an excellent Court Officer, I can’t allow her to get away with this behavior, and won’t be swayed by her tears.
All of our Spanking Court videos are now on MegaSpankings.com – go watch justice served hot.
– Dana