‘The Reformatory, Lyndsy’s Perspective’: Part 2
Here’s part two of Lyndsy’s take on her fictional time with Amy at ‘The Reformatory’. Enjoy!
– Dana
It was a very strange sensation to be so drifted into some sort of space where I didn’t feel overly anxious, and really had no concept of anything outside of my own thoughts. Well, until Amy hollered at me “Are you okay?” It snapped me back to where I was, in this place, my room, my new little buddy and realized now that I had a tender bottom!
Once she knew I was alright, something in her spank brought her to life, and she decided she wanted to go and socialize and that it was a good idea to go to her staff party after all. “Come on Lyndsy, lets go out for a bit. My boss even asked me to bring you too!” So she dragged me there. I knew a few of the people at least. We were standing around, listening to the conversations and the music, realizing neither one of us could sit comfortably. Her boss asked if we wanted a drink, and Amy said, “No thanks.” I guess she liked the feel of her sore bottom!!! Not me!!! I was looking for some relief!! Not only from the tender butt, but because I really was uncomfortable in social situations. I asked if she had JD, and she said, “Sure thing!” “Okay, I will have a double, on the rocks, if that’s not a problem?” “Not at all! Double Jack Daniels coming right up!!” When she brought it, I think it was topped up just a little more than that!! Soon I didn’t feel the tenderness and I enticed Amy down off the deck to the big garage where the music was blasting and ones were dancing. It didn’t take long for us to get into the dancing too, but of course Amy couldn’t dance to any that would make her jump around too hard, and well, I didn’t need to make a scene myself! Then this song by David Guetta came on and she went wild! “Come on Lyndsy!!! This is an awesome song!!” It kind of started slow, and I was wondering why she wanted me to dance to it, not really my style at the moment, so I said “Ah, nooo, that’s okay! Go ahead!” She wouldn’t let it go. I listened to the chorus, ‘I’m bullet proof, nothing to lose, fire away, fire away,… and the beat picked up!! I made her suffer until the second chorus and then let her drag me out with the rest! JD was hitting my head by now, so I was past the point of caring anyway. But Amy was just screaming, “You shoot me down! But I won’t fall! I am titanium!!!!!” Over and over again!! I just laughed at her, and when it ended we both went laughing off the floor! I slammed back the rest of my drink and realized it was near midnight. “Hey kiddo, maybe we otta head ‘er home! Don’t need another reason for the DK to smash our ash!” Oh boy… yep!! Time to get going.
We headed out laughing still as we went to the truck. Amy tried to grab the keys from my hand, and I yanked them back. She hollered at me, “Hey, you had a drink, you better let me drive!!” “Oh Amy, I had one drink, take it easy!! We only live a few blocks away! I’m fine!” She looked at me with her adorable little frown, but I guess she didn’t want to argue in front of all her work mates. Plus, she didn’t really know me too well yet. We jumped in the truck and cranked the tunes up. She was still not happy I was driving, but then guess what came on the radio??!!! The Titanium song!!! We both started to laugh again, and of course, she had to start hollering out the chorus again!!!
As we neared the house I turned the music down, but then Amy shut it right off. “We don’t need anyone waking up, better not to take the chance.” “Good idea, but it sure was fun! Just what we needed!”
We controlled ourselves as we went in the house. It’s not that we were not allowed to go out, as long as it wasn’t an unreasonable time and we came back to sleep there, so we were just being responsible and quiet and made our way to the room without incident.
The next day, my backside was still reminding me what happened, even if my mind tried to convince me it didn’t!!! I decided to just stay in bed, because I had told Ms. Kane I don’t do mornings anyway. Having breakfast was not a mandatory thing like she wanted us all to respect having supper together, so she didn’t harp on me too much for being slower in the morning, and then just heading to work. I just pulled the covers up around my neck and curled up in a ball and drifted back to sleep.
I am not sure how long after I had dozed off, but in my sleep I heard a “rat-a-tat-tat”. I slightly opened my eyes, not quite knowing what I heard exactly, and just listened without saying anything. Hmmm, guess I was just dreaming. Then I heard it again, “rat-a-tat-tat”, and after, “Lyndsy, are you awake?” It was Ms. Kane knocking on the door. “Umm, I am now?” “Can I come in?” “Yeah, whatever” I replied, but still had a hard time to keep my eyes open. I heard the door open, then close quietly, and felt her sit on my bed. She didn’t say anything, and I couldn’t open my eyes really yet. Then I felt her looking at me, and I got a whiff of coffee. I stretched, and tried hard to open the eyelids.
“Well, good morning Miss Lyndsy! Are you a sleepy head today?” “Yep.” “I brought you a coffee to help you out. I heard you guys come in last night.” “Oh sorry, we were trying not to wake anyone up.” “No, you were both quiet. I just can’t sleep sound until I know everyone is home safe for the night. What did you guys do?” I stretched again, trying to wake my body up, but rolled onto my stomach because it still hurt too much to lie on my back. My eyes were still heavy. “Ummm, we just went to a staff party” “Oh?” “Well, we weren’t planning on it but, ah, Amy had a burst of energy, so she wanted to go socialize a bit.”
I turned my head towards the wall as I tried to get my eyes to want to open. She rubbed my back, “What did you guys do there? Did you have fun?” I was too numb for all the questions.. besides, I didn’t want her to know I had JD…. So I didn’t answer in hopes she wouldn’t ask anymore. “Lyndsy,” she smacked me on the butt a couple times. “Ouch!” “Still sore? It’s time to start moving, you should get to work soon. Sit up and have your coffee.” There was a pause for a minute. “I asked you if you guys had fun.” “Oh, yeah, yeah we did Ms. Kane, thanks.” I was really trying to consider the fact of getting up, but still didn’t really move, and really didn’t want to seem like I wanted to talk. After a minute she smacked my butt again a little harder, and stood up. “Come on now, get up, you’ve slept in long enough, get dressed and have your coffee.” She put the cup on the dresser and headed back out and downstairs.
Mmmm I could smell it, and it made me want to move to reach it. I fought hard to sit up, and then yeouch! I had to stand up quickly!! Darn it my butt hurt more now than when I got the spank!! That’s it! I went and found my little stash of JD and glugged about two ounces into my coffee. Mmmmm…. Even better now!!
I savoured every sip as I leaned my elbows on my tall dresser and just tipped the cup as necessary to my lips. I had finally started to wake up, and the burning seemed a lot less intense, so I started to get ready for work.
Just then Amy sent me a text, “Hey, u awake yet?”
“Ya – barely – JD is helping”
“What? Ur gonna get caught!”
“Nah, she’s already come n gone”
“When r u leavin?”
“Bout 15 min”
“Ok – text me when u get to work!”
“Yep – Over.”
Me and Amy were at it for the next two days in a row steady texting back and forth. I teased her about her Titanium song she cranked out at the party. We joked about if Ms. Kane was with us partying, what it would be like, and on and on it went. I knew Amy would have a harder time at work to not laugh out loud as she had other people in the office at times, but I could go escape to a room myself and chat with her. Of course, this also carried out into the evenings when we were back together and at the Reformatory.
I never realized that Ms. Kane had the power she did to affect our day to day lives. But by the second day of us goofing off in our own little world of things we joked about, she had enough, and provided us with a phone that, well – I think it was a phone? But if it actually made calls I would be surprised!!! Not only that, that evening she also took our personal smart phones, and my mind tried to wrap around the idea she would be allowed to do that!! Did I dare put up a fuss? I mean, that was my life, my job, my contacts, my privacy, my connection to everything!! I could feel it building up inside on how to handle this situation. I needed backing, knowledge of some kind to present to her would be best, so that I could plead an argument as to why she couldn’t and didn’t have the right to do that!
I was relieved when Amy had to go to the office to see Ms. Kane first again. That would give me time to search up some data, some “legal” explanation, some sort of retaliation as to why I could demand my phone back!!
I ran upstairs to my laptop. I was punching in all kinds of information, but it was either too difficult to put together in short time, or it was just not exactly a situation I could use in this case. I was getting anxious and frustrated as the minutes ticked. Darn it!! I gotta do something!!!
DING!!! The lights went on and JD jumped into my brain!!! If I can’t find data, I will find bravery to plead my case!!!! I went and found my little secret stash and slammed a mouthful. I sat on my bed and took a deep breath. I slammed another one, and realized I better not make it too obvious, so I put it carefully away. I sat there as I tried to calm down, to shut down the anxiety I was feeling, to strengthen my walls so that I wouldn’t crumble when I tried to make a point. To keep her at an emotional distance so that I could maintain my determination to fight for the right of my phone!!
As I began to feel my “bravery” come over me, I was able to gain my composure about this whole situation, and as I did, I heard a voice from the bottom step call me, “Lyndsy, please come down here right now!” A shiver ran up my spine, but I took a second to go in the bathroom and swish some mouthwash around before obeying.
When I went downstairs, Ms. Kane was at her desk with my phone in her hand. There it was. My little life line, being handled by someone other than me!! But as I headed into the room I couldn’t help but notice Amy standing in the corner with her butt as red as it had probably never been before! I gulped as I looked at her, and then Ms. Kane spoke up, “Yes, you take a good look at Amy’s bottom, because yours is going to be redder than that!”
My eyes slowly looked towards her, but not at her, and I still stood only 2 feet into the office door. Then they went to my phone again. She taunted me with it by holding it up, kind of waving it, to show me she had it in her possession, like I didn’t know. “You have quite the fine technical gadget here, don’t you Lyndsy?” I couldn’t talk. Darn, where was that bravery I had hoped for!!! I didn’t want to see her expression, so I kept my eye on the phone. She looked at it, and played with it, and man, she was pushing on buttons and tapping into my information!!! “You are not really allowed to be doing that Ms. Kane.” I don’t know where that came from, but it was there and out in the open! “What do you mean Lyndsy? Come here and sit down please.” I hesitated, and I still wouldn’t look at her. I looked towards Amy as I started to walk and talk, “Its true Ms. Kane, it is rather questionable to go into someone else’s private property.” She didn’t answer right away, so I looked back in her direction. As I did that she stood up. Oh my, what to do, what to do, what to do……
“Ma’am, out of sincere respect, I just need you to realize that that item is full of things that are private due to my work, and I had to make an oath so that I would not discuss the court discussions or names of ones that I do work for.” She started to walk towards me, and I could feel my bravery was on. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you JD!!! NOW I could look at her, but not actually see her. I could block out her eyes and her expressions so that I didn’t have to read them, and just look at the silhouette of her frame as I spoke. As she came closer I continued, “By you reading that information, you are not actually disrespecting me, but tampering with legal issues that could come back on either one of us.” She had stopped 2 feet in front of me. But she was playing this game, where she actually was not saying anything at the moment, so that I had to scramble for words, and I hated that!!! “Ms. Kane, will you please hand me back my phone. I don’t care what you do to me for discipline, but that phone has to be in my possession due to the delicate information it carries.” I don’t’ know where all that was coming from, but it was sounding legit to me!! But darn, I didn’t want to think of what to say next!! She held it up in front of my face, as she powered it off before me.
“Well Lyndsy, do you have anything else to say before I get into my discussion with you?” I just shrugged my shoulders as I lowered my eyes a little. “Good. But you did have a convincing argument. I just wonder where that bit of bravery came from? You are usually more of an observer, unless you are bratting.” I could feel her trying to look into my face, but I turned to look at Amy again. She took my chin in her right hand and turned my face to hers. “Just so you can relax, well, for a moment, I would never tap into something as personal as your work information. I understand that there are things that others can not know. The only thing that I opened or read, are the texts that you and Amy have been sending back and forth the last two days.” Was I relieved? I don’t think so, I believe that was more of a tactical way to get my phone back. And it didn’t seem to be working. “Now, does your work information come through email or texting Lyndsy?” “Email” I replied. “So really, you can get your work information from your laptop, correct?” “Well, yes.” “Then by me taking your phone right now, and locking it in a safe with Amy’s, it really won’t affect your work, is that right?” “Ahhhh” “No, don’t try and think of a reason, just tell me yes or no. Will it affect your work, by me taking your phone right now?” “No”, I replied as my nose scrunched up with insult.
Ms. Kane left me standing there. I watched as she walked over to her closet, heard her opening the safe she had, and locking our phones inside. Darn… Now I just have to handle whatever she is about to deal out. And looking at Amy’s bum, I knew it was not something that was going to be pleasant.
“Miss Lyndsy! Please bring yourself over here to my desk please.” I once again hesitated, I guess as I tried to get a grip on what was ahead. “Now!” I looked over to Amy again and then back at Ms. Kane, and slowly walked towards her desk. She came and stood in front of me again. I didn’t know what to do or how to respond, so I just stood there and looked at my fingers as I started to pick them inflicting my own pain.
“Lyndsy. Do you understand why I have taken your phones away?” she asked. “Well, no, not really. Because we know how to use them to their fullest potential? And it takes up our time?”
“Are you sassing me?” “No. They do absorb a lot of our time because basically, our lives evolve around that source of communication.”
“Come over here Lyndsy.” She walked towards the couch. I just stood and watched again. “Lyndsy!! I said to come here!” I again walked slowly towards her, because really, I was still upset she had control enough to take my phone, and I wanted to argue more about it. But I didn’t really have a bigger come back than the one then I had presented earlier, and I think she knew that. When I stood before her, she knelt down and started to undo my pants. I went to hold them, but got a firm slap across my right arm. Then she dropped them to the floor without saying another word. She sat on the couch, smacked her thigh a couple of times, held up her arms waiting for me to lie over her lap. I didn’t. I stood there frowning, frustrated and fighting it all inside. She still didn’t say a word, but spoke with her eyes, and the way she grabbed my right arm firmly with her right hand, I didn’t have a choice but have my body follow.
As I settled there, she started to speak. “Do you not think that maybe there is a lot of unnecessary time spent on those phones?”
“No. Everything I do on there is necessary ma’am.” SMACK.
“Are you telling me that the texting that goes on between you and Amy ALL day long, is something necessary?”
“Well, I would have to say yes to that.” SMACK. SMACK. I tightened up my buttocks.
“And why is it necessary that you two talk throughout the whole day?”
“Because, we need to. We need to discuss things that go on. We need to share stuff about our day, or what was said, or heard, or seen. Ohhhhh, I don’t know. But it is necessary! I need to communicate with her!” And then there was a multitude of smacks applied to both cheeks.
When she stopped she continued, “Do you realize the time you are taking away from focusing on your jobs by the chit chat the two of you carry on during work hours? Hours that you are getting paid for to do a job for someone?”
“Ummmmm. Not to be disrespectful, but that doesn’t actually apply to me ma’am.” SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. “But… but its true!!” I paused. She said nothing. I continued, “I only get paid for what I type! Not for my time!” Darn again no response. I hated my back to her, “So really, ummm…you are wrong about that.” She didn’t say a word, but yanked down my underwear, and applied another set. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK.
“Okay. So, what about the TIME you are using to chat. Are you keeping up with your work?”
“Ahhhh….” Again a heapful of spanks landed on my backside and I tensed up more as each one came down. When she stopped, she paused, and I didn’t say anything. I didn’t dare to reply! I was WEEKS behind on work because my time was being used up to develop the relationship that I so needed from Amy!!!
“You didn’t answer me Lyndsy!!”
“Umm, no Ms. Kane.”
“No? You are not keeping up to your work? Is that what you meant?”
“That’s what you asked wasn’t it?” No words, just an impact of spanking that got faster and harder as she altered from one cheek to the other.
“Breath Lyndsy!” I tried to take a deep breathe, but I couldn’t, so she paused, “Take a deep breath.” I finally got one almost to the pit of my stomach, but not quite. She continued her spanking without hesitation.
When she stopped, she spoke again. “So, you are behind on your work, mostly due to the communication you are having throughout the whole working day while you and Amy are separate, putting you both at risk with your jobs, and you are still wondering why I have taken your phones away?”
“Ahh, I guess I understand ma’am, when you put it that way.”
“Good!!” And she continued spanking for another hundred rounds… Well, maybe it wasn’t, but it felt like it went on forever. Then she said, “Now, stand up Lyndsy.”
I stood up, and went to pull up my underwear, but this time I heard, “No!! We are not done Missy! Take them right off, and go lean over my desk” was what she said as she walked towards her desk.
“What? Why? Because me and Amy text each other? Is not taking our phones enough punishment? Never mind the physical one I just got??” Ms. Kane turned around and stopped. She just looked at me, and my “walls” went up so I couldn’t see her face or expression. Yet, she would think I was looking right at her. I didn’t dare focus on her face!!!
She walked right back up to me and with 6 inches between our noses she said, “You find your way over to my desk, place your hands on it, and I will be right back!!” I just looked at her, I didn’t want to say anything with her that close in case she smelled I had slammed some JD earlier. “Do … you … under… stand … me? I nodded my head instead. She turned me around, smacked my butt and gave me a shove. “Go! We have something else to deal with.” And with that she left the room.
My brain went into overload trying to think of what she meant. I glanced over at Amy. Poor girl had to listen to all of this. I continued over to the desk. Then I heard Amy speak up in an undertone, so I turned to look towards her, “Lyndsy. Be careful. Don’t sass back anymore. She found our texting about you and……”
Just then Ms. Kane walked back in the room, “Amy!!!! Be quiet!! Or you will be in for more!”
Darn it! Amy didn’t get to finish her sentence!! I was still twisting so that I could look at Amy, and her eyes told me this was bad. I just wasn’t quite sure what it was. She squished her eyes tight, and I knew she was sending me a hug, and going to be thinking of me.
“Amy, turn yourself around and face the wall. I am not finished with Lyndsy, as you very well know.” She was now sitting in her desk chair, right in front of me at eye level. “Amy was correct. There IS something that I found in your texting with her that is of concern to me Lyndsy. I have come to realize you have been hanging around with some ‘bad association’ rather often.” I just looked at her, puzzled. I haven’t hung around with anyone lately? All my time was absorbed between me and Amy. I couldn’t figure out what she was talking about. She must have seen my confusion, because she reached down to the floor and pulled up the container I had hid my JD in and placed it on the desk in front of me!!!! My stomach seized up, and my breath stopped. My eyes froze on the container, until I heard, “What would this be Lyndsy?”
Do I dare play stupid? Oh man, that wouldn’t work. She obviously knows from the texts. I looked towards her. “Ummm. That might be some left over beverage I couldn’t finish awhile back?”
“Is that a question?” I didn’t reply, I just looked at the container. “And when would be the last time you might have opened this container?” Again, I couldn’t tell her!!! “Speak up! And don’t you dare lie to me!” I looked towards her, trying to lose the silhouette figure and see what her eyes might be saying, to figure out if she knew I had some just previous to this!! I couldn’t tell. My fear of knowing was stronger!!! She stood up now, and picked the belt up off the desk. She came around to the side I was on, and leaned over the desk beside me. She then looked at me, and told me to look at her. Darn!!! This is too close for comfort!! I took a deep breath, and held it as I looked her way. She just stayed there, trying to hold my eye contact as I tried to hold my breath!!! Darn her and her games!!!! I don’t know what colour my face got to, but I gave in before she did, and lowered my head to the desk as I let out the air. She stood up and faced towards Amy. “I guess I have my answer, don’t I Lyndsy?”
“I didn’t say anything?”
“You didn’t have to! Your breath speaks for itself!! Did you actually have some of that before coming in here?” I could feel her at my back, but not looking at me. She had this habit of looking straight ahead when she would talk sometimes. Then I felt a blow with the belt as it contacted my buttocks. A shiver went curling up my spine, and made me cough!
“Damn!” I said aloud.
“I expect your answer to be ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and that is all.” Another two blows of that belt. I still didn’t answer. And another 4 landed smartly across both cheeks at the same time. I cringed, and lowered my head closer to the desk. She waited about 30 seconds, and then about 10 were applied, even harder than the last ones!!
“Okay!!! Okay!!! Yes!!! I did have a sip before I came down here!!!” She plastered another 10 or so, but fast and furious. “Damn, that’s enough already!!” I yelled as I stood up and turned around with a firm frown on my face. I figured I was dead for that! And I did see more of an irritated look on her face, but she always stayed pretty cool.
“Listen to me. I will decide when it is enough!” She was maintaining eye contact, and I never lost the frown. “And you, young lady, have broken one of the major rules that I fully warned you about the day you arrived! Absolutely no alcohol under my roof!!! Now, wipe that look off your face, turn around, and bend over that desk!!!”
I couldn’t help but sneer, and let out a huge sigh. She then took action upon herself, turned me around, pushed me down on the desk, wrapped her right arm around my waist, and walloped me I don’t know how many times!! I was just thankful that I DID have JD!! Because it was surely helping with the pain of this situation!!!
She stood up, went around to the other side of the desk, put the belt in the drawer and sat in her chair across from me. “Lyndsy, look at me now.” I didn’t want to look her way, I was frustrated with her at the moment. But, I slowly brought my head up to do what she asked. “Do you know one of the reasons I do not want you to have alcohol in this house?” I just looked at her, with no response. “You do realize that you are here because of your misuse of alcohol, don’t you?”
“Misuse in whose terms?” I asked.
“Are you being smart with me?”
“No!! I have never had a problem with it, or got myself into trouble because of having it, well, up until THIS moment.”
“Are you not using alcohol as one of your coping methods, and being careless with it, or reckless sometimes? Like driving after having drinks?” Hmmm I couldn’t argue that. But I was never careless or reckless! That would mean spilling it or wasting it! And to me THAT is alcohol abuse!!!
“Well, yeah. I have on occasion.”
“You are here to learn new coping skills Lyndsy, and I am here to help you with that. And one of the ones we will be getting rid of is your turning to alcohol. Why would you even consider having it when you were already in trouble for the misuse of your phones? Are you just trying to push me harder?”
“No. I was nervous!! And I was frustrated you took my phone, and so I went to find information on why you were legally not allowed to do that, and when it got overwhelming, I had a mouthful, hoping it would at least give me some confidence to argue my thoughts.”
“Well, a mouthful could be a few ounces!! Do you think it was that much?”
“I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe a little more than an ounce.”
“And did you just have the one mouthful?” I lowered my head, I was caught anyway, so I just said, “No, I had two.”
She stood up again, came around the side I was on, stood me up, and said, “I am here to help you not to do that Lyndsy. To not feel like you have the need to use alcohol in that way. I am here for you to express your frustrations, or when you feel overwhelmed, so we can work on it together, verbally. I want you to use more healthy coping options. Do NOT ever let me catch you with alcohol in this house again!!!! Do you hear me?”
“Yes, I got it.”
“Okay” She was quiet for awhile as I could feel her looking at me. “I believe you.”
Ms. Kane paused for a moment again, and I looked at her for the first time, without the silhouette covering. I could see she was sincere, and she was really trying, and obviously allowing her thoughts to come together. “I want you to stand in that corner over there for the next ten minutes and really think about this Lyndsy. And think about the opportunity you have here. I am pretty sure that Amy over there will support you the same way you are supporting her. There is a reason why I put the two of you in the same room.”
I looked over to Amy and Ms. Kane was right. I had never met anyone like her before. This was maybe the opportunity, an opportunity to finally become the person I was striving for. The person I needed to explore and needed to let go and let grow. Amy spoke directly with that girl buried inside of me. And even though I loved it, I feared it at the same time. That is why I still needed JD in reach………
The Moderately-priced Purchase Blues : Totally unrelated to spanking
I’ve hinted at it a couple times in the past, but here’s the paddler’s honest truth:
I am a tightwad. Or a minimalist. You choose.
It does not thrill me to spend money on things which I do not find essential. (Granted, ‘essential’ means something different to everyone.)
Is there such a thing as a reverse hoarder?
Anyone who’s visited my home knows that I have little attachment to possessions. Furniture is scant and I don’t bother with draperies and bric-a-brac much. I’ve grudgingly added a few things to the household in the past year or so, mostly to increase visitor’s comfort, as it all seems a bit unnecessary to me. There still isn’t a television, and I cannot foresee a future that involves my owning one. I did, however, break down and purchase an iced tea maker so that my repeated attempts at passively burning down the house by forgetting that I had water boiling downstairs would come to an end. Usually though, spending is kept to a minimum and most frivolous fits of spend-thriftiness happen at the supermarket.
But this year will be the Year of the Moderately-Priced Purchase. Sigh. It’s difficult for me to discuss, but I know you’ll understand. (insert tongue into cheek here)
It took nearly one calendar year for me to pony up the dough to invest in the member site for danakanespanks.com, and I’m still choking a bit on the residual costs associated with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m terribly excited and happy, but part of me wants to grab my wallet and run screaming in the opposite direction.
And just this week, I purchased a much-needed and long-postponed upgraded camcorder for video shoots. I knew it needed to be done, so I put on my Consumer Face and just did it. It was painful but fast, like yanking off a bandaid. Ouch.
It’s old news that my ancient Mac has been a faithful, if hypochondriacal, friend. Later this year it will give over it’s main functions to a new computer and while I’ll be tickled with the superfast processor and better overall performance, it’s not nostalgia which keeps me clicking away at this very tired machine. It’s ticket shock. I’ve dragged this old Mac wheezing and whirring through a few years more than even Mr. Jobs intended, and am certain that the old girl has another six months or so left in her.
It’s also been several years since I owned or needed a car of my own. I know that this sounds somewhat unbelievable to most of the car-driving public, but it is supremely possible to function, thrive, and be happy – without ever having to visit a gas station. The majority of the world’s population live within….oh, there I go lecturing again. Besides, I’ve been thinking of buying an old clunker, despite my better judgment, in order to more easily access the beautiful mountains, abundant state parks, and that place down the street that sells really good tacos. The problem is that I’ve been thinking about it for about a year now, and will likely continue to think about it well into the future. When it comes right down to it, I’m always inclined to slap the salesperson – hard – when they tell me the price. It’s a lovely, healthy stroll to any number of easily-accessible points of necessity, and a cheap taxi ride to the airport a couple times a month. Decisions, decisions.
I really do completely understand the compulsion to spend. If it weren’t for the restraint of gods-long-forgotten I would have standing reservations at no less than thirteen hidden island resorts in the steamiest latitudes imaginable. My ‘places I’ve been’ map would look like a pincushion and the wall behind it would eventually crumble from the weight of the brightly-colored reminders.
Instead, I spend most of the year saving (and salivating) for the Chosen Destination. This year’s place to lie around and do nothing is about as removed as one can be while still having access to hot water and ice cubes, and saving my pennies for it makes it even more special.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that, at the end of the day, life is expensive. Whether you spend it on toys or bonds or solitude, you’re gonna spend it. So in light of that realization I’ve decided to loosen up and do what I have to do this year.
But next year? I’m not spending a dime.
– Dana
DanaKaneSpanks.com Sunday Site Update: 3/24
DanaKaneSpanks.com Member Site Alert
It looks like any day now that the tech guys will have the member site finished. Once I learn to navigate the software and manage all the content upload, the site will go ‘live’ so that the payment processors and powers that be may poke around in the site and make sure that it’s acceptable before I’m allowed to actually sell memberships. This process will likely take anywhere from two to four weeks, by the look of things.
If you’re visiting HERE and notice a change in format, it’s likely that the site’s gone ‘live’ and I’m in the pre-launch phase. There’ll be a slight interruption to premium video updates during this time, and previous ‘DanaKaneSpanks.com Sunday Update’ blog posts will no longer redirect to the old version of the site.
If all this sounds like a bit of a pain, it is. I’ll post something here when the site is ready to accept members, and will be interested to see what you think of the new member site. I’ve tried to keep it pretty simple, and am hoping that the novelty of a female top site will appeal. Things like ‘Meet the Models’ and Custom Video request forms will still be available in the non-members section of the site, and I’m thinking of adding a forum/group chat feature at some point in the future.
(Of course, this blog will remain in it’s current incarnation, barring a few cosmetic changes.
All current videos will still be available on Clips4Sale.com and SpankingLibrary.com, and new releases will be there, too, after a period of time exclusive on the member site.)
I’m grateful to Alan at adultwebexperts.com for his work on the website, and am looking forward to seeing the final build-out this week.
– Dana
Conversations with Spankos: What goes on in your head?
Warning: This may get a bit silly.
Since none of us could be truthful in saying that our minds are ever blank when we’re spanking (or being spanked), I’d like to know what you’re thinking about during.
Our minds wander, it’s true. And it’s also completely natural that sometimes we’re doing one thing while thinking of another, wholly unrelated, thing. With that understood, where do you wander during play? Are you thinking two steps ahead of your playmate, or are you composing your shopping list, or is there that song that just won’t stop playing inside your head?
Most of the time, I am wrapped up in the feel, sound, and all-round sensory experience of the spanking, but occasionally, well, something happens…
I can’t control it, and have no idea when or where it will present itself…
but once in a while, as I am happily smacking away at some naughty boy or girl across my lap,
one song pops up from the deepest depths of my subconscious.
I cannot help but time my smacks to the insistent beat of the music running through my hands.
It’s a classic, and I know you all know it.
So sing (or spank) along with me, now…
DanaKaneSpanks.com Sunday Update : 3/17

For more preview photos, scene descriptions, and download links, click the Title links above or visit:
Day in the Life : Airport Security
New Free Spanking Video – ‘Tips for Tops: That’s a Wrap!’
A very tongue-in-cheek Tips for Tops video: ‘That’s a Wrap!’…
– Dana
Conversations with Spankos (Ch.18) : Getting Your Groove On?
For your spanking-enthusiast-related activities, do you enjoy a little slap and tickle…or just the slap?
I know that circumstances surrounding spanking play can vary drastically from experience to experience, and that our playmates are not necessarily our bedmates – but what do we really prefer?
For me, spanking is not an outright sexually-motivated activity. Sensual, yes. Intimate, definitely. But not sexual. Spanking does not, for me, cause an unrelenting urge to insert tab A into slot B.
What it does cause is a wave of adrenaline and endorphins which takes hours to subside. Heady, powerful; still not sexual. The physical act of touching, rubbing, caressing, and yes, even slapping, another person’s nude bottom is one of the most pleasurable sensations imaginable to me, yet all that pleasure still doesn’t equal coitus in my mind.
Similarly, when perusing spanking videos I find that I am most often attracted to scenes which don’t incorporate heavily sexual situations. Peeks are great and innuendo is titillating; make-out scenes can be hot; but I usually am not interested in seeing the spankee and spanker get it on before, during, or after the spanking takes place. Don’t misinterpret this as an aversion to porn – I, like most everyone else, have a healthy interest in pornography, but for some reason am much less interested in having it incorporated into spanking films.
It’s likely that I am in the minority on this subject, so I am very interested in what others think: how do sex and spanking go together for you?
Sunday Update DanaKaneSpanks.com : 3/10

One of my favorite spanking writers is back, with ‘Soccer Moms’
This is a sexy switch story from our friend The Cowboy Writer. While, in it’s original form, it’s more than a little saucy, I’ve chosen to prudishly edit out the heavy sex stuff (as usual) and allow you to all use your imaginations there…asterisks are my edits.
– Dana
Tyra leaned closer to the mirror to put the final touches to her
She batted her stunning green eyes, powdered her cute little impish
nose and applied a final touch of gloss to her full lips.
Practicing her classic, seductive smile , her perfect teeth still
glistened from their latest expensive whitening treatment.
Opting for a casual look, she tied up her long, blonde hair in a
ponytail and stepped back to take a full-length view.
Her slender , tanned legs were accentuated by the tight, white jean
shorts she had squeezed into and Tyra smiled with satisfaction when
she spun around and took in the rear view.
She loved the way her firm, round cheeks looked encased in her new
Her black tank top offered a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage and
tiny waist.
A few wisps of expensive perfume in the right places and Tyra was
ready for her evening out.
The excited voice of Tyra’s 10-year-old daughter Cassandra caught
her ear.
“Hurry up Mom.Coach Todd wants us to be at practice 10 minutes
early” .
Tyra felt a schoolgirl thrill in the pit of her tummy at the mere
mention of Cassandra’s handsome soccer coach Todd Marley’s name.
Despite being twice divorced at only 43 years old Tyra was not going
to pass up the prospect of landing the desirable Todd.
He was the town’s most eligible bachelor, tall, confident, athletic
and the owner of a flourishing Accounting firm.
Bachelor Todd’s niece Brandy was in the team and he had volunteered
to coach the team when nobody else would .
A lifelong athlete and soccer player, Todd gladly obliged and was
really enjoying his assignment, especially when he met some of the
attractive soccer Mom’s.
He did have a reputation as something of a Casanova and was quite
skilled having managed to remain single to the ripe age of 41.
As Cassandra hustled her Mom and her soccer bag into the van, a few
doors down her neighbor Janet Whelan was already packed for practice
and waiting for her daughter Emily to emerge from the house.
“Come on Emily Ö.we’re late!” Janet called out impatiently glancing
at her watch.
Janet was the Gym Teacher at the local school and also owned her own
fitness business.
Her looks were a stark contrast to Tyra.
Tall , toned and athletic, she kept her dark hair short and her big
brown eyes, high cheekbones ,full lips and long elegant neck gave
her natural beauty which required no make-up.
Janet looked good in anything but for soccer she chose a team t-
shirt which hugged the curves of her firm torso, skin tight track
pants cut at the knee, running shoes and a baseball cap.
Like Tyra, single Mom Janet was much more interested in coach Todd
than the soccer practice.
Todd cut a fine figure in his red coach jersey and matching shorts.
His soccer socks were rolled down to his ankles , displaying his
powerful calf muscles and he impressed everyone with his athleticism
and fully participating in all the drills he put his young charges
All the girls loved him, as did all of their Moms as they sat on the
sidelines drinking in every view of Todd’s tanned, muscular ,
athletic frame.
Tyra and Janet had not been overlooked by Todd and he responded to
their discrete flirting by flashing a smile and a wink at them at
every opportunity.
When Todd blew his whistle for a water break both Tyra and Janet
grasped the opportunity to get closer to him.
The more athletic and appropriately dressed Janet got of the mark
faster, bounding toward Todd as Tyra struggled to free herself from
her fold out chair without disturbing her appearance.
“Have a drink honeyÖ.I’ll be right back ” Janet told Emily as she
stuffed a water bottle in her hand and continued her run to Todd’s
Janet stuck out a hand “Hi Coach MarleyÖ. I’m JanetÖEmily’s MomÖ
number 7?” she said nervously.
Tyra sighed as she saw Janet already talking to Todd as she prepared
to approach him.
“Darn you JanetÖ” she muttered under her breath and marched over to
the pair anyway.
Todd smiled at Janet and shook her hand.
“Emily is quite the little defender Mrs. Whelan” Todd replied.
Janet’s heart pounded and her mouth went dry as she pondered a
The normally confident woman felt as giddy as a teenager in front of
this handsome beau.
Her dating skills were becoming quite rusty.
“Its Miss actually ÖÖ.but please call me Janet .
I’m a trained gym teacher and personal trainer and would be glad to
help you with the teamÖÖif you likeÖ.of courseÖ” she said nervously.
Janet wanted to kick herself for sounding so dumb and her
embarrassment was compounded as Tyra arrived to eavesdrop.
She chuckled and gave Janet a wry smile as she listened to her
rival’s faltering approach.
Todd’s eye immediately caught the flirting Tyra and he smiled back
at her.
“I’ll just be a minute Tyra ” he chirped and looked back at Janet.
“That would be great Janet. Why don’t you give me a call and we can
get together and chat about how you can help.”
Janet felt victorious and fired a challenging glance over at Tyra
who was trying hard to conceal her jealousy.
Todd could not help take in the sight of Janet’s swaying hips and
firm derriere as they chewed against her sleek spandex pants.
His lusty gaze did not go unnoticed to Tyra but she was not that
She was a lifelong tease and had no trouble capturing the attention
of any man.
With a flutter of her eyes, a tilt of her head and a soft hand on
Todd’s arm Tyra quickly gained his full attention.
“Hi Todd Ö.did you enjoy your day at my spa?” Tyra purred.
Tyra had emerged from her two failed marriages with quite a
financial windfall and had recently invested in opening a spa.
She had asked Todd for some business advice and offered him to spend
a day at he spa for helping her.
“Yes TyraÖ it was great. So great I think I’ll go back ñ this time
as a paying customer!
How are you doing with that new accounting program?” Todd replied.
Tyra pouted and batted her long lashes “Not very well I’m afraid
that’s why I came to ask you a favorÖ. ” she said in a sultry tone.
Todd was eating out of her hands now and when Tyra asked if he could
come to her house to help with her accounting he just couldn’t say
“WellÖ.sureÖwhy not. I’ll zip home for a quick shower after practice
and be there around 8ish?” he replied.
Tyra smiled and made sure to give Todd an ample view of her
delectable, jean clad bottom as she scurried away.
Todd continued the practice and Tyra and Janet stood uncomfortably
together until the usual group of players and drooling soccer moms
around Todd had drifted away.
“So I’ll see you 8ish Todd?” Tyra waved to him in a clear attempt to
make Janet and most of the other ladies green with envy.
Todd looked up from his clipboard and confirmed with a wave.
Janet edged closer to Todd.
“Could I ask you to help me with a non-soccer issue Todd?” she asked.
She went on to tell Todd about her personal fitness business and
asked him if he could help her with her accounting.
Todd laughed.
“It seems all you ladies are accounting challenged.
Actually I’m helping Tyra with the same problem with her spa tonight
so how about I stop by your place around 9-9:30 and see what the
problem is?”
Surprised at Todd’s quick response Janet agreed although she was a
bit disappointed on the short notice as Emily would be home.
Just then, Janet’s ship arrived when Emily called to her from the
“Come on MomÖI’ve got a sleepover at Brittany’s tonight Ö.don’t you
For a moment Janet had the urge to leap up and punch the air but she
was able to restrain her reaction to a muted “YESSSSS!” to herself.
“Bye Cassandra. I’ll pick you up at 10am sharp tomorrow!” Tyra
called out as she watched her daughter climb into the van to go to
her sleepover.
A few moments before the same scene had played out at Janet’s house
as Emily hopped into the same van.
Both Tyra and Janet wasted no time in readying themselves for their
dream dates with the hunky Todd.
Tyra decided to stay with her chosen outfit, betting that her tight
white jean shorts were already a hit with Todd.
Janet was undecided however.
She knew she looked good in those spandex tracks but thought she
should give Todd a different glimpse of her.
As she soaked in the tub she thought about the best outfit and
decided on a short, summer dress which showed off her firm physique
while keeping that feminine touch.
Todd was in for quite an evening Ö.
If Todd already had an inkling that Tyra had other reasons for
inviting him to her house other than accounting problems it became
clear as he entered her house.
Soft music played in the background, the lights were dimmed and
scented candles were everywhere.
“Have a seat and I’ll fetch my laptop ” Tyra cooed, ushering Todd
over to the table where a bottle of wine and two glasses sat waiting.
Tyra fired up the computer and began pouring the wine without even
asking Todd.
“TyraÖ.I don’t usually drink when I’m workingÖ.” He said.
Tyra just giggled, ” Oh ToddÖthis can hardly be called work can it?”
Meanwhile a few doors down Janet was cursing as she tried to set up
and install the accounting program on her computer.
She had told Todd a `little white lie’ that she was having problems
with it but she had not even taken it out of the box!
She took a gulp of wine.
“How hard could it be?'” she told herself, glancing at her watch.
Back at Tyra’s, Todd was becoming a little frustrated at her poor
attempts at producing a simple invoice.
“I find it hard to believe you’re having so much trouble with this
Tyra Ö.you’d better not be doing this on purpose.” he warned her as
he set up yet another template for her.
The wine bottle was almost empty now and Todd’s one glass was still
half full.
“And what if I was?” Tyra teased him taking another sip of wine and
putting her hand on his lap close to his crotch.
Todd took her hand and placed it on the table.
“Then I would have to put you over my knee and give you a good
spanking!” he informed her.
Tyra felt a surge of excitement pulse through her veins and a
tingling sensation in her bottom.
Todd’s response surprised her but also excited her.
“You wouldn’t dare!” she challenged him , her eyes lighting up.
Since he had seen Tyra at soccer practice that evening, Todd had
wished for nothing else than to find a way to get Tyra’s sumptuous
bottom out of those tight little shorts and now he had the
opportunity to do just that !
A mischievous Tyra stood up and made a spirited but half-hearted
attempt to escape from Todd’s grasp.
He did not have to pursue her for long and caught her wrist before
she made it to the living room.
Grabbing her other wrist he easily pulled her to him and returned
her to the dining area.
Tyra struggled to free herself as Todd pulled out a chair and sat
“OOOOH NOOOO!” she squeaked as Todd tipped her effortlessly, face
first over his awaiting lap.
“NooooooÖ. what are you doing ToddÖ..dooooon’t!” Tyra squealed ,
feigning outrage as she felt Todd’s fingers slip under her tummy and
undo the snap on her shorts.
Todd laughed as the petite Tyra kicked and flailed helplessly when
he then slid down her zipper.
“Taking these shorts down so I can spank you properly !” Todd
informed her.
“OMIGOSH!!” Tyra gushed as she felt Todd’s fingers pull on the
waistband of her jeans.
She could only lie there helplessly as she felt them slide over her
hips, the curves of her bottom and then down her thighs.
She wore only a white thong underneath and felt a cool breeze on her
bare skin as her shorts reached half-mast.
Todd took in the wondrous sight before him.
Two of the most beautiful, tanned, jiggling globes he had ever laid
eyes on lay there before him.
For a second his mind wandered to things other than spanking but he
snapped himself back to reality and placed a palm on Tyra’s bottom.
Seductively he caressed her entire bottom as Tyra cooed in delight.
Between each caress he introduced a playful smack which generated a
yelp of surprise from Tyra.
Steadily he picked up the speed and intensity of the spanks bringing
a nice pink hue to the blonde’s cheeks.
Tyra squirmed and moaned on Todd’s lap as he briskly spanked her
quivering cheeks.
As the heat in her bottom intensified Tyra began grinding
rhythmically into Todd’s groin.
She could feel *** beneath her which made her even hotter
as she gasped with delight.
Having turned her bottom a bright red Todd began spanking harder and
methodically, landing stinging smacks to Tyra’s sensitive sit spot.
She cried and yelped as they landed and began bucking and squirming
to avoid his punishing palm.
“OH GAAAHD THAT BURNS!” Tyra bawled as the spanking started to take
its toll on her tender skin.
Todd paused again to caress Tyra’s bottom giving her a temporary
soothing relief.
Her skin was so soft and smooth and very hot to his touch and once
again his mind wandered.
Refocusing again he took a firm grip on the waistband of Tyra’s
skimpy white thong.
“No ..noÖ.please don’t Todd !” Tyra protested.
Todd wondered why she was so outraged.
Her cheeks were already fully exposed to his view but the lowering
of her last line of defense added to her indignity ñ and gave Tyra
another thrill of excitement as Todd peeled her little undies off.
Todd moved the spanking to its finale, paddling Tyra’s defenseless
bottom briskly as she squealed and kicked her tiny feet.
With a final flurry of short, sharp spanks he concluded Tyra’s
comprehensive bottom warming.
They were both out of breath when Todd released his grip and stood
Tyra on her feet.
Instinctively he pulled her into his arms and she nestled her head
on his strong chest as they embraced.
Tyra grimaced as she rubbed her molten hot bottom to relieve the
“Oooooh that really burns..” she moaned.
It was also fueling a fire elsewhere as she kicked off her shorts
and undies and ***
Tyra ripped Todd’s shirt over his head and began undoing his jeans
as he unceremoniously yanked her top off allowing her pert breasts
to spill out before him.
Todd frantically helped Tyra remove his jeans and underwear as their
lips met again.
Somehow the table survived the test and Todd and Tyra lay quietly on
top of it, catching their breath.
“WOW!” Tyra exclaimed and Todd nodded agreement.
Tyra snuggled closer to Todd “Stay the night ToddÖpleeeease?” she
Todd glanced at the clock.
“GeezÖ.its 9.30Ö.I promised Janet I’d stop by her place to help her
with her bookkeeping!” Todd announced.
Tyra sprang up.
You haven’t made a date with that bitch have you?” Tyra yelled.
Todd put a finger to her lips to silence her.
“I promised her TyraÖthere’ll be other nights.” he told her firmly
and hopped off the table and started to dress.
Tyra slid of the table also and winced at she inspected her red
Todd laughed ” A good helping of Aloe Vera will cool that down ” he
advised planting a peck on her forehead.
Tyra stamped her tiny foot angrily.
“I was hoping you would do that!” she fumed.
“Gotta go!” Todd replied as he tucked in his shirt and was gone out
the door before Tyra could reply.
Janet’s heart sank as she looked at the clock.
“DAMMITÖI should have known once that little minx Tyra got her claws
in Todd he wouldn’t be coming to see me!” she fumed.
At least the time had been well spent setting up her accounting
program but Janet’s real interest was Todd.
Just then the doorbell rang and Janet’s heart pounded when she saw
it was Todd.
“Is it too late?” Todd asked meekly.
Janet smiled and beckoned him inside.
Unlike Tyra, Janet’s attempt at seducing Todd was more subtle.
There were no candles , music or wine but he had never seen the
usually dressed down Mom look so good.
He admired how her sundress hugged her firm figure and how it
displayed her exposed and well-toned arms and legs.
It did not take Todd long to conclude that Janet had not dressed
this way to practice accounting but he played along.
Pointing to her computer in the corner of the room Janet sighed in
feigned exasperation.
“I’m so glad you’re here Todd, I’ve been pulling my hair out with
this accounting program for weeks” she said in her best `maiden in
distress’ voice.
Todd sat at the computer and started working as Janet hovered over
Occasionally she made a point of brushing against him and Todd’s
mind soon strayed from accounting as he breathed in her scent and
admired her statuesque form.
Janet was almost a contrast to the diminutive blonde Tyra.
She was tall, athletic and had a bold confidence about her.
Her legs were long and toned and flowed into what were clearly `buns
of steel’.
He longed to get his hands on that voluptuous rear.
It was then Todd spotted the discarded packaging from the accounting
program in the trashcan beside the desk and immediately went into
the log of the program.
“HmmmmÖinteresting.” he murmured, folding his arms and spinning
around in his chair to face Janet.
Todd looked at her the same way she looked at her pupils at school
when they did something wrong.
She gulped and her heart pounded.
“So you’ve been using this for weeks have you Janet ?”
Janet’s face flushed.
She hated lying and it showed.
“ErÖumÖyesÖyes of course I have ToddÖ” she stammered.
There was a pause as Todd pondered her reply.
“That’s oddÖbecause according to the log the program was only
installed a couple of hours ago and if I’m not mistaken that would
be the packaging over there ” he declared.
Caught red-handed Janet had no reply except for a girlish giggle.
Todd pretended he was not amused.
“Janet Whelan, you only started using this program tonight and I
think you were using it as an excuse for you and I to be alone.” he
lectured , wagging a finger at her.
Bowing her head Janet could only nod agreement.
Todd stood up, took Janet’s hand in his and raised her chin gently
so they were eye to eye.
“That was very naughty of you Miss Whelan and I’m afraid I’m going
to have to give you a good spanking !” Todd announced.
Janet’s jaw dropped and her eyes went wide as saucers as she
absorbed Todd’s words.
“A spanking ? Now ToddÖ.pleaseÖ. I was justÖ.EEEEEK!” she squealed
as Todd leaned on the desk and quickly turned her over his
outstretched knee.
Compared to Tyra, Janet was more of a challenge to keep in place as
she genuinely struggled to free herself from Todd’s grip.
She was certainly strong from all those hours in the gym but Todd
was more than a match for her and despite her attempts he was able
to hold her in place.
“Todd ! No ! NoÖ.don’t you dare !” Janet yelled as she felt Todd’
fingers slip under the hem of her dress .
The material slowly slid up her thighs, over her hips and finally
bunched up at her waist.
Todd admired another glorious sight before him.
Janet’s buttocks were firm, tanned and muscular and on full display
as, like Tyra, she wore only a tiny thong underneath.
Janet’s bottom tensed as she felt Todd’s palm caress and massage her
She could not suppress a moan of joy “OH GAHD THAT FEELS SOOOO
“OW!” Janet’s eyes and mouth opened wide as the first firm spank
landed on her right buttock.
As it started to sting she yelped again as Todd’s palm connected
firmly with her opposite cheek.
Todd could feel that Janet really did have buns of steel so began
spanking harder ñ much harder than the spanking he had applied to
the more soft and tender rump of Tyra.
Although it really stung and her bottom was smarting Janet was up to
the challenge and even teased Todd , looking up at him and saying
through gritted teeth “Is that the best you can do ?”
Todd shook his head, paused, raised his hand and brought it down
with resounding force on Janet’s stubborn rump.
It sounded like a gunshot and Janet howled upon impact.
“How was that?” he responded to Janet who was still wincing from the
stinging swat.
“WhÖwhat are you doing ? STOPPIT !” Janet yelled as Todd peeled off
her thong.
Her bottom completely bare , Todd continued delivering volleys of
spanks of the same velocity until Janet’s bottom was a flaming red
and she was squirming and bucking on his lap.
Janet exhaled forcefully.
Her bottom was on fire!
“OK OK I’m sorry Todd!” Janet wailed as Todd continued to spank her
briskly on her tender sit spot ..
Her bottom was well and truly tenderized now so he didn’t have to
spank Janet so hard.
So after a final flurry of spanks which had Janet yelping like a
puppy he stood her up and she immediately danced around the room,
furiously trying to douse the fire in her rear.
Todd chuckled at her antics before taking her by the wrist and
spinning her into his arms.
Their lips locked in a long, lingering kiss as Janet melted in
Todd’s arms.
She was conquered and she loved it!
Although the time was short , the sheer physical effort had
exhausted both of these athletes and Todd lay prone on top of Janet
as she remained over the desk.
When they stood up Todd took Janet in his arms and kissed her again.
“I want more” she pleaded to him.
Todd hugged her tightly.
“Sorry Janet I have to goÖ.it wouldn’t look right Ö” Todd explained.
Janet sighed as she watched Todd restore his jeans.
“Better get some Aloe Vera for that” he chuckled pointing to Janet’s
fiery red bottom.
Janet winced as she restored her dress over her sore bottom and
watched Todd leave.
Tyra groaned sleepily as she was awakened by the sound of the
Stretching an arm out she dragged the headset to her ear.
`MomÖits 10 amÖ.you should be here !” Cassandra lectured.
Suddenly awakened Tyra sat up on the bed.
“AIOOW!” she yelped as her still tender rear took her full weight .
“OOOOHÖ.I’ll be there in a few minutes honeyÖ.” She grimaced ,
raising herself up to her knees.
Hoisting her short nightie Tyra inspected her bottom in the mirror.
The sting had mostly dissipated but her skin was still tender and
pinkish and she could see the vague outline of Todd’s palm where it
had landed repeatedly.
It was only when she pulled on her nylon briefs that she realized
how tender the area was.
Luckily it was a short drive to pick up Cassandra but she still
found herself shifting and squirming in her seat .
As she waited in the car for Cassandra , Janet and Emily emerged
from the house.
“I can give you guys a ride .” Tyra chirped as they approached.
In reality she was anxious to get information on Todd’s visit.
Janet forced a smile ” No thanks Tyra the walk will be good for both
of us” she replied.
Tyra noticed Janet was walking a little stiffly .
“Did you hurt yourself ? You look like your limpingÖ” Tyra inquired.
Janet blushed and shook her head.
“I think she did hurt herself Mrs. Connor Öshe was too sore to sit
down at Brittany’s for a coffee !” Emily piped up.
Tyra raised a curious eyebrow as Janet’s blush deepened.
“ErÖits an old basketball injuryÖlets go honey..” Janet babbled and
hustled Emily along.
Todd was in fine form , whistling as he strode into Tyra’s spa for a
Tyra’s eyes lit up at the unexpected visit.
“Told you I’d be a paying customer Tyra ñ your best massage please
Ma’am” he joked.
Tyra frowned “I’m afraid my masseur is not here todayÖ.will I do?”
Todd grinned and pulled Tyra into his arms and kissed her.
“You look like a mad scientist ñ but a real cute one !” Todd
observed as he lay on the massage table with only a tiny towel
covering his muscular hindquarters.
Tyra was wearing a short white lab coat , and had a pair of thick
framed glasses perched on her cute little nose.
Her long blonde hair was pinned up revealing a most beautiful face.
Smiling mischieviously she seductively slid down the zipper of the
lab coat , letting it drop to the floor .
She stood before Todd , hands on hips wearing only glasses and a
pair of heels.
Todd gulped and was rendered speechless momentarily.
Tyra’s hips swayed as she moved closer to Todd.
Turning , she showed him her bottom which still bore the marks of
the spanking he had given her.
Pouting her lips she tantalizing rubbed the area.
“You really spanked me hard last night” she purred.
Todd beckoned her closer.
“Let me kiss it better” he replied hungrily.
Tyra obliged bringing her bottom closer and Todd began planting soft
kisses all over her derrrierre.
Tyra turned to face him an started to massage his strong back.
Her hands soon drifted down to the towel draped over his bottom.
Slowly she eased it off and squeezed Todd’s buttocks with her hands
making him flinch.
“Hey ..easy there !” Todd complained.
Tyra’s response was to deliver a playful but firm slap to his rump.
“OUCH!” he cried , surprised by the sting.
Tyra clamped her left hand down on the small of Todd’s back.
“This is for leaving me to go see Janet last night. I just saw her
and you didn’t go there for her accounting ñ did you ?” she said
With that she started spanking Todd’s rump fast and furious and as
hard as she could.
His position on the massage table made it difficult for Todd to
avoid the unexpected paddling as Tyra whaled away at him.
Her palm may have been tiny but it was having an effect.
The sight of Todd’s skin reddening inspired Tyra to continue until
his cheeks were really red.
Finally out of breath Tyra stopped spanking.
Todd put a palm back to sooth his burning rear.
“AAAW Geez Tyra that hurt !” he whined as he rubbed.
Tyra leaned closer to him ” There’s lots more where that came from
if you ever try that again!” she told him through gritted teeth.
“YEOOW!” Todd yelped as Tyra delivered a final solid whack to his
Tyra studied her palm which was red and burned .
If her palm hurt that much she could just imagine what Todd’s bottom
felt like.
She blew on her palm like a gunslinger would do with with his gun.
“There will be no charge for this session Mr.Marley !” she grinned
as she departed.
Todd’s rear was still smarting when he arrived at Janet’s personal
training centre.
“Hi JanetÖis now a good time to talk about how you can help with the
team ?” he asked.
Janet was pleased to see her handsome beau.
“Sure Ö.have seat ” she replied pulling out a chair.
Todd put a hand to his stinging rear.
“No thanks I’ll just stand for a while” he said.
Janet put a hand on her spandex clad bottom.
“That’s fine with meÖsitting is a bit of a problem for me this
morning after thatÖ.wellÖlast night ” she blushed.
Todd grinned ” Yes ..well sorry I got there late and had to leaveÖ”
he said.
Janet raised an eyebrow and challenged Todd.
“You did seem to take a lot of time at Tyra’s just to do some
invoicesÖor was it just invoicing you were doing over there?” she
Todd blushed and tried painfully to explain.
“WellÖerÖ.we did have some wine and chatÖand erÖstuff..” Todd
coughed nervously.
Janet was gaining in confidence as Todd’s drained.
“Öand stuff ?” she said.
Janet took a ping pong paddle from a nearby shelf and advanced
towards a retreating Todd.
“So I was your little dessert after Tyra was I Todd ?” she seethed .
Todd tried vainly to add some humor.
“If we’re playing table tennis I’ll need a paddle too Janet.” He
Janet patted the paddle against her palm.
“For this game I’ll be doing ALL the paddling and your bare butt
will be the ball!”she declared .
Todd was stunned and taken by surprise by Janet’s confident stance.
She stood before him , paddle in hand , looking like an Amazon
“YEOOW!” Todd yelled as Janet took him roughly by the ear and
wheeled him into her office and closed the door.
“Jeans down and bend over the desk” Janet ordered.
Rubbing his ear Todd tried pleading with Janet.
“Now JanetÖ I know what I did was wrong butÖ.” He began but Janet
stopped him.
“I said jeans down and bend over the desk mister” she repeated.
Resigned to his fate , Todd sighed and began undoing his belt.
“Those too” Janet ordered pointing to Todd’s tight black briefs.
Todd’s shoulders slumped and he slid down his briefs and assumed the
“Well , well it appears you’ve been warmed up already !” Janet said
as she hoisted Todd’s shirt and observed his backside , red from the
whacking Tyra had administered.
“Hold on tight ñ you’re in for 20 of the best !” Janet announced.
Taking a step back Janet wound up and cracked the paddle against
Todd’s bare buttocks.
It sounded like a gunshot and Todd cried out loudly.
Slowly and methodically Janet delivered a full 20 blistering swats
to Todd’s backside as he remained bent over the desk.
Todd gritted his teeth and held on to the desk , struggling to stay
in position and maintain some composure as the paddle scorched his
After the final stinging swat landed he sprang up clutching his
cheeks with both palms .
Janet came up to him , put her arms around him and pressed her lips
against his.
Todd pulled her close to him and winced as Janet dug her fingers
into the tender hot skin of his buttocks while they kissed
Janet looked deep into Todd’s eyes and wagged a finger at him.
“Don’t ever pull a stunt like that with me ever again !” she said
“Ö..nowÖ.lets talk about the team shall we?”
Todd strolled home , his backside still smoldering inside his jeans
from the double paddling he had received from Tyra and Janet.
He had clearly underestimated the resolve of these two soccer moms
and had deservedly suffered their wrath.
With all the scores even , Tyra and Janet were both anxious for a
second rendezvous with Todd and saw the team party that weekend as
the perfect opportunity to win it.
It was the soccer team pool party at Todd’s place and both ladies
had volunteered to chaperone while Todd barbequed.
Tyra eyed her extensive collection of swimsuits for the occasion and
settled on a tiny black bikini.
Not to be outdone, Janet had gone swimsuit shopping also and after
much deliberation about styles selected an eye-catching outfit.
There was definite tension in the air when the two rivals arrived at
Todd’s house to help set up for the party.
Luckily there were a few other Moms and Dads present which at leased
served to keep them apart.
It did not stop either of them from taking every opportunity to make
each other jealous by flirting with Todd.
It was soon time for Tyra and Janet to play their trump card and go
for a swim with Todd in the pool.
Both of them were convinced that once he saw them in their carefully
selected, skimpy, swimsuit his heart would be theirs.
They glared at each other angrily as they peeled off their shorts
and tops.
“Hey what are the chances of that happening !” Todd cackled as Tyra
and Janet joined him at the pool.
The two ladies were aghast to see that they were wearing identical
bikinis !
The rest of the parents found it funny also and laughed out loud and
the Dad’s attending were most impressed.
Tyra and Janet looked wonderful but the laughter only served to
fester the simmering feud even more.
The pair competed hard for Todd’s affections as they all frolicked
in the pool and stayed there as one by one the parents and kids left
for home.
Even Cassandra and Emily were growing embarrassed by their Mothers’
pursuit of their coach.
“Can we go now Mom?” they whined in unison.
“I’ll take these two for an ice cream if you like and you can pick
them up at my place ” one of the remaining parents offered on their
way out.
Of course Tyra and Janet gratefully agreed and were left alone in
the pool with Todd.
The trio retreated to sunbath on the deck and Todd offered to get
them all some drinks.
While the ladies were intent on one of them winning over Todd for
the evening, Todd’s goal was to have every man’s dream come trueñ a
threesome !
His opportunity arrived when he returned with the drinks and found
Tyra and Janet in a heated argument.
Before he could put down the drinks Tyra slapped Janet’s face and
Janet retaliated by grabbing Tyra’s bikini top and pulling it clean
Her eyes filled with fury Tyra returned the favor and reached for
Janet’s top.
The stronger Janet was able to hold her off but they both fell in
the pool and continued their struggle.
Todd dived into the pool and quickly separated the two flailing,
topless females and yanked them out of the pool.
He tossed them each a towel as they spat out water and tried to
cover their nakedness.
Todd was genuinely furious but sensed an opportunity.
“Both of you ñ inside ñ NOW!” he seethed.
Like naughty schoolgirls the feuding soccer moms trundled inside
with Todd close behind.
Todd had them stand by the sofa while he went to the kitchen,
returning with a large wooden spoon.
The ladies’ jaws dropped as reality sunk in.
“Get those bikini bottoms off and bend over the back of the sofa!”
Todd ordered.
For a moment Tyra and Janet mumbled a protest but their words
trailed off and they both wiggled their hips out of their wet bikini
The ladies made an attempt to cover their vanity with their hands
but Todd was showing no sympathy for their plight and motioned them
to bend over the sofa.
Todd took in the sight of these two shapely, bare, glistening
bottoms presented to him.
While he had seen them before he could not resist pausing to compare
their beauty.
Tyra’s bottom was smaller, round and soft and with more curves while
Janet’s was firm and muscular but still very feminine.
Taking his position beside them Todd tapped the spoon against their
bottoms as a warning for what was to come.
In unison the two ladies closed their eyes, gripped onto the sofa
and tensed their bottoms.
In no time Todd had the spoon dancing all over the four globes,
peppering them with short, sharp, stinging whacks in rapid
The fact that the spoon was being applied to wet skin made it smart
even more and Tyra and Janet were soon making quite a racket as
their bottoms were well and truly warmed wth the punishing spoon.
When both their bottoms were a fiery crimson Todd paused to smooth
his palm over them.
It felt good and the women moaned and sighed but soon began
shrieking loudly as the spoon resumed its dance harder and faster
before finishing in a cracking crescendo.
Tyra and Janet remained prone over the sofa when it ended, slowly
allowing their palms to sooth the damaged area.
“OK you two ñ you can get up now!” Todd said firmly.
Too sore to worry about their nakedness both Tyra and Janet needed
both hands to rub their bottoms as Todd lectured them on their
“Get up stairs and lie down on the bed and I’ll get some Aloe Vera
for those naughty bottoms!” Todd suggested with a grin.
Tyra and Janet smiled, looked at each other and headed for the
bedroom upstairs.
Todd picked up the tube of Aloe Vera as he watched the two jiggling,
red bottoms scurry upstairs.
When he reached the bedroom door Todd peered in to see Tyra and
Janet lying together , naked on the bed, their bottoms in the air
awaiting his arrival.
Todd’s fantasy was about to come true he thought.
He stepped out of his swim trunks and his ***.
Aloe Vera in hand , his eyes feasted on the sight before him and he
sat on the edge of the bed.
Tyra and Janet groaned and giggled like schoolgirls as Todd
seductively applied the cooling ointment to their hot cheeks ,
allowing his fingers to wander , linger , explore and tease them.
“Oooooo,,,,that feels soooo good Todd..” Tyra sighed , glancing at
Janet smiled and looked up at Todd.
“Why don’t you lie down on the bed Todd and let us take care of
you ” she suggested.
Todd needed no encouragement and the girls stepped off the bed and
signaled him to lie face down to await their pleasure.
For a moment Todd heard some rummaging in the closet behind him.
“What are you two looking for ?” he asked innocently.
With the speed of a panther Janet leapt onto the bed and sat on
Todd’s back , straddling him and pinning his arms down with her
strong legs as she faced his feet.
“You go first Tyra !” she hollered excitedly.
Forcing his head around Todd saw Tyra looking very determined and
holding a thick , leather belt she had taken from his closet.
She doubled it over and slapped it against her palm.
“You men never learn do you Todd ?
Did you really think you were a getting a threesome that easily?”
she teased.
“All you’re getting from us is an ass blistering mister !” Janet
yelled excitedly.
Todd tried frantically to free himself but there was no way Janet
would let him move from his vunerable position.
“Tyra Ö.JanetÖ.pleaseÖÖ..let me upÖ..AAAAARRRRGGHÖ.”Todd howled as
Tyra lashed the leather belt across his backside.
Todd was a strong , powerful with a tough hide and a fierce male
pride and he never thought that these two soccer moms could have him
bawling like baby.
But they had done just that.
Like a tag team they took turns holding him down and walloping his
rear with the belt.
He was totally humbled now as he joined Tyra and Janet on the patio
for a long overdue talk.
Despite clear warnings he was determined not to choose between these
two attractive women and his male ego had driven him to scheme so he
could have them both.
Teaming up to administer that well deserved strapping had bonded
Tyra and Janet.
They could even laugh about their identical swimsuits as they sat
under the sun umbrella while Todd served them up some ice tea.
To add to his humiliation the ladies shared with each other the
spankings they had given him only a few days earlier.
“That’s why his rump was so red Ö.I figured it was you Tyra !” Janet
Tyra was bent over laughing loudly.
Their bottoms still tingled from the effects of the wooden spoon
earlier but they were able to sit fairly comfortably on the soft ,
thick chair cushions .
The same could not be said for Todd .
It would be a few days before he was able to sit down comfortably on
anything !
“I’d like to apologise to both of you for being such a cad ” Todd
said holding up a glass for a toast.
“To honesty and fair play !” he declared.
“I’ll drink to that!” the ladies chimed and clinked their glasses.
Still playing around with ‘artifying’ spanking photos.
A Love of Reading, totally unrelated to spanking
I spend a lot of time reading; magazines, online news sites, spanking blogs, hundreds of pages pulled up from general searches on anything from the history of Angkor Wat to how to make gluten free sourdough bread starter.
Books though, have always been my respite. If hard-pressed for new reading materials, I’ll re-read a favorite book (or series of them) dozens of times throughout the years, loving every minute of the knowledge of exactly what happens next. If there is anything about which I am obsessive, books qualify. It’s a high-quality problem.
Many years spent shifting from one foot to the other and back again, staring myself teary-eyed at the shelves in thrift stores, used bookshops, and discount bookstores, have taught me that it’s worth the dough to buy books I want to read (well-written) rather than books which fit within my tightwad criteria (cheap).
So for the last several years, I’ve given myself over to the abandon of stores and sites like Barnes and Noble and Amazon – with literally hundreds of thousands of titles available, delivered to my door thankyouverymuch – to sate my constant book cravings.
It’s always been this way.
At the end of first grade, my teacher presented me with the award for most books read during the school year – thirty-one: a photocopied ‘Certificate of Achievement’ and hardback copy of The Story of Helen Keller. I still have them both. Sentimental value and all.
I can remember sneaking my dad’s copy of ‘It’ by Stephen King (yes, Stephen King. There was also a Dean Koontz phase, as well as an Anne Rice one.) when I was around fourteen or fifteen years old and having to stay up all night long because the book scared me so much that I was afraid to go to bed. I’ve always had an active imagination, and have always been able to completely immerse myself in an enjoyable story. That one was just scary; I’ll never forget that damn clown and his shiny teeth.
I can also remember sneaking the romance novels off my grandmother’s bookshelf and squirreling them away for later perusal. I’d seen the shirtless Native American man on the cover holding tight to the pale-skinned-yet-busty maiden and was pretty sure that there was something going on there. Sadly, I found them completely disinteresting. Around that time, I also tried to read the copy of ‘Dianetics’ gathering dust on the hall bookshelves. Happily, I found this completely disinteresting as well.
In the last twenty years, I’ve read hundreds, likely thousands, of books. Beautiful, whimsical things by Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, and Neil Gaiman, and breathless memoirs by Mary Karr, Augusten Burroughs (and nearly every other soul-searching life’s self-examination written); numerous accounts of the second World War and countless stories of the survivors of life in general; American, British, and Russian literature; historical biographies of the people who’ve fought for freedoms throughout our evolution, and many many many silly, shallow, and satisfying works of modern fiction.
Several months ago a dear friend gifted me with something I would have never purchased for myself – a Kindle e-reader. It’s the basic, I-only-want-to-read-a-book model, and I honestly didn’t want to like it. Books – real paper books – have always been so appealing. Pretty bindings, freshly-printed pages, hundreds of turns pulling you forward into the story..
Then this ereader thing comes along. I’ve now read every single available free literature classic, uncountable other free books, magazines, and publications…and purchased several ebooks. As much as I love a good book, this thing is super-convenient.
Until I drop it in the bathtub, that is.
Historically, every really good book I own will end up in the bathtub at least once. It’s a rite of passage and proof of a book’s long standing when the pages are so crinkled with multiple droppings and air-dryings that it takes up twice as much space on the shelf.
Currently, I’m devouring every single novel by Christopher Moore (‘Lamb’, ‘Sacre Blue’), who writes insanely funny novels (recommended by a dear friend and playmate), and planning a second stab at The Brothers Karamazov soon (the first one ended with my considering making a list of all the character’s names, nicknames, and pronunciations on a separate pad in order to figure out what the hell was going on). Curiosity will prevail, even over Slavic surnames.
Want to relax, expand your consciousness, intelligence, and world view? Read a book. Read a hundred of ’em. Then tell me which ones are your favorites.
There are so many intelligent, opinionated, and creative folks reading, posting, and contributing here… What do you read?
– Dana
‘I Spy a Private Spanking’ Top-shelf spanking fiction!
Back in our room, I couldn’t stop watching the video. I couldn’t quite understand why I was so captivated by this beautiful woman. She was so pretty, but also very strict looking and she was wielding an evil implement with a red loop at the end. I don’t know what to call it because I had never seen anything like that, but it definitely caused a lot of pain for the poor person being whacked with it. All I kept thinking was, “Wow, that woman has a wicked left arm,” and “how could anybody have such a durable backside?” I had plenty more thoughts but they were interrupted.
“Oops”, said one of the girls as her powdered treat fell to floor in the very same spot where Susie had just finished picking up her cupcake from. Both girls laughed. The second girl stepped on it, grinding it into the carpet as Susie looked on stupefied as the white crumbs became crushed into the lush carpet. “Oops” said the other one before they left the room giggling. She couldn’t remember which one it was but would later find out it was the one named Lindsay. Their laughter could be heard echoing down the corridor.
DanaKaneSpanks.com Sunday Update: 3/3
‘School Daze’ : New Spanking Story Writing Contest
Okay spanking writers, let’s get those springtime creative juices flowing! It’s time for March’s ‘Person, Place, and Thing’ spanking story writing contest. As always, the winner (announced first of April) will receive a free spanking ‘prize’ from me, and all entries will be posted on the blog throughout the month of April for your reading enjoyment.
This month’s contest is:
Within your spanking story, all three elements must appear – the Person (or, in this case, two people), the Place, and the Thing:
- The professors may be of any age or gender, and you may include as many or as few other characters in your story as you want.
- Feel free to include any/all spanking genres: F/F, F/M, M/F, and M/M.
- Although the name of the contest is School Daze, you’re encouraged to title your story independently.
Send all entries to me at: DanaKaneSpanks@gmail.com (You may either attach your story as a text file, or paste it directly into your email’s text box.)
- Absolutely no characters or situations involving anyone under the age of 18. The occasional ‘like a little boy’ is acceptable, but I make final judgments based on context. Best to keep it to a minimum.
- The same goes for overt sexual references and naughty language. Some poetic license is given, but genital references, sexual scenarios, and heavy use of profanities will likely not prevail.
- Don’t cheat. It’s not cool. Cheaters will be publicly shamed and banned from future contests.
- By entering your story in the contest, you agree to allow me to publish/excerpt/promote your entry (anonymously, of course) on this blog and other publishing platforms .
- If you’re unable to claim the spanking ‘prize’, please enter your story as a Non-Contestant. That way, everyone can enjoy your work and the winner can actually collect the prize.
- Contest ends March 31, 2013.