Ms. Dana Kane – Professional Disciplinarian
"Hold still long enough and I'll spank you, too."
I’m sure that you’re all just as interested as I am in what these ladies have been up to, and they’re not going to disappoint! Enjoy part five of ‘The Reformatory’!
– Dana
I’ll post this new survey to the top tabs as well, so that new visitors will have the chance to acces it easily. Once we’ve gotten a fair number of replies, I’ll post the answers here.
– Dana
This is how glamourous my life is sometimes:
It’s been nearly two years since I started traveling quite a lot, and given the frequency of my air/train/taxi travel, they’ve been a relatively uneventful couple of years, transit-wise.
Until Wednesday.
The alarm rang very early just outside of Washington D.C., and two cups of coffee later I was nearly awake and ready to head for the airport.
Per my usual routine, I called down to the hotel’s reception desk and asked the front desk clerk to call for a taxi 20 minutes in advance. Usually, by the time I’ve made a final round through the suite (and almost always found something that I did, in fact, leave behind), turned out all the lights, and stumbled my way to the lobby, the taxi’s there.
Wednesday morning it took forty-five minutes for the taxi to arrive. After three calls from the front desk clerk. And the hotel is only a stone’s throw from the airport. I knew it was going to be a trying day of travel.
Arriving at Dulles airport, I found exactly what I’d expected – dozens of commuter flyers standing in line at nearly every airline desk. Usually, I fly Southwest – I like ’em, they’re inexpensive (relatively speaking), and they let me check two bags for free. But Southwest doesn’t fly everywhere all the time, so this day I was booked on a flight with ‘Airline X’. The line for Airline X was just as long as all the rest, and I had no choice but to add myself to the queue. After about five minutes of stand-time, a smiling lady asked me if I had my boarding pass. I said no. She told me that I had to go to a kiosk and print out my own boarding pass, then go and get back at the end of the line.
Sigh. (Southwest A-plus preferred customer access service gets me right to the front of the line, by the way, and prints my boarding passes for me. *Last Southwest plug, I promise*) This little series of maneuvers set me back another twenty minutes and six or eight spots in line.
You cannot conceive of how many hours I’ve spent standing in those snaking little lines constructed of silver poles and seat belts. Like the world’s slowest conga line, people never stand so close together as they do when they’re forced into these little lines. I am not ever happy about my personal space limitations during these line-standing periods. But I’m digressing…
After finally making it to the front of the line, the lady inspects my documents and accepts my bag, points me in the direction of the security area.
Thank goodness! – another long line. I was becoming nostalgic for the last one already.
As a frequent traveler, I ‘know how to do it’. I know how many little bins I need, never have anything in my pockets, and always put my laptop in a separate tray. I do not carry gels or aerosols. Forgive me this, but most everyone else seems to do it wrong. Every. Single. Time. On the rare occasion that I see someone unlacing his or her shoes while still three paces from the bin-stack, I know I’m watching another TSA pro. Wednesday held no such pros. The line moved excruciatingly slowly, and I admit to having to hold back the urge to shout at strangers (not for the last time that day).
Hurdle crossed, I re-laced my sneakers and proceeded to the departures screen. (“Never, ever trust your boarding pass” should be one of the ten commandments of airline travel.) Having confirmed my terminal and gate number, I proceeded to grab my usual beverage and healthy-breakfast-option-if-available and took a seat at the gate, thirty minutes before scheduled boarding time, 5:30 a.m.. Not too shabby.
The flight from Dulles to LaGuardia was short and bumpy. Oh, I didn’t mention the layover? Yeah. Layover. Moving on.
Once again, I checked the departures screen, found my gate, and found my way there. Ebook reader in hand, I tucked in for the hour-and-twenty-minute wait for boarding.
Then they announced a delay. Thirty minutes. No big deal.
Then the gate changed.
Twenty minutes later, they announced a second delay. Thirty more minutes. Still, no biggie.
Then, I swear on everything good and gentle, they changed the gate AGAIN.
Less than twenty minutes after that, they announced another delay. An hour. I’m now two hours behind schedule, and still at the airport. I start scrambling to rearrange my day’s schedule to accomodate the new arrival time in Pittsburgh (my final destination).
Near supposed-boarding time, there was an absolute glut of people around the gate door. The service desk line was twelve-deep and dozens of tired, irritated, late commuters were all standing way too close together. I was in the dead damn center of this mess when a young woman barreled her way through toward the front, shoving and being generally rude in the process. I don’t think she was feeling the vibe of the crowd.
You know what happens next, right? (No I didn’t give her a spanking, get your minds out of the gutter.)
This silly girl came back through, aggressive posture and zero manners, and tried to shove right past me..making my shoulder bag swing to the side.
So I elbowed her in the ribs. Hard. (Life is a contact sport, girlie, remember that.) The woman next to me took a step to the right and blocked her path in that way, too.
Yes, we had discussed this in advance. Women are dangerous like that.
Then they cancelled the flight.
I was beginning to feel a little like Tom Hanks’ character in that Terminal movie, perpetually walking past the same pretzel shop for weeks, months, maybe years on end. And I can’t even eat the damn pretzels.
We cancelled travelers were informed that the next flight was scheduled for 3pm, and that, as it was full, we would be 31 stand-by’s for the flight. The flight after that was at 5pm, effectively rendering my day absolutely void.
There was no way that I was going to make it to Pittsburgh.
I’ll spare you the detail on the arguments that took place with two Airline X representatives, and one floor supervisor, and with the first two telephone representatives. I will, however, credit Jason, Airline X telephone supervisor, who had the good sense, decency, and business acumen to issue me a return ticket to Las Vegas.
Via Detroit. But who’s counting.
So Pittsburgh, it wasn’t for a lack of trying that I missed you. And you’ll be happy to hear that I’m going to brave the freezing temps of January to make it up to you. (Ask anyone who knows…sacrificing my warmish-weather climes in winter is an act of love.)
One day. Twenty hours. Four airports. Absolutely nothing accomplished. And they still haven’t found my suitcase.
– Dana
I do, indeed, have some big plans for 2013. While time seems to be harder to come by of late, I’m determined to manage things more efficiently so that I have the time to do all the fun things on my list.
We’ve discussed the possibility of a ‘Video Q&A’, where questions submitted in advance would be read and replied-to via video, kind of like a POV. This still sounds like a lot of fun to me, so I’ll be working on it during the first part of the year.
I’ve also done some poking around in my interest in ebook publishing. While I still have it on my list, and am hoping to accomplish something with it throughout the course of the year, it’s a much larger and more time-consuming endeavor than I’d first anticipated. Just the formatting alone sounds nightmarish. That said, I’m still interested in opinions/preferences on content/theme for something of this nature.
There will still be lots of free video made. It has been a little while since I’ve done any Product Testing or Tips for Tops videos, and I’ll be working to fix that oversight soon. Angel and The VBB continue to get themselves into constant trouble, so they’ll naturally pop up here in video punishment glory from time to time. Nearly all the free videos are available on the Gallery Page.
On the premium video side of things, DanaKaneSpanks.com will continue to be the place to look for access to all my downloadable videos and DVD’s. While many of my videos will always feature My Bottom’s bottom – who is never long wanting for an excuse for discipline – you’ll also be seeing many new faces, especially in the F/F genre. (At the very bottom of the danakanespanks.com screen, you can enter your email address for new video updates.)
And the contests will continue!!
January will bring a new spanking story writing contest, and I’m interested to see what our participants do with this one.
As the photo contests have not garnered as much participation as I’d hoped, you’re all being disciplined by having them taken away – for a while.
If you have an idea/suggestion for a fun contest for our spanko participants, please do let me know – I’m always looking for fun ways to give things away.
Imaginative spanking story writers are always encouraged to share their work with us, and I’m always happy to receive your works…contest or no. Send your creativity to me at DanaKaneSpanks@gmail.com.
On social networking: I’ve taken down both my Facebook and Flickr account pages. There’s only so much real socializing a person can do, so I’m economizing. I still have an account on Twitter, and on FetLife, and a Tumblr page for photos (which may or may not survive the purge).
There have been a couple emails concerning the font/shadowing on RSS feed emails. I am aware that there is a formatting problem between the chosen text colors on the blog, and the default emails received. While I haven’t yet figured out quite how to remedy this…well, I’m working on it.
Did I miss anything?
– Dana
A couple weeks after a fun round of spanking and conversation with one of my wonderful playmates, I received an email from him, following up on our previous conversation.
We discussed that the era in which many of us were reared – one of acceptable, permissible, and even advisable corporal punishment – is coming to an end. Most public and private schools no longer employ the ‘three licks’ method of discipline, and many states and countries have outlawed the practice altogether. Also, many caregivers now choose other, less physical ways of teaching, like TimeOuts.
My friend and I wondered whether, by removing the experience, either direct or remote, of corporal punishment from early development would render the world spanko-less one day….or at least spanko-light. And whether the natural changes of lifestyles and environments would put a different ‘spin’, so to speak, on spanking play.
This is neither pro nor con early corporal punishment, and not meant to be a discussion of early-life experiences. Instead, I am curious whether, when taken out of the environment altogether, spanking would still become a distraction, and in such numbers as in previous generations.
And, if the spanking fetish does still thrive, will the fantasies be contextually the same? Here, I’m addressing specifically the seemingly very common thread which runs throughout the current, mature spanko population – conservative, traditional domestic scenarios. Current generations haven’t grown up on the same Sears&Roebuck catalog fantasies as their predecessors – they’ve cut their teeth on Victoria’s Secret and Brazilian bikinis, after all.
What do you think? Will the new generation of spankos be hard-wired in the same way as we? And how will the natural changes in the world around us change the process and execution of the fetish?
– Dana
coming soon.
Also, Auntie Dana’s Naughty Nieces, Parts 1 and 2, are now available for download.
Part 3 coming tomorrow, 12/17!
Fellow spankos,
I am planning to attend a few of the spanko community gatherings in the upcoming year. While I stand in awe of those hearty few who are able to attend multiple functions, I won’t have the luxury of being at all of them.
Boardwalk Badness is definitely on my calendar for 2013. I’m wondering whether the recovery effort from Sandy will still be ongoing by the time the party is held? The people and businesses there took a real beating, so I’m hopeful that this event will be held as planned.
I made a short stop in at last summer’s Chicago Crimson Moon party, and am hoping to attend this summer, as well. Yoni and the rest of the group were so friendly, and welcomed me (slightly nervous and ever-so-overwhelmed at my first spanko gathering) warmly. I’m also hoping to make it to their annual Halloween party one year.
It sounds like last year’s TASSP party was quite a hit, and I’m wondering whether to add that one to my plans, too..lots of great fun to be had in Texas!
I know that the Delco Spankos and Florida Moonshine group also hold excellent parties, as well as Shadow Lane here in Las Vegas and a few others.
I’m wondering:
Do you attend any of the parties?
If so, tell me about your favorites.
If not, why?
(It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: I’m interested in your experiences, opinions, and recommendations – but I’m not interested in any bashing of any kind. If you’re a fan of a particular group, please do tout their accolades! But if you’ve nothing nice to say – say nothing.)
Also, if you’re going to be adding of the upcoming 2013 parties to your travel schedule, let me know, and I’ll look for you there!
– Dana
First, let me wish you all the most happy and relaxed of holiday seasons. Relaxation seems to be harder and harder to come by for most of us, so take time for yourselves…put your feet up…and chill.
I’ll be doing a bit of that, myself, around Christmastime, after another wonderfully hectic year of indulging my fetish by way of professional disciplinarian-ing.
For those long-time friends and playmates who’ve passed previous holiday seasons with me – my enormous gratitude and affection. You all enrich my life with your kind words, time, and generosity of spirit. And you all also deserve many more spankings…just on general principle.
And for new friends – thank you for finding me, and for allowing me to become a part, however small, of your lives and experiences. (You all deserve more spankings, too…by the by.)
Special thanks also to the many creative contributors to this blog. Whether you’re a story writer, contest entrant, photo sender, commenter, or regular reader, thank you. There is absolutely no way I could populate this blog without your help.
On that note, I recently received a comment about the frequency of others’ writings appearing on my blog, and the infrequency of my own. The commenter suggested that they’d like to read more from me, and less from other writers. I did address this comment, but would also like to address it to the rest of the readers of this blog.
I enjoy sharing the writings and imaginations of other spankos – and there are a whole big bunch of ’em out there who don’t maintain their own blog/site but still want to participate in the online experience. Some of our authors write prodigiously, which gives me the opportunity to share their writings often. The spanking story contests are another way in which I encourage readers to participate, by exploring their creativity – with a chance to get a ‘prize’ spanking in the arrangement. I hope, at least, that this is not only fun for the participants but also for people who enjoy reading original spanking fiction. These are not professional writers, and that’s another thing to love about the diversity of their stories.
With that said – yes, there is something in it for me. Content.
Without the participation of a larger spanko community, this blog (excluding video updates) would likely post once or twice a week, at best. My own personal writings, such as Conversations with Spankos, Spanking PSA, and other random posts, are few and far between for a reason.
I’m busy. A lot.
This is not a boast. I do wish, wholeheartedly, that I had more leisurely time in which to explore my thoughts and opinions and experiences. The reality is that I do not have that luxury.
So I rely heavily on other spanking enthusiasts who are willing to share of themselves on this blog. I cannot imagine that this could be a bad thing, but it is possible that there are those readers out there who have some disagreement with the content. I encourage those readers to explore the many high-quality personal spanking blogs and sites available – lots of which are linked directly in the sidebar of my blog.
(Then there are the random occurrences which cause all life and business to come to a screeching halt.)
A supposedly-simple dental appointment last week turned into a three-appointments-over-a-month root canal and crown procedure. I have had enough dental work to be completely convinced at this point that each and every doctor of dentistry is a natural-born sadist.
Who else could look you in the eye and say ‘take a deep breath’ while sticking a needle in your gums?
So I am behind. Again. A little. But blame it on my dentist – I’d much rather be spanking.
Enjoy part two of ‘The Reformatory’, by Annika and Lyndsy! Much more to come from these two talented authors…
The subject of Boundaries came up in recent visits with one of my wonderful NYC playmates. He’s quite ticklish, you see, and I have an extremely difficult time – every time – in not tickling him mercilessly.
I do believe that tickling is one of the purest forms of torture, given that the receiver is never really in any pain whatsoever, yet at the same time would likely sign over his or her firstborn if you’d only stop with the tickling.
This does not stop me from coming ever-so-close to crossing that boundary with my playmate.
Nor does the fact that I, too, am extremely, painfully ticklish.
I readily admit that, on the occasion of our most recent meeting, my poor and tickle-shocked playmate looked me directly in the eye and implored that I please, for the love of all things good and gentle, not tickle him this time. Please.
I finally managed to control my sadistic impulse, and we passed a lovely time of spanking, scolding, and stimulating conversation.
However, I cannot promise that it won’t happen again. Why? It’s not that I don’t respect my playmate’s boundaries – I honestly and genuinely do – but it’s just so damn hard to not slide my fingernails down his hips between spankings. There, I’ve said it. It’s completely selfish. I am hoping for strength on this subject.
Tickling is a boundary, and if I tickle this particular playmate then I’ve crossed his boundary.
Obviously, while tickling may not seem to you an unpardonable crime, boundaries come in all forms; many people have intensity and implement limits, lots of us have opinions on things like restraint, humiliation, and role-plays.
My question for you other spankos is this: How cognizant are you of your playmates’ boundaries? And how often are we compelled to cross them?
What, in your opinion, constitutes Unacceptable Boundary Behavior?
– Dana
I’m grateful to my ‘Fellow Bloggers’ for entering this contest and helping me get the word out about DanaKaneSpanks.com. The winner (chosen randomly, literally from a hat) will receive either a free spanking session with me or ten free video downloads (his or her choice).
Let’s all congratulate Isobel at:
The English Vice !
Isobel is a spanking fiction writer, and samples of her work may be found on her site. I’m sure that most of my readers who enjoy spanking writing will be glad to find The English Vice.
My sincerest thanks to all who participated in the contest (and helped me advertise!) and to those who were kind enough to cross-post as non-contestants, too – please take a few minutes to check out the links below, which will take you to each poster’s article on their websites.
– Dana
Kristian Comes Undone
Dark Secret Spanking
Angel Spanked
Femdom Times
Erica Scott – Life, Love and Spanking
Femdom Resource
Ganja Vibes
Sissy Maid Tiffani
Someone’s Gonna Get It
Also, Marcus over at Spanking Tube was kind enough to add a bit on my new DVD release “Auntie Dana’s Naughty Nieces” to his site. The article is linked below:
SpankingTube.com News Article
(If I missed your post, please do send along the link! – Dana)
Many more thanks to Annika, one of our favorite new authors, for her story of Amy, ‘Historie’.
Here again, Annika takes us on a lovely spanking adventure – this time with help from her writing partner, Lyndsy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy ‘The Reformatory’…
– Dana
Here is the seventh and final chapter in Annika’s beautifully-written story of Amy.
But don’t despair, as Annika has been hard at work collaborating on a new series with Lyndsy. Stay tuned!
– Dana