New Free spanking video: ‘Tips for Tops: Body Language’
Screenshots: New F/M video ‘Closeup OTK’
Dana for Senator

Conversations with Spankos: Brutality
What constitutes brutality, within the confines of spanking and/or corporal punishment? Is it subjective?
Conversations with Spankos: Chapter 7
I’ve seen many photos, videos, and written accounts of what could be called ‘Corporal Brutality’…extreme paddling, caning, or whipping scenes where the bottom’s bottom is reduced to smithereens. Usually, these are things which I would consider ‘brutal’. (This is not a discussion of consent, as I believe all spanking and cp-related activities should be based in consent.) I I being judgmental? What does it matter whether the play is extra-heavy, if that is what all parties are seeking? Or is there some physical-damage-border that just shouldn’t be crossed?
Several weeks ago, I received an email from a lovely gentleman who’d located me on the website of my friends at Following a nice introduction he explained that he’d not been disciplined in many years, and had never experienced a ‘judicial’ session. He requested that I consider helping him change that by delivering a merciless, bound punishment.
I do not often agree to scenes of this severity, for several reasons – the main one being that I am not stimulated by overt brutality. Other considerations such as health and safety of the bottom notwithstanding, it just isn’t that much fun for me to beat someone’s bottom beyond recognition. Strawberries, bruises, and deep-red cane stripes tickle me to no end, but I’m happier keeping all your blood on the inside of your body.
In this case, however, I acquiesced. There was something to the sincerity of the request..
I often tell my playmates that I can spot a spanko ‘from a mile away’ during email and conversation, and this gentleman managed to so eloquently convey his desires that I found myself happily agreeing to take him beyond anyplace he’d been before.
After securely yet comfortably binding him at four points, and with no warm up, I applied repeated heavy blows with a wicked French Martinet – which immediately broke his pale, thin skin, followed by numerous hard hits with the Naughty Stick. In most other cases, and from the condition of his bottom, I would have stopped there, but he never twitched. Never cried out. Smiled like a champion from ear to ear throughout it all, even the alcohol which I sprayed on intermittently.
So I continued.
I landed a thin, whippy rattan cane over and over and over onto his bottom and upper thighs, raising a hot, angry little welt with each impact, then followed with a much thicker cane for the final round. His bottom and thighs took dozens of hard strokes with this final cane, and were covered in radiating red-black slashes by the time I’d finished. He only screamed once.
It was intense, to say the very least. As rough as his backside looked, he was still simply beaming. I cannot describe properly the energy that was flowing at that point, but we were both immensely pleased with the experience. He has since written to say that this was one of the most amazing things he’s experienced, and I am so very grateful for that.
Was it brutal? You betcha.
– Dana
PS. I am always interested in reading your thoughts. Please feel free to comment below.
Your Opinioin: POV-style videos
In making different types of videos, I’ve found that along with doing a lot of spanking, I also enjoy recording the POV-style videos. (For those unfamiliar, POV stands for ‘point of view’ and usually feature one or more persons speaking or gesturing directly to the camera (you).)
A few men have remarked that – while they greatly enjoy receiving a spanking – they’ve really no interest in seeing another man over the female spanker’s lap. Others have commented that there’s something much more personal about the fantasy if one can put oneself, literally, in the position of the person being scolded.
In my opinion,POV-type video is excellent for scolding, threats, role-play and behavior modification-themed scenes, but I am curious what you think of the genre..
If you are a watcher of spanking and discipline videos, do you also enjoy POV-style videos? Please feel free to comment about your preferences in the box below.
– Dana
New Free Spanking Video: Tips for Tops – Strike Zone
I have an indescribable amount of fun making the Product Testing videos, and have received much positive feedback. It’s great that so many people appreciate the humorous side of this thing we do.
In that vein, here comes Tips for Tops, a tongue-in-cheek instructional video series for my friends at Cane-iac – featuring their products, my bottom’s bottom, and fair doses of silliness throughout.
In the first installation – ‘Strike Zone’ – we use the Devil Braid to demonstrate where best to land blows with heavier implements. (If you ask your bottom where best to land the Devil Braid, they’ll likely answer ‘Nowhere!’) – Dana
Photos from new F/M video: ‘Caught Watching Porn’
Spanking Court doles out F/F spanking justice
Preview Photos from the Dreams of Spanking video shoot
I think that these photos will attest to the fact that I had a very nice day, shooting with Pandora and Mike (along with Tricia and Jay on cameras) for her Dreams of Spanking website. I cannot wait to see the videos!
We shot several scenes, including this one – where I’m running for office (!)…
And this particularly fun sequence with Mike…
Read Pandora’s account of the shoot day, and view more preview photos on her blog, HERE.
Thoughts on Age-play
There are many opinions and preferences when it comes to spanking play – or domestic discipline, or corporal punishment, or however you choose to classify it – and I believe that each of us is entitled to his or her own thoughts on the practice. Some spanking enthusiasts seek out guidance, refinement, or behavior modification, while others are sexually or psychologically gratified. Every experience is different (thank goodness), and every one of us, too.
Within the arena of spanking play, many variables come into play, including gender preference, discipline style, non-corporal punishments, and role-play or fantasy fulfillment. Within those, even more variables exist, such as whether one enjoys specifics like corner time, mouth soaping, etc., or whether one prefers to regress to a previous time in life.
Regression: A return to a former or less developed state.
While many prefer their discipline play ‘straight up’, as it were, just as many others like to experiment with role-play – allowing themselves the freedom to feel, think, or behave in a different manner than usual. Sometimes this takes the form of age play, wherein one or more participants pretend to be at an age disparate with their current years. Most often, one of us is behaving in a less mature manner, while the other takes the role of nurturer, teacher, or authority figure.
Age play isn’t everyone’s interest (no more than is caning), but for those who enjoy the fantasy, it is best described as a mini-vacation from adult responsibility. For a lot of age-players, this is not a sexual fantasy but one of innocence.
In my experience, role-play can be a truly fun and rewarding addition to spanking – especially if all participants are really invested in the fantasy. This includes age play, and the willingness to turn over ones responsibilities..even if only for a short time.
– Dana
P.S. I am interested in your opinions, thoughts, and preferences on this subject, as always. Please share in the comment box below.
From UK Laureate: ‘A prize spanking from Dana’ (and a photo!)
April Contest: ‘Person, Place, and Thing’ Spanking Stories
Memories of London
Two days’ rest after arriving home from London and playing the remember-when-to-sleep game, I am happy to report that I had a fantastic time – and met some truly memorable people.
Saturday turned into Sunday during my flight from McCarren to Heathrow airports, and England sprang-forward an hour while I was in the air, none of which I truly understand on a quantum level but I did manage to avoid the dreaded trans-continental jet lag somehow. Thanks to the connections of a wonderful friend, the flight was the most pleasurable I’ve had (and many of you know just how little I love air travel, so this was particularly nice).
After checking into my apartment and getting a good night’s sleep, I hopped on the underground train on Monday morning for a short trip to meet with the lovely Pandora Blake and her crew for a fun day of spanking video. We shot several scenes, talked and laughed a lot, and I was totally charmed by Pandora and Mike, the two fantastic spankees who I had the happy task of disciplining. I’ll be tickled to see the end result – and will definitely share previews and links here when they’re available.
The rest of the week was spent between happy anticipation at meeting and playing with some long-term correspondents, and a sense of self-satisfied exhaustion.
I had the distinct pleasure of delivering a spanking prize to our UK Laureate, who is just as eloquent in person as on page, and I will be sharing his account of our meeting here later in the week.
One of my wonderful new playmates writes his own CP blog, and has posted an account of our playtime HERE.
A couple of my playmates and I have been corresponding for over a year, and it was so nice to finally meet and ‘get my hands’ on them.
One boy flew in from a neighboring country, and I was able to connect with a playmate from here in the States, as well.
The role-play was some of the best I’ve experienced to date – and the conversation, too. I found that the ‘stereotype’ of the polite Brit is absolutely true, and every one of my playmates were impeccable gentlemen from start to finish. They’re a tough bunch, too, as my still-recovering left palm and shoulder can attest.
Flowers, cards, and gifts were in abundance, and I have enough bathtub reading materials to last me well into the next year. Ahh, books!
Some time well-spent with my Windsor-born friend, and a few strolls through the neighborhood were all else I could ask for – except maybe the fish and chips which, sadly, I skipped.
Another trip is most definitely in the making. Next time, maybe I’ll do some sightseeing, but the true joy for me in London was (and will continue to remain) the people. My most sincere thanks to everyone I met, for your kindness and trust. See you again soon!
– Dana
P.S. And then there was the knicker stealing gopher..