Yay! I love surprises, especially from Erica Scott~


There’s something uncertain about the padded envelope. It could contain something small yet really really cool, or it could contain a court summons, or another damn unrequested hemp products catalog, or a misdirected…anything. 

This morning’s mystery padded envelope called for a bit of backtracking : Did I order something from Amazon and forget, again? Nope. Not from Amazon. Am I supposed to be waiting for something and have forgotten before it ever arrived? No, all based covered. Hmm…

Maybe I should just open it.




Yay!! Erica’s sent me the new print version of her book ‘Correspondence Hall of Shame: One Woman’s Adventures in Online Idiocy’! I should open my mail more often.

CHOS, for short, is a long-running segment on Erica’s blog, and she’s taken it to new and hilarious heights in the book. Filled with some of the most embarrassingly funny back-and-forth ever, ‘Online Idiocy’ is an excellent subtitle for the correspondence she’s received in her years of writing, blogging, and online socializing. (To find the book on Amazon, in print or for Kindle, click the book above.)

Thanks SO much for this great surprise, Erica! I’ll do my very best not to drop it in the tub. oxxo


–  Dana

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