The Very Bad Boy’s Two-Year Spankaversary Letter

It’s been two years, almost to the day, since I first met the Wonderful Wife and her Very Bad Boy. We’ve come a long way together, the three of us, in terms of discipline, communication, and friendship, and I am happy to consider them among my closest friends. Below, the VBB’s annual Spankaversary letter, which he’s been kind enough to allow me to share here.
–  Dana
Two-Year Spankiversary and 12 Kane Marks
When I was younger I used to think time went by so slowly, it seemed like the school year was never ending, that the time between birthdays and Christmas was unbearably long. What once was the slow passing of time has now become a fast moving train that often leaves me wondering what happened to the days, weeks and months. May marks the two-year spankiversary since the Wonderful Wife and I first met Ms. Dana Kane. What was originally planned as a one-time meeting, has turned into a wonderful friendship. The last two years have included serious punishment spankings, the Delrin Punishment, the Broken Cane Marathon, a few motivational sessions, the perfect spanking storm in Dallas, a trip to spanking court, a few product testing videos, a long weekend in Las Vegas, an unintended all day road trip, a cruise to film a spanking movie which included two outside spanking scenes. Not to mention the 32 broken implements Ms. Kane has broken on me, the countless bruises, the gallons of blood loss, and the 12 permanent Kane marks that Ms. Dana has left on my backside (which she takes a lot of pleasure in, every time she sees them.) Of course we can’t forget the hundreds of bratty tweets, emails, and notes we have received or sent to each other. There were times when Ms. Dana directed me to ask the Wonderful Wife to spank me for an offense, hundreds of hand written lines I have done for them and written assignments that I have written (one I had Angel do for me which led to a serious punishment). Along the way we have enjoyed countless laughs, great conversations, a number of meals and a few very personal discussions. Dana has introduced us to fun and exciting people from Spanking Court. I’ve developed a wonderful friendship with my bratting partner-in-crime Angel. Just recently Dana introduced me to the exquisite Ms. Mona Rogers, which I had the pleasure of spending a few hours in her presence this year. 
Dana has also taken on the role of confidant and encourager. During my recent inpatient hospitalizations Dana kept close contact with Isabella encouraging her and supporting her while I was in treatment. She took the time during my first hospitalization to communicate with me, sending email encouragements and tweets to keep my spirits up. During my second hospitalization she took an even more active role as I included her in my treatment plan. Her encouragement, insight and thoughtful responses to my assignments played an important role in my healing. During my medical retirement from the Army she has given of herself and has helped us walk through the emotionally difficult transition. She has shown me a different prospective, which has helped me to change my way of thinking. She reminds me of the future I still have and what I can still accomplish. A few times she has boldly gotten in my face and told me to change my attitude.
From the first time they met, Isabella and Dana developed a bond that began a unique relationship. Not only have they become trusted friends, Dana has taught the Wonderful Wife the role of the HOH (Head of Household), guided her in becoming an excellent spanker and unfortunately skilled at using the cane. Each session we have with Dana always seems to end up with Isabella learning some new nefarious way of torturing me, which she eagerly practices every chance she gets. Dana’s influence is felt every time Isabella decides to spank me or to just torture me for the fun of it. She is even leaving permanent cane marks on me now. Between the two of them leaving marks on me, if I ever go to the ER for treatment there will be a long discussion on what those marks are on my bum and what they indicate.
So we began another year with our friendship with Dana, what waits for us is anyone’s guess. But I do know there will be spankings, laughing, playing, sharing, accountability and lots of caring from all of us. … Oh yea, I almost forgot, there will be lots and lots of bratting from me, all aimed at getting under their skins and earning another special punishment session.   
– The VBB 
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One Reply to “The Very Bad Boy’s Two-Year Spankaversary Letter”

  1. Lucky Lucky man to not only has a wife that cares but also a beautiful experienced Domme. I have taken some severe spankings but probably none as severe as the bad boy although I probably need them.I like the Delrin instruments of correction I am thinking of purchasing one, and hopefully will find a partner to use it on me or for me to use on her preferably both. Hope you have a wonderful Spankaversary. I hope the bad boy continues to get his spankings and also his wonderful wife Isabella.

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