Spanking PSA: Discipline as Therapy

Most prospective playmates do not write to me requesting severe punishments or harsh treatment. Most have no interest in experiencing unrealistic levels of discomfort or in reliving any childhood traumas. 

They write seeking respite, relaxation, and peace of mind. 

There is no empirical data on impact play as therapy, of course, but I am willing to wager that there are some interesting correlations between spanking and mood elevation. 

Post-play, ‘spankers’ AND ‘spankees’ report decreased muscle tension, clarity of thought, and increased positive energies. For many, anxieties and depressive tendencies are lessened – a well-known fact among those of us who enjoy this type of activity.

Consider that endorphins are the brain chemicals which release ‘feel good’ feelings. Neurotransmitters and endorphins are released both during times of strenuous physical activity and of emotional peaks and valleys. Hence, the ‘rush’ experienced after a run, a workout, or a heated debate. 

This same process naturally occurs during spanking play. 

The bottom line? 
Get a spanking (or give one) – it’ll make you feel better.

– Dana

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3 Replies to “Spanking PSA: Discipline as Therapy”

  1. A hand spanking by you is heaven; to request a severe punishment seems like setting ones self up for failure – how could you ever want that?

    Maybe the anticipation of pain at a level most can not want or take is what a person really needs though – even a spankor!!

    In October (New York) I am requesting a harsh reminder of the frailty of the flesh on my bottom; let’s live life to it’s fullest while we are still here!

    Dana – you are the bestest (new word)!!!!!!

  2. I agree that there is therapy in a great spanking. When the VBB is under a lot of stress or is feeling depressed, a moderate spanking calms, relaxes and makes life better for him ( and for me) of course. I am always glad to help relieve stress in this manner. The wife

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