Prepunishment Journal: The VBB

The Very Bad Boy  will submit his Prepunishment Journal entries for the next few weeks, until the time of our meeting to discuss his recent misbehavior with his Wonderful Wife. Again he has kindly offered (with her consent, naturally) to share his journals and thoughts with readers. I am grateful for their candor and willingness to offer their example to others with like minds. 

– Dana

In his words:

For those of us who have chosen a DD lifestyle the purpose of giving or receiving a Spanking is for discipline and the correcting of undesirable behavior. While Some couples who live in a DD relationship may enjoy integrating some
Spanking play into their foreplay and may even participate in role play. The primary purpose of a Spanking is for discipline and correction. Thus, the goal of a DD Spanking is to inflict as much pain as necessary in order to produce a change in behavior and or attitude. The experience is often not enjoyable for the HoH and defiantly not enjoyable for the one who is taken in hand, but it is often necessary for the continuation of harmony within the relationship. The advantage of living in a DD relationship is once a transgression is acknowledged and punishment is given and received; the transgression is forgotten and the relationship is able to return to normal.

In about 24 days I will have atoned for my indiscretion, forgiveness will be granted and restoration will take place. However, before that takes place, I must face two tremendously capable dominate disciplinarians. Who are united in their effort to impress upon me the unacceptability of my behavior and to unmistakably drive home the understanding that they will not tolerate any more of my sneaky and dishonest behavior. I have not seen in my wife the level of determination which I see in her now. There is no doubt in my mind that she is completely committed to ensuring this is the last time I engage in sneaky and dishonest behavior. This same determination is clearly echoed by Ms. Kane in her correspondences. I imagine this determination to rid me of this sneaky and dishonest behavior will only increase as they continue to discuss and plan my disciplinary session. I truthfully do not look forward to kneeling before the two of them and having to give an
honest accounting of my behavior. The menacing tone of the room will only add to the inevitable sense of doom which I will feel as I await the pronouncement of my punishment. There will be no laughing or joking this time around. The jovial spirit which has come to define our previous two sessions will be replaced with a solemn and unwavering determination to make certain I do not engage in such sneaky and dishonest behavior again. I only wish I had thought about this before I decided to engage in my sneaky and dishonest behavior. I really wish I had stopped to think through the consequence the second time I chose to repeat my behavior. However, I chose to ignore the possible ramifications of my behavior and gambled on the fact that she would not find out. Well now I am waiting for another disciplinary session with Ms. Kane, but this time around my wife will be joining in. I guess I really came up as the loser on this one. But that is why I do not play
poker because I am too easy to read and I am a terrible bluffer.


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