Favored Phraseology (Unrelated to Spanking)


We all have words and phrases which crop up in our own speech more often than others – favored phraseology, if you will. Many times there are regional influences, dialectical differences, and the like, most of which are part of the diversity of language and usually fun to listen to.

Then there are the ones which seem more like verbal ticks than anything else, like when some people use the word ‘basically’ way too much, or when (tell me you don’t know someone who does this) folks say ‘right?’ after nearly every sentence; there are also the ‘in my opinion’ repeat offenders, and those who like to start every other sentence with the introduction ‘Duuuude…’. 

My most common favored phraseology includes:

‘High-quality problem’ – The term I use as an excuse to complain about things which I have no business complaining, like being really busy with work, visiting my relatives, or having lots of cats who all want petting at the exact same minute. These are all (in my opinion…ahem) high-quality problems, as I am lucky enough to have lots of work, people who love me, and really spoiled rotten pets.

‘This was a terrible idea.’ My general statement of regret before leaving the house to go, well…anywhere. I am a hermit at heart, so even the most exciting, adventure-soaked trek always elicits just a bit of ‘what the hell was I thinking?’

‘Rat Bastard!’ Yes, I curse. I’m an adult, I enjoy language, and there’s always the occasion for a good curse. Rat Bastard!, in particular, is the phrase which flies out of it’s own accord when I do something less-than-intelligent, like a) slam my pinkie toe against the foot of the bed – b) drop a full cup of fresh coffee in the middle of the kitchen floor because I didn’t tie the belt on my robe and tripped over it while walking with one eye open – or c) that thing we talked about recently where you walk into a room, full of determination, only to realize that you’ve no idea why you went there in the first place.

** It’s been brought to my attention (by someone who will wonder why he’s being spanked ‘for no reason’ later, that I also have a tendency to begin sentences with the word ‘Now…’. I guess that’s sort of my cue for you to start paying attention, and have confirmed the regularity of the ‘Now…’ phenomenon by re-watching several previous videos I’ve made. Yep. There it is. I say ‘Now…’ a lot. 

Well, there you go. We all have little linguistic idiosyncrasies, some maybe a little more annoying than others. Do you ever catch yourself doing this? Thinking, ‘How many times did I just say the word ‘honestly’?, or ‘When did I start saying ‘Duuuuude’? Maybe not. Maybe it’s just me, but I doubt it.



–  Dana

10 Replies to “Favored Phraseology (Unrelated to Spanking)”

  1. I think all of us have words we use frequently. One of them that I hear a lot is the word “like.” “It’s like this” Or “Sort of like, you know, xyz.” I will have to listen more to the words I use and see if I can pick out the ones I use the most. I will have to get some help with that, no doubt. :-)

    I have noticed we also tend to use some of the same words when writing. I know I do and that is easier to pick out than what we say. Maybe it’s time to read “Elements of Style” again. LOL

    1. Goldpanner,

      I catch myself using the word ‘like’ a bit too often sometimes, too. It’s irritating when others do it, so I try to keep it to a minimum.

      Elements of Style – we should all re-read it. Ha!

  2. Ha! I do this all the time; I can be a walking phrase cliché sometimes. But my most common one is the “Oh, for…” phrases. You know — “Oh, for heaven’s sake. Oh, for God’s sake. Oh, for Pete’s sake. Oh, for Christ’s sake.” Constantly. It’s my way of expressing an ever-present mood — exasperation. Particularly around my beloved. :-)

    1. Erica,

      I like “Oh, for…” quite a lot. It’s a worrisome little statement which implies that you should’ve known something like this was going to happen.

  3. I have to admit I have my own favorite phraseologies, especially when driving. California drivers are among the worst drivers anywhere, in my opinion. People seem to be in a hurry to cut me off, only to race to a red light or stop sign. This doesn’t make any sense to me. The phrase I like to use is, “F-tards, F-tards everywhere”, followed by showing them they are number one.

    Another favorite phrase I tend to use is, “old enough to know better, but still too young to care”. I use this phrase when I catch myself saying or doing things I should not, like flipping the birdie at someone who did not want to come in last at a stop light. And as I write this, I am thinking that by admitting to this behavior, may get me in trouble, but I am “old enough to know better, but still too young to care”. Just saying.

    Dropping the F bomb is my favorite though. No word clearly expresses my feelings at the right moment, even as I stubbed and broke my pinkie toe on a piece of wood in the garage. The long, drawn out F-bomb says it all.

    Ms. Kane, you do tend to say, ‘stop that’ or ‘stop it’ a lot as well. Just saying. Yes, ‘just saying’ is another favorite of mine.

    1. Firestorm,

      Uh-oh! Someone needs their mouth rinsed out with soap. The f-bomb…my oh my. (Ha!)

      As for me saying ‘Stop that’ a lot – totally not my fault. It’s the people I spank, really, who just won’t behave.

    2. Oh, that’s something new to try, I think. That would definitely be out-of-the-box now would it not, ma’am? I never had a mouth-soaping before. Should I be worried, Ms. Kane? I do so love dropping the F-bomb just as much as allowing my spoiled brat attitude take over. Yes, I think the spoiled brat in me wants to come out and play. Let’s go with that and see what happens.

      I wonder if you’ll tell me to ‘stop that’ too. Hehehe

    1. Kalman,

      I think it probably runs along the lines of “In my honest opinion” and “To make a long story short” – not necessarily lying, but trying to make a point.

  4. You know I am annoyed, aggravated or agitated if I start sentences with “let me tell you something” or “you know what”. I tend to use the F word(not really supposed too), cool, awesome and jeepers or jeeez. I also tend to think things and occasionally people are douche-y, douche canoes, douchetards…I am sure you get the picture…

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